British Revolution Rp Sign-up
01-06-2006, 00:10
'Lo there chaps! (Starts talking American) I'm about to start an rp. It takes place in the year 2016 where there is a revolution of the current government in the U.K. Anyway, this is who I will be:
Name: Winston Buckingham
Age: 22
Height: 6’0”
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Green
Gender: Male
Misc: Leads the revolution in Great Britain of overthrowing the crown and proclaiming Great Britain as the Greater Republic of Britain. He is elected President General of Britain after the revolution and begins making ambitions to modernize Britain to make it more technologically advanced than America and more of an economic powerhouse by no longer relying on tourism.
I can tell there are American patriots out there who would like nothing more then to kick her royal highness's butt! Here is your chance, unless of course you would like to play as loyalists and attempt to save her and the House of Lords.
Overall Possible players:
Revolutionists who take over the Parliament and de-throne the monarchy
Loyalists loyal to the monarchy
Nations who wish to help either side
If you want any other type, please let me know.
Brazilam: Winston Buckingham
Abassia: Sir James Halifax
Kulikovo: ???
Xandabia: Sir Alexander Jamieson KT
Aust: Mayor Richardson
Krytenia: Daniel Platt
The USA-: ???
Taralkea: A guy who controls the underside of Britain
Animarina: The Republic of France
Tilean Free States: Captain Peter Franklin
No_State_At_All: Andy Smith
Franberry: The Republic of Argentina
Raymuna: The United States of America
Cherry Ridge: The Republic of Ireland
Zelron: The Republic of India
Biotopia: Canada
Grillon Verte
01-06-2006, 21:02
Interesting RP idea what will happen to Ireland, Wales, Scotland, Gibralter, Isle of Man and the Channel Isles, etc...? Will you be seeking to reunite the entire isles? Are you going to be having a "friendly" America...<cough> supporter of the coup? or will this be indigenious jingoism?
01-06-2006, 21:12
I am interested in the rp idea. I will post a character later.
01-06-2006, 21:27
Name: Sir James Halifax
Age: 40
Hair: Grey
Gender: Male
Misc: The Mysterious Personal secretary to the Crown, known as "The Old Chap", specialises in handling affairs which require a more subtle approach, holds many contacts both legal and otherwise. A fervent Royalist and Monarchist who believes in the restoration of the Monarchy, but not by force, rather with popular support through showing the strength of the monarchy.
Prefers to fill the role of an assistant rather than a leader, although he often takes the initiative and hands the credit to his superior, be the results good or bad. Currently aligned with the leadership of the Loyalists and takes orders directly from them.
03-06-2006, 17:24
Interesting RP idea what will happen to Ireland, Wales, Scotland, Gibralter, Isle of Man and the Channel Isles, etc...? Will you be seeking to reunite the entire isles? Are you going to be having a "friendly" America...<cough> supporter of the coup? or will this be indigenious jingoism?
My goal will be to reunite the isles by taking the rest of Ireland and all other provinces that break away after the coup. All citizens or even tourists of different nationalities are welcome to join in the rebellion. By the way, what's indigenious jingoism?
03-06-2006, 19:21
Sir Alexander Jamieson KT (order of the Thistle)
Secretary to the Royal Company of Archers (The Queen's Ceremonial Bodyguard in Scotland)
Military background(Blackwatch and then various Special Forces units) before becoming member of Edinburgh Establishment and founding successful fund management business. Has served at Holyrood as an MSP and local councillor.
Stuanchly loyal to her majesty and will use any influence he can to preserve her and the Union against all enemies.
in·dig·e·nous (ĭn-dĭj'ə-nəs) adj.
1. Originating and living or occurring naturally in an area or environment. See synonyms at native.
2. Intrinsic; innate.
jin·go·ism (jĭng'gō-ĭz'əm) n.
Extreme nationalism characterized especially by a belligerent foreign policy; chauvinistic patriotism.
In other word CRAZY PATRIOTS!
You see how this combination can turn very very dark?
The Aeson
04-06-2006, 01:16
What are the revolutionaries ideals? Besides getting rid of the Queen I mean.
04-06-2006, 16:36
What are the revolutionaries ideals? Besides getting rid of the Queen I mean.
To turn the land of Britain into a militaristic, economic powerhouse by any means neccessary. The revolution calls for the deposition of the monarchy because they are extremely wealthy and not willing to surrender their luxrious lifestyles.
