Military, naval and airforce commissions available
The blessed Chris
14-06-2006, 22:26
OOC: Basically, I'm lazy;)
IC: Lord High Imperator Yriel solemnly invites the military nations of the world to bid for commissions to augment and reform the military forces of the Blessed Chris. Our economy is sufficient to facilitate payment of the highest order, and thus we would like to attract the most illustrious contractors available.
Space Union
14-06-2006, 22:44
SUDI would like to bid for your air force and naval contracts. We sell mostly aerospace products but we do have a couple of ship classes that will be great value to you. If you wish to tell us what contracts will be issued, we will be able to show you the most suitable contender within our inventory for that contract. We hope sincerely that you will take interest in our bid and we hope to do further business with you in the future.
CEO/Chairman Sim Nam
OOC: Link to my storefront is in my signature. :)
The Silver Sky
15-06-2006, 04:10
-Official Encrypted Message-
Silver Sky National Armaments
To: Lord High Imperator Yriel, The Blessed Chris
From: Steven Miller, CEO, Silver Sky National Armaments
Silver Sky National Armaments Board of Directors has taken interest in your contracts and would like to bid for the naval and ground contracts. We have naval products to fit almost any need and ground products just as versatile.
Our weapons have served in a large variety of theaters with the Silver Sky Republican Military, from the beaches of Red Tide2 to the jungles of Jomaga. They have also served many another nation's military with great results.
We have also taken notice that SUDI has placed a bid, and while we hold their aerial weapons in the highest regard we believe that their ships are not as good a quality as they may seem. We hope you take this into consideration.
CEO Steven Miller
OOC: Link to store front in signature
And SU no harm ment from the comments, just a little corporate head butting. :)
15-06-2006, 04:41
Although our home-grown machinery is somewhat limited in the field of selection, we would urge you to take a look at the M85/A1 Axis MBT. A brief overview is attached.
Length: 6.45m
Width: 3.8m
Height: 2.25m
Weight: 55 tonnes
Speed: 76 km/h (road); 58 km/h (cross-country)
Range: 650km
Primary armament: 125mm EMR smoothbore
Secondary armament: 7.62mm coaxial (2000 rounds), 40mm grenade launcher, 2 10mm autocannons (800 rounds), 1 4-missile Stinger rack (R-turret-mounted), 2 2-missile TOW launchers (L/R-turret-mounted) 1 20mm mortar (rear-mounted)
-Solaris VIII anti-EMP system
-APOLLO antimissile system
-200 SCFM NBC protection system
In order from outside in:
-45mm titanium
-80mm steel
-420mm titanium carbide
-80mm steel
-45mm titanium
-20mm antishrapnel mesh
Power plant: 1,043 kW multi-fuel engine, 450 kW photovoltaic auxiliary power units
Crew: 4 (driver, gunner, missile controller, commander)
Price: м7.7 million
Space Union
15-06-2006, 20:44
OOC: No problem, that's what companies do in RL (you should see what the Eurofighter manager said about the JSF and vice versa in the Norway fighter competition :p ). :)
15-06-2006, 22:02
To: Lord High Imperator Yriel, The Blessed Chris
From: CEO Jonathon Gilliam, Chevrokian Strategic Aviation
We understand that you are in need of new product for your nation's military. We at Chevrokian Strategic Aviation believe we can fill some of your aviation needs. We specialize in strategic bombers, but also have several strike planes and maritime patrol planes. We also have a line of auxiliary planes; tankers, AWACS, and transport variants. Additionally, we also have a selection of heavy missiles. We hope you consider our products and that we will be doing business in the near future.
Jonathon Gilliam
CEO, Chevrokian Strategic Aviation
OOC: As with the others, link for the storefront is in the signature.
15-06-2006, 22:14
Omni-Consumer Product
One of our companies, Delta Aerospace Corporation ( offers a number of military aircraft, including fighters, bombers, and support. They also have civilion airliners, and will soon offer space launch vehicals.
