Shattered Worlds - IC Thread
This is the IC thread for Shattered Worlds ( Most RPing, wether national or character will occur here. Of course, if large wars/events break out, seperate topics are encouraged to avoid clutter. To start us off and keep this thread from being totally useless at the start:
To his excellency,
President Jefferson Davis of the Confederate States of America
Greetings from Paris.
I write with great haste that the armistice has been signed. Your people have won a revolution against the northern tyranny. Of course, it has been a horrible war, but war is always horrible. I do not write to dwaddle however. I am hoping that with ordeals behind you, you will recognize the legitimate government of Mexico--Maximillian von Hapsburgs monarchy, to be exact. He did, afterall, cede very rich lands in the north to you. I am also hoping to provide aid to your country. An enfeebled Confederacy will only provide prey for the Union.
His Imperial Majesty,
Napoleon III, Emperor of France and ect.
Camel Eaters
31-05-2006, 07:11
To his Imperial Lordship,
Napoleon III of the Empire of France
We've got no problem with recognizing Mexico and its Monarchy. We shall graciously accept the aid you have offered our young and somewhat fragile land. And yes, the war was terrible.
Signed, President Jefferson Davis.
Bat Land
31-05-2006, 08:00
I wish to claim The Ottoman Empire.
OOC: Wrong thread. Claim in the OOC thread, which is linked in the first post.
Bat Land
31-05-2006, 08:38
To his greatness,
President Jefferson Davis of the Confederate States of America.
Greetings from Cairo.
I write to you with an offer, an offer of peace and friendship between our two great nations. But down to business, we should sign and alliance and crush any who stand in our way of global peace. We shall call our alliance The Alliance of Nobles.
From Sultan ‘Abdu’l-‘Azīz
Camel Eaters
31-05-2006, 14:09
To Sultan ‘Abdu’l-‘Azīz,
Your offer greats me with no trust and no former action. We shall enter into a trade agreement with your nation, for what do men of God have to fear in a few crates of bananas back and forth? However, we asked for formal recognition by your own government and many others in winter of the past year. We have gotten no reply. Send us blacksmiths to train ours for many are dead. Send us mathematicians for ours were struck down. Send us these things and we shall lend our sword and our gun to you.
Signed, President Jefferson Davis
01-06-2006, 00:12
A Coffee house somewhere in London –
“Have you heard Smith?” said Bull, a heavy set man, as he placed himself into the chair, “South Africa, they’ve been given right to Dominion!” he said, waving a copy of The Times in the air.
“Dominion? I do say, that’s a bit of bad luck, old Mr. Thompson ran a packing firm out of Capetown,” replied Mr. Smith.
“I have no doubt trade will continue my good man, do you have any idea what a Dominion is?”
“I don’t believe I do… they haven’t pulled a yankee on us have they?”
“Oh no no, nothing like that, the crown has grown tied of projecting her power so far south, so they’ve been given self government.”
“Oh I see, so theres no need to sell my stock in the plantations?”
“No my dear man, no need at all,” said Mr. Bull a large smile on his face, “It maybe the last time you see me around Mrs Miggins Coffee house for a good while Mr. Smith.”
“Oh, whys that Mr. Bull?”
“There appears to be a war, of all things, brewing in the East Indies,” he waved to the boy carrying a pot of coffee around, “The East India Company wants me to travel to Persia and act as an Envoy for them. No doubt they read about my visits with the natives in the Gazette earlier in the year.“
“Persia old boy!” exclaimed Mr. Smith, “Don’t they still cut a chaps head off down there?”
“No! Well not a Englishman’s of course!”
“Oh! Of Course Mr. Bull!” laughed Mr. Smith.
“No, No. I’m sure it’ll just be a friendly visit with lots of time to scout for Bibbi!”
The Horde Of Doom
01-06-2006, 00:30
The Union of South Africa
To: The Respective Countries of the World
South Africa, with the support of The British Empire, is no longer a colony but rather a self-governing dominion. The Union of South Africa, as we are now entitled, has released a constitution ( in which "The Executive Government of the Union is vested in the King, and shall be administered by
His Majesty in person or by a governor-general as His representative."
The first Governor-General of the Union of South Africa is the Afrikaaner Herbert John Gladstone.
One of the first acts of this new government is to claim the land west of The Union of South Africa, the Protectorate of Nambia, as seen here. ( Govenor General Gladstone has decided to do this based on the following factors:
1. The native tribesmen of Nambia are in dire need of civilization
2. The British Empire, with all it's might, is to detached to inact the changes needed.
3. The bountiful lands of Nambia must be claimed for the British brown, and the closest representive of this is The Union of South Africa.
The Horde Of Doom
01-06-2006, 00:56
"Well done Govna! The Union is up and running!" The typically Victorian office was lightly decorated, a window open to let in the air. Herbert Gladstone, wearing a pith helmet and a khaki suit, sat in his desk. Behind him stood the Union Jack and the Red Ensign, the "national" flag of South Africa. His assisstant was the run walking up and down the office, spouting his thoughts.
"Think of it! Already we 'ave a colony! I dare say those chaps in England downright approve of us!"
"Rodney, I'm an Afrikaaner. You know very well how I detest the cockney dialect. So please, if we speak english, lets do it correctly."
"Terribly sorry chap, terribly sorry."
"So, how goes it in the Protectorate?"
"Fairly well. The natives react well to kindness, and some have even asked about becoming a province. The seem to run to our arms since the crown abolished slavery!" They both had a cheerful laugh.
"So...whats next?"
"I don't know. We control all the gold, coal, iron, nickel, , tin, diamonds,copper, and salt. We are rather wealthy in natural resources."
"Good. Resources are what the powers of Europe need. We must move towards industry Rodney! I want to see factories!"
"Of course, I'll get right on it. Anythin' else Govna?"
" Britain about the lands to our north."
To: The Confederate States, and The British Empire.
The Union of South Africa, recognizing it's wealth in natural resources is willing to negotiate favorable trade deals in exchange for technological know how and engineers. All manners of teachings in all forms of industry are needed.
To: The British Empire
Plain and simple: We wish to claim the empty lands to our North. Do you approve? What action should we take?
Bat Land
01-06-2006, 01:32
TO President Jefferson Davis,
I have 100 blacksmiths and 100 mathmeticians on a boat headed towards your country.
signed Sultan ‘Abdu’l-‘Azīz
Bat Land
01-06-2006, 02:51
To The World
I Sultan ‘Abdu’l-‘Azīz formaly recognize The Confederate States of America as a country. Hopefully one day we will become powerful allies and move one step closer to world peace. For now, we are trading and helping each other out as best we can for the good of our two great countries. I'm sorry but I'm going to have to cut this short I have business to attend to. Good day and God be with you.
Paris, France--
"Oh dear. Oh dear, oh dear. No. You have to be kidding--you can't really be. Oh Napo, you can't're crazy, you know that?"
The Empress of French, Eugénie sighed as the emperor paraded himself through the room of palace. He was so stupid sometimes! Deciding to take a trip to French colonies in Africa to oversee things. Why didn't he just appoint a governor?
"A Bonaparte is a Bonaparte my dear. We must always travel."
"...First you support some crazy scheme in Mexico; it works. Then you go off and declare war on the United States; it works. I will put my trust into you once more, I suppose.."
The Emperor gave his wife and consort a quick peck. He needed to be going--there was a steamer to catch in Bourdeux in due time. The faster he was in Africa, the faster he'd be back. Napoleon had to do something, he couldn't sit idle. If France was to achieve glory, she had to keep going. Britain could not surpass her now!
To: The Union of South Africa
From: The Second French Empire
France recognizes your dominion status.
01-06-2006, 10:51
To: The Dominion of South Africa
From: London
The Government approves of your plans for expansion sir, you are instructed to push towards the Dutch-Spanish gap at your soonest convenience. Be advised however that our own troops are moving from the North. Good luck in your future endeavors sir.
