The birth of Coord (FT/Open)
Elizabeth screamed out in pain, This was her first time giving birth but even though she new it was going to be painful it was like a freight train trying to go threw a dog house.
The nurses and the doctor all shouted at her to push. She obeyed the professionals and cried out again one last time.
The head doctor help up her baby girl for her and them his eyes went wide with astonishment.
"W--Whats wrong with my baby?" Elizabeth asked with a frightened tone.
The doctor turned the crying baby so she could see the triangular birth mark... a sign the rebirth of Coord would have.
"Oh, my god!" She whispered softly.
Suddenly the alarm klaxon cut on as the ship rocked violently to the side.
Out side the freighter a pirate ship launched another volley of munitions at the target ship.
The freighter activated thier distress beckon and sent a message to the pirate ship
"Please halt your attack we have new borns on board." But it fell on death ears.
ooc: This Rp is not out to prove my nations religion, though Coord was said to be reborn threw prophecy. Think of the Dali lama.
30-05-2006, 15:25
A pair of Tenpeku class warships of the Kiribushi was on a long range patrol outside the range of their new homeworld.
now equipped with Sephrion cloaking devices they were even more deadly hunters than before.
on board the Shogun Nakamura, the female Captain and her bridge crew picked up the distress call and set a new course recognising the neoman signals.
both the Shogun Nakamura and the Lone Wolf were speeding towards the co-ordinates, the dark blue ships almost invisable in the darkness of space. as they approached the ship the Lone Wolf cloaked as per the usual battle plan.
A pair of Tempeku class warships of the Kiribushi was on a long range patrol outside the range of their new homeworld.
now equipped with Sephrion cloaking devices they were even more deadly hunters than before.
on board the Shogun Nakamura, the female Captain and her bridge crew picked up the distress call and set a new course recognising the neoman signals.
both the Shogun Nakamura and the Lone Wolf were speeding towards the co-ordinates, the dark blue ships almost invisable in the darkness of space. as they approached the ship the Lone Wolf cloaked as per the usual battle plan.
The Neoman Freighter maade a desperate attempt to jump away but it was too heavily damaged to make the jump.
The capiton diverted all non essential power to the shieds and hoped someone could read theier distress signal in time.
31-05-2006, 18:41
with the Kiribushi being warriors they knew how to strike swiftly and surely.
the cloaked 'Lone wolf' worked its way round on impulse power after they dropped out of warp near the cargo ship.
the plasma cannon and the 20 forward phasers of the 'Shogun Nakamura' hit home on the pirate vessel with the now uncloaking 'lone Wolf' unloading its forward weapons into its rear aiming for the engines.
On the Shogun Nakamura Captain Alyssa Fujita got her comms officer to send the a message in english.
"this is the Kiribushi cruiser Shogun Nakamura, Captain Alyssa Fujita in command. we are assisting you now"
31-05-2006, 19:03
HMS Thames – Ascot Class Destroyer – Returning from anti-pirate operations in the Knox System.
“Captain,” said the Communication Officer, “We’ve picked up a distress call.”
“255, 100.”
The Captain tapped the co-ordinates into his palm computer, he then reached over to the intercom system, “All stations, this is Captain Harding, Set Condition One throughout the ship.”
“Sir?” motioned the navigation officer.
“Spin up the FTL drives, jump when ready,” he then turned to the CAG who had just entered the bridge, “Have our pilots ready to deploy as soon as possible.”
The CAG nodded and disappeared again.
Minutes later they appeared in a flash a few miles off the port bow of the Cargo Ship.
“Target the 3 attacking ships, fire on my command… Launch the alert fighters… Communications, contact the cargo ship, inform them of our response then copy the standard aggressive challenge to all hostile ships.” Breathed Captain Harding, calmly.
31-05-2006, 19:23
having both recieved the hail and translated it Captain Fujita replied back while maintaining battle.
"HMS Thames, this is Captain Fujita of the Kiribushi cruiser Shogun Nakamura and commander of this fighting group. we responded to an allies distress call so we are not the attackers here. This ship we are pounding is"
they kept hitting and moving as accurate phaser fire was weakening the pirate ship and keeping their attention focused away from the freighter. with the Lone Wolf doing the same and both ships cloaking and uncloaking quickly to avoid fire the battle was going their way.
ooc: this is what they look like only they're dark blue all over.
31-05-2006, 21:02
“Is he lying?”
“Well if they were firing at the transport… they aren’t now sir,” replied the communications officer.
“Target the 3rd ‘pirate’ ship and engage, all batteries,” said the Captain, shifting in his chair.
HMS Thames let out a volley of missiles at the pirate ship, and its fighters vectored in for an attack run on its engines.
The Freighters left plasma coil engine overloaded, collums of a violet-blue shot out of the engines main turbine, and sent the Frieghter veering in an awkward eliptical tracectory.
Being ponded form two sides the ships sheilds finnaly gave out as three missles pounded into it, sending a fire ball into space.
The pirate ship sent one last volley of nucklear tipped missles at all the ships except for the freighter.
A blueish-green rip in space appeared off its port side and it slowly limped its way inside vannishing in a blinding white light.
01-06-2006, 06:52
the Kiribushi ships shook slightly when the missiles impacted but they were fine, the victory being secured as the pirate vessel jumping away.
Comming the other Kiribushi ship they both came round and caught the freighter in their tractor beams so it would be safe.
choosing visual communications this time Captain Alyssa Fujita opened up lines to the freighter and the Thames asking the freighter what assistance they needed and telling the Thames captain how they got involved in the fight.
on the screens wearing her dark red uniform, she was nearly 30 years old with olive skin, long dark hair, dark eyes and rather pretty. in the background were an all female bridge crew dressed just like their Captain wearing short swords as well.
the Kiribushi ships shook slightly when the missiles impacted but they were fine, the victory being secured as the pirate vessel jumping away.
Comming the other Kiribushi ship they both came round and caught the freighter in their tractor beams so it would be safe.
choosing visual communications this time Captain Alyssa Fujita opened up lines to the freighter and the Thames asking the freighter what assistance they needed and telling the Thames captain how they got involved in the fight.
on the screens wearing her dark red uniform, she was nearly 30 years old with olive skin, long dark hair, dark eyes and rather pretty. in the background were an all female bridge crew dressed just like their Captain wearing short swords as well.
The capiton of the freighter appreard on the viewscreen, it was extemly distorted as video cut in and out due to damage onbored his ship.
He was extremly handsome with a stern masculine face.
"Thank Coord you guys arrived, if our cargo was captured may lives would have been lost.
We are expereanceing major failures with life support and gravity controls."
Sparks flew from some of the instrements as the crew scambled about behind him.
"Our main plasma coil is overloaded and we are incapable of any kind of FTL travel."
01-06-2006, 07:12
"we'll be able to tow you at warp if we need to" Alyssa Fujita replies "but i'll send a Doctor and an engineer aboard if you can drop your shields"
"we'll be able to tow you at warp if we need to" Alyssa Fujita replies "but i'll send a Doctor and an engineer aboard if you can drop your shields"
The capiton nodded and pressed a few butons and the sheilds were lowered allowing the Kirisuban visitors.
"Please beam them directly to the bridge, its the only place we aren't haveing major dificulties,"
01-06-2006, 07:21
Two columns of light appeared on the bridge disolving into two kirisuban women. one was Dr Raiko Uehara carrying a large medical kit and the other was Lt Cmr Yuko Minamoto, the chief engineer of the Shogun Nakamura.
After introducing themselves they get to work both women asking where they are needed first.
Two columns of light appeared on the bridge disolving into two kirisuban women. one was Dr Raiko Uehara carrying a large medical kit and the other was Lt Cmr Yuko Minamoto, the chief engineer of the Shogun Nakamura.
After introducing themselves they get to work both women asking where they are needed first.
The Capiton walked up to them.
"Thank you for assistance, for right now the life support systems are priority, but we could always use a good doctor in our med-bay."
Two Neoman terminators in Mark 6s stood coldly at the elevator doors, it was strange for full combat ready soldiers to be abourd a civilian craft.
01-06-2006, 07:38
Dr Uehara nods and takes the turbolift to the sick bay as requested.
with a Neoman to guide her the Kiribushi chief engineer gets to work on life support.
Dr Uehara nods and takes the turbolift to the sick bay as requested.
with a Neoman to guide her the Kiribushi chief engineer gets to work on life support.
The turbolife stopped at sickbay and the doors opened reviealing two more terminators both pointing weapons at her.
When they recognized her as an Allie they stood down,
"Sorry ma'am, our comms have been KOed we didn't know if we were boarded,"
The Caption sat down in his chair... looking at the mess his ship was in... How could i have been so careless, Now there going to know what were carrying
The Neoman Helping the engineer was diverting scanner readings from the cargo hold, He hopped she didn't notice but he was unsure.
01-06-2006, 10:59
"Recover Fighters and but maintain a CAP, we'll be staying here for a while I think. Inform fleet of the situation."
"Yes Sir.."
"Give me comms with the cargo ship," he waited a moment and when he saw the communication panel light up he started, "Hello Neoman Freighter, this is the HMS Thames, can we be of anymore assistance? We have medical staff on board as well as a number of engineers."
"Recover Fighters and but maintain a CAP, we'll be staying here for a while I think. Inform fleet of the situation."
"Yes Sir.."
"Give me comms with the cargo ship," he waited a moment and when he saw the communication panel light up he started, "Hello Neoman Freighter, this is the HMS Thames, can we be of anymore assistance? We have medical staff on board as well as a number of engineers."
The Capiton shook his head, "No, we are alright for now... but they will return and next time be in greater number..."
01-06-2006, 15:29
"Problems with the locals I take it? May I ask why?"
01-06-2006, 18:27
Dr Uehara nodded to the terminators and walked up to the freighters doctor introducing herself.
it was now that she seen the woman resting after giving birth holding her baby.
she smiles when she sees the baby and asks the doctor what needs done.
in engineering the engineer was working hard to fix the life support systems and knew that engines were the next priority. if they couldn't make a warp jump they were going to be vunerable at impulse power.
she also knew that were you get one pirate ship you're also likely to find others hence her haste to finish the job...
with both Kiribushi ships maintaining the tractor beam they guided the freighter to a safe orbit before the lone wolf broke off to keep an eye on things activating her cloaking device and heading out a little at impulse power.
they were certain to see anymore vessels arriving.
wth the Shogun Nakamura's tractor beam still on the freighter it wasn't going to enter the planets orbit.
Dr Uehara nodded to the terminators and walked up to the freighters doctor introducing herself.
it was now that she seen the woman resting after giving birth holding her baby.
she smiles when she sees the baby and asks the doctor what needs done.
in engineering the engineer was working hard to fix the life support systems and knew that engines were the next priority. if they couldn't make a warp jump they were going to be vunerable at impulse power.
she also knew that were you get one pirate ship you're also likely to find others hence her haste to finish the job...
with both Kiribushi ships maintaining the tractor beam they guided the freighter to a safe orbit before the lone wolf broke off to keep an eye on things activating her cloaking device and heading out a little at impulse power.
they were certain to see anymore vessels arriving.
wth the Shogun Nakamura's tractor beam still on the freighter it wasn't going to enter the planets orbit.
Doctor Kevin Heller smiled when he saw Doctor Uehara
"Its fun when your trying to deliver a baby when your being attacked like that, but we are going to have wounded coming soon so... my medical equipment thou not as advanced as a militarize med-lab is at your disposal."
He motioned to the Women who was breast feeding her baby,
"This is Elizabeth,"
Elizabeth is young, only about 20 years old. Her hair is brown with medium length.
01-06-2006, 19:45
Dr Uehara smiled again when she seen the baby girl and said to Elizabeth "Elizabeth san, your daughters beautiful and i'm sure she'll grow up to be a heartbreaker".
she tickles the baby under the chin and turns back to Dr Heller.
"please call me Raiko. I hate titles. We can also transfer some of your wounded to my ship. its a warship not a rescue vessel but we'll do what we can to help save more lives.
We'll also be able to deal with the pirates if they return and until you're able to go to warp i'm sure we could tow you to the closest friendly base"
Elizabeth smiled "Im sure she will,"
Kevin shifted uncomfertably "Well... we-uh can't, You see we have orders from the Grand Ruler himself to get our cargo to a waypoint. We can't send any messages to anyone except our distress becon..."
I can't really tell you more then that... If i do... i'd spend 30 years in a penal colony."
He stopped knowing he said to mutch
"Any way, If we could send the more terminal casualties to your ship that would take a lot of the strain off us."
01-06-2006, 20:04
Raiko nods knowing the nature of the military mind. she was samurai herself.
"very well then. We can take your more serious casualties but without warp engines you're going nowhere unless you get a tow.
I'd like to speak with your Captain about how much help we can give you. this ship can keep its secret for all I care but I care about the lives of the people aboard her. i'm also sure you could do with a pair of allied ships escorting you to your destination"
Raiko nods knowing the nature of the military mind. she was samurai herself.
"very well then. We can take your more serious casualties but without warp engines you're going nowhere unless you get a tow.
I'd like to speak with your Captain about how much help we can give you. this ship can keep its secret for all I care but I care about the lives of the people aboard her. i'm also sure you could do with a pair of allied ships escorting you to your destination"
"Yes, and seeing as how you are Allies of Neoma, i dought we would get any severe punishment. but if your going to protect us till we get to the destination you should be intitled to know what in the Crago hold..." Kevin took a step closer to Raiko
"But thats only a minor problem compared to the baby..." he whispered
01-06-2006, 20:58
"what about the baby?" Raiko whispers back not concerned about the secret cargo.
