29-05-2006, 06:48
KSPAN3 Satellite Broadcast from Board Room, Ithka, Dauberline.
Greetings, as all of our citizens know, and possibly some others of you know,
I am Bill Lloydwright, President and CEO of Dauberline. We are officially stating, right here and now, that we are a neutral state. We have no ill will towards anyone.
That being said, it has come to my attention, that some nations have come to dislike, or even distrust us. So be it. However, in the interests of goodwill and openness, I would like to share a little of our background with the rest of the world.
We are likely one of the few countries that run like a business, every voter is a shareholder, and as such, gets to make his say, we have a 7 member board, similar to what some countries call a "cabinet". Only they are fully democratically elected, by the seven different regions in our country. However, the line between their power and the voters power is very dim.
Once a week, registered voters get online with our proprietary interregional network system, similar to the worlds Internet, and read the issues, they then get to place a vote, then, their votes are tallied, and the regions each get a number of votes in the final voting, depending on the economic power of said region. Then, after that is tallied, the vote has to pass one more test before it becomes law.. The board members get one vote each, and if the proposed law passes both the shareholder vote and the boardmember vote, the proposal becomes law.
Now, some countries may not like this, and say we only care about the rich, well, to you it may seem that way, but without the rich to hire them and provide them wages, the poor have no hope at all, for is it not our governments place to be a job welfare system.
On to our neutral status, do not take that to mean that we will not fight, rather to mean, that we will not take any side but our own in a conflict.
Should a conflict arise that needs our military, be assured, we do have some of the best trained soldiers, and the best equipment money can buy.
But we sincerely hope that we never have to use it.
We are in the process of setting up trade routes, to supply some places with technology beyond their means, in return for natural resources we seem to be short of, anyone who interferes with such routes does so at their peril.
Thank you, Good night, and may whatever deity you choose bless you and yours.
Greetings, as all of our citizens know, and possibly some others of you know,
I am Bill Lloydwright, President and CEO of Dauberline. We are officially stating, right here and now, that we are a neutral state. We have no ill will towards anyone.
That being said, it has come to my attention, that some nations have come to dislike, or even distrust us. So be it. However, in the interests of goodwill and openness, I would like to share a little of our background with the rest of the world.
We are likely one of the few countries that run like a business, every voter is a shareholder, and as such, gets to make his say, we have a 7 member board, similar to what some countries call a "cabinet". Only they are fully democratically elected, by the seven different regions in our country. However, the line between their power and the voters power is very dim.
Once a week, registered voters get online with our proprietary interregional network system, similar to the worlds Internet, and read the issues, they then get to place a vote, then, their votes are tallied, and the regions each get a number of votes in the final voting, depending on the economic power of said region. Then, after that is tallied, the vote has to pass one more test before it becomes law.. The board members get one vote each, and if the proposed law passes both the shareholder vote and the boardmember vote, the proposal becomes law.
Now, some countries may not like this, and say we only care about the rich, well, to you it may seem that way, but without the rich to hire them and provide them wages, the poor have no hope at all, for is it not our governments place to be a job welfare system.
On to our neutral status, do not take that to mean that we will not fight, rather to mean, that we will not take any side but our own in a conflict.
Should a conflict arise that needs our military, be assured, we do have some of the best trained soldiers, and the best equipment money can buy.
But we sincerely hope that we never have to use it.
We are in the process of setting up trade routes, to supply some places with technology beyond their means, in return for natural resources we seem to be short of, anyone who interferes with such routes does so at their peril.
Thank you, Good night, and may whatever deity you choose bless you and yours.