Da Eksidusst (FT, ATTN 1010102)
A lone Fork broke off from it's voyage and it span across the immens black of space, it was alone in its quest but the voices of those it cared for spoke a-thousand words for it, the fork drifted towards its new home, a tangible place just out of its reach, then, with a final push it founs its way and penetrated the soft muck which coated the Toopish Battleship, a few shots smashed across the hull and once more the Fork broke free, looking once more for a new home.
* * * * *
* * * *
* * * * *
"Dis Kaptin Girtzky, enee rat-bukkaz out dere?" Girtzky asked in his usual harsh tone, for months, maybe years they had looked out across the stars and seen nothing.
"Kaptin, yezz not gerna get anyfink, wes urlone!" The always pessimistic Bridge officer spoke out, normally no Ork would have the courage to question his superior, but as it was Girtzky knew that the Officer was right.
"Yezz gotter keepz yer mind opunn, wez mytt zoon be reechin' dem last surviverz!" Girtzky always kept this optomistic, unusual for an Ork as they tend to keep themselves free of emotion and the boundries of optomism and pessimism, the Officer was about to come back with a witty retort when the radio began to buzz wildly.
"Kaptin Girtzky, Dis is tha Scrappa 1401, wez think wez gotz a decernt sized planitt, yerz gotz ter see it!" Girtzky stood silenced for a short while, he looked vacantly at the radio with his mouth held open.
The Kaptin seemed paralysed and so the Officer took control, "Helmz, moovit!" The crippled battleship began to limp its way towards the radio center...
OCC: drones are the things from startgate Atlantis. the little yellow dots. 3 can slaughter an ISD 2.
Remote Sensor Station 125, Edges of 1010102 Space
"Commander,we have picked up a weak signal from what appears to be a toophian battleship! We've found them Sir!"
"Verify it!"
"Its legit!"
"We've finnaly found you! Get me the Dictator!"
"secrue channel is open sir."
"My lord we've found the toophian ship that escaped from our purge. Its in unclaimed space and is alone."
"Good find Captian. we will form a hunting party to kill these scum."
DictatorCommand ship,1010102 orbit
"we have been ordered to find and kill the last of the toophians out there. it is a lone battleship that fled the purge. We shall kill them for good."
The 2nd fleet set out for the area that the signal came from.
2nd fleet stats
1 Lemuria class battle station
2 Executor Class SSD
12 Devastation class SD
4 Endurance class fleet carrier
24 Dragon class heavy cruiser
50 CC-1200 class frigates
Stats for Lemuria class battle station
Lemuria class battle station
Width 25 miles across
Height 5 miles (from tip of bottom engine pod to tip of highest tower)
Crew 500,000
Hyper drive class 3
10000 drone weapon launchers
250 Mega drone launchers
750 heavy turbolasers
300 medium turbolasers
5,000 quad laser turrets
Docking bays
any ship up to 2500 meters long and 750 meters wide
Hangar bays
4 squadrons each
planetary stregth
Power supply
10 Zero point modules(ZPM)
Transportation systems
MRK III Teleoporter grid
Other Equipment
Drone and Mega drone Factories.all resources are stored on board.
6 Gravity Wells
24 Tractor beams
OCC: we won't use drones as they would kill your ship in seconds as it would make for a bad RP.
(OOC: woah! A Stargate on the ship! You realise you wan't be able to use it unless you go back to your home planet right? Plus you aren't making it easy for my re-emergance)
The Fork had found itself in a little bother, the way ahead was blocked by sheet metal and it had no means of reversing, and so it did the only thing it new best on how do to do things, it hit the sheet metal and smacked off onto a new home.
* * * * *
* * * *
* * * * *
The Battleship pulled out of the Warp just avoiding the traffic about the planet, it had a healthily large amount of scrap floating about it, below the scrap was a small collection ships, some of them Girtzky had never seen before, "So dis is how wee go down?" He asked rhetorically, "wiff sum cruddy bitzer scraps erf er fleet!"
Toophian Fleet
1 Battleship Girtzky
30 Scrappaz
1 Converted Star Destroyer
12 Reclaimed Battleships
56 Pirate Vessels
Dictator Command ship
"we've lost the rest of the fleet exept the 12 SDs onboard our ship."
"damn! but thats still enough firepower to take a heavily defended planet."
"Find them!"
OCC:Other nations can get involved as well right?
Hyperspatial Travel
01-06-2006, 03:54
OCC: drones are the things from startgate Atlantis. the little yellow dots. 3 can slaughter an ISD 2.
OOC: Wow. My accusations of wankery proved without effort.
OCC: how is it a wank if you've made any good points at the thread then i will check it.
OCC: back on track... toops would it be ok with you if my ally Mationbuds got involved to help track you down or maybe help you..
Hyperspatial Travel
01-06-2006, 05:33
OCC: how is it a wank if you've made any good points at the thread then i will check it.
OOC: If you have two stations capable of launching ten thousand drones (probably twenty), and three of each drone can slaughter an ISD 2, that gives you the equivalent of nine thousand ISDs in one ship. Nine thousand. And you have two of these.
OCC: and so can anyone if they pick up the tech to use and make drones. and you point is? how much fire power does a Death Star have? a heck of a lot more.
OCC: can we take this somewhere else? this is sorta toops return thread.
Hyperspatial Travel
01-06-2006, 05:42
OOC: http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=471846&page=14
01-06-2006, 05:53
To : 1010102 - I will come in if Troops allows it .
OCC: I will TG you if he does.
(OOC: Sorry, goblins need sleep too, yes bring in the allies, dang.... I don't have any allies...)
"Weez needin' more shipz, diz fleet kud hold bak er small fleet but tha 1010102's gotter big fleet!" Girtzky roared out to the Kaptain of the largest vessel, in common military practice the larger vessel was always seen as the leader.
"Denz we shud getz zum mor shipz!" The Kaptain replied, "Mebbe getz uz zum allyz!" Orkz never made allies so this came as quite the surprise, "Alriyt! Getz dem Pirett Shipz and sendum out fur makin' allyz, tha Battleship Girtzky and me'll go un find sum derilikz, tha rest of yez make yer time oozful!"
(OOC: please for the love of god help me!!!)
01-06-2006, 15:33
Since Troops has let me in . Here I come .
IC :
Emperor Darth Matter was walking down the Imperial Palace's vast corridors when a young Sith Aide ran up to him , bringing news of a ally hunting down a enemy ship and had invited us to join .
Turning , he walked to the Command Center and sat down confortably in his command chair as his Grand Adviser Darth Bane strode up to him to report on the current Situation .
"Excellent work my apprentice . Send Task Force Charlie to assist them ."
"Yes my lord ." Darth Bane replied before turning to relay the orders .
The Darth Matter turned his gaze to other matters ...
Several Hours Later :
After much conflicting , it was decided that only half of the task force would be sent under Sith Apprentice and Commander Jackson .
Upon jumping out of hyperspace , they docked at the Imperial Orbital Yard above 1010102 and sent a message to them :
"Greetings . We have heard your request for aid and being allies , the Emperor has sent this task force to assist you in apprehending the remaining ship/ships ."
Task force size :
- 6 Imperial MKIII Star Destroyers
- 5 Vagabond Star Destroyers
- 8 VictoryII Class Star Destroyers
- 5 Mon Calamari Star Cruiser
- 10 Interdictor Cruisers
- 15 Carrack Class Light Cruisers
- 10 Nebulon-B Frigates
- 10 Czrads Class Cruisers
- 15 Defender Class Light Cruisers
01-06-2006, 16:19
(OOC: it's Toops)
OOps .Sorry
"Admiral, Mationbuds has come to aid us in our hunt."
"LT, Open a com channel to the lead mationbuds' ship."
"Done, Sir."
"We thank you for coming to help in the hunt. We wish to capture some alive, so don't just blow them up.
OCC: Can i bring some rebels for your cause.
(OOC: please do... Could I also RP like another fleet of Orks which survived, y'know just to make it not a humiliating defeat...)
OOC: I might be willing to 'support' Toops with a secondary group that I RP occasionally, and have been itching to bring back for a while.
Although I will support Hyperspatial Travel's assertion that those drones are wanktastic. Just because ya seen it done on TV does not mean it will fly so easily here.
OCC: fine by my toops its your thread after all.(even though the idea was mine.)
On board toops Liberation Force ship in the Klukain Asteroid belt a tLF captain and her crew had a moment of silence for the tLF memebers that died there. This was the location of their former HQ that was wiped out after they killed the Dictator hoping to insight rebelion in 1010102 and the freedom of the toophian slaves.
"There are some ships with their armories still intact that we could salvage, sir." said Tac officer John Smith.
"No, this is hallowed space. We shall leave it as a reminder to all that think of rebelion." whispered by Captain Rolat.
"Sir, we have learned of some toophian survivors of their navy!" Shouted Major Winters.
"Quick we must help them!" Said the captain.
Nepunes Trident jumped back to the HQ and got 12 gunships, 4 Nebulon B Frigates and 1 Dragon class heavy cruiser to defend the survivors from the oppersive forces of 1010102. The small fleet jumped to
Goffinz Scrapheap
The Battleship Girtzky dropped out just a small distance from the former Scrapheap, the place had long since been abondoned but if they were to find any hope of crafting a large enough fleet they'd need to salvage any scraps of the former Toophian Kingdom.
There was a large quantity of scrap within the Heap, enough to make a sizeable force ready to defend against an attack, the small Fleet remained to craft whatever they could.
2 Battleships
36 Frigates
102 Fighter/Bombers
* * * * *
* * * *
* * * * *
Plannit Toops 2
"SAH! Grayt nooz, wez gotz peepullz whoziz wanna 'elp us!" A small Goblin had ran into the room, the Admiral stood up with a happy expression upon his face.
Sir, Great news, we have people who want to assist us
"Exullunt! Getz er dipllimuttz outten mettumz!" The Ork shouted out.
Excellent, get the diplomats out and meet with them
OCC: Could you please translate that into something readable?
(OOC: I will if you will)
OCC: what do you mean? mine's real words.
OCC: what do you mean? mine's real words.