"my concern as a Doctor is for all the souls on this ship and the sooner we're underway the better even if its a low warp tow until the engines are fixed"
back in engineering Yuko Minamoto was putting the finishing touches to the life support repairs. she wiped her hands on a rag and sighed.
they still had to at least get the warp engines going and it looked bad.
Turning to her neoman helper she says "i've seen engines in worse shape but I reckon I can get you a low warp factor which is better than nothing"
"what about the baby?" Raiko whispers back not concerned about the secret cargo.
"my concern as a Doctor is for all the souls on this ship and the sooner we're underway the better even if its a low warp tow until the engines are fixed"
back in engineering Yuko Minamoto was putting the finishing touches to the life support repairs. she wiped her hands on a rag and sighed.
they still had to at least get the warp engines going and it looked bad.
Turning to her neoman helper she says "i've seen engines in worse shape but I reckon I can get you a low warp factor which is better than nothing"
Kevin ran his fingers threw black hair.
"Well, its nothing mental of physical... Its who the baby is..."
He searched for words for a moment.
"I'm not a man of faith but for a lack of better words I think the baby is the reincarnation of the Neoman god... Coord. She bares all the markings the Coordism bible said she would have... I dont know, Either way this is huge."
He turned and looked at the baby.
ooc: Coord is supposedly going to be reincarnated, she will bare no memory's or powers of her former life...
01-06-2006, 21:12
Raiko nods slightly and replies just as softly "I'm a person of faith as well as a shintoist and if you're right we've even more reason to get this mother and child to safety.
this just became more than a rescue mission. its now a matter of importance to your people.
How long do you think it'll take to drop of your cargo and head for home?"
Raiko nods slightly and replies just as softly "I'm a person of faith as well as a shintoist and if you're right we've even more reason to get this mother and child to safety.
this just became more than a rescue mission. its now a matter of importance to your people.
How long do you think it'll take to drop of your cargo and head for home?"
Kevin thought for a moment "Well... we would have been there in 2 weeks, but if we can get at lead sub light speed... 3 weeks to a months if we pass threw the rebel controlled area... We're screwed, we are the only ship that can handle the cargo within reason."
01-06-2006, 21:30
"then either you need to fix your engines or transfer your cargo and people to our ships. We can manage warp 8 at our best speed and we're hard targets as well to hit. I need to ask my chief engineer what she thinks" Raiko replies.
she hits her comm badge and has a rather animated conversation with Yuko in Kirisuban, the doctor nodding from time to time before tapping her badge again.
"Yuko seems to think she can fix your engines so you've have some warp speed" she adds
"then either you need to fix your engines or transfer your cargo and people to our ships. We can manage warp 8 at our best speed and we're hard targets as well to hit. I need to ask my chief engineer what she thinks" Raiko replies.
she hits her comm badge and has a rather animated conversation with Yuko in Kirisuban, the doctor nodding from time to time before tapping her badge again.
"Yuko seems to think she can fix your engines so you've have some warp speed" she adds
Kevin sighed "You... dont understand, this ship is the only ship that is capable of carrying the amount of Anti-matter were...SH*T,"
Kevins hand went to his mouth
02-06-2006, 18:08
"Antimatter" Raiko replies shaking her head and replying "we really need to get your engines fixed. Our ships use it as well so we know how to handle it. I won't repeat what you told me"
Yuko looks over the engines and frowns. this would not be an easy job with most of the circuits fused. she hoped that the kirisuban parts she'd be using would be compatible with these engines.
"what power source do you use?" she asks her Neoman assistant.
"Antimatter" Raiko replies shaking her head and replying "we really need to get your engines fixed. Our ships use it as well so we know how to handle it. I won't repeat what you told me"
Yuko looks over the engines and frowns. this would not be an easy job with most of the circuits fused. she hoped that the kirisuban parts she'd be using would be compatible with these engines.
"what power source do you use?" she asks her Neoman assistant.
Kevin smiled "Yes, you engines control and contain it... were carrying it inside bombs, to be used against the Rebels... They know this and..." He looked to the far wall
"So do the Rebel priates... If these munitions ever got into thier control... Millions would die, Think of New Kirisubo... But thier was no evacuation."
The Neoman Engineer smiled "Well, we use plasma power coils with an particle inducer,"
02-06-2006, 21:18
Raiko was no engineer but she knew how dangerous anti-matter was.
the thought of anti-matter bombs horrified her but it was also a logical step up from using it to power a starship.
"Kevin, then we'll have to make sure they don't get their hands on it even it if costs us our lives" Raiko replies "I was there to see my world die so I know better than most people what you mean"
"we use plasma as the basis of our weapon systems so i should be able to do something about this" Yuko replies adding "I'll need to get some of these coils replicated and refilled with our own own stocks. Then once the control relays are fixed you'll have warp drive again probally something around warp 2.
I wouldn't suggest pushing it more than that until you get to a shipyard"
Raiko was no engineer but she knew how dangerous anti-matter was.
the thought of anti-matter bombs horrified her but it was also a logical step up from using it to power a starship.
"Kevin, then we'll have to make sure they don't get their hands on it even it if costs us our lives" Raiko replies "I was there to see my world die so I know better than most people what you mean"
"we use plasma as the basis of our weapon systems so i should be able to do something about this" Yuko replies adding "I'll need to get some of these coils replicated and refilled with our own own stocks. Then once the control relays are fixed you'll have warp drive again probally something around warp 2.
I wouldn't suggest pushing it more than that until you get to a shipyard"
Kevin shook his head "Thats two things we have in common, Were both doctors, and we both saw our homes destroyed,"
The Neoman assistant nodded "Could work, but when it comes down to it... any decent pirate ship could over run us."
03-06-2006, 15:59
Yuko frowned and said "I'll need to remove a working coil so we can replicate it back on my ship. In the meantime i'm sure you can repair the control relays while I'm gone"
she smiles, pulls out a coil and hits her comm badge speaking in Kirisuban. a transporter beam picks her up and she reappears back on her ship.
on board the Shogun Nakamura Captain Alyssa Fujita stalked her bridge.
it had taken time to get a report back from her chief engineer but she was sure that the cargo ship could be repaired quickly.
even with two ships in her fighting group she couldn't be sure how long she could hold off other pirate ships.
She comms the freighter Captain telling him what Yuko told her and her fears about other pirate ships in the area.
"no-ones going to die on my watch" Raiko says firmly "i've seen my share of death as a warrior"
Yuko frowned and said "I'll need to remove a working coil so we can replicate it back on my ship. In the meantime i'm sure you can repair the control relays while I'm gone"
she smiles, pulls out a coil and hits her comm badge speaking in Kirisuban. a transporter beam picks her up and she reappears back on her ship.
on board the Shogun Nakamura Captain Alyssa Fujita stalked her bridge.
it had taken time to get a report back from her chief engineer but she was sure that the cargo ship could be repaired quickly.
even with two ships in her fighting group she couldn't be sure how long she could hold off other pirate ships.
She comms the freighter Captain telling him what Yuko told her and her fears about other pirate ships in the area.
"no-ones going to die on my watch" Raiko says firmly "i've seen my share of death as a warrior"
Kevin smiled "I've seen death on my tabel..."
The door opened and some people slowly walked in... They were bloody and one of them was unconscious.
03-06-2006, 16:21
Raiko opens up her medical scanner and quickly does a triage judgement.
She helps the others bring the unconcious crewmember onto the treatment table and gets to work, the other injuries not serious.
she expected there to be more people to deal with so she got busy.
Raiko opens up her medical scanner and quickly does a triage judgement.
She helps the others bring the unconcious crewmember onto the treatment table and gets to work, the other injuries not serious.
she expected there to be more people to deal with so she got busy.
Kevin helped Raiko as much as he could but found that he was obsolete compared to her.
A steady stem of injured started to come in as Kevin and Roiko worked.
03-06-2006, 16:51
Soon Raiko had exhausted her own supplies and another box of supplies was beamed to the sickbay.
After showing Kevin how to operate and read her medical scanner (after setting it to english) she let him run triage while she continued to deal with the wounded.
most wounds were cuts, brusies and broken bones and the few serious cases had been stablised.
Kevin smiled at Raiko as the wounded started to lessen.
He had set many broken bones and had the auto sticher stitch many wounds.
Elizabeth rocked her baby slowly while sitting on the bed, The baby slept as the wounded were being treated.
The Capiton smiled as he saw the life support diagnostic rise above the minimum requirements, He had been wery of the Kirisubans but know he saw them as the Grand Ruler did.
The Neoman assistant watched her work
"Im impressed,"
04-06-2006, 19:04
eventually both doctors had dealt with the wounded and were finally able to take a break.
Raiko settled for some cold water noting some blood on her dark red jacket and sat down.
"I hope that the last we'll see of those pirates" she mutters
Yuko simply replies "i'm only doing my duty and one of those aspects is helping others in need. Theres more to the samurai class than swords and fighting.
By now she had returned with the parts and was fitting the new coils into the engine.
"fire up the engines now" she says "if all went well you should have warp 2"
eventually both doctors had dealt with the wounded and were finally able to take a break.
Raiko settled for some cold water noting some blood on her dark red jacket and sat down.
"I hope that the last we'll see of those pirates" she mutters
Yuko simply replies "I'm only doing my duty and one of those aspects is helping others in need. Theres more to the samurai class than swords and fighting.
By now she had returned with the parts and was fitting the new coils into the engine.
"fire up the engines now" she says "if all went well you should have warp 2"
The Neoman assistant nodded and moved over next to the large cylinder tube that held the Plasma coil.
He picked up the comm.
"Now hear this, Engine reigniting commercing."
He pulled a lever and the coil hummed loudly, suddenly thier was a loud crack and the brilliant blue turned red for a second then it changed back to blue.
The assistant gave Yuko the thumbs up from the control panel.
"Were running a little hot but everything else is running okay... I want to try Warp 1 before we try Warp 2."
Kevin smiled "I do to but i dought they just let us go..."
04-06-2006, 20:00
"more like we chased them off with the help of the others" Raiko replies "but i fear they'll be back and with friends in tow. I really hope we get moving soon"
Yuko seen the engine flare briefly but stablise. warp one seemed to be holding.
"we'll know for sure when the tractor beam is cut and you move off on your own" she remarks
"more like we chased them off with the help of the others" Raiko replies "but i fear they'll be back and with friends in tow. I really hope we get moving soon"
Yuko seen the engine flare briefly but stablise. warp one seemed to be holding.
"we'll know for sure when the tractor beam is cut and you move off on your own" she remarks
Kevin nodded "They will... i do to, we cant just sit here any longer."
As soon as the tractor beam was cut the ship lurched forward and slowly made it way away from the ships.
The Assistant hit some buttons and it moved faster as it reached Warp 2.
04-06-2006, 20:28
the Shogun Nakamura and the now uncloaked Lone Wolf followed the freighters course and matching her speed, both Kiribushi ships on yellow alert.
Raiko felt the ship jump to warp and said "we're on our way again wherever we're going"
the Shogun Nakamura and the now uncloaked Lone Wolf followed the freighters course and matching her speed, both Kiribushi ships on yellow alert.
Raiko felt the ship jump to warp and said "we're on our way again wherever we're going"
Kevin smiled "Thats actually a good question.,"
The capiton sent a message to the Kirisuban vessels
"We have three options on our course...
We could go threw the Rebel controled space,
Or the Unlawfull area where the pritates inhabit,
And lastly but it is faster, The Ashen quarinteen zone..."
ooc: The Ashen is the name of the creatures on Unity, They have been rampageign all over Neoman controled space.
04-06-2006, 20:53
Captain Fujita had the Neoman Captain on her viewscreen as she pondered the next course of action.
"Captain, none of these are particularly safe but at least the ashen won't be interested in your cargo. the others will be"
she knew something about the events that were unfolding on Unity and how Neoman forces aided by the crew of the Kagemon had fought them along with other allies.
"the sooner we get there and back the better"
Captain Fujita had the Neoman Captain on her viewscreen as she pondered the next course of action.
"Captain, none of these are particularly safe but at least the ashen won't be interested in your cargo. the others will be"
she knew something about the events that were unfolding on Unity and how Neoman forces aided by the crew of the Kagemon had fought them along with other allies.
"the sooner we get there and back the better"
The Capitan nodded as he set a course and the ship began to follow the course exactly.
The baby started to cry and Elizabeth rocker her back and forth soothingly but the disturbed baby still cried.
04-06-2006, 21:33
The Kirisbishi ships maintained their alert, the Lone Wolf taking point.
Raiko looked up at the baby and she mentally ticked off the points in her head coming to the conclusion that the child was upset about something and it wasn't a feed or a change.
The Kirisbishi ships maintained their alert, the Lone Wolf taking point.
Raiko looked up at the baby and she mentally ticked off the points in her head coming to the conclusion that the child was upset about something and it wasn't a feed or a change.
Elizabeth tried everything she could to calm the baby... but nothing worked.
Soon the baby stopped crying as a Young man walked in. He looked at Raiko for a second then walked to Elizabeth.
He bent down and kissed her, Elizabeth smiled
"She just wanted her daddy..." She said as the young man picked up the baby and held it close to his chest.
06-06-2006, 18:36
Raiko smiled and said softly "she's going to be a daddies girl at this rate" to Elizabeth and introducing herself.
"i'm Dr Raiko Uehara from the Shogun Nakamura"
Raiko smiled and said softly "she's going to be a daddies girl at this rate" to Elizabeth and introducing herself.
"i'm Dr Raiko Uehara from the Shogun Nakamura"
The young man smiled "I hope she is... Allen Joel, Pleasure to mean you,"
The baby girl wiggled in his arms and soon fell asleep.
