NationStates Jolt Archive

Anarchist Union Factbook

28-05-2006, 05:46

Table of Contents:

1) History

2) Government/Overmind

3) Military/Kythons

4) General Technology

5) Extraneous Stuff



Pre-Starfaring Godular was primarily situated on a relatively large island off the pacific coast of Russia. Primarily made up of immigrants from China, Russia, and various other cultures in the area, the people who made up the first Godulans found themselves, even at the beginning of the nation's existence, blessed with a high degree of technological 'whiz-kids' as the case would be. The first portion of early Godulan History could only be characterized by a massive frenzy of construction efforts.

As the nation grew, a government run by a coalition of the most effective members of society, both at business and at keeping their respective districts properly maintained, began taking glances outward towards the rest of the world. Their only thoughts were towards trade and national enrichment from foreign lands. Although for the most part Godulan society remained isolationist in nature, trade missions could be found in almost every major city on the planet. At this point, the Godulans realized that they needed something that would well and truly separate themselves from the rest of the world, and they began doing research.

It is in this vein that soon after the Godulans' arrival on the international scene, they issued a request for outside support for these research efforts, particularly in the area of robotics, which had quickly borne fruit, but had just as swiftly proven far too expensive for the Godulans to handle alone. Some offers came, but one offer alone stood out and would turn out to be one of the primary defining moments in Godulan history.

It was never really certain why the boon provided by an emissary of an individual known as Krassus had been so readily provided with no thought or request of recompense, but the Godulan Roboticists glommed onto the veritable archive of robotics data provided by the Okyton empire and turned into a veritable beehive of scrambling researchers, working to understand and apply the volumes of data that had been so freely given. To not do so would have been to disrespect the gift in the spirit it was given, and the Godulans could think of no better thing to do than expand their knowledge with this aid.

The first recipients of the Godulans' first full-body cybermodification was High Archon Cassius Longarm, the most potent of the Godulan Governate, followed closely by his second who oddly went only by the name of 'The Twelfth One'. Soon, the entire Governate consisted of 'Brains in Bots' as the term came to be, as well as every member of the Military Officer Corps. At the same time, animal-based robots had undergone full implementation into Godulan Civilian and Military purposes, many of these creatures still see use today.

Shortly after their mastery of Robotics at that point in time, a rather serendipitous event occurred. Although the event very nearly claimed the life of Cassius Longarm, he immediately understood the ramifications of the discovery that had caused the strange explosion that would later be termed a 'Shatterspace Anomaly'. Historians agree that this was the point that led directly to the star-faring nature of the Godulan nation. With immediate research funding dedicated to the pursuit of this strange occurrence, researchers unveiled a new realm of existence that came to be dubbed 'Protospace'. A dark and misty realm that acts as the birthing ground and graveyard for entire universes, it is dominated by a strange form of protomatter that creates big-bang type explosions at the mere direct input of any energy source. This realm provided the Godulans with the initial technologies they needed to not only break the bonds of the Earth, but to develop weapons of unfathomable power and pave the way for research into the very structure, fabric, and inner workings of the universe itself.

These weapons did not assist the Godulans in their first and only conflict against their contemporaries at the time. The Nation of Glemte Hage, a small nation with a population of little more than several million, had fallen under the sadistic sights of the Fascist nation of Guffingford, after unwisely pursuing conflict against the Nationl Socialists. The Hagans were rebuffed, but the Guffingfordiis, not being the type prone to forgiveness, wanted nothing less than the utter annihilation of the entire nation itself. Though the Godulans managed to rally allies to their side in an effort to repulse the invasion and genocide of the Glemte Hagan people, many allies of Guffingford, driven purely by desire of conquest, flocked to the Guffingfordiis' banner like mindless puppets. Driven back, the Godulans realized they had but one option, when the Guffingford guns turned towards the Godulan mainland:

Screw this world. We're taking our shit elsewhere.

In the face of a Guffingfordii nuclear bombardment that was for the most part utterly repelled by the Guns of Archona, the largest concentration of defensive armament on the Godulan Mainland, the entire nation seemingly vanished into a cloud of black mist.

The whole situation, including the entrance of mindless patsies of a genocidal superpower, drove the Godulans into an intense hatred both of Genocide and of Hegemony, and from that point on they vowed to do whatever they could to prevent the unwarranted suffering of innocents, and stymie the efforts of any imperialistic hegemony they found themselves arrayed against. They cared not if they found themselves outnumbered, a means to fight on even terms with entire alliances would be found. Technology would be the sword. Tactics would be the arrow. And a sheer ferocity that could dampen the spirits of even the most stalwart enemies would be their mark.

Time was spent on the Godulans' new world, identical to the Earth they had just left save for the complete absence of sentient life, repairing what damage they took during the bombardment and exploring the new world. Entire cities moved to new places, taking full advantage of their sudden dominion over an entire planet. Resources were accrued with amazing rapidity, as geological surveys revealed ore deposites exactly where they were on the original world. Drawing the necessary resources with an inhuman level of efficiency, the Godulans soon found their entire world built up to an amazing level.

They began to explore the interdimensional environs of their new home, and found that they were situated in what seemed to be a calm point amidst a maelstrom of inherently inhospitable universes... dominated rather mysteriously by swarms of man-eating teddy bear type creatures. Apart from discovering a universe dominated by free-floating hydrogen's propensity towards accumulating into strange pink globules about an inch thick that could be induced into exploding with the fury of a heavy fusion grenade outside the host universe, little attention was paid to these other worlds.

After several hundred years of rebuilding and then building up, attention eventually returned to the universe of their origin. Though much had changed, the only thing the Godulans considered different was the appearance of a new mortal enemy: The Galactic Empire. Though Godulan Isolationism at the time remained the primary course of action, allowing the Godulans to build up their fleets and even commence construction of their massive Archonal Command Ships, the Archons saw fit to begin work at rallying support against the Imperials, though their efforts were somewhat amateurish at best. They had never been in the habit of looking for friends, so their skills at doing so were seriously lacking.

Their first combat theatre against the Imperials stemmed, surprisingly enough, from the betrayal of one of their supposed allies that directly led to an attack upon another of their allies. The Godulans have still never forgiven the leadership of the nation of Corneliu for this transgression, and it is widely known that after the betrayal, multiple plans were put to development to wipe out the entirety of the Corneliuan government by any means necessary.

However, such would not come to be, for as the Godulans thought that their plans were ready to be acted upon, disaster struck in the form of three individuals.

And their army.

The attack was as sudden as it was vicious as it was confusing. Entire sections of the Godulan military revolted against the Archons without explanation or regret. As the Godulan populace fled the homeworld en masse to the colony worlds, three outcasts who had taken notice of the Godulans' dimension-faring nature led their swiftly expanding armies to victory against the Archons and the unexpected arrival of a previously unknown and uncontacted military force under the banner of a nation known as Balrogga.

A tidal wave and short space-battle later, it was over. All but eight of the twenty five Archons were dead, and they now owed fealty to the Triad.

The three individuals who had so swiftly taken over the Godulan war machine? Baron Aeraeon Skye, Phage of Chaos and MindSyphon Vampire led them. A stout advocate of meritocracy and fairness in all things, Skye was and is a shrewd leader, capable of devising far reaching strategies to destroy all enemies as they arrive and even before they think about becoming enemies. Lord Xenith Steele, Phage of Power former leader of the Triad, was their primary weapon in the attack, as a Willsapper Vampire, he gorged himself on the independence of his enemies and bent them to his unshakable command. Prefect Maximillian Foster, Phage of Life and a Soultaker vampire, provided the expertise in genetics and robotics to provide their Gendarmes with the armament they needed to thrive in battle against all comers.

In a strange turn, the Triad immediately moved to embrace those who had assisted the Archon-allied Godulans, entering into negotiations of alliance with the Balroggans who had fought against them, and the Coredian Exiles who had offered refuge to Godulan refugees.

Since then, the Godulans have been somewhat more active, due primarily to the influx of more effective technologies that the Triad brought with them. In the first true combat between a the Godulans and the Galactic Empire, word of victory was a surprise to both sides.

The Chronosians had been unprepared for the sheer viciousness of Godulan defenders when a battlefleet of no less than two thousand 'Chaos Dogs' materialized in the outer reaches of the Thorn System. The Weapons developed by the Godulans up to that point found use and surprising efficacy against the unsuspecting Chronosian strike force, and the weapon known as Red Rain is credited with being the hand that ripped the balance from the Chronosians' advance. Combined with the sudden materialization of a defense force in the middle of their lines that attacked everything in sight like a swarm of wolverines on PCP, accompanied by thousands upon thousands of defensive drones and fighter craft, and the tender ministrations of the first Archonal Command ship ever built, the Long Arm of the Law, only one Chronosian vessel escaped the sheer ferocity of the Godulan response to the invasion, though the victory cost them the defense fleet and eventually the Long Arm itself.

From that point on, the Godulans focused their energies on combating the Galactic Empire in all manners, as well as following a constant effort to improve and refine their technological prowess. This technological advancement eventually came to a head in a cooperative project with the Balroggans to craft the ultimate weapon against the Imperials:

The Kython Scourge.

Originally a simple mechanized swarm of robots bound together by psionic ties, the Godulans and Balroggans both were surprised at the awe-inspiring adaptability and evolutionary capacity of the Kython Scourge. Since their development, two independent species, or Strains, of the Kythons have evolved. Descriptions of the Kython scourge in both forms are given later.

However, such a thing did not pass without notice to higher powers. A Theurge known as Sojun, whom the Godulans had known and revered even before the Triad came to power, saw an inestimable threat in the Kython Scourge and their rapid evolutionary capabilities. In an uncharacteristically forceful attempt to cow the Triad, Sojun found himself not only soundly rebuffed but defeated in personal combat for the first time in his existence.

