What a hell of a way to die. (MT, war, open land grab)
The Xeno
29-05-2006, 23:25
227 miles south of Feluca
Prologue: A year ago, a landmass south of Feluca had been surveyed and small teams of explorers brought back news that the mountainous terrain was loaded with natural resources. Oil and natural gas in abundance, huge swaths of untouched virgin forest and mountain waterfalls. A new land to cultivate and harvest for any growing nation.
Captain Joy of the Advance Acquisition Force held a set of binoculars to his eyes, through which he surveyed the beach ahead. The driver of his LCAC (Landing Craft Air Cushion) was bringing the assault vehicle in closer and closer, expertly navigating the waves to reduce the natural up and down bobbing of the sea.
Just as recon had predicted, it was just empty grassland leading further on towards endless miles of dark, ancient forest.
The AAF was a select group of Navy-trained soldiers, similar to the SEALs, experts at combat. His soldiers were Group K, 100 soldiers divided into ten fireteams of ten each. Loaded on five seperate landing craft, they would be landing within seconds now.. any time.
With a bow wave, the hovercraft drove itself onto the beach and then into the grass beyond. The Felucans stormed off the sides, spreading out and moving towards the woods in tactical clusters.
It would only be a matter of time before the Felucans could claim this rich territory as their own.
The Aeson
29-05-2006, 23:27
OOC: One question. How can you divide ten soldiers into groups of ten?
The Xeno
29-05-2006, 23:29
OOC: One question. How can you divide ten soldiers into groups of ten?
OOC: When you leave out a zero, it becomes much harder. >.> Fixing it. You sarcastic bastard.
The Xeno
29-05-2006, 23:46
OOC: So no one wants to dispute? :)
29-05-2006, 23:49
+++Meanwhile, on the other side of the landmass, Gejigradian troops were disembarking from small hovercraft, a battalion's worth of them. Overkill, yes, for an uninhabited island, but neccessary to defend themselves from any nation that might try to sweep them away and claim the land as their own. True, Felucan scientists had explored the place first, but Gejigrad neither knew, nor would it care, should it happen to find out. Even with its intra-system colonization efforts on the Moon and Mars, Gejigrad needed immediately-available land--land that did not have to be expensively terraformed.
[ Have you any ships that I might detect over here? ]
The Xeno
29-05-2006, 23:56
+++Meanwhile, on the other side of the landmass, Gejigradian troops were disembarking from small hovercraft, a battalion's worth of them. Overkill, yes, for an uninhabited island, but neccessary to defend themselves from any nation that might try to sweep them away and claim the land as their own. True, Felucan scientists had explored the place first, but Gejigrad neither knew, nor would it care, should it happen to find out. Even with its intra-system colonization efforts on the Moon and Mars, Gejigrad needed immediate land--land that did not have to be expensively terraformed.
[ Have you any ships that I might detect over here? ]
OOC: Nope.. just five LCACs. They island-hopped to get here for an insertion. >.> The actual colonization force is coming soon. Just as a note, the island is about.. meh. Lets say, 230 miles wide, and about 300 miles long. Some steep mountain terrain typical of volcanic-formed islands, lush valleys and lots of woolands. There's a few miles worth of geysers and hot pools at the base of one mountain.
Captain Joy and his Group K were moving inland, south in a skirmish line covering about five kilometers wide. Their Felucan armor were covered over with camo patches, woodland and other natural colors. Light backpacks, and carbine versions of the Felucan AR-1.
As the day wore on, they continued on further and further. Finally, Joy lifted his radio, "Group K to Home Plate."
The radio crackled softly with the encryption system as it replied, "Home Plate, go K."
"We're about twenty miles inland and reporting no natives or other habitation. Go Code Six-Six Blue. Proceed with operations."
At Southport in Feluca, a small fleet of other craft were launched to head south towards the island.
30-05-2006, 00:32
Several Bonstocknian fishermen had previously frequented the area around the new landmass, most of them thinking nothing of it. But Bonstock was becoming hungry for rescources; with 6.5 billion people, simply getting food was a problem. Any way to relieve the stress was welcome. Therefore, a team of Bonstocknian geographers in their boat landed on the island, and began to survey the area, trying to map the coastline. They established a small base camp overlooking a natural harbor, and began to explore the region...
30-05-2006, 00:46
[ Works for me. ]
+++At this point, the Gejigradian soldiers would have established a small base camp, made from an easily-deployed mobile command center. A single company remained behind, while the other eight platoons detached themselves and began penetrating the forest, just ahead. Satellite imagery had shown nothing else just yet on the island, but it also had not been fully mapped yet. The troopers would be searching areas that had been, verifying their uninhabited status. As more images would come back, they would explore those areas.
The Xeno
30-05-2006, 00:57
The next day..
It took more than 24 hours for the three seperate forces to really get settled in and really begin to map out the island. There were several large herds of buffalo on the island, peacefully wandering about and eating. Groups of wild horses chewed contently at grass, while occasionally looking up at the strange soldiers in their territory.
The Felucans had established a camp on a set of tall hills looking out over a plain. Far in the distance, movement flickered on the horizon. One of the special forces soldiers lifted his binoculars for a look, centering a cluster of soldiers exiting the forest at the far end of the plain. "Humans." Muttered.
The other soldiers also lifted their own binoculars for a look. Little did they know, the sunlight was catching on their binocular lenses and reflecting.
30-05-2006, 10:54
[ Gejigrad is a furry nation. ;3 ]
+++Lieutenant Jeffrey Strauss dove behind a hillside, bringing down the private who'd had the binoculars up with him. "Down! Company!" he'd shout to his platoonmates. They were new, but they responded with snap obedience, getting cover wherever they could--rocks, trees, bushes, hillocks, and even large tufts of grass.
+++Sixth Platoon to Base, we have a Code Omega in Section Sixteen, Grid Two. Repeat, Code Omega in Section Sixteen, Grid Two. Request backup, over.
+++Base to Sixth Platoon. Acknowledged. Reinforcements are on their way.
+++Acknowledged, Base. Sixth Platoon, out.
The Xeno
30-05-2006, 16:35
"They just hit the ground. Wonder why?" The Felucans looked at each other, then radio'd in to Captain Joy. Half an hour later, the sleek fox anthro was on the hill, looking out towards the edge of the woods where the humans had disappeared. "No sign of them now, sir. We saw a handful come out of the woods, then drop into the tall grass."
Captain Joy surveyed the plain, then gestured, "Alright, dig in. Watch out for snakes. There's a hundred kinds of 'em here, ninety-nine of them are venomous."
The Felucan fireteam looked at their commander. One spoke up, "And the other snake, sir?"
"That one'll eat your ass whole."
The AAT forces started digging into the hillside to continue their observation.
30-05-2006, 16:44
OOC: Cool thread.. Seeing as I lack an (fully formed) expeditionary force, I'll keep out of it for the mo, though I might get involved later.
The Xeno
30-05-2006, 16:47
OOC: Cool thread.. Seeing as I lack an (fully formed) expeditionary force, I'll keep out of it for the mo, though I might get involved later.
OOC: Feel free to do what you want, mate. Just figured I'd get some MT action going.
The Aeson
30-05-2006, 16:52
OOC: Feel free to do what you want, mate. Just figured I'd get some MT action going.
OOC: Hey, I've got an idea about this. Check your TGs.
30-05-2006, 16:53
I was thinking, once it get's going, and it's ICly made public, I could voice my countries open support for someone, and provide fund's and *resources* towards them........
30-05-2006, 16:59
OOC: Tag for future post.
30-05-2006, 17:04
[ I say again, I am a furry nation. Not human. So if you could at least refer to me OOCly as such...? :/ ]
+++The folks who'd they'd spotted when the platoon came out of the woods hadn't fired a shot. Instead, they'd begun to entrench themselves--very unusual behavior for an apparently mobile force. A full thirty minutes passed, and the platoon had slunk back into the woods, keeping cover between them and the Felucans. The eight Pack Hunter IFVs that had been called up from the shore had made their way through the forest, though they did not show themselves, nor offer undue noise. They would wait, backed by five Axis main battle tanks and the Sixth, who were busy carving their own foxholes--no pun intended--into the earth.
The Aeson
30-05-2006, 17:06
[ I say again, I am a furry nation. Not human. So if you could at least refer to me OOCly as such...? :/ ]
+++The folks who'd they'd spotted when the platoon came out of the woods hadn't fired a shot. Instead, they'd begun to entrench themselves--very unusual behavior for an apparently mobile force. A full thirty minutes passed, and the platoon had slunk back into the woods, keeping cover between them and the Felucans. The eight Pack Hunter IFVs that had been called up from the shore had made their way through the forest, though they did not show themselves, nor offer undue noise. They would wait, backed by five Axis main battle tanks and the Sixth, who were busy carving their own foxholes--no pun intended--into the earth.
OOC: Eh? Who was that adressed to?
30-05-2006, 17:08
[ @Aeson: Xeno/Feluca. Sorry for the misunderstanding. http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y273/blast_archives/Emotes/icon_sweatdrop.gif ]
The Xeno
30-05-2006, 17:23
[ I say again, I am a furry nation. Not human. So if you could at least refer to me OOCly as such...? :/ ]
+++The folks who'd they'd spotted when the platoon came out of the woods hadn't fired a shot. Instead, they'd begun to entrench themselves--very unusual behavior for an apparently mobile force. A full thirty minutes passed, and the platoon had slunk back into the woods, keeping cover between them and the Felucans. The eight Pack Hunter IFVs that had been called up from the shore had made their way through the forest, though they did not show themselves, nor offer undue noise. They would wait, backed by five Axis main battle tanks and the Sixth, who were busy carving their own foxholes--no pun intended--into the earth.
OOC: I didn't see that. Sorry. ^.^
IC: The entrenchment was simply a part of the standard protocal for AAT forces. When in open terrain, create cover. When the slit trenches were finished, several of the AAT anthros set up electronic monitoring devices, which were little more than glorified cameras mounted on four foot rods. The rods were driven into the ground, and from the cover of the trench, electronic officers could keep an eye out via video feed to their laptop computers without the risk of exposure.
The rest of the AAT were now behind the hill, spread out and waiting for instructions. A Felucan Marine batallion had made landfall a short time ago, but were still probably a hundred or so miles to the north, and thus out of supporting range.
"Any sign of them?"
One officer spoke up from his trench, "Not entirely sure, sir. We're getting occasional movement, but it's too dark under those trees to be sure. Looks like they're doing something. Putting something together, or chopping trees. We'll keep watching."
The Aeson
30-05-2006, 17:26
OOC: Well Xeno I'm check not your sumbliminally telegrams messaging.
30-05-2006, 17:27
[ Hey, how do we want to handle satellite imagery in this? As in, would I be able to see your landing force coming in, and you, mine? ]
The Xeno
30-05-2006, 17:30
[ Hey, how do we want to handle satellite imagery in this? As in, would I be able to see your landing force coming in, and you, mine? ]
OOC: If you want to. I currently don't have any deployed, though. I plan to use my AAT for my recon. :)
30-05-2006, 17:49
OOC: If you want to. I currently don't have any deployed, though. I plan to use my AAT for my recon. :)
[ Right then. Thanks. :3 ]
+++"Well shit," snarled one of the base camp's technicians, as the image flipped brokenly onto his screen. A little adjustment in alignment, zoom in, and....
+++As that same image was rolled out onto a rather cluttered table, filled with survey maps of the parts of the island they'd explored, coupled with various other imagery, the People's Army landing force stepped up their defense alert two levels, bringing them to DEFCON3.
+++Back in the woods, with the Sixth, Avery glared at a nearby tree while the order came was passed through the microphone clipped to his ear. They'd wait for an attached attack helicopter battalion to come up from the shore, comprised of twenty-four AH-63E Wasp helicopters and a further squadron of twelve OH-15 Ghost observation helicopters, and then they would move forward.
The Aeson
30-05-2006, 17:50
OOC: Since subtle hints and sumbliminal messaging have failed horribly...
Xeno, check your telegrams!
OOC:Any chance someone could make a map?
The Frenzian government had been watching the island for awhile,considering whether it would be worth the effort to try to establish a colony.They decided to have special forces teams secure an area for a port city and an airstrip.Sattilite photos had shown that the area did not hold many resources that Frenzia would need but it would take closer inspection before that could be determained.A few days earlier a task force had been assembled,it was small but designed to be quick.After the area the government wanted was secure,larger ships would drop off supplies for constructing the port and airstrip as well as defenses such as bunkers.
3 Days Later (As in the day your forces landed on the beach.)
The ships had stopped and landing crafts had been loaded up with men,vehicles and supplies.There is 1 Wasp Class ships,3 CG-47 Ticonderoga Class Cruisers,2 Arleigh Burke Class Guided Missile Destroyers and 2 SSN-688 Los Angeles-classes.The Landing Crafts left the ship,heading towards the eastern shore.Off the deck launched helicopter after helicopter,12 MH-53J Pave Low IIIs most of them carrying troops,a few had supplies.Following behind those helicopters were 6 CH-46 Sea Knight helicopters carrying supplies as well as vehicles.Escorting these aircraft were 6 GF-02 Blizzard Joint Strike Fighters.The helicopters flew ahead of the landing crafts and some landed right on the beach while others flew a little to the north and landed in a grassy clearing.The troops quickly unloaded and got into Light Armored Vehicles the rest had already set up a perimeter.The Landing Craft arrived and more troops got into LAVs as well as some manning the HIMARS Artillery.The helicopters and Landing Craft started the trip back to the ship to get more supplies that would be needed.Snipers were sent ahead to act as scouts incase any enemies came.Chances are nobody would know they were on the island.
The Xeno
30-05-2006, 18:35
OOC: I'm really no good at doing maps. I could try to cut a rough one, but it would end up looking like garbage.
The satellite imagery would see squadrons and platoons of armored vehicles chewing their way up from the beach and into the forest that looked out over the ocean. Lines of soldiers were debarking from landing craft and amphib assault ships.
Plenty of Armadillos (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=10962806&postcount=65) were in view as well. The Felucan equivilent of a HMMWV. Mostly carrying supplies and equipment. There's probably several companies of engineers to be seen as well, with their earth-movers and bridge layers.
Meanwhile, Group K continued to monitor the plain and report whatever it is they were seeing. A squadron (3) of M10A Redwood IFVs (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=10214020&postcount=22) were making their way towards the AAT position, mainly because it's policy to send some heavier equipment when a recon force finds an unknown military force.
30-05-2006, 18:47
+++The helicopters barreled toward the Sixth's position, they kept low, almost scraping the tops of the trees. Five minutes before the Ghosts arrived, an encrypted signal was sent to the Sixth, announcing their imminent arrival. They would slow, ducking behind cover some distance away, prodding around with their mast sights for targets, while the Wasps waited behind.
The Xeno
30-05-2006, 19:04
The M10As had by now arrived, and were 'hull down' on the back side of the hillside, just their turrets showing. One of the IFV drivers hopped down from his track and grinned wolfishly. He was a wolf, afterall. "Hey, Cap'n. What's the situation?"
The AAT Captain frowned under his helmet. These Army guys. So crass. Captain Joy jerked a thumb towards the trees miles distant, "We've finally determined, we got some unknowns digging in. We thought they were chopping trees, but turns out they're entrenching. Maybe they're hostile?"
The driver poked his head into his IFV, peeking over his gunner's shoulder at the monitor with the gunsights. "No vehicles, huh? Fighting in the woods is something for the regulars. I'll call up for Ranger support from home."
And the signal was sent back to Southport, calling for the Felucan Rangers.