Charles Kim
“Left! Right, Left! Right… The Worcestershire’s will halt! HALT!” came a scream from the red faced Sergeant Major.
“Thank you Sarn’t Major!” called Colonel Depensy as he turned in the saddle to observe the territory they were to ‘grab’.
“Dam mossies’ again sir!” called Major Wilks as he rode up to the Colonel’s side.
“Indeed Major, have the first 4 companies form a skirmishing line and advance on the river,” he unclipped a spyglass from his saddle and held it up to his eye, “I think we’re lucky today Major… There doesn’t seem to be that many natives around.”
The Worcestershire’s were part of large force sweeping down through the unclaimed territories in central Africa. They had already past through Kenya, mostly unopposed and was making good time for the ‘Gap’ between the 2 Spanish colonies, which was the prime objective of the campaign.
“A few more weeks?” asked Major Wilks, flapping a hand in front of his face, vainly trying to brush the flies away from him.
“4 perhaps, our native scouts say that the lay of the land is good for the marching infantry,” he slapped the back of the spyglass and replaced it into his baggage.
“As long as the Spanish don’t get wind of this,” queried the Major.
“What are the Spaniards going to do Major… start a war? Over a bit of dust and an Elephant?”
“Ha! No sir!”
The Horde Of Doom
01-06-2006, 17:03
South Africa was new, but a couple of things allowed it to "project power" so easily. First off, they had no "war" of independence, and so all the nice systems the British had set up were still there. Roads, communication, railways, even the military had already been there. Only now, South Africans were using the tools and foundation the British had set up to build a house of their own.
So, the South Africans were up and running again. Nambia had been easy, walk in and say its yours. The natives were being trained in rifles, and were treated fairly well. Their standard of living was rising dramatically as forests were torn down and railways laid down. So, quite naturally, when The Union decided to "protect" the natives of the land they called "Zambia," the Nambians were right on board.
It would be quite a sight for the natives, seeing people as black as they were, dressed in Khaki and living like europeans!
The 4th and 5th Mounted Riflemen, the 4th and 8th Infantry, and the 8th Battery (Transvaal Horse Artillery) were mobolized and began the march into the heart of Africa. The 1st and 2nd Nambian Guard(Nambian Militia) known for their scouting skills joined them, leading the way through the jungle.
"Johanna?" said a Nambian Militiaman to a South African infantrymen.
"Yes Batsu?"
"How big will South Africa after de war?"
"War? What war? I'm sure the natives will be rather peaceful."
"No...the coming war."
"I'm afraid I don't know what your talking about chap."
"In my country, I saw one of the white man's maps. Deres lots of colors on it, and they are getting very close to each other. I can...I can feel a war in de winds."
"By Jingo! None of the native stuff is any good! Your voodoo or whatever it is nothing but nonsense! War in the winds indeed!"
OOC: The 8th infantry is the Transvaal Scottish, a bunch of rugged scottish frontier men in South Africa. They know the terrian, and most likely know the natives. But don't worry, they'll run into problems.
"My lord, it is an honor to welcome you to Senegal, the gem of French Africa. Dakar is a growing city. I think it'll surpass Paris if you give it some time! Now then, you've inspected the defenses, so what else is there to do?"
"Not much. Expansion, perhaps, but there are many Muslims out here, I'd rather not cause conflict. Better to let the Turks place their authority down, then snatch their lands out from under them. See, Russian tactics aren't to bad! Ha! Still, the British are expanding at their own accord. No matter. Our territory is suitable. I suggest, that you begin getting contractors out here to build rail-roads. It takes much to long to travel from Dakar to Nouakchott. French Africa needs to industrialize."
Napoleon turned to see the dirt village that was Dakar. Like Paris? Not anytime soon. Still..the expansion of the Great Powers of Africa was worrying. Britain would gobble up the whole of Africa is she went upchecked, but France did not have the time, nor the patience to go on a colonizing spree. France did not need colonies to survive; Britain did, however.
"Well, prep the Senegal Rifles Regiment. Put them on guard duty along the border. We will expand into what the natives call "Mali" in due time..even if they are Muslim. I'm sure it will go fine, but conflict with the Turks bothers me..we don't need another border with them.."
The Horde Of Doom
01-06-2006, 20:52
"Heads down lads!" The Major threw himself behind a rock as spears rained down around him. The 8th infantry had become seperated, and had run into a...hostile tribe to say the least.
"Give 'em two in the knockers!"
Rifle fire broke out everywhere, as native after native fell to the flurry of bullets. Some men had strapped on their bayonets, preparing for the eventual breakthrough by the natives. The Major was not one of those men. He stood up, amid all the chaos and addressed his troops. "Lads! Are ye goin'ta let a wee bit 'o savages stop scottish might? FOR KING AND COUNTRY!"
With a rousing cheer the charged the natives. Some fired as they ran, some swung ther rifle buts like axes. But all charged. The natives, facing superior numbers, were routed. They were cut down as they ran, the Scots chasing down every last one of them.
The rest of the "expedition" was much the same, moments of peace followed by suprise savage attacks. The Nambians were very useful however, spotting trails and convincing tribes to put down their weapons. Ancient tribal hatreds pushed the Nambians to feats of bravery, saving the lives of many a South African.
For the most part however, the area was theirs.
The Horde Of Doom
01-06-2006, 21:17
It was a sunny and hot day in Cape Town, and Herbert Gladstone....was late. Running through crowds of well wishers, he raced towards the Cape Town Civic Center. Normally he would be quite busy, doing all the things one must do to keep a country running. But today was a very important day. He was going to American.
Finally reaching the Civic Center, Gladstone rushed through the double doors and adjusted his suit. He had dust on him from head to toe. There's more dust in Cape Town then savages in Africa he thought to himself. After struggiling for 5 minutes to find the proper room, he was welcomed by a "colonial" who seemed rather nervous.
"Good morning mister...?"
"Jacob, Jacob Perkins."
"Yes Mr. Perkins. I understand you have some weapon you want to show me?"
"Yes sir. Ya see I tried to convince the French, English, and even the United States to go for it...but no such luck."
"Well, what exactly makes it so special?"
"Well it's a steam gun. It can fire about 1,000 shots per minute, and has one hell of a force."
"Really? Perhaps we can step out and test it. Do you have one in Cape Town?"
"I hid it right behind the center sir."
The duo left the building and, from a bush hidden out back, retrieved an odd looking device ( It was tested on iron plate, and sent Iron balls punching through 1/4-inch iron plate. Shocked by the speed, rapidness, and force of such a weapon, the Govenor nearly fainted.
"S-south Africa....will purchase your weapon. You however must stay here. K-keep it secrect...keep it safe."
(Not possible? Clicky Here. ( It's old technology, and the British have it in their records. It's just that everyone thought it was useless.
01-06-2006, 21:47
Brazil now:
Emperor Pedro II looked out from his palace to see his land. He was the ruler of what his people considered to be the greatest nation in South America. But he also had to acknowledge that his reign was in danger. He wanted to end slavery, but many plantation owners were in strong favor of it. He wanted to bring progress to his nation, but he still had political powers he could not rid himself of in just one day. He wanted to free Portugal from Spanish hold but did not have the army neccessary for declaring war on Spain. But he knew he could start to make economic growth possible for Brazil by taking some more countries by force. If Peru was taken, trade could begin with countries in the Pacific and could even be the road to Brazil's oversea territories. But to begin, Pedro knew he would have to begin first with imperial reform. He had a plan to appoint governers of territories and himself as the Governer of Rio De Janeiro while also being Emperor of Brazil, which would be added into his title. He had to keep some political power for future use.
Political Happenings:
The reform takes place and governers are appointed in the next year.
The Horde Of Doom
01-06-2006, 22:00
(Could you detail the reforms a bit, and maybe the dissent surronding them?)
01-06-2006, 22:39
(Could you detail the reforms a bit, and maybe the dissent surronding them?)
