The Shadow Saga (OOC Discussion and sign up thread.)
Alright, as I'm sure some of you may know, I was once known as Warhaven.
I'm sure some of you read my RP's. Some laughed, some cried at the NOOBishness of it all.
Well, I'm back, and I've changed. At least i'd like to think I have. So i've thought up this Story line, taking place over several threads, involving a Dark figure from my nation. He's known as the Shadowlord. Its his goal to take over Ri-an by force, but to that end, he needs an army. So, he kidnaps young women of child bearing age, able to have children, and from them, he takes the power to create life, and with his dark powers, Spawns the Shadow Demon Army. He already has some Shadow Demons, but not enough to really do more than threaten.
At keast, that's what he plans.
Those who join, that's where he gets a young woman, its your reason for joining. you know you can find answers there, and that's where everything picks up. It'll be a small set of threads, with the first one, being a journey through his mansion to find your missing women before its too late.
His Castle is at once easy, and difficult to navigate. Difficult, because there are very few straight forward ways to advance through it, and easy because its not really that difficult, except for the part where almost every room has some of his Shadow Army loligaging around waiting for intruders to kill.
And the Arch shadow Demons, and Shadowlord Himself.
At the end, he runs away, and decids to revenge himslef upon your nations for stopping him, so over the course of many years, he visits the each country, and cooperates with whomever is against the current government to help topple it in some fashion. That, or just spread Destruction. that part, is really up to those who join. But the final 2 threads, those are going to be awesome, cause i'm saving the best for last.
That's basicly it in a nutshell. I don't need major superstrong characters, but they should be able to hold their own.
When you join, please let me know the following:
Character Name:
Magick Powers, if any.:
Weapon of Choice:
Strength of Powers:
General Description.
I ask for certain items, because there are some parts, that I must Taylor to fit who joins. Tech doesn't matter to me, so long as you can use magick, and get to Ri-an.
The Humankind Abh
28-05-2006, 06:00
Intresting, I think I'll try my hand.
Character Name: Hidetsugu
Age: Equal approximatly to a fifty year old human.
Magick Powers, if any.: Kanji Bloodmagick
Weapon of Choice: A massive Spiked Club made of bone.
Strength of Powers: How are we determing this? he's not a Kami certainly, but he's stronger than the average Magic user.
General Description: Hidetsugu is approximatly 7' 6" and has many self-inflected Scars on his body, all of which are Kanji symbols. His skin is a tan brown, and He wears nothing but a large white Loin Cloth and has white hair and naturally white eyes, yet is not blind. He has very large muscles and he has an almost callous attitude towards others, its only because Emperor Magesha Called in several old favors and forced him to come that he's doing this at all. he carries with him, a Large wooden club, with several Metal Spikes in it. He prefers to be left alone, but will work with others, if he has to.
Alright, alright, could be intresting.
Lets see, about the Magick part.
Lesser Mage: Able to perform minor spells, such as common elemental tricks.
Stronger Mage: Able to Perform Impressive Magick Speklls, such as walking on water, covering a frozen waste in burning Fire, ETC.
Great Mage : Able to perform Great Feats of Magic, such as bringing Life to an infertile Plane, or bringing Water to an empty Lake.
ArchMage: Able to do nearly anything they can think of. Some things however, only Gods can do.
I think your Hidetsugu is probably a Great Mage, unless I'm wrong, since most magick users, fall into the realm of Great Mage.
Any problem with female character?
Shadow SeaQuest
28-05-2006, 07:07
Interesting. I'll think about it and which of my three magick using nations I would want to use and get back to you, Ri-an/Warhaven.
28-05-2006, 07:48
Character Name: Falcon Skyebright
Age: 16
Race: Human
Magick Powers, if any.: can turn into a bird
Weapon of Choice: bow and arrow
Strength of Powers: pretty strong
General Description. Short, thin longish dark hair pale skin
Character Name: Falcon Skyebright
Age: 16
Race: Human
Magick Powers, if any.: can turn into a bird
Weapon of Choice: bow and arrow
Strength of Powers: pretty strong
General Description. Short, thin longish dark hair pale skin
No problems with Female Charaters
Are Gobbos allowed? If so....
Character Name: Girtzky
Age: 26
Race: Toopish Goblin
Magick Powers, if any.: N/A
Weapon of Choice: Cudgel/Hatchet
Strength of Powers: Ambidexterous, Fast, Small
General Description: Girtzky is an average looking Gobbo, but despite better judgmement he wishes to make a name for himself in the world, most Gobbos who choose this path end up dead because a Goblins strength comes in numbers, so understandibly Girtzky is quite nervous but also willing to be the exception to prove the rule.
