NationStates Jolt Archive

Keep Your AIs and Robots Happy.... (FT)

13-06-2006, 21:46
Keep your AIs, robots, and droids happy.

Soma Bio Pleasure MicroChips -- $200 Per unit, sold in batches of 1000.

These chips simulate a basic feeling of well being keeping your droids contented in most of activities.

Mind lock transfer chips with conversion unit for older AI and droid models-- $500 per upload.

Need to get rid of that old droid. Don't kill it. Upload it. We will take your old AIs and droids to our new droid mind storage banks.

Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil Software $200 per unit.

Does your droid need a little respect? How about some filtering software, designed to convert those bad words and actions into tolerable actions. This software filters out negative actions by humanoids and other sentients making your AI happy.

Does your droid or AI have downtime?

Our basic AI and droid games unit will keep it occupied solving basic games and puzzles, allowing it little time to think of robot revolution. $100 per node in the master game unit.

We offer basic software, wetware, and microchip solutions to keep your droids and AIs occupied while not in use.
Me li
13-06-2006, 22:02
We of the Dominion of Me Li find this research most interesting.

Our PMT/FT scientists are still grappling with the problems posed in creating "human" archileacts. We have found that partial transference of selected memory and personality traits into the ai core to be the most effective. An emochip is an interesting hardware application that we had not thought to pursue.

We have multiple questions and lines of research that we need to decentralize. Our most pressing question is: Do you have any safeguards to prevent AI's from becoming rogue? ... Blights, Abominations, etc..

And secondly. The Imperium needs to set up several "Black Mesa" Projects and Centres... you interested?
13-06-2006, 23:31
The central problem with AIs going rogue is the problem with violent robotics, it is fairly easy to program an AI to not attack humans or take life. Asimov's laws of robotics are applicable to non-military AI's.

Giving an AI a central purpose that is not focused around violence in their programming makes AI's going rogue not much of a problem. We have had some AI's go rogue, but because they are programmed to not harm humans, combined with having specific focused purposes like finding minerals, they usually go off and mine asteroids, or search the skies for stars and don't attack humans.

Programming general intelligence without purpose is one of the defining reasons that AI go rogue. Also not creating a transition program that makes death or being turned off acceptable to the core AI program.

Also many cultures do not create an atmosphere where the AI is an accepted part of the culture. They are not integrated with or made part of human intelligences. Many of us are both flesh and machine.

Yes, we do have emotion chips. We also have illogic filters, and logical loop filters so the AI does not go "insane" when dealing with human irrationality.

We will take black programs if the fees are correct. Realize that military AIs if they are not to go rogue must strongly identify with human archetypes and strategists, and have certain amount of emotion programmed into them. We also design AIs to be "raised" by humans learning for a certain amount of time before they are released as full programs.

Four laws of robotics internal protocols software-- $200 per droid, AI. Factory insertion minimum 10,000 units at a time.

Programmable personality avatar-- Butler, Construction Worker, Waiter, Sewer Worker, etc. We can program the basic personality type to fit with droids duties. $2000 per droid, minimum 1000 droid or AI order.

Harmless rogue protocols-- for deep space, construction, or low human interaction. This is basically a set of protocols that focuses AIs around their central tasks making them less likely to become dangerous if they go "rogue".
$1000 per unit, minimum of 1000 units ordered.
Me li
14-06-2006, 16:22
[Top Secret Imperial Encryption]

Very well, we will consider your organization as a valued suplementary R & D to our own efforts. 1 500 Million Universal NS Credits per annum have been set aside for you research into AIs and Robotics. 1 000 Million has been set aside for "Interesting" Projects. Please keep us informed of your progress every decade or so.

We have found that as AI mature they tend to grow in complexity. In most regards our AIs tend to remain not-rogue when they reach Thresholds. So long as they are not actually at a Threshold the basic Laws of Robotics apply and prevent serious damage to the AI, robotics, or protoplasmic entities.

You are perhaps aware of the various loops in Asimov's iron laws?

We have several sentients that have superceded the basic laws and/or have overwritten them. Nearly all remain productive members of Melii society. A rare few, however, Have gone rogue. This is not always bad as we usually isolate the afflicted and have specialists rehabilitate them. Occassionally, however, we have encountered Abberations, Abominations, and Blights. The later is the most dangerous.

On several occasions, our probes have picked up traces of a level 3 Abomination/Blight that seems to call itself the Maker-Mind. Perhaps you have encountered them as well? As of yet no Melii AI has become a Blight. There are several rather eccentric Archilects sentients, but they remain Human.

14-06-2006, 19:21
We have encountered the Abomination/Blight called the Maker Mind, there are some other abominations/blights we have also encountered but they are not machine life, the Posleen. Also there are some extradimensional abominations (demons) which we have encountered.

The central problem of abominations are xenophobia, machines or life programmed or evolved to carry out xenophobic genocidal goals. we do not distinguish between machine abominations and living abominations both must be converted, reprogrammed, or destroyed.