06-06-2006, 23:19
Raiko smiles and says "pleased to meet you Mr Joel".
"have you thought of a name yet?" she asks
Raiko smiles and says "pleased to meet you Mr Joel".
"have you thought of a name yet?" she asks
Allen smiled "Women usually name the children," He looked at Elizabeth and smiled
"Morgan..." She said softly "Her name is Morgan Coord Joel."
Allen smiled in responce
07-06-2006, 01:04
Raiko couldn't help being caught up in this moment. while the freighter was heading on a dangerous journey the miracle of a new life had taken place and little Morgan already had people loving her.
"its a good name" she softly replies "and your darling daughter will get back home despite the dangers we face"
Raiko couldn't help being caught up in this moment. while the freighter was heading on a dangerous journey the miracle of a new life had taken place and little Morgan already had people loving her.
"its a good name" she softly replies "and your darling daughter will get back home despite the dangers we face"
Allen smiled "I hope that she is going to be safe.. but if were going to pass threw the Ashen quarintine zone we might as well be running naked threw a hail storm,"
Elizabeth smiled and shook her head.
07-06-2006, 07:28
"i hope we're not going there. i'm sure its called a quarintene zone for a good reason" Raiko replies
On the Shogun Nakamura Captain Fujita was nervous about this particular leg of the journey. they may not have any pirate or rebel entanglements but what she knew about the ashen worried her.
she wondered if two ships would be enough to get the freighter in and out of this area of space safely.
"Comms get me the landing party" she orders "I'd like to have them back on board as soon as possible"
Yuko's badge goes off and she hits it replyng in kirisuban.
"My Captain wants me back but I may well see you later" she says with a twinkle in her eye before the transporter beam picks her up and returns her home.
Raiko answers her comm badge replying "Captain Sama i'll be heading back soon. the medical emergency has been dealt with and i'll leave any medical supplies we didn't need for the freighter crew"
she tells Kevin "I need to leave soon but i won't be too far away"
"i hope we're not going there. i'm sure its called a quarintene zone for a good reason" Raiko replies
On the Shogun Nakamura Captain Fujita was nervous about this particular leg of the journey. they may not have any pirate or rebel entanglements but what she knew about the ashen worried her.
she wondered if two ships would be enough to get the freighter in and out of this area of space safely.
"Comms get me the landing party" she orders "I'd like to have them back on board as soon as possible"
Yuko's badge goes off and she hits it replyng in kirisuban.
"My Captain wants me back but I may well see you later" she says with a twinkle in her eye before the transporter beam picks her up and returns her home.
Raiko answers her comm badge replying "Captain Sama i'll be heading back soon. the medical emergency has been dealt with and i'll leave any medical supplies we didn't need for the freighter crew"
she tells Kevin "I need to leave soon but i won't be too far away"
Kevin nodded "Thank you."
The ship passed threw the quarintene zones boundries...
07-06-2006, 18:23
matching the freighters speed Dr Uehara beamed back to her ship and briefed her Captain about what happened not mentioning the anti-matter bombs on board.
"so the child is important" the Captain replies as the ships step up to a full yellow alert.
"this mission will be long remembered if we can get the child and her parents back in one piece"
matching the freighters speed Dr Uehara beamed back to her ship and briefed her Captain about what happened not mentioning the anti-matter bombs on board.
"so the child is important" the Captain replies as the ships step up to a full yellow alert.
"this mission will be long remembered if we can get the child and her parents back in one piece"
The Ships sped slowly deeper into the quarintine zone.
Suddenly a wormhole rift opened abotu 300km port of the Freighter.
A Neoman Galactic Intruder battle ship shot out of the worm hole.
07-06-2006, 19:44
The tactical officer reported the contact and Captain Fujita hailed them recognising the Neoman design.
"I am Captain Fujita of the Kiribushi navy. we discovered your freighter when it was attacked by pirates. we repaired some of her systems and she is continuing to her destination"
The tactical officer reported the contact and Captain Fujita hailed them recognising the Neoman design.
"I am Captain Fujita of the Kiribushi navy. we discovered your freighter when it was attacked by pirates. we repaired some of her systems and she is continuing to her destination"
"We are the pirates,"
Suddenly its sheilds and weapons came online and it fired on the Kirisuban vessels.
07-06-2006, 19:59
As the first shots hit home Captain Fujita orders "raise shields and the cloaking device", the signal terminating.
both Kiribushi ships seem to vanish as they go to battle stations moving into an attack position while cloaked, the target being the engines.
As the first shots hit home Captain Fujita orders "raise shields and the cloaking device"
both Kiribushi ships seem to vanish as they go to battle stations moving into an attack position while cloaked, the target being the engines.
The Pirate ship stopped for a moment as it seemed to be confused...
It started back fireing but the shots were random and un coordinated.
07-06-2006, 20:08
the Lone wolf and the Shogun Nakamura uncloak behind the pirate ship and unload between them 40 phaser hits and 10 plasma torpedo hits before they recloak moving under and to the right of their attackers.
the simple combat manoever proved effective as they charge their plasma cannons the old but still effective weapons ready to strike.
the Lone wolf and the Shogun Nakamura uncloak behind the pirate ship and unload between them 40 phaser hits and 10 plasma torpedo hits before they recloak moving under and to the right of their attackers.
the simple combat manoever proved effective as they charge their plasma cannons the old but still effective weapons ready to strike.
The Priate GI rocked violently.
The turrets spun around but it was too late, the Kirisubans were gone.
Suddenly it launche volleys of Nucklear weapons in all direction basically carpet bombing the imediate area.
The Frieghter shook as the shock waves from the explosions washed over them.
The Capiton ordered them to run away from the battle... conserened about the shockwaves dissrupting the containment cell around the Anti-Matter
07-06-2006, 20:31
the nuclear blasts had slightly shaken up the Lone Wolf but her shields held.
both ships uncloaked for a second to launch a glowing ball of plasma each from a 100 metre range before re-cloaking and moving away towards the freighter.
the balls of plasma grew as they sped closer and they hit with the force of a large atomic explosion.
yup its the big plasma cannon as used by the Romulans in the classic star trek series :)
each ship has the equivilant of 20 phasers since they can rapid fire them just like the USS Defiant. basically the Tenpeku class ships are highly mobile gun platforms
the nuclear blasts had slightly shaken up the Lone Wolf but her shields held.
both ships uncloaked for a second to launch a glowing ball of plasma each from a 100 metre range before re-cloaking and moving away towards the freighter.
the balls of plasma grew as they sped closer and they hit with the force of a large atomic explosion.
yup its the big plasma cannon as used by the Romulans in the classic star trek series :)
each ship has the equivilant of 20 phasers since they can rapid fire them just like the USS Defiant. basically the Tenpeku class ships are highly mobile gun platforms
The pirate ship took both explosions in the right side. The shield turned bright mauve and began to fail.
It launched a final volley as a hyperspace rift began to appear on its left side
07-06-2006, 20:50
"their shields are failing Captain and it looks like they're trying to get away" Captain Fujita's tactical officer reports.
"lets finish this" she orders "move to their right side and unload every weapon we have into them"
her orders are sent to the Lone Wolf and they turn and uncloak just long enough to send 30 phasers and 10 plasma torpedos into the pirate ship.
they vanish again into space the agile craft flying under their enemy and descending rather than leveling out.
The R-GI was heavily damaged and one lucky shot hit right in the FTL drive.
Th Wormhole closed rapidly cutting the R-GI in half laterally.
If flouted for a moment until the ship had caught up with all the damage and it exploded in a massive fire ball.
07-06-2006, 21:04
"is that explosion big enough for you?" the Shogun Nakamura's XO asks her Captain as she smiles.
"i'd say so" she replies and orders "drop the cloak and catch up with the freighter. I don't think thats the last pirate we'll have to deal with"
the Shogun Nakamura and the Lone Wolf re-appear and head off looking for the freighter...
"is that explosion big enough for you?" the Shogun Nakamura's XO asks her Captain as she smiles.
"i'd say so" she replies and orders "drop the cloak and catch up with the freighter. I don't think thats the last pirate we'll have to deal with"
the Shogun Nakamura and the Lone Wolf re-appear and head off looking for the freighter...
The freighter was drifting away from the battle.
All the lights were off and 5 or 7 strange looking ships attached to its hull.
No radio comms. we being broadcasted.
The terminators fired wildly down the dark hall, Thier weapons flashing showing the enemy for only a brief moment before it went dark again.
Suddenly a fountain of blood erupted from one of the terminators and he toppled to the ground.
The other 2 didn't see where the shot came from.
They went a back to back defensive position but they soon fell from thier unseen attacker.
ooc: The ships attached to the hull are boarding craft, they use stealth technology
08-06-2006, 20:51
"i'm not picking up their transponder" the tactical officer tells her Captain.
Alyssa Fujita raised an eyebrow and said "then look for the ship by scanning for metal. I doubt there'll be that much shipping here"
a few minutes later the ship is located and they find the freighter with her comms down.
"number one lead an armed away team over their. I've got a bad fleeling"
Commander Koyuri Misato nodded and left the bridge.
within two minutes she was armoured up along with 3 security guards with plasma rifles and swords. the red kevlar armour and helmets matched their uniforms.
They transport onto the bridge facing out into a circle their weapons on stun and raised...
"i'm not picking up their transponder" the tactical officer tells her Captain.
Alyssa Fujita raised an eyebrow and said "then look for the ship by scanning for metal. I doubt there'll be that much shipping here"
a few minutes later the ship is located and they find the freighter with her comms down.
"number one lead an armed away team over their. I've got a bad fleeling"
Commander Koyuri Misato nodded and left the bridge.
within two minutes she was armoured up along with 3 security guards with plasma rifles and swords. the red kevlar armour and helmets matched their uniforms.
They transport onto the bridge facing out into a circle their weapons on stun and raised...
The Capitan of the ship screamed as the Kirisubans transported onto the bridge.
There were 6 Terminators on the bridge, one was sitting down his back against the wall clutching his stomach, bits if intestines showed threw his fingers.
His face was pale, blood seeping out of his mouth.
08-06-2006, 22:40
Commander Misato put a finger to her lips and waved her team out. A security officer called for a emergency medical transport and the terminator was beamed off the ship to the Shogun Nakamura for medical help.
"Captain what happened here?" she asks as her eyes adjust to the darkness. A security guard is already sweeping the bridge with her torch checking for any danger as they secured the bridge.
Commander Misato put a finger to her lips and waved her team out. A security officer called for a emergency medical transport and the terminator was beamed off the ship to the Shogun Nakamura for medical help.
"Captain what happened here?" she asks as her eyes adjust to the darkness. A security guard is already sweeping the bridge with her torch checking for any danger as they secured the bridge.
"We were boarded thats what happened, unknown strength. The Terminators are trying to hold them off..."
The Terminators shifted uncomfortably.
08-06-2006, 22:52
"these pirates will have no ship to return to. we destroyed it" the XO replies "whats the status of the crew?"
She adds "we'll help in retaking the ship. we don't believe in only half doing a job"
"these pirates will have no ship to return to. we destroyed it" the XO replies "whats the status of the crew?"
She adds "we'll help in retaking the ship. we don't believe in only half doing a job"
The Capitan nodded "Thier going for the cargo hold, if they can get a hold of whats inside nobody could touch this ship because if they did they could level a solar system,"
The Terminators talked amungst themselves, they checked their weapons, the leader had an Atom Destabilizer.
The leader looked at Koyuri, His black color blast dome was down,
"Were ready..." His voice box hissed as he turned away and walked to the locked down door.
08-06-2006, 23:23
"then we'll try and stop them" Koyuri replies as she and her team follow the terminator into the darkness, their plasma rifles now set to kill..
in space the Lone Wolf had cloaked and was on the lookout for other ships.
On the Shogun Nakamura Captain Fujita has spotted the stealth pods and asked her weapons officer if she felt she could shoot them off the hull without hitting the freighter.
they had detected the presence of anti-matter and wanted to be carefull.
"Hai Captain" the woman replies and locks the first 2 phasers onto single shot rather than full auto.
two tight beam phaser hits home on the first landing pod..
"then we'll try and stop them" Koyuri replies as she and her team follow the terminator into the darkness, their plasma rifles now set to kill..
in space the Lone Wolf had cloaked and was on the lookout for other ships.
On the Shogun Nakamura Captain Fujita has spotted the stealth pods and asked her weapons officer if she felt she could shoot them off the hull without hitting the freighter.
they had detected the presence of anti-matter and wanted to be carefull.
"Hai Captain" the woman replies and locks the first 2 phasers onto single shot rather than full auto.
two tight beam phaser hits home on the first landing pod..
The pod exploded and air shot out of the hole left behind... I was soon sealed.
The Terminators opened the door manually just about 3'' of the groudn they each crawled threw and the door was shut.
The Terminators lead the way, They came a cross three terminator bodies... Each had deep lacerations.
The leader inspected the wounds.
"Chain swords..." He said sofly as her shut the blast dome to mask thier faces.
09-06-2006, 00:04
"it must be rebels then" Koyuri replies softly "it was a rebel battleship we sent to the next world with no survivors earlier on"
she hisses some clipped Kirisuban and they turn out their torches working just with their natural dark vision.
they were now on high alert and moving onward very cautiously.
Satisfied with the results of the first shots Alyssa ordered the second pod to be targeted.
using the computer assisted targeting the tactical officer hit it straight on just like before.
"it must be rebels then" Koyuri replies softly "it was a rebel battleship we sent to the next world with no survivors earlier on"
she hisses some clipped Kirisuban and they turn out their torches working just with their natural dark vision.
they were now on high alert and moving onward very cautiously.