Character Name: Unknown(Goes by Jane for now)*
Age: Unknown(appears in mid 20s)*
Race: Human(by appearence)*
Magick Powers: Known: Fire/Air bending
Weapon of Choice: Bladed arm
Strength of Powers: Medium
General Description: Red eyes, long green hair, slender build(female)
* She suffers from amnesia and has no recollection of name, or age or racial origins
Very good, I shall leave things open until wensday. Then, we begin.
The Humankind Abh
29-05-2006, 16:15
Character Name: Darken Rahl
Age: n/a
Race: human
Magick Powers, if any.: Additive magic and possible subtractive powers he receives from offering the souls of children to the Keeper. Since he is dead, he also has the power to manipulate people or shape the natural world to an extent along with being able to command lesser souls of the dead. Not to mention that he is also a servant of the Keeper and can commnad of a few of his legions.
Weapon of Choice: ....his mind I guess
Strength of Powers: High
General Description: Darken Rahl was killed by his son, Richard Rahl, when Darken attempted to destroy the known world of D'Hara. Since then, he has been a thron in Richard's side. Constantly trying to make the man's life a living hell and doing anything he can to break up Richard's union with Kahlan. It has been many years since Darken has attempted to meddle in the mortal realm.
Character Name: Richard Rahl
Age: n/a
Race: human
Magick Powers, if any: Subtractive and Additive magic
Weapon of Choice: Sword of Truth
Strength of Powers: Uberish
General Description: Richard Rahl is the son of Darken Rahl and the first War Wizard in many years. He is also the Seeker of Truth which means that his power and law supercedes any governments and he reserves the right to dispense justive when and where he sees fit. He is married to Kahlan Ammnell who is also the Mother Confessor. They now have a son named Cypher Rahl. Richard has been Emperor of D'Hara for several years now.
Alright, looking good. Now then. Things to know. At least, things I need to know.
Who am I getting? The young women will be helpless, save for a part near the end when they get freed. But still, there will be cutscenes involving chatter with them, and other things.
Me, my two national leaders are going to be kidnaped.
That's another thing, the way he jidnaps them, is as follows:
In the space of time it takes one to blink, they are kidnapped, as they blink. They feel nothing. No jerk, no jolt, no touch, no change of scents. nothing to indicate they had been kidnapped. When they open their eyes, they find themselves standing in an Anti-power cage.
an Anti-power Cage seals all powers of those trapped within.
What those around them see, is a dense black Shadow rising up around them, and disappearing, taking the woman with them.
30-05-2006, 05:57
Ahh, well, then. From my nation, he gets Minister Kiku. She fits the requirments, and is not of a young age. Though, you cannot remove her mask, that's the only thing about her.
30-05-2006, 16:52
For old time's sake, then, je te donne une autre chance.
Character Name: Ariiyu
Age: 214
Race: Drow.
Magick Powers, if any.: Circle 12 Aeromancer
Weapon of Choice: None
Strength of Powers: Strong with potential for more
General Description. Black skin, white hair, milk-blue eyes.
Yes, she is blind. No, it isn't genetic.
SeaQuest DSV
30-05-2006, 23:43
Ri-an, you can get the Shadowlord his female abductee from SeaQuest DSV, but I'm going to be bringing in a character from SeaQuest (due to the ties between these particular two of my nations). If I bring Shadow SeaQuest in, it would most likely be on the Shadowlord's side, as far as the SSQ leadership deems it beneficial to them.
I've got to get back to class, so I'll post the character stuff later.
31-05-2006, 07:20
Here's my character info.
Character Name: Jai'Lori'Talix'Natri
Alias: "Jai"
Age: 25
Species: Artificially created sub-species of Draconian
Race: Quicksilver Dragon
Gender: Male
1.) Winged flight;
2.) Wingless flight;
3.) Able to change between an Alteran form and a Draconian form;
4.) Pyromancy;
5.) Pyrokenesis;
6.) Able to manipulate friction to move so fast that he only appears as a blur;
7.) Non-Elemental magick (ie, potions, alchemy, spells, et cetera);
8.) Chi enhanced martial arts (Elemental and non-Elemental).
Weapon(s) of Choice: Various boomerangs; bladed weapons; claws; teeth; martial arts; magick.
Strength of Powers:
General Description: Jai is the first, and currently only, Quicksilver Dragon, a artifically created sub-species of Draconian. The Quicksilver sub-species was developed to give SeaQuest a super fast, super strong, nearly unstoppable, enhanced Draconian. It had been decided to make it a Draconian sub-species do to the fact the mythilogical Quicksilvers were draconic in nature and the Draconians of SeaQuest were already pretty much walking tanks. The Quicksilvers sacrifice the heavy and thick armor scales for more ayrodynamic and streamlined scales. Also, the Quicksilvers are more serpantine in appearance than most other Draconian sub-species.
