A Nation Founded
After a long struggle to overthrow its dictator, Josh Harnsberge, the people of Jomaga were finally able to breathe. While many had lost their lives, future generations would not have to deal with the genocidal dictator who had been hung after a public beating along with his entire bloodline, both up and down the family tree. This included his mother, two uncles, aunt, six wives, and 24 children, the youngest being 3 months, the oldest being 22 years of age. Each and every one were beaten in public before being hung, except with the infants under one year old, which were shot once in the head so that they would not suffer.
The island nation, located on Jomaga Island, a small, tropical island located three miles north of the equator in the central Pacific.
Barricated on all sides by small coral islands, this tropical island is like paradise, and its people are generally laid back and like to enjoy the sun when they get the chance.
Jomaga has a small airport, however it was nearly completely destroyed during the rebellion. It is unknown when it will be rebuilt, given the economic depression expected for the coming years. A small port is functional, and is being repair.
The nation of Jomaga is open to embassies, however for the time being, your nation will be required to arrive by small boats, as the port is very small, and the airport is unusable in its current state.
Monitary aid to help rebuild and jumpstart the economy would also be greatly appreciated.
27-05-2006, 05:38
Your nation disgusts us. You publicly beat an entire family. If my fleet was not currently tied up, we would flatten you.
If you walked in our peoples shoes, you, too, would do the same as we did. That family deserved what was coming to them. Committing acts of genocide on anyone who did not support him completely, committing genocide on anyone who believed in a religion, committing genocide on anyone who they did not like. That family had it coming to them.
Timor Leste Island
27-05-2006, 05:43
Timor Leste Foreign Ministry:
We totally oppose to the killings of small children and people that may not have been associated with genocide that may have occured. If the leader was a genocidal maniac he deserved to be captured and have a fair trial along with any relatives that took part. The killing of children even from a hated family taints this newly created nation. We as a new nation will watch and act in the future accordingly on how this nation acts.
27-05-2006, 05:44
You can not commit genocide on people you don't like. You obviously do not know what the word meens. It is to wipe out a group of people, for reasons like race and such. Hanging would have sufficed. The public beating is deplorable. Especially of innocent children.
You can not commit genocide on people you don't like. You obviously do not know what the word meens. It is to wipe out a group of people, for reasons like race and such. Hanging would have sufficed. The public beating is deplorable. Especially of innocent children.
They were blood related. As such, we feel they must have been delt with so they had no chance to return that family to power in the future.
Timor Leste Foreign Ministry:
We totally oppose to the killings of small children and people that may not have been associated with genocide that may have occured. If the leader was a genocidal maniac he deserved to be captured and have a fair trial along with any relatives that took part. The killing of children even from a hated family taints this newly created nation. We as a new nation will watch and act in the future accordingly on how this nation acts.
As we have told another nation, we refuse to let that bloodline continue with the chance of returning that family to power again. They had to be dealt with.
27-05-2006, 05:55
We have decided that the Indomitable class battleship Savior will not be needed in battle. It, along with 3 Arleigh Burke Class guided missile destroyers are en route to your nation. I advise you pay some form of reparation to those effected by the lossof the family.
Timor Leste Island
27-05-2006, 05:56
We sadly have to inform this nation then that at this time period we will not be able to assist in anyway if the way out of conflict is to beat or shoot young children from a bloodline that had one to several bad apples. If the attitudes of this nation changes then we can talk.
27-05-2006, 05:57
Shall nuclear weapons of Leocardia, be needed in this, Exponent?
OOC: Im in yer side.
27-05-2006, 05:59
I dont think they will be yet. They may be needed if the nation attempts to use WMD's against the fleet. Thank you for your support Leocardia.
Timor Leste Island
27-05-2006, 06:01
As a protectorate of Exponent we agree that if necessary military action may have to be used against this new nation for its action. However, we believe that peace talks or negotiations should be held before any action is taken, this new nation is damaged from its civil-war and any more conflict may destory it beyond repair. Hopefully peace can prevail.
Todays Lucky Number
27-05-2006, 06:02
To People of Jomaga,
We welcome you among democratic nations and hope to see your cultural contribitions to the civilized world in the future. Our people in Community of T.L.N. decided to send you a gift to help start rebuilding by sending a medium shipment of construction equipment, medicine, books and computers.
C.T.L.N. Minister of Foreign affairs.
27-05-2006, 06:04
I dont think they will be yet. They may be needed if the nation attempts to use WMD's against the fleet. Thank you for your support Leocardia.
We do not need appreciation. It is to build diplomatic relations with Exponent.
27-05-2006, 06:04
The following message was sent to the
To the Nation of Jomaga.
We, the nation of Bazalonia, would like to welcome your nations new found freedom. We hope that there will be many more friendly relations. We are saddened that an extermination of a whole family was taken, but we can understand the reasoning behind it. It takes more than a blood line for people to become dictators. It takes people to let them, and I hope that you're flegling nation all the best. If needed, we would like to offer assistance in helping your nation to become a strong democracy so that tyrannical dictators would not be tollerated by the voters and would never come to power again. Not matter what their bloodline was.
