Bene Grillon Verte Académie Storefront (pt/mt/pmt/ft/pft)
Grillon Verte
31-05-2006, 19:39
Académie Bene Grillon Verte STOREFRONT (PT/MT/PMT/FT/PFT)
Humankind periodically goes through a speedup of its affairs, thereby experiencing the race between the renewable vitality of the living and the beckoning vitiation of decadence. In this periodic race, any pause becomes luxury. Only then, can one reflect that all is permitted; all is possible.
The Times of Change are upon us! Daemons and the Intruders from the Outer Realms are now beginning to manifest. The Order has concluded that now is the time to open the skills of the Imperium to the other Tribes of Man. Wisdom must be spread...knowledge is but an impediment. Nevertheless, we cannot sell you wisdom. We can sell you Knowledge.
Be welcomed into our Ways.
Note the Following:
We are Gray and Neutral.
We will forge your blades. It is you who must wield them.
One Millard = One Billion
Be Honourable.
We will not check up on you.
We shall judge you by your actions because it is our right.
All purchases are made with the understanding that payments can be made in an efficient & orderly manner.
If you have little honor in this Cyberverse then you probably have none in real life.
The CyberDaemons have consumed you & we spit on you & your allies!
ONLY DISCOUNT for Gaijins:
one order = Cost*0.90 + one short saying or poem
That is right you cannot really pay me other than by the esoteric IDEA of a cyber money.
In your order I want a Poem & Money or no deal!
It does not have to be good or make sense or even rhyme.
It does have to be short.
Pricing & Discounts:
Learn Math people! We will not do it for you.
3rd Imperium of Man: Isles of Mara Houses get 50% off
3rd Imperium of Man: Isles of Mara Allies get 25% off
A Poem gets you 10% off
Do not Be an Ass. No flaming or trolling etc...any who does will be reported.
Welcome! What would you wish of Us?
Grillon Verte
31-05-2006, 19:40
"It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of Sapho that thoughts acquire speed, the lips acquire stains, the stains become a warning. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion."
The Grillon Verte have decided to open an Académie to train Gaijin and Imperium peoples both the arts of a Mentat. What is a Mentat ( you ask? Why we are efficient calculators of the Duneverse. Our computational skills easily equal and occasionally surpasses even that of your Foreign Devil’s “Thinking Machines.” The principles behind the training regime of a Mentat are held in the utmost secrecy.
The Masters, however, have allowed the Grillonii to release the outlines of the training. We are to inform you that it has to do with quantum mechanics of the consciousness and the Buddha Mind, disciplined training in the Way, and illusion mastering by the methods of the Ancient ChanSufiDao Sages of Holy Terra.
The Sages of Grillon Verte Académie have decided on the following rates for basic training of one Mentat’s. Please note that you must send at least 100 applicants. Over 95% of the applicants will fail in the decade long training. The humans will be returned to their homes. The twisted ones we will be forced to terminate them. We of the Grillonii insure our graduates are of the acceptable quality. Quality control teams take their obligations seriously.
One Mentat of the Grillon Verte
135 750 000 NSverse standard credits per annum
100 trainees note: BEST if training starts young 4-7 ans. One mentat is garanteed up to 100 is possible but not likely.
10 standard years of training
1 350 750 000 NSverse standard credits Total
Grillon Verte
31-05-2006, 19:41
“Muad’Did’s teachings have become the playground of scholastics, of the superstitious and the corrupt. He taught a balanced way of life, a philosophy with which a human can meet problems arising from an ever-changing universe. He said humankind is still evolving, in a process which will never end. He said this evolution moves on changing principles which are known only to eternity. How can corrupted reasoning play with such an essence?”
Does your nation seek the Ways of the Mouse? Houses of the Imperium, seekers of the Way, and Foreign Devils are invited to send initiates into the Holy Orders. The Grillonii offer basic training in the Weirding Ways, and various Schools of the Arts. Yoga, meditation, poetry, history, philosophy are also standard in the curriculum. Bindu Prana Combat training is also standard to those seeking a more forceful dance along the Paths. Unlike Mentat taining those that fail the training are merely sent back home. It is a softer Path, but nearly as deadly as the Mentat Paths.
One Sword Saint Sage-Warrior
10 Millard Nsverse Standard credits per annum
10 young trainees Ages 4-7 years Old.
10 standard years
100 Millard NS Credits Total
Grillon Verte
31-05-2006, 19:42
"I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain."
