Political Cartoonist Stirs Up Trouble in DT
Deserted Territories
30-05-2006, 22:43
Political Cartoonist stirs up trouble in Deserted Territories
Although the right of free speech is held dear to Deserted Territories citizens' hearts, a modern reformer has gone too far. The reformer/political cartoon artist Sarah Vanderbelt is running amok in DT. Several months ago she started to target the government, portraying it as corrupt and inept. Of course she had every right to do this, and no action was taken against
her. But the citizens’ reactions to it were far more extreme that anticipated.
At first her cartoons only caused a slight drop in The Sultans approval rating. But then protests and sit-ins started. That then escalated to marches and civil disobedience. Finally, after Sarah started to organize rallys and speeches, and sanctioned the reactions of people to her art, revolts started. Violent raids of government offices and raids through the capitol have thrown our nation into disarray.
The Capitol was shut down and the army had to be pulled from foreign countries to bring order. Sarah was officially banished from the country. But this only pushed her underground. She now runs an illegal newspaper business to continue spreading her cartoons.
She is assumed extremely dangerous and armed. It is also rumored she has a few loyal guards with her, along with her large number of supporters.
The Sultan of Deserted Territories formally requests help from friendly nations to arrest her and put her on trial. As well as help defend the current government from the ever increasing number of rebels loyal to Sarah. With the help of other nations, peace and order can be restored and this whole affair put behind us.
Description: Unknown
She is known to hide in unusual places and positions in society. She is rumored to be a skilled fighter and sniper. She is accompanied by a large number of followers, and is known to use disguises when traveling.
It would be a great help to DT if its fellow nations would aide them in bringing Sarah to justice. She is currently charged with treason, resisting arrest, and disturbing the peace.
OOC: I'll play the part of Sarah and The DT government.
This is open to everyone and anyone. Sign up to find Sarah. Anytime now...
Deserted Territories
31-05-2006, 01:40
Sarah was in a large warehouse filled with industrial-sized printers. It belonged to the DT Times. On the ground next to her lay two operators and a gaurd, all with bullet holes between their eyes. She smiled and looked at her rifle leaned on the desk next to her. She uploaded her latest cartoon and public announcment onto the computer. Soon, her words were being printed over Suzy Salsbury Recipe column. Just then a large man toting an M-21 poked his head in.
"Sarah, I think someone called the cops on us."
"Okay, give me a minute, i'll be right out."
She typed a few last instructions into the computer and picked up her rifle. She smashed the but into the minitor and fired several shots into the keyboard. She quickly put up her hair, shouldered her rifle and ran outside to the waiting car.
"How'd it go?" the large man (Gerard) asked.
"Good, they shouldn't be able to undo it this time."
The car sped around a corner and up a street.
Deserted Territories
31-05-2006, 23:24
Sarah sat and laughed at the latest version of the DT Times. There was a large blotch over her column and a government notice stapled to the front page. It read:
The criminal Sarah Vanderbelt is now charged with treason, resisting arrest, disturbing the peace, and three counts of 1st degree murder. Anyone with information on her wherabouts should contact their local police station for a 1,000 Dime reward. Forgein nations willing to help in the hunt for Sarah will be rewarded 5 million dollars USD.
She lit the paper on fire and turned to her own small printing press. She was currently circulating pamphlets warning anyone of what will happen if they leak her position to the cops.
(Could I sign up to protect Sara?)
31-05-2006, 23:37
The Socialist Sultanate Dutchydom of Franberry could lend some aid.
As long as this manhunt is within the nations internal laws and does not infringe upon the nations standards of free spech/other rights.
We have an excellnte police force, and we could lend DT some training officers, especially some veteran who have been on manhunts
Deserted Territories
31-05-2006, 23:42
OOC: Yes, you can protect sarah, and fell free to role play her if you need to in any situations.
The DT government accepts Franberrys help and thanks them for training officers. And no, this no longer infringes freedom of speech rights as Sarah has murdered three people.
01-06-2006, 10:59
I would help to hunt Sarah down, but i'm in the middle of planning a war at the moment. Keep up the good work though! I might come to your aid after the war... if there's ever going to be a war!
Deserted Territories
02-06-2006, 01:13
OOC: Sure, come in any time.
Sarah walked into a local bar disguised as a red-head. She sat down and ordered a beer. Soon she had caught up with the conversation. Everyone there hated her guts apperently, and they weren't shy about it either. One of them had told the police he had seen her in this part of town. Well, he was lieing, and she didn't hide out here, but it was the thought that counted. She dropped her purse on the ground and walked to the bathroom. She climbed out the window and started to walk down the street. Seconds after she rounded the corner the bar was transformed into a fireball.
