A Wonderful Invitation [attn Kahanistan, Amestria]
Official Announcement of the Project for the New Allanean Century
The Project For the New Allanean Century, in cooperation with the Allanean Heritage Institute and the Kazansky Institute, would like to invite the famous General Abdullah Hassan al-Ghazi (Ret.), to give a speech on the internal policy of the Amestrian Government, and how it compares to those of other modern democracies. If the noble General agrees to attend, the speech will be given during the annual Allanean Policy Conference, in the Paradise Hotel in Liberty City, hosted by our institutes.
This will be followed up by certain other speeches, including by not limited to:
Barukh Khazanov – What Should Be Done About Tratain
Lianne Coulle – Regle des experts – the Newest Threat to Liberty
Michael Nates – Why the Reich Must Fall
We can neither confirm nor deny the statements that the Project intends to give the General its Book of the Year Award. We can also neither confirm nor deny the statements that the AHI also intends to bestow on the General a 500,000 menelmacari credit award For Special Literary Accomplshments.
Thank you,
And May God Bless Allanea
13-06-2006, 00:48
Old temple, undisclosed location
Sheikh Abdullah Hassan al-Ghazi, as he called himself these days, paced the floors of the pyramid basement. The old warrior turned politician turned philosopher was searching for ancient truth. He wrote some notes about the temple in his notebook in Arabic script.
The wise man had a very long beard, not having been cut in years. He looked as if he had been hiding in a rat hole for months, and that assessment was not far from reality. While he still accepted the prophecies of the Novan cult of Kukonois, he was under the impression that the sect only had one piece of a very large puzzle, that each religion had a piece. This was why the former general was searching the ruins of a 12,000-year-old temple which rumor held contained an underground path to Atlantis.
He heard footsteps. It was his loyal aide, who supplied him with news of the outside world. The sheikh lifted a large tile, placed his notes in the hole, and covered them up again before the aide came into view.
"The Allaneans would like you to speak at one of their largest gatherings. It is about On the Amestrians and their Lies. (http://ns.goobergunch.net/wiki/index.php/On_the_Amestrians_and_their_Lies)"
"Mohammed, you know that I cannot surface. The Amestrians will kill me." Al-Ghazi did not seem irritated.
"They will kill you in Allanea? Everyone there has a gun. No one can touch you without being shot by hundreds of people."
"They will have a sniper kill me. I cannot die now, I am on the edge of universal truth."
Mohammed was used to his boss's grandiose religious views. "That you are. But it is rumored they wish to give you a cash award, which you can use to fund your archaeological research."
The old man and the young man discussed the matter for some time. Al-Ghazi had other books, some completed and unpublished, some partial. He had books about AMF, about how neo-fascism could rule Kahanistan, the advantages of the Parthian system of government, and numerous spiritual guides, but only his famous anti-Amestrian tract was published, and its sales were still in the billions. He made very little from it, however, as his publisher could not contact him, and most of his earnings were siphoned off to compensate victims of the anti-Amestrian riots he had been blamed for. While the charge was debatable, he had not shown up in court, being in hiding, and had lost by default.
"Let me think," said al-Ghazi. Mohammed left him for the surface and the old man thought about the ideas they had discussed to get him safely into Allanea...
Somewhere in CPAC headquarters
"So remind me again, why are we funding this person? He is, after all, a neofascist of some kind, isn't he?"
"In some ways. However, he has pinpointed the weaknesses of the Amestrian regime perfectly."
Niobe Brown strode back and forth through her office, her beautiful long hair flowing down to her very belt. She was, of course, armed like any Allanean, carrying two enormous Glock pistols in shoulder holsters, positioned so as to avoid interfering with the main purpose of her skimpy clothing – to expose as much of her body as possible.
"I understand we can solve most of Mr. Al-Ghazi's problems with recovering payment for his work – after all, doesn't Allanea have the most secure banking in the world?"
"That's a bit of a misunderstanding, Ms. Brown."
"Well, pretty secure. My point is, we should hint to Mr. Al-Ghazi he can get refugee status in Allanea. Then he can open an Allanean bank account… and simply make the money disappear… would screw the Amestrians over, good and proper."
"Umm, Ms. Brown, don't you think they deserve some of the money? After all, wasn't he found guilty?"
"In absentia. Under that method, they could rule you guilty of starting the riots. Anyway… send Al-Ghazi a new letter."
20-08-2006, 18:53
From his hiding spot in a rathole near the ancient temple, General al-Ghazi had a hand-written letter delivered personally to the Allaneans by messenger.
An exotic woman of about 30, of uncertain origins, entered PNAC headquarters, delivering the letter. She was very tall, about 6'3", and had long dark hair and dark eyes. The messenger was dressed in colored robes and spoke in a mysterious foreign accent.
"I have a message for you from the great prophet Abdullah Hassan al-Ghazi," said the girl. "He wishes to help the Allaneans to destroy Amestria on the international stage." She pulled a letter out of her clothes and put it on the desk.
My fellow anti-Amestrians, I am more than eager to assist in the attacks on Amestria by any means necessary. If you permit it, I would like to hold a book signing, I believe that On the Amestrians and their Lies is available in Allanea. This would not disrupt the primary purpose of the meeting, it would take place afterwards.
I cannot officially accept refugee status in Allanea, I no longer wish to hide, but live openly again, until my blood is mixed into Coq au Vin.* The Amestrians may kill me, but they will not silence me at this point.
I will be in Liberty-City in three days.
Mujahid Sheikh Rasul Abdullah Hassan al-Ghazi
(*An Amestrian chicken dish, sometimes served with blood. Literally, cock with wine.)
The PNAC had prepared for this eventuality. They have contracted the security divisoin of the Cute Bunny Corporation, that was known to do outside contracting. And so, upon Abdullah Hassan al-Ghazi's arrival at Liberty-City, he was greeted by two PNAC interns bearing the short-barrled CAR-15 rifles that were in fashion among Allanean youths at the time. There also were two vans full of CBBC security personnel, wearing 'urban camoflage' and BunnyHead(tm) shoulder patches. A small helicopter awaited to take 'the Prophet' to the PNAC building.
The PNAC 'building' was really a collection of two-story, sometimes three-story buildings of various shape and sizee, spread out over several dozen acres of land in suburban Liberty-City. It was on this green surface that the small dark green helicopter (the PNAC doesn't use black helicopters, same as the old FBI – they are dark green, or dark blue -never black).
As he arrives, the polite interns lead Abdullah to a lecture hall. It was already half full, and the first places were taken up by Allanean celebrities and reporters. Kevin Nivensky – CEO of Allanean Arms, Victoria Sheshet – the Secretary of State, and even Alexander Kazansky, President of the United States, were there. So where a few dozen film stars, industry captains, and various other people – and a flock of reporters.
Whatever was going to happen here, was going to be pretty public.