30-05-2006, 19:57
+++Target priorities were not needed--there being only three vehicles, after all. The Ghosts remained in position while the Wasps took over, eight of them roaring ahead. A volley of twenty-one Hellfire II missiles were launched, seven to each Redwood, to ensure that they died. Gejigrad didn't know what armour this nation used, so it was best not taking any chances. The remaining sixteen gunships would remain hidden, in support of the other eight. Best not to let the enemy know your exact numbers.
+++Depending on the outcome, the helicopters would then continue onward toward the Marine landing zone, one Hydra rocket pod on each exchanged for a fuel pod that extended their range by a quarter again. They would be there first, while the Sixth and their vehicles temporarily assigned to them took care of the AAT survivors. A further two tank platoons and twenty-five Pack Hunter IFVs, escorted by a further eight Wasps--the same that had launched during the initial attack--would approach the LZ to mop up, but would take substantially longer to get there. It was therefore up to the helicopters to manage to take out a battalion--but with one hundred twenty-eight Hellfire IIs left over, and six hundred eight Hydra-70 rockets waiting to be expended, it was expected to put a rather sizable dent in the force.
The Xeno
30-05-2006, 20:19
+++Target priorities were not needed--there being only three vehicles, after all. The Ghosts remained in position while the Wasps took over, eight of them roaring ahead. A volley of twenty-one Hellfire II missiles were launched, seven to each Redwood, to ensure that they died. Gejigrad didn't know what armour this nation used, so it was best not taking any chances. The remaining sixteen gunships would remain hidden, in support of the other eight. Best not to let the enemy know your exact numbers.
+++Depending on the outcome, the helicopters would then continue onward toward the Marine landing zone, one Hydra rocket pod on each exchanged for a fuel pod that extended their range by a quarter again. They would be there first, while the Sixth and their vehicles temporarily assigned to them took care of the AAT survivors. A further two tank platoons and twenty-five Pack Hunter IFVs, escorted by a further eight Wasps--the same that had launched during the initial attack--would approach the LZ to mop up, but would take substantially longer to get there. It was therefore up to the helicopters to manage to take out a battalion--but with one hundred twenty-eight Hellfire IIs left over, and six hundred eight Hydra-70 rockets waiting to be expended, it was expected to put a rather sizable dent in the force.
The three Redwoods were struck, destroyed utterly by the volley of Hellfires. The folks in the ground dove to cover. Captain Joy was on his radio, "Code Black! Code Black! Forward AAT Group K under attack!"
Even as the helicopters roared overhead, the soldiers were getting their equipment together and dashing for their slit trenches.
At the landing site, RADARs suddenly flipped on, filling the sky with energy. The Longbow MLRSes, many of them configured with Sparrow SAMs would spread out and set up. Their beds lifted, missiles ready to fire.
The convoy of IFVs already in the woods would speed up, taking a route marked by the AAF's earlier advance. They'd probably be too late to play a part in the initial skirmish, but they could certainly make a show of force.
As the helicopters approached the landing site, they would be greeted by a massive volley of SAMs, reaching out for miles and miles to swat at the approaching helicopters.
Captain Joy went on, "Fire mission, Zulu Six-Six Point Five-Four. Charlie Seven-Nine Point One-Zero! Fire for effect!"
And from the beach, dozens of artillery pieces would open up. Even as the enemy IFVs began to emerge from the woods, they would be greeted with a shower of artillery shells, 155mm and 255mm.
Rotten bacon
30-05-2006, 20:27
The rotten Bacon Forces moved up the coast. The main land was really rocky and not good for plants. it seemed like a stroke of luck that they passed by this contenint. commander Cody and Deviss walked up on to the deck.
"well" cody says. Would you look at that this continent is on no known maps the the world."
"how about that"Deviss said with a smile
"you know there is alot of shit on that island that we could use."
"oh yeah" Deviss said raising and eyebrow
"I could Authorize an invasion to claim the land" cody says with a smirk.
Deviss walks off and says "you give the order.
An houre later troops landed on the shores in a bay.
Cody comes out and says "good sized shore of ports. protected by mountains. this would be a good colony. Deviss graba squadron split them up and scout out" to another group he says." build a camp send message back to the main land to pull out of that Bengolo place. and come here. and request tanks.
The black mass that was Ftagn Colony fleet Designation Beta-15 appeared off the southern coast...
[More OOC: I don't have much time to post now, 'cause I'm at school, but I'll post my landing when I get home. Assume my fleet is very slow moving.]
30-05-2006, 21:24
[ Just so you know, I was going to split up the attack on the Marines and the attack on the AAT into two posts, in case you had a trick up your sleeve. :3
EDIT: Sorry about the size. -.- ]
+++The Wasps would be flying at nape-of-the-earth (henceforth referred to as NOE), so there would be very little to detect, even if the Mongoose/Wasp was less stealthy than the RAH-66 Commanche. However, Gejigrad had streamlined the body somewhat more, put on two more rotor blades, and had added a coating of RAM for good measure, so it was slightly more stealthy than the export model of the Mongoose, at the same time.
+++The Pack Hunter IFVs and Axis tanks moved along, using as much cover as possible. Some vehicles were taken out, but because both incorporated N/AMP systems, only the 255mm shells would not be deflected with a large amount of success. Presumably, there would be a smaller portion of such rounds fired, so their damage was, although felt sorely to the column, not a problem. The soldiers it was passing by were a more immediate concern, however, and fire was laid down by twin 50mm autocannons, mounted on each Pack Hunter, to keep them in their trenches.
+++At about this time, the Wasp gunships would scream into the LZ, smashing up just about anything that moved--or that didn't, but might. In one coordinated strike, the apparently still-grounded aircraft were targetted, along with SAM sites and their radar stations, ARVs, and artillery units. Their success depended largely on just how many targets they needed to hit.
The Xeno
30-05-2006, 21:50
[ Just so you know, I was going to split up the attack on the Marines and the attack on the AAT into two posts, in case you had a trick up your sleeve. :3
EDIT: Sorry about the size. -.- ]
+++The Wasps would be flying at nape-of-the-earth (henceforth referred to as NOE), so there would be very little to detect, even if the Mongoose/Wasp was less stealthy than the RAH-66 Commanche. However, Gejigrad had streamlined the body somewhat more, put on two more rotor blades, and had added a coating of RAM for good measure, so it was slightly more stealthy than the export model of the Mongoose, at the same time.
+++The Pack Hunter IFVs and Axis tanks moved along, using as much cover as possible. Some vehicles were taken out, but because both incorporated N/AMP systems, only the 255mm shells would not be deflected with a large amount of success. Presumably, there would be a smaller portion of such rounds fired, so their damage was, although felt sorely to the column, not a problem. The soldiers it was passing by were a more immediate concern, however, and fire was laid down by twin 50mm autocannons, mounted on each Pack Hunter, to keep them in their trenches.
+++At about this time, the Wasp gunships would scream into the LZ, smashing up just about anything that moved--or that didn't, but might. In one coordinated strike, the apparently still-grounded aircraft were targetted, along with SAM sites and their radar stations, ARVs, and artillery units. Their success depended largely on just how many targets they needed to hit.
OOC: Naw. The tricks begin now. ^.^
The Felucans had waited until just this moment, then cut loose with their ground-based AA guns. 30mm and 47mm tracked vehicles, the Type-1 (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=10939508&postcount=62) already had their barrels pointed at the treetops, and as the helicopters appeared, they would open up at point-blank range from all directions where they were spread out along the beach. The Longbow SAMs also let loose a volley, hundreds of anti-air missiles arcing skywards.
There are no grounded aircraft to target, but there are hundreds of vehicles on the beach. Many are engineering equipment, but plenty of gun barrels were also pointed up, taking shots at the low-flying helicopters.
Back at the hill, the AAT were still huddled in their trenches, not peeking up least they get a head blown off. The few working cameras would send out a live feed over the military network, giving the intelligence officers information on what they were facing.
The artillery guns on the beach would continue to fire despite the nearby helicopters, adjusting according to information recieved from the video feeds.
30-05-2006, 22:40
+++The six lead helicopters had fired off their Hellifre II missiles as they cleared the trees, but four were taken out by defensive fire from the Type-1s. Those not hit, noting their comrades' collective fate, would turn sharply and head back to the base. The only remaining lead helicopter would be shot down as it careened around, attempting to dump its inertia. As the Wasps pulled back, the current battalion leader sent an artillery request to the base camp. It possessed no Hammerstrike 200mm guns, but it did have the Javelin 155mm howitzers (self-propelled). These would move to an appropriate range, and open fire, shelling the LZ.
+++Meanwhile, the armoured column would stop, and turn around. To ensure that no Felucan soldier got the chance to fire, the Axis tanks would open up with their 135mm cannons, covered by both autocannon and machine-gun fire, sending a swath of destruction before them as they pulled back into the wooded hills. They didn't need to kill all of the soldiers, only shock them enough into not firing. So, once they were running low on ammo, they would cease firing, and only keep up with the autocannons, again. Once within the woods, they would remain there, though at a different spot than they had been.
The unloading began as soon as the first massive colony ship hit the beach. The whole front of the gargantuan ship opened up as one huge gang plank, revealing rows of shining machinery and bustling crew members. Already, a few pre-fab shelters were being unloaded onto the beach.
Further out in the water, the few escort ships formed a protective circle around the supply ships, which were carrying vital supplies like food and pure water. Two bulky, black hulled ships, proudly bearing the banners of the Imperial Legions, broke off from the fleet and headed for shore to deploy defense forces for the new colony...
[OOC: The Ftagn industrial machine is fast to jump on new unspoiled resources. The colony ships (There are two of them) are a bit larger than Nimitz class carriers, and are made to be taken apart into thir component materials upon reaching their destination to be made into shelters and defense structures with the onboard machine shops. The rest of the machines onboard are mobile mining rigs, oil rigs, and such. If the colonists ever want to get back to the mainland, they are expected to build up enough of a colony to make their own damn ships. Food, supplies, and soldiers are sent to the colonies, in exchange for oil and metal.]
A single Knox-Class FFG was send to watch the chaos. Brydog didn't need the land, they decided to watch the battle instead.
A satellite began taking still photos of what was going on and sending them to the ships and the men on shore.A video up link was authorized an soon after they began watching the battle that was taking place.At the same time a UAV soared over the island,it was watching the landings of the other two nations.Frenzian commanders did not want a fight they simply wanted some land.Troops began constructing bunkers and building trenches where there was no available cover.The ships with the supplies for the port and the air strip had not arrived yet.
The Xeno
31-05-2006, 02:08
+++The six lead helicopters had fired off their Hellifre II missiles as they cleared the trees, but four were taken out by defensive fire from the Type-1s. Those not hit, noting their comrades' collective fate, would turn sharply and head back to the base. The only remaining lead helicopter would be shot down as it careened around, attempting to dump its inertia. As the Wasps pulled back, the current battalion leader sent an artillery request to the base camp. It possessed no Hammerstrike 200mm guns, but it did have the Javelin 155mm howitzers (self-propelled). These would move to an appropriate range, and open fire, shelling the LZ.
+++Meanwhile, the armoured column would stop, and turn around. To ensure that no Felucan soldier got the chance to fire, the Axis tanks would open up with their 135mm cannons, covered by both autocannon and machine-gun fire, sending a swath of destruction before them as they pulled back into the wooded hills. They didn't need to kill all of the soldiers, only shock them enough into not firing. So, once they were running low on ammo, they would cease firing, and only keep up with the autocannons, again. Once within the woods, they would remain there, though at a different spot than they had been.
OOC: Kubra, I don't really have a map. My skills with paintshop are sad indeed. If anyone wants to come up with a map, feel free. It's a big island that's longer than it is wide, with mountains and plenty of forest.
Dozens of vehicles went up into fireballs as the Hellfire missiles struck them, but the Type-1 gunners continued to fire, knowing that it was just them and the SAMs that would save the landing party at this point.
When the helicopters withdrew, mobile forces began to surge forward into the woods for some cover, just as the enemy artillery struck. Smoke and sand geysered up from the ground, taking the crews of several of the field artillery pieces out of action. One of the amphib assault ships was struck repeatedly and floundered, settling on its side on the beach.
The handful of self-propelled artillery pieces manuvered into the woods, and infantry and other personell cleared the beach. One of the Landing Control Officers radio'd back to the ships approaching with a fresh wave of equipment and soldiers that this beach is closed, landfall will be made three kilometers east.
More Felucan forces were island hopping now, working their way towards the battle zone from the north. Elements of the 7th Light Infantry Division and 4th Air Cavalry.
A handful more of Group K were hit by lucky shots that managed to drop down into their positions. As the enemy withdrew into the woods, the survivors gathered up their wounded and headed north towards the forest forming the opposite end of this particular plain.
The Xeno
31-05-2006, 02:22
Okay, lets try this for the island.. ignore the landmarks. There's patches of forest all over also. It's about 330 miles wide and eh, 300ish long. Obviously the scale device is incorrect, so ignore it too.
Toss in rivers, lakes, mountains and other terrain features as necessary.
OOC:Consider my landing made a few kilometers south of ''Hilo Town''.
Rotten bacon
31-05-2006, 02:35
Another ship with soldiers arived. down the plank walked the war dog that was commander Bacara. She looked around and like what she saw. then she looked up at the mounatians and wanted some land on the other side.
"ok" Bacara said to her troops. " i want every one to walk in an explosion like pattern from the mounatins. in squads. when you hit a mile and a half set a marker and hold your position intill build teams can make camps. then when they arrive continue your walk. If you see other forces do not relaeal yourselvs untill you talk to me"
Her actions were followed
OOC: I claim the kohala coast that fits with the landing spot I described
The Xeno
31-05-2006, 02:44
OOC: Yeah. I figure my forces landed at Hamakua Coast. Gejigrad's guys are probably at South Point or east of it. I imagine, if Gejigrad agrees.. the skirmish occured right around Mauna Kea.
OOC: Consider my landing to be around the south point. My forces aren't looking for trouble, but if anyone interferes with the soon to be commenced mining operations... IC post coming soon.
31-05-2006, 04:38
Admiral Zaku read and examined the several reports and maps that lay on his desk. He could feel the gentle swaying of his Emperia Mark II that was acting as his flagship. With the news of a very large island recently being found, the High Command had given him orders to claim land before other nations, as they inevitably would.
His orders were clear: establish a beachhead, secure as much land as possible, establish a naval base, build towns and factories.
He had a good amount of men and ships to do so. He was to land an Armoured Legion, which consisted of 100,000 Capitol Police, and various amounts of different tanks and Basilisk artillery. His fleet, which was made up of two Carrier Battle Groups, was much more impressive:
1 Emperia Mark II Class Battleship (Flagship)
4 Emperia Class Battleship
2 Gorgoroth Class SuperCarrier
6 Immortal Class Battlecruiser
10 Marduk Class Missile Destroyer
10 Mayhem Class Destroyer
10 Apotheosis Class Cruiser
10 Pulsar Class II Anti-Air Cruiser
10 Honour Class
4 Torment Class
After loading up and fueling, the fleet headed off. It was within range of the Kilauea Volcano, as it had been labled on one of the maps, very soon. The Armoured Legion was quickly unloaded and a beachhead was established. Quickly, construction of firebases, guntowers, pillboxes, and the like was underway.
Governor Laelius was in his hastily erected command bunker, poring over satellite images of of the island, when a Legionnaire ran into the room and snapped to attention.
"Yes, Legionnaire, what is it? I'm very busy."
"Sir! Another enemy (this is the standard term associated with other nations) is setting up a colony to the northwest, and they've brought a sizable fleet with them. Our escorts would not be able to handle their strength, should they decide to attack. They are a distinct threat."