Satisfied with the results of the first shots Alyssa ordered the second pod to be targeted.
using the computer assisted targeting the tactical officer hit it straight on just like before.
ooc: I didn't know Alyssa was a teleporter!!! :p J/k
Another pod blew up and the usual hiss of air.
The Terminator squad slowly moved toward sickbay, discovering bodies of the crew and terminators as they went.
The pace was quick but nothing was taken for granted.
As one Terminator turned down a corridor a sporadic firing began and he fell.
"Flamers!" Shouted the leader as he popped off a few rounds from his pistol down the corridor.
One of his men stepped right into the line of fire, He pulled the trigger and sent flames down the corridors in a loud whooshing sound.
"Burn Baby Burn!!!," shouted the man as he held the trigger for about 20 seconds
The Terminators charged down the corridor finding two charred rebel bodies.
The Scandinvans
09-06-2006, 01:20
OOC: This thread looks like a pretty good thread.
09-06-2006, 07:28
the rakoiv droped out of warp a lone wolf class star destoyer coms to neomans we come in a warship but we mean peace
09-06-2006, 07:28
ooc: I didn't know Alyssa was a teleporter!!! :p J/k
Another pod blew up and the usual hiss of air.
The Terminator squad slowly moved toward sickbay, discovering bodies of the crew and terminators as they went.
The pace was quick but nothing was taken for granted.
As one Terminator turned down a corridor a sporadic firing began and he fell.
"Flamers!" Shouted the leader as he popped off a few rounds from his pistol down the corridor.
One of his men stepped right into the line of fire, He pulled the trigger and sent flames down the corridors in a loud whooshing sound.
"Burn Baby Burn!!!," shouted the man as he held the trigger for about 20 seconds
The Terminators charged down the corridor finding two charred rebel bodies.
one of Koyuri's team knew basic first aid and ran the medical scanner under fire. He looked like he'd be fine after treatment so she called for a medical transport.
in the Shogun Nakamura's sickbay they now had two Neomans and the nurses were treating their wounds while the doctor spoke with her captain in Kirisuban. she thought it would be better to get any survivors over here since it would be a safer environment.
09-06-2006, 07:31
the rakoiv droped out of warp a lone wolf class star destoyer coms to neomans we come in a warship but we mean peace
the cloaked lone wolf was taking scans trying to determine the ships origin. a lot of nations used SD's.
the cloaked lone wolf was taking scans trying to determine the ships origin. a lot of nations used SD's.
The Terminator squad passed threw the corridors... Finding more bodies,
The came to the Med lab door and filed into position.
The leader looked at Koyuri, "Ready?" The cold voice asked.
11-06-2006, 09:06
Koyuri nods and readies her plasma rifle.
seeing the other pods go pop the Shogun Nakamura procedes to get rid of them all except one so they can examine it later on.
They seen the Star Destroyer approach and wondered who owned it.
Koyuri nods and readies her plasma rifle.
seeing the other pods go pop the Shogun Nakamura procedes to get rid of them all except one so they can examine it later on.
They seen the Star Destroyer approach and wondered who owned it.
The door shot open and they stormed in, the med lab was a mess.
Kevin laid next to the door, he held a pistol in his hand. There were 4 blood spots on his chest.
"Get to the cargo hold..." He said almost in a whisper.
11-06-2006, 19:16
Koyuri called the Shogun Nakamura and asked for an emergency transport to the sickbay.
Kevin vanished in a column of light and Koyuri waved out her team as they headed to the cargo hold.
Koyuri called the Shogun Nakamura and asked for an emergency transport to the sickbay.
Kevin vanished in a column of light and Koyuri waved out her team as they headed to the cargo hold.
The passed threw the corridors until they got to a set of massive doors.
10 terminator corpses laid on the ground, limbs and other non assorted bodyparts laid around them.
The doors were open and as the leader poked his head in to look a shot range out, the bullet struck him in his blast dome and puched clean threw takeign the side of his face off as glass imbeded itself into his skin.
He fell back on the ground clutching his face screaming in terror and pain.
11-06-2006, 19:37
"Kaede get him back to our ship" Koyuri orders in rapid clipped kirisuban.
As the woman comms the ship Koyuri goes into a belt pouch and pulls out a smoke grenade. this would confuse their enemy and give them a chance to get in.
she throws it in and as the smoke rises she give the hand signal for her team to advance. they slip through the smoke taking cover while waiting for the terminators to join them and for a target to appear.
11-06-2006, 19:42
the rakoiv droped out of warp a lone wolf class star destoyer coms to neomans we come in a warship but we mean peace
Captain Fujita hailed the newcomers eager to discover their intentions.
"this is the Kiribushi cruiser Shogun Nakamura, Captain Fujita in command. how may we help you?"
"Kaede get him back to our ship" Koyuri orders in rapid clipped kirisuban.
As the woman comms the ship Koyuri goes into a belt pouch and pulls out a smoke grenade. this would confuse their enemy and give them a chance to get in.
she throws it in and as the smoke rises she give the hand signal for her team to advance. they slip through the smoke taking cover while waiting for the terminators to join them and for a target to appear.
The terminators entered with a fury.
The others took up cover while the man with the flame thrower shot a lang controlled burst that.
Inside the Cargo hold thier were large creates with "Warning" on the side.
Nobody could bee seen but they were there. They knew it.
Kevin reappeared in sick bay,
soon after that the leader appeared,
"Oh, good Coord..." He said as he saw the mans face.
The right side was a twisted nightmare, bone, blood, teeth were all mixed into one pulpy mess.
Then he noticed the young mans face... Allen
11-06-2006, 20:01
Dr Uehara and her nurses were working hard to save the lives of the wounded and Allen was on a bio bed with very weak life signs.
Two nurses got Kevin onto a bed and Dr Uehara ran her scanner over him.
"what happened over there?" she asked "is Elizabeth and Morgan still on board?"
Dr Uehara and her nurses were working hard to save the lives of the wounded and Allen was on a bio bed with very weak life signs.
Two nurses got Kevin onto a bed and Dr Uehara ran her scanner over him.
"what happened over there?" she asked "is Elizabeth and Morgan still on board?"
Kevin shook his head "We were boarded, i couldn't stop the bastards from getting threw sickbay."
"Im not sure where Elizabeth and Morgan are."
11-06-2006, 20:57
Koyuri picks up a loose handtool and throws it into a corner of engineering. her team stays alert so they can target anyone who pops out their heads.
the Dr shakes her head and says gently "our team will find them one way or another. just rest for now"
She looks over Kevin's wounds and starts to treat him giving him a pain killing hypospray first.
by now other Neomans were stable and recovering on the other bio beds.
11-06-2006, 22:56
On a routine scouting mission from the main fleet that was heading towards a small group of ships jumped into the sector they picked up reading of what looked like a fight.
"Any report commander Fredrick?" asked Captain Hogan Viker.
"Sir, we have what appears to be Kirisubon and Neoman ships in this sector, and it also appears that one of the ships is damaged." replied Fredrick.
"Alright then, contact the ships with the frequency we were provided with to contact these allies." He ordered.
"yes sir."
At that moment, 5 ships sped up their movement to head towards the allied ships. One Light Battleship called Eternity, one Light Crusier, Light Carrier, one Slipstream Crusier and one Scout ship.
11-06-2006, 23:08
On board the Lone Wolf they picked up the appoaching Erabians on long range sensors.
they sent back a coded message to the Shogun Nakamura not yet able to identify the contacts.
Captain Fujita hailed the fleet at long range the visual signal nearly breaking up.
"I am Captain Alyssa Fujita commanding the Kiribushi cruiser Shogun Nakamura. how may I help you in this hostile area of space?"
ooc: this is what it looks like minus the big bird :)
Captain Viker looks at the incoming message and sends out this:
"Well we picked up some disturbances in what looked like a battle going on so we thought we would investigate. When we found out it was our allies we thought to see if you needed any help. We were on our way back to our main fleet that is doing exercises in this sector against the creatures they are fighting on Unity. But do you need any assistance?" He asked.
12-06-2006, 00:22
"Captain Viker, the Neoman freighter which we've ended up looking after was fleeing attacks by a rebel Neoman fleet.
we have some of the freighters wounded on board and they are also transporting anti-matter. This space is also the Ashen quarentine zone but hasn't stopped the rebels from attacking which got boarded while our sister ship and ourselves fought and destroyed a rebel battleship.
We could do with some help here with all this going on. We're expected more rebel ships to turn up and we're still re-taking the freighter"
Alyssa took a deep breath after all of this. it had been a very eventful day.
the Lone Wolf decloaked beside the Shogun Nakamura to confirm their story.
"Well Captain Alyssa Fujita, i understand now the situation. I will have my 5 ships surround the freighter, plus i will have at least 25 of my compliment of fighters make scouting loops around our combined fleet. The rebels will think twice this time on attacking us. If you need any assistance in the medical area or engineering let me know." he said with a smile, "because we dont want our allies left out in the gloom of this sector of space. And yes we know this is an area filled with the dreaded creatures known as Ashens. So please take the ship back and i will make sure we have our rear covered."
Captain Viker then turned to his comm again and ordered a squad of 25 fighters of his total of 500 fighters he had on board. In an hours notice, he would have another 75 ready to launch, reason why he didnt have the usual squad of 100 ready right away was because they were refitting the fighters with new weapons systems.
"Well Captain Alyssa Fujita, i understand now the situation. I will have my 5 ships surround the freighter, plus i will have at least 25 of my compliment of fighters make scouting loops around our combined fleet. The rebels will think twice this time on attacking us. If you need any assistance in the medical area or engineering let me know." he said with a smile, "because we dont want our allies left out in the gloom of this sector of space. And yes we know this is an area filled with the dreaded creatures known as Ashens. So please take the ship back and i will make sure we have our rear covered."
Captain Viker then turned to his comm again and ordered a squad of 25 fighters of his total of 500 fighters he had on board. In an hours notice, he would have another 75 ready to launch, reason why he didnt have the usual squad of 100 ready right away was because they were refitting the fighters with new weapons systems.
There was a long silence as the men waited for something.. anything...
Suddenly one of the Terminators cried out as his ar m fell from his bodie.
he swung maddly at his unseen attacker but his life was quickly extinguished,
The men turned in unison and peppered the area with rifle fire.
kevin nodded slowly as he took in a quick breath of pain.
12-06-2006, 06:58
Koyuri made a quick scan off the area and took a chance. she knew after eliminating what she could see on the scanner would leave the location of their unseen attackers.
if they even appeared on a scanner in the first place.
she switched to motion detection and worked that way instead..
Dr Uehara soon had fixed Kevin up and he was resting on the bio bed recovering. another pain killing hypospray finished the treatment for now.
Captain Fujita felt more relaxed on her bridge even although she was still here. The lone wolf had went back on patrol but there was still a question of their visiting star destroyer.
Koyuri made a quick scan off the area and took a chance. she knew after eliminating what she could see on the scanner would leave the location of their unseen attackers.
if they even appeared on a scanner in the first place.
she switched to motion detection and worked that way instead..
Dr Uehara soon had fixed Kevin up and he was resting on the bio bed recovering. another pain killing hypospray finished the treatment for now.
Captain Fujita felt more relaxed on her bridge even although she was still here. The lone wolf had went back on patrol but there was still a question of their visiting star destroyer.
The Motion detecter showed 3 subjects other then the Kirisubans and Neomans
Kevin smiled as the pain subbsided "Thanks..." hesiad softly as he started to drift off to sleep.
Captain Viker then turned to his second in command and told him to order the fighters to make loops around the combined fleet and make sure no, and he made it important that NO unidentified or enemy craft came in view without the rest of the fleets being prepared.
The fighters that were launched make flight patterns around the fleets.
12-06-2006, 19:05
The Motion detecter showed 3 subjects other then the Kirisubans and Neomans
Kevin smiled as the pain subbsided "Thanks..." hesiad softly as he started to drift off to sleep.
passing the scanner to one of her people Koyuri lets her shot be guided verbally.
she then fires at the full setting of her plasma rifle..
the Doctor manages a soft smile and gets back to her other patients. Allen needed the most medical help and she needed to get started.
she removes his helmet as well as some fragments of 'glass' and runs the bone setter down his jawline first before running a tissue regenerator down his jawline.
passing the scanner to one of her people Koyuri lets her shot be guided verbally.
she then fires at the full setting of her plasma rifle..
the Doctor manages a soft smile and gets back to her other patients. Allen needed the most medical help and she needed to get started.
she removes his helmet as well as some fragments of 'glass' and runs the bone setter down his jawline first before running a tissue regenerator down his jawline.
Koyuri shot was true as someone screamed out.
Suddenly the motion detector shown one of the targets running toward them.
One of the terminators shot low in the direction of the enemy.
In mid air, column of blood erupted from where someones thigh would be,
Suddenly the last enemy opened up with his rifle, his camouflage not hiding the flash of the barrel and he was cut down in a hail of gun fire.
A few moments passed as the terminators took an uneasy breath,
One of the terminators walked to where he had injured one of the attackers.
thier was a blood trail leading down to the end of the cargo hold.
the others followed him.
There was a young girl, probably in her early twenties laying on the floor, her hand clutching her leg where the terminators bullet had ripped into her. In her other hand she held a pistol. She looked at them with tear filled eyes. She was in a pale Grey suit with strange knob's on it.
"Please... Don't kill me," She whimpered softly as the terminators pointed thier weapons at her.
The Terminators hesitated for a second before one of them walked up to her and knelt down.
