Dirichlet's box (Or, ‘A Cold Wind Blows’) (Open MT-PMT)
Northern Nation States
03-06-2006, 22:11
The key to any successful Coup is absolute secrecy, a rule that Grand Marshall Maximillian had taken to heart. Even the soldiers under his command marching up Aurora Avenue to the Parliament Building had no idea what was really going on. It was Revue Day, and the soldiers marching in front of the M-9A3 Main Battle Tanks and M-37 SAM launchers and all the other sundry military equipment were just part of the parade, The other plotters were miles away at Egleson AFB, just now- The Marshall checked his watch- Just now the flight crew would be loading the thousand pound cluster bomb. In a few minutes, the first columns would be passing in front of the four widely separated Revue stands where-in sat the entire upper level of government, The 567 obstacles between rand Marshall of the Armies Hermann Maximillian and being the sole leader of Northern Nation States. There would be a fly over by F/A-29 ‘Sekhmet’ fighters; one would drop the cluster bomb, wiping out those obstacles in one devastating blow. The Pilot would be shot down by the SAMs surrounding the Capital. The Flight crew that had loaded the bomb would quietly disappear; no mention would be made of them in the media occupied with stories of the pilot’s connections to various terrorist organizations which would ‘claim responsibility’. Maximillian himself would have been lucky to survive, noticing the bomb dropping, he would duck quickly into the shelter of the M-9 hatch, slamming it behind him just as the bombletts went off.
The General looked up from his hand waving and smiling, hearing the distinctive whine of a fighter jet engine. The sound grew to a roar as the six fighters of the over-flight screamed overhead, leaving a single black oblong shape behind, seeming almost to float down wards until it suddenly exploded, jolting Maximillian into action, he ducked quickly, slamming the hatch behind him as the bombletts spread over the route of the parade, detonating seconds later to spread a hail of deadly shrapnel instantly killing everyone not lucky enough to be under the cover of one of the heavily armored MBTs.
Less than a minute later, a second detonation was heard as a SAM detonated, turning the fighter that had dropped the bomb into a fireball. The Grand Marshall, peeking out from cover frowned, there was a parachute… there wasn’t supposed to be a parachute, something had gone wrong.
The Aeson
03-06-2006, 22:21
Encryption: Maximum
To: Grand Marshal Maximillian
From: The Aesonic Mafia
Well played. Suddenly nothing stands between you and leadership of your
government. Nothing except the pilot who survived. If a suitable amount of
money, say $50,000, is wired to the enclosed account within twenty-four
hours, it can be arranged for the pilot to meet an unfortunate accident.
P.S. If you are not responsible, please disregard this message with our
Northern Nation States
04-06-2006, 01:21
"...And so it is with great reluctance that I take the office of Acting Prime Minister under the emergency provisions, at least until a new government can be put in place.
In the hours since the tragedy, I have consulted with my advisors, and with the heads of our Civil Defense Corps and Internal Security Division. We have come to an uneasy decision, in this time of crisis, we must enforce order through stricter means than normal to ensure that whatever group perpetrated this tragedy cannot capitalize on it. Therefore, until further notice, A curfew is in effect between 8 o'clock at night until 6 o'clock in the morning. Furthermore, fire-arms, including registered hunting weapons, must not be taken outside the home without a hunting license corresponding to the weapon, Also, Inter city travel will be restricted for the rst of the week, and inter-district travel until the end of the month while security check points are established, and finally we will be increasing the presence of military and civil defense units in urban areas until further notice. These restriction will take place immediatley and are only temporary measures. It is my sincere hope that we can determine who did this and bring them to justice as soon as possible. Now, If you'll excuse me, this has been a very long day and I must rest, My aide will take questions. There will be another conference tomorrow to discuss the long term plan for rebuilding the government and enforcing order without needing to continue the measures we have had to resort to."
The Aeson
04-06-2006, 01:26
"...And so it is with great reluctance that I take the office of Acting Prime Minister under the emergency provisions, at least until a new government can be put in place.
In the hours since the tragedy, I have consulted with my advisors, and with the heads of our Civil Defense Corps and Internal Security Division. We have come to an uneasy decision, in this time of crisis, we must enforce order through stricter means than normal to ensure that whatever group perpetrated this tragedy cannot capitalize on it. Therefore, until further notice, A curfew is in effect between 8 o'clock at night until 6 o'clock in the morning. Furthermore, fire-arms, including registered hunting weapons, must not be taken outside the home without a hunting license corresponding to the weapon, Also, Inter city travel will be restricted for the rst of the week, and inter-district travel until the end of the month while security check points are established, and finally we will be increasing the presence of military and civil defense units in urban areas until further notice. These restriction will take place immediatley and are only temporary measures. It is my sincere hope that we can determine who did this and bring them to justice as soon as possible. Now, If you'll excuse me, this has been a very long day and I must rest, My aide will take questions. There will be another conference tomorrow to discuss the long term plan for rebuilding the government and enforcing order without needing to continue the measures we have had to resort to."
OOC: What, no response to the Mafia?
Northern Nation States
04-06-2006, 06:48
OOC: no, sorry, I have a little plan for the first bit of this RP and I had to think of what to do with your offer.
I can't risk the fallout at this point of even seeming to be linked if the pilot
dies. If you can take him out though, I will see what can be done about
payment when the current events have blown over some.