"Hmmm...send a message to the mainland. Tell them that we will need more forces in order to secure a colony here. Remind them of the benefits should we be successful here. Oh, and has the fleet's nationality been identified?"
"Yes, Sir. They show as Kraven."
"Huh, I've heard little of them. They obviously don't know better than to meddle in our affairs. Their might is as nothing compared to the Eternal Emperor's. Now go!"
"Yes sir!"
Meanwhile, the Ftagn colonists were hard at work. Already, any trees within miles were cut down and stacked into piles to be shipped back to the mainland, where they were a valuble commodity. In their place was a growing sprawl of metal prefab shacks, along with assorted factories and refineries. Ftagn industry gives no heed to anything even approaching environmentalism, and the rapidly industrialized town was already blanketed in a thin haze of smog...
On the outer perimeter of the town, the extensions of the Emperor's will, the Legionaries were at work assembling a network turrets, bunkers and concrete walls....
31-05-2006, 06:41
OOC-Not to worry. For the moment we're securing as much land as possible for Kraven and the Supreme State. From there, I'm not sure. I suppose we'd just kind of ignore everyone until they interact with us.
Just a note, the ships would come up as Kraven, seeing as Zukariaa doesn't really have it's own ships. Everything we use in the military is supplied by Kraven, seeing as we're a slave state.
Not that it matters, just clearing things up.
The beacon rolled in the choppy seas, its armour resisting the corrosion of the salt water. It blinked faintly, the only other light in the early dawn. If one was swimming beside it, it might've been possible to hear the whine of jet engines in the distance.
Muffled by the fog, almost fifty RAID (Rapid Airboune Infantry Deployment) modified Zl-99's roared over head, while support craft flew alongside them, their gargantuan holds filled with BTR-90s, T-90s and several 256M 'Tunguska' AAA vehicles.
Filling the cargo holds of the first Zl-99's, lines of airboune assault troopers stood waiting in position for the clear-light. The dim glow of the cargo bay reflected the various emotions seen through the eyes of their balaclava-clad faces, under tightly strapped, modified TC "D" Combat Helmets. Some shifted uncomfertably under the weight of the gear strapped to their backs, others toyed with their AK-74M Assault Rifles.
The pilots up front were more relaxed, but still tense as they descended through the clouds, and got buffeted by high winds. The north-eastern sky above Feluca was dark, but the roaring of engines betrayed the Zhaskevian advance. The cargo bay of the first Zl-99 grew radiant with green light and the rear doors began to slide down, their hydraulic systems whining loudly as 100 armed soldiers began to jump off them.
The soldiers in the accompanying planes began to make their descent as well, a tense rush of air in the dark followed by a gratifying lift as their parachutes deployed. Some miles back, the support craft deployed the fighting craft and their support crews. Large, bulky pieces of machinery began falling somewhat gently into the brush and only 10 minutes after the first BTR-90 had fallen, engines began to start up in the dark scrub as soldiers in brown camouflage uniforms began securing the area, the lamps at the end of their assault rifles piercing the darkness and the slumber of several unlucky animals.
General Illyan Dnervik looked up from the map spread across the table. In the dim light the tent lighting provided he could see the armoured division arriving.
'It's good to see you alive and well comrade Colonel. Any losses?'
The Colonel pulled off his balaclava, shook out his hair then shrugged.
'No personnel, only damaged vehicles. Some are repairable, some not, at least not until we are reinforced. Some are completely written off.'
Dnervik grimaced, tapping his fingers on the brim of his field cap.
'I think these vehicles were not destined to fly, but that is a matter I will look into later. Any contact?'
'If they can see us they're either neutral or hiding. The Defensive line is being secured now in preparation for the next drops, I will have to oversee it on the high ridges however so please excuse me comrade General.'
Dnervik nodded.
'Of course, of course we will try to get communications setup with Zhilishou. The Strategic Rocket Services stand ready in the event of the worst.'
The Colonel nodded and jogged back out to where a FAV stood ready, humming away into the humid night air, dawn reaching over the horizon. It wheeled away, deftly dodging the rings of IGLA SAM sites that spread across the landing zones.
OOC: Just where I'm at if anyone is unclear, that is the extent of my defensive line.
http://img438.imageshack.us/img438/3805/z12bb.gif (http://imageshack.us)
31-05-2006, 12:43
[ Jumping back in time a tad, since I presume it's the next morning.
Anyway, yeah. Around the nor'east beach is where I imagined I would land. ]
+++"Citizen Sergeant," rumbled the ursine--a large, rather "fluffy" polar bear--in charge of the operation, as he turned toward his assistant. "Get me EASTCOM on the line. Tell them it's urgent."
+++"Yes, Citizen Colonel," came the smooth reply from the vixen, who had, up until now, been peering over the bear's shoulder. Or, rather, given his size, trying to. When she returned, it was with a satellite phone in hand.
+++"Citizen General," rumbled the lieutenant-colonel. "There is a sizable assault force approaching the island--much larger than the earlier force we encountered. Two carrier battlegroups have been spotted approaching, though at a low speed. Another force is closing from the east--a division-strength unit."
+++"And?" came the gruff reply.
+++"And, Citizen General, I believe that we require reinforcements." His teeth were grinding together by now, though the sound did not carry through the phone. What the hell was he thinking? That a battalion would be able to take on such numbers? Like hell it could. They needed a real division in here, maybe three.
+++"Pull your men back, Citizen Colonel. We'll wait for them to grind each other down. Then you'll have your reinforcements."
+++The bear snarled. "If we wait too long, they will have entrenched themselv--"
+++"That is enough! You will do as you are told, Citizen Colonel, or you will suffer a most unpleasant fate," came back the guttural roar, in the bear's natural language. Basic simply did not connotate so much hate. Then, in a much colder, more even voice, the general continued. "Do I make myself clear, Citizen Colonel?"
+++A silence stretched out, strained near to the point of breaking. Then, "Yes, Citizen General." The connection was cut, and the order given. Gejigrad would pull back to a nearby holding, and wait it out.
31-05-2006, 13:38
<SS Ocean's Treasure Twenty miles west of Kohala Coast, International Waters>
The battered hull of the old salvage ship creaked as her ice-hardened bow ploughed through an oncoming wave, sending shivers up the spine of her captain, Keith Alexander. He pulled his dark blue watch cap over his forehead and stepped off the wing back into the warmth of the bridge. A quiet beeping came from the GPS unit mounted on a gimballed platform just next to his chair.
He looked out over the deck of the ship, watching men securing loose salvage equipment amongst the containers bolted to the out of use helicopter pad. Then, scanning the horizon, and the dark patch of land in the far distance, he pressed a small button on the side of the ships intercom unit.
Far below him, red rotating beacons flashed above a huge water filled dive tank in the center of the ship, and men in dark cold-water drysuits swarmed over three long sleek submersibles with strange bulbous growths fixed to their upper hulls. In less than thirty seconds, the doors covering the bottom of the dive-tank opened, and the three submersibles with their load of heavily armed commandos sank swiftly into the ocean before heading east, towards the island.
<Shrike One-One, thirty-five miles west of Airport, The Big Island>
The RSO braced himself and a gust of wind threw his aircraft sideways, and he cursed softly, so his Wing Commander, flying stick, wouldn't hear him. The big man was pretty much shoe-horned into the front seat, and concentrating hard on keeping his aircraft straight and level so that the rest of Shrike flight could keep some semblence of formation.
"All Shrike Flights, Shrike One-One, take spacings for launch point Alpha."
The large formations split in two, a small group of four aircraft taking a higher altitude than the remaining twenty and swinging away from their heading slightly, their large ventral mounted bomb bays swinging open as they neared their first launch waypoint.
"Shrike One, Shrike Six-One, at Alpha, launching"
The four aircraft jerked upwards as two long, sleek missiles with small stubby wings fell from their bomb bays, and with a loud pop, their motors started, sending the MAG-94 AHARM advanced anti-radiation missiles streaking off at nearly twice the speed of sound towards the airfield and any active radar sites on the western half of the Island.
With that, the aircraft reformed with the main body, and continued towards the island, RSOs replotting targets as they popped up, ready for the first major strike on positions on what would soon become the latest acquisition for the McLeodian Empire.
The Xeno
31-05-2006, 14:46
The survivors of the AAT unit eventually met up in the north forest with the first landing party. It was the tattered remains of a MEU batallion, a handful of artillery pieces and less than a dozen infantry fighting vehicles or APCs. Just three hundred or so troops.
They would head towards the new landing site, where already the second wave of ships and vehicles were arriving. Sweeping in from the north were also elements of an Air Cavalry Division, their helicopters coming in low and proceeding south over the trees, where they would drop down into clear patches just long enough for squads to hop off and deploy.
The 7th Light Infantry were also making landfall nearby, doing so from the large amphib assault craft, following their Gryphon MBTs into the woods. Dedicated SAMs were setting up in some of the hills nearby as well as flak and other artillery, making a suitable fire base.
A Colonel, an older bobcat anthro glowered as he stood in his mobile command truck, otherwise known as a God Track. The map of the island showed at least four more landings taking place. "These damned land-whores. The second we try to get some resources they show up like frigging vultures. Don't they know we've claimed this island already?" The God Track rolled over the rotting remains of a dead tree, rocking the officers in the back around. The Colonel grabbed an overhead support bar, "Looks like that force that hit our first landing party has pulled back into that forest to the south. Keep an eye on them. I want their hides."
31-05-2006, 14:55
[ The battalion would be moving off the island, though. So they would be heading northeast, not south. o.o ]
The Xeno
31-05-2006, 14:59
[ The battalion would be moving off the island, though. So they would be heading northeast, not south. o.o ]
OOC: Last you posted, they withdrew into that forest. :) That's the last my guys've seen of 'em. Howcome you're quitting?
Zukariaa']OOC-Not to worry. For the moment we're securing as much land as possible for Kraven and the Supreme State. From there, I'm not sure. I suppose we'd just kind of ignore everyone until they interact with us.
Just a note, the ships would come up as Kraven, seeing as Zukariaa doesn't really have it's own ships. Everything we use in the military is supplied by Kraven, seeing as we're a slave state.
Not that it matters, just clearing things up.
OOC: Well, I'm paranoid. They won't be attacking you or anything. It's just to help escort the supply convoys and such.
Oh, they don't fly Zukariaa's flags or anything?
BTW, someone want to make an OOC thread or something?
31-05-2006, 15:09
[ Just running it the way a neo-socialist regime would.
As in, really badly.
Gotta stick with the genre, you know. ;3
Still, the Citizen General will keep to his word, and come back. ]
The Frenzian Commanders decided they needed a bit more land,they moved out on all sides a few kilometers,scouts doing the same,being care full not to enter another nations territory.Commanders on the ships had seen the landings of at least 5 nations,possibly even six.They already knew that they did not have enough men on the island to hold out against what was on there.There were some troops coming with the building materials but they were mostly engineers who would be building the port and air strip.The Commanders sent a message to H.Q. asking for more men.They got their wish.3 C-5s with extra installed seats in the cargo hold as well as 6 other C-5s loaded with LAVs and their crews.Escorting them would be 10 F-22s.
31-05-2006, 19:10
OOC: Well, I'm paranoid. They won't be attacking you or anything. It's just to help escort the supply convoys and such.
Oh, they don't fly Zukariaa's flags or anything?
BTW, someone want to make an OOC thread or something?
The Zukariaan flag is the Kraven flag. <.<
Meeting no resistance as of yet, the Capitol Police took had taken a large portion of the island. Setting up defences as they went. Eventually they stopped, waiting for further commands.
Along the beach, naval bases were built. Small towns were made, along with factories. Citizens were moved in and sorted into work groups. The land was in prime condition for resources and factory space, and Admiral Zaku planned to use it.
[OOC-Sorry for the short post. Heres a map of what I have so far:
OOC: they're landing near the "airport"
On the Paul Knox
The ship's 10 man Commando element were being brief on a mission.
The Commando team leader was the 54 year old Ruphodlf Mirmar, a rugged human Colonel. He stand and delivered the orders to the 4 humans and 5 anthro commandos.
We are to enter the island by air and aid.... he pauses looking at the orders. The Felcans forces, since they were here first.
The men enter the MH-60F, and the take off. The sounds of The Clash's "Train in Vain" is played as they head to their landing point.
Zukariaa']The Zukariaan flag is the Kraven flag. <.<
[OOC: Well, I didn't check that... I'm lazy, I guess. Anyways, this is a start, and I'll write some more later, when I get time.]
As the last column of soldiers was stepping off the troop carrier, the first group was already heading out of Ftagn held territory, escorting a convoy of drilling rigs. The requested reinforcements had arrived from the mainland earlier than expected, and were already pushing forward the outer defences, spreading the cancer that was the new settlement.
At the very earliest stage of settlement, the colony had put up a system of speaker towers, constantly broadcasting messages of the Emperor's love for his servants, telling them to work ever harder for the glory of the Empire...
01-06-2006, 01:13
The Bonstocknian base camp, which had no combat troops at the moment, was in a bay just east of the South Point. However, Bonstocknian troops soon began landing. A Bonstocknian amphibious battlegroup centered around the Wasp-class FRBS Argos took up a position nearby, and Bonstocknian Marines began landing by helicopter. Tanks and trucks were offloaded on the beach by LCACs as the 2,000 Bonstocknian troops began digging in. Engineers began constructing a dock and an airfield, along with barracks, ammo dumps, a field hospital, and a command center. Several Bonstocknian patrols went out, patrolling on foot in squads for about twenty miles around.
Rotten bacon
01-06-2006, 04:55
OOC: I spy a huge collusion with Ftagn. not to be arrogant by i think i and maby one other person are capble of putting up a fight aginst him we we both agreed not to attack one another because there will probably not be an island afterwards. and i am moving an army down to Bali Kai and through the Mountains so any army in the area watch out. i have an army of close to 66,900,000 on the islant spread out plus tanks ans cpap so yeah.
IC: Commander cody took over command of Commander Gree's army untill his arrivel.Commander Cody reveied message that Ftagn Troops were on the island but Cody did not want to dance with them right now. as his army walked down the west side of the island that night he could see lights. same with the army going through the mountins. he even had some troops going up to the north. all with tanks not far behind.
01-06-2006, 05:01
[ How much of your population do you have as standing army units? ]
[ How much of your population do you have as standing army units? ]
[OOC: Errm... yeah... he has a bad godmoding habit. I go to school with him, so I'll deal with him tomorrow... There's no way he could deploy 66 million troops to this island. Both of us have huge armies, but he is always deploying the whole thing into every minor conflict... Anyways, we need an OOC thread.]
01-06-2006, 05:56
[ Well, um.
Best of luck, then?
I'll make the thread. ]
Omnis Arcanum
01-06-2006, 07:43
A small fleet of scrap metal ships approached from the northern sea. The ships themselves did not look too threatening, none more then any junker fleet could. Onboard, everything was going just as well as normal operations go for the fledgling nation.