04-06-2006, 16:44
Name: Daniel Platt (a.k.a. Danny Vomit)
Age: 38
Hair: Red (dyed, natural blonde)
Eyes: Blue (sometimes wears yellow contacts)
Gender: Male
Hometown: Aylesbury, Bucks
Misc: Fomer anarchic rocker with punk band "The Sick Buckets", Platt has used his creative talents to fund the nascent revolution, penning propoganda songs and films from his Home Counties bolthole.
The USA-
04-06-2006, 16:51
This sounds interesting. I may post a character later.
Intresting...I presume that other palces can break away, in that case:
Name: Mayor Richardson
Age: 34
Hair: Black
Eyes: Hazel
Gender: Male
Hometown: St Helier, Jersey
Misc: Elected as Mayor of Jersey and the Channel Islands in 2010 and has basically ruled the Islands ever since. Like many Islanders he balives that Islands should breakway from all control from Parliment and form there own nation.
06-06-2006, 02:28
bump (Or as they say in Britain, "Bumpy")
06-06-2006, 03:53
oooh *grins* maybe I can be France? try and Infulance the channel islands to 'diplomatically' become part of france? >>;
If you know any Channel Island history it'll be a struggle. The Germans didn't enjoy it!
06-06-2006, 17:55
Hey, can I join this as a guy who controls the underside of Britain (Assasans, theives and the like) to help whichever side is willing to pay more?
06-06-2006, 23:46
Hey, can I join this as a guy who controls the underside of Britain (Assasans, theives and the like) to help whichever side is willing to pay more?
Sure thing.
06-06-2006, 23:48
oooh *grins* maybe I can be France? try and Infulance the channel islands to 'diplomatically' become part of france? >>;
Now this sounds interesting. Sure thing, you're on.
07-06-2006, 04:02
Cool, thanks
07-06-2006, 04:41
Erm... is this set before or after the actual revolution?
it'll affect my character...
07-06-2006, 16:58
Erm... is this set before or after the actual revolution?
it'll affect my character...
This is set before the revolution.
When are we starting.
And just to say that the Channel Islands, espacally Jersey, are riddled with tunnels and fortifications from the German occupation. Hitler had a mad idea that he could last for years there and transported over 10,000 slave workers to buid defenses, including a udnerground hosptial, a network of tunnels linking thousands of pillboxes and lot of other stuff.
Tilean Free States
07-06-2006, 19:11
Hope it's not to late to join
Name: Cpt Peter Franklin
Age: 36
Hair: Black
Eyes: Grey
Gender: Male
Hometown: London, England
Misc: Not a monarchist as such he leads a small group of ex-soldiers against the newly formed Republic. These men just want to see the norm returned to England. It's not that they want the Monarchy reformed as such but they sure as hell don't want Britain to be a Republic.
07-06-2006, 19:27
We don't plan on Ivading :) we plan on using Diplomacy to sway the islands with insentives >> which would probably piss off Militaristic Blighty and start a war ^_^
We don't plan on Ivading :) we plan on using Diplomacy to sway the islands with insentives >> which would probably piss off Militaristic Blighty and start a war ^_^
If the channel islands want to be inderpendent then why would they want your incentives.
In other news Jersey-French will becoe the islands offical language if/when it becomes inderpendent. Seeing as there are only 12 or 13 people alive who can speak it fluently (I can manage about 6 words) this could pose a problem.
Hey, I would like to join this...if it isn't already too late.
I would like to be the United States. I have my own ideas for the US as well.
This looks pretty sweet.
07-06-2006, 23:09
assuming i'm not too late...
Name: Andy Smith
Age: 43
Hair: Black, close cut.
Eyes: One green, one yellow.
Gender: Male
Hometown: Not a town as such... The village of Westward ho! (the only known place name with an exclamation mark in the world afaik)
Misc: Retired SBS team leader, now living on his small farm in the depths of wales, staunch royalist and opposition of rupublicanism.
Notes: He's a talented leader of men, and a great rabble-rouser, he just hates to be in charge. planned storyline would be to collect a militia from wales, and throw the republicans out of wales and the south-west, then march on london.