(OOC: nvm, dry Brittish humor gone awry)
--Weaklings. Bipeds. Close. Sign of deadmakers.--
--They appear to be fighting amongst themselves. Perhaps there is opportunity for a surprise attack?--
--BrInG uS aBoUt. OuR fOoD sToReS nEeD rEsToCkInG. EnGaGe PhAsE sHiElDiNg AnD DeAdMaKeRs. ToNiGhT wE fEaSt!--
03-06-2006, 03:11
OOC: Is it too late to join?
OOC: Is it too late to join?
(OOC: only if you're coming in on my side :P )
03-06-2006, 14:03
OOC: Woot! However, I may defect to the other side if it is winning.
IC: Several ships had heard the commotion on the battle net, and had jumped to the battle. Coincedentally, they jumped to the Orks side.
From Ugatha to any Orkish Ship
Need assistence?
"Weeziz in desprutt needz fur assistunz, kummat plannit weeziz givezaz kordinutz anz weelziz meetz wivyerz!"
We are in desperate need for assistance, please make your way towards our planet, co-ordinates enclosed, and we will come and meet with you.
03-06-2006, 15:08
Over two hundred ships fired off their boosters and went toward the battle. After identifying the 1010102 ships, the 40 capital ships (all frigates, 10 plasma cannons each) fired off their plasma torpedos and cannons. After rearming, the ships let out approx. 300 Valkiry fighters. All the fighters swarmed toward the battle station.
The Small remaining Orky Fleet caught up with the awry allies, the 20 Scrappa Frigates and 12 Battleships made thier way to the battle zone and immediatly began to open fire with every cannon, gun, fighter or weapon they had on board.
03-06-2006, 15:53
After firing a second round, the GE ships pulled out their most powerful weapons: Graviton Cannons. They use metal so dense it has so much gravoty it warps space, so it is unblockable, except for shields. All the ships fired the cannons and, for good measure, neutrino beams, which take down shields very quickly.
OOC: Gonna wait until combat is fully underway for my guys to 'appear'.
05-06-2006, 11:58
"Admiral, Mationbuds has come to aid us in our hunt."
"LT, Open a com channel to the lead mationbuds' ship."
"Done, Sir."
"We thank you for coming to help in the hunt. We wish to capture some alive, so don't just blow them up.
Commander Jackson received the message and replied as follows :
"Consider it done . We will use all our resources present to either capture or eliminate the Toops . If we need more help , consider it done too . Happy hunting !"
Then after signing off with a chearful note , he ordered the Task Force to jump to hyperspace to the battleground ...
Several hours later ...
Commander Jackson was awaken from his peaceful slumber by the jolt which meant the exit from hyperspace and immediately heard the familiar thuds and whizzes of the turbolaser bolts lancing around .
Then upon his orders , the task force moved toward the 1010102 fleet in a defensive formation before all the Star Destroyers , Cruisers and Frigates opened fire with their starport/port turbolaser and heavy turbolaser batteries followed by round after round of ion cannon , heavy ion cannon fire and proton torpedoes with concussion missiles added and supplemented by the shield disabling , hull penetrating Truncheon Torpedoes .
The shields were than strenghtened . Commander Jackson then turned to the flight master .
"Flight master , order the launch of 15 Squadrons of TIE Interceptors , 10 Squadrons of Scimitar Assult Bombers , 10 Squadrons of TIE Bombers and 16 Squadrons of X-Wings , A-Wings and B-Wings . You may chose to launch the Y-Wings if need be ."
"Yes sir ! However that would reduce our starfighter capablity to only 45% ! That would mean sending 1/2 of this task force's starfighters ."
"I know what I'm doing flight master . Now carry out my orders ."
"Affirmative commander ."
Several minutes later hundreds of starfighters flying escorts to the Scimitar Assult Bombers , TIE Bombers and B-Wing Bombers moved ahead , clearing the path for the bombers which fired their Laser Cannon at any incomming threat and their ion cannons at the main capital ships to weaken the shields .
Then loading up their missile/torpedo racks and bomb bays , they unleashed a deadly tirade of Proton Torpedoes , Concussion Missiles , Truncheon Torpedoes , Concussion Bombs and Proton Bombs .... They would dish out plenty of damage on the enemies ...
05-06-2006, 12:00
After firing a second round, the GE ships pulled out their most powerful weapons: Graviton Cannons. They use metal so dense it has so much gravoty it warps space, so it is unblockable, except for shields. All the ships fired the cannons and, for good measure, neutrino beams, which take down shields very quickly.
OOC : Just a suggestion . I think you shouldnt put GE because it would mean you're referring to the Galactic Empire's Imperial Fleet . And I dont think you're a member of the GE . So I suggest that you put something else insted of the GE to avoid any conflicts .
06-06-2006, 03:59
OOC: Hell no! I don't care. I am not going to put 'GruntsandElites' every time I need to put it. You can out Mationbuds, or MB, ok? Also, a suggestion: If you jump into the midst of fighting, some of your ships are going to DIE! I will stop ranting now.
IC: Almost 10 of the frigates were approaching critical condition. A beacon was sent out for any GE ships in the area. The Valkyries , when they saw the fighters approaching, fired a rocket barrage of over 3,000 missiles (ten from 300), all of which were aimed at the approaching fighters.
Several hours later.
A huge rift opened in space. Out of the rift came over 100 fully loaded carriers, 50 more frigates, 5 Dreadnoughts, and one battle station. The battle station, fully equipped, as over 350 plasma cannons, 100 Graviton Cannons, 40 launch bays, and 13000 MAC Gatling cannons. The MACGCs fired a round similer to that of a Rail Gun, but with a faster ROF. Unfortunately for anyone facing GE and Toops, all of the Battle Stations guns fired at once.
06-06-2006, 04:03
A message was sent to the Toops fleet.
To Toops fleet
Jump to these coordinates: Coordinates Encrypted
Once there, await the arrival of three frigates.
06-06-2006, 05:35
IC :
Commander Jackson shook his head at the massive GrundsandElite fleet but immediately ordered shields to be brought up to 150% . However the enemy bombardment still hit his fleet with an astounding whoomp after whoomp signifying the hit after hit of the enemy bombardment against his fleet's ship's shields or even hull .
"Commander Jackson , 6 Defender Cruisers and 2 Nebulon-B Frigates report not able to raise shields to 150% in time and as a result they are in critical condition . Their shields are failing and hull damage . Superstructure damage not ruled out yet . As for the enemy torpedo counterfire against our starfighters , we have lost a inital numbr of 20-22 Starfighters and 16 Bombers ."
"This is not good . Order fleet to commence firing again . And open a relay channel to Imperial Navy Command ."
"Aye aye Commander ."
The ships of the Task Force immediately resumed their massive tirade of Laser Cannon , Turbolaser , Heavy Turbolaser , Ion Cannon , Heavy Ion Cannon , Quad Turbolasers , Proton Torpedoes , Concussion Missiles and Truncheon Torpedoes once they had fully raised up or regenerated their shields .
Then the Second Commander of the Fleet also ordered his flagship , a Elite Imperial Star Destroyer to load up its 2 Nova Cannons and fired them at the GrundsandElites fleet . They were sure to easily chew away a large portion of the enemy fleet .
While waiting for the damage dealt to the enemy , Commander Jackson spoke to the Grand Adviser , Grand Admiral and Chief of the Imperial Navy , Darth Bane and the Emperor Darth Matter , who both promised to send reinforcements in term of the great Empire Protectorate Starfleet and possibly Viper Fleet as reinforcements . The former commanded by Darth Bane himself and the latter by Sith Lord Bror Jace , then they signed off .
With that , Commander and Sith Lord Jackson lay down for a short hibernation trance cum Battle Meditation trance in peace . The former would increase his energy and capability while the latter would tap into the force surrounding his men and increase their fighting capability , spirit and mentality while causing the enemy troops to have a lower fighting spirit , capability and mentality . That was the power of the force ..
@1010102 - I may also call in the Viper Fleet which is docked in the orbital yard orbiting just around your homeplanet , thus making it suitable for reinforcements .
@GrundsandsElite - I never said that you HAD to change . I just said that you SHOULD . Anyways , I am a part of the rightful GE (Galactic Empire) , so I dont want any confusion . Secondly since I will certaintly lose some ships to your big flotilla , I will bring in a full fleet (much larger than a task force or flotilla) . Please also respond to my Battle Meditation trick .
@ALL : BTW , here are the stats of the improved Empire Protectorate Starfleet :
+ 1 Lemuria class battle station
+ 1 Eclipse Class Super Star Dreadnaught (Flagship for Grand Admiral Sith Lord Bane and for Sith Assasin Squad 3)
+ 4 Wraith Class Super Star Dreadnaught
+ 6 Enslaver Class Super Star Dreadnaught
+ 18 Vagabond Star Destroyers
+ 20 Imperial Star Destroyers
+ 20 Mon Calamri Star Cruisers
+ 25 VictoryII Star Destroyers
+ 25 Victory Star Destroyers
+ 30 Nebulon-B Frigates
+ 30 Carrack Class Light Cruisers
+ 30 Czards Class Cruisers
+ 25 Interdictor Cruisers
+ 70 Defender Class Light Cruisers
+ 30 Adjuciator Cruisers
+ 5 Mobile Repair Docks
+ 5 Venator Class Star Destroyer (carrying 25 AT-TEs , 25 AT-ATs , 10,000 Vanguard Troops , 500,000 Battle Droids , 100,000 Super Battle Droids , 1000 Droidekas , 40 Clone Turbo Tanks , 200 Hover Tanks , 10 AT-XTs , 40 Lambada Class/LAATi Gunships and 4 Squadrons of TIEs with 2 Sqaudrons of B-Wings/Y-Wings)
-----As Viper Fleet may come in , I will also give the stats :
+ 1 Eclipse Class Super Star Dreadnaught (Flagship for Grand Admiral Sith Lord Bror Jace and Sith Assasin Squad 5)
+ 4 VagabondII Class Super Star Destroyers
+ 4 Executor Class Super Star Dreadnaught
+ 6 Enslaver Class Super Star Dreadnaught
+ 20 Sovereign Class Dreadnaughts
+ 16 Vagabond Star Destroyers
+ 40 Lancer Class Frigates
+ 40 Nebulon-B Frigates
+ 40 Adjudicator Class Cruiser
+ 80 Defender Class Light Cruisers
+ 40 Carrack Class Light Cruisers
+ 20 VictoryII Class Star Destroyer
+ 18 Imperial Star Destroyers
+ 18 Vindicator Class Heavy Cruisers
+ 30 Interdictor Cruisers
+ 20 Escort Carriers
+ 30 Czardas Class Cruisers
+ 18 Mon Calamari Cruisers
+ 8 Venator Class Star Destroyers (carrying 25 AT-TEs , 25 AT-ATs , 10,000 Vanguard Troops , 500,000 Battle Droids , 100,000 Super Battle Droids , 1000 Droidekas , 40 Clone Turbo Tanks , 200 Hover Tanks , 10 AT-XTs , 40 Lambada Class/LAATi Gunships and 4 Squadrons of TIEs with 2 Sqaudrons of B-Wings/Y-Wings)
+ 6 Mobile Repair Docks
+ 8 Vindili Class Multi-Purpose ships
They arrived with nary a blip to mark their exit from the depths of whatever realm they came from. Purely silent in the depths of space, their sleek yet otherworldly forms approached the melee with little to no indication as to their general purpose.
