Aqua Anu
12-06-2006, 05:04
Announcer: And now Marnie Holst.
A Camera Pans to the news desk, with a female reporter.
"Good evening I'm Marnie Holst, with AABN News. It's been some time since the LifeWyze Proab ultimatley proved it to be a stable company, despite it's selling of chemical and biological weapons. The Security Council and the Pannel, comprising of our Princess no doubt, did declare the company stable, but now a new witness is coming forth saying otherwise. She is testifying before the Aqua Anu Royal Comitte tonight. For that we go to Rob Smith, Rob."
In side the busy chambers a man stood waiting for his cue.
"Thanks Marnie, I am here at the Royal Parliment Chambers, where a former Aqua Anuien Citizen is going to testify stating, the Investigation Committe against LifeWyze, didn't get all the facts, and the man lied when he said they didn't do sub-huamn experiments. This girl is a sub-human type as outlined in the documentry "A Hidden World" she is infact a part animal species, and she has some very dire claims against this company. She's getting ready to speak now, let's here it."
"Pleas state your name for the court."
"Izabell Michell Montoya."
"Under Oath you are prepared to give statments of which you precive to be true?"
"Would you please start."
"Your Highness Akoowa the Princess and Akoowa the Queen, I read about the prob you conducted on the Bio-Tech Company LifeWyze, and I read the statment which he said, "We do not commite the experiments of sci-fi and horror novles. Well I'm prepared to tell the court that he lied. And lied through his teeth. As you can tell I am a part-animal human. I wasn't always that way. Infact I was complete human, and no one else in my family has had the same effects. Now just a few years ago, I came down with a genetic condition. Now I can't rember the name, but I was as I rember non-fatal, but it did severly weeken my immune system. I was getting sick all the time, I had near fatal high-fevers, and my system just wouldn't recover. Now I don't have AIDS, or HIV, so you can rule that off.
So then I heard of this new bio-clinic or something, it was a military clinic but I figured oh well, why not, maybe they can help. Little did I know they we're in the process of recruting people to test a brand new weapon. Brandnamed TCX61, it was supposed to be a genetic altering weapon, that would alter the gentic and DNA Structures of the human body causing dangerous even fatal mutations. And they needed human guniepigs for this, because they we're designed to manipulate human DNA codes, not rats, not hamsters, not mice, or any of that, just humans. It was the only way they could test it, so they chose specific civilans, and various ages, who either had military background, we're foolishly patriotic, or just new how to keep their mouths shut. And a lot of them we're foreigners. Many we're people with some sort of ailment like me.
They led me to this room, and gave me this injection. They took it out of a case, and I rember it clearly said "LifeWyze Bio&Chem Technology Inc.
So they gave me this injection and kept me there for days. Before I knew it, I was sprouting Cat ears and a tail. I started getting entertained by things such as yar balls, they would throw yarn balls, I would go into euphoria, they gocked, they laughed they took notes, they did everything to me. Of course by their estimates I should have been dead with in a week. But non of us we're. So they paid many of us off, threatend us, told us if we didn't keep quite they would luanch anthrax bombs on our home countries, they would gass everyone like Saddam gassed the Kurds, they showed us grizzly pictures of bio and chemical attacks and said If you do not keep quite, this will happen to you. So we kept silent all this time."
Ms. Monotya, why did you come forth just now? When in hidsight you know about LifeWyze and the probe.
"I was scared. Scared of being rejected, scared of being killed by these business thugs, or them doing what they said they would. Give weapons to shoot at us. I mean most of the time people will take the testimoney of a normal person, over a half-creature any day. I assure you this is all true. They did conduct these experiments, and they could be conducting more. I plan to expose these creeps for who they are, a grossly unethical company, selling dangerous items to people, making money off of torture, and the suffering of others."
Do you belive they are selling this agent to others?
"I can't be sure of that. LifeWyze is only intrested in weapons that harm, not making these creatures. But I would bet they have sold TCX61 to other nations, who will use this, and build super armies with them. I don't belive they continue to make TCX61 anymore, but they may have a few in storage, otherwise, I'm sure they sold them off. There is no antidote, no cure, and I asure you, they have no real intrest in pursuing such anitdotes. They are only intrested in making money, and you make more money building bombs, than bulding farms. There whole market for Bio-Farm Tech, and ploy about research on genetic ailments, such as limbless children, it's all a sham to keep the watch dogs off their tails. So they can rake in the big bucks, by making weapons. This is no lie, this is the truth. They'll try to say it's a lie, and I'm betting they will flash doctored photos of me doing things like shooting heroine, when I get a flu shot, taking a bribe, when I'm taking birthday money and me at radical rallies, when really I'm not there. Do not be fooled by these global white collar terrorists."
