When Stars Fall On A Dead World (FT, ATTN Icecrown Glaciar)
This follows the events in Into the Realm Eternal (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=482048) and To Breed A Weapon (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=483764)
In the skys of Quel'thelas smoking rocks fell from the heavens. The comet hyren streaked across the sky in a trail of fire.
All was not right as they landed on one of the peaks overlooking the smoking ruins of Silvermoon. The stench of death was thick in the air and the shadowy whispers of the tainted Sunwell hunted all remaining life.
All signs warned for them to move on but their leader was arrogant and the power he felt here drove him to stay, to try to claim it for himself.
Icecrown Glaciar
05-06-2006, 01:37
The Sunwell lay, corrupt and defiled, its ancient power bent and twisted to the will of Kel'thuzad. The Lich and his apothecaries had had great success; the highly reactive magickal energies of the Sunwell tamed to the production of the "Netherdrive". Just as the water of the wells had acted, long long ago, as a conduit for the legion, so could its power be exploited, used to transport vessels through the Nether, through realities.
Such glories were but the tip of the iceberg; the beginnings of his great researchs. He knew there was much to do; much to plan...And such things would be his, tamed for the glory of the Scourge. The Lich King would reward him his discoveries; he would-
He paused; glancing skyward, hissing in annoyance. Something was coming; something that bore power. How dare they invade his realm; how dare they defy him, disturb his most precious work!
They would pay in blood.
They had come across a small elf village that had been burned to the ground, its inhabitants slaughtered. The sight angered the hyren and his kin. These peacefull creatures had been so full of life and power. He thought that the rage that built in him came from the attrocities he saw, but it actually came from the haunting frustration from feeling the corrupting power of the Sunwell just out of his reach. Every moment he stayed drove him closer and closer to madness.
They were gathering now, on the cliffs of the mountains above Silvermoon. A few made passes over the city to take a look. All the while the Sunwell tugged at the back of the leader's mind.
Icecrown Glaciar
06-07-2006, 16:50
Weapons howled forth against the sky-dwelling intruders, countless energy blasts and raw gouts of magickal energy had thusfar failed to dislodge these interlopers from high above Silvermoon. But such things would come in time. Ghouls prowled the cliffs now, in search of fresh flesh. Necromancers brought the restless dead to stalk their foes, Cultists invoked structures, watchtowers and defensive positions, set to stop the damned fools who had set foot upon the domain of Kel'thuzad.
The Lich himself waited, watching with almost dismissive interest as Silvermoon became evermore a bastion of Scourge might.
These fools were enough of a distraction, not to mention the isolated pockets of Elven resistance who flourished within the as-yet untamed forests of Quel'thelas. Much had burned, much had been lost.
But there was still much to conquer.