The second round was not so forgiving, however. Due to faulty intelligence on his part, Sojun acted under the impression that the Godulan world of Terivine, a lush world that played host to the Godulans’ diplomatic corps and a peaceful race of avian sentients that did not mind their new neighbors as long as they remembered to wipe their feet before coming in the door, was in fact the manufacturing center for the scourge.

The Godulans and their allies, surprisingly enough including more than token assistance from the Chronosians, fought hard against the forces brought forth by Sojun, but alas the world fell. But in the process, the Godulans discovered why the Kythons were so dangerous: a near-immunity to temporal based weaponry. Sojun’s fleet was eventually thrown back afterwards, leaving a sizable portion of the fleet to fight on alone while Sojun’s forces fled back to the Forges to combat an unanticipated strike by another Theurge.

The loss of Terivine had dire consequences for the Godulans, however, and a wave of grief swept across the nation, swiftly followed by a mounting hatred of any and all who sought to impose their will upon others in the name of peace and security. Sojun, the paragon of all that the Godulans had previously seen as good and just, had destroyed the shining gem of the Consortium for just such purposes! After all, they said, why is it that we should fight for the rights of others to live, if such lives are so easily taken and rationalized away. So the souls of the lost simply reincarnate in other realities, the Godulans later understood Sojun as saying, or manifest in their due afterlife? If such is enough to remove the guilt of such widespread genocide, why should we care anymore? If such is so easily tossed away, why should we hold ourselves back? We will not hold ourselves to an ideal anymore, when that ideal has come to hurt us so badly. We will not burden ourselves with such considerations, they said.

Instead, we must return to our original dream, they said. A cosmic balance of predator and prey. Where the strong survive and the weak are mercifully removed. Remove from the universe those pitiful wretches who force their will on others for ‘peace’ and ‘security’ and ‘order’. Order is not the natural way of things. Order is anathema. The natural way of things is the balance of chaos.

And with their old and newfound allies, the Godulans immediately set out to see that objective accomplished, their own grief and hatred turning them into something that nobody would be able to recognize any longer. The ESUS and the Galactic Federation entered into hostilities shortly afterwards, and the Godulans had switched sides in both the literal and figurative sense. The one battle where the Godulans took part was in the system of Mirfak, where the Godulans and Balroggans joined together to bring havoc and destruction upon the foes of the Extrasolar Union. Met they were by the forces of the Abh and the New Dornalians. The Abh took something of a back seat in the fight, employing esoteric weapons intended to fling their foes into hostile dimensions, but the Godulans had long been capable of dealing with universes and subplanes with physical rulesets inimical to more conventional realms. Simply returning from each 'vacation', the Godulans were able to join the Balroggans in taking the fight to the entity that presented itself first and foremost: The New Dornalians.

The destruction was horrific. The Dornalians, unprepared for a combined onslaught of the Kython scourge, both in terms of tactics and technology, were ill-equipped to challenge the Kythons' witheriing assault, with multiple infection processes initiating on many of the Dornalian vessels. Even now, years after that fateful battle, there exists a small but remarkably vocal lobbying group on Dornalian Terra consisting of veterans of the battle of Mirfak that seek some form of war-crimes compensation from the Godulans, for the pain and suffering and the fact that there are very few 'wounded' veterans of the battle of Mirfak. Unfortunately, though the battle was going well enough, the ESUS forces and GFFA forces were recalled from the battle by higher powers of various forms. Despite much hilarity, the battle simply ended.

Public opinion in the war waned, and both sides just sat there snarling and growling at each other until even that got boring, then they both came to the conclusion that it wasn't even worth fighting anymore, and both sides came to something of a conclusion that the war was over if only because neither side really had anything to gain. So both turned their attentions elsewhere.

Though the Godulans had decided towards a more merciless view of nature, old habits die hard. Their hatred of Genocide resurfaced, tempered somewhat by the understanding that nature is one cruel bitch of a host, and the Godulans decided to take on a new philosophy. Their technology managed to reconstruct the world of Terivine into something even greater than before, and Godulan application of dead Shirassi technology was permitting them to bring back the dead in a slow but undeniably effective process. The Godulans felt that their ultimate act of defiance against Sojun was now in proving that they could rebuild in the face of an assault as withering as one even the Chronotheurge could bring forth. They rebuilt Terivine, therefore the harm done by the uninformed deity was nullified.

Instead, the Godulans changed gears once again, girded both by an ongoing understanding of their Kython nature and also by an overwhelming desire to understand the universe as a whole. In what many might have termed the final descent into madness, Godulan Avatars on many planets began performing actions that others might deem odd or insane, for no other reason than to see how others would react. Everything became an issue of learning more about the universe. Even a simple conversation with a human could yield volumes of information on speech patterns, cultural background, sociological considerations, musculature, and cardiovascular data, to say the least. They would often attach themselves to as many newsfeeds as possible to learn about the societies into which they had immersed themselves, all funneling their acquired information into a central database geared towards finding the true understanding of the universe.

And so we find them now, dealing with issues and war from the mindset of an entity that simply wants to understand more about the universe. They retain their reverence for all life, though they acknowledge that nature itself is brutal, and feel that instead of waging their challenge against Genocide in general, they simply conduct their work in relation to the natural order. Eat what you kill. No killing without purpose.
28-05-2006, 05:48


The mind of each Godulan is unique and but one of many. A collective of individuals, still possessed of their own free will and motives, yet controlled by a centralized consciousness, yet also lending voice to that very controlling overmind. It is the combined force of will of the entire Godulan populace, dedicated to one objective and pooling together their mental capabilities towards the pursuit of that objective.

The present state of affairs is far removed from the governmental structure of old and even that which took over after the Triad Invasion. Every Godulan both serves and rules under this structure, but the true gauge of their power comes not from political clout but from sheer force of will. It is in this manner that Baron Skye has maintained power over his subjects, for his force of will makes his the loudest and strongest voice in the multitude.

It is a system of contradictions and reversals, though the stability of this system is indisputable. The benefits are also similarly incontrovertible.

Each Godulan individual not only acts as a component to the larger whole, but also as an Avatar of the collective. In this means, they combine their knowledge and skill such that it can be accessed by others in the event it should be necessary to utilize such things. This may come in computer operation fundamentals, survival skills, martial arts, or most importantly psionic capability. It is now very much the case that someone wishing ill upon the Godulans could choose literally any individual off the street to attack and would find him- or herself defending against multiple psions at once, channeling their powers through the defender. Such a consequence does not consider that the entire collective would be alerted to such an attack with the appropriate response.


The Collective is organized, as previously mentioned, on a structure of who has the loudest voice and strongest force of will. As such, those with skill at psionics are naturally stronger voiced than those not blessed with such skill.

- Baron Skye -- As an ages old mindsyphon vampire and a creature made manifest out of pure psionic energy, Baron Skye is simply THE loudest voice in the collective. His force of will guides the fate of billions, and in return he is guided by them. Just and fair even in his position of power, the people admire and respect his ageless wisdom.

- Xenith Steel and Maximillian Foster -- Though neither of them possess psionic capability, they have nonetheless been around long enough to garner sufficient force of will and sheer determination in order to set themselves up as the second and third loudest voices in the collective. Providing insight into administrative and military matters respectively, they are both Skye's advisors and executors.

- Savants -- Though possessed of sufficient willpower to enable them strong voices in the collective, the warped savants operate only with their assigned goals in mind. Every concern is excluded from consideration save the integrity of the collective. They are the first and most vicious to respond when anyone makes an attempt to intrude into the collective.

- M'Lekk'Torr/Psions -- Second to the Savants in psionic capability, the M'Lekk'Torr special forces, alongside the higher echelons of general military forces and the Gendarmes, make up the section of mental strength that see to the security of the nation as a whole. For the most part their work is indistinguishable from that of the Savants, but the primary difference is that theirs is the power that individual Godulans can channel in the event of an attack.

- Godulan General Populace -- The rest of the Godulan populace amount effectively to 'The Voting Public', each adding their voice to the collective and going about their lives in such a manner that it is nigh impossible to know that they are connected. Age and intellect assist in the strength of each individual's voice in the collective, ensuring that whoever is controlling any particular issue knows exactly what the hell he or she is doing. And a good thing for it too, because any screw-ups are instantly recognized by the rest of the collective.


A collective of individuals who both control and are controlled by the overmind, each Godulan citizen, though appearing to be little more than a simple worker or farmer or doctor, has the combined knowledge and skill of the collective at his or her disposal. This essentially makes each Godulan into a skilled soldier even though they do not act as such. For the most part Godulan Citizens will seek to flee when under attack, though if pressed they can make veteran soldiers, skilled researchers, or even powerful telepaths in a pinch.


As each individual has access to the combined skills and knowledge of the collective, learning and research can be conducted at a massively accelerated pace as such processes can be taken in ones free time, essentially utilizing non-crucial space towards development of new technologies or principles. When one individual leaves a project, another comes on to continue the work, with exactly the same knowledge and proficiency as the one that just departed.

In essence, this means that the Collective is ever changing and ever adapting. One could view the collective as a whole one day, return a week later, and find it unrecognizable, yet the same functions continue to be carried out. A system of contradictions. A system of reversals. An ever-changing network with a constant purpose.

This is the Collective.
28-05-2006, 05:49


Shortly after the Triad Takeover of the Godulan Archonate, the burgeoning alliance between the Militaristic Godulans and the Then-Enigmatic Balroggans was turning into a profitable endeavour for both sides without question. As contact expanded between the two entities, it was realized that both nations exhibited a surprisingly parallel nature in their respective technology trees. Surprisingly, while an ally, however indirectly, of the Chronosian Imperium, the Balroggans sympathized with the Godulans' desire to wipe out the Galactic Empire, and a cooperative effort began between the two nations to devise the ultimate weapon of destruction against the Imperials.

After years of hard work and design and trial and error, the first Kython prototype was created.