Six massive vessels forged seemingly from both organic and metallic parts, lacking any visible weapons emplacements or engine blocks, and just as black as the rest of space around them, slid into existence and barreled forth. These six twelve-kilometer long battleships were in turn escorted by two dozen smaller vessels no less than three kilometers in length. In each case, their appearance followed a similar pattern: Three massive plates centered around some curious and constantly fluctuating source of light that cast the entire ship in a strange glow. At the far end of these plates, a shape likened to two three-sided pyramids welded together bottom-to-bottom. Crackling arcs of electricity skipped and danced across the surface of each unfathomable vessel as it hurtled forward.
The clumps of scrap that made up the Orky fleets held no interest to the newcomers. They moved intently towards the Rebel/Imperial fleet without warning or warcry. They simply approached.
Of course, the sizzling orbs of prismatic energy that began to materialize and orbit the strange vessels soon gave clarity as to the fleet's purpose. Each vessel began to glow around its insides, a strange prismatic sequence to dazzle and bewilder all involved, right up until the floating orbs began to fluctuate.
As they approached, the orbs began lancing out with massive arcs of energy that thundered against the enemy's shielding with no sign of abatement. Vessels assaulted by these arcs would note one major issue: These weapons were designed specifically to kill shielding of any and all types.
OOC: These creatures are not Godulan, they are representative of an alliance of four very distasteful races bent on effectively annihilating humankind. They recognize the Mationbuds vessels from previous engagements with similar forces. They also want some humans in order to 'refill their food stores' (they like their food to squirm as they feed), along with secondary purposes, so I hope there will be some possible ship-boarding action.
Oh, and rest assured, the force I just presented will prove a MASSIVE challenge.
For reasons of nation security I am pulling most of my ships out. The ships that will pull out are:
1 Lemuria class battle station
2 Executor Class SSD
10 Devastation class SD
4 Endurance class fleet carrier
16 Dragon class heavy cruiser
26 CC-1200 class frigates
that leaves to hunt the toophians
2 Devastation class SDs
8 Dragon class heavy cruiser
24 CC-1200 class frigates
07-06-2006, 02:31
The GE ships (OOC:There! I said it again!) were making good headway against the Imperial fleet, when two massive explosions took out most of the frigates, and two dreadnoughts. The fighting continued, and more reinforcements were called.
Several hours later
More reinforcements arrived, in the form of 60 frigates, 10 carriers, 26 cruisers, 6 dreadnoughts and another Battle Station. Both Battle Stations fired Fusion Nukes, wshich used fusion to create a large mini-sun, which bypasses shields thanks to a low level neutrino shield. Both Battle Stations fired both of their Fusion Nukes.
OOC: Mationbuds, thats the title of your nation. It's not your actual nation. Galactic Empire is a title. Also, with a population of 740 million, you don't have 781 ships. The number of people you have is directly proportional to the size of your fleets. When I had 740 million, I had one dreadnought. The only reason I have the fleet I have now was thanks to donations from several other empires.
07-06-2006, 12:17
The GE ships (OOC:There! I said it again!) were making good headway against the Imperial fleet, when two massive explosions took out most of the frigates, and two dreadnoughts. The fighting continued, and more reinforcements were called.
Several hours later
More reinforcements arrived, in the form of 60 frigates, 10 carriers, 26 cruisers, 6 dreadnoughts and another Battle Station. Both Battle Stations fired Fusion Nukes, wshich used fusion to create a large mini-sun, which bypasses shields thanks to a low level neutrino shield. Both Battle Stations fired both of their Fusion Nukes.
OOC: Mationbuds, thats the title of your nation. It's not your actual nation. Galactic Empire is a title. Also, with a population of 740 million, you don't have 781 ships. The number of people you have is directly proportional to the size of your fleets. When I had 740 million, I had one dreadnought. The only reason I have the fleet I have now was thanks to donations from several other empires.
OOC : I disagree . I have expert advise from expert fleet builders like CoreWorlds and Unified Sith as well as the Galactic Empire (Alliance) that for my navy , I CAN have around 1000+ ships , out of which 120-150 are MKIII or Elite ISDs and around 600 of which are Frigates (Nebulons , VictoryIIs , Carracks etc) and the remainder are dreadnaughts etc . And please respond to the damage caused by my Nova Cannons , which would do more damage than taking out your frigates and damaging 2 dreadnaught . And please kindly give me the stats of your dreadnaught : size , weapons etc so i can determine appropriate damage etc ...
07-06-2006, 12:20
They arrived with nary a blip to mark their exit from the depths of whatever realm they came from. Purely silent in the depths of space, their sleek yet otherworldly forms approached the melee with little to no indication as to their general purpose.
Six massive vessels forged seemingly from both organic and metallic parts, lacking any visible weapons emplacements or engine blocks, and just as black as the rest of space around them, slid into existence and barreled forth. These six twelve-kilometer long battleships were in turn escorted by two dozen smaller vessels no less than three kilometers in length. In each case, their appearance followed a similar pattern: Three massive plates centered around some curious and constantly fluctuating source of light that cast the entire ship in a strange glow. At the far end of these plates, a shape likened to two three-sided pyramids welded together bottom-to-bottom. Crackling arcs of electricity skipped and danced across the surface of each unfathomable vessel as it hurtled forward.
The clumps of scrap that made up the Orky fleets held no interest to the newcomers. They moved intently towards the Rebel/Imperial fleet without warning or warcry. They simply approached.
Of course, the sizzling orbs of prismatic energy that began to materialize and orbit the strange vessels soon gave clarity as to the fleet's purpose. Each vessel began to glow around its insides, a strange prismatic sequence to dazzle and bewilder all involved, right up until the floating orbs began to fluctuate.
As they approached, the orbs began lancing out with massive arcs of energy that thundered against the enemy's shielding with no sign of abatement. Vessels assaulted by these arcs would note one major issue: These weapons were designed specifically to kill shielding of any and all types.
OOC: These creatures are not Godulan, they are representative of an alliance of four very distasteful races bent on effectively annihilating humankind. They recognize the Mationbuds vessels from previous engagements with similar forces. They also want some humans in order to 'refill their food stores' (they like their food to squirm as they feed), along with secondary purposes, so I hope there will be some possible ship-boarding action.
Oh, and rest assured, the force I just presented will prove a MASSIVE challenge.
OOC : I will ICly reply later . And this will present an excellent opportunity to test my new anti-organic weaponary (which I assume your ships are organic) and my shield-killing torps . Prepare for extreme damage too :)
OCC: i argree with Mationbuds just because it seems like a big number doesn't mean its a godmod/wank. my navy has 532 ships in it and 300 are frigates. and 100 are cruisers.
The Horde Of Doom
07-06-2006, 19:03
(Is it too late for some pirates to come in and clean up the mess?)
OOC : I will ICly reply later . And this will present an excellent opportunity to test my new anti-organic weaponary (which I assume your ships are organic) and my shield-killing torps . Prepare for extreme damage too :)
OOC: Actually I won't. You see, this force is intended to be fully capable of taking on both you and 1010102 at the same time. The force number may be small, but they are very powerful ships. In many cases their technology is simply 'unfathomable.' I'll let you learn how this translates the hard way.
Oh, and while I won't complain about your fleet SIZE, I will raise issues about how many dreadnought type vessels you're using. One or two per fleet, the number you have PER FLEET is just ludicrous.
The Horde Of Doom
07-06-2006, 19:44
(If their THAT good, I can't wait for my pirates to steal some technology from them.)
OOC: Good luck with that. If you don't mind your pirates being disemboweled and strangled with their own intestines by a bunch of centauroid lizardmen who have 47 different words for slaughter with consideration to varying levels of brutality, and who translate "We come in peace" into "HAVE MERCY ON US! I DON'T WANT TO BE EATEN!"
And those are just the ones yer most likely to see.
08-06-2006, 03:18
OOC : I disagree . I have expert advise from expert fleet builders like CoreWorlds and Unified Sith as well as the Galactic Empire (Alliance) that for my navy , I CAN have around 1000+ ships , out of which 120-150 are MKIII or Elite ISDs and around 600 of which are Frigates (Nebulons , VictoryIIs , Carracks etc) and the remainder are dreadnaughts etc . And please respond to the damage caused by my Nova Cannons , which would do more damage than taking out your frigates and damaging 2 dreadnaught . And please kindly give me the stats of your dreadnaught : size , weapons etc so i can determine appropriate damage etc ...