From Richard Menszae, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade
OOC: I'm out for the night. I'll be on tomorrow night to continue RPing when I'm off of work.
We strongly advise against any nation useing Military Action against the nation. Genocide is mass extermination, this was in the case of extermination of a few Tyrants and the decendents. We have decided to accept diplomatic relations.
Karou Kamiah-Minister of Foreign Affairs
While Titawon is excited to see another dicatorship of the world overthrown, it condems the actions at which genocide against the family was commited. While Titawon believes this does not call for military intervention, this nation should defintly be watched in the future. Titawon calls a public apologie of the deaths, and for a state funeral to be held for their bodies. This does not mean that Titawon supports dictators or their regimes, as we would like to see a democratic world, we especially condone the genocide of any race, religion, or family.
Taylor Davis
Secretary of State, The Republic of Titawon
Message of Warning
as of this moment the corporate States is offering the island nation of Jomaga protection, ANY nation that intends harm will deal with the Corporate Security Force's. Tho we do not agree with what the people of Jomaga did we feel the reactions of certain parties in the international community is wrong and is far worse.
ANY attack on Jomaga will be considered an ACT OF WAR apon the Corporate States and allied nations of the Corporate States, We give this firm warning to the Nations of the world.
This offer of protection will be void if Jomaga uses this as a means for warmongering or any other act as such.
We advise the nations of Exponent and allies to withdraw any force on route to Jomaga, failing to do so we will find no choice but to use FULL tactical nuclear weapons on MILLITARY targets with said nations, due to the fact that any corporate force will take several days to reach Jomaga.
27-05-2006, 06:22
Military action against this nation in our opinion is totally unnecessary, the populace of this nation would have lived in fear all their lives from this dictator and his family, so when they finally rose up and overthrew the dictator involved, the fear was still there. In this case the fear of a return to a dictatorship and so they acted out of this fear. Which while we beleive this was a total over-reaction by the populace we can empathise with their situation. They need aid and help, not threats of military action. I can confirm now that any military action against this nation at this point in time will result in Bazalonia sending in Naval and other forces, as required, to help defend Jomaga.
Timor Leste Island
27-05-2006, 21:57
We insist that military action should be the last step to any way for solving this problem. Hopefully combat will not occur.
We thank those nations requesting that military action not be taken for being level-headed. Our people have indeed lived in fear for their entire life, and with the worries of a return of this family to power, acted as they did.
Our people are usually peaceful, and they do not wish for war, rather for peace. We assure you that actions like this probably will never happen again in this country, and hope to restructure our government to keep the need of a rebellion against another dictatorship from happening.
We look forward to improving our relations with all nations, including Exponent, CorpSac, and all other nations.
If you wish to open an embassy in our nation, please notify us, and we request to be allowed to build one of our own in your nation as well.
Thank you,
Larry Rolands,
Temporary Leader
Jenrak can open economic relations with such nation, if required. This would allow money to be made on both sides.
Jenrak can open economic relations with such nation, if required. This would allow money to be made on both sides.
We would be glad to do this.
28-05-2006, 05:09
Father had been alerted to the troubles in the newly established nation of Jomaga. Jomaga was a small, weak and highly unstable nation, a situation which Father sought to exploit to the full. Father sought nothing less than the total incorporation of Jomaga into the Humanist State of Kravania and the assimilation of it's people into the Great Humanist Revolution.
Father ordered an invasion force be assembled, one large enough not only to crush Jomaga in one strike, but also to deal with any, and the inevitable, interference by other nations and unwelcome interventions by foreign powers.
An official declaration of war and annexation was soon to follow, as was the first Kravanian long range missile strike against selected targets in Jomaga.
Kravanian People's Navy:
70 CVN 71 Aircraft Carriers
100 Ticonderoga Class Cruisers
150 Arleigh Burke Class Destroyers
200 Oliver Hazard Perry Class Frigates
300 Virginia Class Attack Submarines
25,000 Wasp Class Naval Transport Ships
Kravanian People's Army:
1,700,000 Troops
650,000 Guardians of Humanity Troops (elite paramilitary army)
10,000 Leopard 2-A6 MBTs
10,000 M1-A2 Abram MBTs
15,000 M113 APCs
20,000 BMP-3 APCs
50,000 Transport Trucks
10,000 155mm Artillery Guns
10,000 120mm Artillery Guns
50,000 105mm Mortars
8,000 Mobile AA Systems
5,000 Patriot Anti-Missile Systems
2,000 Mobile Tomahawk Cruise Missile Systems
Kravanian People's Air Force:
1,500 F-22 Jet Fighters
1000 F-35 Jet Fighters
1,500 MIG-33 Jet Fighters
500 F-117 Stealth Jet Fighters
300 B-52 Bomber Aircraft
300 B-2 Stealth Bomber Aircraft
3,000 Transport Aircraft
5,000 AH-64 Apache Attack Helicopters
5,000 AH-1 Attack Helicopters
5,000 Mi-24 Attack Helicopters
10,000 Mi-8 Transport Helicopters
28-05-2006, 05:17
To the nation of Jomaga;
We offer a diplomatic envoy to discuss the details of what your nation needs and discuss what we can provide. We also hereby drop all protectionist measures for imports from the nation of Jomaga to help stimulate your economy, though we will most likely raise the measures back up again this is measured on the ability of your economy to provide it's own stimuli for economic growth.
