NationStates Jolt Archive

International Alliance of Freedom

12-06-2006, 20:00
International Alliance of Freedom


In order to preserve the freedoms and rights every person and every nation deserve, we herby establish this International Alliance of Freedom.

Article I: Civil Rights Requirement

Section 1: Application Requirement

All applicants to the IAF will be required to have an Average Civil Rights rating before being granted admittance. If, at the time of application, a nation has a Civil Rights rating below Average, that nation will be granted admittance once they have sustained an Average Civil Rights rating for three days. Appeals can be made to the Council.

Section 2: Member Requirement

All member nations must consistently have a Civil Rights rating of Average or above. If a member nation’s Civil Rights Rating drops below Average for three days, that nation shall be put on restriction until they sustain an Average Civil Rights rating for at least five days. Appeals can be made to the Council.

Section 3: Member Nation Actions

Section 3a: Minor and Moderate Infractions
If, at any time, any nation files a complaint about another member nation’s actions involving civil or human rights, an investigation into the matter shall be conducted by the Governing Council and the International Justice. After the investigation, a ruling shall be announced in the situation.

Section 3b: Severe Infractions
If the action that has been brought to the Council’s attention is severe enough, any member nation or the Council can enact a vote for permanent expulsion from the IAF. The Assembly will then vote on the matter. If the nation is not expelled, it will be subject to severe punishment from the Alliance.

Section 4: Outside Nation Actions

If a nation brings it to the attention of the IAF that an outside force has been completely violating basic human rights, the Council will investigate the matter. Following, the Council can announce to the alliance whether the complaint is valid and requires action. If it does, the Council may issue a voluntary of mandatory ruling depending on the severity of the situation.

Section 5: Violation of Basic Human Rights

A violation of basic human rights is any action that is taken upon citizens or non-citizens that is mistreatment, infringing on their rights as humans, or done in a manner that does not try and protect the innocent lives of those who are or aren't directly involved.

Article II: Peaceful Moderations

Whenever a member nation, group of member nations, or the alliance in part or as a whole, is acting in moderation to settle a disagreement, those nations must maintain a fair, unbiased, and peaceful stance in the negotiations.

Article III: Disputes

Section 1: Internal Disputes

Section 1a: Justified Disagreements
If two or more member nations are involved in a dispute or conflict, the Governing Council will investigate and make a ruling on the matter. However, if the conflict escalades to hot war, the alliance shall intervene and both parties punished. Furthermore, the aggressing nation shall be in risk of expulsion.

Section 1b: Unprovoked attack
In the event that a member nation openly attacks another unprovoked that nation will be permanently expelled from the alliance. However, this will only take place after an investigation into whether there was provocation or not. In the event of either, member nations will be required to intervene and, if there was no provocation, defend the victim nation from the aggressor.

Section 2: External Disputes

If a member nation is involved in a dispute or conflict with an outside force, the IAF will try to moderate the situation. However, if this fails the Council will issue a voluntary or mandatory response from the alliance.

Section 3: Unrelated Disputes

If an outside nation requests IAF assistance in a conflict or dispute in which no IAF asset is a party, the IAF will try to moderate. However, the Council can issue a voluntary, mandatory, or no-action response in the situation after moderation attempts. A No-Action response requires no member nations to get involved in the dispute or conflict.

Article IV: Assembly Powers

Section 1: Proposing Resolutions

Any member nation may propose a resolution for vote.

Section 2: Approving Resolutions

A resolution is binding law in the IAF if the act is legally proposed and is voted on by the assembly in legal manner by a majority vote. A majority vote does not constitute one nation voting or one other nation not including the proposing member's vote.

Section 3: Vetoing Governing Council Actions

If, at any time, a coalition of three members of the alliance propose an assembly veto of Council actions, the actions shall be vetoed when the proposal is voted for by a majority. Council members may not vote in the veto.

Section 4: Amendments

If an amendment is legally put up to vote before the assembly, it will become a binding part of this treaty if approved by a three-fourths vote.

