Last Crusade (CLOSED MT war, Verusan Alliance ONLY,but NOT Pueri)
Sol Giuldor
24-05-2006, 17:33
May 24, 2006
Verusan Alliance Space Station
12:26 PM
A small communications sattelite draws closer to the station. The ordinary-looking orbiter bleeps softly as its small rocket engines push it closer and closer towards the mainstay of the Verusan Alliance's military superiority. Unknown to the station, the sattelite is a BOMB, loaded with a powerful EMP blast strong enough to send the station crashing to the Earth. In a brilliant flash, the bomb detonates, seconds after a declaration of war is sent to every nation in the Verusan Alliance. Sol Giuldor has returned.
OOC: Alright guys, lets keep this civil. Realistic casuties PLEASE, and DO NOT let Pueri take part in this , he is the biggest godmodder on the face of the earth. Also, he is FT. I am MT. Therefore, he cannot even send 1 penny in aid to you, lest you guys forfiet the war. Terms? If I win, or you guys give up, I demand re-admission to the Verusan Alliance. If you guys win, my nation is yours, feel free to split it up. This is a total war, no holding back.
Sol Giuldor
24-05-2006, 17:41
To: CM of Verusan Alliance
From: The Crusader State of Sol Giuldor
We, the mighty peoples of Sol Giuldor, do regret that such use of force has become part of our efforts to rejoin your alliance, but perhaps by watching your military being shattered by my elite Templar Shock troops will awaken you to the power of my nation. Well I admit my fault in attacking Islam, I do not agree with your harsh methods of punishment. I shall yeild to a smaller posistion within the region if you let me right now, and I will pay for the repairs of your station. Refuse, and I will escalate this war to a level your foolish defense advisor could only imagine. All of your warplans shall prove worthless, for we are the Soldiers of Christ. Faith is our Shield, His Word, our blade. Our cause is just, our morale near perfect. I have spent months doing nothing but expanding my military for this war. I will even issue a formal apology to Islam, because I have no wish to leave your region a smouldering pile of rubble. Please consider my offer,
Grandmaster Dante, Lord of the Templars
Ruler of Sol Giuldor
I know the limitations of the tech levels, but you have pushed the button a little too far. Even though I am future tech, I hereby respond to your decleration of war with this:
Halt your attack, or none of your "Elite Templars" will live to see the apples fall.
I am also changing my tech lvl from future to modern for the sole purpose of being able to wage war on you.
From the president of Cirteo to Sol Giuldor:
Screw yourself. Your inability to stop baking Jews in Gas Ovens is sick.
All nations that see this post: This is no longer closed. Go ahead and join our side if you want to prevent a holocaust.
Bombing my space station is godmodding. That doesn't count.
In the capital of Cirteo, the President addressed the people.
" My comrades, we are in the center of an international crisis. I ask that this message get out to the whole world. Sol Giuldor has begun a genocide, killing all noncatholics. I am mobilizing our military. Our Space Station has already thwarted an attack on Civilian Astronaut."...
Again, all nations may join this if they want to save the Jews.
Sol Giuldor
30-05-2006, 17:04
Cirteo's claims that we are the Neo Nazi region of the present are unfounded! He mistakes state religion for Nazism, he does not know that his beloved Communist party killed more Jews then the Nazis could ever dream of!
OOC: Hitting your Space Station is NOT godmodding! Besides, it was launced from WITHIN the Verusan Alliance! Yes, there is a traitor in your midst! You think your communist policies inspired unquetionable loyalty, HA! Your trust will cost you dearly!
Adress from Sol Giuldor to the world:
"To our brothers in Christ:
Cirteo cries genocide because he is weak and foolish! He does not comprehed the fact that secualr goverments fail! He mistakes Islam for a "Peace Loving" religion, when in reality THEY desire the next holocaust, not us. How can you call a religion that calls for the obliteration of Israel peaceful? They kill Christians and Jews, Cirteo is blind to this. Join us, as we fell this corrupt and evil regime that calls itself the Verusan Allaince! God wills it!"
Sol Giuldor
30-05-2006, 17:07
Sol Giuldor War Room
May 30, 2006
Two keys turned simultaneously. Grandmaster Dante silently pushed the big red button labled Last Crusade. Across Sol Giuldor, 100 ICBM's lifted off of the ground, and headed for Pueri. Meanwhile, super-high altitude bombers began flying towards Cirteo, while the Crusader Navy set sail, escorting an armada of Templar shock troops. The war has begun....
"Hey bubba, what the hell's that?"
"Dunno. Maybe it's some new aircraft."
"Let's get moving. MOVE OUT!"
As the tanks of 1st Squad moved across the borde to Sol Giuldor, They looked back. They were instantly flash-blinded by the series of rocking explosions that destroyed everything in Pueri except for the 1/2 mile by 1/2 mile stretch of ground they were on.
"Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! Those were ICBMs! Alright boys, it's time to KATN!"
As a side note, your suicide attack on the space station has sent it into declining orbit. Our best guys at MC placed the crash crater in you nation. They said it would land somewhere within 50mi of their predicted area, so I could get hit too.
Sol Giuldor
31-05-2006, 16:30
Ahem. 1st Fleet moves slowly but surely north, escorting an armada of Templar landing craft. As the fleet draws closer to Cirteo, precision ICBMS launched from Sol Giuldor targeted every major city on the south coast. Meanwhile, a force of 1,000 B-2 stealth bombers draws closer at high altitude to the capital of the city.