Yeah, sorry about that. I'm not much of a clear person sometimes. But here's how it goes:
The Appointment of the Governers of the Empire of Brazil
Brazil is to now be divided into five provinces for five Governers, while the Emperor as Ruler of the Empire is also Governer of Rio De Janeiro. The empire is divided as such, (each of the five colored areas are provinces. Green is Amazonas-Para, Baish (I'm not sure how to spell that color) is Rio De Janeiro, Blue is Rio Do Parana, Purple is Mato Grasso and Red is Rio Grande Do Bahia) The remaining four governers shall be elected by the end of the year and elected once every year by the people.
He hopes that doing this will encourage economic growth since it would allow more autonomy against the central government and allow the Emperor to encourage people with his views to become politicians who could possibly carry out the same views he has for Brazil.
The Horde Of Doom
01-06-2006, 22:45
"You here about the Brazilians?"
"Oi, no I didn't. They goin ta war again?"
"Na, they's shufflin' the gov'ment, local "auto-no-me" and all that."
"Whats next? Airship fleets?"
While the talk of a pub couldn't represent the Govenor, the interest was shared. The idea of a empire uniting it's subjects...making them believe that they themselves were part of the empire was very interesting.
If South Africa was independent, perhaps a treaty could be signed. But...The King decided foriegn policy, and that was that.
Bat Land
02-06-2006, 00:25
"Sir, Mali is requesting aid. They said they will gladly become a part of our empire." says and advisor Kelzul Almengaad after stormning into the throne room.
"Excellent, send troops and whatever else is need to them stat. O and make sure to begin laying track tracks going into Mali and start expanding." replied Sultan ‘Abdu’l-‘Azīz.
‘Abdu’l-‘Azīz looked at the window and says,
"Finally they decided to become apart of my great empire. this is a means for celebration. Guard inform everyone of a celebration party in the capitol's town square tonight."
Middle Kingdom
His Holiness the Son of Heaven "the Hammer of Heaven," sat at the construction site of the Winter Palace...the skelotons of brick and timbers had been long removed. The melted statues, the gilded furniture, the art work of centuries of both East and West had been carted away before the devils had burnt the Palace. It was ironic in a way. The Palace was one of the most Western buildings in the capital.
His vision of the past faded when he was almost overrun by an ass. A burro...what was the Anglais? A Donkey! Yes! The donkey was carting building supplies...well food and beverages to the workers. The driver cursed and yelled at the young idiot who didn't have anything better to do than stare at good peasants work.
The Emperor bowed and begged forgiviness to the Uncle. He had just been shocked to see the magnitude of the reconstruction efforts when he breached the hillock.
The teamster dirver snortted and grinned.
"Yes By the Gods! The devils can go hang themselves by their peckers they can. Our Emperor, may he live a thousand years, will make the Middle Kingdom Great! Look over there young man, he said pointing to the Forbidden City. Do you see all of those fawning foreign devils. They come to the Center to pay homage to our Empire as is right and proper."
The Emperor held his tongue. It amused him that he could walk amongst his people and not be recognized. How could they...most had never seen the Emperor before. The last Manchu's under the Dawager had been rather barbaric in their decrepitude. They rarly walked amongst the Han. Moreover this diatrabe was refreshing. It was rare that he heard the absolute "truthful" opinion of his advisors. They tended to have hidden interests. The Devils most especially had ulterior motives. The Emperor rarely if ever heard the bad news. The inertia of honeied beuracracy was still heavy in the Imperium. He would change that. Accuracy would be appreciated and encouraged.
It had greatly helped things when the previous dynasty had forgotten their responsibilities and instead chose to remember thier rights. Thousands of the Literatii had ben executed. This left a certain amount of political dissent to nearly managable levels. The demenses of the Empire grew with the Manilla silver...and the silver of the European investors.
The Empire would allow this privatization of most of the market sector...but would retain control over her key infastructure. It was important that the Han businessmen protected the Han peoples from both their own exploitation and that by Foriegners. They had the sad example of folly in the Rebel Enclave of the southeast. That nation had nearly collapsed.
Two divisions of the Imperial Army had set off to the Southern Border for "field manueveres"...they would keep an eye on the rebel provinces.
Those thoughts took him away from the dust and the heat of a Capitol Summer. He started at the cough from the teamster. Apparently he had finally noticed the imperial regalia and was now kowtowing. The Hammer lifted the man from his feet.
Then the Emperor of China, the Son of Heaven, Ruler of the Middle Kingdoms bowed deeply to the Peasant...the stories changed with each telling. Essentially, it became part of the Legend of the Second Emperor of the Xiang Dynasty. The Hammer was greatly beloved by all for his skills of arms and for his Wisdom and Mercy.
To: The Ottoman Empire
From: The Second French Empire
Sultan 'Abdu’l-‘Azīz,
Greetings from Paris.
It is with great amusement I take notice that you have ordered movements into Mali, a state which borders French West Africa. In all that is right with the world, I demand that you cease colonization of said-territory, and leave it to the second French Empire.
You have two choices: You can leave Mali be, and allow the French to colonize it. No harm will befall you. Refuse, and I swear by all that is right that Cairo will be sacked, just as the capital of your Fathers, Constantiople was over fourty years ago. And this time, you will have nowhere else flee.
I also demand that you grant autonomy based on religion. Namely, you will agree to release Ethiopia from your grasp. They good Christian people of the book, not followers of Allah, such as yourself.
Napoleon III,
Emperor of the French, and ect.
OOC: Nothing personal Bat Land, I just feel like starting some conflict to get the RP running.
Bat Land
02-06-2006, 02:52
To the 2nd French Empire
From The Ottoman Empire
Napoleon III
Mali is ours according to the natives, they agreed to become part of our great empire. But who would not want to? If It's a fight your itching so badly for then so be it!
Sultan 'Abdu’l-‘Azīz
To: The Ottoman Empire
From: The Second French Empire
So be it. I will ensure your destruction.
Napoleon III
Emperor of the French, and ect.
02-06-2006, 12:51
To: The Second French Empire
From: Lord John Russell, Secretary of State for War and the Colonies
London supports Frances claims to the provinces of Mali, given incentive, military support maybe gained from our forces in east Africa in any ensuing campaigns. South Africa may also be mobilized in any extreme cases.
Territory taken by HMs Forces during an ensuing campaigns will remain in the hands of the Empire after hostilities have ceased.
To: Dominion Of South Africa
From: Major-General Frederick Roberts
Forces advancing to the ‘Colonial Gap’ in south east Africa are requested to remain in position after completion of their march, in anticipation of a short notice move to the North of the continent.
To: Empire of Brazil
From: The British Empire
Noting the sudden change in governmental organization. Britain would like to reaffirm relations with you, chiefly trade, but a confirmation of continued sovereignty of our Colonies in South America would be greatly sought after.
We await your assurances.
TO: The British Empire
FROM: The Second French Empire
We thank you for your support and will ascede to your demands. Any territory you capture may be kept.
The Horde Of Doom
02-06-2006, 18:04
To: The
To: Dominion Of South Africa
From: Major-General Frederick Roberts
Forces advancing to the ‘Colonial Gap’ in south east Africa are requested to remain in position after completion of their march, in anticipation of a short notice move to the North of the continent.
Gladstone read over the telegram carefully. A short notice move to the North of the it war then? He wiped off his sweat from the midday sun. Gladstone was aware of the growing tension between France and the Ottoman empire. And personally, he hated the french. Gladstone wanted Madagascar bad....but if england sided with the be it.
To: Major-General Frederick Roberts
From: Govenor-General
Full mobolization is underway. South Africa retains the right to keep captured territory.
02-06-2006, 18:19
To: Empire of Brazil
From: The British Empire
Noting the sudden change in governmental organization. Britain would like to reaffirm relations with you, chiefly trade, but a confirmation of continued sovereignty of our Colonies in South America would be greatly sought after.