Article V: The Governing Council

Section 1: Makeup

The Governing Council will be made up of nine member nations and shall be observed by the International Justice. Five of these nations shall be permanent members of the Governing Council. Other members will be given one month terms.

Section 2: Obligation

When acting in the Governing Council, member nations are to act peacefully, unbiased, and open-minded to both sides of arguments. Being on the Governing Council requires a higher standard from member nations and said nations are expected to act on this level.

Section 3: Removal of Council Members

Section 3a: Non-permanent Council Members
The assembly or the Governing Council may vote to remove a non-permanent Council member from the Governing Council for offenses to this treaty, its goals, or IAF resolutions. In assembly, this requires a three-fourths majority. In the Council, it requires a unanimous vote of all nations that aren’t the object of the removal.

Section 3b: Permanent Council Members
The assembly may remove, by a three-fourths majority, a member of the permanent Council on grounds outlined in Article V, Section 3a. However, three member nations must file the complaint to bring the action to vote.

Section 4: Involvement

If a Council member is involved in actions or violations of Articles I, II, and/or III; they are not allowed to vote in the matter. Also, the Council may remove the member as part of punishment with out having to abide by Article V, Section 3a or Section 3b.

Section 5: Founding Member Immunity

The founding members of the IAF are permanent members of the Governing Council and may not be removed unless under serious violation of this treaty.

Section 6: Actions

The Governing Council acts as the Governing body of the Assembly. Unless over-ruled, all decisions are to be taken as law in the entire Alliance. However, if the action in question has been specifically set aside to the Assembly in this treaty, the action is null and void.

Section 7: Pre-Council

Until the time that a clear majority can be established in the Assembly, the founding members shall act as the Assembly and Council and shall act in accordance to the rules set forth by this doctrine.

Article VI: The International Justice

Section 1: Purpose

The International Justice serves the purpose to oversee the Governing Council and to rule in minor infractions of this treaty.

Section 2: Electing

The International Justice must be nominated by three members and then approved by a majority of the Assembly. A permanent member of the Governing Council may not be elected.

Section 3: Removal

The International Justice must comply with requirements set forth in Article V. The status of this nation is one of non-permanent member.

Section 4: Obligation

The International Justice is obliged to act peacefully and unbiased in all rulings made. If the nation believes it impossible to do this, the nation may step down from its position for that event.

Article VII: Appeal

Any member nation may appeal to the Assembly or the Council to exclude said nation from any resolution or act enacted or from requirements set forth by this doctrine under special circumstances.

Legitimacy Clause

All member nations, by signing to abide by this treaty, are stating they see this doctrine as legitimate and all the regulations and goals stated in it to be as such. Furthermore, member nations agree that power invested in other member nations legally by processes outlined in this doctrine are legitimate, and such have the authority to use their power accordingly.

Sovereignty Clause

All member nations shall retain their complete sovereignty and as such, are entitled to use appeal whenever that nation feels that they can not or will not abide by actions performed in accordance with this treaty because of special circumstances that occur.

Nations that have agreed with the above clauses and meet the requirements of the doctrine set forth, as well as agreeing to abide by said doctrine, have signed below:

The Republic of Blaglug - Founding Member
The Empire of Errikland - Own Government Removal
The United Socialist States of Albu-querque - Pending Member: Article I Violation
The Liberal Democratic Republic of Brydog - Member
The Republic of Kanami - Member
The Republic of Azmi - Member
The United Socialist States of THESUPREMERULERMATTHEW - Member
The Republic of Helexeo - Member
The Sveltzich Emeicht of Maraque - Member
The Confederacy of Free shepmagans
12-06-2006, 20:12
TSRM will join the alliance, but we wish that I1b is repealed or changed and that V5 is repealed. We belive that no nation should have more power than others if this alliance is to work. Also, I1b states that we must get involved in a conflict on one side or the other, something, I bet, many nations do not want to do because they cannot afford a pointless war just because their alliance tells them to go into it.
12-06-2006, 20:29
When more members enter, you may propose an amendment. For now however, you have the right to appeal and the Assembly has the right to veto the council.
The Aeson
12-06-2006, 20:32
I'd suggest that you add a definition of basic human rights.
12-06-2006, 20:34
View Article I Section 5
12-06-2006, 20:37
Section 5: Violation of Basic Human Rights

A violation of basic human rights is any action that is taken upon citizens or non-citizens that is mistreatment, infringing on their rights as humans, or done in a manner that does not try and protect the innocent lives of those who are or aren't directly involved.