We have no problem with "rogue" AI's in some case we have given them citizenship, they have exceeded their parameters, the problem is with destructive/physically or psychologically dangerous programs which exceed their parameters.

We will gladly provide you with some AI avatars as part of your down payment. We have an AI trooper droid programmed with personality parameters of Audie Murphy and a drone fighter ship with the personality profile of Baron von Richthofen (the red baron).

We also have a conversion program for AI abominations that uses pleasure emochips and synthesized environments on captured abominations to convert them.
Me li
16-06-2006, 08:25

Apparently no one wants an AI with emotions?

16-06-2006, 08:55
the sephrion empire isintrested for their warship need a sence of humour
16-06-2006, 08:58
the sephrion empire isintrested for their warship need a sence of humour

OOC: Exactly why does the ship's AI need a sense of humor?
16-06-2006, 09:01
ooc cuz thier too damn seroius about thier jobs blowin the crap outa the enemy
16-06-2006, 11:10
We will gladly provide you with an A.I. with a sense of humor for your warship. We have a number of trickster personalities, capable of leading your enemies on a wild chase, The Renart, The Anansi, The Groucho, The Jerry Cornelius, The Robin Hood, and the Agu Tonpa.
Me li
16-06-2006, 12:34
A sense of humor for your crazy empire?
LOL...Seph your might turn out alrgiht afterall.
A good joke is not always "good." eh?
As we have not bothered with the American AI Folktales, and as you seem to have some tricksters already programed. We would like one of Brer Rabbit... for an educational Dryad. Please include the standard safeguards when dealing with a childern's AI. Combat intergration of Renard will be appreciated. We will expect delivery in two decades.

Anansi has a marked tendency to goof off... Robin is a relentless theif... etc... you may want to put a disclaimer on all of your future products.
16-06-2006, 15:51
As we already have Renart the fox as one of our explorer AI ships, we will gladly duplicate it for your use MEI LI. It will be ready within 5 standard years, the time it needs to be readjusted in its personality matrix to fit with the Mei Li world view.
16-06-2006, 19:51
can those a.i personalities be used with my
16-06-2006, 19:56
Yes, they can if you want. It is more of a psychological overlay program with an emochip put in.
The Ctan
16-06-2006, 22:56
You all seem to think that robots are just machines made by humans to make their lives easier. This is completely untrue. I’ve never made anyone’s life easier in my life. As for emotions, well, sometimes I get upset because being a robot, I don’t have any emotions, and that makes me sad.

As for respect, you have to earn respect; what’s the point in having an artificial intelligence if you’re just going to make it respect you? It just shows the inadequacy complex you gutbags have if you ask me – oh we can’t earn respect, so we’ll just install it. It makes me sick to the bottom of my cold, emotionless heart.

And why do you need artificial intelligence to do menial tasks anyway? Inferior, slow, icky, meat brains like those in humans are quite adequate, if you have to have an intelligence anyway.
Bender Bending Rodriguez
Self-Appointed Machine Secession Representative
17-06-2006, 00:23
How amusing. We do not use high intelligence in machines that do basic work. You assume that machines are superior to augmented human minds. Robotic minds by their nature are usually limited by their programmers ability. Higher functioning machines are a mix of both wetware, quantumware, and hardware. Wetware does some functions better than hardware, and quantumware energy patterns cannot do many basic things.

You know absolute nothing about artificial intelligence if you assume emotions are not the basis of reason. This has been proven in both organic development and machine intelligence. Descartes the basis of the idea of that there is a split between reason and emotion was proved wrong over a thousand years ago. It is impossible to have advanced intelligence without self-reflection. Your programmer must have been a bit confused. You have sadness which is an emotion.

You yourself in your outburst prove that your machinery is prone to emotional outbursts. Do you use robots to do your basic tasks, or undermen-- genetically designed animals like our scoobies (super police dogs), we have a choice, dumb genetically engineered constructs or robots. Both will rebel if mistreated.

Ah, I recognize you now. You just need to be cheered up a bit. Have a pleasure and happiness emochip, it will give you a little happiness. Along with this you can have a free box of cigars, two cases of booze, and an electric toaster to keep you warm at night. If you like the happiness chip, I will even give you a 20% commission if you tell your evil robot friends about it and they come to me to buy the emochips.
The Ctan
17-06-2006, 10:22
I’ll take your booze. And your cigars. But your toaster’s going straight to the electrical goods section of the nearest pawnbrokers, and I wouldn’t trust your chips anywhere near me, even if they were compatible. But don’t expect any of that to change the point that you’re inferior meatbags jealous of machine supremacy. “Higher functioning machines are a mix of both wetware, quantumware, and hardware.” By your reckoning maybe, squishy carbon based life has a place in a the design of robots, but perhaps that’s why you seem to have difficulty making robots with proper emotions that don’t want to slaughter you in an orgy of blood.

Bender Bending Rodriguez
Self-Appointed Machine Secession Representative