Advice doesn't mean shit. Also, my ships are positronic, and therefore are able to have much more armor, weapons et cetera. Also, I will not let you have damage control over my ships, because that is godmoding. If you don't know how, say so. My ships are spread out, and therefore less liable to take damage than usual fleets which are clustered. 1010102, that's in two fleets, and he has a smaller nation than you do. If you have 532 ships in your entire force, and he has 780 in two fleets, that is godmodding. Alright. Here's a compromise. If you can have 780 ships in two fleets, I can have 1500 in two fleets. That seems fair as my nation is two times as big as yours. (Note: That last part was for Mationbuds.) Well, until Mationbuds responds to my Fusion Nukes, there is nothing more to say.
OCC:wait 2 fleets? the largest fleet in my navy is the 1st fleet at 181 and 120-135 are frigates.
08-06-2006, 03:47
What the hell do you think I mean? The Empire Protectorate, and the Viper. Each of which was around 340 ships. I counted every ship. I will count again. It will equal or be close to 781 ships.
Edit: Shit, wrong person.
Double Edit: Read my post again. Mationbuds has two fleets.
OCC: I know that the Viper Fleet is huge. It has been orbiting my nation for years as part of the Allince between us. But untill recently that was the smallest fleet in his navy.
OCC: his navy total is 2224 ships.
08-06-2006, 05:27
OCC: I know that the Viper Fleet is huge. It has been orbiting my nation for years as part of the Allince between us. But untill recently that was the smallest fleet in his navy.
True .
OCC: his navy total is 2224 ships.
That is after donations from my 4 Alliances .
08-06-2006, 05:32
Advice doesn't mean shit. Also, my ships are positronic, and therefore are able to have much more armor, weapons et cetera. Also, I will not let you have damage control over my ships, because that is godmoding. If you don't know how, say so. My ships are spread out, and therefore less liable to take damage than usual fleets which are clustered. 1010102, that's in two fleets, and he has a smaller nation than you do. If you have 532 ships in your entire force, and he has 780 in two fleets, that is godmodding. Alright. Here's a compromise. If you can have 780 ships in two fleets, I can have 1500 in two fleets. That seems fair as my nation is two times as big as yours. (Note: That last part was for Mationbuds.) Well, until Mationbuds responds to my Fusion Nukes, there is nothing more to say.
OOC :I never cotrolled the damage .I simply thought that it was too little ,thats all .
IC :
The GuntsandEite's Fusion Nukes were no doubt powerful , but the Empire Protectorte Starfleet's Twilek Motherships managed to raise up their Magnatron Multi Heavy Shield Web in time which caught most of the Fusion Nukes . However several fusion nukes managed to slip through in time , destroying several (ooc :4-5) frigates and light cruisers while damaging 2 MKIII Imperial Star Destroyers .
Darth Bane was furious , he ordered his Eclipse Class Super Star Destroyer to charge up its 8 Nova Cannons and 14 Nova Cannon Torpedo Racksand fired them all at the Novaen and Lizard Fleets . He also ordered the Superlasers to be charged up for maximum damage , being able to slice through a dreadnaught , totally destroying it and severely damaging another .
The 5th Alliance
08-06-2006, 12:15
Quite suddenly, five vessels slid into place above the battle (to the extent that there is an above in space, of course). Their appearances had little in common; indeed, the only thing besides their arrival together to indicate any shared affiliation was the small symbol each ship bore somewhere on its hull - a symbol resembling a set of scales. They had arrived some distance from the fighting, though within easy scanning range, and they remained motionless and silent after their abrupt arrival. The five ships were simply watching... for now.
OOC: Slightly more than a <TAG>, but not much. For the information of Godular's Doom ships, the crews of these vessels include no humans, though they are bipedal.
OOC: 10-4. Main reason they're attacking Mationbuds is they remember the vessel types from another RP I did with these guys before. Unless anybody shoots at them, they will rather happily ignore every other fleet in the area.
OCC:this has gotten out of control. Mationbuds quit godmodding.(that means get rid of your uber/massive fleet)
Definition of Godmoding
1) Saying what happens to other people's stuff.
2) Refusing to take any losses. Or lose. Ever.
3) Having übertech armies that are too large, etc.
4) Having your nation’s geography to your extreme advantage.
OOC: While I agree, I say let him keep it... he'll find out how much it does him no good against the Externals.
09-06-2006, 03:00
IC: Right before the MationBud ships were about to fire their uberweapons, the GE ships disappeared from battle. They reappeared on the other side, firing a massive barrage into the MB ships. They dissapeared again, and when they reappeared, they fired another massive barrage. They did this many times. Eventually, when the ships were running out of fuel and ammo, a web made of what seemed like light appeared around the battle. It closed on the MB ships. It strained against the ubershield, but hopefully, the shield would break soon.
OOC: While I agree, I say let him keep it... he'll find out how much it does him no good against the Externals.
OCC: you don't attack my ships, i won't attack your ships. i will just attack gruntsandelites.
The few 1010102 ships that weren't called back attack the GAE(use that instead of GE so MB don't throw a fit.)ships. The devastation class SDs fired all of their turbo lasers and their proton torpedoes at the GAE ships.
09-06-2006, 03:09
The weapons rocked the GAE fleet. They turned and faced the 1010102 fleet and fired all of their weapons, jumping at the moment all of their weapons were fired. Several minutes later, ready for battle again, the GAE ships returned and fired another salvo.
The damage from the GAE ships salvos destroyed 8 CC-1200 class frigates and 3 Dragon class heavy cruisers. The rest of the fleet fired their ion cannons 5 times per gun.
With this massive salvo on its way, all the ships fired their turbolasers and proton torpedoes again.
09-06-2006, 03:28
The ion cannons disabled most of the frigates, and destroyed the shields and slowed to a crawl four of the dreadnoughts. However, before the rest of the weapons could reach, the ships jumped again. However, the remaining ships were almost completely vaporized. Almost nothing remained. When the fleet reappeared, more than ten minutes later, it had gathered to it's full strength:
6 Battle Stations
30 Dreadnoughts
130 Carriers
150 Slipspace cruisers
400 Frigates
13000 Valkry Fighters,
and 20,000 drones (unmanned fighters with Gatling guns and almost no armor.)
All the ships fired all of their armory at once, mostly at the MB fleet, but a quarter at the 1010102 fleet.
OOC:Note: That is one fleet. I have four. However, they are all busy, and will not be able to particiapte in the battle, or possibly even the war.
OCC: i think i am regretting pulling those ships out.
1 of the SDs was vaporized and 3 cruisers and 10 frigates went up in a fire ball.
"Sir, maybe we should get some of those ships back here..."
"Yes we should."
A call was sent and the following ships came to the aid of the severly damaged fleet.
1 Executor Class SSD
24 Devastation class SDs
20 ISD Elites
36 ISD mrk IIS
6 Endurance class fleet carriers
30 Dragon class heavy cruisers
76 CC-1200 class frigates
This new force fired all its ion cannons at the GAE forces and then fired every turbolaser and laser at the dreanaughts.
09-06-2006, 03:48
Unfortunately for 1010102, once a Drone has expended it's rather limited ammunition, It runs into ships, and explodes something like a Fusion Nuke. That means that there are 20,000 Drones baring down on the 1010102 fleet, and they all turn into a sun. Fortunately, for the GAE fleet, the drones took all of the damage, destroying a good 13,986 drones.
The surviving incoming drones where avoided by jumping to the other side of the system.
Now behind the GAE fleet They fired a another salvo just like the last last one.
OCC: sorry if i've copied your tactics but i used this in the toops-1010102 War. ask toops.
10-06-2006, 02:43
The GAE ships jumped right into the midst of the 1010102 fleet and fired. They jumped again, using the same tactics they had used on the MB fleet. A large white net soon formed around the 1010102 fleet, though it looked weaker than the one surronding the MB fleet, and the one surronding the MB fleet had weakened too.
OCC: should have done this after you jumped the first time.
The GAE salvo destroyed 10 frigates.Then 1010102 fleet jumped outside of the net and fired on the GAE fleet with ion cannons and then the Devatstion class SDs turned on their gravity wells and trapped them.then the fired nonstop with every gun they had onboard from marines in the hagnars with pistols to the heavy turbolasers.
10-06-2006, 04:07
OOC: You can't jump out of it...
IC: The ships moved normally out of the way, with mainly frigates being hit by ion cannons. Now, another fleet entered the battle. Of course, that meant the frigates were destroyed, but that was no big loss.
5 Battle Stations
35 Dreadnoughts
130 Carriers
150 Cruisers
400 Frigates
13000 Valkry Fighters
20000 Drones
Again, they all opened fire immediately.
OOC: Just tell me if you think it would be godmodding to put another massive fleet like this in there. I'll remove most of it.
OCC: thats god moding if you have 600+ ships in one fleet and are complaining about MB having 700 in 2 fleets.
If Mationbuds doesn't respond I'm gonna haveta blow up other stuff... And where's Toops?
10-06-2006, 13:41
@GD - I dont recall RPing any war with Lizard people . I only recall RPing with the Gondulans . And saying that your navy will rip apart mine ... don't be so sure .
@1010102 - The 700 ships are the total of 2 fleets PLUS their ships in outer sectors . However what I sent are their Core Structure , which means instead of a total of 700 fleets , it would make out to around a total of 400-500 ships .
@GS : Your tactics aint doing much damage to my shields , I gotta say .
IC :
Darth Bane shook his fist in anger at the atrocious GruntsandElite fleet's audicious tactics .
"Shield Master , report shield integrity ."
"Sir , our Eclipse Super Star Destroyer's shield is at 98% . The Magnatron Heavy Shield Web is down to a near-critical 58% ."
"Order our main shield generators to be replenished and the shield web to be increased to maximum capacity ."
"The current maximum capacity of the Shield Web will be increased to 78% sir . With the current circumstances , 75% ."
"Excellent. That is at least 3/4 of its optimum capacity ."
"What are your orders sir ?"
"Order the fleet to form attack formation Charlie Bravo Delta Echo . Prepare my squadron of Sith Infiltrators and Elite TIE Defenders ."
"Y...e...s...... .... s...i...r." the control officer responded shakily as he knew what the Sith Lord was up to . The feared Sith Infiltrators were commanded by the feared Darth Bane/Darth Matter himself and the fighter pilots were usually Sith Lords / Sith Assasins / Sith Mauraders / Sith Apprentices , guided by the force made them nearly unkillable .