Another company that we have conections with is Lionel Electro-Motive Division ( While they don't have any military equipment, their line of diesel-electric locomotives can help your nation build its infanstructure. After all, the best military force is nothing without a way to move it around and provide supplies. Lionel can halp you establish rail links between your Naval ports, Army bases, and Air Force stations.
We can arrange for your nation to recieve discounts at both companies.
15-06-2006, 23:48
The F-25
// History //
As the cost of a F-22 being simply outrageous and it's ability to maneuver and payload hampered it was viewed as a waste of money and so a fighter to replace that state of the art was made to, 1. Fill the needs of Sparta Infensus & The Valens Res Publica; 2. Provide more bang for your buck per-say. This fighter is the most maneuverable, fast, technologically advanced, lightest, and heaviest payload plane for the money you spend.
Despite the ‘More bang for Your Buck’ requirement, the aging F-22 had many problems. One of them is that in the Nation States planet; and nations as a whole. Was largely outdated, technologically and in almost every other aspect. To refit it with a future warfare skin and suite it would cost billions more and so. With the insane cost of refitting every plane to even stand a chance against other fighters. The money was used to fund R&D projects to build the most advanced fighter to date. Hyper-maneuverable; ludicrously fast, large payload, unbelievably sleek looking, and much cheaper than the F-22. Of course; after R&D.
// Specifications //
Official Designation: F/A-25 ‘Lindorm’
Type: Advanced Air Superiority Fighter/Bomber [And hopefully with further R&D Interceptor]
Length: 67 feet, 5 inches
Wingspan: 43 feet, 7 inches
Height: 13 feet, 11 inches
Propulsion: 2 x Full-Spectrum Electric XF-121 turbofan engines
Total Net Thrust: 44,750 lbf (Without the use of the Ramjet)
Empty Weight: 30,934 lbs
Maximum Take-Off Weight: 72,000 lbs
Maximum Fuel Weight (0.35): 32,195 lbs
Engine Weight (total): 11,227 lbs
Limit Per/Number of Pylon(s):
16 Missiles
Upon 4 bay's
2 Bays each side
4 Missile holding spinning 6 shooter like loaders in diamond formations.
4 Bombs internal bomb-bay.
12 Missiles.
(1 x 2) Missile pod per pylon/hard point upon 3 hard points on each wing
8 Missile and 2 extra Fuel tanks
1 Fuel Tank and 3 Missile Pods per wing.
With 2 hard points per wing plus 1 on the wing tip.
Maximum Payload: 19,949 lbs
Normal Combat Weight: Untested
Combat Range: 920 miles
Ferry Range: 15,33 miles
Operational Ceiling/Altitude: 50,200 ft
Maximum Altitude: 61,200 ft
Cruising Speed: Mach 1.6
Maximum Speed Without the Ramjet: Mach 2.2
Maximum Speed With the use of the Ramjet: Mach 5+
Crew (List): 1 (Pilot)
Cost to Build: $93 million
Price: $98 million
Profit per Plane Sold: $5 million
// General //
Crusader Weapons and Full-Spectrum Electronics were called upon by Sparta Infensus and Valens Res Publica which were military contractors whom belonged to Asperitas. The small but astoundingly technologically advanced and smart nation. To replace the F-22 with a much a superior fighter, being able to carry more of a payload, Go faster; to be hyper-maneuverable with ease, and have 3/4ths the RADAR cross section. These were the requirements and they were filled perfectly with this beauty of a plane. Having never been tested as the small country lack the proper facilities they now look outward to different Nations and Countries to combat test this plane.
// Airframe/Construction //
Airframe Makeup: 80% Titanium-Aluminide; 15% Super light durable plastics and polymers; and 5% nickel all in a honeycomb frame.