The Diplomatic Envoy will also look towards establishing an embassy, particularily once the nation has settled down into a routine.
Please let us know if this is acceptible
28-05-2006, 05:22
Official Communique of the High Council of Eternal Wisdom of the Humanist State of Kravania
From: The Humanist State of Kravania
To: Jomaga
The Humanist State of Kravania under the direct will and authority of the High Council of Eternal Wisdom, which is itself the representation of the eternal will of Father, declares a state of total war between the Humanist State and Jomaga.
There will be no dialogue.
There will be no peace.
There will be no mercy nor compassion, only death.
This is the eternal will of Father, the supreme leader of the Humanist State and the Great Humanist Revolution, the most wise guardian of humanity and all that is progress in the evolution of our great species, of our common humanity.
Jomaga will be annexed and assimilated into the Humanist State and the Great Humanist Revolution.
The only path your people now have, their only destiny, their only hope and salvation is the way of Father. Father and only Father can be your people's guide and supreme leader, not the past regime of your desposed tyrant nor the new tyranny which has replaced it.
This is the will of Father.
28-05-2006, 05:35
OOC: Hmm... I might just have to speed up my return to MT and get involved... and is Kravania AKA Kraven Corp from a few months ago? If so, I'm definately gonna get involved... lol
28-05-2006, 05:35
High above Jomaga airspace in a Low Earth Orbit, a Shrike X29 Intelligence Fighter, launched from the Siesatian Lunar base, was watching the events unfold below, serenely capturing the images for the Sol base to keep track of, there were several bases on an island to the east of the locale owned by the Union.
"Base, this is ZAP 122, we are monitering the events in Jomaga from a low orbit. What's the Union's stance on this?"
"We're Neutral, just keep feeding us the information so we know when to act to can keep any violence from spilling over to any of their nearby neighbors."
"Affirmative. Zone Air Patrol 122 out."
OOC: I'm FT, this is just a Glorified Tag unless you want me to participate. I'm curious to see how the latest batch of NS-Newbies turn out.
28-05-2006, 05:43
OOC: Hmm... I might just have to speed up my return to MT and get involved... and is Kravania AKA Kraven Corp from a few months ago? If so, I'm definately gonna get involved... lol
Kravania is different from the Kraven Corporation, I am not even the same RL player.
Ironically, Kravania is led by a more totalitarian and oppressive regime than Kraven Corps.
Kravania's regime has abolished emotions and human feeling via sedatives, think RL fiction: The Republic, 1984 and Brave New World etc...
28-05-2006, 05:51
Kravania is different from the Kraven Corporation, I am not even the same RL player.
Ironically, Kravania is led by a more totalitarian and oppressive regime than Kraven Corps.
Kravania's regime has abolished emotions and human feeling via sedatives, think RL fiction: The Republic, 1984 and Brave New World etc...
OOC: oh... ok, gotchya. You sounded very similar in name and action, so I thought you two were one.
28-05-2006, 06:19
Official Communique on the Jomagan Actions Against Their Former Leaders
RECOGNIZING the evil nature of the torture and murder of an entire family, and the evil nature of it, killing off not only the patriarch, but also the women and the infantile children.
UNDERSTANDING the dictatorial nature of the aformentioned patriarch's regime in Jomaga, and that juntas are not to be allowed to rule unchecked.
THE SCARLET KINGDOM OF VIETNAMEXICO REPRIMANDS the actions of the citizens of the newly formed Republic of Jomaga.
ENACTS and economic embargo, as well as blockade against Jomaga.
URGES all other nations to join it.
RESERVES the rights to use military action against the nation.
DEMANDS the nation of Jamaga to admit its wrongdoing, as well as allow Vietnamexican authorities to come in and search for any existing relatives of the late family, so they may be taken into the safety of the Scarlet Kingdom.
Horus Hornando
King of Vietnamexico
28-05-2006, 06:21
OOC: What the hell, I'll jump into this RP and make this my official MT return! :p but I gotta go after this post...
President Kelly Vickson, ViZion's first woman President, looked over the daily reports. One, however, caught her eye.
Genocidal Harnsberge Overthrown;
Whole Family Beaten and Hung.
As she read the report, she couldn't help but to shutter. Even the children were killed? That's horrible! They did not run the country, nor did they have the control that caused the genocide to happen!
But, as she read the intel attached, she grew angry. A certain Kravania was looking to expand its land, taking over this country, Jomaga. That would likely cause far more unwarranted deaths, especially given the unstable situation and the powerless militants against a well-formed militia. This will not be good... she thought to her self.
She ordered a warning to be sent off to Kravania.