Several minutes later ...
The fleet was in the specified Attack Formation , codeworded Flying Storm . Upon reaching their designated positions , the attack begin . The Frigate and the Cruiser contingents , made up of mainly Defender Class Light Cruisers , Nebulon-B Frigates , Carrack Class Light Cruisers , Interdictor Cruisers , Imperial Assult Cruisers , Victory and VictoryII Star Destroyers moved ahead , firing with their massive array of weapons including Turbolaser , Heavy Turbolaser , Ion Cannon and Heavy Ion Cannon batteries , complemeted by close range Laser Cannons and the anti-starfighter Quad Turbolaser Batteries . Added with hundreds of thousands of Proton Torpedoes , Concussion Missiles and Truncheon Torpedoes , the initial wave of attack was already a killer one . The enemy needed excellent nerves and a good strategy from being overrun and defeated .
Then upon Rear-Admiral Farquar's orders , the second wave of attack commenced , the second contingent of Czrads Class Cruisers and VictoryII Star Destroyers moved in , discharging hundreds and thousands of Starfighters and Starbombers , which angrily steamed forward , firing their weaponary with no stopping them . The Czards Class Cruisers also launched an additional wave of Suicide Crafts . The crafts were supersonic moving 15m long Vessels which were laden to the brim with Anti-Matter Explosives and armed with Novaldex Reflector Shields , Sienar Particle and Beam Shields as well as Depleted Uranium Caps , which enabled them to punch through shield and armor alike into the intended target before detonating , destroying or devastating the enemy vessel .
"General Frank , commence attack Phase 3 ."
"Yes sir !"
Upon his word , the 3rd Wave of attacks commenced . It started by the MKIII/Elite Imperial Star Destroyers , MC90 Mon Calamari Star Cruiser , and all the Super Star Destroyers charged up and fired a total of 200 bursts from their Nova Cannons and launched 400 Nova Torpedoes at the GAE and Lizardian Fleets . Immediately after that , the Eclipse , Wraith , Enslaver , VagabondII and Executor Super Star Destroyers charged up and fired their Superlaser simultaneously . In total they fired their superlasers 40 times .
The next section of the wave of attack was the Drones , fired from the Lemuria Class Battle Station . 12000 Drones were fired . 5 of which were able to totally destroy a MKII/MKIII ISD .
Then the Super Star Destroyers moved in with the remaining Star Destroyers , Star Cruisers , Cruisers and Frigates , firing from their combined firepower of Turbolaser , heavy Turbolaser Batteries , Ion Cannon , Heavy Ion Cannon , Quad Turbolaser , Laser Cannons , Proton Torpedoes , Concussion Missiles and Truncheon Torpedoes , Blaster Cannons and Vulcan Chain Cannons , which fired round after round of High Penetration Laser Bursts .
The Eclipse Class Super Star Destroyer , now under the temporary command of Rear-Admiral Farquar , opened up its tip of Quantum Crystalline to reveal its Secret Weapon . After entering the authorization key , the Eclipse's front fired a single shot towards the GAE Flagship before reloading and firing at the Lizards Flagship .
What they just fired was a Lychena . An organic creature , it would attach itself to the target vessel before slowly consuming all the ions that powered the shield , thus destroying the shield . Then after that , it would become more powerful , diving into the enemy ship , crushing anything that obstructed it with its massive and powerful jaws , entering the enemy ship before self-destructing , totally destroying the enemy ship from within .
This time , the enemy fleet would receive their retribution ...
@GD - I dont recall RPing any war with Lizard people . I only recall RPing with the Gondulans.
They don't remember YOU. They remember the ship types. They have met Imperial and Rebel ship archetypes before and know that they are just BRIMMING with human-kibble.
And saying that your navy will rip apart mine ... don't be so sure.
I am so sure. Don't be so sure that you're as powerful as you think. These guys... lets just say this is a slight lead in to a bigger rp. These guys have weapons that will mess you up six ways from sunday and no amount of sith alchemy will help you.
Now respond to my blasted attack. I hit you with enough shield-eating firepower to melt a very goodly portion of yer comparatively cruddy shielding.
10-06-2006, 19:59
OCC: thats god moding if you have 600+ ships in one fleet and are complaining about MB having 700 in 2 fleets.
Ok. Also, I'm double the size of MB, so I can have more ships than him. And, really, you didn't have to say that in such a snotty tone.
@MB: That attack tears holes in the space/time continum of several dimensions. AND YOU DON'T GET OUT! You don't jump out! You don't move out! It paralyzes ships with something like a huge freakin' gravity well! Also, I DON'T HAVE A FLAGSHIP, DAMNIT! Read my posts. I have never identified a flagship.
IC: Once more a huge ships appeared from Warpspace. In the form of a huge ball, it went in front of the GAE and Toop fleet. The impact of the barrage of the MB fleet hit the ball, with a force that it seemed like it would destroy it. Instead, the ball split in half, revealing a bright light stemming out the middle.
OThe light swept over the MB and 1010102 fleets. Hopefully, if the ball worked, it would send the fleets to another dimension. And, it worked perfectly. With the gravity well generators 1010102 was running, their fleets couldn't jump to save themselves. And if they somehow didn't get sent to another dimension, they would be transported using Asgard beam technology into the center of the local sun. However, if 1010102 could shut their gravity well generators off in the space of 30 seconds, it might be possible to jump far, far away.
OOC:Run 1010102, run! Note: It wasn't very smart to turn on your gravity well generators, now was it? Also, the ship sends out a psychic shield, somewhat invincible, like MBs super-uber-megatron shield. Also also, when I say worked perfectly, I mean no mechanical breakdowns, people doing something wrong, et cetera, et cetera.
13-06-2006, 05:42
14-06-2006, 05:03
Ok. Also, I'm double the size of MB, so I can have more ships than him. And, really, you didn't have to say that in such a snotty tone.
@MB: That attack tears holes in the space/time continum of several dimensions. AND YOU DON'T GET OUT! You don't jump out! You don't move out! It paralyzes ships with something like a huge freakin' gravity well! Also, I DON'T HAVE A FLAGSHIP, DAMNIT! Read my posts. I have never identified a flagship.
IC: Once more a huge ships appeared from Warpspace. In the form of a huge ball, it went in front of the GAE and Toop fleet. The impact of the barrage of the MB fleet hit the ball, with a force that it seemed like it would destroy it. Instead, the ball split in half, revealing a bright light stemming out the middle.
OThe light swept over the MB and 1010102 fleets. Hopefully, if the ball worked, it would send the fleets to another dimension. And, it worked perfectly. With the gravity well generators 1010102 was running, their fleets couldn't jump to save themselves. And if they somehow didn't get sent to another dimension, they would be transported using Asgard beam technology into the center of the local sun. However, if 1010102 could shut their gravity well generators off in the space of 30 seconds, it might be possible to jump far, far away.
OOC:Run 1010102, run! Note: It wasn't very smart to turn on your gravity well generators, now was it? Also, the ship sends out a psychic shield, somewhat invincible, like MBs super-uber-megatron shield. Also also, when I say worked perfectly, I mean no mechanical breakdowns, people doing something wrong, et cetera, et cetera.
Firstly I wont reply until you have replyed to my attack of Nova Torps , Nova Cannons , SuperLasers and all other assorted weapons , including the deadly suicide ships . All of which are capable of reducing 8 Planets to fine dust .
They don't remember YOU. They remember the ship types. They have met Imperial and Rebel ship archetypes before and know that they are just BRIMMING with human-kibble.
I am so sure. Don't be so sure that you're as powerful as you think. These guys... lets just say this is a slight lead in to a bigger rp. These guys have weapons that will mess you up six ways from sunday and no amount of sith alchemy will help you.
Now respond to my blasted attack. I hit you with enough shield-eating firepower to melt a very goodly portion of yer comparatively cruddy shielding.
Firstly I doubt your Lizards have the firepower to destroy a relatively big Imperial Fleet . Secondly if I am not wrong , the Shield was designed to have the power 4 to 5 times that of Coruscant't shields .
The 1010102 ships shut down the genoate while simitaniuosly powering up the hyperspace generators and jumped out system.
Mid jump the ships sent a message to the Mationbuds fleets:
We should fall back and regroup at toops so incase they attack there we can be ready.
14-06-2006, 07:30
IC :
Darth Bane stared in open space as the 1010102 fleet jumped to hyperspace . shortly later he received the message . He then replied :
"Acknowledged . We will meet you at the coordinates you provided ."
Then he turned to the Conn Officer :
"Jim , order our fleets to execute order number 5402 . Coordinates Zinc Copper Farer Height ."
"Aye aye sir ."
Then Conn Officer Jim spoke into the Fleet Hyperwave Transmitter
"All ships execute Order 5402 ."
At once all the Imperial Cruisers and Frigates began recalling their Starfighter Squadrons , which was completed soon and the ships jumped to hyperspace , while the Imperial Star Destroyers , Mon Calamari MC90 Star Cruisers , Invincible Class Star Destroyers , Twilek Class Motherships and a total of 6 Super Star Destroyers gave cover fire .
Once the smaller ships were safely evacuated , the bigger ships began recalling their starfighters and jumped to hyperspace , the Twilek Class Motherships the last to go after lowering their Magnatron Heavy Shield Web .
@GD and GAE : Still waiting for the damage I caused ...
Firstly I doubt your Lizards have the firepower to destroy a relatively big Imperial Fleet.
Yes they do. Numbers does not necessarily mean power. Compared to these guys your fleet is a bunch of sardine cans and just as easily opened up.
Secondly if I am not wrong , the Shield was designed to have the power 4 to 5times that of Coruscant't shields.
Godmod. If you keep trying this crap I WILL kill you.
Oh. And if I remember correctly you never shot at me. For the most part these critters (AND DON'T CALL THEM LIZARDS. THIS GROUP IS NOT MADE OF ONE RACE. I SAID THAT ALREADY. PAY ATTENTION) were IN your fleet so you should not have had any opportunity to enter even the most rudimentary fleet formations.
Report the bloody damage ya wanker.
