Diplomatic Relations: Tgoria & Zempharia
"We welcome Zempharia with open arms to our fine, burgeoning region!" Said the T'gorian UN Delegate. This was a momentous day in the history of The Imperial Order and T'Goria alike. T'Goria founded The Imperial Order in the name of a greater good, and a more united world. The nations already involved may not have been the most diplomatic, or peaceful nations, but that was where Zempharia came in. Zempharia was to usher in a New Age for The Imperial Order with their peaceful, socialist ideals. A more represented, diverse Order would be the result.
As the T'Gorian delegate shook his Zempharian bretheren's hand, he felt an uneasy feeling come over him... An ominous feeling of distrust and hesitance...an omen of things to come...
14-06-2006, 22:38
The Zempharian shook his hand, but he felt the strange feeling of misplacement. They were asking us to join their region to cover up the atrocities in their own nations of the region, but we knew very little as we were a fledgeling nation. We needed their money and support.
We met with representatives from the other nations at a special gathering in honor of our new political ties. Looking around the room, Our Diplomat Xavier Kiros noticed some very clean members on one side of the room. T'Goria was with them, yet most of the newer members were rather brash and rude.
After the first few months, Our nation began to notice how loosely tied our region was and how little direction the region had. The rulers of these other nations were too busy Our nation decided to scower other sites to move to. A few were sutable candidates. What do we tell our children when they ask why we beleive in one thing, yet support another?
Months had passed since the initial induction of Zempharia to The Imperial Order. T'Goria had done a lot to take other fledgling nations under it's wings. Some quite obviously more misguided than others...but all with a good intent at heart. The T'Gorian delegate was proud of the progress his brother nations were making towards becoming better, more productive nations. Nations that would be more able to aide the world in whatever aspects that were requested of them. Zempharia was the farthest ahead of the rest, clearly looking out for a people's best interests, most willing to help the world. With luck, Zempharia would train the other nations to be more responsible, set a good example, to help bring an overwhelming peace to the world...
But sadly, peace was not to be had...Zempharia had other plans on it's mind....
14-06-2006, 23:38
Our top military leaders had devised a plan. After years of investgating our nations depths, we had discovered our Nation's unique geological properties. It seemed that 90% of Zempharia was located on a continental overhang. An ancient underground river that connected with the ocean and spread had appeared under most of the nation. Only one city, Regnad, lied in the region Zempharia not held up by water.
The plan was simple: detatch ourselves from our geographical neighbors, The T'Gorians, and attempt to guide our nation across the ocean where we would be more accepted, Imperium Portocalensis.
The nation was informed by the televisions supplied to every household, and on several kiosks throughout the nation. Guards were placed upon many populous sectors near the border to ensure no one got hurt. A few protesting the ecological and political effects that would happen as a result of this move, stayed behind in "True Zempharia", a.k.a. Regnad.
BOOM! The first of thousands of explosions errupting from recently-made craters went off. The whole nation shook violently. BAM! the guidance jets were off. Our nation was slowly making it's treacherous journey to their new home, who would mechanically attatch to Zempharia. As we left the nearly empty city of Regnad behind, we looked to the horizon.
Nearly a year had passed since the Zempharians had sewn their seeds of betrayal, abandoning their city of Regnad. T'Goria had taken Regnad as their own, supplying them with aid in their time of need, and incorporating them as willing citizens into The Imperial Order. The news of Zempharia's explosions had reached many, and the explosions themselves had affected millions. Tourists from the allied nations within The Imperial Order had been in Zempharia at the time....many lives were lost... Zempharia had made their first move of dissent and aggression, and T'Goria was willing to go to the ends of the earth to retrieve what was rightfully property of The Imperial Order, and force Zempharia to retake control of Regnad.
The T'Gorian people wished Zempharia back, yet Regnad wanted blood and compensation... The order was sent out from the T'Gorian delegate's desk..."Retrieve Zempharia, and any willing nations. Use force as a last resort, diplomatic routes preferable. May The Order stand in eternal light. T'Goria Prevails."
15-06-2006, 00:26
The adjustments were difficult. The news of damages and even rumors of deaths of uninformed hikers spread and mortified even the project planners themselves. Zempharia was very well welcomed into the Imperium Portocalensis. T'Goria continuously attempted to infuse guilt into our delegation talks within the UN. Tensions could be felt in the air of our diplomacy.
Meanwhile, the rebellious city of Regnad, continued to promote international terrorism tactics towards our nation. several such terrorists, on several occasions, attempted to destroy the mechanical locks that hold our nation to the Continent. Regnad (who now fancied themselves as the "True Zempharians") and T'Goria entered into talks with The Makers. The Makers were convinced diplomatically to move their nation to their region. Although the T'Gorian nation continuously discouraged the use of terrorism or religion against our nation, the radicals had another idea, assasination. Zempharia only blamed the Regnadians for such actions...
Scorpion team moved silently into the inner chambers of the continental lock system. Scorpion team consisted of one man, it was a special force created by the T'Gorian government. His mission was to infiltrate the Zempharian continental lock system, and silently await his target, whom he was on orders to assassinate "without hesitation".
Scorpion team waited in the rafters, his rifle aimed in the direction of the lock control panel. A beep sounded off in his ear. It was exactly 3:00 am, Zempharian time. The target would be coming any moment now.
The pneumatic doors hissed open as a man in a white lab coat walked through briskly. Scorpion team loaded his rifle, and took aim...slowly...slowly..
and then, as though an angel of mercy, he rained silent death upon his enemy. The Regnadian terrorist had been assassinated, there would be no war...:sniper:
15-06-2006, 01:12
The United Socialist States of Zempharia discovered the anti-terrorist efforts of The Principality of TGoria through the reporting efforts of the Quashima Ciy Times. Our greatful leaders, in especial High Councellor Condos, were all releived about the protection they had received from their former allies.
Our leaders entered their conference chmbers, It had been six hours, and they still had not come out of their conference chambers. They exited the room to call upon T'Gorian Leaders to announce they wished to hold a conference in Regnad.
The Regnadian convention was held at 8:36 P.M., Wednesday, June 14th, 2006. A treaty was drawn out between the two nations of T'Goria and Zempharia, a treaty that would promise no more war between the two nations, and a peaceful aid in returning Zempharia to The Imperial Order. The T'Gorians had signed it, and all that remained was the Zempharian signature....
15-06-2006, 01:59
Our nation gladly signed. It was high time we returned to our region and took responsibility yet again. The Regnadian convention was a success. Our nation ungrappled the amazingly enourmous clamps that attatch to the continent. The transition back was less diffficult with the help of our old allies.
The Land will forever be scarred by the enourmous mechanical clamps on both sides of the nation, one reuniting Regnad with the motherland, the other a painful reminder of tough times.