On the leading ship, a fist bashed against a machine on the side of the bridge. Soon a circular panel lit up, blipping as machines do. The aggravated officer who happened to be beating this particular machine let out a sigh of relief, and turned to his superior sitting on the only chair in the fleet. "Sir, the sonar is back up!" The superior nodded and pushed his glasses back into place. "Good work. Is it showing anything?" The officer turned back around and stared at the glowing screen, replying, "Not much right now, sir. I think it's going to blink out again, though, as the upper part of the screen is turning on odd color." The superior pushed his glasses back again, "Odd color you say? Navigator, do you happen to see anything ahead?" The navigator awoke, startled, and quickly yawned. "Well, sir, let me check!" He picked up his rag and wiped away the steam that built up on the main window. He suddenly froze when he saw what was ahead. "Stop the boat, stop the boat now! Gah, there is land right there!" He, along with all four of them on the bridge, braced himself to the cheap handlebars installed for just an occasion. On quick thinking the pilot veered extremely to the right, slowing down the movement and just barely perching the ship on the sand in the shallow waters. The four slightly smaller transports luckily noticed that their leading ship suddenly stopped, and did well to brace themselves too as they hit shore.
The band of soldiers that were on the ships, about 200 strong, lined themselves up as they waited to learn what they were going to do. The superior yet again pushed his glasses into place, addressing the grunts. "As you can see, we are quite a bit off course from the landing point that we wanted to be at. Front what we can tell, we are in fact in a completely different landing point than the homeland forces. For now, we shall scout out the surrounding area, as for sure our full fleet shall land on this exact point. Now, our separation from the homeland forces may look like a bad thing now, but this is our chance to prove that we are a capable army able to fend and fight for ourselves. Once they see how far we have come, we shall rejoin the splendor of his Lordships blessing again and be among his peoples. So take heart, as these duties that shall be appointed unto you will be among our countries most important, for if we fail we may become permanent pariahs to the land from whence we came." A hearty cheer came from the crowd of soldiers, waving their duct-taped weapons above them. Their morale was high, and nothing was going to stop them from completing their goals.
They immediately start to work sending scouts to the neighboring tracts of land to check for any useful resources or neighboring armies in the nearby area. The majority of the group set to disassembling their ships and reassembling it as a makeshift camp. They strategically placed their spare alternative power source devices in the local area, using crude solar panels to create ceilings of their buildings, and setting the hydropower machines in local streams and rivers (OOC: Assuming there are any). With this power they set up the homing beacon, a large egg shaped device that chirped and sent signals back across the water and to the remainder of the ships, giving them their location (obviously). Those that were too lazy to set up shelter and whose feet hurt to much to scout were put on guard in the camps, rifles gripped tightly, wary of any approaching being, especially the edible kind.
(OOC: my forces landed on upolo point, hopefully pretty close to Rotten Bacon. Mwahahahah. Ha.)
The Xeno
01-06-2006, 15:02
The Felucans had by now landed the forward elements of their 7th Light Infantry Division and most of the 3rd Air Cavalry Division. The 4th MEU were also present, coordinating beach operations for the landing.
The hills scattered about the beach and forest were bristling with artillery, SAMs and AAA. Powerful RADAR systems swept through the sky, always on the alert for further attacks. They had by now called in for heavier support, and at Southport, Feluca the heavier landing equipment was being loaded up with the 1st Armored Division.
The 7th Light had forward recon elements deployed in skirmish lines supported by IFVs and a handful of MBTs.
The aircraft was just above the DZ.The men stood up,hooked up,and when the light turned green,jumped into the air.Most of the men landed exactly where they needed to but those that did not quickly regrouped.The supply ships the men had been waiting for had arrived and helicopter and LCACs began dropping supplies on the beach and then leaving to get more.It didn't take long for piles of lumber,brick,pipes and other construction materials to get picked up as the building began.Dump trucks,bulldozers and cement trucks drove back and forth,doing whatever was needed.It would have looked unorganized but work was moving quite fast.It was expected that by nightfall they would be able to start tarring the runway.For now the men focused on the air field.
01-06-2006, 17:06
OOC: 66 million men on an island that small? Boy, this'll be fun then.
<Near Earth Orbit, vertically aligned with the Island>
Twelve satellites rotated rapidly around the Earth, spread out so that at least one was giving constant coverage of the island, and the insane numbers of troops being deployed there. The information was being beamed from these satellites to the commander of the McLeodian Nightstalkers who had deployed on the West Coast of the island.
His small forearm mounted display showed red dots of the Rotten Bacon troops moving around his troops in their dugouts, and showed him the exact location of the nearest supply depot being used by these troops. With a click of his throat mike, the twenty four men moved nearly silently towards the camp, weapons drawn, and their own sensors sweeping the Island ahead of them.
<Shrike One-One>
With the AHARMs launched, and the latest information on troop dispositions on the island, the EB-3A Shrike strike aircraft moved quickly. Taking guidance from the orbitting NIRTSATs, each aircraft punched off six Wolverine cruise missiles, and pulled away from the island.
More than a hundred advanced submunition armed cruise missiles streaked towards various Rotten Bacon campsites, their small size and low altitude ensuring they wouldn't be detected until it was far too late to do anything but make peace with God.
01-06-2006, 18:15
OOC: Hold up, they haven't hit yet. Nor have I said exactly what they were. Each one could flatten an area the size of three football ptiches. You'd also be hard pushed to find out who fired them.
<Over the Island>
Each of the missiles swooped in low over high concentrations of troops and vehicles, miniature bomb bays spreading hundreds of tiny submunitions over a wide area. The munitions were a straight split between white-phosphorus anti-personnel munitions, high-explosive anti vehicle munitions, and delayed action miniature mines.
Whilst the high explosive detonations would flatten a tent or light building, and destroy most unarmoured vehicles, the burning white-phosphorus would set fire to clothing, stores, buildings, and trees, and prove nigh-on impossible to put out. With the confusion of these explosions, the delayed action munitions would be free to settle on the ground, detonating after a pre-determined random time period, or when trodden on or disturbed.
The explosions would continue to rain down on the masses of Rotten Bacon troops exposed to the skies as they attempted to march southwards. Under the cover of the explosions, the McLeodian special forces withdrew rapidly south, heading for South point, hoping to draw the Rotten Bacon troops into position for the next massive aerial strike.
The Xeno
01-06-2006, 19:07
OOC: Frankly, there's no reasonable way to move 66 million soldiers onto an island in so short of a time. Heck. It took almost the ENTIRE pacific troop-lift capacity of the USA during WWII to put half a million soldiers on the beach at Iwo Jima over a period of weeks.
The Felucans meanwhile, were generally securing their bit of land. Routes to the beach were marked and noted, several of the paths mined against vehicles and infantry and noted on the IVIS panels in the Felucan units.
There was very little point in trying to land civilians in this sort of enviornment. This is a battlefield, not a colony. Both heavy and light artillery units were being moved into place by the hour. With such a small potential combat area, artillery support could be devestating.
Rotten bacon
01-06-2006, 19:38
OOC: sorry i haveorportion problems. lets make that number 500,000 solders
Rotten bacon
01-06-2006, 19:44
OOC: i have set my terretory http://img353.imageshack.us/my.php?image=map5ed.gif
Commander Cody orderd all of the visible buildings to be covered with camo and have tunnels built between building.
The Commandos landing point was changed after learning of a foreign force was there. They instead would land near Walplo and establish a camoflage outpost for operations. The RNS Paul Knox would move to a position off the coast of the island near the Commandos landing point.
The black thing is the Knox, and the dot in Walplo is 2nd Commandos position.
Omnis Arcanum
02-06-2006, 01:11
The camp survived undamaged and thus far undetected, allowing for a full naval landing. The ships that came after the landing party were hardly in such a horrible condition, but at the same time the ships were fairly dated and possibly considered obsolete by modern technology. The ships were of a major abundance, so unless nearby forces just aren't paying attention at all they would give away the position to the encampment. With no dock, personnel nonessential to the ships' running waded through the ocean water and unto the beach. Ships that appeared to be just troops transports immediately returned back to the ocean, leaving a generally minor amount of boats behind.
The new grunts immediately formed ranks for briefing. Most of the soldiers that made up this force wore standard military helmets along with each man having his own gas mask system and goggles. The most distinctive trait of their uniforms, however, was the large mustard yellow trench coats that each man wore over his personal armor. To an observant viewer one would notice that many were aged and tattered, and rare was a coat that didn't have a moth-eaten hole or two. An older man sharing the uniform faced the line of men, and raised a megaphone. This man was the operation commander, most evident in that he began to inform the 8,000 strong group of their objectives in this operation. The civilian forces that came along began to build a proper camp and improve on the current power systems as the soldiers prepared for action.
Later, a group of scouts had eventually made their way back from the south hastily, and informed the commander of the situation. "We saw explosions and destruction everywhere, sir! From what we can tell, the forces being attacked were that of Rotten Bacon!" The aged commander pondered to himself, stroking his light beard, and then finally replied, "I thought we defeated them utterly in the Great War. I guess the homeland was to preoccupied to obliterate them completely. Think of the glory we would achieve if we defeated them again for His Lordship! This may be our redeeming fight!" He turned to his secretary and took his clipboard, writing down his next order. "Now, take this and give it to Warmaster Vincent. Tell him I want him to get his group ready on the double. That will be all." The secretary sprinted off towards the docks currently being installed.
(OOC: Almost forgot to mention, if you havn't seen it yet I made a map with as many of the forces as I could muster. http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=11073666&postcount=14 )
OOC:Could you add me to that map,I'm a few kilometers south of Hilo Town,not to big,just enough land for an airfield and a port as well as a little bit of land for buildings to house people and equipment.
I hope I'm not speeding this along to quickly.
IC:The tar had been put down and was drying,a few hangers had been put up and most of the engineers were focusing on building a control tower.It was expected by the end of the next day they would be able to start landing aircraft on the strip.The port had not been started yet,as soon as the airfield and defenses were complete work on the port would begin.
The 2nd Commando Detachment arrive in Walplo. They had the Knox and her SSMs to support them. They establish a base and send out a patrol of a human and anthro comrade. The two soldiers were to investigate the area near The Felucans.
Mirmar was a veteran of special ops. and he knew they might be discovered, but that was a small chance.
Rotten bacon
02-06-2006, 03:18
OOC:Omnis Arcanum hey did you put the arrow south just to be an ass. I got to school with this guy too. and I am going to make a request that this missisal bombardment can be scaled down a bit .becuse i will not go mush farther south on the grounds that me fighting Ftagn would be very bad. that was a decion made before redaing your post.
IC: Commander Cody orderd his troops to duck under trees and really just not move untill we could stop the attack. Cody aroder 24 arouras to book it to the drop zone and shoot as many of those planes out of the sky.
Omnis Arcanum
02-06-2006, 03:40
OOC: No, I actually plan on taking that path. Dun worry, that's not a path of conquest, I don't plan on marching straight through you. Yet. You'll see what the arrow is for.
IC: Warmaster Vincent was overseeing the dock contruction when he recieved the order that his forces had to move out. Sending the secretary away, he ordered the immediate unloading of his specialized platoon's motorcycles while he went to round up his troops. He contemplated the mission he was given, strategizing in the back of his mind. He was to use the bike assault squads to break through the Rotton Bacon lines and reach Ftagn controlled territory while Bacon is still recovering from the sudden chaos. Given the unknown terrain and the known ferocity of Bacon troops, this was not going to be a walk in the park.
It hardly took any time to get the bikes unloaded and equipped along with preparing the riders for the task ahead. With engines revving, the bikes prepared for the Warmaster's command.
OOC: The bikes themselves are heavy duty and are meant for extreme off road driving, and the drivers are well trained enough to both drive in generally harsh terrain or to be able to use their machine pistols with more optimal driving conditions. Just a heads up for ya, Bacon and anybody else who may feel like assaulting my group..
Major Smolyani surveyed the descending slopes through his binoculars, swatting away insects occasionally.
Apart from the low humming of the group of assembled T-90 MBTs and BTR-90s nothing could be heard except the natural sounds of the foliage. He set the binoculars down and checked with the driver who responded this territory was treacherous but could be overcome with care.
A FAV stormed out of a cloud of dust at the bottom of the slope, the driving gunning the engine to mount the slope. Just as it was about to give up, it crested the low sloping ridge and pulled up beside Smolyani's T-90.
'All clear comrade Major. Nothing out of the ordinary.'
'What about the Frenzians?'
The scout narrowed his eyes and stubbed out his cigarillo on the low roll-cage of the FAV. He spat on the ground and looked up.
'Nothing extra-ordinary, The 52nd has Su-37s on standby and the SAS (Strategic Rocket Services) stands ready. That is, if they gatecrash the party comrade Major.
Smolyani nodded, trying to think clearly over the various radio requests through his headset. Only that morning a refitted Zhaskevian merchantman had beached itself on the neutral ground south of the Xeno territory. More soldiers had arrived, with artillery and ten helicopters had also been assembled out of storage.
'Send in the Zl-79's,' he remarked as he nodded to himself. 'Once they are over the designated area (Hilo Town) then we move.'
The scout nodded and climbed back into the FAV. With a gesture, the small car sped off. Smolyani pumped his fist three times in the air and gestured strongly twice south east (Hilo Town). In response, the engines around him roared and the T-90s began making their slow move south, while BTR-90s zipped past them to secure the roads ahead.
Some hundreds of metres behind them, support trucks towing gear for SA-19 SAM sites began moving, flanked 256M Tunguska anti-aircraft armoured vehicles. Small Zhaskevian flags fluttered defiantly from the aerials of the vehicles and dust rose. The soldiers in the BTR-90s and in the back of the support trucks steeled themselves for what could be a peaceful obtainment or a bloody conflict.
OOC: Map below to elaborate:
The Xeno
02-06-2006, 13:42
OOC: Credit to Zhaskev for the map update.
7th Light Infantry
3rd Air Cavalry
4th Marine Expeditionary Unit
1st Light Artillery Batallion
2nd Light Artillery Batallion
1st Heavy Artillery Batallion
Group K, AAT
The 3rd Air Cav's M50 Stalker squadron was deployed south at this point, at the extreme edge of the Felucan's skirmish lines. The agile tank-hunters were working as a pack and also as forward recon. Their periscope sensors and cameras poked over hills before exposing themselves, dashing to more cover while their squadron mates covered them.
They were reporting back with regularity, moving east and probing at the 'Rotten Bacon' positions, searching for vehicles which might be scanned and examined. It was good to know exactly what was going on around them.
Back at the landing site, there was plenty of activity. The engineers had bulldozed out a road and even crawled up into the hills to help the artillery get dug in with berms and appropiate cover.
No landing pads for the helicopters were needed, there was plenty of nice grassy areas around for them to land and debark men and equipment. A base camp was setting up in the woods, a depot for fuel, ammunition and food, a service station for vehicles, a mess line. Efficient and well-concealed, the Felucans had regular patrols out, establishing three lines of perimeter with appropriate security measures.
Out in the ocean sat a dozen warships, destroyers, frigates and cruisers which continually scanned the sky, sea and under the sea for threats.
The tar on the runways had almost dried,Aircraft from the mainland could begin the flight here and by the time they made it the tar would be dry.FF-02 Blizzards began taking off from air bases in Frenzia,15 in all.Flying behind them would be 3 C-5s loaded up with supplies to maintain the aircrafts.
A legionnaire, bearing the crimson badge of the Imperial 2nd Legion, entered the recently contructed command bunker and addressed Governor Laelius.
"Rector provinciae! I have status reports from all outposts. All reports indicate movement of foreigners, and in great numbers, but nothing threatening yet. However, some of the troops are uneasy about sharing this island with the Great Betrayer (Rotten Bacon). They want blood, sir."
"There will be no offensive action against anyone, unless they attack first. Our purpose here is to plunder this land of it's resources. But, if that means destroying everything between us and the oil, then so be it. With all the other activity in the area, I think your men will get the action they so crave. Be patient."
"Yes, my lord."
Civilian work teams finished clearing a cause way down from the mountains, where Ftagn mining operations were in full swing. The first truck full of rubble, freshly blasted out of the mountain, made it's way back to the settlement...