NNSNN (Northern Nation States News Network)
"Welcome to En-Squared-Es-En-Squared. Your source for News! This is Elizabeth Ney reporting-"
"And this is John LeMay, Continuing our coverage of the Revue Day Tragedy.
The death toll continues to rise as counts keep coming in from the scene. Currently the estimate is hovering around a seven hundred dead, including all of the upper government, however some estimates go as high as two thousand at this point and rising. *Video showing the release and detonation of the weapon, then cuts to emergency workers cleaning out a gutted IFV*
The pilot who dropepd the weapon is still at large after ejecting over Grand Oaks state park when his Sekhmet was shot down by the capital air defense system *picture shown, man in uniform smiling at camera*
In interviews his felow pilots of VFA-111 'the Bucaneers' squadron say that they always felt 'Freddy' was a little odd. Among his personal effects was found several letters linking the pilot, 'Frederic Williams', to the Naveiran Red Army, a terrorist organization based int he Mondothian Province of Naveira that requested and was denied Northern Nation States military aid during the recent Naveiran conflict. Friends and family have also come forward claiming that Fredrick had connections with several other terrorist organizations with cause to dislike the Northern nation States government, including the NNS Peoples Front and the old Howtanan Resurgence group that protested Howtana's Annexation into Northern Nation States.
On a related note, the Flight crew that would have been necesary to load the one thousand pound bomb are still being sought. The crew responsible for readying the Fly-Over fighters appear to have vanished without a trace, deepening the mystery around who exactly set this attack in motion and why.
In other News, The Temporary safety measures ordered by Acting Prime Minister Maximillian have gone into full effect, with check points being established throughhout the capital city and other major urban areas, as well as check points between cities and districts. AIrcraft have been grounded except where necesary and the curfew is in full swing, leaving many un-happy teens and bar-goers stranded at home during the night. These measures are expected to be temporary, 'at least until things have settled down some' in one officials words..."
The Aeson
04-06-2006, 12:54
Encryption: Maximum
Don't worry. We are sending some of our professional problem shooters. Just be sure to make your payment, lest this little transaction become public.
Please provide any information on where the pilot is being held.
Northern Nation States
05-06-2006, 05:51
Unfortunately, the Pilot is not in custody, he will have to be tracked down, preferably before the police find him. I am willing to negotiate an increase in price for this set-back if necesary.
(ore coming soon)
Bored bored bored...
David tapped away at his terminal, surfing through the sea of filth and idiocy that is the internet. For every job lead, there have got to be hundreds of thousands of idiots that just want their wife cacked... Why oh why did I get into this gig? Wait a tic...
Scrolling down the page, he absorbed the story, reading in between the lines. Terrorist attack my ass... Definitely a fall-guy. Wonder how much they'll pay to see him geeked...
Quickly typing up a message, he sent it hurtling through the datastream with a click of his mouth. Now, just have to wait for the paycheck...
Mr. Maximillian,
Congratulations on your new found regency. May you fare better than your predecessor. Of course, there is one large obstacle still standing between you and your hard-won throne. Namely, the pilot. Parachutes, always popping up at the wrong time...
Allow me to introduce myself. You may call me Coatl. I am in the business of pest control, and you'll find that I come with the highest of endorsements. My rates can be steep, but I am most certainly worth the price. I am sure that we can come to an agreement on the removal of this vermin. Feel free to contact me at this address.
Your humble servant,
OOC: Disregard if you'd rather keep him alive, just thought I might take Coatl out for a walk.
Mondothian stealth aircraft flying into and over Northern Nation States had not been a rare occurence over the past weeks. There had been a few high altitude spy planes checking things out. The NNS defense forces were to fractured by the coup to muster any defense, and besides, the Modnothians were also using stealth helicopters to bring in supplemental peacekeeping troops to man checkpoints and help maintain the peace. NNS and Mondoth had been allies for years and if one took interest in anothers country after a major change of governance, it was only to be expected.
What wasn't to be expected that one of those helicopters bringing peace keepeing troops into the country would make an un-anounced stop on the way out. right next to the pre-arranged signal flares from the pilots emergency survial kit.
As the helicopter touched down, the pilot quickly climbed into the open door, slammed it shut behind him and the helicopter was back in the air, all in the space of less than a minute.
Message to Northern Nation States Internal Security
From: Mondothian State Affairs Ministry
Via: DFO-1086
One of our Coastal Patrols recently picked up a boat coming from mainland Norhtern Nation States holding none other than Capt. Frederick DuGaulle of late of the NNS Air Force. We will hold him until you are ready to pick him up.
OOC: this is all planned, so don't go crying godmode or anything.
Aeson: Your mafia could easily learnt hat we have the pilot, or whent he transfer is taking placeif you want to try and take him out then.
The Aeson
06-06-2006, 00:22
"Hmm. This complicates things," murmurred the assassin, monitoring the broadcast. "Still, it can be arranged for him to meet an accident before revealing anything. Now, to find out when the exchange is taking place."
Northern Nation States
08-06-2006, 05:50
I have just become aware that the pilot was captured by Mondothian officials, He is due to be returned via a Mondothian Secure flight that takes off from Mondoth City Int'l Airport at 0600 hours tomorrow I don't have any information as to what security will be like though.
OOC: Once this thing withthe pilot is finished, We'll go ahead and move on. It doesn't matter whther thepilot lives or dies at this point (I have plans for both)
Northern Nation States
20-06-2006, 04:32
OOC: Is this stillhappening... or should I just start over?