The Lucchese Famiglia
01-06-2006, 19:03
Salvatore Lucchese sat on a hard, ebony backed black chair. All round him sat the Family's top members, a variety of contabiles consiglieres and Capo's. At his right hand sat the Capo Bastone for the Empire, his Brother Pietro Lucchese, and to his left sat the Capo di Tutti Capi of all the various branches of the Family, the Hon. Marco Borgia. In the Background stood Sal's honorguard, 5 Combat Terminators, watching over the proceedings.
They were discussing the recent developements in space travel, and the acquisition of a new Space Fleet. The Counsel had had decided on begining construction of the Vengance Class Grand Cruiser (, a heavy battlecruiser designed to safe guard the Home system, and also to rove away on long patrols. Along with this, the design of the Recently purchased Cobra class Destroyer had been analysed, and further production deemed acceptable. The future looked bright for the Empire, it's new space travel abilities bringing back hope from distant planets.
And then.....
A small bomb detonated at the end of the Table, shards of Mahogany splintered every where, and two men burst in from the end of the corridor, the poorly armed guards overwhelmed, and sprayed the area with Las Fire.
The Terminator Guard, unphazed by the blast, ripped back tearing the men to shreds with vicious bolter fire. Sal heaved himself up, blood pouring from the various deep wounds in his body, and drew his Pistol. He glared menacingly, and looked across at Fredo Borcelli, the head of Sal's Personal Defence. Sal took aim at callously executed the Man with a shot the head, sprayng blood against the back wall. Such was the price of incompetence when the Don's life was concerned. Then Sal passed out, red mist pouring into his eyes.
The Emperor Lives
The Great, much Venerated, Don of Luccheseana lives. He has been transplanted into a new body, that of a Venerable Dreadnought. ( He condition was so critical this was the only way to save him, but now, alive in a living tomb, he may live for thousands of years. He has the same speech and personality, but now he behind thick ceramite armour and is armed with hi-tec weaponry, in case such an incident should occur again. Now the Don has founded his own Adeptus Astartes chapter, the Praetorians, their job is to protect the Don and his Household.
They were discussing the recent developements in space travel, and the acquisition of a new Space Fleet. The Counsel had had decided on begining construction of the Vengance Class Grand Cruiser (, a heavy battlecruiser designed to safe guard the Home system, and also to rove away on long patrols. Along with this, the design of the Recently purchased Cobra class Destroyer had been analysed, and further production deemed acceptable. The future looked bright for the Empire, it's new space travel abilities bringing back hope from distant planets.
And then.....
A small bomb detonated at the end of the Table, shards of Mahogany splintered every where, and two men burst in from the end of the corridor, the poorly armed guards overwhelmed, and sprayed the area with Las Fire.
The Terminator Guard, unphazed by the blast, ripped back tearing the men to shreds with vicious bolter fire. Sal heaved himself up, blood pouring from the various deep wounds in his body, and drew his Pistol. He glared menacingly, and looked across at Fredo Borcelli, the head of Sal's Personal Defence. Sal took aim at callously executed the Man with a shot the head, sprayng blood against the back wall. Such was the price of incompetence when the Don's life was concerned. Then Sal passed out, red mist pouring into his eyes.
The Emperor Lives
The Great, much Venerated, Don of Luccheseana lives. He has been transplanted into a new body, that of a Venerable Dreadnought. ( He condition was so critical this was the only way to save him, but now, alive in a living tomb, he may live for thousands of years. He has the same speech and personality, but now he behind thick ceramite armour and is armed with hi-tec weaponry, in case such an incident should occur again. Now the Don has founded his own Adeptus Astartes chapter, the Praetorians, their job is to protect the Don and his Household.