We await your assurances.
Pedro II read the letter and found this as his chance to begin trade with the greatest empire in the world. Out of all the nations of Europe, no other country apart from America was able to match Britain in its modern technology and industrialization. The Emperor still had sole political power, but he had to act now before the people possibly elect a governer against slavery abolition or having unfriendly relations with Britain.
To: The British Empire
From: The Empire of Brazil
We are pleased to know that you wish to reaffirm trade with us. His Majesty the Emperor wishes to end slavery by the end of the nineteenth century, but plantation owners must be appeased to ensure His Majesty's continued reign before then. But to help speed along the process of His Majesty's dream, perhaps you could trade some of your technology for our gold, timber, or any other resources you desire. As for the sovereignty of your colonies, we recognize them as your territory and will not argue against that fact.
The Horde Of Doom
02-06-2006, 18:27
(Slavery was ended in britain by 1834. Clicky ( I didn't know either until yesterday. :p )
02-06-2006, 19:01
Major-General Frederick Roberts stood to attention in the compound just outside of Nairobi. Arrayed in front of him was the The Bedfordshire Regiment on the right of the line, followed by The Gordon Highlanders and The Royal Dublin Fusiliers. A number of guns were arrayed on the right, under the watch of the Royal Artillery. The cavalry element of his force had already set off towards the Ottoman Empire’s southern boarder, following the coastline up.
This was only the British element of the force however, the Bengal Army was still organizing the transportation of 10 regiments of sepoy cavalry and a further 20 regiments of sepoy Infantry. This kind of movement would take time however, and he had been assured that the army would arrive under the able command of General McShane, late of the East Indian Company. It wouldn’t arrive until the end of the year though, which could be a problem.
He knew nothing of the caliber of the troops arriving from India or that of their General, he could only hope that some where from Gurkha stock. He had never met one, but their reputation was fearful enough.
Major-General Roberts nodded to the flea-bitten Regimental Sergeant Major stood in front of the Bedfordshire Regiment (the senior regiment of the force). On seeing the quiet signal, the RSM sprung into action. 10 minutes later the column had left their compound as was underway to the Ottoman Boarder, where they would stay until ordered otherwise.
Elsewhere the Commander of the Cavalry element, Colonel Kellen-Scott, had set up camp in a rocky outcrop just short of the boarder, effectively concealing his forces, made up of the 21st Lancers and what was left over from the 3rd (The King's Own) Hussars; who had most of their regiment scattered throughout the east coast of Africa, acting as pickets and patrolling forces in the newly colonized area.
To: The Empire of Brazil
From: The British Empire
Regarding your requests to trade, normal trade will continue. Further, as a show of good faith. We will dispatch a number of Military Advisors to get you up to speed with the latest developments. We will also offer favorable contracts with some of our manufacturers, namely in the arms trade.
The Horde Of Doom
02-06-2006, 19:39
Gladstone had done what the british asked...and more.
Troops in Zambia had gotten the country under countrol and were already prepared to be on the move. Locals were being rounded up in "conscription drives" and being trained for the army. Independent investors were already in Zambia, looking to be railroads for needed supply trains.
In South Africa, troops were being sent on trains to Durban, and prepared to be loaded onto ships there. 5th through 9th infantry were called up, along with the 6th and 7th artillery batteries. The 10th through 16th mounted infantry would join the force, along with the 2nd and 3rd Nambian Militia.
The 5th, 6th, and 7th infantry were unique in the fact that a few among them, about 30 in each regiment, were equipped with the new "Steam Guns." They were going to be used as primarily an anti-calvary weapon, this would be their first real field test.
South Africa was sure of her troops, but still had one major problem: Getting to the field. It was clear Britain was preparing for war with the Ottoman's. But to get to the field of battle, fleet would have to carry almost all the troops to British occupied lands.
To: Major-General Frederick Roberts
From: Lt. General Abot Von Cleef
For South African troops to attack opposing forces, unless of course they be Spanish, we require a safe landing zone for our troops. The horn of Africa has been deemed the best, close enough to other British colonies so that supplies can be easily reached, and directly on the border of the Ottoman lands.
We request port access to Djibouti, to allow our troops proper access to the battlefield.
02-06-2006, 19:52
To: Nations involved with the oncoming war between France and the Ottoman Empire
From: The Russian Empire
We do not choose any side, and will continue trade with both.
To: The British Empire
From: The Russian Empire
We see your territory to the south of Xiang China, and wish to purchase said land. We would like to know what price you will set it at.
OOC-Just trying stuff out and getting something going.
02-06-2006, 19:55
To: Lt. General Abot Von Cleef
From: Major-General Frederick Roberts
The port of Assab, north of French controlled Djibouti, has been allocated for your use. The deep water port will be unused until the arrival of the 3rd Indian Army.
A request can still be forwarded to the French regarding Djibouti, if need be.
Major-General Frederick Roberts (OOC: Whos going to need a promotion pretty quickly by the look of it :P)
The Horde Of Doom
02-06-2006, 20:10
"Alright Blankes, lets get moving! Get that horse in there! Robbins, don't be getting sea sick on me! HEY! Get outta that water and back on the ship you dom!"
A score of steam transport ships, full of troops, horses, artillery, and ammunition were on their way to the british port of Assab. This was going to be South Africa's real test. Did she deserve dominionship? The soldiers thought so, and gleefully went into battle.
South African troops would be soon regarded as the best of African troops. Tranied, disciplined, and used to fighting in hot african climates, they would feel right at home. Black Nambians had already shown ferocity in Zambia, and were expected to be on par, if not above, white strength.
02-06-2006, 20:32
To: The Russian Empire
From: Lord John Russell, Secretary of State for War and the Colonies
Shanghai is a Crown Colony and as such is NOT for sale! Depending on your motives for purchase however, a compromise maybe reached.
Contact me with what you require of the Colony, and England might provide.
Major-General Frederick Roberts 'Staff Carriage' rattled as it moved slowly down the rocky road towards the Ottoman boarder. Maps were laid out in the center in the carriage, which resembled a large gypsy caravan. It even had a young African boy they had picked up in Kenya, who was happily sat on the back of the horse operating a large fan which wafted fresh air into the stuffy carriage.
"Cairo sirs!" called Roberts, "Cairo or bust! The second I hear the order to advance, that’s where we'll go! Straight up the middle, just as the Light Brigade did!"
"Erm, sir..." noted one of the more Junior officers, "The Light Brigade was wiped out..."
Before he finished he was quickly slapped on the leg by Colonel Folkstone, in a attempt to shut him up.
"But before we make the push for Cairo, we must secure a port!" Roberts slapped his riding crop onto the table, it landing on the town of Hala'ib, "Here is our first objective gentlemen, when we are given the go ahead, our cavalry... with the support of South African mounted Infantry god willing, will swoop down into the town and secure it. Later to be reinforced by our 3 Infantry regiments."
"I assume the Indians will arrive here?" asked Colonel Folkstone.
"Yes of course, and we'll be within striking distance of Cairo... and achieve total surprise!" he swung his riding crop into the area, causing some of the officers to duck.
02-06-2006, 20:44
To: Lord John Russell, Secretary of State for War and the Colonies
From: Rusev Kavorski, Appointed Expansion Supervisor
We had meant your Indian colony, but Shanghai is also welcomed in a deal. We need land in India for easy access to the Indian Ocean. This would help our trade and economy greatly, and we are willing to pay a large sum for land there. Shanghai would be welcome for much the same thing, but in a different area.
Best Regards
02-06-2006, 21:09
To: Rusev Kavorski, Appointed Expansion Supervisor
From: Lord John Russell, Secretary of State for War and the Colonies
I see sir, well I can offer you the port of Gwadar, which gives excellent access to the Indian ocean, under a 50 year lease. Shanghai I regret, must remain British. We can offer a number of services for your merchantmen however.