Do you seek the services of a Truthsayer? Truthsayers of the Bene Verte are analoguous to our more famous sister Order of the Bene Gesserit ( They can also serve as weapons masters and tutors for your leadership and your peoples. If you wish the witches Services then be warned that they have their own agendas. Moreover, they are loyal to the Order before all else. That being said, however, no Court is complete without the advice and wisdom of a Truthsayer.
Contract one Today!
One Truthsayer of the Bene Verte
10 Millard Nsverse Standard credits per annum
for a standard Contract of 25 years.
250 Millard Nsverse Standard credits TOTAL
Grillon Verte
31-05-2006, 19:44
reserved for Allied Houses
House Garindi Mentat Academy (
Grillon Verte
31-05-2006, 19:47
House Garindi Spice Company
To the Bene Grillon Verte Acadamie
We come to you with an exciting offer. Seeing that you train Mentats, we of the House Garindi Spice Company will provide you with the spice melange that is essential to the training of Mentats. The spice is currently priced at 1 450 000 solaris per decagram. How much do you need?
Monkey Fights
01-06-2006, 03:02
What exactly is pft?
Grillon Verte
01-06-2006, 03:02
Académie Bene Grillon Verte
<encoded imperium channels>
Good Sirs,
We require no spice...that fee is not included...the Entities Wishing to utilize spice to further enhance their training can do so. Our official policy is to not use such shortcuts to Enlightenment. With the proper training and Luck, many of our graduates do not require this dangerously addictive "gift" of the Dragons of Arrakis.
We do not doubt the verasity that this drug does increase synaptic and perhapes even quantum impulses. It is, however, and external source. We strive to teach our students of the Chan-Sufi schools. Your Zensunni Freman traditions and circumstances has placed you in a position of potential dependence. We do not seek the same.
We shall, however, make it known your offer to our students.
Thank you for your interest.
We spit on you & may your blade be bright.
PFT is my term for Post Future Tech...This Order is Oulde!
In the Imperial Palace in Arrakeen, the message from the Academie was delivered to the Emperor by his personal advisor of the House Garindi Spice Company.
"Before we begin," began the sublime Padishah Emperor, "You must know that I have interpreted the winds of the universe."
"You say it and it is then real, m'lord."
The Emperor's face was hidden behind his Fedaykin mask, and the rest of body save his hands were obscured by a black and red robe. "I already know of the situation and their response. They are obviously lying."
The advisor was surprised. Lying? We have known for a long time that there are other ways of training a mentat besides using spice.
"You are committing a serious attrocity," said the Emperor. "I understand that right now you must be thinking I am speaking the opposite of the truth. Yet did we not just say that I have interpretted the winds of the universe?"
"Yes, m'lord. I am sorry and I will not allow myself to sink into blasphemy again, but I must ask what you mean. It is not clear to me."
"These people say they are of the gray, when they are obviously of the black and of the white. Is this not true?"
"It is most definitly true, m'lord."
"Then they must understand that. You are dismissed."
Another message was soon sent to these people:
House Garindi Spice Company
To the Bene Grillon Verte Acadamie
We thank you for this opportunity, but we must inform you of a new occurrence. While yesterday, your training methods for mentats could work, today they can not. With that in mind, how much melange will you be ordering?
Grillon Verte
01-06-2006, 03:52
The Venerable Ones were a bit confused by the was it that they had not explained themselves? The Academie did not really care if the students used this was their own choice. The students had to find theri own Golden Path. If they mistakenly believed that they needed the Spice shit of the Dragonsm then they did. Why would the Academie want to provide such a potentially harmful substance?
True it provided many advantages..longer healthier lives, the curse of seers, improved reaction time, etc...yet it was clearly an outside influence. It stirred the Timestream quicking it yet it also muddied the Eternal Waters. The users could be confused by what the saw.
The Blade cut to the quick of the argument. The Freman were blinded by their Knowledge. They knew that spice was used in training and indeed in everything. The Bene Gessarit had royally messed up their Missionaria Protectivia. So how do you talk to a Primitive?
The Enclave was awash in dissension and debate. After a time it was concluded that the most expediant course of action was to set up an optional supply line with this House.
Académie Bene Grillon Verte
to House Garindi
Very well. Merchants House of Garindi, we shall permit you to establish an office in our Bazaar to vend your wares. We will buy none for ouselves but will not obstruct your sells in the Bazaar provided you obey our laws. We demand that you enter into a water-relation with us. You will be considered Guests and We Hosts. The sacred hospitality will be extended to your merchants and your house provided they break none of our laws.