Omnis Arcanum
03-06-2006, 00:35
Warmaster Vincent finally got unto his bike, tightened his ammo vest, loaded his gun, and started his vehicle. He waited some moments, breathing deeply, before lazily raising his arm and softly gave the signal. The group shot off in the quickest way to Ftagn forces, a good straight line through Rotten Bacon territory.
In other news the base was coming along nicely, all necessary electronics such as radar and radio systems were set up, and in a stroke of good luck the medical facilities were established quickly. This perfected automated assembly by the troops and civilians was most likely due to the thick sense of oncoming war in the air. Everybody in the camp realized that expansion is the necessity of their purpose here, and other forces happened to be where they wanted to go. The commander, realizing that his current amount of troops was not going to be enough, radioed back to the capital ship and requested reinforcements to cleanse the land of pests already inhabited it.
Rotten bacon
03-06-2006, 03:13
A troop of rotten bacon soldiers walked through the forest.
"whew" one of the soldiers said sitting down on a log placing a marker as a plsce for a colony. "what a walk at least we are away from the bombs and under cover."
The commander pulling out his side arm says "don't think we are safe yet hear that?" they hear a bunch of motorcycle moters coming down through the forest. The captin and his troops jump in shrubs and hide and start to take potshots from their hiding spots
The Xeno
03-06-2006, 16:29
The Xeno
03-06-2006, 20:19
<Hmm? I don't get it.>
OOC: That's the point. I edited out my post.
Omnis Arcanum
04-06-2006, 02:04
OOC: Oh. I just didn't see the usual "last edited by..." that means it was edited. It's not there...
OOC: It's because Xeno is a million feet of awesome, now stop with the OOC! We have a different place for that!
The Xeno
04-06-2006, 15:52
OOC: Bump. I want to see some activity from these other nations as well, otherwise I'm going to start writing folks out of this. If you're not going to be active, you won't be allowed to participate.
The FF-02 Blizzards landed at the airfield,they were followed by the C-5s which landed and were quickly unloaded.Engineers began constructing the port.Helicopters made runs from the ship to land,dropping off supplies and rushing back to get more.The men worked quickly knowing that once it was done they would be able to spend much of their time sitting around,there would not be much left for them to do.
Omnis Arcanum
05-06-2006, 03:00
The motorcycles carried on through the forest, until suddenly gunfire poured unto them from an unknown location. One of the bikes in front suddenly found itself taking hits, fuel from the tank leaking unto the poor mans bloodied leg as bullets pierced through flesh and metal. His vehicle veered out of control and smashed into a nearby stump, crushing the bike and causing the rotten wood to explode into a cloud of bark. The rider was flung further and had his body broken by hitting a tree square into his back. The other riders, alarmed by this attack, each pulled out their weapons, and the few who could see the muzzle flashes of the assailants returned fire from their medley of automatic pistols and submachine guns. In the cross fire a few other riders crashed horrifically, and others took on fire but were otherwise operational, and even through the battle the forces still gunned forward between the trees.
OOC: I don't like replying every time I can because I don't want to hijack threads and make them entirely of me. I like to give other peoples chances to do stuff, because my forces don't live in a faster timestream or anything. And Rotten, that post was extremely unnecesary and is very insulting that you actually would do something stupid as that just in spite. I'll slap you in chinatown.
The T-90's roared through the small settlement, casting long dust clouds beyond the convoy. Armed soldiers flanked them, making their way through buildings and forcing all the inhabitants onto the streets.
The southern advance had almost reached the south-east enterence of Hilo Town, and the tank commanders could clearly see the Frenzian developments to the east. The lead tank commander radioed for support and within minutes it had made its way through the narrow streets.
First to emerge were the 256M 'Tunguska' AAA vehicles, their commanders debating over where they could best cover the Frenzian airfield. In their wake, several ZiL produced supply trucks rolled over, engineers jumping out of the rear to begin their work while others began to setup defences.
In the square, the tank commander raised the Zhaskevian flag and all the soldiers around him saluted it.
Several hours later, large barricades had been setup and the road south was ringed with anti-tank defences. The 'Tunguska's and rings of SA-19 SAM sites guarded Hilo Town from air attacks while the Zhaskevian soldiers set themselves up wthin the settlement, enforcing the roofs and streets with sandbagged machine-gun emplacements. From the north, a FAV carrying General Dnervik arrived but could not go very far into the town before encountering obstructions. The General set his peaked cap on and inspected the town's interior defences before climbing to the roof of one of the buildings and inspecting the south through a pair of binoculars.
Large, unfamiliar aircraft were landing at the Frenzian airfield and Dnervik handed the binoculars back to Major Smolyani A Zl-99 soared overhead after completing a patrol, temporarily blotting out the sun.
'The air defences are needed most here. How fit are they?'
'Some of them came into contact with salt water while on the transport comrade, they are irrepairable but we have 80% of the expected missiles. The Tunguskas are ageing but all can perform their duty given proper maintance.'
'See that it's done, I'll ask Ilya to see if he can spare you a few troops....Actually, have the 52nd place their Sukhois within striking distance of our position.'
Smolyani nodded and saluted.
'It will be done comrade General.'
General Dnervik saluted and began climbing down the ladder.
The Xeno
05-06-2006, 16:41
The Felucans had recon forces deployed in two seperate lines by now. The first line consisted of light infantry and recon equipment backed up by M-50 Stalkers and various IFVs. The second line was heavier, reinforced with Gryphon MBTs.
Each day, the Felucans would expand their holdings by pushing outwards, their land 'swelling' a bit more with every new dawn. At their landing zones, there was an almost constant stream of traffic, ships landing men and equipment, transport planes shuttling in to land on the runways now constructed and drop off their payloads.
The 3rd Air Cavalry was entirely on the Big Island now, their base a site hacked out of the woods and made usable for their purposes. They were ready to deploy at a moment's notice.
The Xeno
05-06-2006, 19:35
The Felucans were gathering their forces. The 1st Armored Corp, consisting of the 1st and 2nd Armored Divisions and 8th and 9th Mechanized Infantry Divisions had established their base of operations throughout the forest, while the 7th Light Infantry began to make visual and electronic contact with the outer fringes of opposing forces on the island.
In one of the God Tracks, General Imi crossed his arms over his chest, glaring down at the map spread out in the track's table thoughtfully. Imi was a sleek, male dragon anthro, wearing armor and a helmet. "Seems we got Zhaskev to the east, Brydog and Rotten Bacon to the east."
One soldier spoke up, "General if we strike Zhaskev now, they'll be crushed between our forces and Frenzia."
Imi shook his head. "No, let those two grind at each other for a while. We'll sweep the island to the west and east of here. Start mopping up that Rotton Bacon scum."
Forces deployed to Big Island:
7th Light Infantry
3rd Air Cavalry
4th Marine Expeditionary Unit
1st Light Artillery Batallion
2nd Light Artillery Batallion
1st Heavy Artillery Batallion
4th Heavy Artillery Batallion
5th Heavy Artillery Batallion
Group K, AAT
1st Armored Corp
104th Air Defense Group
Team 2, made of two humans and three coyotes were send to destroy a bridge near Kohala to prevent Rotten Bacon's forces from using it. The leader of the team was a coyote named Stalin Handstand, who was JCH's pet before the Great Change. He and the men checked their weapons. They wouldn't have walk because, late that night, a C-17 drop off a M34 LAV. a Spc. got the driver seat and they left to do their mission.
This is a M34
The Xeno
05-06-2006, 23:44
Rotten bacon
06-06-2006, 00:57
the rotten bacon forces looked around to see a bridge blown up in their path. the forces looked around and decided that expansion south was not the best choise of moves. though they did gain land in the proocess. they decided it was time to fall back to the main camps and make new plans. to was done.
The Xeno
06-06-2006, 01:24
the rotten bacon forces looked around to see a bridge blown up in their path. the forces looked around and decided that expansion south was not the best choise of moves. though they did gain land in the proocess. they decided it was time to fall back to the main camps and make new plans. to was done.
Insignia of the 3rd Air Cavalry, the Red-Tailed Hawks.
A mean-looking anthro bulldog with a voice like gravel stood on the grassy berm leading up to where the 3rd Air Cav's helicopters sat waiting. The UH-1 Ace (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=10211766&postcount=5) choppers were silent for the time being, their flight crews standing by their aircraft.
The bulldog, wearing the insignia of a Colonel and the nametag 'Pit' glared at the rows and rows of Air Cavalry soldiers spread out at the basecamp. They all wore full combat kits, green and brown camo for this particular terrain. Several held the ceremonial banners of the 3rd Air Cav, the 'Red Tailed Hawks'. He spoke up, voice booming,
"As you know, this land is vital to our cause. To our government, to our people. Our scientists found this island first, and before we could hardly step foot upon it, we had land-hungry bandits swooping in like vultures on our landholding. Our initial exploration team was attacked almost immedietly. That means, we're not fuckin' around anymore! So now we're going to do what we do the best! We're going to fuckin' break things and blow shit up! If it carries a rifle, you put a bullet in it! If it looks like it might resist, you put a bullet in it!"
"We are the very first Air Cav unit to enter battle for New Feluca. We are the spearhead! We're the fuckin' cock of the walk! We lead the way! Now I want to see some blood! I want to smell some fuckin' napalm! Good luck, god speed and good hunting!"
The helicopter crews had by now climbed into their cockpits, and as Colonel Pit finished his speech, they turned on their engines all at once. Like a peal of thunder, the base camp errupted with a wave of air and the roar of engines.
Soldiers of the 3rd Air Cav lifted their fists into the air, matching the helicopter's screams with those of their own, hooting and cheering wildly they ran forward to board their assigned transports. Within moments, lines of helicopters were streaming out of the camp and heading west, bobbing up and down to follow the treetops.
Speakers bolted onto the lead helicopter blared out 'Dawn of Victory', soldiers clenching their rifles tightly.
At the eastern outer edge of Rotten Bacon occupation zone, grey helicopters dove out of the sky. Gunners sprayed with Vulcan 50 caliber miniguns, the lines of tracers looking like jets of liquid magma, glowing, they'd 'splatter' against the ground, often hitting rocks and such and bouncing in all directions. The gunners focused these streams into the trees and any cover, mainly to make the enemy keep their heads down.
The lead helicopter touched down for only a second, but it was long enough for the first squad to hop off, running forward towards the tree cover even as behind them, more and more helicopters swept in to unload their troops.
Omnis Arcanum
06-06-2006, 07:03
Having made it past the minor firefight within the borders of Rotten Bacon influence, the motorcycle legion gunned forth south and made good time despite that minor hiccup. From behind they heard the chattering blades of the Xeno helicopters make their way into the fray. The Warmaster looked back and muttered expletives under his breath, caught unaware of the new forces. Nonetheless, he kept his group going, making good time in their southbound trip. Keeping reasonably close to the mountain that made its place in the center-south of the island, a thick smoke in the sky came in view of the riders. In succession they activated their gas masks and breathing systems, the last rider carrying in a smile and saying to himself joyously, "Home!"
Back within the established camp, the commander was in the middle of talking to the Overlord of the entire Omnis Arcanum military. "Sir, I realize the resources it would take to move that amount of troops out here, but it is necessary if we are to succeed in these operations. You of all should know that Rotten Bacon fields many troops into battle, so we need to trump them!" The Overlord, within his private vessel, tapped his fingers on the side of his throne. He cleared his throat again, his poor weakness showing his true age, and responded to the field officer roughly, "If the destruction of them does not go... smoothly then it will be upon your head. Otherwise, I will authorize the fielding of those soldiers, but not because I believe that we cannot handle the depraved Bacon with what you have fielded, and take this to heart, I do his only to impress our Emperor and prove to him we are no longer weak! Now off with you!" The field commander thanked his gracious leader for his graciousness and turned off the radio. He checked his watch, noting that the troops he sent should be arriving at the Ftagn camp soon. He guessed upon the time of their return with that of the arrival of the reinforcements, and concluded to properly synch a strike with their allies they would have to strike as soon as they arrived to get a head start and show off.
The Xeno
06-06-2006, 16:06
*dabump, I'd like to see some activity or folks'll get written out of this*
Frenzian Armed Forces Command Center,Freedom City,Frenzia
A meeting was taking place inside what was known as the war room.The meeting had been going on for about ten minutes.The Commanders of their respective elements as well as the Commander in Chief of the Frenzian Armed Forces were debating what to do about the threat of attacks on the island.
General Robinson,Commander of the Air Force spoke up.
''We need to launch a strike,Zhaskev has forces along our borders,they have AAA guns in place that could be used to shoot down our aircraft.''He passed around photos taken from a satellite that had been monitoring the island.
Admiral Adkins,Commander of the Navy sat forward in his chair,took a sip of his water and spoke.
''Regardless of whether we launch a strike or not we need a larger naval presence,I think we need to send a carrier group,it would give us an advantage and allow us to take out the AAA guns without endangering the aircraft that would have to take off from the land runway.''
''A Carrier battle group is to expensive to send for such a small piece of land,I will authorize the sending of another invasion group.''General Howe Commander in Chief of the Frenzian Armed Forces had been listening and finally decided to put in his word.
''How does this sound,bait them,send a helicopter right in front of the AAA guns,make sure its inside our borders,see what they do.For now,add more troops to the broder.''
''Sounds good,you are dismissed.''Genera Howel stood up and returned each mans salute as they left.
The order had been sent to the Wasp Class that was parked off the coast.A single CH-46 Sea Knight took off from the Wasp Class flying towards the AAA guns.
Rotten bacon
06-06-2006, 19:31
the rotten bacon soldiers lined themselvs up five miles away from the beach. behind them stood their main tanks. the soldiers fired away at the tanks with sub machine guns and rochet launchers doing all they could to hold the Zeno scum
OOC: hey Zeno what did i do to you
The Xeno
06-06-2006, 19:38
the rotten bacon soldiers lined themselvs up five miles away from the beach. behind them stood their main tanks. the soldiers fired away at the tanks with sub machine guns and rochet launchers doing all they could to hold the Zeno scum
OOC: hey Zeno :upyours: what did i do to you
OOC: You're trying to claim my land? - You've got other folks after you as well, read up.
The 3rd Air Cav didn't bring tanks with them. They probably wouldn't need 'em. Manuvering in squads and platoons, providing each other with cover fire. These soldiers are experts at ground combat, and make use of cover efficiently.
As they pushed closer to the Rotten Bacon lines, forward scouts would brave occasional gunfire to take note of enemy positions. The Felucans then faded back several hundred meters, taking complete cover.
Moments later, from the Felucan base camp a massive volley of rocket and artillery fire went up. It would arch westwards over the island, and begin to errupt among the Rotten Bacon positions.
5mi from Rotten Bacon and Felucan positions
Sgt. Handstand and his patrol were talking to Col. Mirmar, who was running the operation from the Paul Knox. The infield commander was Lt. Fairbrooks, the only coyote officer. Handstand, then called Fairbrooks, who gave him the order to attack Rotten Bacon's comm. center. Handstand would command the 7 troops and attack the center. They decided to walk to target.
OOC: hey Zeno :upyours: what did i do to you
[OOC: What the hell? This is IC, it's not personal. Don't worry Xeno, I'll slap him for you after this class period ends.
Also, let me translate the rest of his post for you. He's got his tanks lined up behind his infantry, and is using their mounted machine guns and the troops' small arms to take down your helicopters. Heli's are oh so very vulnerable against small arms fire, not to mention shoulder fired missile launchers. He has a hard time explaining his ideas sometimes.]