The F-25 uses a tri-surface configuration; with dual RAM coated canards, One aspect of the F-25 is its "switchblade wings" as their function is similar to that of a switchblade knife. At approximately 398 knots or 458 mph, the outer, forward-swept portion of the wing folds inward, leaving just the rearward-sweeping wings. At the same time, the twin ruddervators, normally in a "V" shape, fold down; so they are level with the aircraft's other wings. It is this wing configuration that gives the most Lindorm its incredible maneuverability across such a wide range of speeds. With the wingtips deployed, it has all the advantages of forward-swept wings, but since the 'switchblades' retract as speed increases (and are fully stowed well prior to mach transition), extreme wingtip twisting does not occur. The clean delta or spade configuration enables efficient, low-resistance high mach travel. Also the Canards feature leading flaps, flaperon's, and ailerons as do the normal wings. Deploying flaps causes a large nose-down pitching moment, to alleviate this effect swing-wing canard surface which swept forwards to counteract the effect of deploying flaps as to also give it extra lift at lower speeds and at higher speeds it makes this aircraft the most maneuverable ever made; a fighter unparalleled by any other.
// Propulsion/Engine //
Full-Spectrum Electric XF-121 Turboram engines, rated at 15,978 lbf (dry) each, with a 3D thrust vectoring control, allowing for a high amount of maneuverability. Which makes it a fighter unparalleled by any other. These engines are essentially normal Turbofan engines with a Ramjet built in. As once a speed where the Ramjet can effectively be used; being mach 1+ the turbo fan is turned off to use only the ramjet where the plane can then effectively reach speeds of Mach 5+
Thrust-to-weight Ratio: 8/1
Engine Weight (individual): 4,309 lbs
// Electronics/Avionics //
The F-25 utilizes the fly-by-optics system for the highest maneuverability possible, necessary in Air Superiority. Information is relayed to the pilot through 2 Super-High resolution TTFT screen, with most of the crucial information available through integrated avionics, in a dual screen configuration . (one main, one secondary screen’s) AVRS (Advanced Voice Recognition System) capability is available and is the primary source of changing displayed information instead of using the touch screens and distracting the pilot from his main task being controlling the plane. Thus allowing the pilot the maximum adaptability to the situation. Using a beyond visual range targeting system known as the AN-AGP 112 which allows the pilot of the F-25 to control his attacks in a full 360 degree radius thanks to the addition of LADAR which maps a 3D area around and under the aircraft. Though the active radar which has a forward looking radius of 130 degrees and farther than any other RADAR for an aircraft known makes it the newest predator of the skies. A AN/ALQ-210 ECM pod; to hide it’s self from radar using planes, the ALQ-210 using TTFT’s to reduce it’s weight in comparison to ALQ-131 ECM Pod used by the USAF the by 85% and increase it’s effectiveness by nearly 800%! A EALR-52E Radar Warning Receiver which gives an early warning to a possible lock on or imminent lock on; as well as increasing it’s effectiveness in comparison to a current USAF Radar Warning Receiver by nearly 915% also through the use of TTFT’s! Despite that it comes ridden with area’s to store flares and chaff of the users preference. None is sold stock with the plane as none has been developed by the country and there are no alliances to provide Asperitas with chaff or infrared flares cheaply.
// Weapons/Armament //
The F-25 has 6 Bays. 2 On each side meaning 4 parallel side bays and 2 ventral weapons bays. The 4 parallel side bays are meant for the carrying of missiles; and the 2 ventral for bombs. The ventral bays have stations for 4 bombs. 2 bombs in each bay which opens up a second before dropping to keep the radar signature low. The two bombs are in a vertical line, one behind the other.
Each side missile bay has a rotating 4 missile 6-shooting like loader. Meaning when 1 missile is dispensed the loader is rotated towards the next missile. This means (4 x 4) and 16 missiles total with 8 more internal in a dual horizontal missile configuration. Which means four missiles, two missiles upon a single hard-point one behind the other. (4 x 2)
A single retractable 20mm, 6 barreled M61 Vulcan retractable Minigun which is located directly under the cockpit; directly before the ventral bomb-bay. All of these things are placed into the most manuverable fighter on/in the NS Planet.