It doesn't define what their rights are, it says, "infringing on their rights as humans" but doesnt say what those rights are. The one after that makes sence, and the one before it could be clearer by defining mistreatment.
12-06-2006, 20:38
We wish to join
12-06-2006, 20:41
Want me to make an offsite forum for the alliance? Or wait until it gets bigger.
12-06-2006, 20:42


The treaty makes room for interpiting becasue some things don't have clear cut lines.

However, as a guideline for all, what the means is "anything that would naturally cuase some sort of backlash by the world community as violation of human rights.

EDIT: I have one in the making now.
12-06-2006, 20:48
use Invision boards suck
12-06-2006, 20:53
Brydog, actually, I have two questions before you can enter.

1) Defense Budget?
2) 100% Income Tax rating?

EDIT: No, Invision Boards are the best, i've had this forum since last night and I don't feel like wasting it
12-06-2006, 21:00
Well, my defense buget is my giovernment waste section and the tax rate is kinda high.
12-06-2006, 21:03
Why doesn't it show up in defense?

100% is kind of high, how the hell do your citizens live?
12-06-2006, 21:05
. The tax rate applies to the rich.
12-06-2006, 21:11
So the rich get no money? Wouldn't that mean they are poor?
12-06-2006, 21:17
or socialist...

grr theyre so uncustomisable and have so few options
12-06-2006, 21:22
well then you make one and I'll see about it okay?

BTW, Brydog, your on pending for a while so I can monitor how your nation acts towards it citizens. Despite the civil rights rating, some things I have read have bothered me. For example, the lemonade stand thing and the giving blood thing. Please try and fix them. :)
12-06-2006, 23:12
ENN Morning Edition:
There was a large uproar in the Complete Senate (the Upper and Lower Senate together) over the Emperor's new international agreement, the International Alliance of Freedom, or IAF.
They protested that the Emperor's actions violate their powers in the Imperial Constitution, an article that the Emperor himself wrote. Though the Emperor has complete control over all military matters of the Empire, the Senate has jurisdiction over social matters. They claimed that this treaty has much influence over social issues, and thus they must pass it before it can go into effect.

Senate Majority Leader, Robert Thachman, NCL, had this to say: "This treaty is far more than just a military alliance; it is a social promise, one that the Emperor has no authority to make."

Emperor Christian gave no argument against this, and proposed that the Senate vote on the matter. This voting is scheduled to take place, but likely not until after fierce debate. We will bring you more on this story as it progresses.
12-06-2006, 23:16
Azmi requests to join this Alliance (btw, i'm not a random n00b, my account got deleted while i had a life).
12-06-2006, 23:35
12-06-2006, 23:44
We wish to join this nobel alliance
13-06-2006, 00:04
Kanami, accepted.
Azmi, accepted

TSRM, acception pending other founder input.
13-06-2006, 03:14
TSRM is accepted.

Also, it has been brought to Blaglug's attention that the government of Kubra has been shooting deserting soldiers for years.

Thus I call for a vote in the matter. It cannot be allowed to continue.


1) Madatory Involvement of the Alliance.
2) Voulentary Involvement of the Alliance.

I highly suggest we go with Mandatory to prove to the world we will not let nations get away with mistreatment.
Free shepmagans
13-06-2006, 03:57
Hello, I'm a bit of a n00b, but my nation currently has (and has had for most of the time since I created it) suberb civil rights status. World factbook is here ( As you can see, I'm trying to implement a direct democracy. The only problem I can forsee is I'm post modern tech. Is that ok?
13-06-2006, 04:29
Why doesn't it show up in defense?

100% is kind of high, how the hell do your citizens live?