Kravania, we demand that you stand down your offensive against the nation of Jomaga. We have intellegence that you are attempting to take over the nation of Jomaga for your own gains, and that will not be tolerated.
Should you launch an offensive, ViZion will take this matter seriously, and your nation shall be given the same treatment as you give to Jomaga - an invasive force to eliminate your own nations government and military.
Be warned, you will only recieve this once.
After the message was sent off, President Vickson activated the JVNDS (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=432817).
28-05-2006, 06:35
OOC: Question... Is that your total fleet or your invasion force?
'cause if that is your invasion source. That does sound like a huge number-wank. Did you buy these from somewhere or did you just make these numbers up?
This is the details of my economy... http://nseconomy.thirdgeek.com/nseconomy.php?nation=Bazalonia
and based on the fact where your economy is "very strong" while mine is "All-Consuming"... My tax Rate is higher than by a considerable amount... adding into the fact that you're defense percentage is higher than mine (All information received from... http://www.nationstates.net/cgi-bin/nationdata.cgi/nation=Kravania )
Then I would most likely have the forces to at least match your invasion.
I tried to get an NSEconomy on you.. but Europe is too big... Just as an experiment... leave Europe and then have a look at your nseconomy.
This is all my opinion and I am not that experienced with war... but I saw that and after I checked your economy... I thought... He could not have those for an invasion...
I'd recommend talking to someone like Sarzonia and post in the NS Draftroom (http://s13.invisionfree.com/The_NS_Draftroom/index.php?act=idx) for some feedback. Those guys know their stuff.
28-05-2006, 15:30
Presidential Palace; Shelbin, Jarridia
She sat quietly in her bedroom, staring out the enormous windows into the crystal city as the people buzzed around the busy streets. It had been a long time since the idea of conflict had befallen the great and prideful nation of Jarridia, but at this time, it seemed to be waking from its deep slumber. Over the years of silence, Kasilyn Branam, the Jarridian President, had grown in political strength and had changed the political scene in Jarridia entirely. She governed the same as her late husband, and had led Jarridia into a very strong and lasting economic boom.
It was still early morning when she received word that ViZion wished aid in a conflict that, not only would tie the two allies back into the active diplomatic world, but would also lead to Jarridia helping in something that just seemed right. As Kasilyn sat, drinking her morning tea, Kim Shaffer, the Jarridian Secretary of State walked in the room and handed her a package that contained any and all information that Kasilyn would need to decide whether or not Jarridia moved toward, or away from armed conflict involving Jomaga and the likes.
She opened the folder quickly, glancing of the headings then looking back at Kim.
"It seems as if we do have enough intelligence to warrant troop movement, but from what I see, there is nothing to warrant a full on strike, unless we were to choose pre-emptive." said Kasilyn, turning back to the papers.
"To me, Ms. President, it looks as if Jomaga has been threatened because they wished a better life for their citizens and therefore overthrew their leaders. Although they did massacre this previous royal family, the others involved have no right to march into Jomaga, since by our standards, they have done no international injustice." replied Kim.
"Very true. However, if we were to play from that angle, we could nearly assume that the nations attacking Jomaga are doing so, not to punish for killing a royal family, but merely for imperialistic endeavors. I see no reason why we should let that continue, and it will not. Please alert Mr. Weaver on this situation and we shall begin discussing our movement of troops into the area and perhaps whether we will use a pre-emptive attack or not." stated Kasilyn as she stood up from her seat.
Kim bowed and began walking out the door.
"Oh, and Kim. Please prepare an announcement detailing our stance in this crisis, I would hate for any of our foes to be...confused." Kasilyn grinned.
"Yes your highness."
To whom it may concern
After review of the crisis, it is hereby decided that Jarridia will side with its long time ally and, on behalf of Jomaga, stand in defense of a nation that has committed no international wrongdoing. It is from our experience that warring nations, such as Exponent and Kravania, do their vile deeds not only for fixing a problem they see to be 'morally disturbing' but to further their imperialistic transgressions and attempt to harness more power and prowess around our small world. Jarridia, nor the other nations of the Westwood Alliance, including ViZion, will stand for such horrific actions.
Those whe wish harm to Jomaga are hereby asked, in the name of peace and life, that you stand down and and all negative actions toward Jomaga or face the consequences from a nation that is willing and ready to mobilize to entirety. This will be the first and only call for peace. At this time a peace conference is offered to all those concerned in Westwood, Jarridia at the WWA headquarters, if none of the aggressors are willing to heed this call, then we shall have no choice but to take actions to a further extent.
Let it be known that the full scope of the Jaro-ViZo Nuclear Deterrent System (JVNDS) will be activated, and though unlikely, can be used if the time arises.
Once again, aggressors towards Jomaga, stand down immediately.
Kasilyn Joan Branam
President of Jarridia
Kim Shaffer
Secretary of State
Marissa Stassin
WWA President
Jarridian WWA Representative
28-05-2006, 15:41
your nation disgusts us. why would you publicly torture an entire family because of one mans crimes. No, this is not warning. we are declaring an embargo.