The first Kythons were built as a form of hive-mind sentience geared towards guerrilla warfare and 'filling in cracks'. Due to their entirely automated nature, the vessels were small, but capable of leveling enough firepower to match vessels many times their size. Faster, stronger, and more durable, the Kythons were the crowning achievement not of one nation, but of two nations working in concert to create the ultimate engine of destruction.

They were organized like an army, and they thought like a virus. Their only objective was propagation. Asteroids, moons, enemy vessels, all could be converted into new energy sources with which to achieve this goal. The Kythons were made to be perfect at it, and for all intents and purposes they were.

After the original Kython form was constructed, both the Godulan and Balroggan contingents took the information gleaned from the initial tests and began work on crafting a nation-specific version that suited the needs of the respective groups.

With the continuing advancement of the Kython Scourge, however, came the attention of the Chronotheurge, Sojun Majestatus. A being with dominion over time itself, Sojun saw the completion of a doomsday prophecy with the advent of the Kythons and sought with all his might to end their presence. First through diplomatic means and then through military means. In the fighting that ensued, it was realized that the Kythons appeared to have a slight immunity to the ravages of temporal weaponry, as they flew through the shields of Sojun's forces with ease while other vessels would swiftly be annihilated by the strength of the entropic ward. Though such came too late to save the world of Terivine.

Since then, the Godulans have formed a kinship with the Kythons, joining their crystalline creations and using them as the executor of their will. With the capture and destruction of one of Sojun's Aeon Lances, both the Godulans and the Balroggans have managed to acquire several key technologies that will no doubt prove useful in the times to come.



- Exceptional Speed and Maneuverability -- As the Kythons have no need to worry about the needs of any organic components on board, the Kython vessels are free to enact maneuvers that would kill any organic creature. All Kythons are equipped with Omnidirectional VTOL, allowing surprising turns that would confound even the most agile of enemy vessels.

- Disc shape -- Like a malevolent flying saucer, all Kython vessels are formed in the shape of discs, providing them with a small targeting profile when approaching an enemy vessel head on, and enabling the following feature.

- Death Discs -- Each Kython capital ship is equipped with a massive cutting array that extends a few hundred meters from the edge of the vessel. The nature of these discs are different for the two Strains, but the purpose is evident: Slice the enemy to ribbons. A Kython vessel can bring this disc to bear against unshielded targets to slice directly through the enemy vessel's hull with the ease of a hot knife through butter. Damage against shielding is quite massive as well.

- Fighter Capacity -- Each Kython capital ship can carry 75 Kython fightercraft. These fighters are smaller than TIE fighters, but are much more durable, capable of putting forth an equal amount of firepower, and equipped with a death disc of their own. Godulan Strain Kythons utilize a filament blade in this case, slicing through enemy fighters that should be unfortunate enough to place themselves in the Kython's path.

- Linking Capacity -- If the situation warrants, Kython vessels can combine their collective energy stores by establishing physical contact with each other, forming a type of Super-Kython that can launch more powerful salvos against enemy units, disabling them more quickly, while at the same time improving shield strength and maneuverability.

- Drones -- All armies need ground forces. The basic model utilized to fill the role of the Kython Foot-Soldier was that of the Kython Bone-Grinder, however, recent designs for both strains have rendered this model obsolete.

- Stealth -- In the same manner that a Kython is geared towards speed and fast-strike capability, Kythons were also gifted with a surprising degree of stealth capabilities. They know the ins and outs of making themselves seem like floating space debris, primarily by hiding in asteroid fields and using existing detritus to their advantage, whilst employing other sensory-foiling techniques and technologies.

- Collective -- As mentioned in the previous section, with the following additions:

As a result of being instinctively aware of wherever another Kython is, be it Godulan or Balroggan strain, it is nigh impossible to get one to collide with the other. In addition, Kythons are capable of initiating micro-swarm attacks on specific targets of opportunity with litte preparation and less warning. Godulan and Balroggan strains can also share intelligence if such is considered necessary.



- Crystalline Structure -- After the Godulan discovery of a form of Morphic Crystal with many surprising capabilities, the Godulans were swift to apply this new material to the existing Kythons, essentially converting the entirety of Kython construction into Morphic Crystal Structures with the abilities described below in the first few entries.

- Crystalline Regeneration -- With the direct and controlled application of energy from any necessary source, Morphic Crystal is capable of reforming any breaks in itself it might have experienced through combat. The regeneration process is somewhat slow, however, and is relatively useless in combat. However it does mean that a Kython can swiftly recover from even the most harrowing conflict without requiring any form of maintenance structure.

- Entropic Shardbolt Weaponry -- Another use of controlled energy input, each Kython vessel, from the lowliest fighter to the most massive of battleships, can swiftly and effortlessly alternate their weapons power between powering the standard armament and initiating the usage of 'Crystal Shardbolts'. Shardbolts are small projectiles that can be fired by Kython vessels in enormous volumes, rivaling multiple phalanx-units in sheer volume of fire. The firepower pumped out by the shardbolts is equivalent to that utilized in the primary armament, however the appliactions are different. Ion Cannons disable, Shardbolts destroy. As the Shardbolts can be put out with such volume, they also make for excellent anti-fighter mechanisms. Each shardbolt is a bolt of condensed energy contained within a crystalline shell. As each shardbolt strikes the target, it impacts first with the concussive force of a standard mass-driver shell, but also detonates with the energy stored within each shot.

Shardbolts have limited seeking capability. A capital ship can elect to forego the massive volume of fire in favor of a single massive shardbolt that can either cause massive damage to an enemy target's shields, or initiate an infection/disintegration process as detailed below.

Further, with the defeat of Sojun's forces at Terivine, the Godulans have found the means to imbue their shardbolts with the entropic quality. When an Entropic Shardbolt impacts another vessel, it detonates not with stored energy but into a sphere of annihilation that instantly reduces the affected area into nothing but distended photons. Death is quick and painless for those caught within the affected radius, but slow and agonizing for those only partially engulfed. The size of these regions depends on the size of the shardbolt fired.

- Crystal Capacitance -- The last primary usage of the Crystalline structure is a slightly defensive mechanism. A limited amount of the energy from incoming enemy fire can be absorbed by the crystal hull and funneled into weapons and shield energy, making the Kythons stronger yet when involved in combat. Any material projectiles such as rail-gun shells and the like, are disintegrated for energy and provide a similar bonus. This is a slow process, like Crystalline Regeneration, but is somewhat more evident in combat.

- Light-Discs/Ion-Discs -- The cutting weapon of choice for Kythons of Destroyer size or larger, these discs of energy are capable of slicing through enemy hulls and interiors with disturbing ease. Any unshielded targets can be torn apart simply by coming in close and allowing the active disc to slice through the targeted portion of the enemy vessel. If necessary, Kythons can infuse this disc with ion energy to deal massive damage to shields as well, converting it back to conventional composition in order to deal damage against armor and hull.

Kythons are capable of using these blades with surgical precision even at maximum velocities, and can also shape the discs to extend damage against an enemy target during a flyby slice. Kythons are not afraid, in fact they are quite eager, to use these blades in combat.

- Infectious Disintegration -- This is the primary means that a Godulan-Strain Kython uses in order to propagate in the manner it was supposed to in the eyes of its creators. Like a virus, a Kython inserts a portion of itself onto a targeted body, be it an asteroid or enemy vessel. This 'extension' manifests in the form of a glowing blotch on the target that immediately begins to disintegrate material and absorb power into itself for purposes of creating Kythons. As the blotch increases in size, so too does the rate of disintegration, and as the infecting blotch eventually comes to engulf the vessel, its rate of disintegration maximizes such that within approximately ten seconds the entire vessel is dissolved. During this process, proto-Kythons emerge from the surface of the infecting blotch, gaining substance and shape as the disintegration progresses. At the completion of the vessel's disintegration, the infectious blotch completes construction, using the last of its own material to finalize the structure, and what remains is a number of brand new Kython vessels, fully prepared to engage in combat with the same skill and maliciousness of their cohorts.

The number of KythonSpawn generated in this way depends on the size of the vessel disintegrated.

- Gravitonic Wedge -- All Kython vessels are equipped with a form of Gravitonic cushion that acts as a slight defensive feature when getting into 'melee range' with enemy vessels. In the event that a Kython vessel should find itself suddenly faced with ramming an enemy vessel when it rather specifically does not want to, a gravitonic wedge is initiated that pushes the Kython vessel away, using the enemy vessel as a pushoff point and essentially causing ramming damage to the enemy vessel in the process. This causes damage to the Kython as well, but not quite as much.

- Heisenberg Protocols -- As an extension of the Kythons' extreme maneuverability, this mechanism was put in to insure that the Kythons could move through combat with unmatched speed and grace. In this vein, a Heisenberg Protocol allows a Kython vessel to 'redirect' its momentum, enabling it to turn on a dime, even at maximum speed. As one can likely assume, this would prove surprisingly useful in the event of being tailed by enemy forces, or when large volumes of fire need to be dodged with extreme alacrity.

- Grappling/Boarding Capacity -- Kython fighter craft, dubbed 'Slaymasters' by the Godulans, utilize monofilament blades rather than light-discs for their slicing abilities. However, a useful side effect of this somewhat lower-tech weapon is that the blades can be manipulated much like the legs of a spider. As a result a Kython Slaymaster can latch onto enemy vessels and skitter about like whirling dervishes of blades, shardbolts, and randomized other forms of destruction. Slaymaster tactics on enemy capital ships is to tear away weapons turrets, enter the vessel via any fighter-bays, and otherwise tear the vessel apart... from the inside out if possible, the more standard means if forced. this also effectively turns the enemy vessel into an allied vessel, as Kython Slaymasters are quick to direct their firepower outwards against enemy fighters and capital ships.