The Xeno
06-06-2006, 20:45
OOC: The thing is, I'm landing my troops miles and miles from the beaches. >.> On the very outer edge of his claimed territory. That's probably a good 50 miles or so from the beach.
The Xeno
06-06-2006, 23:16
As the missals bombarded the land the troops start to doge out of the way. troop leaders ordered the gunboat in the coast to shoot the trimissals at the felucan line set to airbust(which makes the missal expload 30 above the ground raining fire and sharpnel on the troops).
OOC: Uhm. Artillery and rockets don't come in on that shallow of a trajectory, man. They make a really high arc. Heh. A lot of the artillery shells are ground-proximity, they'd be going off at 45 and 50 feet in the air.
Since you haven't even sent scouts out to see where my Air Cavalry forces are.. I don't think it's possible to try and .. uh, get my missiles to explode over them. I imagine, my troops being perhaps 20 miles or so from the target, if a friendly shell exploded directly over them, it'd be at around 30,000 feet.
PS: Please try to type coherently and logicly.
OOC: The thing is, I'm landing my troops miles and miles from the beaches. >.> On the very outer edge of his claimed territory. That's probably a good 50 miles or so from the beach.
[OOC: ...hmm.. yeah, I guess he was confused. He's got troops patrolling the border all over the place, though, so it's not like the same thing wouldn't happen where you ARE attacking.
Edit: He means HIS missiles are airbursting, not yours. I've been trying to get him to type coherently for a year now... I still have to interpret for him.]
The Xeno
06-06-2006, 23:29
[OOC: ...hmm.. yeah, I guess he was confused. He's got troops patrolling the border all over the place, though, so it's not like the same thing wouldn't happen where you ARE attacking.
Edit: He means HIS missiles are airbursting, not yours. I've been trying to get him to type coherently for a year now... I still have to interpret for him.]
OOC: That makes a little more sense. I doubt he'd have tanks deployed THAT far forward, though. It'd take thousands and thousands of tanks to form even a very thin skirmish line over that much territory.
Meeting the forward edge of Rotten Bacon's skirmish line during the landing, the helicopter gunners made special attention to focus their minigun fire on the enemy infantry. The helicopters were not too heavily armored, but machinepistols aren't exactly the most useful weapon for taking down a UH-1. They're rated right up to a .30 caliber hit.
Infantry deploying still, rifles firing as they engaged the enemy infantry. As noted before, their objective was the woods, and they would dash forward to secure positions there. By that time, enemy artillery and rockets were beginning to fall throughout the landing zone, causing casulties.
One UH-1 is struck directly by a missile, and it goes down with its crew and soldiers. Colonel Pit crouched behind a fallen tree near the edge of the woods as the 3rd Air Cav developed a vicious small-arms battle with the Rotten Bacon skirmishers. Pit was talking on a field radio, "Close the LZ! Divert to LZ Charlie and swing around to meet up. LZ Alpha is closed due to enemy artillery!"
Legionnaire Scipius put down his binoculars and climbed down from his watch tower to meet the Arcanian motorcycles.
"Halt, Identify yourselves! Failure to comply will result in instant death!" He yelled.
The Legionnaire's voice was muffled by his armor's face mask, but his message was made clear by the large machine gun he brandished at the approaching bikes.
Omnis Arcanum
06-06-2006, 23:50
The bikes slowed to a halt, Vincent parking his in the front. As almost one movement they all got to their feet, saluting the Legionaire. The Warmaster lowered his salute and replied, "I am Warmaster Vincent Frinn, and we are representing the reinforcements sent by Omnis Arcanum far in the north," he flashed his rank badge from a wallet in his pocket, "And bring an urgent message for the commander of your presence here. Time is of the essence, so if we may hurry to meet him, it would be much obliged."
Rotten bacon
07-06-2006, 04:46
the rotten bacon soldiers at the start of the gunfire took cover anywhere they could. the tanks in the background shot round after round while the infantry shot rpg's and missals at the tanks they shot at the infantry.
The Xeno
07-06-2006, 04:54
the rotten bacon soldiers at the start of the gunfire took cover anywhere they could. the tanks in the background shot round after round while the infantry shot rpg's and missals at the tanks they shot at the infantry.
OOC: Sigh. The Felucans don't have any tanks deployed here, dude. They came in by helicopter. Hence, 'Air Cavalry.'
The Felucans, under assault by tanks would begin to fall back across the meadow that had been their first landing zone. They fell back in organized groups, mainly keeping to cover to avoid being hit. This should effectively draw the Rotten Bacon tanks out into the open of the meadow.
One of the 3rd Air Cav's AH-1 squadrons was on the way to support them.
The private slouched over the red and white barrier arm that closed the main road off that led between Frenzian and Zhaskevian territory. Below him lay the scattered remains of several rolled cigars. He scratched at his bare collar tabs, perhaps he might get promoted if he spent long enough time overseas.
He lifted his brows in mild curiosity at the unfamiliar object approaching, Frenzian air activity was nothing new but this helicopter was on a direct course. He watched it for a couple more seconds, it did not relent and he narrowed his eyes.
It grew closer and he grabbed the AK-74M slung around his back in uncertainty.
"Comrade Sargeant!"
A swarthy man in similar combat fatigues stuck his head out the viewport of the hastily erected guard-post. An icy ball materialized in his stomach as he saw the unfamiliar helicopter rapidly approaching. He ran to the post's phone and grabbed it in his thick hands, concern stretched across his face.
"General Dnervik." the phone answered immediately.
"Comrade General, we have a possible incursion from a Frenzian helicopter, intent unknown"
General Dnervik narrowed his eyes and pointed at a red dispatch phone beside him before giving the Sargeant defence orders. One of his aides immediately picked it up and began speaking to Arrozal Zipoetes. He spoke rapid Zhaskevian into the phone to the Dictator, hundreds of miles away in his office at the Chief Council Building who wrote a hurried note to his aide with the phone tucked under his chin.
"Contact Frenzia, imp now"
Just outside Hilo Town, several ZiL-86 helicopters began spooling up, their crews running and struggling to get their helmets on quickly. The command centres, deep underground and still unfinished buzzed with activity as the AAA operaters fastened their headsets and began bringing the SA-19 systems online. Soldiers all over the town began running from their bunks to their battle stations, the sound of running and weapons being primed an loaded the only noise in the eeriy silence.
Encrypted transmissions from the Zhaskevian capital Zhilishou travelled the 536km distance to the clustered Aralyan mountains in mere seconds, the SRS (Strategic Rocket Services) colonels all receiving the same message simultaneously. In the frosty morning air, silos creaked open and steam hissed.
Zipoetes spoke through an encrypted connection to Dnervik and Marshal Yevgeny, the CINC of the SRS.
"The instant they make a hostile move for our borders or remain defiant you fire."
"...Comrade, with respect those missiles would comprimise our entire force on Feluca, not to mention the other nations."
"Andrei, it is not the island that will be reap a radioactive fate. We have resources to protect in the sector we identified most useful on Feluca. Our soldiers can keep the barbarians at bay. But unwarrented aggression against the Armed Republic does not come without consequence. That is, if they stick their hands in the fire."
"All this for an island?"
"Comrade Marshal, this is about principles. Andrei you have primary support now, expect more reinforcements daily by sea. Intelligence indicates the Felucans have reformed themselves and are resisting."
"I can hear the effects from my bunker comrade."
"Good, hold tight for now. We have you covered. Yevgeny, stay in permanent contact with Dnervik until the alert is lowered. No pre-emption however, respond to their actions as you see fit. I will be in touch comrades, Zipoetes out."
Dnervik set the phone down gently and sighed, his face wrought with concentration.
Within the bowels of Zhaskevian northern silos A-1 to 13, KM-320 ICBM's began rising from their concrete sarcophogases. The unpainted 550 Kt nuclear warheads glinted in the alpine sun as the steam melted the frost away from them. The Dalyn Valley, normally the site of odd structures not unlike stubby control towers was transformed. Along it's small length, rows of inter-continental ballistic missiles stood ready for the command.
Back in humid Feluca, far removed from the misty peaks of Northern Zhaskev the soldiers sweated with tension as the helicopter approached the main defensive line, separated by large fences and tank traps. The first of the heavy Zil-86s soared with it's bulk over Hilo Town, the pilot focused on this possible threat. He glanced at his radar screen, and confirmed several SU-37's en route from Zhaskev's nearest airbase, still some hundred miles away.
He breathed deeply and pledged an open channel, speaking with a heavy accent in common while keeping a safe distance from the foreign helicopter.
"Frenzian pilot, move back to your borders or face extreme consequences."
His eyes remained fixed on the Frenzian, waiting for reply.
''I have mixed up my course,I'm am still well within my borders but I will be landing ASAP.''
The helicopter turned around and headed directly for the helipads.He slowly put the helicopter down.He got out and headed directly for the commanders building.
He knocked on the door and it was opened by an aid.He stepped in and saluted the officer that was behind his desk.
''Sir,they became very hostile,they did not try to shoot me down,they sent a couple of attack helicopters after me.''
The man sitting at the desk,Brigadier General Black was suprised,he expected them to fire the AAA guns and down the helicopter.
''Was there anything else.''
''No sir.''
''Very good you are dismissed.''
The pilot saluted the man and turned and left.The Brigadier General reported his finding to the rest of the commanders on the island.To combat the growing threat of people on the island,a large chain of defenses was to be built.Artillery would be hidden or placed in concrete bunkers,tank traps were to be placed in state locations including all along the Frenzian Zhaskev border.Mines were to be put down.Airbases in Frenzia would be put on high alert.Another Invasion group was already on its way,loaded with FF-02 Blizzards and more LAVs.For now a call was put in to Frenzian Forces Base Valley,They would need a few bombers to lay down mines,they did not think it was safe to have Frenzians in the open near Zhaskev.
Frenzian Forces Base Valley
A single FB-5 Sonic took off from a runway,Loaded onto it were many fuel tanks that would allow the aircraft to make it to the colony.It would still take a few hours to get there and it would still need a lot of fuel to get it out of there.
OOC:Hope you don't mind me skipping ahead a few hours.
The aircraft had reached range,it accelerated quickly to Mach 4 zooming over the area between Frenzia and Zhaskev.It was still inside the Frenzian borders so no harm had been done,yet.The bomber turned into the area between the Frenzians and the Zhaskev.It opened its bomb bays letting loose 30 CBU-78 Gators.It then sent out a radio message.
''This is in no way meant to be a hostile act,it is not within your borders.It is simply protection.The bombs dropped contain mines,meaning you can't get to us but we can't get to you.''
The commandos reach a position near Rotten Bacon's base. They waited for the right time to attack. Then, they heard and saw the bombament. They decided to move now. They rushed towards the comm. center.
The Xeno
08-06-2006, 02:43
Legionnaire Scipius switched on his helmet radio to a secure channel with the command center.
"Yeah, I'll relay your message to him. What is your message? And hurry it up, I'm supposed to be up there on watch."
Omnis Arcanum
09-06-2006, 01:13
OOC: Vincent raised a brow at this request and states bluntly , "How about not?" Smirking deviously, he grabbed his submachine gun sidearm and let loose upon the legionnaire, a hurricane of bullets spraying upon the unsuspecting watch guard.
In IC:
Vincent raised a brow at this request, but unfortunately knew his country's position with the homeland and simply gave in. "Our military, and surely yours by now, has noticed that Rotten Bacon forces have taken camp to the north. Once our reinforcements have come in force we plan to march on them, and we request, no, we implore that the Emperor's armies do the same." The Warmaster secretly gave the soldier a commanding glare, "And we would require you to march immediately so we can catch them by surprise. Also it seems we aren't alone on this island, and the other force isn't too happy about their presence here either. I would not have the Emperor displeased to know that the glory of killing those dogs was given to armies other than his own."
Back in the camp:
Another scout group reported back to the commander. The leader of the scout team bowed his head to the officer, who was particularly busy talking to the intelligence officers of the operation. "Sir, from what we can see an unidentified army has advanced on the Rotten Bacon line!" The commander's face tightened at the news, grunting, "Another army?! How could this be! The information we received said that this was simply to be a resource outpost and that the only other souls around would have been the scientists who discovered it! If there were to be whole brigades of people here, surely the higher ups would have sent more then necessary to silence the researchers?!" A young intelligence officer coughed and began to sweat, replying sheepishly to the old officer, "Uhm... about that sir. Our knowledge on the area may have been... flawed to say the least. Everything we know about the Ftagn forces are from their radio contacts on the way here and improperly hacked information from their networks from our agents posted in the homeland. Since they were executed because they were caught getting the information, the Overlord saw fit that we piece together what we can on what we got. It seems that we just didn't get any of the intelligence on the other forces reported..." The commander fumed with rage. "Imbecile! That should have been something you should have told me before now! Now we are undermanned in unknown territory and surrounded by any amount of hostiles! Why didn't you tell me?!" The intelligence officer shrank back before squeaking out a response, "Be-because you simply didn't ask us, sir..." The commander was close to losing his grip. "IMBECILE!"
Rotten bacon
09-06-2006, 02:31
A cheer rose up from the Rotten Bacon lines as they saw their enemies on the retreat. The commander yelled over his comm-link, "Shut up! Reform lines and be ready! The enemy could only profit from any break in our vigilence!"
Back at the beach something sinister was about to occur...
Commander Cody ordered for the new chemical warfare missile system to be used. It was a cross-breed of a modified black plague strain, AIDS and other lesser known diseases. Like AIDS it used the body's own blood cells to reproduce it caused the heart and lungs to start to solidify, making them stiff. Victims would die either from the sudden cardiac arrest, or lung failure, as their organs became too stiff to function.
A predator drone was launched to find the main camp of Zeno. Once the target was spotted, the drone controller relayed the coordinates, and the missiles were launched.
The Xeno
09-06-2006, 04:02
OOC: Updated the map. As you can see, a couple people have been removed due to inactivity. People will keep their original colors. Scroll back through the thread for references. The green blob is editing.
Zuk and Bonstock are gone and may not return under any circumstances.
The Xeno
09-06-2006, 04:56
OOC: PS Rotten Bacon, if you're wondering about what the vulcan miniguns on the UH-1s are capable of .. heh. Just watch this google webvideo. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2676268927161385975&q=minigun
Omnis Arcanum
09-06-2006, 06:05
OOC: No, Hastur is in no way related to Hamster. You are far too fat and not anywhere scary enough to be the King in Yellow.
P.S.: That is one sexy minigun! The full tracer fire does indeed look like a river of lava flowing from the barrel of that machine of utter obliteration. Hamster, prepare for sodomy in which you've never experienced. (Well, like what you have experie nced except worse) XD. I like messing with him.
[OOC: Hamster, Hastur is an Elder God or summat from H.P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu mythos.
Heh. Miniguns = awesome]
The General's FAV slowed it's enterance into Hilo Town as the sound of explosions rocked the far side. A sleek Frenzian jet, just within it's borders released another payload that perforated the ground below it.
The jeep pulled in slowly to the main square in the twilight. General Dnervik stepped out and saluted the Zhaskevian main Zhaskevian flag which fluttered dutifully in the humid air. The soldiers which manned the buildings stood up straighter and saluted the flag from the aged balconies of the old buildings.
Dnervik walked across the square to inspect the old church which dominated the north side of the town. The resident priest was nowhere to be seen. He walked through the entrance and regarded the inside, rows of pews leading up to some sort of altar. His boots made the only sound on the tiled floor as he walked softly up the aisle and reached the altar. He trailed a finger through the soft dust that had collected upon it and then without warning swept everything off.