“Well all we can do is inform the Governor-General, have him re-deploy his forces to the boarder territories,” said the General sat in the cozy office in Ten Downing Street,
“Is this really a tangible threat?” asked the PM, taking a sip of his tea.
“From Russia? No sir, they are attempting to punch well above their weight… but if the rumors about China are correct…”
“I see, what can we do?”
“Send our reserves to Bombay, and contact our allies. Lord Russell suggests selling Gwadar to them, which sits well with me. However, we should be ready if they become more aggressive,” said the General, taking a sip of tea.
”Have it done.”
02-06-2006, 21:27
To: Lord John Russell, Secretary of State for War and the Colonies
From: Rusev Kavorski, Appointed Expansion Supervisor
This is acceptable. What is the price?
Rusev sat in his office. He was disappointed. He had hoped for a much larger sale, a larger expansion. It was okay, however. Russian explorers had recently found several island in the Pacific. They were a perfect spot for trade throughout the Pacific. He was sure that there would be another contestant..
The 32nd Infantry was ready. They were the first expedition force to be sent to the islands that were now claimed by Russia. The ships laid anchor, and the force was dispatched onto various islands. Any natives would become part of the Russian Empire, if they did not comply, they would be pushed off of the island with force..
OOC-I've made a landing on The Big Island of Hawaii, and am planning on seizing as much of Hawaii as possible. I can't get too detailed right now because I have limited time..
The Middle Kingdom had made prior arrangements with the Empire of Russia.
They had reaffirmed their respective spheres of influence in the Northern Plains. For the forseeable future the Region would be adminstered by the Russians. Both parties had agreed to let each other alone. This opened several avenues to the respective Powers. The Russians Barbarians and the Han would be better able to concentrate on more important things.
His Holiness the Son of Heaven reviewed the status report...the Russian Forces had laid Claim to the Big Island Hawaii of the Sandwich Islands. The Treasure Fleet had made landings on Ouhua and several of the smaller Islands. China will rule the seas and the Middle Kingdom once more. This was a testing of the New Model Army of the Middle Kingdom. It was based on the All-Conquering Never Defeated Army of the Resistance which was in turned modeled on the Regional Armies of the late Qing and on the European models.
This distant Pearl Harbor would be the Pearl of the Far Eastern Oceans.
He smiled and finished the final Calligraphy stroke.
02-06-2006, 21:54
To: Rusev Kavorski, Appointed Expansion Supervisor
From: Lord John Russell, Secretary of State for War and the Colonies
50 Million, Sterling. The payment of such a sum will be expected in increments over a period of 20 years.
We will also expect to receive a non-aggression pact signed by your country, as well as your defensive partners.
I trust this meets to your liking?
02-06-2006, 22:03
To: Lord John Russell, Secretary of State for War and the Colonies
From: Rusev Kavorski, Appointed Expansion Supervisor
Yes, of course. After speaking with the Tsar, we have found that an alliance with the British Empire is in our best interest. We hope to do business again soon.
02-06-2006, 22:12
Emperor Konstantin XIII rubbed his hand through his gray, thinning hair. it was late at night but he still had work to do. The recent tensions between the French and the ottomans ofered a chance to enlargen his empire, something he could not simply turn his nose at. However, Russia had announced it's neutrality, and he would be getting a lot of pressure to remain neutral.
Of course, his Minister of Defense, Belisarius III and the pro-Greek (I'm guessing there's a rift between the greeks and slavs, not that big, but important) warhawks and nationalists wanted the war to strengthen their position and ensure the greek's domiance in the Middle East. After all, secret Greek nationalist groups had been promoting more Greek children since Byzantium's creation, and it was starting to show, with Greeks a slightly bigger population than the slavs (although Byzantium is still very slavophile).
To: The Russia
From: The Byzantine Empire
In the chance that war between the Byzantine Empire and the Ottomans take place, will you support us?
Meanwhile, the fleet was mobilized (10 Ironclads, 22 Man-o-wars, 12 of them armored) and 135,000 men under the command of Belisarius IV moved to the Byzantine-Ottoman border
02-06-2006, 22:30
To: The Byzantine Empire
From: The Russian Empire
In the event that you do go to war, we will have no choice but to support you. Note that we have new allies with Britain, and therefore an indirect alliance with France. We hope that the Byzantine, British, and French do not go to war over the Ottoman Empire's land.
02-06-2006, 22:43
To: Russia
We will only go to war if it is necessary
OOC: So I'll probably wait until it's well under way
French Military Preperations--
"So, it's all prepped and prepared?" The Emperor asked Marshal Demae of the French army. The General nodded, quickly and curtly.
"Yes, sir. Mobilization is underway, and the navy is prepared to set sail. We'll crush those idiot Turks and show them the might of Napoleon. We'll get rid of the spectre that is Aboukir."
The Colonial army of Algeria, under the command of the Bey of Algiers has been called into action. It includes approx. 30,000 men, mostly Africans armed with modern equipment. The French foreign legion has also been asked to provide 5,000 troops for the army.
Meanwhile, on the mainland, an army of 140,000 or so is being prepped and prepared. In a few months it is expected to be ready for battle.
The French fleet in the Mediterranean has also been called into action, with 15 Frigates, 3 Steam Transports, 20 Ironclads, and 8 Monitors. It has been ordered to begin blockading Tunisia, and bombarding Tunis.
TO: The Byzantine Empire
FROM: The Second French Empire
Perhaps a temporary alliance against the Turks is in order?
The Horde Of Doom
03-06-2006, 03:54
OOC: Poor Ottoman empire. I say if he loses, we allow him to play another nation.
Abot Van Cleef surveyed the field through a spy glass. His troops, all of them, had amassed on the border that the Ottoman's and British shared.
"Desert. Worthless desert! And the Govenor-General wants this?" One of his officers raised his voice and answered him.
"It is our duty to be the protectors of Africa."
"True...I'd rather have a Afrikaaner control this desert then a damn Turk!"
"So sir, whats the plan?"
"Well, I cannot give you all the details, but it is simple. Those honds in Cape Town drew up a plan for us to sweep North East, maintain a border, and press downward."
"Ah! The downward approach!"
"Yes Nigel. But that plan is shit. The trek would kill the troops, and lead to a logistical nightmare."
"What do you propose then General?"
The general smiled, and imagined his troops moving over a large map.
"Simple. Send them into France's awaiting arms..."
03-06-2006, 16:30
French Military Preperations--
"So, it's all prepped and prepared?" The Emperor asked Marshal Demae of the French army. The General nodded, quickly and curtly.
"Yes, sir. Mobilization is underway, and the navy is prepared to set sail. We'll crush those idiot Turks and show them the might of Napoleon. We'll get rid of the spectre that is Aboukir."
The Colonial army of Algeria, under the command of the Bey of Algiers has been called into action. It includes approx. 30,000 men, mostly Africans armed with modern equipment. The French foreign legion has also been asked to provide 5,000 troops for the army.
Meanwhile, on the mainland, an army of 140,000 or so is being prepped and prepared. In a few months it is expected to be ready for battle.
The French fleet in the Mediterranean has also been called into action, with 15 Frigates, 3 Steam Transports, 20 Ironclads, and 8 Monitors. It has been ordered to begin blockading Tunisia, and bombarding Tunis.
TO: The Byzantine Empire
FROM: The Second French Empire
Perhaps a temporary alliance against the Turks is in order?
To: The Second French Empire
From: The Byzantine Empire
I believe that an advantage is advanageous to us.
The number of troops on the Byzantine-Ottoman border has been risen to 250,000 soldiers, all coastal artilery unis were but on high alert, and the garrisons at Cyprus and Crete were put on high alert
OOC: I'll TG you about strategy
It was an interesting afternoon.
It was a hot, stuffy, and very loud afternoon.
Nevertheless, it was a well spent few hours of his time.
