A nation resurgent (Official I'm back and new embassy exchange thread)
08-06-2006, 16:27
The following message was broadcast via the up-until-recently-inactive network of NSAA comms satelites around the globe to all nations of the world:
"Hi there. I'm John. officially King John the third of No_State_At_All, but i really dont do formal. ever. anyway, back to the point. My military personnel have recently re-taken control of our nation from a bunch of dissident politicians who made us let them have control. Anyway, very few people were hurt in the retaking, but those idiots werent very good at controlling the country, and we're a bit low on cash reserves. Anyway, to the point of this message. Well, points, anyway. Firstly, our economy being a tad broken, we'd like to invite any foreign corporations into the country, to help re-stabilise it. while the current state off affairs continues, they'll be provided with tax breaks to help them set up. anyway, anyone who's interested, please get in touch. And the second point. We're now back open for buisness with embassies again, and invite anybody to set up embassies in our capital. there will have to be a few checks first, but again, please just contact us. thank you for your time."
OOC: yep, hes bad at speeches. but thats life, he cant be perfect.
Please, anyone who wants close diplomatic relations post here. oh, and old allies and those the old government system (afore i left last year) will get preferential treatment. good to be back. :)
To: King John the third of No_State_At_All
From:The Frenzian External Affairs Council
We would be most interested in seting up an embassy in your nation.We also offer you the chance to set one up in ours.As for you problem of being low on money we do not have any large corporations that would make a dent in your problem.We can however offer to donate a 250 billion fund to use to get your economy back on it's feet.We can also offer military aid in the form of peacekeepers or if need be to eliminate any politicians that may be left.
08-06-2006, 18:53
TO: Frenzia external affairs council
FROM: The office of king John
RE: your kind offers
Thanks for your offers of monetary help. would you however be wanting anything in return? and your embassy is welcome. please send an adavance team to our capital to pick out a location. On the subject of the misguided politicians, they have all surrendered, and will be re-integrated with society as soon as we can be sure they wont cause problems, so we need no military help.
Our thanks. and have a good day.
OOC:hes not great at government messages either... lol
To:The Office of King John
From:The Frenzian External Affairs Council
We do not require anything in return,let's just say that we are even.We will be sending an advance team to choose a location and create a design for the embassy.What location would you recommend?
To: King John The Third
From: Krisona Motor Corporation
Krisona Motor Corporation (KMC) is a mid level automative manufacturer based in McKagan. We specialize in fuel efficient sports sedans aimed at a younger audience. At the time we are essentially a McKagan company since we don't operate any industry outside McKagan. However, we recently purchased a bus/van/truck company in the McKagan held province of Saharistan.
Basically - we would like to start operations in No_State_At_All. We feel that building a large production facility would benefit both this corporation and your country. If you accept, we would like to lease a large square of land somewhere on your coastline: port facilities would be a plus.
08-06-2006, 19:46
FROM: The office of king john
TO: The Frenzian External Affairs Council
RE:Your very generous offer
Thank you, and we accept with many thanks. Any actions on our parts were taken entirely without intent or expection of recompense, and we thank you for your great-heartedness in this offer. On the embassy front, we suggest that you take a location in what was the old embassy district of the capital, this area is atop a hill, and fairly easy to defend if that becomes necessary. It is not, however, linked directly in to the main underground network of tunnels that make up most of the city. it is situated a 5 minute drive from the palace complex, and is outside of the main surface portions of the city. sadly the view is not yet as good as it could be, as the surrounding area is still in the final stages of recovering from an orbital laser strike sustained during a war quite a time ago. but other than that the location is good. anyway, I will make sure that you are shown other locations in town where land is available.
TO:Krisona Motor Corporation
FROM:The office of King John
RE:Your recent missive
You are very welcome to set up operations here. in addition to our crashed economy, we have never had any good cars produced here. we would suggest that your facility be set up near the port city of Nordheim, in our northern province, as it is the biggest port in the State, and also a major city in its own right. our thanks for responding to our request for help, and good luck with your endeavour.
ARGH, had to copy paste and log back in, stoopid jolt forums crashed when i tried to post this... soz for being slow, not my fault.
Amazonian Beasts
08-06-2006, 20:39
OOC: I found your thread.
To King John the Third of NSAA
-The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Amazonian Dominion
The Dominion would be interested in establishing an embassy in NSAA to asssit in governmental procedure and interests, and would be willing to supply monetary assistance to help reinvigorate the NSAA economy. Additionally, Amazonian Mechanical Arms, a major armorworking and arms manufacturing corporation in the Dominion, would be interested in supplying your military with their products if needed.