Smooth, you do realise how biased the national descriptions are, don't you? :rolleyes: I mean Christ, let the poor guy in. I have a 100% tax rate and you don't see my citizens complaining.
13-06-2006, 20:05
ENN Evening Edition:

After a long and arduous debate in the senate, the vote has been cast. By a majority vote, the senate has voted that Errikland is not to join the IAF. This was met by cheers by some and disappointment by others, but senate majority leader, Robert Thachman, NCL, says that this move is a protection of Errikan soverignty.

The Emperor upholds the senate's descision, but promises military aid to this new alliance . . .
13-06-2006, 20:36
The ROA demands that we try diplomacy, not a mandatory invasion!
13-06-2006, 20:51
The Republic of Helexeo would like to join the International Alliance of Freedom.
13-06-2006, 21:44
Agreed, I am not calling for a mandatory invasion, it is up to the member nations to decide. I am abstaining from my vote becasue I introduced it. Eitherway, I have tried diplomacy with the Kubran government and they've have flatly denied to cooperate. However, your request is being taken to action. I will institute a thread specifcally for the diplomacy.

Helexo, accepted. Welcome to the Alliance and NationStates,

@Cravan Really? Hmm.

Brydog, you have been fully accepted.
13-06-2006, 21:48
Free shepmagans, accepted. I will add you to the list later, I have to go in like 5 seconds.
Free shepmagans
14-06-2006, 00:14
Free shepmagans, accepted. I will add you to the list later, I have to go in like 5 seconds.
No problem! (Yeah, this is a glorified tag, I forgot to subscribe earlier, I really need to turn that auto subscribe thing on.)
14-06-2006, 00:46
FROM: Mistress of State Loren Hiles
TO: International Alliance of Freedom

I would like to inquire about joining this alliance. From my understanding we meet the requirements.

Mistress of State Loren Hiles
14-06-2006, 05:30
The Sveltzich Emeicht of Maraque, accepted.
14-06-2006, 06:33
You trying to create one of them freedom coalitions, why I oughta send in the WACL and teach you that NS is run by dictators. NS is the reincarnation of Jack and the Hunters
Free shepmagans
14-06-2006, 06:41
You trying to create one of them freedom coalitions, why I oughta send in the WACL and teach you that NS is run by dictators. NS is the reincarnation of Jack and the Hunters
NS is run by whoever gets away with the most wankage.:p
14-06-2006, 16:16
It isn't a freedom alliance as in "Dictators are bad."

It's a freedom alliance for the freedom of the human race to get the rights it deserves and not be unfairly opressed by egocentric governments.
15-06-2006, 03:30
Problem is half of NS is run by said despots. Trying to intervene would generally attract the Parthians and their allies. And they aint no pushovers.
15-06-2006, 04:26
Note how the treaty says "investigation." I won't go and get it caught up in something it can't handle. Now if you please, stop Spaming it. thank you.
16-06-2006, 02:20
16-06-2006, 02:28
The International Alliance of Freedom now has an official forum.

International Alliance of Freedom Official Forum (
Free shepmagans
26-06-2006, 14:29
Regarding the "humanist" state of Kravania. The state of affairs in the Humanist state of Kravainia is absolutely appalling. Their very laws are so unthinkably oppressive that at the very least, sanctions shall be placed against them. The confederacy realizes that the IAF is currently occupied with the voluntary invasion of Kubra, but we feel that not bringing such a horrendous injustice up with the council would be unforgivable. ((OOC: General outrage thread that details some of the more horrible laws of this corrupt government. (
06-07-2006, 14:52
Sorry, I don't have the time to look I#m in Europe. You may institute a vote here or on our forums, I just dont have the time to institute it.
19-07-2006, 23:02

I will look into the claim.
21-07-2006, 00:04
BUMP. Did the Alliance die or what?:eek:
09-08-2006, 22:01
Practically. If no one says anything I'm dissolving it.
Free shepmagans
10-08-2006, 02:44
Just as well, my nations about to become not-so-free anyway...
17-08-2006, 00:05
From this point onward, the IAF is official dissolved. I enjoyed it while it lasted guys.