- Entropic Shielding -- A further boon from the victory over Sojun's fleets and subsequent pillaging of technological data, the Entropic Shielding is a weaker version of that used on the Aeon Lances. This shielding does not entirely dissipate incoming energy, but it has degenerative effects on all forms of incoming fire. It even causes temporal weaponry to go a little wonky. Combined, however, with secondary layers of Godulan shielding, the Kython vessels are well protected indeed.

- Guiding Light -- The new Godulan Superweapon and the greatest boon acquired from the captured vessels of Sojun's fleet, the actual mechanism is quite simple. It is the opposite of a singularity torpedo. Instead of creating a temporary black hole, it creates instead a "White Hole". Though the fundamental nature of the White Hole renders it little more than an instantaneous effect, the damage it can cause even in that time is truly immense.

Its effects are two-fold: A concussive shockwave of anti-gravitonic force hits nearby vessels hard enough to smash them flat, while a secondary shockwave of hyper-exotic plasma similarly radiates outward and is possessed of sufficient energy to incinerate and or vaporize nearby matter. The destructive radius of these effects is separated into three parts: Within 250 kilometers of the blast, everything is simply annihilated. Within 1000 kilometers of the blast severe damage is inflicted. Within 2500 kilometers of the blast moderate damage is inflicted. Beyond this little to no damage is caused.

As one can see, this weapon is very useful for destroying clusters of ships. After considerations in various fights, this weapon has been relegated to system defense.

- Oppressive Presence -- The Godulans have dispensed with their prior application of a psychic death scream previously common to the Kython strains. It has since been replaced by something of a psychic 'presence' that causes all engaged in combat with the Godulans to feel something akin to a serious pressure differential. Hearing becomes slightly more difficult, as everything sounds as though one is hearing things through a glass bowl, and those affected by the 'presence' have a sense akin to a sinus blockage, though no pain is reported. This is simply a passive effect, intended to confuse and disconcert in the face of battle. For some strange reason, those affected also know instinctively where the Godulan vessel putting for the effect is, though in the case of multiple vessels, the sensation becomes significantly more cluttered.

- Hacking -- Godulans are exceptional hackers. Kythons can join with any interface. Draw conclusions, and expect assaulted vessels to rather suddenly decide that ramming other vessels in the fleet would be OH so fun.

- Voidshields -- Fire a superlaser and you die. Simple enough. Description will be provided in the general technology section.

- Psionic Capability -- As the Kythons are effectively an extension of the Godulans will after their transfer, the Godulans can use Kythons to channel their psionic capability upon whatever target necessitates it.

- Avatar of the Swarm / Eidolon of the Legion -- The Godulans have somewhat dispensed with their Kython drones for the most part, employing them only when cannonfodder becomes necessary. Instead they have focused towards increasing the numbers of their Kython Avatars of the Swarm, though a movement is underway to reclassify Avatars as 'Eidolons', as the terminology is somewhat more fitting. Rather than have a representative of an entity, as an Avatar would be, they would prefer a representative of an ideal, thus 'Eidolon'. In either case, these entities, when on a battlefield, essentially focus as a supersoldier and command unit to varying degrees. As they can condense additional matter into themselves, they can bolster their own strength and durability while retaining their more esoteric powers gained from being a part of the Godulan Legion.



(Kudos to Balrogga for providing the infoz)[i]

- Energy replication -- The Kython uses energy from attacks to replicate itself. When an energy attack is successful, the Thur’Tahg absorbs the energy into its crystal matrix, allowing the form of the Kython to contain the energy and use it. When the energy reaches the amount needed for optimal efficiency, the Kython splits. The energy stored immediately is used for creation of the other half of both new Kythons. It is for this reason sometimes at the beginning of a battle the Kythons are easy to hit with energy weapons, they are diving into the shots to multiply their numbers.

- Psi-Possession -- When a Kython “infects” a vessel, it actually inflicts two different infections. The first is the Psi-Possession. A part of the consciousness of the Kython is injected into the vessel. That little part is both Psionic and cybernetic. Its main goal is to possess the electrical systems of the vessel, weather it is made of metal wires or Neuro-pathways, such as in some of the organic vessels. The entire system is possessed by the entity as it reproduces itself, taking over the door controls, weapons, engineering, life support, navigation, computer core, ect… This allows the Kythons to take control of a ship and to use it against others before the second stage would have time to finish.

- Thur’Tahg conversion -- The other form of infection is the slow conversion of the base materials of the target into Thur’Tahg. This strange metal, half alive already, will accept fragments of the mind controlling the ship from the first stage of infection. These fragments will form limbs out of the black metal and crawl from the hull much like the dead in an old horror movie. This will leave gaps in the hull from the Kython acquisitioning it for its body. One of the methods of boarding a ship is to infect the hull of a ship and when the Thur’Tahg reaches the inside, the Kythons step out of the inner walls. This works equally well on organic as well as inorganic material.

- Mimic vessels/constructions -- One of the most diabolical methods of the Kythons is to build vessels and other constructs out of their own bodies, much the same way ants will build a bridge to cross water. The Kythons grapple each other and merge into a solid form. They form the hull, struts, bulkheads, floors, and any other necessary structures for the ship. When in this form, they are indistinguishable from the real normal ship. They even replicate the electronics and weapons of the ship if they have the schematics in their collective sentience. If a swarm devours/possess a ship, it picks up the schematics. Another thing to note is when the Kythons are merged physically, their minds also merge. This merging produces an intelligent awareness that gains more intelligence as it absorbs more Kythons. A small ship will be fairly aware while an entire Death Star would be almost godlike.

- Dimensional Blades -- The blades of the B-Strain Kythons are actually dimensional fluctuations contained within a low power carrier field shaped in the form of a disk. Anything breaking the containment field would be subject to the ruptures caused by the fluctuations, effectively slicing the object. These are based on the Cutter Beams used by the Imperial Fleets.

- Psionic Abilities -- When two or more Kythons are merged together, they gain certain Psionic Abilities. The abilities gain depends upon the number of individual Kythons involved.

- Death Scream -- All Kythons possess the ability to broadcast a Death Scream while they are attacking. The scream is actually a psi attack where they are broadcasting the sound telepathically into the minds of all within 1000 meters. The effect of the scream usually results in the person “hearing” it to clutch their ears trying to shut out the noise in vain. Beings with moderate Psi Resistance can damper the volume to a workable level but as long as there are attacking Kythons, they will hear the screams. The exception to this rule is the Makers (Balrogga and Godular) will not be affected by the Death Scream due to racial calibrations.

- Uplift Ability -- If the number of Kythons is large enough in a Construct, they can replicate the Mirage Drive effects of the Imperial Fleets and uplift into Dimensional Spaces much the same way that our ships are able to.

- Phase Ability -- Some Kythons have the ability to phase through matter. While this is not a common trait, it needs mentioning because the ratio is growing about 1-3% each generation

- Infection Beam -- This is the Kython ability to generate a particle beam that carries both types of infection onto a ship from a distance. When a large vessel or construct is mimicked, the Kython can grow nodes that have the ability to project an Infection Beam. The number of ships infected depends upon the mass of the vessels. A group of fighters can be targeted while only a large vessel could be affected.

- Infection Slugs -- The Kython ship that creates a Gravity Gun/Catapult (like a railgun but uses gravity instead) will usually manufacture ammunition that will carry part of itself into the target. As the bullet penetrates the ship, the slug gets lodged deep inside the ship. This is ideal because nor the infection can be started from inside. There are also Scattershot Rounds available that fragment inside the ship, making it harder for the damage control teams to locate all the infectious pieces.

- Balroggan Arsenal -- The Kythons have access to all the weapons the Balrogga Empire uses due to complete saturation into their fleets








Diameter: 250m, 750m with light-disc active
Crew Complement: Automated
Lasting Time: Indefinite

Armor: Morphic Crystal Superstructure

-Probability Drive with 4x calculation modifier
-Slipstream Drive rated at travel speed of 50LY per hour
-Dimensional Drive
-Psychoportive Drive with an effective range of 10LY

Engines: Gravitic Redirectors with Omnidirectional VTOL and Heisenberg Protocols

Power Plant: Massive Distortion Core Reactors (2)

- Psi-Reinforced Ablative Shielding
- Entropic Shielding

Defensive Armament:
- Crystal Spines
- Capacitant Hull (Absorbs portion of energy-based energy fire and converts it into weapon energy)
- Absorbent Hull (disintegrates boarding pods that contact its surface)
- Gravitonic Countermeasures
- Runic Shielding
- Euclidean Cloak
- Displacement Mechanism
- Voidshield Generator

Offensive Armament:
[i]Can Rotate Weapons Power Between the Following, firepower is similar, effects are different:
- Varies
Can be used whenever:
- Light-Disc ( 1 )
- Infection Protocols ( n/a )
- Slaymasters ( 75 )

- Gravitonic / Mass Detectors
- Multiphase Radar
- Computer Enhanced Electromagnetic Passive Array
- Drive Detector
- Dimensional Sensor Array
- Psychotronic Sensor Array

- Psychotronic Communications Array

- Atmosphere Enabled
- Ridiculously Maneuverable/Tough

Ship Description:

By far the most notable vessel in the Kython swarms, the Slaughterking is the typical example of the race. Slight profile, green iridescence, and lots and lots and lots of murder on its mind. Nowhere near as powerful as the Battleship, it trades in sheer firepower for volume of firepower and shorter chargeup time. Often times, a Kython charge will consist of the entire Kython battlefleet following several waves of Ion cannon blasts into the enemy fleet, letting the colossal salvos of ion energy disable what targets it may and weaken the rest.