To: The Office of King John
From: Krisona Motor Corporation
Thank you for your willingness to allow us to begin operations within your nation. At this moment we are moving a convoy of ships to the docks in Nordheim. Our engineering firm will then move to set up our own infrastructure on our land plot. We believe that our operations will begin within three years.
Would it be possible for us to construct our own airport somewhere near our production facility? If a large portion of the land isn't developed it may benefit as it would allow us to use our own assets to move capital out of the nation whereas we would have to place burden on your own system otherwise.
Futhermore, we have plans to open 100 dealerships within your nation sometime within the year after our production facility opens.
09-06-2006, 10:39
TO: The ministry of external affairs, Amazonian Dominion
FROM:The office of King John
RE:Your message
You are welcome to set up an ebassy in our nation, may we suggest that you send an advance team to scout out our suggested location. We would like to inquire what form the assistance would take, and if you would seek re-payments later. We must regretfully decline your offer to supply our military, as we do not have the cash reserves to re-outfit them, and they use prorietary NSAA military technology using internally made ammunition and supplies, but we thank you for your offer, and would welcome the corporation to be part of our military supply chain once the economy is back on track.
TO:Krisona Motor Corporation
FROM:The office of King John
RE:Airport, Dealerships
There are already 3 airports in or near Nordheim, but they are becoming overstrained with the passenger volume passing through them. A new airport is already planned, and can be moved to be near your new facility. if you could liase with our transport authority on what facilities you will need for transport, they can be added. Also, we welcome new car dealerships, as compettition is always good for the economy. a list of suggested locations is attached.
[attachement 1: list of locations]
TO:Krisona Motor Corporation
FROM:The office of King John
RE:Airport, Dealerships
There are already 3 airports in or near Nordheim, but they are becoming overstrained with the passenger volume passing through them. A new airport is already planned, and can be moved to be near your new facility. if you could liase with our transport authority on what facilities you will need for transport, they can be added. Also, we welcome new car dealerships, as compettition is always good for the economy. a list of suggested locations is attached.
[attachement 1: list of locations]
To: The Office of King John
From: Krisona Motor Corporation
All we require of the airport is that we have a railway to it and our own freight terminal. It would also be helpful if the runway was reinforced for heavier traffic.
[Encrypted Message]
To: The Office of King John
From: McKagan Department of Foreign Affairs (MDFA)
As the McKagan economy is beginning to grow into No_State_At_All - it would appear that it is safe to say that McKagan has interests in your nation. Because of this we feel it would be a good time to take advantage of this and build an embassy.
You can decide where you would like it to be placed at should you accept. However, McKagan doctrine states that the embassy must be built by the MTDF's Engineer Corps instead of the domestic facilities. We hope this isn't a problem.
09-06-2006, 23:37
TO: the MDFA
FROM: The office of King John
RE: embassy
You are welcome to set up an embassy in our nation. We have no problems with allowing you to construct your own building, we do however ask is that you not dig more than 2 stories below ground, as your diggings will then intersect the main tunnels that make up our capital. We also sadly have to request that you organize lodging for your own construction teams as we do not have the spare cash to accomodate them at the moment. our thanks
TO: Krisona Motor Corporation
FROM: The office of king john
RE:airport facilities
All you requested shall be built. The airport will be operational about a year before your facility.
[Encrypted Message]
To: The Office of King John
From: MDFA
We will comply with your basement limit. Sometime in the next week a large cargo plane will arrive near your capital airspace. It will contain the expeditionary team to secure the best possible location for our embassy.
Are there any available locations that are near an airport? If it were possible for us to simply work near an airport it would make things alot quicker and maybe even allow our embassy to go up within the year.
10-06-2006, 00:03
OOC: nordheim is about half the continent away from the capital... which we probably would have told you... if thats not a problem, fair enough, but i'm just checking. anywho, off to revise for an hour or so, then bed. exams are eeevil... lol
OOC: nordheim is about half the continent away from the capital... which we probably would have told you... if thats not a problem, fair enough, but i'm just checking. anywho, off to revise for an hour or so, then bed. exams are eeevil... lol
[OOC: Oh.... ok then. We'll just put it in the capital. I'll go back and fix my post - no problems.]
10-06-2006, 08:31
OOC: Sorted
FROM:The office of King John
RE:Airports near embassy
The embassy district (where we will be looking for you to establish your embassy) is a 5 minute drive from one of the capital's airports. It is not the largest, as it has only ever served the palace complex, the embassies, and a small section of very upper class housing, but should serve your needs adequatly.(ooc:sp)