Signed, Atali Saranisko
Official Demanci Message
Demanci will not go to war. We will take a neutral stance on this conflict. But if Kravania annexes your small country, Demanci and her allies are waiting for the word to attack Kravania. Their leader is the one that should be destroyed. Their army shoulden't be overwhelming. As they are devoid of all emotions, they also probly don't have the will to fight. All nations who are planning war on this small island nation of Jomaga should reconsider thier actions. This country can outgrow it. Then in time it can be a bastion of freedom. We will not have any relations with the attacking nations. And will never have relations with Kravania, as they will be treated as mortal enemies. We can't send troops as we do not want to get involved. But we will make sure our allies hear of this.
King Christopher V
The castle was alight with squabbling, with chiasmic yelling and arguing politics and nobles, all looking at each other through their own masks of ineptitude with hatred and reprisal. From one side, the religious sectors of Jenrak, the popular Tsellian castes, mainly the Krakkez Church, yelled from their tall golden pedestals onto the corporatists across from them, standing on silk-lined marble floors and tall golden pillars built with an adamant base. The corporatists stood in their cloven stark and crisp suits, the Tsellians with their large and finely crafted armour. It was a great debate on the only subject they had certain disagreements on – war. The corporatists, led by their plump but enigmatic Drakthaz, the greatest of the economists, vouched for the Jenrakian Church to do something for the tiny nation of Jomaga, while the Temsplace decided it was not worth another push to help such an insignificant force. It was from here, a roaring debate came about.
“We need to launch reinforcements to aid in the defence of the nation!” Drakthaz sputtered, spit flying from his cavernous, slobbering mouth, as the men and women behind him in their rich suits nodded and clapped delicately.
“The projection of this does not have any religious advent. Enkur does not will it!” Authaulus, a massive man behind steel armour yelled with his roaring voice, his rocket launcher, still black and sleek despite the man wars it went through, still polished and highly decorative, laid at his feet. Behind, a great tumultuous uproar of cheering and clapping from the Sirens deafened the cheering from the corporatists.
“We cannot allow that nation to be harmed!”
“Any why not? It is outside our need for influence!” Authaulus yelled.
“Do you not understand? If we break off economic alliances with this nation by allowing the invading filth to take over, then we will simply not make any money. Less money means that there will be less going to the religious sector!”
“The amount of men that could be lost will be much more than what we could gain!”
“There could be untapped resources, new cities built, we could extend the empire of the Tsellian mind further! You could extend to them your teachings! Benefit them under the roof of Enkur! Do you understand, Authaulus?”
“I understand, but I find this not a worthy endeavour.”
“Do this as a favour, then. For I and my people helped you during the fourth civil war, and now in a time of peace, you must stay strong. Do not dull your blade by nature, but by the slash of the sword.”
Authaulus paused. He knew Drakthaz made a pertinent point – if the Jenrakians did not go to war, and lived in peace, chances are they would get soft. Such degradation of the Jenrakian man was not allowed in the dune-filled nation. Raising his head, nodding, Authaulus complied, “Alright, Drakthaz. I will tell Eraclius in Sanduras to mobilize eighteen Siren armies. I will deploy the second Vizi-Lord, and we will do what is needed. 6,000 Lihure will be deployed, the majority of our tank divisions. That should do it. No Temsplace will be deployed, but the campaign of defence will be in Eraclius’ hands. Enkur be with us!”
With that, the Jenrakians were gearing once more for war.
Official Message to the Invading Trash
There will be a notion for you to stop your invasion, stop your mobilization, and lay down your arms against the nation of Jomaga. If no compliance is met, then under my guidance my armies and navy will arrive to the defence of Jomaga, and the end of your invasion. Know that you will be hard pressed, for there seem to be others before you. As to simply state:
By Enkur’s will, you will lose.
By Ciranaar’s will, you will die.
By the will of Authaulus and the King Saerus Annirak, you will burn in everlasting damnation for your impotence, and your manner in your greed.
By order of the Jenrakian Temsplace Leader Authaulus, signed by the graceful hand of the King Saerus Annirak, if you will not back down, you will be destroyed under any means necessary.
Lord Eraclius, Lord of Sanduras
"They ignored the warnings....." Aksaki said as he spoke on the phone to the chairmen. "yes i understand.....we're starting to get targeting profiles as we speek on this.....Kravania, no we've never had contact with them befor....its possible that there related to the Kravan Corporation. Mam...are you shore you want me to do that....understood."
He sighed, what if this nation had nothing to do with the Kravan Corporation....What the Corporate state was about to do was in a way Genocide itself. The warning given was that they were only going to target military Tagets with tactical nuclear weapons not....this. He got up and walked out of his office to the war room, as it was called. He walked for about 20 minutes and when he entered the room he saw that intel had been hard at work. The Kravania fleet was being tracked from orbit, images of what was thought was Kravania, Maps of Jomaga and so forth.
"REPORT" he shouted.
"Massive Kravania fleet spoted, fools didnt even split there forces up." Someone replyed.