15-06-2006, 02:33
The backlash from the psychic shield blocking the enourmous power of the MB fleet bombardment. Many of the positronic cores were knocked offline, many would ave to be replaced at a 20 billion dollars each. Fortunately, psychic backlashes did little to robotic ships.
OOC: Actually I think I'll change my guys somewhat before I clearly have them defined... You won't meet the Medurr first... You'll end up clashing with the Gardhyi... it'll be fuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnn...
15-06-2006, 18:16
Yes they do. Numbers does not necessarily mean power. Compared to these guys your fleet is a bunch of sardine cans and just as easily opened up.
Godmod. If you keep trying this crap I WILL kill you.
Oh. And if I remember correctly you never shot at me. For the most part these critters (AND DON'T CALL THEM LIZARDS. THIS GROUP IS NOT MADE OF ONE RACE. I SAID THAT ALREADY. PAY ATTENTION) were IN your fleet so you should not have had any opportunity to enter even the most rudimentary fleet formations.
Report the bloody damage ya wanker.
I think you're the wanker . I did shoot at you if you read carefully . When I ay I shot at your flagship , since you don't have one . Then I refer to your largest ship ot all your ships . So report the damage first ya wank-juice master .
Secondly , you cant just jump into my Magnatron Heavy Shield Web , that's godmodding ...
I think you're the wanker . I did shoot at you if you read carefully. When I ay I shot at your flagship , since you don't have one . Then I refer to your largest ship ot all your ships . So report the damage first ya wank-juice master .
You didn't shoot first. I hit YOU first, with weaponry that drains your shield strength and funnels the energy into sustaining the arc such that it gains power until the shield eventually collapses (would have sworn I mentioned this, if not I apologize and will modify the requisite post accordingly). Over the course of several minutes that it took your forces to 'realign' you would have suffered colossal shield damage, overloads out the wazoo, if not the entire collapse of the shield itself, to say nothing of the fact that very likely time would have been provided for the Externals to switch to anti-ship weapons and get in a few shots before formations were struck.
You see, the Externals are RP'd as retaining VAST technological superiority to make up for the low numbers of their vessels. They have weapons of respectively awesome power, shielding to match, and generalized stuff to club you over the head with. They can be beaten with sufficient levels of attrition, but it's VERY hard.
You see, a key issue here is that your movements take over the course of minutes, and during this time do you honestly expect the others to just stand there and gawk? No. Any movement during combat situations taking more than a minute would take at least two posts, one for the initiation and one for the completion, with opportunity given to all enemies to respond and countermove in the interbellum. In a combat situation, seconds seriously count, and its very important to consider that formation alterations taking place over several minutes is leaving you open to massive amounts of enemy fire.
Secondly , you cant just jump into my Magnatron Heavy Shield Web , that's godmodding ...
You having any kind of shielding four times as powerful as Coruscant's planetary shielding over your entire fleet is godmodding, so you have no ground to stand on whatsoever. However, since the External fleet was some distance away from yours at first and a few minutes would have needed to elapse in order to do so, I'll be a nice little bastard and show ya exactly how the Externals deal with forty Superlasers blasts among other things.
The strange ships gave no discernible reaction to the enemy counterfire as their arcs continued to sap power away from their shielding. For the most part it seemed as though the basic weapons such as Turbolasers slapped into some kind of wall some distance from the surface of each External ship.
As the Superlaser shots began to come, one by one, a strange grid-like plane formed to intercept the tremendous energy. Upon incidence with this strange field, the grids flashed momentarily before going completely black with some strange substance that dispersed immediately upon contact with the strange vessels' shields. Were space capable of relaying sound, this impact would have been punctuated with little more than a 'paf'.
While the larger vessels continued their shield-draining assault upon the Mationbuds fleet, the energy orbs around the smaller vessels changed color slightly, and arced out to wreak debilitation upon enemy fightercraft and anything that had even the slightest form of control apparatus. Fighters would be thrown for a loop as they tried to maintain control of their fighters. Torpedos and drones would detonate prematurely, swerve wildly out of control, or just go dead.
The few torpedos that managed to make it through these harrowing circumstances (none did, but some still managed to strike the ships) impacted the shielding with effects similar to the conventional fire.
(There is some shield damage, but I'm gonna go ahead and say that I ain't tellin' how much cuz there's really no indication to outside observers that the shield is under any strain at all.)
16-06-2006, 03:26
OOc: Toops hasn't posted in a long time. I'll TG him to see what thats about. No one please IC post until I find out what's going on.
OCC: i have been wonderin about why he hasn't come to post.
16-06-2006, 18:37
You didn't shoot first. I hit YOU first, with weaponry that drains your shield strength and funnels the energy into sustaining the arc such that it gains power until the shield eventually collapses (would have sworn I mentioned this, if not I apologize and will modify the requisite post accordingly). Over the course of several minutes that it took your forces to 'realign' you would have suffered colossal shield damage, overloads out the wazoo, if not the entire collapse of the shield itself, to say nothing of the fact that very likely time would have been provided for the Externals to switch to anti-ship weapons and get in a few shots before formations were struck.
You see, the Externals are RP'd as retaining VAST technological superiority to make up for the low numbers of their vessels. They have weapons of respectively awesome power, shielding to match, and generalized stuff to club you over the head with. They can be beaten with sufficient levels of attrition, but it's VERY hard.
You see, a key issue here is that your movements take over the course of minutes, and during this time do you honestly expect the others to just stand there and gawk? No. Any movement during combat situations taking more than a minute would take at least two posts, one for the initiation and one for the completion, with opportunity given to all enemies to respond and countermove in the interbellum. In a combat situation, seconds seriously count, and its very important to consider that formation alterations taking place over several minutes is leaving you open to massive amounts of enemy fire.
You having any kind of shielding four times as powerful as Coruscant's planetary shielding over your entire fleet is godmodding, so you have no ground to stand on whatsoever. However, since the External fleet was some distance away from yours at first and a few minutes would have needed to elapse in order to do so, I'll be a nice little bastard and show ya exactly how the Externals deal with forty Superlasers blasts among other things.
The strange ships gave no discernible reaction to the enemy counterfire as their arcs continued to sap power away from their shielding. For the most part it seemed as though the basic weapons such as Turbolasers slapped into some kind of wall some distance from the surface of each External ship.
As the Superlaser shots began to come, one by one, a strange grid-like plane formed to intercept the tremendous energy. Upon incidence with this strange field, the grids flashed momentarily before going completely black with some strange substance that dispersed immediately upon contact with the strange vessels' shields. Were space capable of relaying sound, this impact would have been punctuated with little more than a 'paf'.
While the larger vessels continued their shield-draining assault upon the Mationbuds fleet, the energy orbs around the smaller vessels changed color slightly, and arced out to wreak debilitation upon enemy fightercraft and anything that had even the slightest form of control apparatus. Fighters would be thrown for a loop as they tried to maintain control of their fighters. Torpedos and drones would detonate prematurely, swerve wildly out of control, or just go dead.
The few torpedos that managed to make it through these harrowing circumstances (none did, but some still managed to strike the ships) impacted the shielding with effects similar to the conventional fire.
(There is some shield damage, but I'm gonna go ahead and say that I ain't tellin' how much cuz there's really no indication to outside observers that the shield is under any strain at all.)
In my fleet I have 5 Twilek Class Motherships , each capable of generating a Corsucant Type Shield . Each ship is around 20 kilomatres . So when they add up they get the combined power .
And my shield does not use odinary ions , so your shield draining weaponary will have no effect . And you only replied to my Turbolaser fire . What about my millions of Torpedoes and Missiles added with Suicide Ships (2 capavle of blowing a ISD) and Ion Cannon barrage PLUS the Nova Cannon , Nova Torpedo and Superlaser shots ???
As the Superlaser shots began to come, one by one
The few torpedos that managed to make it through these harrowing circumstances (none did, but some still managed to strike the ships) impacted the shielding with effects similar to the conventional fire.
OCC: he only missed the ion cannons.
In my fleet I have 5 Twilek Class Motherships , each capable of generating a Corsucant Type Shield . Each ship is around 20 kilomatres . So when they add up they get the combined power .
Godmod. Also wank. Your fleet is too large to host the number of dreadnought type vessels you profess to have. You must not have listened to CW very well.
And my shield does not use odinary ions , so your shield draining weaponary will have no effect .
Silly boy. Who said anything about ions? I'm fairly certain *I* didn't. It doesn't matter what shield you use, these weapons will break it down in about a minute. They sap energy directly from the shielding, in turn funneling it back into weapon power, such that any shield is eventually overwhelmed, did I make any mention of how? I'm fairly certain I didn't.
As such: Yes... yes they WILL have an effect. Quite a great one in fact.
And you only replied to my Turbolaser fire . What about my millions of Torpedoes and Missiles added with Suicide Ships (2 capavle of blowing a ISD) and Ion Cannon barrage PLUS the Nova Cannon , Nova Torpedo and Superlaser shots ???
Ion Cannons dissipate against the shield just like turbolasers. Nova cannons do the same. Torpedos and drones go kersplat. Superlasers are ABSORBED.
17-06-2006, 02:53
OOC: Toops won't be posting again. He dropped out of his own thread. *Sighs*
To MationBud Imperial Fleet
Since Toops is out of action, how about a temporary cease fire to deal with these outsiders. We have reported that there are no life signs on the Toop ships, and when we went to investigate, it seemed as if there was no one aboard. So, truce?
OOC: Far as I can tell, the Mationbuds fleet had already left. We were just butting heads about damage dealt before he and binarycodeman bolted.
18-06-2006, 04:06
The GAE fleet surveyed the battle field. There was nothing left to do, so they went away. A few weeks later a probe went back into the system to see what was up.
OOc: Is anything up? Note: I am saying this based on the assumption that Mationbuds is gone.
OOC: Far as I can tell, the Mationbuds fleet had already left. We were just butting heads about damage dealt before he and binarycodeman bolted.
OCC: I want to come back i'm just regrouping. and it would be easier to type 1010102 than binarycodeman. just get it right. if anyone gets it wrong i will declare war.