Whereas the Kython Deathlord can punch out three planetary grade Ion Cannon bursts in a single salvo, the Slaughterking can fire out roughly a third that amount of comparative firepower over the same timespan utilizing the energy of its capital class cannons. (Keep in mind, having half the diameter as the deathlord described below means that the actual size itself is smaller by approximately two thirds, so the conversion is consistent)


Diameter: 7m, 15m with blades active
Crew Complement: Automated
Lasting Time: Indefinite

Armor: Morphic Crystal Superstructure

Drive: None. The Slaymaster is not intended for long-range capabilities. It is intended for fast deployment and retrievability.

Engines: Gravitic Redirectors with Omnidirectional VTOL and Heisenberg Protocols

Power Plant: Distortion Core Reactor (1)

Shielding: Psi-Reinforced Ablative Shielding

Defensive Armament:
- Crystal Spines
- Capacitant Hull (Absorbs portion of energy-based energy fire and converts it into weapon energy)
- Absorbent Hull (disintegrates boarding pods that contact its surface)
- Gravitonic Countermeasures
- Runic Shielding

Offensive Armament:
- Varies
- Monoblade Disc/Legs ( 1 )

- Gravitonic / Mass Detectors
- Multiphase Radar
- Computer Enhanced Electromagnetic Passive Array
- Drive Detector
- Dimensional Sensor Array
- Psychotronic Sensor Array

- Psychotronic Communications Array

- Atmosphere Enabled
- Ridiculously Maneuverable/Tough

Ship Description:

The smallest of the Kython scourge, save the Impalers, the Slaymasters are geared towards close-in combat with all enemies. Be they fighters, capital ships, or even ground forces. Due to their grappling capability, the Slaymasters operate as Boarding forces as easily as they operate as fightercraft. Boarding processes primarily consist of destroying defenders with massive volleys of Shardbolt fire while peeling away bulkheads to progress further into the ship. They are exceedingly cunning in their tactics when engaged upon an enemy vessel, ripping off weapons turrets and seeking out weak points, be they fighter bays or command structures. They gravitate towards both of these areas in order to 'commandeer' the ship for later propagation purposes.


Effective size: 8km long, 3km across at widest point.

Offensive Armament:
Can rotate weapons power between the following, effective firepower is the same but effects are different:
- Planetary grade Ion Cannons
- High Yield Shieldbreaker Cannons
- Shardbolts (Stream, Charged, or Massive)
Can be used anytime:
- Guiding Light Torpedos (20)
- Shieldbreaker Proximity Arcs

Apart from the information presented, the Slaughterstar is a conglomeration of 500 Kython capital ships pooling their resources. It is equipped with all the systems of its component vessels and capable of massively focused firepower. Appearance is that of a X-shaped arrowhead emphasizing a single axis ( a STRETCHED X ). Central structure is a rotating pillar of light. Assault on this pillar is not detrimental to the dreadnought as a whole.



Kython Impaler

Size: 1.5 meters

Speed/Motility: Run Speed 25mph, Jump Speed 45mph

Defenses: Crystalline Carapace, Capacitant Shell

Armament: 4 Claws, Bite, or 4 plasma blades/bolts

Secondary Capabilities: Wallclimbing/Gravity defiance, Burrowing, Death Splatter, Collective Scream, Zero-G combat

Description: The basic ground unit of the Kython swarms, the Impalers are numerous, agile, and vicious. They enjoy confusing the enemy by attacking from uncommon directions and utilizing sneak attacks. Their ability to move on any surface as though it is firm ground, combined with their close-combat specialization and agility makes them exceptionally well-suited to urban combat situations. If necessary, they can burrow through the ground though they cannot progress very swiftly in this mode. Impalers in large numbers, combined with other Kython forces nearby, generate a telepathic chitter-scream that while it does not cause direct harm is intended to distract and unsettle the enemy. Killing an Impaler causes the creature to pop like a balloon, and any non-kython material that the splatter contacts begins to burn as the remains attempt to disintegrate their surroundings in an effort to restore itself. Unless sufficient numbers of Kythons are slain in one spot however the remnants eventually burn themselves away after half a minute. A suitable rule of thumb is that for every five kythons splattered another one arises to counter the loss.

These units have been relagated to the equivalent of cannonfodder or diversionary creations. One typically cannot afford to ignore these groups though, but neither can one afford to ignore a strike team of Godulan Avatars/Eidolons coming from the other side.

Kython StarSpider

Size: 30 meter height

Speed/Motility: Ground speed 80mph, Graviton Propulsion speed 150mph

Defenses: Heavy Crystalline Carapace, Capacitant Shell, Heavy Shielding, Entropic Warding

Armament: 8 Bladed Legs, 1 Siege-Grade Arc Cannon, 2 Heavy Pincers OR 2 additional Siege-Grade Arc Cannons, 1 grappling arm/prehensile tail/whateverthehellyawannacallit, Entropic Shardbolt Projection capability

Secondary Capabilities: Grappling reach 40 meters, Fling, Trample, Orbital Strike coordination, Death Splatter

Description: The StarSpider is a crystalline monstrosity that comprises the heavy artillery and siege sections of the Kython Scourge. When deployed, its general appearance is somewhat akin to a Starship Troopers 'bug' with several notable differences. The first difference is that of a pair of wide pincer arms that also double as massively powerful Arc Cannons capable of widespread destruction that supplement the main gun on the StarSpider's central structure. The second is the prehensile tail that whips about behind it and, if necessary, also contains a slightly weaker arc cannon for wiping out large groups of infantry or pesky enemy aircraft. This tail can be shifted to become an extra-long-range shardbolt projector, enabling assaults on targets up to one hundred kilometers away.

If necessary, a StarSpider's tail can also be used to fling objects up to a mile distant. This is useful for siege operations when demoralization of the enemy is necessary. Nothing gives people the willies like the corpses of their comrades being used as catapult stones. A StarSpider can also charge large clumps of enemy infantry, using its bladed legs to wicked effect as the space beneath the siege borg becomes a veritable charnel house. StarSpiders can also coordinate with the Avatar of the Swarm to target and synchronize orbital bombardments of key enemy positions.

When destroyed, a StarSpider explodes like the others, with the remnants attempting to burn away at the surrounding materials in order to restore itself, however in the case of the StarSpider a different creature is formed from the remnants. A suitable rule of thumb is that from every StarSpider destroyed, ten Kython Impalers rise to replace the loss.

Avatar of the Swarm / Eidolon of the Legion (Leader Unit)

Size: 2 meters average height

Speed: Run speed 25mph, Float 40mph

Defenses: Crystalline Carapace, Capacitant Shell, Light Shielding

Armament: Unknown

Secondary Capabilities: Command Protocols, Orbital Strike Coordination, Psionics, Combat Immortality, Swarm Omniscience, Arcanism, Death Splatter

Description: The Avatar of the Swarm appears as a human with crystalline attachments, though in reality the entirety of its body is composed of morphic crystal. It is tasked with the command and guidance of the Kython Swarm in all matters pertaining to any form of ground combat scenario. As such, its presence on the field is less that of an army general and more akin to a god of war.

It has command over all ground forces in any specific ground campaign, is aware of everything taking place on a combat field at any one time, and can call precision orbital bombardments roughly at will. If involved in direct combat with enemy forces, it can generate a pair of Plasma Swords and utilize them with a skill to rival even the best known Jedi Masters, and also utter a scream that unleashes a shockwave of immense force, though such is draining on the Avatar and can only be done once every few minutes. It can also channel Psionics with great efficiency, and uses them to great effect if such is required. The Avatar also uses its psionics to power Arcane effects in necessary situations. If killed, it explodes in the same means that an Impaler does, but immediately manifests from any Kython Impalers nearby. In such a case, the Kython shudders for a moment and (like an Agent of the Matrix) simply forms to replace the Impaler.

The Avatars/Eidolons have become the primary ground unit for the Godulan Kythons, reducing overall numbers of Kython military units by a significant amount but retaining similar power levels.




28-05-2006, 05:51

Godulan Technological Emphases

Godulan Technology focuses primarily on Robotics/Computing, Matter Manipulation, and Psionics. Such focuses made them eminently suited to develop and refine the initial Kython Scourge alongside their Balroggan allies, and continue evolving the Kythons at a relatively consistent rate ever since.

However, one should not take this to mean that secondary subjects were not given suitable attention, as anyone who engages against Godulan forces swiftly realize that the Godulans approach combat in a somewhat unique manner because of the mechanisms and devices they have utilized. These mechanisms are present not only in the Kythons proper, but in many of the Godulans technologies relative to their inherent nature.


Important Technologies


The Voidshield is a means for the Godulans to strike back at those who seek to destroy vessels or planets with superlasers and any other direct-fire high yield energy weapons. This device essentially makes the beam backfire on the vessel of origin and any unfortunate vessels nearby.

It is set up in a two part and two stage configuration. The primary mechanism is a detector that searches for and locates extreme energy buildups and also pinpoints the most likely firing vector. In order to do this as swiftly as possible, this device makes no considerations of friend or foe, thereby preventing even allied forces from utilizing such weapons.

When the weapon fires, the mechanism generates a portal to a volatile plane of existence known as Protospace, characterized by researchers as "The place where universes are born from, and the place they go to die", this dimension is saturated with a strange black misty material known as protomatter that engages a very energetic reaction when exposed to direct energy.

When this portal is intercepted by the superlaser-or-equivalent beam, the portal responds in a two-fold manner. The first reaction is in the form of an intense beam of exotic radiation that lances out back at the offending vessel, causing damage to shielding and possibly vaporizing a few layers of hull, depending on how close the vessel of origin is. The second part is that of a parabolic region of space where the laws of physics have gone completely and utterly haywire. This region, known as a "Shatterspace Anomaly" forms in the direction of the offending vessel at remarkable speed before eventually fading away under its own power. If the aforementioned offending vessel is incapable of getting away from the anomaly, it is torn to pieces by warped spacetime and '2 + 2 = 22 mechanics'.

In essence. Don't EVER fire a superlaser or superlaser type weapon around Godulan vessels. You WILL regret it.