"our orders are in, NUORSAT is to be used on that fleet as well as Military targets within Kravania...aswell as BOORSAT." He said looking around.
Faces seemed shocked at the word of BOORSAT, it was only ever devloped as a way of deploying biological weapons in the event of major war. Not like this at all....not like this.
"have target profiles done within the hour...have that fleet wiped out now....may someone have mercy on our souls." Aksaki said.
OOC: i did warn you....Kravania....so unoriginal....even uses father...
The Gate Builders
28-05-2006, 16:21
We have decided that the Indomitable class battleship Savior will not be needed in battle. It, along with 3 Arleigh Burke Class guided missile destroyers are en route to your nation. I advise you pay some form of reparation to those effected by the lossof the family.
Any action by your nation will resault in your being annexed.
28-05-2006, 16:28
[ Ugh. Perfect. I get sick, and a war starts.
Hopefully, the mental fog will pass enough for me to get involved. ]
29-05-2006, 01:51
ViZion is glad to hear we shall once again stand by our greatest ally of all time, Jarridia. It has been a long time, and we shall once again stand in glorious light, aiding a nation in need of defense and structure.
We shall be victorious! Long Live The Jaro-ViZo Alliance!
The Aeson
29-05-2006, 02:03
"This is big, Julius."
"Yes, sir. We have confirmation on at least seven nations not counting Jomaga committing or promising to commit millitary forces."
"This is a unique opportunity. No matter who wins, when the dust settles down I want our men in there. Send relief to the civilians, and tell them to pick up any interesting equipment that gets left lying around."
"Yes, sir."
29-05-2006, 05:17
ViZion is preparing to send out six recon ships to surround the nation of Jomaga. If any reports come in on any strikes against our ships, Jomaga, or any forces defending the nation of Jomaga, we will launch an invasion force following a bombardment of all known military and government locations in any and all offending nations. Your military will swiftly be defeated and your government taken out of control, and until a new government can be formed, ViZion shall insert its own power to keep your country running.
You all have been warned. ViZion does not take lightly to imperialistic actions, particularly upon small nations.
Larry Rolands looked over his briefing.
"Threats, threats, and more threats. Damnit." he muttered aloud.
"We've racked up a ton of support from a number of massive nations such as CorpSac, ViZion, and many other, Larry." Jackson, one of his advisers, noted.
"Yes, I know that. But will they be able to get here in time should those nations actually attack us? We don't have the forces or technology to fight them off. Sure, we know our land, but that'll get us only so far if they bring over more soldiers than our entire population, while carpet bombing us, targetting us from the skies and ocean, and so forth. We need to get our woman and children into safe keeping." he said. "And get every man and teenage boy ready to fight. Get any working tank, helicopter... anything... Get them all ready for battle. We need to fight them off until backup arrives."
"I'll do that now. Don't worry, Larry... don't worry." Jackson said before rushing out of the room to begin giving orders out.
29-05-2006, 06:10
OOC: I'm suprised there's not a buncha nations rallying to support an offensive move against Jomaga for killing that entire family or wanting some land and spoils of war...
= = = = Offical Diplomatic Message = = = =
Even though Titawon condems the use of genocide against the ex-dictators family, we do not believe military action is warranted. Titawon will be at Jomaga's side in case of invasion. Please anything you need at all, notify us.
Taylor Davis
Secretary of State, The Republic of Titawon
Jonathan Stephens
President, The Republic of Titawon
OOC: I see this turning into a war. If so, I think were going to need a serperate thread...
The Silver Sky
29-05-2006, 06:31
-Official Government Message-
The Armed Capitalist Republic of The Silver Sky
The Armed Capitalist Republic officially recognizes The Democratic States of Jomaga as a free and sovreign nation. We welcome them to the World Stage and would like to create a Economic Alliance with them when the time is right.
These threats against the sovreignty of this nation have not gone over well within the Republican Congress. They have voted to stand behind out Greatest and Longest lasting ally The Constitutional Federal Republic of ViZion
Thus we have declared the 'Defence of Jomaga' a 'Military Police Action' and are already deploying our 3rd and 4th Naval Armadas along with the 3rd Theater Force to the country to break any blockade and stop any invasion of the The Democratic States of Jomaga. Of course we would like confirmation from The Democratic States of Jomaga before our forces do deploy.
President Kara Maddox
Comberth Harbor Naval Base
The massive array of ships filled the harbor and the gulf outside. The 849,160Combat Troops and their equippment that made up the 3rd Theater Force were being loaded into the 1,764 ships currently docked in and around Comberth Naval base. They were to be the main force that would arrive to protect Jomaga in case of invasion.
But at the Comberth Air Force Base another force, consisting of three Rapid Reaction Divisions, totaling 73,840 troops, loaded into highspeed transports to be airlifted to Jomaga to help prepare the island against invasion and repair and expand it's airfield and harbors.
Heavily Encrypted Satellite Burst Transmission
To: Leader of Jomaga
From: President Kara Maddox
We would like your permission to deploy military forces to protect your small nation from imperalistic ones. All you need to do is say the word and we, along with our allies will arrive in time. Infact our Rapid Reaction Forces have already left. If you give permission they will begin building a military base and shore fortifications, along with this they can repair and expand your airport and harbors.