The Scholars of Xunzi (, the Kungze, the Venerable Ones, and the Daoist were debating the Scholars of the West...It was a lively gathering of distinguished professors of the Western Philosopies and the Various Schools of the Middle Kingdom. Despite the crowded company and the heated debates, some progress was made. Not surprisingly, there were several points of congruence between the Legalistic Schools and the Western Codexes traditions of Continental Europe. Laws in The Middle Kingdom needed to be revamped to further reflect our "New" Modernity.
This debate and others like concerning the fate of the Empire were held in a smaller scale throughout the Cities of the Imperium. It was not a new one. The ancestors had had many similar discussion during similar times of disunion. This was the Flux, a Time of Change. In unity there was strength, is disunity there was change. Most of the time change was harmful, but occsionally it was good.
If the forest never burnt it would die. A forest will die of dross and overshading as surely as it would from the flames of an inferno. The time of the death will change depending on the forest and the efforts of man. Yet, there was only the Ever Present Now...the Dao.
A hundred schools of thought flowered in the liberal atmosphere and rich souls of Xiang China. The Cafes, so popular in Paris, were beginning to become Vogue amongst the Western trained intellengsia. They catered to a small segment of the highest classes of new governmental appointees. The traditional Tea Houses, however, were still omnipresent and strong amongst every class of the Middle Kingdom.
Interesting times ( indeed mused the Emperor as he pretended to follow the ebb and flow of the debate. Before he ascended into Heaven he would see that China was strong and an Equal amongst Equals. His face broke into a fierce grin. The Dragon will awaken and the World will tremble...yes very interesting times.
03-06-2006, 22:02
When the Military advisors from Britain arrived, Pedro II was given plans from them for weapons manufacturing. With these plans, Pedro now had what he needed to begin ending slavery, replacing it with machinery. Pedro set up a new imperial order by ordering all five provinces build at least ten factories per month for the next year. Meanwhile, with the help of the British advisors, Pedro had recruiting officers build up Brazil's army. The advisors informed that with a population of nine million, they would be able to gain 5000 new soldiers per year. Pedro also enacted a new military order, to give official citizenship to all mercenaries hired and be made official imperial soldiers and that if they betrayed them, they were to be considered as criminals of Brazil.
Brazil's current army: 100,000
New soldiers per year: 5,000
The Horde Of Doom
03-06-2006, 22:41
South Africa finds The Empire of Brazil's approach to industrilization so ingenius, that the same measures are being taken in the protectorates and South Africa itself.
03-06-2006, 23:22
With the Byzantine Empire preparing for war with the Ottoman Empire, the Russian armies were also preparing. 150,000 soldiers were prepared to fight and die for their country. With so many others also against the Ottoman Empire, it was all that would be needed.
They were to attack from the same front as the Byzantine soldiers. They were there simply to bulken the Byzantine forces. The Russian's could spare more men if needed, seeing that they had little to worry about in Asia, and that they were allies with the British.
As the soldiers moved to the Byzantine-Ottoman border, the Tsar released a message to the British, French, and Byzantine Empires.
To: The Empires of Britain, France, and Byzantine
From: Tsar Alexander II, Tsar of the Russian Empire
I think that when this war comes to a close, with us as the victors, we should divide this Ottoman land amongst ourselves. We shall keep the Empire alive as our, shall we say, ally..
I believe this will benefit us all.
Tsar Alexander II, Tsar of the Russian Empire
The Horde Of Doom
03-06-2006, 23:30
OOC: How dare ye leave out South Africa!
To:Tsar Alexander II, Tsar of the Russian Empire
From: Govenor-General Gladstone
First, I would like to condemn you for refusing to acknowledge the rather large sacrifice South African troops are about to undertake, by refusing to acknowledge our right to decide(as members of the soon to be victorius side) the Ottoman fate! I can guarantee you that South Africans will be more common on the field of battle then any Cossack!
The Ottoman empire controls the people's of Africa, and denies them their native rights of home rule! Turk exiles are their masters, and if they refuse to convert to Islam, they are killed! No tyrants such as the Ottoman's deserve to rule over the natives, and as such will be driven out of Africa!
03-06-2006, 23:38
To: Govenor-General Gladstone
From: Tsar Alexander II, Tsar of the Russian Empire
I am sorry that I forgot about the South African pressance in this war. I would definitely include your people in this deal, and hope that you accept my apology.
Tsar Alexander II, Tsar of the Russian Empire
The Horde Of Doom
03-06-2006, 23:41
The Czar apologizes to me! I must frame this letter!
To:Tsar Alexander II, Tsar of the Russian Empire
From: Govenor-General Gladstone
Your apology is greatfully accepted. I may be quick to anger, but I am also quick to forgive.
The Horde Of Doom
04-06-2006, 01:49
A new weapon was being built right along the lines of battle. 30 of them, were ready at any moment to lift into the air and help the South African army. They were in short supply, only 22 for the entire invasion, but they would be used where they mattered most.
Observation Balloons.
Used in the Civil war, the South African military thought they would be perfect for spotting and tracking troop movements.
Filled with hydrogen, they were cheaply made and highly useful. The only real problem lay in the fact that few men had been trained with them.
All ready 5 balloons have been lost to accidents.
Vienna, Austria
To:The Second French Empire
From: The Austro-Hungarian Empire
Your Majesty, I wish to pledge troops to your attack of the Ottoman Turks. They have been on the threshold of my Empire for sometime, and I wish to beat them back. Thank You.
Emperor Franz Josef sat in his Grand Hall, hoping that this one last move could save his Empire from collapse.
04-06-2006, 02:01
Vienna, Austria
To:The Second French Empire
From: The Austro-Hungarian Empire
Your Majesty, I wish to pledge troops to your attack of the Ottoman Turks. They have been on the threshold of my Empire for sometime, and I wish to beat them back. Thank You.
Emperor Franz Josef sat in his Grand Hall, hoping that this one last move could save his Empire from collapse. might want to take a look at the map...
The Horde Of Doom
04-06-2006, 02:07
OOC: Austria, tg me on nationstates.
We have to talk
The Horde Of Doom
04-06-2006, 02:14
OOC: Nvr mind
The occupation of the isles was uncontested by the major powers. The few hundred Yankee colonists were quickly rounded up and either given shares in the Company or were forcefully deported to Golden Mountain (San Franscico). The Middle Kingdom and the Russian Confederation had successfully penetrated the Eastern Seas. The Russians to the Big Island and the Han took the remaing ones. It was an amicable partition. It was a coaling station and forward base. Now both nations had a stable, warm, and rich base for the trans Pacific trade routes.
The brigades of the New Model Army had not even been tested...the resistance was almost none existant. The ruling elite quickly realized that they could either accept the new order or be slaughtered and replaced by less obstinate subordinates. Most of the Troopers were returned to Xiang China with the pineapples and fish of the Isles.
The colonists began arriving within six months of the annexation of the Eastern Pearls. The cheifdoms were compensated by shares in the joint stock company and nudged aside. They would be allowed to keep much of their autonomy, but from now on the Western Sandwich Isles were now part of the Middle Kingdom.
The scholars had come to an agreement. China needed to begin again its efforts at self-strengthening. The Qing and Taiping dynasties had attempted to reform China but had failed miserably. The emperor had decided upon a dangerous course of action...they would accelerate reforms.
The Nation and the world were caught up in a Flux, a Time of Great Changes. What was needed was bold action...they would not be safe to remain in the harbor of China's great past as the Storm of the Western Barbarians swept over the world. It was here in the Great Middle Kingdom that much of the Technological Superiority of the warlike Sea Devils had been originally developed. Old designs of the Korean "turtle boats" and the Song "dragons" were swept off the ground and redesigned with the help of Western advisors.
It would not be enough!