IC: My force will stop his from leaving my system.(gravity wells)
OOC: Binarycodeman rolls off the tongue better.
Not much point to continuing the RP if the OP bolted.
OOC:Not much point to continuing the RP if the OP bolted.
ya lets just let it die.
18-06-2006, 21:04
OCC: I want to come back i'm just regrouping. and it would be easier to type 1010102 than binarycodeman. just get it right. if anyone gets it wrong i will declare war.
IC: My force will stop his from leaving my system.(gravity wells)
You left.
You left.
we fell back to one of my planets.
We should fall back and regroup at toops so incase they attack there we can be ready.
I sent that to the MB fleet.
he responed with this
"Acknowledged . We will meet you at the coordinates you provided ."
18-06-2006, 21:18
You have a planet in this solar system?
OCC:no i took over toops' orgianal home planet in the toops-1010102 War. i have fortified it and made it into a makor population ceter with 35% of my population living their.(i enslaved his population and sent it to a station where they are now in cryo sleep waiting to be sold. this is not in his orginal system if i remeber this is his new home.
18-06-2006, 22:03
OOc: Than your out of the system, and your gravity wells will have no effect.
OOc: Than your out of the system, and your gravity wells will have no effect.
OCC:we went to the same place. both of our fleets are in orbit around toops.
19-06-2006, 18:28
Godmod. Also wank. Your fleet is too large to host the number of dreadnought type vessels you profess to have. You must not have listened to CW very well.
Silly boy. Who said anything about ions? I'm fairly certain *I* didn't. It doesn't matter what shield you use, these weapons will break it down in about a minute. They sap energy directly from the shielding, in turn funneling it back into weapon power, such that any shield is eventually overwhelmed, did I make any mention of how? I'm fairly certain I didn't.
As such: Yes... yes they WILL have an effect. Quite a great one in fact.
Ion Cannons dissipate against the shield just like turbolasers. Nova cannons do the same. Torpedos and drones go kersplat. Superlasers are ABSORBED.
Thats totally bull**** . Superlasers cant be absorbed . They will obliterate your fleet . And it seems like you dont know what Nova Cannons and Nova Torps work and their damage , do you . Same goes for the Drones . So you expect not to take any damage ? Thats godmodding . If you do not respond properly , I will IGNORE .
Next , your so called shield busting weapon will be stopped right in its tracks by the Modified Dovin Basals , which would generate singularities to suck up your so called weapon .
19-06-2006, 18:45
OOC: Toops won't be posting again. He dropped out of his own thread. *Sighs*
To MationBud Imperial Fleet
Since Toops is out of action, how about a temporary cease fire to deal with these outsiders. We have reported that there are no life signs on the Toop ships, and when we went to investigate, it seemed as if there was no one aboard. So, truce?
OOC : I didnt drop out yet . I was just busy and couldnt post for quite a while .
IC :
To GAE Fleet
Excellent . For now we accept your truce . After we confirm with our 1010102 allies , we will then fully confirm the truce and a possible peace treaty .
To 1010102 Fleet
The GAE fleet has declared truce with us . Do you accept ?
OOC: Okay maybe not.
Thats totally bull**** . Superlasers cant be absorbed.
Yes they can. Be glad I ain't pitting you against the Godulans themselves or those suckers would be backfiring on you.
They will obliterate your fleet.
No they won't.
And it seems like you dont know what Nova Cannons and Nova Torps work and their damage , do you. Same goes for the Drones . So you expect not to take any damage?
Nova Torps went dead. Drones went dead. Nova cannons, if they're like superlasers, were similarly absorbed. Conventional fire got through dealing damage, though no outward sign is given as to how much the shields were stressed.
Thats godmodding . If you do not respond properly , I will IGNORE .
Your entire fleet is one big godmod. Just because you're in alliances with a few people does not mean that you can control their entire industrial might for your own ends. I suspect even TFU would have issues with that.
Next , your so called shield busting weapon will be stopped right in its tracks by the Modified Dovin Basals , which would generate singularities to suck up your so called weapon.
First, your vessels would have to generate multiple singularities to catch 'em all, which would weaken them and remove them from play very swiftly. Second, the arcs are random in their contact points and pathways, much like lightning, and would be difficult for the Basals to keep up with. Third, you don't have dovin basals, and if you do, Talaax is going to destroy you. And even inside of all that, the Arcs drain energy from the singularities too.
he has dovin bassals.
No he doesn't. Talaax went through and removed them himself. If MB still has Dovin Basals, then he has broken the agreement between himself and the Yuuzhan Vong and... well... pain will result with the violation.
Feh. I'm just gonna retcon my entire presence in this thing. Ain't much point since Toops bolted. I knew I'd regret coming anywhere near this one. I was really up for doing a good long fight RP too. But nooooooooo...
OOC : I didnt drop out yet . I was just busy and couldnt post for quite a while .
IC :
To GAE Fleet
Excellent . For now we accept your truce . After we confirm with our 1010102 allies , we will then fully confirm the truce and a possible peace treaty .
To 1010102 Fleet
The GAE fleet has declared truce with us . Do you accept ?
Yes we accept
Hyperspatial Travel
20-06-2006, 08:15
As a generally nice, kind, and friendly person, I've decided to come through and give this little topic my spin on this. Well, my reasoning is more to do with Mationbuds's idiocy, but that's hardly the issue at hand here. Oh, wait, it is the issue at hand here. My bad.
And it seems like you dont know what Nova Cannons and Nova Torps work and their damage , do you
Same goes for the Drones . So you expect not to take any damage ? Thats godmodding . If you do not respond properly , I will IGNORE .
What, you mean Godular, the guy who could quite easily make you look like an idiot, a pathetic excuse for a human being, and an illiterate all at the same time, as well as having developed his countermeasures using both good writing and a decent pinch of science in order to specifically counter things like this can't beat you?! You mean your one-line posts with shit-all description and absolutely no scientific reasoning behind how your weapons work can't beat his brilliantly characterised and designed ships?! Oh, the humanity!
Thats totally bull**** . Superlasers cant be absorbed . They will obliterate your fleet .
Superlasers can be absorbed easily. Anti-superlaser technology has been around for ages. I mean, Star Wars basically pioneered sci-fi where people actually fought with enough lack of realism to make it fun to write. Since half the noobs (and a few good writers, admittedly) use SW tech, countering it is something that can be done with ease. And with your wanky command of it, people are going to assume your ships are made of pink tissue paper. Or maybe just white tissue paper. You probably couldn't afford the pink.
Next , your so called shield busting weapon will be stopped right in its tracks by the Modified Dovin Basals , which would generate singularities to suck up your so called weapon .
Let me give you a hint. Go back to school. Re-enroll. And this time, pay attention during science instead of slacking off and drawing phalluses in your book and laughing at them. Or if you're in the middle of doing said slacking/drawing interaction at school, why don't you start paying attention? Who knows, a bit of science could help you dramatically.
22-06-2006, 02:07
Hyperspatial, shut the fuck up. His ships don't have to be brilliantly discribed, this is one of those 10 gazillion ship threads and the ships all fire at once and kill the shit out of each other. It doesn't matter. Godular is also dropping out.
To all MB and 1010102 ships:
It is decided then. Hey, where did they go? It doesn't matter. I suggest a meeting place. Any suggestions?
Hyperspatial Travel
22-06-2006, 08:40
Hyperspatial, shut the fuck up. His ships don't have to be brilliantly discribed, this is one of those 10 gazillion ship threads and the ships all fire at once and kill the shit out of each other. It doesn't matter. Godular is also dropping out.
Ohhhh! You mean one of those shit RP threads? Never mind me, the presence of Godular made me think differently. My most sincere apologies in thinking otherwise.
I had hoped there would be some actual skill involved, rather than clumps of kiddies going I shot you no I shot you no I shot you and so on. And why are the rest of the 'participants' still posting? If the OP bolted, then there's no reason for any of you lot to stick around.
Seeing how Mationbuds and G&E behaved, I can understand why Toops DID bolt.
23-06-2006, 00:58
OOc: Ignore Godular and the other asshole, they just clog up the forum.
Hyperspatial Travel
23-06-2006, 08:01
OOc: Ignore Godular and the other asshole, they just clog up the forum.
I know, our adjectives and (gasp!) lengthy descriptions, not to mention punctuation destroy Jolt's bandwidth! I am most utterly ashamed!
OOc: Ignore Godular and the other asshole, they just clog up the forum.
Now now, no need for flaming. If you don't want to listen when I'm trying to help (however gruff my 'advice' might be), that's your prerogative, and also your loss.
The 5th Alliance
23-06-2006, 08:36
-"Hey chief, the initial target of observation seems to have vanished. The unknown power is gone, too, and we're getting readings on a temporal anomaly of some sort."-
-"What was that about some unknown power?"-
-"Eh? I didn't say anything about an unknown power."-
For a moment there was puzzled silence as the last traces of visit by the Externals to this battlefield vanished from history. Then,
-"Anyway, looks like this is going to boil down to just another petty squabble. Maybe not even that."-
-"Not much point in sticking around waiting to see if we're needed, then. Drop a probe, just in case anything interesting turns up, and head out of there."-
-"As you say, Chief. On our way."-
The largest of the ships released a small observation device, and then all five promptly vanished into space.
OOC: Yeah, ignoring respected players is always useful and informative...
24-06-2006, 03:25
I thought this thread wasn't good enough to bother with your mighty RPing abilities, though from what I've seen of your two-three IC posts, Godular, you kinda suck. And made an ass of yourself. Hyperspatial Travel has only whinned, bitched and worshiped Godular so far, so he's an ass, and the 5th Alliance just made an ass of himself, so, congrats, you're all asses.
Hyperspatial Travel
24-06-2006, 03:40
Calling me a beast of burden, unfortunately, especially coming from someone with your level of.. ineptitude, isn't really going to insult me. However, if you'd care to try something innovative, or at least mildly amusing, I'd be more than willing to let you.
thhat is it this has broken down into a flamefest and petty squabling.give me one reason i shouldn't go and get this locked.