"That'll teach 'em." She whispered to herself.
02-06-2006, 01:19
The plane turned towards the airport
the plane significantly lowered its speed, and changed the flaps to landing
The wheels were lowered, and the plane smoothly touched down
After it had taxied out of the runway, the door opened and a ladder came out.
From it, 75 men and women desended onto the tarmac
The Franberrian training group was here, and they were waiting for the DT personnel to show up
Deserted Territories
02-06-2006, 21:31
The first batch of 500 DT Homeland Defense trainees were bussed to the Brickwall Army base. They set up bunks in the barracks and waited while military helicoptors departed to pick up the instructors.
Mitsu under the advice of her sisters, decided to look further into Ms. Vanderbelt. She was taught time and time again, looke beneath the surface. Part of being a decendent of Yasashii Himura, she and the rest of her family continue to activley work to harmonize the world. Rumor had it, Sara murdered people, but did she? She would find out. She was on the look for her
Deserted Territories
03-06-2006, 00:21
OOC: Your helping Sarah, right?
03-06-2006, 00:33
The delegates from Franberry were merely the first.
Whiel they would train the first batch, 500 more men and women, who had partaken in similar operations would be able to train even more DT personnel, speeding the whole prosses.
Deserted Territories
03-06-2006, 00:50
Another 1,000 trainees were gathered up and the call for more was put out. The were bussed to the Brett-Stanton Army base. Were they too waited for the arrival of their training officers. helicoptors were waiting at the airport for them.
OOC: Your helping Sarah, right?
That's right
Deserted Territories
03-06-2006, 02:43
OOC: Ok, just making sure.
Deserted Territories
05-06-2006, 01:33
Trainees were being recruited all over the country. In a coupple of weks a highly trained army of police would be all over her. Right now she was sitting on a building across the street from the airport. Several army helicoptors were waiting on the tarmac for the trainers to arrive. She took aim at a pilot relaxing in his chair. She centered on his forhead, took a sharp inward breth, and pulled the trigger, she kept him in her sites just long enough to whatch his head explod. She then lit a few fire crackers aimed at the runway and dropped down a ladder on the far side of the building. Sirens went off in the airport and police cars raced by her. But to everyone on the street she was a blue eye blond carrying around her chello.
"Wow. " Mitsu said at the sight of the explosion. "Oh I hope that wasn't from the one I'm looking for."
She looked about to find someone of intrest
05-06-2006, 04:31
I would like to help in the hunt for Sarah. What tech are we allowed to use?
Deserted Territories
06-06-2006, 02:21
Mt to Pmt.
Demon 666
06-06-2006, 03:39
Several helicopters descended on the desert.
100 Blackwolf Guards, elite soldiers of the Imperial Empire of Demon 666 jumped out.
"Go, go,go!"
Forming up into formation, they all saluted as one member of the vaunted Praetorian Guards, Hideki Kozumari, walked down.
The wolf head on his head, he stared and barked,
"The Emperor decrees that this liberal thug who calls herself a cartoonist is to be hunted down like the dog she is!
Hunt down the scumbag, in the name of the Emperor!"
"Hail! Hail the Emperor!"
Getting into ready Humvees, the Blackwolf Guads set off.
Deserted Territories
07-06-2006, 02:13
Sarah continued to walk down the street. Armed men were starting to make make their way through the crowd searching for something suspicious nodoubt. But she kept walking, ignoreing the frightened citizens who were trying to get a better view of the airport. As she started to move out of the crowd and into the open, she saw her ride pull up out of a side street. She quickened her pace as she headed twoards it, now traveling in the open.
Mitsu's attention drifted to the woman who was seemingly running off in a hurry. She ran to catch up with her.
"Excuse me."
07-06-2006, 05:07
I would like to sign up to hunt down this person, i can get about 500 troops is that ok?
Demon 666
07-06-2006, 22:42
Kozumari walked down the streets, flanked by 5 of the Blackwolfs.
As he glanced around, he saw a rather strange-lloking woman get into a car.
Marching quickly, he yelled,
"Halt! Who are you?"
Deserted Territories
08-06-2006, 01:24
OOC: 500 is fine, as long as they arn't all toghether in one big army.
Sarah was just stepping into the car when somecalled to her. She turned and was about to answer when someone yelled halt. She spun around saw some soldiers and dived into the car, slamming the door shut. The car peeled of the road and headed straight for the soldiers.