Any transgression by your House will result in the immediate expulsion of your Sietche from our Territories.
The Acadamie will ask but for a 5% commision on your sales. You are not permited outside of the Foriegn District nor or you permitted to sell outside the Bazaar of the Gajinns. Is this acceptable?
The sublime Padishah Emperor was in another meeting in a room behind his throne. "They obviously missed the point. Are these the daemons that the Melii warned us of?"
"Well, sir, I...uh—"
"No, I was not looking for an answer. Of course these people are."
"Well, what must be done then, m'lord?"
"Well, the Melii have suggested in their letter that we slaughter such peoples. I have not, however, yet determined that this course of action is necessarily true. We must be like the winter to the squirrel. Thank you, advisor, you may leave."
Another message was sent:
House Garindi Spice Company
To the Bene Grillon Verte Acadamie
While we may at a later time consider your offer, you have somehow managed to leave out the amount of spice that your institution wants to order. Did you forget?
We must warn you that we are pressing this issue for your own good. Woe befalls those who run counter to circle of equilibrium, as your students seem to be doing. We will assist you, if this is not under your control. I assure you, the sublime Padishah Emperor is incredibly interested in this situation.
Popopopopopop POP!
<secure imperium codes burst>
A small planetoid and her taskforce screens entered the system.
To: Bene Grillon Verte
FR: House Me Li
RE: Exchange
A Master of the Way has been dropped off to assist the Academie
Our Truthspeaker has died and the other is occupied.
We need another.
We of the Isles request:
2 truthsayer @ 10 Millard Nsverse Standard credits per annum
The Venerable El
Melii Masters (
Grillon Verte
01-06-2006, 20:25
The Blade himself was a Primitive...he had manners. The Académie did not wish to offend this House. They had sought to allow them access to the market and yet the Devils were being purposefully dense...what would His Holiness Do in this situation? He winced.
Nononono. Perhaps what would the Admiral do in this situation...he was a shrewd one that Sand Shrew. Very stupid he was too. Stupid in the sense that the Sage Bankei had meant BE STUPID (
So he decided to follow the truth and be stupid.
Académie Bene Grillon Verte
to House Garindi SC
Cast off what has been realized.
Turn back to the subject
That realizes
To the root bottom
And resolutely
Go on.
Those are the words of one of the Ancients. We have looked to deeply and realized our error. Tell us then House Garindi; how much is the standard amount of spice needed by your mentats and what is the going rate? Then if this lowly trading is truly your intention, let us then dicker about the longterm supply and price...
Académie Bene Grillon Verte
to House Me Li
<high-burst encoded imperium order>[classified]<end>
Order Confirmed.
Please, leave our system.
The latest message revealed much. "I have apparently overlooked something in my analysis. Until now, I have only been analyzing the effect, not the cause. Respond to them appropriately and offer assistance, for which they should be appreciative."
House Garindi Spice Company
To the Bene Grillon Verte Acadamie
It is excellent that you have changed your mind and now seem to see the truth. We did not realize that you did not know how much spice you needed, we are sorry for being overly pushy earlier. Normally, a mentat requires five decagrams of spice consumed per day. So that means that you will need to pay 725 000 solaris per student per day for the proper amount of melange. Since you apparently are not informed as to how to train mentats in this way, we are also willing to send teachers to train your institution's instructors at no cost.
Since you will need to be buying a lot of spice, you may want us to park a Heighliner IX in orbit over the planet on which the academy is located. This will make transport easier for both of us. If we are allowed this, then way may also send our merchants to your institution to set up melange markets for your students to buy more melange.
We hope this deal is satisfactory for both of us. We are sorry for any incovenience you have experienced because of our previous messages. We did not know you were ignorant of the spice.
Grillon Verte
02-06-2006, 08:40
The Yamabushi Monks scratched their heads...they had not said that at all! Why would a people purposefully try to become addicted to a highly psychotrophic drug? It was dross. 750,000 solaris for the standard Terran year? or for our Imperium's year? or for their barbarian year? How much was this solaris anyway?
New teachers and trainers? Now that would be an excellent use of resources! This must be a ship of some sort. The Melii had given them a data dump of the Kinsmen? The twistings of the Stream had produced a rather strange folk. The Melii's first encounter had almost lead to direct and open conflict. That would have been a pity.
The Shrew was on his way to meet with the Pashish would not do to have this Chapterhouse of the Order of the Grillon Verte sabatoge the negotiations. So, then to an improvisation...a circumabulation.