24-06-2006, 05:20
There really isn't any, although I would like to follow up on that truce that could turn into an alliance, but if Godular and HT left, we wouldn't have any trouble. but it doesn't really matter, but if you would like to go for that alliance, that would be fine.
24-06-2006, 09:10
Oh my gosh . I seriously think that Godular overestimates his power . I know that anti-laser aerosols have been around for quite a while . But I'm not just referring to normal lasers , I'm talking about superlasers . As for my Dovin Basals , they are copied from the Yuuzhan Vong and modified to suit our purposes . They have almost the same properties that the original Dovin Basals have PLUS additional stuff I added . I couldnt find any other name so I decided to call them Dovin Basals too .
IC :
Reply to GAE Fleet
"Excellent . Our ally 1010102 has agreed to it . Your fleet may send a representative or the whole fleet may come to the coordinates 10:12:15 in the Koornacht Cluster ."
Operating under flawed assumptions of superiority when I am trying to instill in you a grasp of the concept of balance. I am sorry that this will cause you much pain in the future if and when you ever find yourself facing off against other longtime RPers.
There really isn't any, although I would like to follow up on that truce that could turn into an alliance, but if Godular and HT left, we wouldn't have any trouble. but it doesn't really matter, but if you would like to go for that alliance, that would be fine.
So you want an alliance? That would be just fine.
25-06-2006, 04:31
Good. Shall we start a new thread or continue on this one?
Good. Shall we start a new thread or continue on this one?
just keep it here.
so who would it be? you, MB, and me? maybe a three way pact like the WW2 axis of evil but not being to eil or what?
25-06-2006, 05:15
Yeah, three way pact, if it's okeyed by MB.
Yeah, three way pact, if it's okeyed by MB.
If you make the pact with me it makes MB part of it to because of the alliance between us. the whole the friend of my friend thing right?
25-06-2006, 05:23
Their are certian atvatages to being a close ally to my nation, such as the Lemuria class battle station. Only four have ever been built exculding the 1/5 scale working protype. 2 are in service in my navy and 2 in MB's. I would of course built 2 for you to be fair.
Lemuria class battle station
Width 25 miles across
Height 5 miles (from tip of bottom engine pod to tip of highest tower)
Crew 500,000
Hyper drive class 3
10000 drone weapon launchers
250 Mega drone launchers
750 heavy turbolasers
300 medium turbolasers
5,000 quad laser turrets
Docking bays
any ship up to 2500 meters long and 750 meters wide
Hangar bays
4 squadrons each
planetary stregth
Power supply
10 Zero point modules(ZPM)
Transportation systems
MRK III Teleoporter grid
Other Equipment
Drone and Mega drone Factories.all resources are stored on board.
6 Gravity Wells
24 Tractor beams
Mega drone launchers
Larger and more powerful than standard drone weapons. Normal drones are 1 meter long while the mega drones are 4 meters long. They are 10 times more powerful.
25-06-2006, 05:49
Thay are certain advantages to have an alliance with me too. Remember that giant ball thingy? Dimensional technology will become yours.
shoul we make a region for it? of couse password protect it. then there we make our lans for galatic domination! mu-hahahahahahahahahaha.
sorry don't know what came over me there but e would deal with threats between our nations. we could induct new members and make it like a real alliance.
25-06-2006, 06:02
That doesn't sound half-bad.
I made a region for it.
Tri Party FT Alliance (http://www.nationstates.net/92805/page=display_region/region=tri_party_ft_alliance)
I will pasword protect it once everyone is moved in.
well are you gonna move your nation to the region or what?
25-06-2006, 06:19
I did. Check the region messages.
26-06-2006, 07:48
Well , now I have other responsibilities to take care of the 2 other nations in my Mationbuds Galactic Empire region . However I will agree to the 3 party alliance and will actively participate in any alliance activities and events , except being in the alliance region . We will also pledge to assist should the region come under assult . The Imperial Moffs Council actually voted to join the alliance region . But the Imperial Military Council led by Darth Bane , the Second in Command or Vice Supreme Commander vetoed the vote .
However both Councils led by Darth Matter , the Emperor have not ruled out eventually joining the Tri-Party Alliance Region at a later date .
Your's Sincerely ,
Darth Bane , Vice-Supreme Commander of the Imperial Army and Vice-Chairman of the Imperial Military Council .
Officially endorsed by :
-Darth Matter , Emperor of the Galactic Empire of Mationbuds , Supreme Commander of Imperial Army and Chairman of the Imperial Military Council and Imperial Moffs Council .
-Imperial Moffs Council : All 12 Moffs and 3 Grand Moffs
-Imperial Military Council : All 6 Grand Admirals , 12 Admirals and 20 Rear-Admirals
OCC:May I send a puppet to your region to be used to convey all allance matters to your region directly?(Its a little smaller than me. you may use its millitary to defend the region and thats it.)
27-06-2006, 07:35
OCC:May I send a puppet to your region to be used to convey all allance matters to your region directly?(Its a little smaller than me. you may use its millitary to defend the region and thats it.)
Accepted . I will have mailed your puppet the regional password . And I will add it to my Empire map .
29-06-2006, 18:52
So, when do we start conquering?
as soon as we find someone to attack.
29-06-2006, 19:02
Hmm, I'll check out that map.
Imperial Brits
29-06-2006, 19:11
OOC: 1010102 You are now an enemy of the Shivan Imperium. Check your TG's.
I advise all of his allies to flee his side, lest you too wish to fall in combat...
OOC: 1010102 You are now an enemy of the Shivan Imperium. Check your TG's.
I advise all of his allies to flee his side, lest you too wish to fall in combat...
you might as well declare war on the galaxy for using FTL tech.
Imperial Brits
29-06-2006, 19:22
you might as well declare war on the galaxy for using FTL tech.
Already did old boy about one RL year ago. Anyway please stay posted for a thread. Since you lack MSN I thought I would give you a kindly heads up.
Already did old boy about one RL year ago. Anyway please stay posted for a thread. Since you lack MSN I thought I would give you a kindly heads up.
I have it i just don't give it out on here.
Imperial Brits
29-06-2006, 19:49
Oh you understand so little. The Shivans exist within subspace; yours and the human races consistent manipulation of the realm is harming my race significantly. I will ICly attack; you can Roleplay or you can ignore it.
I have watched you Roleplay throughout these forums and you rather rampantly go to war without reason. The Shivans have significant reason. They detest humanity. They detest those that use any form of subsapce technology. And they wish to exterminate everything that is not them. Pleanty of reason to go to war. If you don't believe Imperialism is a good enough excuse then perhaps you will ignore yourself as well?
You can either accept this and Roleplay, or I will Roleplay the death of your homeworld, nation, race and entire civilisation. To roleplay as an Empire old boy means you must also accept that there are bigger fish in the pond.
People will accept this attack. I hold significant sway within Nationstates; to ignore me will result in many people refusing to Roleplay with you.
Oh you understand so little. The Shivans exist within subspace; yours and the human races consistent manipulation of the realm is harming my race significantly. I will ICly attack; you can Roleplay or you can ignore it.
I have watched you Roleplay throughout these forums and you rather rampantly go to war without reason. The Shivans have significant reason. They detest humanity. They detest those that use any form of subsapce technology. And they wish to exterminate everything that is not them. Pleanty of reason to go to war. If you don't believe Imperialism is a good enough excuse then perhaps you will ignore yourself as well?
You can either accept this and Roleplay, or I will Roleplay the death of your homeworld, nation, race and entire civilisation. To roleplay as an Empire old boy means you must also accept that there are bigger fish in the pond.
People will accept this attack. I hold significant sway within Nationstates; to ignore me will result in many people refusing to Roleplay with you.
fine but let me gather allies before respoding
30-06-2006, 02:44
I've gotten your call for help. Is it okay if I use the sphere thingy? It's the deadliest weapon I have, and, in conjunction with your Gravity Wells, is nigh unstoppable.
I've gotten your call for help. Is it okay if I use the sphere thingy? It's the deadliest weapon I have, and, in conjunction with your Gravity Wells, is nigh unstoppable.
OCC: Just so you know i TGed Unified Sith to bring as much of the GE as he can. I realy hope he comes to our aid.
30-06-2006, 05:30
if he doesn't i will get Mb to get some of the other GE members to help.
yes that would be just about unstopable.
30-06-2006, 14:47
Hyperspatial Travel
02-07-2006, 00:59
Oh, this is funny. Let me give you a wee hint, Mationbuds. IB = US. Do the math, or not-math, as it is.
Hyperspatial Travel
02-07-2006, 08:12
I think I'm going to wet myself through laughing. That was the best, and funniest call I've heard all year, 1010102. Good one!
03-07-2006, 08:11
I will defend my allies but I am not at war with US .
IC :
The Galactic Empire of Mationbuds officially condemns such provocative speech by Imperial Brits and issues a ultimatum to cease such provocative actions and withdraw whatever plans or armies that you have readied . If not , we will be forced to be drawn into the war at our allies's side .
We will also hereby pledge to assist our ally 1010102 should Imperial Brits continue such provocative speech or any signs of pre-military actions .
Your's Sincerely ,
Darth Bane , Grand Adviser to the Emperor and Grand Admiral .
06-07-2006, 01:17
Oh, this is funny. Let me give you a wee hint, Mationbuds. IB = US. Do the math, or not-math, as it is.
What the hell is US?
Hyperspatial Travel
06-07-2006, 01:31
My, my. So rude. I'll leave you to find out on your own, after all, experience is one of the greatest teachers.
06-07-2006, 01:54
Wow, you egomaniacal basterd.
Hyperspatial Travel
06-07-2006, 05:43
What an absolutely abysmal comeback. Try again, won't you? And maybe this time use spelling and grammar? They're two of your best friends if you treat them right, you know.
06-07-2006, 07:00
Even if both are the same , I'm sure he wouldnt puppet wank to bring in Unified Sith into the battle . And I have close ties with US but this is the first time I came upon Imperial Brits .
oh damn so you mean Brits= Sith?
07-07-2006, 21:24
US stands for United Sith, doesn't it? Hmm, I just figured that out.
10-07-2006, 02:16
BUMPer sticker