Candles, their holders and religious icons cluttered to the floor. One of the sentries smirked. Religious intolerance is a defining factor of Zhaskev, something they were heavily critisized for but have not relented in. Theirs is an anti-theist state, determined to rid religion and spirituality from wherever they tread.
"Melt it all down, distribute the profits to the town's populace. Then level this building, replace it with the usual. This land will be lifted from religious influence of every kind."
The aide nodded and tapped something into his PDA.
"With pleasure comrade."
Dnervik turned and walked quickly down the aisle. He did not look back as the great doors were finally sealed by the sentries.
---Several hours later---
The grand old church crumbled to the ground, rubble spinning out of the rapidly expanding dust cloud that formed at its base. Only seconds afterwards, military bulldozers rolled onto the former site to begin clearing rubble. A new school or foodstore would be built over the ruins, it was not clear which yet.
Dnervik watched the scene from his balcony with mild interest. A shout from the back room caught his attention. The comms Lieutenant saluted him and began his report.
"The landing-strip is almost complete comrade General, soldiers and neccesary logisitics can be brought in at 1500 hours tomorrow the engineers report."
Dnervik nodded.
"Excellent, comrade Lieutenant. I will entrust things here to Colonel Bulba until then."
The Frenzian soldiers had done all they could for the time being.The air strip was complete.The port had just been completed.Tank traps,fences,trenches,bunkers,underground shelters had all been completed.The men now waited on the second Invasion group that was coming.It was slightly larger than the first because there were a few more ships that needed protection.A modified civilian cargo ship that would be able to dock at the port.It had a few troops but mainly things for defense.There is also two tankers,one carrying fuel for the ships and one carrying fuel for vehicles.The ships were expected to arrive in a little over a day
The Xeno
09-06-2006, 21:24
A cheer rose up from the Rotten Bacon lines as they saw their enemies on the retreat. The commander yelled over his comm-link, "Shut up! Reform lines and be ready! The enemy could only profit from any break in our vigilence!"
Back at the beach something sinister was about to occur...
Commander Cody ordered for the new chemical warfare missile system to be used. It was a cross-breed of a modified black plague strain, AIDS and other lesser known diseases. Like AIDS it used the body's own blood cells to reproduce it caused the heart and lungs to start to solidify, making them stiff. Victims would die either from the sudden cardiac arrest, or lung failure, as their organs became too stiff to function.
A predator drone was launched to find the main camp of Zeno. Once the target was spotted, the drone controller relayed the coordinates, and the missiles were launched.
The Longbow SAM systems scattered throughout the Felucan basecamp would pick up the incoming missile threats. Several volleys were launched to intercept the inbounds, as the Starfall Systems alloted to the territory also locked on.
Seconds later, fireworks-like showers of sparks and light lit up the night sky, blasting away at the thin-skilled missiles. A moment passed, and two explosions rocked the western end of the 7th Light Infantry camp. Biological sensors in the tanks and APCs would light up, and immedietly the call went out to don MOPP gear even though it would be too late for many.
Within half an hour, wounded and sick were being carried by ambulance helicopters back to Feluca, in self-contained isolation units.
Feluca -- two hours later.
General Dmitri sat with his staff at Central Command, red-eyed from lack of sleep. A Colonel from the Medical Intelligence division was speaking,
"--- of unknown origin. In short, they have deployed engineered-bioweapons against our conventional forces. Casulties are about two thousand infected among the 7th Light Infantry, and the 348th Engineer Batallion."
The faces at the table were angry. General Dmitri spoke up, "Verrah well. Ah wunt ah full fleet deployed tah yondah territorah. Cut 'em off."
An Admiral queried, "Cut them off so they can't resupply. That's advisable."
Dmitri broke in again, voice harsh, "Cut 'um off so tah can't get away."
The Big Island
Two battle fleets were deploying now, heading towards Rotten Bacon holdings with the intentions to completely cut them off with a wall of SAMs and torpedos.
The 3rd Air Cavalry had been pulled back for refit into mobile MOPP gear, as all deployed forces were now required to wear. Additional forces were being moved to the Big Island in the form of the 2nd Armored Corp. The 1st Armored Corp was already manuvering into position on the western flank of the Felucan lines, preparing for an armored assault that would spearhead a drive by the 16th and 20th Mechanized Infantry Divisions supported by the 3rd Air Cav and 1st and 2nd Armored Cavary Divisions.
Fleets - Forces manuvering to cut off Rotten Bacon sea lanes.
19th Fleet
Cyan Class x5
Big Blue Class x4
Jade Class x3
Cobra Class x6
Banks Class x10
16th Fleet
Daewoo Class x1
Cyan Class x8
Big Blue Class x5
Jade Class x5
Cobra Class x6
Banks Class x8
Rotten bacon
09-06-2006, 23:39
OOC: just so you know it is'nt over with that attack. any surfaces exposed would be contaminaded and other foods and such.
The Xeno
10-06-2006, 00:21
OOC: just so you know it is'nt over with that attack. any surfaces exposed would be contaminaded and other foods and such.
OOC: Just remember. You choose this direction. You'll have to deal with the consequences.
The Xeno
10-06-2006, 17:57
The Legionnaire listened for a minute to the commander's response, then turned to the Arcanians.
"Well, technically, we're not at war with Rotten Bacon anymore. After the total slaughter last time they attacked us, the Emperor gave them a break and just enslaved them instead of killing them all. But, that's over now, and they're back to their old heresies, so if you could attack them without implicating the Empire, then that'd be great. Do what you will, but do not bring our operations here into jeopardy."
Frenzian Commanders were not happy.They knew a chemical or biological weapon had just been launched against Xeno.Frenzia has a strict no chemical or biological weapons,they know what it is like to be involved in that kind of warfare.Not only did the chemical or bio weapon kill many,the use of it on the island could further contaminate other peoples colonies,including the Frenzian colony.Frenzia would not stand for this.....
Frenzian Forces Base Valley 13:50
15 Bombers took off into the sky.5 FB-5 Sonics and 10 FB-4 Super Hurricanes.Each of them carrying a very deadly payload.Each aircraft had been loaded up with extra fuel tanks to allow it to make the long trip.The Sonics sped off into the night sky,they would make the first strike...
Nearing Rotten Bacon's Colony 16:35
The Sonics quickly accelerated to Mach 4,.When they reached the 48 kilometer mark each Sonic opened its weapon bay and let loose 25 AGM-88 HARMs.Continuing to fly at Mach 4 The weapons bays were opened again letting looses another 10 AGM-88 HARMs.The bombers continued getting closer to the Rotten Bacon territory.At the same time a satellite was picking targets for the bombers that were flying a couple hundred kilometers behind them.
The Xeno
12-06-2006, 13:23
OOC: Rotten Bacon, either reply or I'm going to automaticly exterminate your forces present. It's going to happen anyway, actually. Hmm.
The Xeno
12-06-2006, 20:27
Upon learning of the Rotten Bacon attack, the entire Commando deatchment headed to HQ. They were not to leave the HQ, they had full level MOPP on. Col. Mirmar requested the support of a carrier. A carrier has send, she was the RNS Peter Nilkson, a Handstand Class CVN. She had the aircraft needed for support. The carrier was to be position with the Knox.
Omnis Arcanum
12-06-2006, 23:33
(OOC: Given that I've been lazy in replying, I'm gonna assume some time has passed since I learned the news that I'm not technically at war with Bacon.)
The bikes blared by the mountain headed north, dangerously maxing out the speeds with all the dangerous objects in the path. Two bikes crashed already crashed against these blocks, but the riders knew grave problems would arise if the news did not reach back in time. If only they left after the radio system was installed! Once again they would eventually have to pass through Bacon territory, a sadly dangerous feat despite the fact they are trying to save them.
Back on the base, a fleet of ships was visible headed towards the controlled area of the Arcanian camp. Easily visible among the reinforcing ships was the head supercarrier Omnis Arcanum, the countries beloved ship to which their country was named. Because the supercarrier was coming, there was also several other ships sent purely for it's defense, with a handful of battleships and destroyers floating on it's flanks. Surrounding even that was a large buffer zone of troop and supply carriers that was bringing in the (mightily expensive amount of) 700,000 reinforcing soldiers to utterly destroy the dark Bacon forces. On the deck of the supercarrier the soon replacement field commander was speaking to the nonessential crew, cameras bringing his speech to the many surrounding ships for all to see.
He spoke of the bravery they were to prepare for in the coming time, and that they should not fear death for it was to be in the name of the Emperor. Suddenly a younger officer ran to his side and interrupted his speech to whisper in his ear. The field commander waved him off and gave the closing salute to finish his speech, which the crew on deck returned with a hearty cheer, "For great justice!" The commander then pulled away the officer, and still on camera was seen arguing with him. Before the cameras went off, he was heard yelling, "IMBECILE! We will attack them both!"
Rotten bacon
13-06-2006, 00:25
OOC: sorry zeno i have internet down at school for a couple of days and hav'nt had time at home. this weekend i was gone so the down time couldnt really be avoided. what the link to the OOC thred
"oh shit " commander Bacara said as she looked out the window.
"we really are screwed" replyed Cody in a serious tone." alright here is what we are going to do. I ordered the help of Shiney and Happy and they will be happy to help but we need to get the Hell out of here"
Bly entered the room with excitement and said " on that Mountain Over there! if we make it then we could survive. we live in mmountain at home why not stay there.
it was agreed that the surviving army would run to Mauna Loa to stay. within an hour the camps were abandoned as well as any fron lines and entered in to the dead of night to the mountain
Cody said the following " we will make it look like we are attaking Zeno from the side by going between the two mountains then we will trun south and climb the mountain. they will be expecting us then we won't be there. the ships and planes will be left here, we will hide the tanks as we go.
At one oclock in the afternoon the soldiers started climing. there was no way to brong tanks so or other vehicals so the starters in the planes and tanks were removed to prevent them being commandiered. the tanks were moved into the forest and then hidden. after an hour of climing the army found a large cliff and a series of caves that they could stay in. shifts were set to 8 hours. it would be 4 hours of burrouing into the mountain 4 of patrol.
A RF-4N took off from the Nilkson, it was fly a recon over and near the Bacon's position. Two F-4Ns armed with weapons wait for the signal to attack Bacon forces.
Rotten bacon
13-06-2006, 00:43
A RF-4N took off from the Nilkson, it was fly a recon over and near the Bacon's position. Two F-4Ns armed with weapons wait for the signal to attack Bacon forces.
OOC: so are you like aware that i am on the mountain or what becuse we kind of set it up where we dissappered into the forest to attack zeno then not be seen and is that is the case you would not see us in a forest so that would not do you much good. not to sound rude
OOC: My recon planes have IR/NV systems. So I can see you in the forest.
Rotten bacon
13-06-2006, 00:46
OOC: My recon planes have IR/NV systems. So I can see you in the forest.
oh ok sorry.
IC: on the cliff three snipers lay with there guns looking over in the land beyond when planes catch their eye. the order is given to shoot missals at the planes down. they locked the planes with heat seaking missals and shot them. the snipers stood ready to shoot suvivors.
The Bacon troops were moving through the mountains and the forest. Mirmar decided to tell the Felucan. Lt. Fairbrooks would drive to their position and they them about Bacon's movement. He got into a jeep and drove the Felucans.
Rotten bacon
13-06-2006, 01:28
Commander cody looked down the cliff and was pleased. "good" he said "very good. we are safe on mountain. the we can see all soldiers coming at us and can be ready before they arrive. and the only way here is the way we came up so we know the only way they can attack. and tanks can't climp up this so all we have to worry about a foot soldioers and arieal vehicals
Omnis Arcanum
13-06-2006, 03:10
oh ok sorry.
IC: on the cliff three snipers lay with there guns looking over in the land beyond when planes catch their eye. the order is given to shoot missals at the planes down. they locked the planes with heat seaking missals and shot them. the snipers stood ready to shoot suvivors.
OOC: Just some constructive criticism on you here. Of course, with me some of it maybe a little unfounded, but I'll try my best.
Number Eins: So, your snipers see the plane, and they give the order to shoot down the plane? Those snipers must be fairly high to be commanding other parts of your military, when from what I can get on current militaries generally they inform higher ranked officers to deal with. Of course, I've learned that your people are "special" in both ways.
Number Zwei: Where did the heat seeking missiles come from? The snipers? I take that back, you do say your snipers are searching for survivors, and I'll get to that in a second. There surely is a source of your heat seeking missiles, but your didn't quite say from what. I doubt by how you run your country that you have many foot soldiers that have that sort of weaponry, but I won't rule that one out, but it could have come from a tank. In the different cases we (the other roleplayers) need to know so we can retaliate as necessary. Of course, if you purposely didn't want us to know you could have said something to the tune of, "Suddenly, their sources covered by the mass of forest, heat-seeking rockets shot from the ground at the incoming planes." Basically, don't skimp out on the details!
Number Drei: Why are your snipers looking for survivors? If you are escaping through a forest as you've said, should the planes be shot down they will fall into the forest too. Your snipers don't see through trees, and even if they did, they couldn't shoot through them, and if they can somehow, why is your military running away? Obviously your military is extremely advanced and can take on those primitive fools!
Finally you still need to work on your grammar! My eyes bleed at every capital and period you forget (although I shouldn't talk, I'm not a Hemingway either). I feel pain at attempting to translate the oftentimes garble you produce. It's almost as if you wrote something good, translated it into Spanish, translated that into French, then changed that to Japanese before finally translating it back. Well, not that bad, but you get the point.
I apologize to Xeno and anybody else reading this, but Ftagn and I are trying to change Bacon into a better roleplayer by any means necessary. If this doesn't work I'm going back to the beloved Board of Education (Now with a nail in it!).
The Xeno
13-06-2006, 12:04
<reserved for when I get home from work>
OOC:Rotten Bacon I just dropped some bombs on you.Even if your troops hid in the hills,these bombs seek out radar stations and destroy them.
IC:The Sonics had dropped their HARMS and made an about turn,shooting back towards home.The second set of bombers were getting closer and were splitting into two groups.One to bomb the buildings and defenses set up by Rotten Bacon and one to find the Rotten Bacon troops that had gone into hiding.The first group which had been given the radio call sign Alpha broke off from the formation while the second group continued towards the Rotten Bacon colony.The Alpha bombers began using their infra-red target finders,searching for the Rotten Bacon troops.They did not have a wide area to look at anyway,satellite images had shown large groups of troops heading towards a mountain.Even when the bombers found their target they were to far out to fire.The other set of bombers had been given their targets from sattilite.3 bombers would launch munitions at bunkers and building that look important.1 Bomber would launch munitions at artillery or ground based CIWS.The final bomber would drop different kinds of cluster bombs over the camp,destroying everything that was left.But the aircraft would not be within range to fire for another twenty minutes.
In the Waters off of The Frenzian Colony
The invasion fleet that had been sent had just arrived and the supply ships headed straight for the newly built port.The rest of the ships linked up with the first invasion group and awaited orders.
OOC:Rotten Bacon I'm giving you the chance to counter attack.Since I can't be sure whether my HARMS destroyed your RADAR station I'm giving you the chance to counter attack.
The Xeno
13-06-2006, 18:12
The Bacon troops were moving through the mountains and the forest. Mirmar decided to tell the Felucan. Lt. Fairbrooks would drive to their position and they them about Bacon's movement. He got into a jeep and drove the Felucans.
Forward perimeter sentries spotted the incoming vehicle. Studying it through the turret gunsights of a Redwood IFV, the gunner spoke up. "It's not Rotten. Markings indicate Brydog."
A moment later, the fighting vehicle rolled out from concealment to meet the Brydog officer. After some discussion, a radio message was wired off to the mobile HQ.