07-06-2006, 23:11
oooh *grins* maybe I can be France? try and Infulance the channel islands to 'diplomatically' become part of france? >>;
Could I be Argentina? I'd play a similar tune to this, but in another area of the world
*eyes the Malvinas* (Thats the Falklands for you imperialist scum)
07-06-2006, 23:12
OOC: you know the loyal people of the falklands would fight you... might escalate that bit and/or draw in a re-unified britain against you. :p
07-06-2006, 23:15
OOC: you know the loyal people of the falklands would fight you... might escalate that bit and/or draw in a re-unified britain against you. :p
OOC: Or maybe, if I just leave the locals alone (like, not force them to drive the proper way) they wont make as big a fuss, and with France invading them, and a revolution on their hands, there is a much larger chance of victory than in '82.
07-06-2006, 23:29
OOC: true. it'll all come down to if you can get control quietly and entrench yourself before the battle-hardened Royalist force comes and steps on you after annhilitaing the republicans at home. shouldnt take long... :p
08-06-2006, 02:22
When are we starting.
Won't start anytime soon. I need more characters (Maybe 10-15 more or so and when the others decide what they would like their characters to be). I made a mistake last time of only having fourteen characters and it didn't go so well.
08-06-2006, 09:59
Can i have a 2nd character to help to defend the Falklands? Last time 80 Royal Marines armed with nothing heavier than a light machine did pretty well and the garrison is larger now.
Can i have a 2nd character to help to defend the Falklands? Last time 80 Royal Marines armed with nothing heavier than a light machine did pretty well and the garrison is larger now.
That was a joke yes? The Argentinian wiped the floor with that tiny garrison... now however with the possible oil and the last war... it might be different. Especially with the build up since the "Little Southern War" Sheep and honour. The Argies should have just negotiated that one... like Hong Kong and China or <cough> Malta, canada, india, etc...
Won't start anytime soon. I need more characters (Maybe 10-15 more or so and when the others decide what they would like their characters to be). I made a mistake last time of only having fourteen characters and it didn't go so well.
Yopu want to start it soon or people will lose intrest, usually 8 or 9 people who post regually is enouigh, let people join as it goes on.
08-06-2006, 16:52
That was a joke yes? The Argentinian wiped the floor with that tiny garrison... now however with the possible oil and the last war... it might be different. Especially with the build up since the "Little Southern War" Sheep and honour. The Argies should have just negotiated that one... like Hong Kong and China or <cough> Malta, canada, india, etc...
Funny that's not quite how I remember it but then maybe Newsround wasn't quite as impartial as I may have been lead to believe.
Cherry Ridge
08-06-2006, 17:34
This seems interesting. I think I'll be taking Ireland and the IRA. We can say the Irish government secretly unified all the IRAs, and is allowing them to be the official non-conventional Irish army in war against Britain to free Northern Ireland.
08-06-2006, 18:21
Now all we need is someone to play the Loyalist faction in Northern ireland
08-06-2006, 18:24
Funny that's not quite how I remember it but then maybe Newsround wasn't quite as impartial as I may have been lead to believe.
Never belive the media
the garrison was quickly taken care of, but they did cause a few casualties
There is now a larger garrsion at an airport that was built after the war, shoudl be tougher than last time, but a few hundred wont stop a determined attack
08-06-2006, 19:23
As far as i can tell from a quick bit of internet research they took most of a day to be overwhelmed... and these were royal marines, they are and were some of the best fighting men on the planet. but anyway, its true a large enough force would overwhelm any defence a few hundred men could put up. but if its a well-positioned defensive location, the attackers could take horrific casualties trying to take it...
oh, and yeah, start it now, theres pretty much enough people.
08-06-2006, 19:34
As far as i can tell from a quick bit of internet research they took most of a day to be overwhelmed... and these were royal marines, they are and were some of the best fighting men on the planet. but anyway, its true a large enough force would overwhelm any defence a few hundred men could put up. but if its a well-positioned defensive location, the attackers could take horrific casualties trying to take it...
oh, and yeah, start it now, theres pretty much enough people.
Or they could bomb the crap out of it, (the base, not the urban area) and take the ruins with relatively small ones
08-06-2006, 19:49
Or they could bomb the crap out of it, (the base, not the urban area) and take the ruins with relatively small ones
If there isnt any AA capability... I suppose a missile spam would still flatten it, but then, guerrila war from royal marines (the survivors) is fun...
08-06-2006, 20:01
If there isnt any AA capability... I suppose a missile spam would still flatten it, but then, guerrila war from royal marines (the survivors) is fun...
meh, survivors, hunt them down like dogs, dont think anyone would survive the bombing and the following attack
but im nto gonna go too far itno the strategy here, but I will give you one thing, I wont attack straight away
Is there an IC thread yet?