We also have a small proposition for you, you may not like it right, but it will be good for you in the long run and hopefully earn you some more support. Please respond ASAP.
End Transmission
Official Communique on the Jomagan Actions Against Their Former Leaders
RECOGNIZING the evil nature of the torture and murder of an entire family, and the evil nature of it, killing off not only the patriarch, but also the women and the infantile children.
UNDERSTANDING the dictatorial nature of the aformentioned patriarch's regime in Jomaga, and that juntas are not to be allowed to rule unchecked.
THE SCARLET KINGDOM OF VIETNAMEXICO REPRIMANDS the actions of the citizens of the newly formed Republic of Jomaga.
ENACTS and economic embargo, as well as blockade against Jomaga.
URGES all other nations to join it.
RESERVES the rights to use military action against the nation.
DEMANDS the nation of Jamaga to admit its wrongdoing, as well as allow Vietnamexican authorities to come in and search for any existing relatives of the late family, so they may be taken into the safety of the Scarlet Kingdom.
Horus Hornando
King of Vietnamexico
We shall not let you into our nations land. This will not be accepted, nor will we admit in, as you say, 'wrong doing' in punishing this dictator and his family. Our people feared of that families return, and acted upon that fear, putting an end to any posibility of such events transpiring.
-Official Government Message-
The Armed Capitalist Republic of The Silver Sky
The Armed Capitalist Republic officially recognizes The Democratic States of Jomaga as a free and sovreign nation. We welcome them to the World Stage and would like to create a Economic Alliance with them when the time is right.
These threats against the sovreignty of this nation have not gone over well within the Republican Congress. They have voted to stand behind out Greatest and Longest lasting ally The Constitutional Federal Republic of ViZion
Thus we have declared the 'Defence of Jomaga' a 'Military Police Action' and are already deploying our 3rd and 4th Naval Armadas along with the 3rd Theater Force to the country to break any blockade and stop any invasion of the The Democratic States of Jomaga. Of course we would like confirmation from The Democratic States of Jomaga before our forces do deploy.
President Kara Maddox
Comberth Harbor Naval Base
The massive array of ships filled the harbor and the gulf outside. The 849,160Combat Troops and their equippment that made up the 3rd Theater Force were being loaded into the 1,764 ships currently docked in and around Comberth Naval base. They were to be the main force that would arrive to protect Jomaga in case of invasion.
But at the Comberth Air Force Base another force, consisting of three Rapid Reaction Divisions, totaling 73,840 troops, loaded into highspeed transports to be airlifted to Jomaga to help prepare the island against invasion and repair and expand it's airfield and harbors.
Heavily Encrypted Satellite Burst Transmission
To: Leader of Jomaga
From: President Kara Maddox
We would like your permission to deploy military forces to protect your small nation from imperalistic ones. All you need to do is say the word and we, along with our allies will arrive in time. Infact our Rapid Reaction Forces have already left. If you give permission they will begin building a military base and shore fortifications, along with this they can repair and expand your airport and harbors.
We also have a small proposition for you, you may not like it right, but it will be good for you in the long run and hopefully earn you some more support. Please respond ASAP.
End Transmission
We are more than willing to allow you do aid us. We also wish to know what this "proposition" of yours is.
29-05-2006, 06:40
We shall not let you into our nations land. This will not be accepted, nor will we admit in, as you say, 'wrong doing' in punishing this dictator and his family. Our people feared of that families return, and acted upon that fear, putting an end to any posibility of such events transpiring.
We stand by Jomaga in their not allowing foreign powers to demand any entrance, repayment, or admitting of wrong doing, even if we do disagree with what they did. Should any nation try to force anything on or invade this small and unstable nation, they shall have the full and unwaivering support of the entire ViZionarian Armed Forces, as well as, we suspect, our allied forces.
http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?p=11044924#post11044924 Alright I made a new thread for the war...
OOC: Jomaga, did you notice my message to you? IT's a couple of posts up, next time I won't quote it...
OOC: Jomaga, did you notice my message to you? IT's a couple of posts up, next time I won't quote it...
OOC: I'll reply to that in the morning, gotta go right now. Night all!
After a long struggle to overthrow its dictator, Josh Harnsberge, the people of Jomaga were finally able to breathe. While many had lost their lives, future generations would not have to deal with the genocidal dictator who had been hung after a public beating along with his entire bloodline, both up and down the family tree. This included his mother, two uncles, aunt, six wives, and 24 children, the youngest being 3 months, the oldest being 22 years of age. Each and every one were beaten in public before being hung, except with the infants under one year old, which were shot once in the head so that they would not suffer.
While the slaughter of an entire family including infants is a tragic and deplorable act, let us look at the larger picture. These corrupt rulers caused untold suffering among the people of Jomaga, and it is very likely that avenging the loss of loved ones was a prime motivator in this action. It is no exaggeration to say that such scenes were repeated thousands of times over in the homes of common people during the years of conflict in Jomaga.