Demon 666
08-06-2006, 01:34
Kozumari instinctively leapt out of the way, drawing out the huge knife he always carried.
Four of the Guards accompanying leapt out of the way.
The last had his left leg and collapsed, gritting in pain.
Kozumari strode over to the last man, and shot him once in the eyes without hesitation.
Meanwhile, the other Blackwolf Guards were combing using infiltration to hunt down this woman.
08-06-2006, 01:40
10 small transport planes, and 2 large ones aproached the airport. They circled above, while they took turns landing.
From the small transport planes, men and women desended, dressed in smart black uniforms and moving silently but efficiently. Once the transports had landed, they opened their cargo bays, the recently arrived personnel and some trucks that were on hand aproached them. They unloaded dozens of boxes and put them in the truck, in each box there was valuable training and survailance equipment.
Everyone piled into the trucks, and started the long drive in a convoy fromation, towards the training camp. The extra 500 personnel would speed up trainign considerably.
Deserted Territories
08-06-2006, 12:05
"Jesus that was close!" Sarah yelled. "Can they follow us?"
"If they try really hard." Was Gerards response as he circle around the square on the adjoining roads before speeding off in the opposite direction they left the square.
"We gotta be more careful." She sighed as they left the square far behind.
Back at the square, two men (supports of Sarah) aproached the lady that had grabed Sarah's attention before. They glanced at the gaurds, not the least bit disturbed when the soldier shot his comrade in the forehead. "Who are you and why do you want to speak with Sarah?" One of them asked the lady.
Demon 666
08-06-2006, 14:37
Kozumari had noticed someone trying to talk to Sarah, but he had ignored her
to get at Sarah herself.
Since he had failed, he strode down to the person. She was talking with three men.
WHe glanced back at the four men behind him.
"Safeties off."
Tossing the knife up in the air, he strode down to the threesome.
09-06-2006, 00:01
Two Transport planes baring the black eagle of Zamnitia, touched down in the Desert Territories international airport. Out of the two massive cargo planes poured fifty soldiers each baring the silver crest. This crest signified the elite in the Zamnitia military. Another ten emerged driving the ten humvees out of the plane.
One gruff looking commander yelled at the emerging soldiers, "Alright men, our job here is to protect the Capital building from there we will recieve further orders from HQ and the ruler of this land. Move."
Deserted Territories
10-06-2006, 23:33
One of Sarah's saw the five soldiers coming twoards them. He grabed the girls arm tightly and wishpered "Act casual." He let go of her, but made sure to stay close.
"Crap!" The car sped away.
She pulled out her cell phone. "Hey it's me. Can you do me a favor? Try to track down a [Insert Modle of Car] No I'm afraid I didn't get the licence plate. I know it will be harder Miyuki, but I want you to do it for me. Thank you."
In the mean time she pulled out her Katana and walked up to passing guy on a motor bike.
"Get off!"
"He look her kid this my bike I own this bike, it's NOT Stolen!"
"It is now, get off."
"Okay okay."
"I'll give it back."
"Well if you put one scratch on it, you and me are going to have words."
She spead off.
12-06-2006, 05:00
The commander's name was Lucas Kirner and he was a Lieutenant in the armed forces of Zamnitia. This was not his first assignment, he had lost count over how many jobs he had done in the service of the Lord Consul, and thought not a very important one he took his job seriously no matter what, a trait held by all CO's in Zamnitia.
* * *
The men had made there positions amongst the central Capitol building or whatever the hell they called it. Lucas made his way east to where the Humvees had been put for quick access, the ten men that were drivers still sat in the seats. Upon seeing the Lieutenant they made there way out saluting as stepped out.
Each wore a hawk medallion just below each shoulder, they were Zamnitia's trump card. They were the Fara'din elite special op units smuggled into the country. Zamnitia had to make sure no one knew about these soldiers. Picked from birth to have their faith they probably did not have a single unaltered chromosome in their body, they were the ultimate in natural human potential, no one knew that Zamnitia had gone this far with their research. They would play a big role in Zamnitia's goals here.
Deserted Territories
14-06-2006, 02:20
The man was too late too stop the girl, the soldiers were just about there and he wasn't going to stop her infront of a bunch of armed gaurds. he let her go. It's her fault if she never gets to meet sarah.
Deserted Territories
16-06-2006, 00:04
Sarah was gathering her possesions into a bag as her supporters trashed her hide out. The current show of force from other nations was sure to get some leads on her position. Several fires burned around the small room as the printing machines were shipped away and all the extra pamphlets burned. She sat down to take a breath. It was going to be a long day.