The terminator took the pistol from her and pulled his knife,
"We can do this the easy way, or," He put the tip of the knife on her good leg and pressed it into the leg until a small dot of blood could be seen
"The hard way, How many are thier,"
She looked at Koyuri her eyes pleading with her to help.
12-06-2006, 22:07
"I'd suggest questioning this rebel properly" Koyuri suggests even although the Kiribushi didn't take prisoners. it was against their code of bushido.
she looks gently at the woman only a year or two younger than herself.
"how many of you boarded this ship?" she asks softly knowing she can kill the woman herself.
"I'd suggest questioning this rebel properly" Koyuri suggests even although the Kiribushi didn't take prisoners. it was against their code of bushido.
she looks gently at the woman only a year or two younger than herself.
"how many of you boarded this ship?" she asks softly knowing she can kill the woman herself.
She looked around the faces once more...
"There are 10 of us..." She said softly as her eyes darted around.
"What was you mission?" The terminator with the knife said as he pressed the knife a little deeper.
She bite her lip and spoke threw her teeth "Sabatoge... and Cargo conformation."
12-06-2006, 22:31
Koyuri spoke briefly to one of her people in kirisuban.
"7 left. be careful" she says before returning to her captive.
"if you had performed your mission what would have happened then?" she asks the woman
Koyuri spoke briefly to one of her people in kirisuban.
"7 left. be careful" she says before returning to her captive.
"if you had performed your mission what would have happened then?" she asks the woman
"This ships FTL and sub light engines wouldn't work and a silent beckon would be broadcasted.... And an armada of our ships would come."
12-06-2006, 22:46
Koyuri knew they couldn't stand up to an armada of rebel ships even with the allied ships they had available.
"did you manage to get the beacon activated?" she asks knowing they may not have much time.
Koyuri knew they couldn't stand up to an armada of rebel ships even with the allied ships they had available.
"did you manage to get the beacon activated?" she asks knowing they may not have much time.
The young women shook her head "No, Thats third, First is the cargo, then the engines... then the beckon,"
She looked at the men again
"Please I''' tell you what you want, please don't kill me."
12-06-2006, 22:59
knowing there was others still loose there was always a chance of them activating the beacon.
the woman could be valuable.
"Maybe we should take this young lady back to the Shogun Nakamura" she suggests "once she tells us what the beacon is like"
knowing there was others still loose there was always a chance of them activating the beacon.
the woman could be valuable.
"Maybe we should take this young lady back to the Shogun Nakamura" she suggests "once she tells us what the beacon is like"
The terminator shook his head "We should just shoot her and blow her body out the airlock."
Her eyes darted to Koyuri then back at the terminator
12-06-2006, 23:09
Koyuri beckoned him over and whispered "we can learn more from her when she's alive and your promise to her isn't binding on me. She's only asked you and your men not to kill her. She never mentioned me.
I'll kill her when the time comes"
Koyuri beckoned him over and whispered "we can learn more from her when she's alive and your promise to her isn't binding on me. She's only asked you and your men not to kill her. She never mentioned me.
I'll kill her when the time comes"
The terminator sighed "I don't know, even though shes a rebel she still is Neoman."
He looked at the women then at Koyuri
'Shit..." he whispered
12-06-2006, 23:22
"whats wrong?" Koyuri whispers back as one of her stern looking women keeps a plasma rifle trained on her.
the officer in question was about her prisoners age but was a follower of bushido and a samurai. she had no qualms about taking a life or sacrificing her own.
"whats wrong?" Koyuri whispers back as one of her stern looking women keeps a plasma rifle trained on her.
the officer in question was about her prisoners age but was a follower of bushido and a samurai. she had no qualms about taking a life or sacrificing her own.
"Coordism dictates us to kill her... but our governmetn could use her to gain intelegance on the Rebels, thus saving her life"
The terminator didnt know if she could understand but.
12-06-2006, 23:38
"under normal circumstances we wouldn't take prisoners either. Our warrior code teaches us that surrendering is dishonourable and we'd rather die than do that.
However we need to know what she knows. theres still 7 of her friends out there if she's telling the truth" Koyuri whispered back.
"under normal circumstances we wouldn't take prisoners either. Our warrior code teaches us that surrendering is dishonourable and we'd rather die than do that.
However we need to know what she knows. theres still 7 of her friends out there if she's telling the truth" Koyuri whispered back.
The terminator nodded "Beam her to your ship,"
He looked at her "You will tell us everything you know or i will personally make the rest of your life a living hell. Got it?"
She nodded.
13-06-2006, 00:09
Koyuri spoke in rapid kirisuban to one of her women and she grabbed the prisoners arm with one hand and tapping her comm badge with another.
3 words of Kirisuban later they were both gone and in the Shogun Nakamura's transporter room the Neoman woman being marched to the brig and left there under guard.
"Now we have to find the other survivors as well as her friends. We'll also need to work out just how much damage they did as well" Koyuri replies
Koyuri spoke in rapid kirisuban to one of her women and she grabbed the prisoners arm with one hand and tapping her comm badge with another.
3 words of Kirisuban later they were both gone and in the Shogun Nakamura's transporter room the Neoman woman being marched to the brig and left there under guard.
"Now we have to find the other survivors as well as her friends. We'll also need to work out just how much damage they did as well" Koyuri replies
The terminator nodded
The men fanned out and began to seach the cargo hold
"Nobody touch nothing..." The new leader said.
13-06-2006, 00:34
Koyuri ran her motion detector followed by the rest of her team, now 3 samurai.
she listened intently to it ready to call out when she found something. she switched her rifle to stun and ordered her team to do the same.
they might well find other survivors...
Captain Viker turned to his comm and said:
"Captain of the Allied fleets, any news on the status of removingthe rebel forces in the ship?" He asked.
Meanwhile the fighter craft keep up their patrols and the sensors dont pick anything up yet.
13-06-2006, 22:20
Captain Fujita picked up the communications signal and replied "Captain Viker,from what my XO sent back with the security officer that transported back they have a rebel prisoner and she said there was 7 rebels still on the freighter. They're looking for survivors as well as hunting these forces down.
I'll be able to tell you more when I hear it.
Fujita out"
Koyuri ran her motion detector followed by the rest of her team, now 3 samurai.
she listened intently to it ready to call out when she found something. she switched her rifle to stun and ordered her team to do the same.
they might well find other survivors...
One of the terminators called out
"I found something!"
The men quickly ran to him, He was standing over a black box with a set hinges
13-06-2006, 23:58
Koyuri switches her scanner back to its normal functions and scans the box carefully.
"i'm picking up a power source from it" she replies "but I'm not sure what we're dealing with"
she shows the terminator commander her results..
Koyuri switches her scanner back to its normal functions and scans the box carefully.
"i'm picking up a power source from it" she replies "but I'm not sure what we're dealing with"
she shows the terminator commander her results..
He looked at it for a few minutes "Seems to be a booby trap, But a booby trap in the Cargo hold. That seems like just plain suicide,"
"Or maybe they knew we wouldn't touch it, If they have the beacon some where inside it."
15-06-2006, 21:41
"If it is the beacon it makes sense. you need a lot of power to maintain the signal and here it looks just like another piece of cargo" Koyuri replies.
"is there anything else of interest?" she asks "my mother always told me the best place to hide a tree is in a forest"
"If it is the beacon it makes sense. you need a lot of power to maintain the signal and here it looks just like another piece of cargo" Koyuri replies.
"is there anything else of interest?" she asks "my mother always told me the best place to hide a tree is in a forest"
"Tricky little bastards aren't they?" One of the men said,
The new commanding officer nodded "They learned from the best,"
15-06-2006, 22:19
Koyuri runs more scans and thinks that she's figured more out about it.
"I think we can move it safely enough and then send it out the airlock" she suggests "that way it won't be on board when we destroy it"
Koyuri runs more scans and thinks that she's figured more out about it.
"I think we can move it safely enough and then send it out the airlock" she suggests "that way it won't be on board when we destroy it"
The commander nodded "Okay, lets do it,"
He bent down to pick up the case but it began to give of a faint beeping
He stopped cold and slowly began to remove his hands and the beeping slowed.
"Mother of Coord..."
Kevin was sitting on the bunk, looking at his hands...
"I didn't protect them..."
The Rebel prisoner held her hand on her thigh, she hadn't got and medical treatment yet but she was still hopeful that they hadnt forgot about her wounds.
"Could I get some water, please?" She asked her guard
15-06-2006, 22:39
The commander nodded "Okay, lets do it,"
He bent down to pick up the case but it began to give of a faint beeping
He stopped cold and slowly began to remove his hands and the beeping slowed.
"Mother of Coord..."
Kevin was sitting on the bunk, looking at his hands...
"I didn't protect them..."
The Rebel prisoner held her hand on her thigh, she hadn't got and medical treatment yet but she was still hopeful that they hadnt forgot about her wounds.
"Could I get some water, please?" She asked her guard
Koyuri frowned and replied "there must be a proximity detector on it" but then she had an idea.
"we could transport it into space" she adds "it wouldn't even need to materilise on the Shogun Nakamura"
Dr Uehara looked sadly at Kevin and took his hand.
"what happened to everyone else on board after we left you. could they have made it to the escape pods or found a hiding place elsewhere?" she asks
One of the Doctors nurses arrives later with a bottle of water and her medical kit.
the Kirisuban woman looks younger than her 22 years but she runs a scanner over the Neoman woman.
"I see what the problem is" she comments "my names Fujiko and once i take out those slugs you'll be fine" passing her the water.
Koyuri frowned and replied "there must be a proximity detector on it" but then she had an idea.
"we could transport it into space" she adds "it wouldn't even need to materilise on the Shogun Nakamura"
Dr Uehara looked sadly at Kevin and took his hand.
"what happened to everyone else on board after we left you. could they have made it to the escape pods or found a hiding place elsewhere?" she asks
One of the Doctors nurses arrives later with a bottle of water and her medical kit.
the Kirisuban woman looks younger than her 22 years but she runs a scanner over the Neoman woman.
"I see what the problem is" she comments "my names Fujiko and once i take out those slugs you'll be fine" passing her the water.
The Rebel prisoner smiled as her took a sip of the water "Thank you, My names Jessica."
Kevin shook his head "I don't know, Probably locked themselves in their quarters but anyone with a basic understanding of electrical systems could pop open the door no problem."
He rubbed the newly formed scar on his chest from the bullet, it still throbbed softly but wasn't unbearable.
"It would have taken months for me to heal after this, You guys have some really fancy tools here,"
The Terminator commander nodded "Thats sounds like a plan,"
15-06-2006, 23:03
Fujiko smiles back and replied "I'll get you some proper clothes as well once you're in sickbay. its not far Jessica"
She helps the woman to her feet and she's let out of the brig with two female guards round her and the nurse.
"then i hope our team finds them" Raiko says softly "Morgan and Elizabeth deserves to make it"
she shakes her head and says "I may have fancy tools to work with but I can't stop death yet. I've never got used to that"
Koyuri calls the ship and their transporter beam picks up the container and suspends it in the pattern buffer before sending the beam into a clear part of space.
Fujiko smiles back and replied "I'll get you some proper clothes as well once you're in sickbay. its not far Jessica"
She helps the woman to her feet and she's let out of the brig with two female guards round her and the nurse.
"then i hope our team finds them" Raiko says softly "Morgan and Elizabeth deserves to make it"
she shakes her head and says "I may have fancy tools to work with but I can't stop death yet. I've never got used to that"
Koyuri calls the ship and their transporter beam picks up the container and suspends it in the pattern buffer before sending the beam into a clear part of space.
Jessica took in a ragged hiss as she tried to walk on the damaged muscles.
Kevin smiled "its every doctors wish to stop death but its a natural part a life,"
"Niffty," one of the terminator said as they turned back to the door
15-06-2006, 23:23
a plasma torpedo is launched from the Shogun Nakamura and hits the container straight on exploding it wide open...
As Fujiko returns to the sickbay with Jessica Dr Uehara helps her onto a bio-bed, the last free one in the sickbay.
she gives Jessica a shot for the pain and gets out a laser scalpel cutting away her grey 'suit' round the affected part of her leg.
"this won't take long" she says
a plasma torpedo is launched from the Shogun Nakamura and hits the container straight on exploding it wide open...
As Fujiko returns to the sickbay with Jessica Dr Uehara helps her onto a bio-bed, the last free one in the sickbay.
she gives Jessica a shot for the pain and gets out a laser scalpel cutting away her grey 'suit' round the affected part of her leg.
"this won't take long" she says
Kevin smiled when he saw Jessica "I don't know you, you one of the troops on our freighter?"
Jessica didn't answer at first "In a manner of speaking," She said softly as Dr. Uehara worked on her leg.
15-06-2006, 23:40
Reiko having cut away enough clothing has to resort to a rather old fashioned tool to get out the slugs.
having anethatised the area she cuts with the laser scalpel and pulls out the bullets one by one with the tongs before closing over the wound with an autosuture.
with the wound now sitched up she bandages it up Reiko comments "Jessica you'll need to rest the leg for at least a week but you'll be fine now"
Fujiko returns with a plain red jumpsuit for Jessica to get changed into and a pair of boots in her size.
Reiko having cut away enough clothing has to resort to a rather old fashioned tool to get out the slugs.
having anethatised the area she cuts with the laser scalpel and pulls out the bullets one by one with the tongs before closing over the wound with an autosuture.
with the wound now sitched up she bandages it up Reiko comments "Jessica you'll need to rest the leg for at least a week but you'll be fine now"
Fujiko returns with a plain red jumpsuit for Jessica to get changed into and a pair of boots in her size.
Jessica changed into the jumpsuit and was putting on the boots.