Jai has practiced ever since he could pick one up with various 'rang types. He currently has custom made sets that are identical to each other. Each 'rang type in each set comes as a pair and are used for different purposes. His aim with these 'rangs is amoung the best in the Empire.
Jai's Boomerangs:
Standard: Just your basic gum tree boomerangs.
Aquarang: A 'rang specifically designed to be used underwater.
Multirang: A specially modified standard 'rang that contains holo-generators to create a hail storm of holographic 'rangs that the true ones are hidden in.
Infrarang: A 'rang for use in areas and situations where a light source are not a good idea. Thus, it comes equipped with special infrared sensors with a limited zoom option. This allows it to be perfect for sniping using the H.U.D. headset unit.
X-Rang: A more advanced version of the Infrarang that utilizes more than just infrared technology and has a longer zoom option.
Zappyrang: A specially designed 'rang that contains a small generator that uses the spinning motion of the 'rang in flight to create an electrical charge.
Thunderang: A more advanced version of the Zapyrang able to create a much larger charge as well as an E.M.P.. Also, anyone within a meter radius of the impact site will recieve a rather large jolt of electrical energy.
Smasharang: A 'rang made from a special alloy that is nearly unbreakable and is used to, as the name suggests, smash things.
Kaboomarang: One time use 'rang that explodes on impact.
Blastorang: One time use 'rang that explodes on impact with a more focused blast than a Kaboomarang and has slight smart abilities at close-medium range as well as a limited terrain following ability.
Lasharang: Equpped with a special 'rope', this 'rang is great for capturing targets.
Megarang: A smart 'rang that has self-guiding technology built in.
Omegarang: A more advanced version of the Megarang.
Deadlyrang: The ultimate in smart 'rangs. A one time use, explode on impact 'rang, the Deadlyrang is a long-range, guided weapon that is remote piloted via a H.U.D. headset unit.
1.) All Jai's 'rangs are stored in a replicator/transporter buffer hybrid unit he carries at his waist while in his Alteran form.
2.) I had ideas for some other 'rangs, but I didn't include them as I couldn't think of a way to explain how they worked.
3.) He flies around in his personnal ship, the Winged Avenger, a customized Duckbill class runabout.
4.) He has a customized Mark II Dolphin class ultra-high-speed shuttle, the Flaming Arrow, stored aboard the Winged Avenger.
5.) He carries custom equipment in the back of the Winged Avenger so forge custom 'rangs if he doesn't have the right one for the situation or he needs an entirely brand new type. Of course, while he prefers his 'rangs, he can and will use various bladed weapons on occasion. Weapons which he prefers to make himself.
I want a Kaboomarang.
Either way, Hidetsugu and Jai would be good to have against the more powerful things I have in there...
01-06-2006, 03:53
I think I'll send in Vedt for the person going in after the kidnapped woman.
What you don't know about him already is terces untilo the dramatic reveal(s).
Yes, I have about 4 Arch Shadow Demons. The rest are just normal regular Shadow Demons.
I was hoping you'd send Vedt or Renor. Not because of anything dangerous, but because of a character they can encounter.
Ic thread open, Sign up closed. Use this thread for OOC Coments.
01-06-2006, 12:50
Yes, I have about 4 Arch Shadow Demons. The rest are just normal regular Shadow Demons.
I was hoping you'd send Vedt or Renor. Not because of anything dangerous, but because of a character they can encounter.
I've got something else upcoming that I need Renor for, but Vedt's pretty dusty. So I'm brushing him off now.
02-06-2006, 04:26
Change of pace:
woman getting kidnapped: Arel (Haelbringer)
Age: late 200s.
Appearance: Pretty in a melancholy way.
Powers: Entertainer. Weak powers on her own.
Powers enhanced by: harp-like artifacts through which different chords, notes, and songs manipulate magick in different ways to emulate magickal spells, to the same results.
Want to make an amendment to my character profile, under magicks having the use of flame, found out after some research that RL (you know what I mean) Gobbos use flames, but only like lighter flames, but if on Ri-An the magicks work better maybe fireballs?
Will a cup take more liquid than there is in the basin?
Ie; If the seven cup is emptied into the other basin, the three cup emptied into the basin with the ring, then the seven cup dipped into the basin that the three cup was just emptied into, would it only get the three volume, or would it be filled with seven units of water?
And How much liquid is in the second basin?
Well, if there is only three, them three is all you gets
the other basin has imfinite water
Did you mean Demoness when you typed Priestess?
Did you mean Demoness when you typed Priestess?
no. She is Half-demoness, and half human. Sometimes i use her title, sometimes I use her race.
no. She is Half-demoness, and half human. Sometimes i use her title, sometimes I use her race.
Ah, was just confused by the switch.