The Felucan 1st Armored Division was even now chewing though the positions which Rotten Bacon had abandoned and later Frenzia had bombed. The tanks rolled along, guns twisting back and forth to examine the ruined former base. Then they turned to look towards the mountains.
The Felucans were now recieving word thanks to Brydog as to where Rotten Bacon's military had ran off to, and were preparing a massive, weighted strike.
Offshore, those two fleets remained in position to make sure that no naval support would be coming to the Big Island on behalf of Rotten Bacon. Dozens of ASW helicopters continually patrolled miles beyond the fleet, dipping their SONAR and listening equipment under the waves.
Brand new Broadsword Class cruisers were moving into position for shore bombardment. Their big guns swiveling on mounts to face inland, autoloader systems warmed up and double-checked.
The 3rd Air Cav would be given the honor of the spearhead once again, and this time they'd be coming in hard combined with the Felucan 1st Armored Corp, a formation consisting of 2 armored divisions and a further backing of the 7th Light and 11th Mechanized Divisions.
It Begins
It was called Operation: Righteous Hammer. Appropriately named, a retribution to those who would dare strike at Feluca with WMDs.
The opening stroke consisted of massed artillery barrages. Based on Brydog intelligence of enemy positions, three heavy and four light artillery batallions focused their attention on the distant mountains and cut loose.
Thousands of artillery rounds began to land among Rotten Bacon positions, while cruise missiles sought out fortitifed spots or broke apart in flight to rain submunitions down in what is effectively a carpet-bombing.
The Broadsword Class gunship cruisers began to pump out hundreds of rounds per minute each, the incredible firepower reaching out to devestate wherever the GPS-guided systems choose to do so.
Flights of A-1 Alpha (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=10211321&postcount=2) ground-attack aircraft circled north of the Big Island, until they were called in. The artillery, ships and MLRS stopped firing for a moment, just long enough for 48 A-1s to swoop down out of the sky. Their 30mm cannons ripped at the earth, while wing-mounted 2.75 inch rocket pods unleashed hellish storms, clouds of the rockets streaking down from the sky.
As they passed overhead, they released 500lb and 1,000lb napalm bombs in saturation attacks. These have the effect of splashing the ground in massive areas with liquid, clinging fire. With a combined force of 48 Alphas, that meant 288 of the 500lb napalm bombs and 144 of the 1,000lb napalm canisters impacting among Rotten Bacon positions.
The artillery barrage resumed immedietly after the Alphas pulled up from their attack runs.
The I Armored Corp began its approach, beginning to claw their way uphill while dismounted 3rd Cav units moved ahead, rifles ready.
The Xeno
14-06-2006, 01:36
Rotten bacon
14-06-2006, 23:38
OOC: ok i appear to be in a really bad position here so i'll call this my Waterloo for this. i would first like to apologise to everyone here for my stupidity. and Zeno i would liek to ask if i can later i can come back. so here we go
IC: The four commander slipped out of the battle and down the mountain heading south to try and hijack a Ftagn ship to get home with. the rest of the army that was living charged out of cover into the spray of bullets to make their death count.
The next day the commander walked into the ftagn main camp hiding from view. but Gree ran up to the side of a building placed a bomb and the swallowed the detonator. as they got to the main dock they saw that they had to make a run... so they ran.
The Xeno
14-06-2006, 23:46
OOC: ok i appear to be in a really bad position here so i'll call this my Waterloo for this. i would first like to apologise to everyone here for my stupidity. and Zeno i would liek to ask if i can later i can come back. so here we go
IC: The four commander slipped out of the battle and down the mountain heading south to try and hijack a Ftagn ship to get home with. the rest of the army that was living charged out of cover into the spray of bullets to make their death count.
The next day the commander walked into the ftagn main camp hiding from view. but Gree ran up to the side of a building placed a bomb and the swallowed the detonator. as they got to the main dock they saw that they had to make a run... so they ran.
OOC: Erm. You can attempt to come back, if you can find a way to do so that makes sense and doesn't involve cheating.
Men charging with rifles would have little effect against the tank formation moving up the side of the mountain. Some of the Cavalry troopers were hit however, but for the most part they kept their heads down and let the M1A1 Gryphon tanks and IFVs do the dirty work, slaughtering the Rotten Bacon hold-outs.
Caves would recieve grenades, groups of enemy soldiers trying to make a stand would be blasted out with tank guns or rocket fire.
The Felucans were not taking prisoners at this point, slaughtering every living enemy they came across. By the end of the day, the Felucans held the mountains, recon teams on the alert for anything that might have survived.
Satellite photos had showed the battle that had taken place.Rotten Bacon had been beaten from the island.Frenzia decided to send them a message.
To:Rotten Bacon Government
From:Frenzian Defense Council
We have seen that you have been beaten off of the island.We hope the nations on the island showed you the error of your ways.This is not our war and we have completed our objective of eliminating a dangerous nation from the island.We simply ask that you disarm all chemical and biological weapons in your nation.
Rotten bacon
16-06-2006, 23:03
Satellite photos had showed the battle that had taken place.Rotten Bacon had been beaten from the island.Frenzia decided to send them a message.
To:Rotten Bacon Government
From:Frenzian Defense Council
We have seen that you have been beaten off of the island.We hope the nations on the island showed you the error of your ways.This is not our war and we have completed our objective of eliminating a dangerous nation from the island.We simply ask that you disarm all chemical and biological weapons in your nation.
To Frenzian Defense Council
From: rotten bacon
The biological weapons that we possess are a last chance item. No country of any kind can tell us what to do. also to eliminate all evil nations from the island you will need to remove ftagn and his slave country omnis arcanum. they will in do time come after you.
happy holidays
Juan Taboneya
Minister of defence
Omnis Arcanum
17-06-2006, 16:26
*cough* Juan Taboneya
Minister of Propaganda *cough*
OOC: I don't see how you can call us a slave country when in the world stage (and in actual politics concerning me and Ftagn) we are entirely separate nations. Now if you had mentioned puppet state, that would partially be true, but even then unless you were spying on all my peoples conversations you would, at best, just realize that we are devoted allies to the Ftagn Emperor. He really shows no kindness in return (Much like the British monarchy in American colonialism, we are almost only valuable in what we can give him, anything else he practically ignores...).
IC: In the period of the troops landing and assembling for movement, the scouts' reports of Bacon in the area decreased as the reports of the other unknown force increased until one was nonexistent and the other to replace it. This worried the current field commander (whom from lack of earlier naming shall be called Ridley), as war with this new force should be avoided unless a necessary response was needed.
As he pondered, watching the island from within the command post, he saw as the mountainside was covered in flames, he watched as the missiles streaked and the artillery fell, and even heeded his attention to the aircraft that would also lay waste to the pimple upon the landscape. It was no guess as to who was bombing and to what was being bombed at this point, as only Bacon would have the ability, and quite possibly the stupidity, to even attempt to thrive in the harsh terrain that mountains offer. Nonetheless, Ridley took all of this into consideration. His forces comprised of just average soldiers, many of whom would have family and children back home. While their devotion to the Emperor is great, Ridley saw past even his worship of the being to realize that such wasteful creation of orphans and widows was unnecessary. Logistically, this new force would nine times out ten, crush his force. He was only prepared for forest fighting, so their vehicles were limited to the air force (which was probably his only advantage, he noted) and the military bikes. While he had AA emplacements, they would be no match for the missile cluster bombings that this mysterious power was so willing to waste. That and the long-range artillery... At this point, he knew that any military fighting would be close to assuring mutual destruction, with total obliteration to his own force, and that negotiations were going to be the only answer to this conflict.
Suddenly, Ridley was approached by his (unknown to his knowledge at the time) replacement who came with the reinforcements. He looked up to see the younger officer and rose to shake his hand. "Cavera," he spoke, "What were you sent here for?" Cavera just smirked at his senile obliviousness and raised a hand, signaling four soldiers to burst in and hold the poor man at gunpoint. Cavera chuckled and spoke in that very bastardish way, "The higher ups saw that you were non-efficient, and... weak, and so they sent me to deal with you and take over the operations. Surely you understand why we don't want to be embarrassed in front of the emperor, hmm?" He continued to laugh maniacally as Ridley was dragged away to the prison, before noticing he caught the attention of the other personnel in the command post. "Imbeciles! Don't just stare at me like sheep! Shouldn't you be preparing for the coming operation to take this island, hmm?" Fearful for themselves, the officers in that room studiously went to work.
The Xeno
17-06-2006, 20:06
Mt. Victory
The scorched mountains the Rotten Bacon forces had attempted a last stand upon had by now been occupied by Felucan troops. The tallest peak was given an official name.
The bodies of thousands of Rotten Bacon soldiers lay in mass graves now, many of them charred to death due to the napalm drops. The mountains were studded with fortified artillery positions and anti-air lookouts.
An insect buzzed in the shimmering air as the military engineers paced around the open grassland, marking out spaces with rope. A natural stretch of thick grass provided an island in between a sea of trees.
Some land would have to be cleared, but the planes were carrying in the first of the drilling rig equipment that would be operated by state contractors. Several long barrels that protruded through camouflaged netting maintained that the Zhaskevian presence on this island was overwhelmingly military although somewhat relaxed from the earlier days.
Deep in the recently completed command centres, located beneath Hilo Town an operator caught a glimpse of movement high in the skies over the island.
Three Zhaskevian SU-37s were patrolling the newest Zhaskevian land acquisition, a move that had brought their borders into almost direct contact with the Felucan lines. Below them, the landscape did not change abruptly as it crossed borders but to the south-west the western slopes of the northern mountain were swarming with activity and explosion. The pilots kept a safe distance, but the onboard cameras shot enough material to provide reasonable intelligence.
The battle looked to have been won through superior tactics, and the result had been quick. The lead pilot lowered his jet, and his wingmen followed to swoop low over the mountain slope, still carrying their valuable cargo.
A Ftagn look-out lowered his binoculars and switched his radio.
"Looks like they're trying to fortify the mountains there, dangerously close to our operations... We need to do something soon, or our safety will be compromised. Recommendation: We need a distraction..."
Sentries watched the group of Baconian generals running for the docks with amusement.
"I wonder... do they think we can't see them? That they're sneaky?"
"Nah, they couldn't be so stupid. Should we bust them?"
"Yeah, we should. Could earn us an extra ration, catching high level enemy officers."
"Right then," He swiveled his machine gun over at the group and yelled, "You there! Generals! Halt in the name of the Emperor, or be dead!"
A group of guardsmen advanced on them, rifles leveled.
Rotten bacon
19-06-2006, 23:53
"OH man" cody says as the generals stop in their tracks without even being asked the generals drop their weapons an dlay down with thir hand on their head.
The Xeno
22-06-2006, 18:07
Map updated. Rotten Bacon eleminated from the island. Dark green used to erase old stuff.
The Felucans by now had four heavily reinforced divisions in the mountains, and thousands of pieces of artillery, AAA and SAMs stationed to protect what they held.
The general plan to cut the northern end of the island off had worked, and the Felucans now claimed a wide strip of land that ran straight across the island from the original landing site on the north-eastern coast to the west coast.
Where would they go next, north or south?
OOC: Sorry, for the long time time gone
The Republic Military Command decided to deployed 2nd Fleet's 3rd Operational Task Force to the island. The commando's mission was the to recon the area for enemy contacts, to support 3rd OTF's landing. One 4 team would drive south to recon the southern area and other the northern area. F-4Ns with F-57Cs flew CAP mission over the area.
Counsellor Vankaalan strode up the dusty road, to inspect Zhaskev's newest territorial acqusition. Oil had been discovered on the geologically new island, and it was around this that the Zhaskevians made their stake.
Moving swiftly towards the first rig assembled, he took note of the extensive defensive systems. There seemed to be an excess of figures in mottled camouflage uniforms, but being Zhaskevian he was used to that.
As he approached the throng of combat engineers, he tried to make out what they were standing around. A cylindrical object stood in the centre, draped in a Zhaskevian flag. He stopped abruptly and saluted, clutching his beret to his chest. The CE's pulled the flag away to reveal the first barrel of oil, freshly extracted and awaiting refinement.
"Excellent work comrades."
The primary combat engineer carefully folded the flag and nodded.
"This is exceptional oil comrade Counsellor. Nothing near infinate resources, but highly valuable to our friends."
By friends he meant the third world countries Zhaskev provided humanitarian and rebuilding aid to, in exchange for military access and diplomatic support. Counsellor Vankaalen nodded and walked across the clearing to a low tent slung with camouflage netting. General Dnervik stood to greet him.
"A good find, no?"
Vankaalen placed his beret on the adjacent table and traced a line along a map of the island to the north. He narrowed his eyes and looked directly at Dnervik.
"And these? Niekulturny?"
Dnervik leaned against one of the poles and crossed his arms, glaring at the stretch to the north.
"Maybe. We've secured the south eastern coasts, effectively isolating the insurgents that tried to probe our defences some weeks back. They seem content with their position. But the Felucans, I don't know. It's of little matter, we have Yevgeny and the Strategics if they try anything serious."
Vankaalen prodded the no-mans land between the Zhaskevian positions and that of the Felucans again, his frown deepening as the whine of jet engines roared in the air above.
"I have to be back in Zhilishou tomorrow, but if anything looks suspicious don't hesitate. This is about more than fossil fuels you know."
Dnervik nodded from behind a recently expelled cloud of cigar smoke. His dark eyes flashed.
"Oh I understand comrade Counsellor. Rest assured, no kulaki will push us off this rock. Not at least, until we're done with it."
Vankaalen nodded almost imperceptably, eyes still fixed on the no man's land. He turned and saluted loosely.
"Good. I'll see you in the People's Dormitory at Winterfair then."
Dnervik grinned and waved at the joke and turned back to the communications display. Vankaalen hitched a ride on a supply truck back to the original LZ, his khaki coat flapping in the humid night air.
The Xeno
25-06-2006, 15:25
Felucan Occupied Territory, Big Island
Units had been shuffled in and out of the Big Island. Offensive operations were now over for the time being, and so the ground could be held by armored and mechanized forces. The original MEU landing force had returned to Feluca for refit as part of a new program to modernize the Felucan Marines.
Feluca still claimed a wide strip of territory across the northern area of the Big Island, anchored in the west by heavily fortitfied mountains and in the east by swaths of thick forest no doubt peppered with defensive positions.
To the south was Zhaskev, and the north, Brydog.
Recon soldiers regularly would peer south through binoculars from foot or the hatches of little M50 Stalker tank-killers. The mobile vehicles were a steady presence on the edges of Felucan territory, ready to blunt assaults or make quick raids.
Message to Brydog,
If you choose to make an assault against the foreign soldiers at the far north of the island, you have our support.
[OOC:*is waiting for someone to do something* Assume I'm just mining away, happy to be ignored by the forces battling to the north.]
The 3rd OTF arrived on the island. The force was 25,000 strong and had armored and artillery support. Mirmar was put as commander of Republic Operations in Big Island. The 3rd Mechanized Regiment and 45th Infantry Regiment was to attack to northern area of the island while the rest stay at the base.
ooc: Wheee! I'm just waiting for someone... Omnis, or The Xeno or whoever, to do something.
OOC: The General tapped distractedly on his desk and sighed. Nothing was happening. Sighing again he began to shine his shoes again. ;)
The Xeno
05-07-2006, 16:46
OOC: The General tapped distractedly on his desk and sighed. Nothing was happening. Sighing again he began to shine his shoes again. ;)
You two are closer to each other. Do something among yourselves. This is open RP, not "Xeno does everything" RP.