Shieldskaters (Kythonized)

Shieldskaters are a relatively simple means of defending a planet from enemy assault while keeping the majority of defensive firepower as mobile as possible. This is achieved by equipping corvette-sized defensive platforms with a mechanism that allows them to wrap themselves in a portion of a specific world's planetary defense shield, while at the same time allowing them to move about the shield like a water strider moves about the surface of a pond. These Corvettes are equipped with Capital Class Ion Cannons which they focus on assaulting vessels in order to disable them as quickly as possible. If enemy fire should prove too voluminous, the Shieldskaters can easily dance out of the way and strike from other directions.

Any given Godulan Habitable World will have a complement of around a thousand of these corvette-sized drones.

Guns of Archona (Kythonized)

Previously recognized as colossal Mass Drivers of unimaginable power, the Kythonized Guns of Archona have replaced the singularly massive gun with a veritable plethora of other weapons in order to provide more utility than a simple metal slug fired at relativistic velocities.

Each "Gun of Archona" can now switch between a massive battery of Shieldbreaker, Ion, Or Shardbolt Weaponsfire. The primary use of this weapon however is in its charged shots. It is the only Godulan mechanism short of the Slaughterstar capable of firing 'Massive' Type Shardbolts, which on their own cause tremendous damage to enemy vessels and also cause splash-type damage to other vessels, on top of initiating an infection process on the initially targeted ship.

Guns of Archona come in land-based and satellite forms, their armament does not change in this variation, but the Satellite forms have Probability jump capability.

Direct Energy-to-Matter Replicators

Provided by the Balroggans as a gesture of Goodwill, the Godulans have refined and expanded upon the technology to what they deem 'sufficient levels'. These replicators serve as the primary means of resource acquisition for the Godulans, supplementing the Godulans' already extensive mining operations to provide them with a colossal wealth of raw materials.

Replicators are only useful in making simple objects, such as hull plates and individual components. They cannot assemble more complicated objects such as droids and weapons more complex than bladed weapons.

'Throw Everything' Protocols

Godulans prefer systems with lots of space debris floating about. The reason for this is rather simple: If an enemy attempts to attack the system, there is a lot of rocks to throw. Smaller Kython vessels combine this with their stealth protocols, which encourage hiding in asteroid fields, to latch onto selected space rocks of suitable size, and probability jump the rocks into the enemy fleet. This is often the precursor to the full-on counterattacks by the rest of the Kythons.

Probability Drive

The Probability drive utilizes a convoluted derivation of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle to "Trick" the universe into moving a ship to its intended destination. The effective means of doing this lies in generating precise quantum fluctuations displayed by matter that is where it shouldn't be. As a result the universe seeks to 'rectify its mistake', essentially materializing the vessel in question to its intended coordinates.

As a result of making physics itself do the work, rather than convoluted dimensional mechanics, completion of transit is considered a completely natural event and thereby unstoppable by any and all FTLi fields. The Quantum Fluctuations inherent in initiating transit requires an unmolested space-time around it, and as such any FTLi field can stop initiation of transit. Of course, the Godulans have secondary means even for those situations.

A secondary effect of the Probability drive is that a vessel can complete transit in any direction and at any speed it wishes. This is particularly useful in consideration of Onslaught (see below)

Psychoportive Drive

The Psychoportive drive is the Godulans secondary means of FTL transit, reserved solely for when emergency exit is required. With the assistance of Psions on the vessel and the vessel's own psychotronic amplification matrices, the vessel can make an emergency jump of no further than ten light years. Indication of direction is impossible to determine without deep sensor sweeps, and the transit renders the Psion conducting the jump unconscious for a period of no less than one day. This jump is primarily meant to escape from any potential FTLi fields in order for the resumption of secondary FTL travel.

Slipstream Drive

The effective equivalent of the Warp drive.


60 kilometers long and 10 kilometers in diameter with half a kilometer thickness around, the Heighliners are crafted of reinforced concrete and the occasional steel plate. Equipped with little more than Shielding and a Probability Drive, the Heighliner is intended to be a massive cargo-hauler.

It is also intended to be expendable.

Heighliners are often loaded with massive amounts of military ordinance, with the intent to dispense such ordinance upon arrival. Such ordinances include Onslaught Mine Swarms and Hefty consignments of Red Rain Torpedos. Lately however, work is underway to outfit heighliners with several massive but expendable missile launch platforms. These missile platforms are capable of launching several thousand of missiles at enemy fleet concentrations in a very short timeframe, often accompanied with the startled and horrified shrieking of the enemy fleet officers.

If necessary, the Heighliner can probability jump in a manner that it sends itself hurtling at a particular enemy vessel at relativistic speeds, likely qualifying it for recognition as the largest mass driver shell in the universe.

Red Rain / Javelins

Red Rain is a torpedo. A VERY large torpedo. In combat situations, it often resides outside the field of combat until commands are relayed to select a target and engage dispensation of munitions. At this juncture, the Torpedo, 1km in length and resembling a giant beer keg, probability jumps close to the enemy fleet and rips itself apart. This enables the several hundred independently guided Fractal missiles and a solid metal ramming wedge to lance out towards the enemy fleet. Severe damage is dealt by the concussion missiles, flagships often find themselves targeted by the ramming wedge and suffer damage equivalent to what would be caused by an impact with an asteroid several times larger. Needless to say, Red Rain is an effective weapon against multiple fleets. Due to the nature of the explosives contained within, Red Rain cannot be used against planetside targets.

Red Rain recieves its name form the color of the concussion missiles.

Javelins are a secondary weapon with similar applications. The name is given to a missile consisting of the ramming wedge, but not the concussion missiles. Javelins are used for planetary bombardments in the event that a specific area is proving un-tameable.


Onslaught is a massive field of Fractal mines intermixed with the occasional Singularity mine. The word 'mine' however is only used because of their effective shape. They are not missiles, nor are they torpedos. They are spherical. But they do perhaps more damage than any other Godulan secondary weapons.

The reason for this is simple: The Onslaught mines are probability jump capable, as well as independently guided. In the event of enemy incursion, secondary sources acquire targets and feed the information to the Onslaught Minefield. These mines then prioritize targets on size and apparent combat strength, then engage their probability drive to bring them directly INTO the enemy fleet.

At relativistic speeds.

Over the course of about a minute, tens of thousands of mines effectively 'feed' themselves into the enemy fleet, causing massive damage and likely ending a battle even before it starts.

Very useful.

Heighliners often enter combat with an Onslaught Mine Swarm.

Quantum Renders

The standard weapon of the Kython fleets, Quantum Renders utilize a form of 'condensed momentum' to affect a bolt of pure kinetic force against enemy vessels. Though fired much like a laser, its damage is purely kinetic in nature. Firepower varies on the amount of dedicated energy. A slaughterstar can generally fire a bolt from a Quantum Render that would strike an enemy vessel with force roughly equivalent to a mass-driven asteroid approximately 100m in overall diameter.

Fractal Guns

The standard 'bunker buster' armament of the Kython fleets, Fractal Guns are one of the oldest serving weapons in the Godulan arsenal. Firing a lateral shockwave of dimensional distortion, the shaft of disruption collapses when it strikes anything resembling a 'change of medium', such as from vaccuum to air or vaccuum to the hull or shields of an enemy vessel. When it strikes this boundary, it detonates in what the Godulans have termed a 'Shatterspace Anomaly' similar to that generated by the Voidshield when activated. This tends to ignore the overall hardness of the vessel's hull, as the shatterspace anomaly severes atomic bonds at the fundamental level, causing bits and pieces of the affected hull to fly away, leaving a nice little divot in the enemy vessel. If fired in atmosphere, a fractal blast can combine overall firepower with other blasts to create a proportionately larger shatterspace anomaly that can be employed to destroy large underground fortifications.

Entropic Shardbolts

The standard anti-fighter and point-defense munitions of the Kython Fleets. The Godulans came up with a method, shortly after employing Morphic Crystal to construct their latest fleets, to rapidly generate and fire small bolts of crystal that would explode on contact with enemy fightercraft or torpedos. With a slight seeking capacity based around following power signatures, the shardbolts would make short work of any fightercraft or torpedos attempting to assault the Godulan vessel. When a shardbolt explodes, it releases a small void of entropic decay that causes the target to fly apart simply by the virtue of it losing the ability to maintain molecular cohesion. The void also disrupts shields, so shardbolt fire would generally be sufficient to make short work of fighters and shielded missiles.

Protium-Arc Disintegrators

The standard Heavy Artillery of the Kython fleets. Protium-Arc Disintegrators utilize a form of laser-arc to propel a condensed bolt of energized protons towards a target. As the beam travels along its intended path, it responds with other matter nearby, causing the bolt to lose cohesion as the energized-protons attempt to 'latch on' to the hulls of enemy vessels. This essentially causes the bolt to detonate and anything nearby to experience damage as their hull undergoes a process of undesired fusion. In atmospheric conditions, this bolt is shielded somewhat further, but acts in much the same manner as a thermonuclear explosion when the bolt finally destabilizes. For this reason, the Protium-Arc Disintegrator has a secondary name that is somewhat simpler to remember: "The Fusion Cannon"

EMP-Arc "Shieldbreakers"

A somewhat recent addition to the Kython fleets, the shieldbreakers employ similar techniques to the Protium-Arc Disintegrators to condense a bolt of ionized plasma and hurl it at an enemy. These ions would interact with an enemy vessel's shielding to generate a significant disruption to the shields while also creating a substantial electromagnetic pulse which would serve to disrupt unshielded electronics. If struck against a hull itself, the affect against electronics is significantly higher, disrupting power grids throughout the stricken vessel and paving the way for the Godulan Kythons to finish the vessel off with more conventional weaponry. Fired in atmosphere, this weapon has effects similar to an EMP bomb.