China needed its own "engineers" and its own engines. It would need barristers trained in the forked tongue of foriegn international laws. It will need several Schools and Acadamies. Thus it was wstablished in the Second year of the Hammer's reign that schools and Universites would be established in all of the provincial capitols. The Greatest of course would be in Beijing, next to the Gardens of Tianemenn and the Imperial Forbidden City. Scholars, inventors, and students from Europe and the Americas were to be enticed by sizable governmental subsdies.
Two more Regiments of the New Model Army were now deployed along the Southern Borders with the Rebel Provinces. They continued practicing in open sight to the Rebels cities. In part, this saber rattling was to demonstrate the power and modernity of the One True Emperor to the disallusioned people under the Hong tyranny.
Young WU of the New Model Army's 3rd Regiment, knew that soon the China's would be united. He also knew that this drilling was in part a cheaper alternative of outright invasion. Yet, despite knowing this, he really wished he had some decent egg drop soup. It was hot and dusty. He hated marching from one point to another shooting a few rounds and retreating again. At least with these breech-loaders they could reload easier. But still marching was a bitch.
<In addition to the obvious build up of Xiang forces, Imperial agents begin infiltrating the southern lines.>
05-06-2006, 19:27
Tsar Alexander II of the Russian Empire began to emplace reforms. A large network of railway tracks were built, and it would take a long time for them to be completed. They would make it easier to get to the natural resources of the land and easily mobolize troops for engagements.
Then, serfdom was ended. No longer would people have to work like slaves for very little. It would make many people happy, and possibly piss of land owners, but it was needed for the betterment of the Russian people.
Other reforms followed: army and navy re-organization; a new judicial administration based on the French model; a new penal code and a greatly simplified system of civil and criminal procedure; an elaborate scheme of local self-government for the rural districts and the large towns, with elective assemblies possessing a restricted right of taxation, and a new rural and municipal police under the direction of the Minister of the Interior.
These things would greatly help the people of Russia.
OOC-I kind'a took that from Wikipedia.. XD
Bat Land
06-06-2006, 06:23
To: Nations of the World
From: Sultan ‘Abdu’l-‘Azīz
We Ottomans thought this would be a one-on-one war but it seems france has it's connections and we.....well we have nothing but our self. We will make a strategic retreat from mali It's all yours France. We just wanted what was best for the natives of Mali, for they want to be a part of us. We cannot help that tis not our fault.
The Horde Of Doom
06-06-2006, 19:19
OOC: If I wasn't tied to britain I would have been on your side.
06-06-2006, 20:21
Major-General Frederick Roberts army remained at the boarder under the express orders of Lord Russell; although it seemed that the Indian Army build up was stepped down somewhat.
To: Ottoman Empire
From: The British Empire
It is understood by our sources that you are currently in a very ‘fragile’ long term situation. As such, to secure your sovereignty in the future, HM government is willing to buy your shares in the Suez Canal. It is understood that the canal is in the final stages of construction… if not completed by the time this letter arrives.
This sale will place a British Interest in your country, something which would help secure yourself against aggression from your neighbors and of course, a greater presence in the international community.
We eagerly await your reply, and we fully expect for you to take up this unique offer.
The Horde Of Doom
06-06-2006, 20:23
(Britain, just tell the Major General if it's time for the South Africans to go home...)
06-06-2006, 21:51
To: South African Forces currently stationed in North Africa
As of receipt of Telegram, you are released from British Army North Africa Command. Naval transports expecting your arrival at Assab.
The Horde Of Doom
06-06-2006, 22:02
He couldn't believe it. A huge build up...and nothing.
Van Cleef slammed his fist against a table, then throwing the telegram at the wall of his tent.
"We get thrown up here, ready to wage a war. And for what? AND FOR WHAT!?!" He kicked the chair away from the table, seething in anger. He stormed out of his tent, and walked straight to the cannon regiment.
"You there." The general pointed to the cannon crews. They stood up and rendered a crisp salute.
"We going home?"
"Now...The..." He knew he couldn't attack the Ottomans. The Queen would have a fit. But there was another foe. "The....Dutch have just launched an attack on Zambia! Rally your men and prepare to ship out. The camp was alive with activity as the balloons were up packed, the horses were readied, and the infantry were prepped. A huge trek to Assab and to South African transports followed as South Africa and Britain were telegramed by Van Cleef
To: Govenor-General Gladstone and Great Britain High Command
From: Major General Van Cleef
Today, at 4 o'clock, a Dutch gunship attacked a transport which had left Assab early. The ship was in unclaimed waters, and was fired upon for no reason. I demand a declaration of war with the Dutch to achieve justice for our fallen troops.
06-06-2006, 23:00
“No, we’ve heard nothing from them,” said a civil servant, flicking through a book he had taken from the London club’s bookshelf.
“The only information we’ve received so far is from the South Africans,” said another, older looking man sipping on a glass of gin.
“A gunboat attacked a South African transport off the coast of Assab…” said an even older looking man, the Foreign Minister, who was leaning forward in his wing back chair, cleaning his glasses, “regardless of the details, we need to react.”
“But is it an act of war?” said the younger man, replacing the book on the shelf.
“In my opinion, no,” said the gin sipper.
“Then our response?” asked the Foreign Minister.
“An attack on the British Empire and her dominions is a serious affair; however, a full British expedition into the Netherlands is out of the question… considering there wasn’t any British loss of life,” coughed the gin sipper, one of the many spy masters who lined Westminster.
“That we know of,” said the younger man
“That we know of, of course…” smiled the spymaster.
“That said, a gunboat is only a small vessel, to reach the east coast of Africa it must have a mooring somewhere in Dutch Congo,” replied the youngest looking man, removing a pocket watch from his pocket and giving it a cursory glance.
”A river?” asked the Foreign Minister, bemused.
“Indeed, that’s the only explanation.”
”Then a expedition into the Congo, to find this Gunboat would be a much more sensible course of affairs?” asked the Foreign Minister, in a somewhat leading manner.
“Yes, I believe so… Not British led, we have much more important matters to attend too,” said the spymaster, putting the gin to the side and lighting up a cigarette.
“South African military?” asked the Foreign Minister.
“It was their transport…” smiled the spymaster, “a British Regiment should go with them however… just in case.”
“Yes, yes… of course,” said the Foreign Minister, standing, “I’ll take my recommendations to the Prime Minister.”
He left.
“Minder One,” said the spymaster, turning to the younger man, “Before you leave, I need to talk to you.”
“I’d like you to go to Egypt, Cairo to be exact.”
“Suez… I assume.”
“In a round about way yes, I’ve been asked to set up a secondary option in case the buy out falls through,” said the spymaster, standing up, “A Ransom to be exact.”
“I see,” said Minder One
The spymaster started to move to the exit, “Go into the office tomorrow, I’ll have a brief ready for you.”
To: South Africa
From: Foreign Ministry
No Act Of War. South African expedition in force, into Dutch Congo advised. Planning and execution will be left to regional forces, under South African overall command. The Gordon Highlanders will assist. Royal Navy to blockade river inlets. South African forces advised to remain in Dutch Congo after Gunboat has been destroyed.
The Horde Of Doom
06-06-2006, 23:10
The whole of South Africa was in arms. The citizens cried for blood, and the Govenor was more then happy to oblige. He ordered that South African forces be allowed to venture into the Congo to seek out this mysterious gunboat and it's base.
However, South Africa was marching to war. The following regiments were mobolized:
1st South African Mounted Riflemen
2nd South African Mounted Riflemen
3rd South African Mounted Riflemen
4th South African Mounted Riflemen
5th South African Mounted Riflemen
8th Infantry (Transvaal Scottish)
9th Infantry (Prince of Wales's Own Regiment of Peninsula Rifles)
10th Infantry (Witwatersrand Rifles)
11th Infantry (Rand Light Infantry)
12th Infantry (Pretoria Regiment)
6th Battery (Cape Field Artillery, Prince Alfred's Own)
7th Battery (Natal Field Artillery)
8th Battery (Transvaal Horse Artillery)
Cape Garrison Artillery
Durban Garrison Artillery
2nd-5th Zambian guard
4th-5th Nambian guard
Not all troops would march, but they were being alerted. South African troops were being pulled out of Nambia, a stable protectorate, and rejoining South African forces. A general buildup was occuring along the border of Zambia and The Congo. Ships were helping the British to blockade the ports, and some had talk of an "airship" being used to search for the gunboat.