Académie Bene Grillon Verte
to House Garindi SC
Very well we will allow you to set up a small school to teach your methods. The teachers will live amongst our own and be subject to our laws. While they are in the system of the Bene Grillon Verte Chapterhouse they are of our Tribe.
Your merchants are cleared to establish their vendorships as par our previous offer. The student will need to make arrangement to pay for this option themselves. We will neither encourage nor discourage its use. It is our way. We will allow you One Merchant ship. Your ship must however be unarmed save for basic navigational defenses. It must also neither carry no more than one Frigate class ship of the line. Nor must it carry anything of such obvious lethal intents to our persons.
Know this we are a Holy Order under the protection of the House Melii...they will react poorly to any Incursions into the Imperium's demenses. I believe that they are currently on their way to negotiate with your House Garindi Pashish. We will send observers to your other facilities. May you walk under the cool breeze of the twilight.
Again we spit on you and your House.
02-06-2006, 17:49
No, it is 750,000 solaris per day for each student, or $273 million solaris per year for the spice melange. An amazing sum for a mentat. Nothing a little wetware couldn't do.
The Bene Grillon Vert or the Order of the Green Crickets is Me Li's Dunverse Holy Order. I do not want people who are bound to be mad at Me Li to confuse the Two. This Order is independent but under Me Li's protection. It is primarily meant for the Duneverse. So anyone with beef against my main nation should take it up with them. Oh yeah if you have not read Dune...Spitting is a Sign of Respect.:p
:eek: $273 million per year for one? Aya! I never did do the math right! Well it sorta makes sense depending on which time period he is placing his House. In the beginning prices are sure to reflect scarcity. Eventually supply will meet demand. So the price is not so bad. Moreover, if you look at the House Garindi's exchange rate that would come to about $110 million NS credits per annum...still pretty expensive but not unmanagable. I would like to see the price about 1/10th or better yet 1/100th that level to say around $11 million per annum for his type of mentats. The rich users will spend perhaps about $1 million NScreds per year. Melange Spice will still be a very expensive habit, but much more affordable and hence much more widespread.
ooc: the spelling...I know but my fingers don't! Yes for the new thread...better you do it. I have a tendency of alienating fools. :p
IC: Lingual shift of the spelling and name...Londunium and London. Same place almost same name...but is it the same city?
The Company decided not to press their primary goal until after the Melii meeting. They would instead send the Heighliner and start the small market plan, as well as give these people the instructors to begin training the professors in this academy about their mentat's ways.
(OOC: Transferring here from other thread) The Cherry Blossom shuttles were directed to land at the Academy Landing Field on Caladan, where their instructors would be waiting. Meanwhile, a Heighliner IX burst into space outside the system of the Bene Grillon Verte Academie. Even more massive than it's predecessor, the Heighliner VIII, this line of Heighliners was used only by the House Garindi.
House Garindi Spice Company
To the Bene Grillon Verte Acadamie
The Heighliner, with the specifications that you requested, should be in the Academie's system by now. We will hold off on shipping you the spice that you need until the meeting with the Melii has ended.
You might be interested in knowing that the Spice Sales and Profit Committee has decided to lower the price of a decagram of spice to 1 265 000 solaris per decagram. This means that at five grams per day, you will only need to pay us 632 500 solaris per day per mentat student. Thank you for doing business with the House Garindi Spice Company.
(OOC: You do know that the correct spelling is "Padishah", not "Pashish", right? Do you want to start the meeting between the Melii and the Emperor in another thread?)
Grillon Verte
04-06-2006, 11:19
House Garindi Mentat World.
The Shuttles made the Rendevous and returned safely to the Cricket light-cruiser. After securing the Freeman cargo they returned to Académie Bene Grillon Verte and began establishing the Freman School of Mentat Thoughts Collegium of the Académie. Their methods became rather popular among some of the student every year and produced a full menat at 1/10 of the trainees. Many of the failed ones however were not Twisted enough to be considered "dangerous" by Quality Control and began serving throughout the Imperium.
Académie Bene Grillon Verte
to House Garindi SC
We see and hear you.
You have been declared Sacred Guests.
Be welcomed to our holdings.
<instructed to disembark [Arrakis Intro Thread]>
OOC: Ok that ties up the Intro to the stores...
Gets yousa a Sword-Saint Sage! (Jedi are based on Kensei...)
So we kill most of the trainees!
At least they are not drugged out guys with blue eyes!