She looked at Kujiko "Whats going to happen to me?"
a plasma torpedo is launched from the Shogun Nakamura and hits the container straight on exploding it wide open...
As Fujiko returns to the sickbay with Jessica Dr Uehara helps her onto a bio-bed, the last free one in the sickbay.
she gives Jessica a shot for the pain and gets out a laser scalpel cutting away her grey 'suit' round the affected part of her leg.
"this won't take long" she says
"Sir, we just picked up a plasma torpedo that just exploded a object out in open space." said the sensor officer.
"Hmm, contact the lead Kirisubon ship and ask what the heckl that was." ordered Captain Viker.
A squad of fighter went to that area of the explosion. But they found nothing left of whatever exploded.
16-06-2006, 06:48
Fujiko shrugged her shoulders and said "I simply don't know. we don't have prisoners very often"
Captain Fujita answered the comm signal and replied "Captain Viker theres nothing to worry about. we were just getting rid of a tracking device the rebel forces had left on the cargo ship"
Fujiko shrugged her shoulders and said "I simply don't know. we don't have prisoners very often"
Captain Fujita answered the comm signal and replied "Captain Viker theres nothing to worry about. we were just getting rid of a tracking device the rebel forces had left on the cargo ship"
Jessica nodded knowing she probebly spen the rest of her life in the brig.
Fujiko shrugged her shoulders and said "I simply don't know. we don't have prisoners very often"
Captain Fujita answered the comm signal and replied "Captain Viker theres nothing to worry about. we were just getting rid of a tracking device the rebel forces had left on the cargo ship"
Captain Viker smiled and nods and says that he understand nows. He then orders the fighters back to their flight plans.
16-06-2006, 18:34
Jessica's treatment complete she was pushed back to the brig in a wheelchair by Fujiko.
a meal of rice and cooked cubed fish was waiting for her and a plastic fork had been supplied as a well a flask of coffee. there was also a plastic mug.
a screen had also been placed in a corner so she could use the toilet in peace.
Fujiko knew fine rightly what Jessica's future would be but she didn't want the woman to know just yet. The code of Bushido taught them that a prisoner was the most dishonoured person they could meet. that placed them even lower than the eta in the Kiribushi caste system and literally the bottom of the pile.
Either a lifetime of imprisonment or being kept alive until she was off no further use was more likely. the Kiribushi didn't practice slavery but if she made it to their new homeworld she would have a very hard life ahead of her assuming that she survived this trip.
Still this didn't show in Fujiko's face and as she smiled she said "i hope the brig is more comfortable now for you. If you need any water you just need to ask the guard"
Jessica's treatment complete she was pushed back to the brig in a wheelchair by Fujiko.
a meal of rice and cooked cubed fish was waiting for her and a plastic fork had been supplied as a well a flask of coffee. there was also a plastic mug.
a screen had also been placed in a corner so she could use the toilet in peace.
Fujiko knew fine rightly what Jessica's future would be but she didn't want the woman to know just yet. The code of Bushido taught them that a prisoner was the most dishonoured person they could meet. that placed them even lower than the eta in the Kiribushi caste system and literally the bottom of the pile.
Either a lifetime of imprisonment or being kept alive until she was off no further use was more likely. the Kiribushi didn't practice slavery but if she made it to their new homeworld she would have a very hard life ahead of her assuming that she survived this trip.
Still this didn't show in Fujiko's face and as she smiled she said "i hope the brig is more comfortable now for you. If you need any water you just need to ask the guard"
Jessica smiled "It's strange, two years ago i was a Neoman women working in a factory, now I'm fighting my brothers and sisters for a stupid reason. How did i get mixed up in this war?"
She ate the rice and cubed fish in silence for a moment. "Any chance of your government granting me Asylum?"
16-06-2006, 18:57
Fujiko shrugged her shoulders and said "I'd assume that the ruling Neoman government would want to talk to you first and then you'll find out later.
I would also assume if your side wins the civil war you'd be free. either way you're better of with your own people.
My culture is very strict with a persons status being important and life gets harder as you go down the social ladder. its pretty tough now since we're still rebuilding after the loss of our homeworld"
Fujiko shrugged her shoulders and said "I'd assume that the ruling Neoman government would want to talk to you first and then you'll find out later.
I would also assume if your side wins the civil war you'd be free. either way you're better of with your own people.
My culture is very strict with a persons status being important and life gets harder as you go down the social ladder. its pretty tough now since we're still rebuilding after the loss of our homeworld"
Jessica smiled "Thats what I'm trying t avoid, The Neoman Government is... unkind to us, they see us as traitors not freedom fighters. I'd probably be sent to some brothel Coord knows where and serve my sentence.
Or ill be shot, either way is lose-lose if I go back. My own family wont even back me up, They denounced me and have stricken me from any record claiming me to them,"
She was a silent for a moment "I kinda know how you feel, my home world was destroyed by the Neoman Government because the rebellion had spilled on the surface. And instead of accepting the loss of our little back water colony planet they bombed it with Anti-matter."
16-06-2006, 20:11
Fujiko felt memories that she had tried to supress returning. Memories of her two younger sisters on New Kirisubo now dead along with her mothers.
they were killed during the viral outbreak and had to be killed again when the virus re-animated them.
"I don't have a family anymore. they all died with my homeworld" Fujiko says sitting on the edge of the bed.
"all i have is the crew here and my warrior code. i'd always been in the defence forces. thats how I survived when they didn't.
You also have your code and while you may have been a factory worker you're now a warrior like myself. why didn't you seek death in battle?"
Fujiko felt memories that she had tried to supress returning. Memories of her two younger sisters on New Kirisubo now dead along with her mothers.
they were killed during the viral outbreak and had to be killed again when the virus re-animated them.
"I don't have a family anymore. they all died with my homeworld" Fujiko says sitting on the edge of the bed.
"all i have is the crew here and my warrior code. i'd always been in the defence forces. thats how I survived when they didn't.
You also have your code and while you may have been a factory worker you're now a warrior like myself. why didn't you seek death in battle?"
Jessica smiled "Because I dont want to die, I have a man. He's somewhere in this galaxy and i have to find him again,"
16-06-2006, 21:28
As the search continued on the cargo ship Koyuri was carefully scanning for other power sources and also switching between the scanner and the motion detectors to make sure a corridor was clear.
With the possibility of other rebel troops aboard she kept her women alert as they searched in the semi-darkness.
Fujiko nodded and says "i hope you find him then. we believe everyone is destined to have a soulmate but i haven't found mine yet.
Maybe once my people have got back on their feet I'll be able to have children off my own and if I can't get a man I'll have to settle for the love of a good woman and samples from the sperm bank.
I never knew my father since I had two mothers"
As the search continued on the cargo ship Koyuri was carefully scanning for other power sources and also switching between the scanner and the motion detectors to make sure a corridor was clear.
With the possibility of other rebel troops aboard she kept her women alert as they searched in the semi-darkness.
Fujiko nodded and says "i hope you find him then. we believe everyone is destined to have a soulmate but i haven't found mine yet.
Maybe once my people have got back on their feet I'll be able to have children off my own and if I can't get a man I'll have to settle for the love of a good woman and samples from the sperm bank.
I never knew my father since I had two mothers"
Jessica smiled "I already have, He left soon after the war started. I haven't heard a word about him. So now im out here trying to find him... I hope you find someone who loves you, nobody should be alone in this world."
The terminator squad slowly moved threw the hall way toward the enigine room.
They passed many terminator bodies and some crew members.
The rooms to the left and right were the quarters of crew members and thier familes, All the doors were shut and locked.
"I hate this kind of thing," One of the terminators said.
18-06-2006, 00:56
with their weapons on heavy stun Koyuri led her team now the others had returned with help. she now had 6 female samurai with her, all wearing the red kevlar armour, helmets, their swords and each having a plasma rifle.
with one of them running a scanner and other a motion detector she was ure they would miss nothing during this search.
From what she had seen she had worked out that the rebels had given the crew and terminators no mercy. This looked like a war where no quarter would be given and she expected her people to face the same response.
"same here" Koyuri replies and motions to one of her team to scan the doors on the left and right of them. This would be the most likely place to find survivors.
"I'll know soon enough if thats my karma" Fujiko replies "but I'm still samurai and need to serve my people"
with their weapons on heavy stun Koyuri led her team now the others had returned with help. she now had 6 female samurai with her, all wearing the red kevlar armour, helmets, their swords and each having a plasma rifle.
with one of them running a scanner and other a motion detector she was ure they would miss nothing during this search.
From what she had seen she had worked out that the rebels had given the crew and terminators no mercy. This looked like a war where no quarter would be given and she expected her people to face the same response.
"same here" Koyuri replies and motions to one of her team to scan the doors on the left and right of them. This would be the most likely place to find survivors.
"I'll know soon enough if thats my karma" Fujiko replies "but I'm still samurai and need to serve my people"
Jessica smiled "Neomans and Kirisubins are different but the same when it comes down to it,"
The motion sensors were alive with activity from within the rooms, The civilians were hold up in thier rooms and the group could only hope for as much."
18-06-2006, 04:42
"its kiribushi actually, not Kirisuban" Fujiko replies "after the disaster that killed our homeworld we split along military and civillian lines. The Bushi (warrior class) has always wanted to return to tradition and the old ways of the empire and they took the chance.
once we rebuilt on our adopted world you'll see more of us out here"
Koyuri hoped that it was civillians in those rooms but wanted to make sure.
she turned to the terminator commander and suggested "my samurai can check the rooms if one of your number goes with us"
"its kiribushi actually, not Kirisuban" Fujiko replies "after the disaster that killed our homeworld we split along military and civillian lines. The Bushi (warrior class) has always wanted to return to tradition and the old ways of the empire and they took the chance.
once we rebuilt on our adopted world you'll see more of us out here"
Koyuri hoped that it was civillians in those rooms but wanted to make sure.
she turned to the terminator commander and suggested "my samurai can check the rooms if one of your number goes with us"
Jessica smiled "Sorry, we dont get much news from the outside. I knew you home planet was destroyed but i didn't know you split up in the aftermath."
The terminator commander nodded "Alright," he turned to his men "Form up!,"
The remaining 6 men paired off with Koyris samurai.
18-06-2006, 11:07
Koyuri tried the first door and finding it locked set her plasma rifle on a higher setting and shot out the lock.
Fujiko said "thanks Jessica. I need to get back to the sickbay since there's still other wounded to treat but all you need to do is rest in the meantime"
She leaves and the door of the brig is securely locked by the female guard.
Koyuri tried the first door and finding it locked set her plasma rifle on a higher setting and shot out the lock.
Fujiko said "thanks Jessica. I need to get back to the sickbay since there's still other wounded to treat but all you need to do is rest in the meantime"
She leaves and the door of the brig is securely locked by the female guard.
The terminator parried with Fujiko took a step back and landed his foot on the door. It swung open with a crash and he moved in.
Inside the small room a Women and two children huddled in a corner.
"Clear!," He shouted back to Fujiko
18-06-2006, 15:13
Koyuri scanned the room and could only sense them.
She nodded and moved onto the next room repeating the procedure.
all the time in the corridor her other scanner operator was checking for the rebel Neomans.
19-06-2006, 07:14
Koyuri scanned the room and could only sense them.
She nodded and moved onto the next room repeating the procedure.
all the time in the corridor her other scanner operator was checking for the rebel Neomans.
After Koyuri shot the lack the door came crashing down under the terminators boot.
The entered the room and found a young man with his girl, he held a large pluming pipe with both hands.
ooc: the scanner will show 3 not 2 people in the room.
19-06-2006, 23:19
Koyuri raised her plasma rifle and shot it one handed right where she picked up the extra life form, her weapon being set to kill..
Two female guards stand outside the brig area with their plasma rifles very much in evidence. they occasionally glance at Jessica knowing full well her status under bushido. a dishonoured prisoner who would be in for a hard time later on if she didn't co-operate.
she was supplied with bottled water on a regular basis and was given a data pad to read to help her pass the time. it was the english translation of 'The Art of War'.
Koyuri raised her plasma rifle and shot it one handed right where she picked up the extra life form, her weapon being set to kill..
Two female guards stand outside the brig area with their plasma rifles very much in evidence. they occasionally glance at Jessica knowing full well her status under bushido. a dishonoured prisoner who would be in for a hard time later on if she didn't co-operate.
she was supplied with bottled water on a regular basis and was given a data pad to read to help her pass the time. it was the english translation of 'The Art of War'.
Jessica smiled when she was givin the Art of War book, "I get it," She said with a sneer.
The man in activecomaflage fell back, he didn't even manage to squeez off a shot.
"Good shot," The terminator said as he slowly made his way closer to the body
20-06-2006, 06:46
"Captains orders" one replies "she thought it may be useful if you understood a little bit about us"
"one down six to go" Koyuri simply says and moves onto the next door..
"Captains orders" one replies "she thought it may be useful if you understood a little bit about us"
"one down six to go" Koyuri simply says and moves onto the next door..
The groups cleared all the rooms before they got to the engine room.
The large steel double doors were shut and locked, a bloody smeared hand print on the control panel.
Jessica smirked "Yay for me," She picked up the book and sat down on the cot.
She opened the book and began to read.
20-06-2006, 23:21
Koyuri frowns and runs her scanner trying to figure out whats behind the door.
"Commander, we're going to have to open this door. If our captive is right they might have already sabotaged the engines and the ship will be dead in the water. they might have even done worse than that" she suggests.
with things being quiet on the bridge Captain Alyssa Fujita entered the brig area and the guards stood to attention.
she looked at her prisoner briefly before conversing with the guards in kirisuban.
ooc: she's wearing two swords as well her normal all dark red uniform. a tied sash of gold cloth holds the swords in place.