Also, similar episodes have taken place in countless other upheavals resulting in the removal of a government.
As such the delegate of Atsehi due to arrive by outrigger canoe in the capital city of Jomaga some time tomorrow will pay respects to all the dead in the Jomaga conflict where our gracious hosts tell us is appropriate. Atsehi also extends an offer of emergency food and medical personnel to ease the transition to independence, as well as what financial assistance we can offer the fledgeling government of Jomaga.
Welcome to the community of nations Jomaga, and may this last spasm of violence in your land be the last one for a long time to come.
Borman Empire
29-05-2006, 15:57
Official Imperial Decree:
Acting on the will of our allies and in their protection, any hostile action taken against the nation of Jomaga, Vizion, or Jarridia will be viewed as an act of war upon Borman Empire. We will invade you. We will rape and enslave you. Don't fuck with us.
The silence of a dark night in an Imperial port was shattered as mens voices started ringing out everywhere. Ship creaking and groaning erupted as horns beat the air. Denizens of the port town were un-accustomed to this, a real night time mobilization had never taken place at night in thier lives before, besides the elders; the Empire had been at peace for so long. Only day time drills occured.
Naval forces were being mobilized, the only question was, how much?
South Guacamole
29-05-2006, 23:17
We would like to offer our support to the nation of Jomaga in the form of the recognition of your legitimacy as a newly formed nation and therefore your right to soverignty. The Republic of South Guacamole publicly condems the hegemonic, unprovoked, stance taken by your enemies to deny you this right.
War is a representation of the destruction of the tapestry of humanity and as a nation we will do everything in our power to find a diplomatic alternative to this unfortunate situation.
Furthermore we extent to you whatever economic aid we can to rebuild your airport and other infastructure with no conditions attached.
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jackie Warner, delivering message directly from the President of South Guacamole.
29-05-2006, 23:39
The cities of Sentiauhk wish to make an alliance with the Jomagans. We need money to get our country together, and we have plenty of resources in return. Both being small, we can benefit and grow much quicker if we work together.
By laws common in nations with monarch leaders anyone of the bloodline can take the throne. If one of the children grew power hungry then he would be able to take the throne. At least they made the death as quick as possible. If they didn't die then who knows what might have befallen these people. I think they were right in their descision. If anyone attacks them we will defend Jomaga.
30-05-2006, 05:40
Executive Order #7982-87.45
It has been declared that, in light of the growing crisis and irrationality of the opposing governments, Jarridia must fully mobilize its military in the event that a attack is necessary. Let it be written that the Jarridian military will make no exceptions and at the first sight of harm or danger, they are ordered to fight and obliterate.
This is not a formal declaration of war, and shall not be seen in such case. This mobilization can and will only be cancelled by the joint agreement of the Jarridian Congress and that of President Kasilyn J. Branam and her staff. The President has hereby ordered the following:
- All air traffic to and from Kravania shall cease at once.
- As soon as Jarridian military personnel arrive, all trade into and out of Kravania (dealing with any nation) will cease and a temporary embargo and blockade will be in effect until further notice.
- Any attack upon Jarridian craft will be seen as nothing short as an act of war and will be responded to immediately.
- Any attack on Jarridian allies and their military will be seen as an act of war and, in kind, will be responded to.
Having listed those few points, details of the Jarridian mobilization will follow. Thank you.
Jointly Declared,
Kasilyn J. Branam
Kimberly Shaffir
Esteemed Members of Congress
Armed Forces:
Infantry: 3,577,000
Marines: 2,235,000
Modern Armor (5 ea): 598
Tanks (10 ea): 1,065
Radar Artillery: 15,458
Carriers: 20
Battleships: 45
Cruisers: 90
Destroyers: 125
AEGIS Cruisers: 104
Submarines: 138
Air Force:
F-15: 4,657
F-16: 3,658
F-22: 5,869
F-117: 4,326
B-2: 565
Drones: 1,145
Cruise Missiles (250 ea): 2,654
Jarridian Lonestar Missile (500 ea): 6,584
Nuclear ICBM: [Ready Mode] 450
30-05-2006, 05:52
ViZion applauds Jarridia in this move, and wishes to follow them, mobilizing some of its own troops. ViZion is mobilizing one million infanty. ViZion also is prepping for a missile strike if required. All other mobilization information is currently classified.
The Silver Sky
30-05-2006, 06:01
The Silver Sky will follow within the footsteps of it's Jarridian and ViZionarian Allies, the 4th Theater Force has been called up and the embarkation of the 3rd Theater Force as well as the 3rd and 4th Naval Armadas will be hurried. Strategic assests have been put on DefCon 3.
All other mobilization informations is classified.
30-05-2006, 21:44
OOC: Can someone give me an update on the status of this RP, what all has happened I have been fomulating strategry on NS Draftroom and have not been able to get on this RP
The Silver Sky
30-05-2006, 21:49
OOC: Not much, people deploying forces to Jomaga's defence, posturing, that's it basically. Also, here is the link for the war thread if you missed it