The cameras flashed, clicked like mad.
Announcer: And now Marnie Holst.
A Camera Pans to the news desk, with a female reporter.
"Good evening I'm Marnie Holst, with AABN News. It's been some time since the LifeWyze Proab ultimatley proved it to be a stable company, despite it's selling of chemical and biological weapons. The Security Council and the Pannel, comprising of our Princess no doubt, did declare the company stable, but now a new witness is coming forth saying otherwise. She is testifying before the Aqua Anu Royal Comitte tonight. For that we go to Rob Smith, Rob."
In side the busy chambers a man stood waiting for his cue.
"Thanks Marnie, I am here at the Royal Parliment Chambers, where a former Aqua Anuien Citizen is going to testify stating, the Investigation Committe against LifeWyze, didn't get all the facts, and the man lied when he said they didn't do sub-huamn experiments. This girl is a sub-human type as outlined in the documentry "A Hidden World" she is infact a part animal species, and she has some very dire claims against this company. She's getting ready to speak now, let's here it."
"Pleas state your name for the court."
"Izabell Michell Montoya."
"Under Oath you are prepared to give statments of which you precive to be true?"
"Would you please start."
"Your Highness Akoowa the Princess and Akoowa the Queen, I read about the prob you conducted on the Bio-Tech Company LifeWyze, and I read the statment which he said, "We do not commite the experiments of sci-fi and horror novles. Well I'm prepared to tell the court that he lied. And lied through his teeth. As you can tell I am a part-animal human. I wasn't always that way. Infact I was complete human, and no one else in my family has had the same effects. Now just a few years ago, I came down with a genetic condition. Now I can't rember the name, but I was as I rember non-fatal, but it did severly weeken my immune system. I was getting sick all the time, I had near fatal high-fevers, and my system just wouldn't recover. Now I don't have AIDS, or HIV, so you can rule that off.
So then I heard of this new bio-clinic or something, it was a military clinic but I figured oh well, why not, maybe they can help. Little did I know they we're in the process of recruting people to test a brand new weapon. Brandnamed TCX61, it was supposed to be a genetic altering weapon, that would alter the gentic and DNA Structures of the human body causing dangerous even fatal mutations. And they needed human guniepigs for this, because they we're designed to manipulate human DNA codes, not rats, not hamsters, not mice, or any of that, just humans. It was the only way they could test it, so they chose specific civilans, and various ages, who either had military background, we're foolishly patriotic, or just new how to keep their mouths shut. And a lot of them we're foreigners. Many we're people with some sort of ailment like me.
They led me to this room, and gave me this injection. They took it out of a case, and I rember it clearly said "LifeWyze Bio&Chem Technology Inc.
So they gave me this injection and kept me there for days. Before I knew it, I was sprouting Cat ears and a tail. I started getting entertained by things such as yar balls, they would throw yarn balls, I would go into euphoria, they gocked, they laughed they took notes, they did everything to me. Of course by their estimates I should have been dead with in a week. But non of us we're. So they paid many of us off, threatend us, told us if we didn't keep quite they would luanch anthrax bombs on our home countries, they would gass everyone like Saddam gassed the Kurds, they showed us grizzly pictures of bio and chemical attacks and said If you do not keep quite, this will happen to you. So we kept silent all this time."
Ms. Monotya, why did you come forth just now? When in hidsight you know about LifeWyze and the probe.
"I was scared. Scared of being rejected, scared of being killed by these business thugs, or them doing what they said they would. Give weapons to shoot at us. I mean most of the time people will take the testimoney of a normal person, over a half-creature any day. I assure you this is all true. They did conduct these experiments, and they could be conducting more. I plan to expose these creeps for who they are, a grossly unethical company, selling dangerous items to people, making money off of torture, and the suffering of others."
Do you belive they are selling this agent to others?
"I can't be sure of that. LifeWyze is only intrested in weapons that harm, not making these creatures. But I would bet they have sold TCX61 to other nations, who will use this, and build super armies with them. I don't belive they continue to make TCX61 anymore, but they may have a few in storage, otherwise, I'm sure they sold them off. There is no antidote, no cure, and I asure you, they have no real intrest in pursuing such anitdotes. They are only intrested in making money, and you make more money building bombs, than bulding farms. There whole market for Bio-Farm Tech, and ploy about research on genetic ailments, such as limbless children, it's all a sham to keep the watch dogs off their tails. So they can rake in the big bucks, by making weapons. This is no lie, this is the truth. They'll try to say it's a lie, and I'm betting they will flash doctored photos of me doing things like shooting heroine, when I get a flu shot, taking a bribe, when I'm taking birthday money and me at radical rallies, when really I'm not there. Do not be fooled by these global white collar terrorists."
The cameras flashed, clicked like mad.