Tachyon Torpedoes

The Godulans came up with this weapon to present something of a catch-22 to enemy forces: Keep your shields up and be picked off by Tachyon Torpedos, or lower your shields to avoid being picked off by Tachyon torpedos only to be picked off by more conventional weapons. Dedicated to precision strikes against targets of critical importance, the tachyon torpedo functions as a bomb-pumped laser that detonates a set distance from an enemy target, igniting a medium-strength laser beam. This beam is made of tachyons, a typically non-interactive particle that travels at superluminal speeds as an aspect of its existence. Because of some variations in the nature of the particles employed in the Godulan Tachyon weapon, the beam itself essentially passes through unshielded vessels without harming them. The keyword is, of course, 'unshielded'. If a tachyon beam strikes enemy shielding of very nearly any form, the interactions between the laser and the shielding causes the beam to 'redshift' into a relativistic frame, slowing it to the point of tangibility and striking whatever the beam was intended to hit with the general power of a medium turbolaser. As this bolt forms just inside the shielding, the enemy vessel is essentially rendered helpless to the strike. This device is aimed more towards disabling targets of major tactical importance while the enemy still believes them defended. The focusing lens of a superlaser, a planetary shield array, ground defense batteries, if they are shielded then they are vulnerable.


Plaguebringer is something of an alternative point-defense mechanism geared more towards engaging enemy capital ships in close combat. Derived from a robotic swarm previously developed by the Godulans, the Plaguebringer weapon is a form of ranged infection process that can operate over a relatively short range to damage enemy vessels while reinforcing the Godulan vessels in turn. Employing similar techniques to the protium-arc disintegrators, this weapon uses several smaller lasers to channel continuous streams of disintegrating energy into nearby vessels. This shaft also functions as a funnel through which disintegration dust can pass, eventually finding its way back to the Kython vessel. This weapon also drains power from shields and can be employed as a form of point-defense by terminating an enemy fighter or drawing enough matter from an incoming torpedo to render it inoperable. It can also be employed to enact impromptu repairs by hiding inside an asteroid field and using the rocks and debris as a source of raw materials.

"Mourning Glory"

Mourning Glory is something of a prototype weapon. Employing the Godulans increasing grasp of Virtual Matter, this weapon works as another form of disintegration weapon with a couple added twists. The power that goes into fueling this weapon does not fully come from the ship firing it. Rather, a central power core deep within Godulan territory fuels the ongoing effects of the weapon once it has struck. Whereas an unsupported blast from Mourning Glory would simply act as a sort of disintegration beam from whence no disintegration dust would be evident, the ongoing effects presented by the secondary power core are somewhat more devastating. If the power core begins to add its own resources to the weapon, it begins to construct a virtual anti-particle duplicate of the material surrounding the initial blast area. As it creates an ever-increasing ring around the initial blast area, it begins to cut resources to the interior, essentially creating an ongoing damage-over-time effect that manifests itself on the battlefield as an enlarging ring of glittering matter preceding an increasing portion of an enemy vessel that is simply fading away from existence.

The power core is the first twist, this is the second: As many energy fields are the work of virtual particles as well, Mourning Glory will actually impact on them, at which point the secondary power core will begin generating an anti-particle version of the energy field, co-opting field strength from the enemy forces and essentially forcing their own field generators to go into overdrive to make up the difference. This is of particular application in terminating enemy FTL inhibitor fields and energy dampening fields (though in the latter case the actual disabling takes somewhat longer). This actually works as a detriment in some cases, as the enemy might get the idea to just shut the field off for a moment, thereby causing the main power core to lose its targeting lock, however, the targeting lock also pertains to the power core generating the field. The energy drain remains whether the field remains in effect or not, though the core cannot actually expand this drain further without virtual matter to work on. This weapon will also disrupt cloaking.


Technological Considerations

Berserker Protocols

Godulan vessels have a hard-wired countermeasure against their vessels being taken over and used against their kin. This countermeasure is known as Berserker protocols, namely because of what happens when it activates. This mechanism is intended to maintain the point of pride the Godulans have in that nobody has ever taken a Godulan vessel and lived to tell the tale.

In the case of Godulan Vessels, the Berserker protocol initiates whenever the captured vessel is tasked with attacking other Godulan units. Unless the Psion Captain is present and coherent in order to provide a psionic code that will 'approve' the action, the Berserker Protocol activates. First, all command controls are locked out. Second, the ship vents all its atmosphere into space. Third, the ship reverses signal tags and opens fire (essentially, it fires on the forces that subverted the ship). Fourth, if after ten minutes the vessel has not been destroyed by the forces that subverted it, the vessel probability jumps out of the system, or self-destructs if disabled.

Presently, this protocol is seen less and less as the Godulans move to make their vessels effectively un-boardable. However, some vessels before the transfer are still at large, and will prove to be a very nasty surprise for the individual controlling them.

Temporal Resistance

Kythons are effectively immune to several of the more complex usages of Temporal Technology. Temporal Erasure simply fails to work. Temporal Entropic Weapons also have a harsh time causing any effect among Kython forces. (Others on case by case basis)

Godulan Vessels

Godulan vessels are constructed that they do not actually register as having any weapons on board. They generate a power signature that one might recognize as 'Combat Ready' but one would have difficulty saying that the Godulans are 'Powering Weapons'. As Godulan vessels employ morphic crystal and direct energy-to-matter replicators, the Godulans do not actually need to have visible weapons emplacements. They can essentially channel their weapons power through their hull and shields to create the weapons they require on a moment's notice, enabling them virtually unlimited adaptability. Godulan vessels also employ Gravitic Redirectors, a form of reactionless drive that precludes the necessity of thrusters of any form.

As a result of these considerations, a Godulan vessel has the luxury of focusing undisrupted by structural considerations, to say nothing of the fact that such vessels essentially have no 'weak spot' to target.



The Plasmatic Pulse Disintegrator (

Project Red Rain (

Research 1 (

Tachyon Torpedos (

Triad Consortium Research (

Third Research Line (

Mourning Glory (

Godulan Robotics & Mechanicals Incorporated (
28-05-2006, 05:53

Godulan Territorial Systems

Thorn Sector

Worlds of Importance:

Sites of Importance:


Talbott Sector

Worlds of Importance:

Sites of Importance:


Ptolemy Sector

Worlds of Importance:

Sites of Importance:


Tendril Sector

Worlds of Importance:

Sites of Importance:


Jurai Sector

Worlds of Importance:

Sites of Importance:


Milky Way Holdings

Worlds of Importance:

Sites of Importance:


Stellar Disruption Fields

What is it?

How does it work?

What are the tactical ramifications?

"The Long Arm of the Law" Fast-Response Logistical Support Array

What is it?

How does it work?

What are the tactical ramifications?
30-05-2006, 23:21
Finished revised government and Kython stats.
02-06-2006, 05:49
Finished General Technology reference. Now, I wanna get some stuff to deal with in the last section.

Anybody have questions or comments for me to answer?
13-06-2006, 23:31
General bump for questions and commentary. I really do want stuff to put into the last section...
02-12-2008, 23:29
I have edited some of the sections to remove or 'deal with' some more controversial elements, and will also be placing information relating to Systems under Godulan control and a hearty tract dealing with the "Long Arm of the Law" long range logistical support array.
Orthodox Gnosticism
07-06-2009, 01:51
Nu’Guian Kython Strain:

In the aftermath of the Battle of Issus, a new Kython Strain was born. Evolved from the Balroggan strain, Mary, the first of the Nu’Guians grew to be sentient. Her first act was the one that would define the strain forever. From a simple ship-mind, Mary grew into a sentient woman.

Since Mary’s “birth” from the Balroggan strain many similarities remain, however they have been altered due to the evolution of the Strain. Unlike the other kython strains, the Nu’Guian is always in a human or humanlike form.

Here are the gifts of the Nu'Guians:

Sentience: The most unusual feature, each of the Nu’Guian is independently sentient. Although the over link can still be heard, it is much quieter to them than the other strains. It is unknown why this is the case, but each individual Nu’Guian Kython is a free individual with his or her own ideals, beliefs, and personality. This gift of free will can make these kythons the best of friends or the worst of enemies. Through the use of free will and imagination, these kythons can easily invent new methods to meet their hearts desires.

Below are some of the Adaptations they have made from their parent B-Strain.

Energy / Matter Replication: Upon touching, matter or being hit with a successful energy attack, the Nu’Guian begins to infect on a much smaller scale than the previous kython strains. This replication is primarily used as a form of healing, fixing the organic tissues that have been damaged. However it has been known that small infections have been used to create objects.

- Nu’Guian conversion -- The other form of infection is the slow conversion of the base materials of the target into Thur’Tahg, the base material of the Nu’Guian Molecular structure. This strange metal, half alive already, will accept fragments of the mind controlling the ship from the first stage of infection. These fragments will form limbs out of the black metal and crawl from the hull much like the dead in an old horror movie. This will leave gaps in the infected area from the Kython acquisitioning it for its body. One of the methods of boarding a ship is to infect the hull of a ship and when the Thur’Tahg reaches the inside, the Kythons step out of the inner walls. This works equally well on organic as well as inorganic material. Once the infection is complete, and if it is on a mass enough scale, a new Nu’Guian will emerge, complete with it’s own personality and biological identity.

- Mimic -- When the Nu’Guian Kython absorbs DNA, it has the ability to change it’s body and DNA to mimic that species. Also with a conversion, if the original chooses to before the “newborn” comes into existence; the original may guide the offspring to become that species upon birth.

- Dimensional Blades -- The blades of the B-Strain Kythons are actually dimensional fluctuations contained within a low power carrier field shaped in the form of a blade. Anything breaking the containment field would be subject to the ruptures caused by the fluctuations, effectively slicing the object. These weapons can take the shape and function of any melee weapon the Nu’Guian can conceive of.

