what should be my first rp
i need some ideas for an rp i was thinking i should do some sort of rebelion but if i do do that i don't no what period for it to be in any ideas
Anarchy sixx sixx sixx
01-06-2006, 04:00
how about these days u know with tanks and shit that would kick ass:mp5:
Emperor Matthuis
01-06-2006, 12:04
how about these days u know with tanks and shit that would kick ass:mp5:
A little bit of advice, please write in standard english and never use any of these smilies ever again: :sniper: :gundge: :mp5: :upyours: :headbang: .
Monkey Fights
01-06-2006, 12:05
You could discover an island with oils and stuff and have a Dogfight over it with a couple other nations.
I could always use more RP'rs in my thread. Frankley I would rather see a newcommer do something besides war
The Gate Builders
01-06-2006, 15:01
Oi! You! Stickies!
01-06-2006, 15:13
First off you need to think about what you want to be; be it Future Tech, Modern Tech, Post Modern tech; etc. Once you've got that idea sorted, you should really think about introducing your nation. Perhaps you win a civil war, or stage a coup; perhaps you start by founding a nation and work from the ground up :)