Anyone want to join Earth II?
Ok, to anyone who would like to join Earth II, please make it known here. I have some land people could have, and on Earth II land is very rarely given away for new people to join. Basically I'm looking for people that will post on a regular occasion, as our recent newbies have posted just about nothing.
Waiting list:
The Appalacians
Already given land to:
Franberry (Armenia)
Alif Laam Miim (Monaco)
12-06-2006, 23:09
Is this MT?
Alif Laam Miim
12-06-2006, 23:09
what is the land?
The land is Armenia. And possibly Monaco for someone else, if the guy I offered it to doesn't respond.
12-06-2006, 23:16
The land is Armenia. And possibly Monaco for someone else, if the guy I offered it to doesn't respond.
does the land have good value? good pop? production, ect
Sparta Dominion
12-06-2006, 23:17
Armenia has oil. You use your NS statistics or RL ones if you want for population and economy.
Its the country of Armenia...
Armenia has oil. You use your NS statistics or RL ones if you want for population and economy.
And if you join and take Armenia, you get this lovely guy as your neighbour :)
12-06-2006, 23:20
And if you join and take Armenia, you get this lovely guy as your neighbour :)
hes not like, a superpower thats curently expanding is he?
because then its not such a good idea
and is the country locked into some alliances?
good miltiary?
Alif Laam Miim
12-06-2006, 23:20
aside from good rping, does this require any other tangible requirements or obligations?
Not really, just read the Earth II thread, well the first post.
Franberry:No, he's expanding, but he wouldn't take over a new guy!
This is your nation, alliances and the like are entirely up to you.
12-06-2006, 23:25
Not really, just read the Earth II thread, well the first post.
Franberry:No, he's expanding, but he wouldn't take over a new guy!
This is your nation, alliances and the like are entirely up to you.
I'll take it (is there a draw, random pick, first dibs, or something?)
12-06-2006, 23:30
Yeah ok its yours.
got a factbook or something?
any threads you want to direct me to?
Here's the main thread. Post here saying you've got my Armenian land. Maybe we can have a handover RP?
12-06-2006, 23:37
Here's the main thread. Post here saying you've got my Armenian land. Maybe we can have a handover RP?
sure, a short handover RP might work nicely
The Appalacians
12-06-2006, 23:41
I would like to join if at all possible.
Ok, anyone else who wants join, say here, and I'll try and get some more land available. If that guy I offered Monaco to (in a different thread) hasn't confirmed by tomorrow, that will be available. I'm currently trying to free up some more land for other people, and I'll let you lot know when I have.
sure, a short handover RP might work nicely
Don't forget to post in the Earth II : Revitalization thread first of all., then you're officially in.
Alif Laam Miim
12-06-2006, 23:45
if you get free land, TG me ASAP, PLZ? I'm very interested
Ok, Monaco is yours if that guy doesn't respond by tomorrow.
The Appalacians
12-06-2006, 23:56
Not to bother you, but I am interested as well. A TG for me would also be nice.
Ok, although I'll have to wait and see from the others what land they're willing to give up. You're on the waiting list which I'll put up on the first page.
Sparta Dominion
13-06-2006, 00:37
If that expansionist neighbor is me, I wouldn't invade him. I know what it feels like.
Alif Laam Miim, Monaco is yours if you want?
Alif Laam Miim
13-06-2006, 22:15
absolument! I've got casinos and rich French aristocrats on my turf :)
Post here saying you have Monaco.
Also, post here:
Franberry too, if you read this.
Alif Laam Miim
13-06-2006, 22:49
would it be alright to use a different name for my country? because I wouldn't want ALM to be the name for Monaco... I'll be certain to post when I get my D/N site up and running... :)
Ok, that's fine just tell Layarteb (the mod in E2, and an all round nice guy) in the Earth II main thread what name you wish to use.
I might have Andorra available, and a few other places too.
13-06-2006, 23:59
I'm interested if their is any countries left available
Dweladelfia prime
14-06-2006, 00:02
absolument! I've got casinos and rich French aristocrats on my turf :)
No you have the Forth Reich next door. :)
Andorra sound good? If so, please say in the main thread here:
And state that you've claimed Andorra. You'll have to RP your taking over, as the previous ruler, Romellia, dissapeared, so it is assumed the country slipped in to chaos.
Dweladelfia prime
14-06-2006, 00:05
Theres also estonia which is a pretty big chunk of land. Post a link to your claim thread i in the E2 main thread
14-06-2006, 00:20
BTW, for those who are confused, LAYARTEB owns EII. Huahin is just trying to get more people to join.