- Death Scream -- All Kythons possess the ability to broadcast a Death Scream while they are attacking. The scream is actually a psi attack where they are broadcasting the sound telepathically into the minds of all within 1000 meters. The effect of the scream usually results in the person “hearing” it to clutch their ears trying to shut out the noise in vain. Beings with moderate Psi Resistance can damper the volume to a workable level but as long as there are attacking Kythons, they will hear the screams. The exception to this rule is the Makers (Balrogga, Godular, or other Nu'Guians) will not be affected by the Death Scream due to racial calibrations

- Wormhole Ability – Like the drives of the Balroggans, the Nu’Guians are able to make much smaller wormholes that allow travel to distant lands. These Wormholes appear like a horizontal tornado, sucking everything in from one end, towards the opposite end. Travel takes roughly ten minutes.

- Infection Beam -- This is the Nu’Guian Kython ability to generate a particle beam that carries both types of infection onto a target from a distance. When enough matter or energy is absorbed to create a “gun” the Nu’Guian gains the ability to project an Infection Beam. The number of targets infected depends upon the mass of the matter absorbed.

- Infection Slugs – With enough matter or energy absorbed to create a weapon and fill it’s munitions in the form of bullets. As the bullet penetrates the target, the slug gets lodged deep inside it’s body, or structure. This is ideal because nor the infection can be started from inside. There are also Scattershot Rounds available that fragment upon impact, making it ideal in close combat situations.

- Phase Ability -- While not a true phase ability, the Nu’Guian Kython has the ability to exert control over infected areas. With application of minor infections, the Nu’Guian can effectively pass through the infection, thus moving through matter as if it was not there.

- Disease – Since the formation of the organic forms of the Nu’Guian strain, the Nu’Guian has come to understand how organic evolution has evolved. Within it’s blood, the Nu’Guian is capable of creating a disease, and infecting others with it. Symptoms will vary, as the Nu’Guian desires. As he or she creates this new disease, it’s body begins to create white blood cells to fend off against it. Thus at the Nu’Guian’s will she or he can either be a carrier of the disease, or has the ability to cure it.

- Evolution -- Being Thug’thar on the molecular level but organic on all the other aspects, the Nu’Guian has been known to absorb matter and energy to modify his or her body to fit the given situation. An example of this would be the ability to grow teeth or claws, although other variations are sure to follow.

- Special Note: The Nu’Guian is capable of forming defenses much like personal body armor, and or personal shields, as well as any form of weapon it is familiar with assuming enough matter or energy is in the area to create such items. It can also adapt with infection to gain the understanding of technologies and reproduce them on a personal level.

Newly discovered evolutionary traits:

- Biological overlink: The Nu'Guian known as Gracie was the first to discover that it was possible to form a over-link bond with another biological person, not of kython origin. Like with the kython network, once it is formed, the kython is able to absorb all the data housed in the subjects brain. It could be noted though that only the strongest of the biological subjects can withstand this, as the over-link causes the subject to share the over-link with the Nu'Guians, and the whispers from the Godulan and Ta'Nar strains. So many voices in your mind at once runs the high risk of causing insanity.

- Descolada: The Descolada was first discovered by Guinevere, the progenitor of the Nu’Guian species as a method of mass reproduction or communication with an unknown people, without the large scale kython infection. It utilizes the same principle as the kython infection, but is applied on the cellular to sub atomic level.

The Descolada is a virus that is semi intelligent. It has a basic consciousness, and like all kythons, it is highly adaptable to many situations. It’s fast evolution makes finding a cure next to impossible, as usually by the time a vaccine is developed it has evolved two or three generations by that point.

The Descolada works though infecting a life form, through respiratory and bodily fluids. Once the virus takes hold on the planet, it can jump from living organism to living organism, regardless of species. A blade of grass for instance could respire the virus that would then evolve and infect a human.

Once infection takes place, the virus begins to attach itself to the DNA of the living organism. Like Kython infections on the ships, it begins to cut the genotype of the DNA, and replace it with a Thur’Tahg version of itself, or in special cases, the DNA type of other creatures. Within hours of the infection, the host is usually totally consumed, and changed into a Nu’Guian. In some cases the Virus re-writes the DNA into that of another species, as in the case of terraforming.

Despite the horrific nature of the virus, the Descolada was created for more benign purposes. First was for terra forming, to take even one insignificant living form like a bacteria, and mutate it into eventually a living eco system. The second is for communication. Once the target has been infected, the Nu’Guians would be able to access everything they knew about that species society, laws, Culture, and every aspect in which they knew of. In this way, the Nu’Guians could learn the truth about the species in a very short period of time.

The Virus however has seemed to truly adapt, causing some observers to believe that the Descolada could be in fact a fourth kython strain. If that is true or not, is still up for debate, although it has been adopted as a sentient part of the Nu'Guian class and social caste.
Orthodox Gnosticism
01-07-2009, 19:24
Castes of the Nu’Guians:

The Humanoid Nu’Guian Caste: This is the most fimiliar of the Nu’Guians. They are kythons in human form, that look, and feel very human. They are the top teir of the caste system, as they are the progenitors of the species.

Overmind/Shipmind Nu’Guians: Recently with the infection of a Dornie Police cruiser, a true Ship mind, like that of the Balroggans came into existence. These Kythons, that form the operations of ships and vehicles, are traditionally similar to those of their ancestors, the B-Strain. These ships, differ slightly from their B-Strain ancestors. Although they are the controlling portions of the ships, or vehicles, this does not mean they are lower by any stretch of the imagination, in terms of social status.

Feral Nu’Guians. These Nu’Guians created at first my Guin, have taken on similar principles as the animals they are mimicking. Their intelligence is roughly the same, as that which they are mimicking. However do to their nature, they are much quicker to adapt to new environments, as well as carry many of the features of the other Nu’Guian Caste.

The Descoladas: A Semi intelligent micro super-virus, that is kythonic in nature. See above for more details.

Drone Nu’Guians: These are the lowest caste in Nu’Guian society. First used by Gracie, these drones are mindless, without thought or desire. These Nu’Guians are basically extensions of the ship mind or Humanoid minds desires and will, much like a hair or a fingernail. Their bodies are expendable, but their kythonic nature makes them a nightmare to fight. Each one’s senses are part of the whole, which is controlled by the Humanoid and Shipmind castes. Each of their senses and experiences are directly fed into the “Mind” of the creatures controlling it. Once their mission is done, and their use is no longer required, the Drones fall apart, into a base matter in which they came. Each drone is equipt with the tools it needs to complete it’s task.

(Again, to keep all kython info on one page)
New Dornalia
01-07-2009, 19:26
Nu'Gui Ships

The Nu'Gui, with the assimilation of a New Kazakhstani Territorial Police Cruiser, now possess their first fully functional Shipmind, named "Joe" after the legendary Dragnet character.

Nu'Gui ships are somewhat similar to the B-Strain, and similarities when appropriate have been noted below. However, they also possess unique features not found on B-Strain models which must be noted.

"It's ALIVE!"--

Nu'Gui vessels are alive. However, unlike ships such as Jess's ship, Mira, the Nu'Gui ships are made of the same cellular structure as the Nu'Gui themselves, and not the metal basis of their B-Strain cousins thus making them more than mere Shipminds. As such, they can be counted as fully living vessels, often coming in all shapes and sizes alarmingly similar to those of most major nations and Canon FT franchises.

As such, they can slowly heal, and make their own decisions.


An idea of Gracie's, the Nu Gui ships are capable of mimicking chosen vessels for extended durations, to fool enemies or to spread panic. Care must be taken when doing this, as the mimickry must occur after a period of obsrvation, and the shape can change once only every day.

Once morphed, for all intents and purposes, it is a copy of that ship, down to its weapons and propulsion.


Nu Gui ships share the B-strain capacity to hotswap weaponry on the fly, enabling them to call upon tools necessary to defeat enemies. Mostly, they prefer Balroggan weapons, however Gracie and Guin have introduced Dornalian/Colonial weaponry into the stew, and all sorts of Canon FT Franchise weaponry as well.

Nu'Gui ships can also hotswap defensive options.


Nu Gui ships possess FTL capabilities similar to their Balroggan counterparts.


Nu'Gui ships take on the form desired by their commanders whenever they are built. So, if Gracie builds a ship and decides to make it look like a Klingon Bird of Prey (because she happens to be a big Trekkie), it will appear on sensors to be a perfect Bird of Prey, even though it's Kython.

Fast Evolution--

Nu'Guian ships are very quick to adapt and evolve, being more organic than the other kython counterparts. Having individual intellegence, along with some link to a shared network they have the unique ability to study an enemy vessel in combat and mimic it's abilities or evolve defenses to help counter the enemy.


Borrowed from Balroggan designs, it is capable of going between dimensions for quick movement.


Capable of landing on planets, Nu Gui ships can theoretically transform into ground vehicles or structures of considerable size or even animals. However, this has not been tested.

"The Sorcerer's Apprentice!"--

Nu Gui vessels, like their Balroggan counterparts, can turn into seperate ships if sundered in two. However, this version has several caveats.

1. If there's merely an avulsion, the ship will jsut heal.

2. The halves will be slightly less powerful than the whole, reflecting the fact that there used to be one awesome ship, and now two slightly less awesome vessels. However, they will in turn be somewhat more maneuverable. This increases as the ships are split more and more, often to the point where "Human Waves" of weak ships are theoretically possible.

"Cover me!"--

Nu Gui ships do get tired after a bit, and do require a rest. As such, like any good soldier, they need R&R in between battles.
Solar Communes
02-07-2009, 04:11
I was wishing to make a small comment/nitpick about this Factbook for a time.

The fact that it doesn't seem to truly be anarchist, considering that people are ruled by a collective will rather than by their individual wills. It's more of a future Communist state, actually, sort of a futuristic outcome for the Utopia envisioned by Marx.