08-06-2006, 20:23
Can i have a 2nd character to help to defend the Falklands? Last time 80 Royal Marines armed with nothing heavier than a light machine did pretty well and the garrison is larger now.
Okay, what should I list them as?
08-06-2006, 20:25
Yopu want to start it soon or people will lose intrest, usually 8 or 9 people who post regually is enouigh, let people join as it goes on.
Well, okay then. I'll just get the thread started. Just be sure to post on there when its up and do so whenever possible.
08-06-2006, 20:34
There is now an IC thread you guys can post on.
09-06-2006, 21:59
11-06-2006, 03:48
13-06-2006, 23:08
You know you want to depose the monarchy.....
The blessed Chris
13-06-2006, 23:18
Name: Sheldon Chorley-Buckworth Fry
Age: 26
Height: 6’5''
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Gender: Male
Misc: Aristocratic counter-revolutionary, owning vast tracts of land in northern England, and whose tenuous royal connections allow him to declare himself as the new monarch of Britain. Conjecturally bank-rolled by royal family of Monte Carlo, and with connections to several para-militray organisations.
13-06-2006, 23:41
Erm... I think the sucession will be fine without your character... could lead to interesting division in the Royalists tho.Oh, and as I dont think we have an OOC thread yet i'll put this here: Can someone do something that'll get my character involved please. As far as he knows the republicans are all talk and no act. One of the ex-military people might have had contact with an SBS guy... Not that its common or anything, but...
The blessed Chris
13-06-2006, 23:45
Erm... I think the sucession will be fine without your character... could lead to interesting division in the Royalists tho.Oh, and as I dont think we have an OOC thread yet i'll put this here: Can someone do something that'll get my character involved please. As far as he knows the republicans are all talk and no act. One of the ex-military people might have had contact with an SBS guy... Not that its common or anything, but...
OOC: It won't be. I'm leading a republican militia in the north, with a view to flanking the republicans at London. However, the notion of a division is cool.
IC: Chroley-Buckworth Fry directs his aide to write to (no-state-at-all), suggesting a conference.
I would like to play as the Republic of India.
13-06-2006, 23:55
IC: Chroley-Buckworth Fry directs his aide to write to (no-state-at-all), suggesting a conference.
Erm.. do it on the IC thread, and possibly with more detail. My guy is only a humble farmer (in wales) right now, and no offence, but very few aristocrats know of the SBS's continued existence, let alone have contact with its operatives. So you cant really know who my guy is. Oh, and hes fanatically loyal to the crown, so you'd never be able to trust him if he happened to end up on your team.
The blessed Chris
13-06-2006, 23:57
Erm.. do it on the IC thread, and possibly with more detail. My guy is only a humble farmer (in wales) right now, and no offence, but very few aristocrats know of the SBS's continued existence, let alone have contact with its operatives. So you cant really know who my guy is. Oh, and hes fanatically loyal to the crown, so you'd never be able to trust him if he happened to end up on your team.
I did mention paramilitray connections no?
14-06-2006, 00:08
OOC: Still. The SAS i'd accept without question. The SBS, however, have managed to keep their existence secret for a long time. Ah well. If you have a plausible way to find an ex-member hiding in a different name, i'll accept it.
The blessed Chris
14-06-2006, 00:10
OOC: Still. The SAS i'd accept without question. The SBS, however, have managed to keep their existence secret for a long time. Ah well. If you have a plausible way to find an ex-member hiding in a different name, i'll accept it.
OOC: Indeed. Perhaps you kicked him out for some reason, and I hired him?
14-06-2006, 00:17
Just so you know... in 2006... GB isnt reliant on tourism (it helps, but not reliant) and is more technologically advanced than the US (the US army and many major european forces use weapons and technology developed in britain)
From a real point of view... Giving MORE control of the countries to the goverment, ISNT a good idea, the queen does her work so that they dont have complete control. The taxes they slap on us are enough... if they had COMPLETE control.... tax on air consumption, tax on space-takenup-by body mass...etc.... could happen!
I do hope you know that is mostly inaccurate, GreatBritain. Unless you can back that information up. Because there is no damn way the U.S. is under the UK in technological terms.
Millitaryly I wouldn't be suprised if the Uk's ahead, certainly the SBs/SAS and widly thought to be the most advanced and well trained special forces in the world. British troops are also better trained and equipped than there American counterparts.