(OOC: Anyone want to rp a Dutch response?)
Bat Land
07-06-2006, 10:11
To The British Empire
Fr The Ottoman Empire
I'm sorry but our shares are not for sale, the taxes paid by the vessels going through the canal will represent an important source of income for us.
Rebel Bandit Leader Hong,
Be advised that you have been formally warned that you are in Rebellion to the Middle Kingdom. Your rebellion has caused much disunion. Your heresys and decadence has poisoned the lands. Your corruption and incompetence has stripped the lands of soil, of peoples, and of resources. End Now your Rebellion. End Now your Slander. Rejoin the Empire.
So long as you do not end your anti-Chinese slander campaign, we will not cease hitting back. We are prepared to spend as much time on this as you want to. We are prepared too, if you should incite other countries to raise a hue and cry against us. We are also prepared to find all the imperialists in the world backing you up in the clamor. But it is utterly futile to try to use pressure to interfere in China's internal affairs and salvage the odious rule of the big serf-owners in your Rebel Prvinces.
[Imperial Seal]
Middle Kingdom
08-06-2006, 15:13
Brazil 1866
The governers of the provinces of Brazil have now been elected. Zeferino Lopez was made Governer of Amazonas-Para, Afonso Azevedo was made Governer of Rio Do Parana, Alberto Cruz was made Governer of Mato Grasso, and Jorge Rodríguez was made Governer of Rio Grande Do Bahia. All of whom are against slavery and support the promotion of industry in Brazil. If they stay in office for about four years or more, they should help bring slavery to an end. They have taken the first step by promoting heavier taxes on plantation owners and lighter on the common people. The provinces have met their quota in factories and have built a total of eleven factories per month on average, giving many Brazilians new jobs. Advisors tell the Emperor that even with these new jobs, their army numbers won't go down and they will still be able to hire 5,000 new soldiers per year, until the end of the 19th century.
Brazil's current Army: 105,000
Build-up per year: 5,000
Bat Land
09-06-2006, 01:18
TO The British Empire
FR The Ottoman Empire
After consideration we will give you 20 shares for a political and military alliance.
10-06-2006, 21:33
April 14th, 1865
Frankfurt, Germany
Römerberg plaza
"Herr Kanzler, I simply cannot fathom why such actions should be warranted." noted Liberal statesmen Heinrich von Gagern. "The Republic is already a proud and prosperous nation, a nation that needs to continue on her course."
With a slight grunt, the Kanzler, the infamous Otto von Bismarck, stared beyond his counterpart's soft emotions into the bright red cushion that supported his back.
Since Bismarck's arrival to Frankfurt in the spring of 1848, the young conservative Junker had supported nothing less than a Prussian-lead Germany, a true Germany. Unfortunantely for him and his fellow constituents from the estates of his homeland, the inept leadership of Frederick Wilhelm IV had lead the Kingdom of Prussia towards its demise, consumed by the same Republican rabble that had consumed France so many years ago.
Yet despite such set-backs, Bismarck was determined to have his way. If Germany could not be a Prussian ruled nation, then it would at least be ruled by Germans. Not some prissy Elector from France.
"I wish that were the case, Herr Gagern." replied the Chancellor grimly. "However the prosperity you speak of has no substance. This mockery that is called a Germany is no better than the Holy Roman Empire before it. Much like in the past, there is no unitary state, there is no centralized mass. Only a collection of induvidual princedoms and kingdoms forced under the control of a foreign dicator. Meanwhile the German people are stifled by indecision and unneccesary bureaucracy. Must we continue on that course?"
Gagern, astounded by his colleague's words, remained silent, nursing a cup of warm tea.
"In truth, the German Confederation we rule has only one purpose: to live under the whims of France. We are only a puppet state, a buffer state to protect French interests in Europe. After all, had we been a truly independent entity, there would be no need for an Elector, especially a French one at that and there would be no need to maintain this foolish confederacy of nations, a confederacy that can barely approve its annual budget, much less govern an actual nation."
"Personally, I believe such a situation to be ridiculous. Already the Italians have unified under a centralized government of their own peoples, why not we? Germany rightly deserves it's status as a fully independent entity. After all, we are the keystone of Europe. Thus, I will not comprimise on this issue: come Judgement day, we will have a new constitution, we will have a new Germany."
Setting his cup of tea down atop the small coffee table which seperated the two men, the Hessian Statesmen attempted to mutter a response.
"If what you say is true, then I doubt we could afford a move towards independence. After all, we both know Napoleon III is not one who tolerates insurrection, especially when family is involved. Thus, any move towards greater autonomy and the same jack-boot forced upon us by the first Napoleon will undoubtebly return. However, I do understand your motives, despite their futility."
With only a smirk and a snicker, the Prussian Chancellor pushed himself upright, grabbed his coat and hat and started towards the door.
"And dare I ask where you are going this hour of day?" uttered Gagern, still seated.
"I have much work to do." said Bismarck with a smile.
TO The British Empire
FR The Ottoman Empire
After consideration we will give you 20 shares for a political and military alliance.
ooc: Make them buy it... they already offered
The Middle Kingdom's "Police Actions" against Hong's raiders in the border region continues to escalate. The Chinses currently are not pursuing past a certain point/distance away. They were training/conditioning the enemy Pirates to entertain some rather false assumtions of the capabilities of the Chinese New Model Army.
15-06-2006, 22:51
Brazil 1867
The governers were re-elected for the provinces at the end of 1867. More factories were being built and would greatly reduce Brazil's un-employment level and would give new opportunity for building machinery that would make slavery obselete. Railroads were also being built to send more resources to friendly countries and increase trade. Plantation owners were falling, but their distaste for the Emperor's liberalism was growing. Pedro was concerned with this growing distaste, but knew he had to continue with his plans if he wanted to end slavery. Thankfully, he had a good hold on the army for protection should rebellion ever take place.
Brazil's current Army: 110,000
Build-up per year: 5,000
20-06-2006, 23:17
TO The British Empire
FR The Ottoman Empire
After consideration we will give you 20 shares for a political and military alliance.
To: The Ottoman Empire
From: The British Empire
We accept, to secure this investment, we request leave to move some troops to the suez area...
22-06-2006, 17:24
ooc: Decided to show navy and soldier numbers
Brazil 1868
Two years passed since the reforms had taken place and progress was taking root in Brazil. Pedro saw docks, factories across the country in the process of producing their products and trains transporting people and resources to destinations. Pedro could see his army growing to great numbers, he wanted to invade the Peru-Bolivian Confederation and fully take their land, but the army would have to keep growing until he felt it was a good enough size to maintain order in the land and keep him protected from any rioters. Since more plantation owners were growing concerned over losing their land, keeping the Imperial Government in power with Brazil's current modernization rate would be a risky gamble for all of Brazil.
Brazil's current Army: 115,000
Military Build-up per Year: 5,000
105,000 soldiers
10,000 naval soldiers
200 warships
30-06-2006, 15:41
Brazil 1869
The riots have now begun. Plantation owners are worried about being replaced by factories and losing their slaves. Fotunatly, with the army on his side, rebellion has not yet taken place. The fear of the plantation owners is correct though, Pedro does desire to see slavery replaced by factories, but plantation owners do not wish to give up their wealth. Pedro does not have to fear anything though. He only has to see the army continue building and wait for the number of plantation owners to drop to a low number before slavery can be ended.
Brazil's Current Army: 120,000
Army Build-up per Year: 5,000
110,000 soldiers
10,000 naval soldiers
200 warships
OOC- I think this RP might be dead.