The Silver Sky
16-06-2006, 00:24
-Heavily Encrypted Message-
Silver Sky National Armaments
To: Lord High Imperator Yriel, The Blessed Chris
From: Steven Miller, CEO, Silver Sky National Armaments
RE: Fraud and Deception
We have noticed that the nation of Asperitas has offered you a 'Technologically Advanced Fighter', the F/A-25 ‘Lindorm’. We hope you will not be fooled by the shiny, overexagerrated, and unproven description of this so called 'advanced fighter'.
In reality we and many other companies, even our counterparts people at SUDI, agree that the F/A-25 is nothing like the description. To put it frankly both our civilian and military R&D Deparments believe it to be a peice of greatly fabricated and exagerrated shit.
We hope this will help you make the right decision.
OOC: Over at The NS Draftroom ( Asperitas posted the F/A-25, and to be frank, everyone called it a peice of godmodded crap and he was banned. So basically, the F/A-25 won't work.
16-06-2006, 00:29
[I never posted it there, hell I never posted anythere besides I prototype helo and a rifle. A super old design, thats it. =/ Fission Mailed]
The Silver Sky
16-06-2006, 00:31
[I never posted it there, hell I never posted anythere besides I prototype helo and a rifle. A super old design, thats it. =/ Fission Mailed]
OOC: Musta been SI or one of his puppets, my apology.
Space Union
16-06-2006, 01:28
OOC: I have to agree. The F/A-25 is not what it seems. I can already tell you those stats are incorrect and not feasible. Also I would like to note that any storefronts that sell you RL equipment should not be buyed from (unless they sell their own ingenious equipment too then they are fine) because every nation can produce that equipment on their own. You don't have to buy it, you already know how to build them and can start kranking them out of the factories. Just a note that many newbies don't know about. :)
17-06-2006, 10:58
However, a nation of only 5-10 million wouldn't have the industrial ability to build anything, including RL equipment, that is sold on the storefronts. Read your history. Back around 1900, nations like Brazil didn't have the industrial base to build battleships, so they ordered them from foreign yards. In fact, many classes of naval ship, even today, are designed only to be sold to foreign countries. That is Real Life. Anyone on Nation States that sells RL equipment is doing the same thing. And even though they all sell the same Nimitz-class carrier or F-14 Tomcat fighter, by selling the same thing at different prices is what creates a market. Last year I had a nation called the 'Deltan Empire'. Before I ordered anything from a storefront, I would look for other storefronts to find the best price. That creates a market. And selling non-military items may not be neccesary, but it make it more interesting.
Space Union
17-06-2006, 15:27
However, a nation of only 5-10 million wouldn't have the industrial ability to build anything, including RL equipment, that is sold on the storefronts. Read your history. Back around 1900, nations like Brazil didn't have the industrial base to build battleships, so they ordered them from foreign yards. In fact, many classes of naval ship, even today, are designed only to be sold to foreign countries. That is Real Life. Anyone on Nation States that sells RL equipment is doing the same thing. And even though they all sell the same Nimitz-class carrier or F-14 Tomcat fighter, by selling the same thing at different prices is what creates a market. Last year I had a nation called the 'Deltan Empire'. Before I ordered anything from a storefront, I would look for other storefronts to find the best price. That creates a market. And selling non-military items may not be neccesary, but it make it more interesting.
I beg to differ. These products are not made by the nation, they are made by corporations. Just because a nation may be new, doesn't mean a corportion has to be small. They could have a branch in that nation and therefore the nation could buy from that corporation. The corporation will have the capacity to build these things. If they don't build it within the nation, they can build it elsewhere and then ship them to that said nation. And it is considered for gameplay reasons that all nations (new or old) can aquire RL equipment without having to actually buy it from anyone. They can imply that they bought it off a foreign corporation if they are new. All in all, what I'm trying to say is that RL storefronts have no real business in this world. It is just a way to make money off newbies that aren't familiar with the NS world. And that isn't fair to them.
17-06-2006, 15:32 (
Click above.