Infamous Terror Organizations (NS Style)
30-05-2006, 06:10
After discussing the past with a long time friend on NS, I decided to begin a small list of the top Terror organizations through the history of NS. Granted there have been many, but only a few truly reach the top. Their attacks will forever ring in the minds of the citizens of the nations held hostage and gripped with fear during their horrific reign and although a lot of organizations existed in theory only a few ever made a massive impression on NS like those listed below.
Though many of these will only be remembered by older nations, if you were to search back in history, you would soon learn of the terrifying past that many nations endured.
Top Terror Organizations of All Time
#1 Angelic Freedom (AF) - Though she learned the ropes under the advise of T/W (our number 2) she truly perfected the operation. Whether it be massacring millions of children, nuking many cities in many countries or stealing Acigoo (which she is still believed to be in possession of) she has left an impression of us all, and I'm sure that many veterans dread of her return. Going under the name 'Pernicious Blonde Shadow' she has never been captured or located, and to this day evades all searches. Her sources have never been discovered.
#2 Terror of the World (T/W) - He devastated ViZion for many years, what more can you say. The citizens of that nation still live in fear that one day they will rise again. Although he is second on the list, there is no denying the truth, he was one of the first great terror organizations. He led to the rise of others, such as AF, and his eloquence in coded remarks are forever etched in my memore. His threats were never idle, because he acted on every single one.
30-05-2006, 06:13
We completely agree with this. I don't know of a single other terrorist organization that really earned the name TERRORist better than these two. They truly are the two top, more destructive and terrifying organizations EVER to be created.
30-05-2006, 06:20
Global Jihad, the islamic terror group that killed millions of people in its relentless campaign against the SWC (mostly innocent civilians).
Talked about in great detail here...
27-10-2006, 00:00
27-05-2007, 07:06
Has there been any major players who have caused wide-spread destruction lately as far as terror organizations go in the past few months?
North Calaveras
27-05-2007, 07:18
SOH probaly the most considering the past months
14-07-2007, 06:11
The World Soviet Party
14-07-2007, 06:22
The Griffincrest Corporation... Kraven... Undershi... AMF... Doomingsland...
Those are the only ones I can think of right now.
The Griffincrest Corporation... Kraven... Undershi... AMF... Doomingsland...
Those are the only ones I can think of right now.
Bah, nothing but the usual crazy dictatorships.
14-07-2007, 07:11
I am offended that you do not have the ACA ( on there. lol, not really, as I am pretty new.
Lets see. They killed the president of H-Town Tejas, killed a former Kampferian Chancellor, unleashed a devastating virus on North Calaveres, and have bases in TPF, Aurum Domus, and Calizornistan. More information about their ties to the Kampferian government is being released slowly in the thread "A Stab in the Dark" as a sub plot. They will die off after that, but seeing as how the thread has been suspended for at least two weeks to await Vetaka's return, they will be around for a while.
Blackhelm Confederacy
14-07-2007, 07:20
Bah, nothing but the usual crazy dictatorships.
Griffincrest is not a dictatorship. It's a multinational corporation.
14-07-2007, 09:37
Well, we're not terrorists... so we're out of the running. Although we have sent IIS teams into other nations to Blow Stuff Up... which, I'll admit, might seem something like terrorism... but we are an actual nation.
Griffincrest is not a dictatorship. It's a multinational corporation.
Conquering nations is not good for corporations, despite what most people assume.
15-07-2007, 04:08
Note.. nations and corporations are not official terrorist organizations.
As for ACA and SOH, we can look into them. Some links would be appreciated. Also, what's their official names?
15-07-2007, 04:37
Note.. nations and corporations are not official terrorist organizations.
As for ACA and SOH, we can look into them. Some links would be appreciated. Also, what's their official names?
ACA- Anti Communist Army
All the ACA links:
ACA Factbook:
1st Mention:
Founding a base in TPF:
Expanding into Calizornistan, Aurum Domus; setting up H-Town Tejas op:
Killing H-Town Tejas' president:
Making a supervirus:
Setting it loose:
Gathering strength for an op in TWSP that never happened:
As for the SOH, it's NC's. Don't bother...
15-07-2007, 08:01
Looks like AF gets the chance to show her worthiness of being one of the two top terrorist organizations of all time on NS.
Blackhelm Confederacy
15-07-2007, 08:07
Conquering nations is not good for corporations, despite what most people assume.
I have had to defend this so many times. Shall I begin?
15-07-2007, 08:12
[OOC: Doomingsland's Manus Dei arguably tops both of them, no offense intended.]
[OOC: Doomingsland's Manus Dei arguably tops both of them, no offense intended.]
Manus Dei is indeed, scary as hell.
I have had to defend this so many times. Shall I begin?
Please do.
15-07-2007, 16:04
Corporatiopns like Griffencrest, Raven Corps, and Kraven corporation dont normally operate as the corporate entities as we most commonly know them. They dont prosper on sells and stocks, they flrish and the assets absorptions of national assets of conqured nations and then strip the land of all useable resources and use the populations of cheap labur to contuniously feed its war machine. or that how I see it.
but going back to terror organizations: I have one called The higher Order of Allah
18-07-2007, 11:48
Well, you want terrorist organizations. Here's an organization that could be called a terrorist group that opperates under the control of the Undershi government.
The Undershi government consists of a number of Ministries and Departments, all under the control of the Undershi military. One group that is represented at the highest level of the Undershi government is the Imperial Inteligence Service, which is itself split into four sections - Imperial Internal Security, Imperial External Security, Cultural Security and the feared IIS Storm Trooper units.
The section which warants mention is part of Imperial External Security, that part of the Undershi government tasked with investigating foreign powers, and, if appropriate, undermining them before open war begins between them and the Undershi Empire.
A number of means are used to undermine nations, including covert support to anarchist and extremist groups. When war becomes more likely, more open methods are employed. Some of these more open methods could be qualified as terrorist tactics.
The section of Imperial External Security tasked with carrying out such opperations is the Special Operations Section. Typical procedures call for operatives from the SOS to be infiltrated into a target nation months before they first act. Explosives, firearms and, in some cases, chemical weapons, are all supplied via third-party arms dealers, who are paid with Imperial External Security overseas Swiss-style accounts, which are not marked as belonging to the Undershi government.
Once they have recieved proper supplies, SOS teams will conduct attacks against the military, infastructure and civilian populace of target nations. This can include everything from chemical weapon attacks in enemy cities to the demolition of bridges and actual attacks on military units. Operatives of the Special Operations Section are typically drawn from elite IIS Storm Trooper units, and so tend to be experienced in combat. Additional training in irregular tactics and terrorist operations is given to potential operatives after they have been selected.
So far, the Special Operations Section has seen little use, although its operatives proved of some use in assisting Undershi airborn troops with their mass air drop on Paxton during the Undershi invasion of that nation.
Typical post-attack procedure would be to fake having some local radical group take credit for the attack - if they had been given enough time to infiltrate the local extremists, the group concerned might even be convinced that one of their cells was indeed responsible.
OOC: Evil enough for you?