Koyuri frowns and runs her scanner trying to figure out whats behind the door.
"Commander, we're going to have to open this door. If our captive is right they might have already sabotaged the engines and the ship will be dead in the water. they might have even done worse than that" she suggests.
with things being quiet on the bridge Captain Alyssa Fujita entered the brig area and the guards stood to attention.
she looked at her prisoner briefly before conversing with the guards in kirisuban.
ooc: she's wearing two swords as well her normal all dark red uniform. a tied sash of gold cloth holds the swords in place.
Jessica looked up from the book and looked at Alyssa for a moment before going back to the book.
One of the terminators opened the contol panel on the side of the door and began to cut wires and run overrides.
21-06-2006, 00:09
While the terminator worked on the door Koyuri called her team round her and briefed them on what she expected.
"be careful with your shooting in here. use the scanners to track the other hostiles if they're in here and make each shot count. we can't risk a firefight near the engines.
also be alert for explosives. it wouldn't surprise me if they've placed bombs on the engines"
Alyssa was now ready to greet her 'guest' and the brig door slid open and she entered.
"Good evening" she said in accented but perfect english "my name is Captain Alyssa Fujita the commander of the Shogun Nakamura" bowing before sitting on one of the chairs in the brig.
"i thought we should meet"
While the terminator worked on the door Koyuri called her team round her and briefed them on what she expected.
"be careful with your shooting in here. use the scanners to track the other hostiles if they're in here and make each shot count. we can't risk a firefight near the engines.
also be alert for explosives. it wouldn't surprise me if they've placed bombs on the engines"
Alyssa was now ready to greet her 'guest' and the brig door slid open and she entered.
"Good evening" she said in accented but perfect english "my name is Captain Alyssa Fujita the commander of the Shogun Nakamura" bowing before sitting on one of the chairs in the brig.
"i thought we should meet"
Jessica set down the book and smile "You mean interrogate, I'll tell you everything I know,"
Allen's eyes slowly opened and he let out a low moan "Where the hell am i?" He said to the fuzzy figure standing over him.
The door jerked open a few inches before closing,
The terminator at he control panel smiled "So, its going to be like that?" Still crouched he turned to face the others "Someones on the other side is hampering my attempts, clever little bastard this one is... Ill need the cutter, Ill blow this bitch open if i have to,"
21-06-2006, 00:31
Jessica set down the book and smile "You mean interrogate, I'll tell you everything I know,"
Allen's eyes slowly opened and he let out a low moan "Where the hell am i?" He said to the fuzzy figure standing over him.
The door jerked open a few inches before closing,
The terminator at he control panel smiled "So, its going to be like that?" Still crouched he turned to face the others "Someones on the other side is hampering my attempts, clever little bastard this one is... Ill need the cutter, Ill blow this bitch open if i have to,"
Dr Uehara went over to Allen and replied "you're on my ship and you're safe now"
"i didn't have an interogation in mind when I came here. I wanted a civilised discussion but it would be helpful to know if theres more of your ships out there, how many there are and what weapons they carry.
This is already a dangerous part of space without your friends jumping into the area" Alyssa replies
Koyuri picks up movement with her scanner and can't lock it down yet.
"i'm picking up at least one lifesign in there but my readings can't tell me much more than that"
Dr Uehara went over to Allen and replied "you're on my ship and you're safe now"
"i didn't have an interrogation in mind when I came here. I wanted a civilized discussion but it would be helpful to know if theres more of your ships out there, how many there are and what weapons they carry.
This is already a dangerous part of space without your friends jumping into the area" Alyssa replies
Koyuri picks up movement with her scanner and can't lock it down yet.
"I'm picking up at least one lifesign in there but my readings can't tell me much more than that"
Jessica smiled "There standard Neoman ships, GIs, Dante's, Ricins. I'm not sure what the numbers are though,"
Allen moaned "Wheres my wife and daughter?"
Kevin was still sitting on the bed, he sighed and looked down at the ground
A terminator who had left earlier came back with a large blow torch.
The man who worked on the door set it up and the torch began to cut into the door,
"Don't look at the flame, this will take some time!" He shouted over the roar of the flame.
Captain Viker turns to his comm.
"Captain Viker to lead Kirisubo ship. Do you need any assistance on the ship removing the threats?"
21-06-2006, 19:53
"Excuse me" Alyssa replies.
The call was patched down to Captain Fujita's comm badge and exiting the brig briefly she she answered the call.
"Captain Viker, I believe we may well have company. Rebel Neoman ships standard designs, numbers unknown as yet. My prisoner seems to be in the mood to talk and i'm inclined to believe her.
From what my XO's told me they've enough troops on board to handle the threats on the freighter. I'll leave the enemy shipping to you and the Lone Wolf will assist you"
Koyuri averts her eyes as the cutting beam gets to work and her team prepares for battle. they would live and die at Koyuri's command and would fight to the death rather than surrender.
They murmur a one line prayer in kirisuban and wait..
Dr Uehara replies softly "we're still looking for them on the freighter but I'm sure they'll be fine. Now let your and our people do their jobs and let me do mine"
"Excuse me" Alyssa replies.
The call was patched down to Captain Fujita's comm badge and exiting the brig briefly she she answered the call.
"Captain Viker, I believe we may well have company. Rebel Neoman ships standard designs, numbers unknown as yet. My prisoner seems to be in the mood to talk and i'm inclined to believe her.
From what my XO's told me they've enough troops on board to handle the threats on the freighter. I'll leave the enemy shipping to you and the Lone Wolf will assist you"
Koyuri averts her eyes as the cutting beam gets to work and her team prepares for battle. they would live and die at Koyuri's command and would fight to the death rather than surrender.
They murmur a one line prayer in kirisuban and wait..
Dr Uehara replies softly "we're still looking for them on the freighter but I'm sure they'll be fine. Now let your and our people do their jobs and let me do mine"
Allen struggled to get out of bed but he was to dizzy to get up. He fell back on the bed,
The cutting beam tore threw the large doors, droplets of moulten metal ran down the door glowing in a bright orange as they began to cool.
The men looked around and waited.
"When these doors come open I want flame cover as we go in."
The man with the flame thrower nodded
21-06-2006, 20:46
Allen struggled to get out of bed but he was to dizzy to get up. He fell back on the bed,
The cutting beam tore threw the large doors, droplets of moulten metal ran down the door glowing in a bright orange as they began to cool.
The men looked around and waited.
"When these doors come open I want flame cover as we go in."
The man with the flame thrower nodded
Raiko smiles slightly and gets a blanket for him so he can get some rest.
Koyuri had her samurai ready to enter engineering with plasma rifles set on heavy stun and their paired swords moved slightly so they could access them quickly.
she knew it wouldn't be long until the doors gave way and she go her other scanner operator to take the tail end while she led the team in.
Raiko smiles slightly and gets a blanket for him so he can get some rest.
Koyuri had her samurai ready to enter engineering with plasma rifles set on heavy stun and their paired swords moved slightly so they could access them quickly.
she knew it wouldn't be long until the doors gave way and she go her other scanner operator to take the tail end while she led the team in.
"Here we go!," The terminator commander yelled as the doors began to fall.
They came crashing down and the Terminators rushed threw, the one with the flame thrower sent a long stream of flames into the engine room.
The terminators fanned out and grabbed cover where ever they could.
21-06-2006, 22:03
the 6 women moved swiftly and found cover. As Koyuri and Yuko the other scanner operator scanned the room from behind their cover they were certainly picking up extra life signs.
"Excuse me" Alyssa replies.
The call was patched down to Captain Fujita's comm badge and exiting the brig briefly she she answered the call.
"Captain Viker, I believe we may well have company. Rebel Neoman ships standard designs, numbers unknown as yet. My prisoner seems to be in the mood to talk and i'm inclined to believe her.
From what my XO's told me they've enough troops on board to handle the threats on the freighter. I'll leave the enemy shipping to you and the Lone Wolf will assist you"
"Roger on that, i will have my ships ready to take on the threats." replied Captain Viker.
22-06-2006, 05:53
"thank you Captain. Fujita out"
returning to the cell she says "Jessica, I apologise for being called away but a Captains work is never done.
Now about that fleet. Why is the rebel fleet so interested in the freighter?"
"thank you Captain. Fujita out"
returning to the cell she says "Jessica, I apologise for being called away but a Captains work is never done.
Now about that fleet. Why is the rebel fleet so interested in the freighter?"
Jessica smiled "Its cargo is what were interested in, it had over 30 tonnes of Anti-matter crafted inside weapons the Neoman government were going to used against us. We wanted to either destroy it or take it to use against the Neomans."
The Terminators and the enemy exchanged short bursts of fire.
Suddenly the roar of chain swords could be heard.
"Form up!" shouted the leader
The men ran up to the leader and formed a protective ring around Koyuri and the other women.
"Here they come!" One of the men shouted as her fired a short burst in a desperate attemp to hold them back.
26-06-2006, 00:25
on the freighter Koyuri's samurai aimed their shots working from her scanner readings.
with their wepaons set to stun they knew each shot would have to count since their weapons weren't on full power.
"the purpose of the anti-matter isn't my problem" Captain Fujita replies "athough I won't mind some for my engines.
You'll be going back to Neoma as far as I'm concerned. The war isn't our problem even although a rebel battleship attacked us."
Jessica brought her legs up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them.
"I guess that means no Asylum, I just thought you could understand what a forced brothel would be like and show at leastan ounce of mercy,"
She looked at her and gave her a little smile.
"I wont go back to Neoma... The things they would do to me are horrendous,"
People screamed out in ain as both rebels and terminators fell.
One of the rebels an up to Koyuri his chainsword roaring, he made a long overhead swing at her head.
One of the terminators that was close to her jumped in front of her and raised his arm to block the sword.
It came crashing sown and tore threw the Mark 6s armor, evering the mans arm midway up the forearm.
The terminator cried out in pain as he fell back into Koyuri as another shot the rebel in the torso.
26-06-2006, 10:43
Koyuri used the time to draw her own katana and struck another rebel with the razor sharp long sword before blasting him one handed with her plasma rifle.
in the confines of the engine room she prefered the sword as her samurai followed her lead.
the injured terminator was left in the care of the kiribushi medic.
back at the brig Alyssa replied "life wouldn't be much better for your on the Kiribushi homeworld either. We're still rebuilding and you'd be at the bottom of the caste system unless you could prove yourself useful.
Mercy is part of Bushido, our warrior code but as a captured warrior your lack of honour would be a major problem.
However I will consider your request if you'd rather go with us. I don't like the idea of a forced brothel either"
Koyuri used the time to draw her own katana and struck another rebel with the razor sharp long sword before blasting him one handed with her plasma rifle.
in the confines of the engine room she preferred the sword as her samurai followed her lead.
the injured terminator was left in the care of the Kiribati medic.
back at the brig Alyssa replied "life wouldn't be much better for your on the Kiribati home world either. We're still rebuilding and you'd be at the bottom of the caste system unless you could prove yourself useful.
Mercy is part of Bushido, our warrior code but as a captured warrior your lack of Honor would be a major problem.
However I will consider your request if you'd rather go with us. I don't like the idea of a forced brothel either"
The battle raged as more Terminators fell to there unseen attackers.
The man with the flame thrower had bee separated from the group and he spun wildly sending short bursts of flames in every direction.
Suddenly a loud ping came from his fuel tanks as a stream of fire erupted from the tank splashing flames and napalm on another terminator.
The terminator screamed as the flames lept up and into his helmet he flaid wildly as the flames charred his face.
The terminator with the flame thrower was busy trying to get his flamethrower equipment off, but the tank overheated and encased him in a hellish ball of fire. His screams could be heard over the flames but he soon was killed by his fellow warriors.
Jessica smiled "Forced brothel or be looked down apon? Not mutch choice is there. but the whole forced brothel thing is one of the reasons we left Neoma."
27-06-2006, 10:48
Koyuri barked orders in Kirisuban and they set their weapons to kill again. Koyuri and another samurai run the scanners and directed accurate fire from the samurai.
Alyssa sighed and said "it looks like it'll be a while until you're questioned. the battle is still raging to retake the freighter and my XO is in the thick of it but i promise as a warrior that you will be going back home with us eventually.
You'll then have the chance to make a new life for yourself as well be part of a new colony"
Koyuri barked orders in Kristan and they set their weapons to kill again. Kori and another samurai run the scanners and directed accurate fire from the samurai.
Alyssa sighed and said "it looks like it'll be a while until you're questioned. the battle is still raging to retake the freighter and my XOR is in the thick of it but i promise as a warrior that you will be going back home with us eventually.
You'll then have the chance to make a new life for yourself as well be part of a new colony"
As soon as it started it was over. Only 3 Terminators made it out unshaved. The man with the burnt face laid on the ground moaning softly as one of the terminators was busy placing anti-bacterials, pain shots, and bandages to his charred face. The man with the severed limb stood there and swayed softly looking down at his lifeless hand.
The leader of the terminators turned to Koyuri and smiled "You guys can have our backs in a firefight anytime, names John." He held his hand out.
Jessica smiled "The Neoman government wont like that much."
27-06-2006, 21:59
"Samurai-Commander Koyuri Misato" she replied shaking John's hand and looking over the carnage in the engine room.
Already her samurai were poking the rebels to make sure they were dead with their katanas and nodded back to their commander.
"you can transport your injured to my ship if you want" she adds "and we still need to work out what damage they did"
Alyssa replies "I'm sure they won't but when we make a promise we honour it. However we need to get the freighter underway first before your friends return.
Tell me this. how long is it likely to be before they realise a rebel battleship is overdue?"