The diffrence, of course, is the size of the armys-and the US airforce is better than Britians. Britians real millitary strength lies in our special forces and hgihly trained army, our navy and airforce are reltivly weak
15-06-2006, 19:03
OOC: not so much... Up until recently our navy was one of the best in the world. now its not really, mostly because some idiots have gotten rid of all the trained people who carry out field repairs, so the minute a ship is shot to bits, its got to be sent home, rather than patched up and fighting on. And the airforce is still great. believe it when I say the eurofighter (although ugly) is the most technologically advanced combat aircraft in the world. The rest of our airborne forces are becoming out-dated, but are still better than most of what they come up against. anywho...
My guy is ex-SBS cos he got too old. Not becuase he did anything wrong...
OOC: not so much... Up until recently our navy was one of the best in the world. now its not really, mostly because some idiots have gotten rid of all the trained people who carry out field repairs, so the minute a ship is shot to bits, its got to be sent home, rather than patched up and fighting on. And the airforce is still great. believe it when I say the eurofighter (although ugly) is the most technologically advanced combat aircraft in the world. The rest of our airborne forces are becoming out-dated, but are still better than most of what they come up against. anywho...
My guy is ex-SBS cos he got too old. Not becuase he did anything wrong...
The problem is size, we are becomeing outdated as well, the HArrier is no longer the cutting edge of technology, but we'd be overwealmed in a war.
16-06-2006, 09:59
God all the characters in this have such American sounding names. Try harder guys.
16-06-2006, 12:58
No they dont mr random n00b. Now go away and get some experience of life before you try to roleplay anywhere near me.
God all the characters in this have such American sounding names. Try harder guys.
Strangly enough Americans speak English adn most American names are decended from English ones.
18-06-2006, 12:25
Am I the only UK-based rplayer in this RP? Where is everyone else from?
Am I the only UK-based rplayer in this RP? Where is everyone else from?
The Wild of Yorkshire mon!
18-06-2006, 14:21
I’ll be Canada if that displeases no-one.
18-06-2006, 17:19
Am I the only UK-based rplayer in this RP? Where is everyone else from?
18-06-2006, 18:14
I thought so
18-06-2006, 18:17
The Wild of Yorkshire mon!
Whereabouts? I spent a lot of time in North Yorkshire
18-06-2006, 18:30
The Wild of Yorkshire mon!
Swansea. At uni here, native of deepest darkest south wales, but born in exeter. And a monarchist oocly as well. (at least as long as the queen is the queen, not so sure about anyone else in the line of succession)
18-06-2006, 20:02
Amman, Jordan
18-06-2006, 23:06
Abassia please don't think I'm getting at you or being pedantic but if your charcter's name is Sir James Halifax then he would NEVER be referred to by anyone as Sir Halifax. He would be called Sir James. If he was a Duke, Earl etc he might be the Earl of Halifax in which case he might be addressed as Lord Halifax but never, never Sir Halifax. He would only be called Sir Halifax if halifax was his first name (which would be very unusual). Sorry to be a pain.
18-06-2006, 23:37
Swansea. At uni here, native of deepest darkest south wales, but born in exeter. And a monarchist oocly as well. (at least as long as the queen is the queen, not so sure about anyone else in the line of succession)
I went to Wales for the 1st time earlier this summer but only v breifly. I want to explore it more fully particulalry the castles of Edward I.
19-06-2006, 02:59
I went to Wales for the 1st time earlier this summer but only v breifly. I want to explore it more fully particulalry the castles of Edward I.
The countryside is very nice. but beware of the rain. The weather here can get quite scaryly bad. but yeah, its a nice place, and has friendly people. :)
19-06-2006, 07:42
Abassia please don't think I'm getting at you or being pedantic but if your charcter's name is Sir James Halifax then he would NEVER be referred to by anyone as Sir Halifax. He would be called Sir James. If he was a Duke, Earl etc he might be the Earl of Halifax in which case he might be addressed as Lord Halifax but never, never Sir Halifax. He would only be called Sir Halifax if halifax was his first name (which would be very unusual). Sorry to be a pain.
Oh so that's what you meant, my mistake...
Swansea. At uni here, native of deepest darkest south wales, but born in exeter. And a monarchist oocly as well. (at least as long as the queen is the queen, not so sure about anyone else in the line of succession)
Strangly enough i'm a rtepublican myself.
19-06-2006, 11:17
I'm a reptilian.
19-06-2006, 12:16
I'm a reptilian.
Not another one?