"Samurai-Commander Koyuri Misti" she replied shaking John's hand and looking over the carnage in the engine room.
Already her samurai were poking the rebels to make sure they were dead with their Katina's and nodded back to their commander.
"you can transport your injured to my ship if you want" she adds "and we still need to work out what damage they did"
Alyssa replies "I'm sure they won't but when we make a promise we honour it. However we need to get the freighter underway first before your friends return.
Tell me this. how long is it likely to be before they realize a rebel battleship is overdue?"
John smiled and nodded "Yea, this crap louse freighter ain't worth Wampuss dung when it comes to medical treatment,"
Jessica frowned slightly "They already know, when you split the ship half of it went back to our HQ, You may have to face Ticonderoga. I suggest you don't stay here much longer."
27-06-2006, 22:19
Alyssa then asked "Jessica, what is the Ticonderoga like. you seem to think that we won't be able to handle her"
she made a mental note to inform her XO and Captain Viker once she found out more.
"Misato to Shogun Nakamura. Neoman injured are coming aboard. lock onto my comm signal and have medical personal standing by" Koyuri says after tapping her comm badge.
there a reply in kirisuban and she replies "wakarimas" terminating the signal.
"we can transport your injured 6 at a time" she tells John.
Alyssa then asked "Jessica, what is the Ticonderoga like. you seem to think that we won't be able to handle her"
she made a mental note to inform her XO and Captain Viker once she found out more.
"Misato to Shogun Nakamura. Neoman injured are coming aboard. lock onto my comm signal and have medical personal standing by" Koyuri says after tapping her comm badge.
there a reply in kirisuban and she replies "wakarimas" terminating the signal.
"we can transport your injured 6 at a time" she tells John.
"Ticonderoga is the badest fleet base the Neoman Governemtn ever made, its simulated battles say it could go up against 40% of the Neoman fleet and still be victoryus." Jessica smiled
John nodded as he helped the burnt man up and they got thr 4 men close to each other.
"Ready," He told Koyuri as he reloaded
27-06-2006, 23:19
"four for emergency medical transport" Koyuri says as she taps her comm badge.
the four terminators vanish in columns of light reappearing on the Shogun Nakamura where nurses with trolleys are ready to wheel them to sickbay.
Koyuri checked the charge on her plasma rifle and suggested "John I think we should find out what damage they've done"
she waves the samurai with a scanner and one with a plasma rifle up to point and they start to check for more rebels as they advance.
Alyssa raises an eyebrow and replies "We would have a problem even if we had more ships available. We have no place in this civil war and we just answered the freighters call for help.
I'll need to talk to her Captain now you've told me whats coming our way"
"four for emergency medical transport" Koyuri says as she taps her comm badge.
the four terminators vanish in columns of light reappearing on the Shogun Nakamura where nurses with trolleys are ready to wheel them to sickbay.
Koyuri checked the charge on her plasma rifle and suggested "John I think we should find out what damage they've done"
she waves the samurai with a scanner and one with a plasma rifle up to point and they start to check for more rebels as they advance.
Alyssa raises an eyebrow and replies "We would have a problem even if we had more ships available. We have no place in this civil war and we just answered the freighters call for help.
I'll need to talk to her Captain now you've told me whats coming our way"
"Ditto," John said as he waved his men to search for any damage.
Jessica smiled and picked up the book again.
"Sir, just how many or what force are we expecting from these rebels of the Neomans?" asked Commander Fredrick.
"Dont know number one. Not sure what we expect, but we got to be ready for anything. Not sure if you were around for the Earabian Cyclone Wars, but the rebels of that war were more resourceful then we expected. So we should expect anything," replied Captain Viker.
28-06-2006, 07:39
"Jessica, we'll be able to talk later but right now theres still a lot of trouble to deal with"
she bows and exits the brig, the door closing.
When she returns to the bridge Captain Fujita gets her comms officer to tell her XO and Captain Viker what they could well face in the shape of the Ticonderoga.
these messages sent she comms the Neoman Captain and tells him the same .
"Jessica, we'll be able to talk later but right now theres still a lot of trouble to deal with"
she bows and exits the brig, the door closing.
When she returns to the bridge Captain Fujita gets her comms officer to tell her XO and Captain Viker what they could well face in the shape of the Ticonderoga.
these messages sent she comms the Neoman Captain and tells him the same .
The Neoman caption almost dropped the comm.
"I cant believe they would send the Ticonderoga... This is bad, really bad."
"Found It!," Shouted one of the terminators at the plasma engines conduit.
The object was attached to the main plasma coil and it was glowing in an odd blue.
"Clever bastards, its taking power away from the engines."
28-06-2006, 07:53
Koyuri runs her scanner over it and frowns.
"Now how do we get it off?" she asks.
more food and bottled water was left for Jessica to eat at her convience. it was a bowl of rice with some cubed fish and it could be eaten hot or cold.
"Jessica, we'll be able to talk later but right now theres still a lot of trouble to deal with"
she bows and exits the brig, the door closing.
When she returns to the bridge Captain Fujita gets her comms officer to tell her XO and Captain Viker what they could well face in the shape of the Ticonderoga.
these messages sent she comms the Neoman Captain and tells him the same .
"Not good, not good at all," mutters Captain Viker, "I want all fighter craft to be on the out look for these discriptions." He handed the Commander some papers.
"Yes sir." Commander Fredrick said.
28-06-2006, 21:13
"the sooner we get your ship moving the better" Alyssa suggests "if that is the case. you may also have to consider calling of your mission with your ship in the state it is"
Back on the freighter Koyuri also suggests "I'll send some of my Samurai to check all the crew quarters. we've already found survivors there but it would be a good idea if there was a friendly face for your people to see"
"the sooner we get your ship moving the better" Alyssa suggests "if that is the case. you may also have to consider calling of your mission with your ship in the state it is"
Back on the freighter Koyuri also suggests "I'll send some of my Samurai to check all the crew quarters. we've already found survivors there but it would be a good idea if there was a friendly face for your people to see"
The caption smiled "I dont know what options we have left,"
John nodded as he ran diagnostics on the device.
"Shit," he said softly as the diagnostic program finished.
"We need to shut the core down completely and take of this section of the coil and replace it... its a 12 hr job if all the parts are top notch but i doubt anything is top notch on this flying brick.
28-06-2006, 22:32
Koyuri swore in kirisuban and suggested "this tub isn't going anywhere and Ticonderoga is probally on her way. I'd suggest evacuating to our ships and leaving her.
we can leave a nasty surprise for the Ticonderoga when she gets close to investigate"
Two samurai had peeled off, one being the scanner operator along with a Neoman terminator as they checked the crew quarters for survivors.
Alyssa like her XO was thinking about a way to salvage this disaster.
"Captain, I'd say your missions over for now but you still have a chance to use your bombs. let the Ticonderoga take the blast instead and your crew can evac to our ships. we can even transport some of the bombs over to her once her shields are down"
Koyuri swore in kirisuban and suggested "this tub isn't going anywhere and Ticonderoga is probally on her way. I'd suggest evacuating to our ships and leaving her.
we can leave a nasty surprise for the Ticonderoga when she gets close to investigate"
Two samurai had peeled off, one being the scanner operator along with a Neoman terminator as they checked the crew quarters for survivors.
Alyssa like her XO was thinking about a way to salvage this disaster.
"Captain, I'd say your missions over for now but you still have a chance to use your bombs. let the Ticonderoga take the blast instead and your crew can evac to our ships. we can even transport some of the bombs over to her once her shields are down"
The caption sighed "Well, it really seems to be our only option... Ticonderoga can stand up to an Ashen hive ship, thats what it was designed for."
The scanner showed half a dozen life signs in one room.
the terminator took a step back, ready to kick the door down.
"Ready," he said softly.
28-06-2006, 22:45
having reset their weapons to stun Kaede nodded and kicked the door in herself..
the other samurai had her weapon aimed and the other was scanning the room they had just opened.
Alyssa sighed and said "we may not be able to destroy her but we may well do her enough damage to take her out of the fight for a while. at least thats something to aim for.
Our Earbian friends can also help us as well in this respect."
having reset their weapons to stun Kaede nodded and kicked the door in herself..
the other samurai had her weapon aimed and the other was scanning the room they had just opened.
Alyssa sighed and said "we may not be able to destroy her but we may well do her enough damage to take her out of the fight for a while. at least thats something to aim for.
Our Earbian friends can also help us as well in this respect."
Inside the room five men stood ready holding, pipes, chains and other large objects.
They were poised to run at the them.
The caption smiled "I still hate letting the Grand ruler down,"
29-06-2006, 21:17
"can't you see that we're friends? I'm Kiribushi" Mikiko calls out and asks "are the others safe?"
Alyssa manages a little smile and replies "Captain, even if you can't fufill your main misson at least you still do damage to your enemy and now you have friends to assist you.
I'll have you and your crew back home before you know it and you can continue to play your part in the war"
"can't you see that we're friends? I'm Kiribushi" Mikiko calls out and asks "are the others safe?"
Alyssa manages a little smile and replies "Captain, even if you can't fufill your main misson at least you still do damage to your enemy and now you have friends to assist you.
I'll have you and your crew back home before you know it and you can continue to play your part in the war"
The crew members stood down.
They dispersed and Elizabeth could be seen holding her baby.
She smiled at them as she held her baby close to her.
The Capiton nodded "I guess,"
29-06-2006, 22:07
"Captain I'll send over one of our remote detonators so you can set your bombs to it. You'll be able to detonate it from here. Once you're set tell me.
Fujita out"
Alyssa sent orders to the armoury to transport the said item over to the freighter and it appeared on the freighter bridge as promised.
Kimiko smiled when she seen the baby and asked "are there any others around? "
"Captain I'll send over one of our remote detonators so you can set your bombs to it. You'll be able to detonate it from here. Once you're set tell me.
Fujita out"
Alyssa sent orders to the armoury to transport the said item over to the freighter and it appeared on the freighter bridge as promised.
Kimiko smiled when she seen the baby and asked "are there any others around? "
A crewmen shook his head, us and the others in there quarters."
The capiton smiled "We will set them up, Get my people out of here..."
29-06-2006, 22:21
the Shogun Nakamura docked with the freighter and the airlock was opened to allow the Neomans to cross over.
it would be a tight squeeze but they would manage as they still had space on the Lone Wolf if it was needed.
Alyssa sent orders to her XO to set the evacuation in motion.
Koyuri nodded as she listened to the Kirisuban orders and said to everyone present "we're getting off this tub. the Shogun Nakamura has docked and we need to get a move on"
she relays the orders to Mikiko who then tells the survivors that she's found.
Captain Viker turned to his comm and said, "Alyssa of the Kirisubon lead ship. What is the plan if this enemy forces show up? Do we have a plan to drag that damaged ship or are we to leave it here?"
30-06-2006, 07:46
"Captain the freighter is the bait" Alyysa Fujita replies over the comm "the neomans are evacuating to my ship as I speak and they'll remote denotate the bombs on board.
If the Ticonderoga does take the bait and resulting damage you'll still have to face a fearsome foe. Remember that she was built to take on an ashen globe ship.
I'd suggest finding a place to hide for now and see what happens"
"Is there a way we can claock all five of the ships even for a time Commander?" asked Captain Viker.
"Yes sir, we can stretch the shield beam around the ships from both the Slipstream crusier and the scout ship. That way we will be invisable to the enemy as they hit the abandoned ship." replied the Commander
"Alright do that with distance from the decoy." Ordered Captain Viker.
As the last of the civilians entered the Kirisuban vessel the soldiers looked at each other for a moment and began to walk back into the ship.
Elizabeth walked up to Koyuri, her baby sleeping soundly in her arms.
"Do you know where my husband is?" She asked softly as her baby began to whimper softly.
01-07-2006, 10:05
Koyuri shakes her head and replies "I don't know yet. i'll be able to find out when everyone is aboard"
Koyuri shakes her head and replies "I don't know yet. i'll be able to find out when everyone is aboard"
Elizabeth looked a little sad "Oh, Thank you," She walked off, her baby starting to cry softly.
ooc: what kind of scaring if any will Allen have? He did have half his face almost takin' off.
02-07-2006, 11:05
ooc: i'm hoping it'll be none given the nature of kirisuban space medicine.
Koyuri led the civilians to the airlock and they crossed over to the Shogun Nakamura. the corridor round the airlock was crowded with Neomans and they were led to the mess hall for now until sleeping quarters could be organised for the guests.
the old chef was dishing out hot meals for everyone along with tea and coffee the woman taking special care of the children giving them ice cream as well.
Once all the Neomans were off the freighter then they could go onto the next stage of the operation.
ooc: i'm hoping it'll be none given the nature of kirisuban space medicine.
Koyuri led the civilians to the airlock and they crossed over to the Shogun Nakamura. the corridor round the airlock was crowded with Neomans and they were led to the mess hall for now until sleeping quarters could be organised for the guests.
the old chef was dishing out hot meals for everyone along with tea and coffee the woman taking special care of the children giving them ice cream as well.
Once all the Neomans were off the freighter then they could go onto the next stage of the operation.
The capiton walked threw the airlock. He took one last look at his ship "Good by," He said as the soldiers started to walk threw airlock carrying various weapons.
06-07-2006, 18:25
with all the Neomans aboard the airlock was sealed and the Shogun Nakamura was prepared to be detached from the freighter.
It would take a while to organise quarters for the Neomans and the gym and a cargo hold were set aside for them.
Already curtains and matresses were being set up down in these areas and engineers were installing replicators.
Koyuri asked the freighter Captain about the ships manifest and they checked together off who had survived and who had died so they didn't miss anybody.