To the south, a force of 2,000 tanks approached Pueri, via landing craft. Only a small portion of the country had survived the nuclear holocaust unleashed by the Last Crusade scenario. However, a small tank division had survived the attack. It is now time to remedy that...
Nova Boozia
31-05-2006, 17:31
Schnapsemarschall Hallget carefully adjusted his greatcoat.
"We're rolling, boss."
"Ahem. People of the world, of all religions, all countries, and all politics, let this be a message to you and a representation of my countries opinion of you."
He held up a single finger. Guess which one.
"However, I must say that of the three of you, Cirteo seems the least insane, and since my lads our getting a little bored, everyone else dies."
"Sieg nach Boozia" played as the recording ended.
"Status of first fleet."
"Ready and waiting."
My tanks are amphibious. I know that Patton didn't have amph-traks, but this is the modern world.
"Tangos approaching at 20ck, sir."
"Open fire w/ AP shells. Save the U-238's for close range where we can't miss. Cross the water!"
OOC- You cannot ask for divine intervention. It is godmodding.
This is a defense agianst a Satanist invasion. Choose your side, Boozia. The living, or the dead.
"Tanks in range for our mine layers to begin working, sir."
"Get within 5ck, then act like your running away. Drop mines as you retreat. When you see the coast of Pueri, make your last stand."
Sol Giuldor, you will take casualties from this. It's inescapable.
The rest of the Pueri army(they're FT, so they can't fight) watched as a huge fireball passed overhead and sank into the distance. A short time later, they saw a huge explosion. The meteor had landed on Sol Giuldor coastline.
Nova Boozia
02-06-2006, 07:37
First fleet hove round, throwing up impressive bow waves which glinted in the sun. The whole armada was essentially a carrier battlegroup. On some serious steroids. The mighty Schmaldt could make mincemeat of a Nimitz, and the two battleships that accompanied her for big gun value were hardly weak either. The last fleet HVU was a squadron of six missile destroyers with enough ordnance to level a city block. Around these, in an inner, outer, and picket screen, were the real meat of the navy: AAW frigates, ASW destroyers, and gun cruisers, while submarines prowled the perimeter of the fleet like aquatic wolves circling a campfire. Ahead, recon subs popped up from below the layer to launch drone-buoyes, little machines that did a ping of their surroundings and transmitted it, scrambled, back to the sub, which then fled pursuit and sent its hard-won info to the fleet. Behind, the "camp followers" which made up the bulk of any navy, tankers, replenishers, and hospital ships, clustered together for protection, forming a solid screen around amphibious landing craft.
"Admiral Erhardt. The Sol Guildor fleet will be with in range of our Hinterblazers in fifteen minutes, aircraft in thirty, and battleship guns and long range missiles in forty-five. We should be able to get firing solutions on the landing craft via the drone-buoys."
"Excellent. Halt all logistical and assault ships, and open up on the landing craft with missiles at battleship range while the twins themselves target any enemy carriers, begin a general engagement at cruiser range. Escorts to use heavily overlapping fire umbrellas to shield the HVUs from harm, missile destroyers destroy invasion vessels then take new orders, standard "kill the big boys" tactics for the BBs, aircraft to do whatever the hell I say. Cruisers engage in a broadside slogging match, all escorts engage in escortly activities."
Far ahead, a Hinterblazer, using its high crush depth to hide from prying sonar, ascended to the thermocline, the layer beneath which a submarine was blind and invisible to anything but another submarine or a really deep VDS. Momentarily visible, it launched a drone and dived, spinning to return to the fleet, while another did exactly the same some way away. The drones pinged and transmitted frantically, until they bobbed up to the surface and did a hurried radar sweep.
OOC: Please post the rough formation of your fleet. Oh, and I'm PMT, so if you don't want me, just say.
Sol Giuldor
02-06-2006, 17:37
OOC: GOODBYE BOOZIA! THIS IS A CLOSED POST, SRRY MAN, CIrteo doesn't have the authority to declare it open.
Admiral Karrish observed the arrproaching amphibious tanks with minor curiosity. Mindlessly, she flipped a switch and laughed as 40 shallow-skim torps launched towards the tanks group. Shockingly, the tanks got off a round of AP shells, that damaged the destroyer God's Fury. Oh well.
Sol Giuldor
02-06-2006, 17:43
Cirteon Front
2 miles off the coast of South Cirteo
Fleet Group 1 began to fire into the coast, as landing craft prepared for the assault. Precesion-guidedd missiles soared over the fleet, from missile destroyers. The Cirteon coast certaintly was taking a pounding..
Unfortunately, as of yet, Sol Giuldor's 7 aircraft carriers, launching recon planes, had been unable to locate any of the Cirteon Fleet, however, the coming blitz should hurt the Cirteo military so badly, that thier large and powerful navy would be unable to turn the tide. Sol Giuldor itself was well defended by large fortress', however 2 army groups had been left behind for the sake of, well, it IS Cirteo...
nuclear ICBM's targeted Cirteo's largest cities, while bombers area-bombed everything that resembled a factory.
As the tanks were fleeing, the Commisar looked back and saw 40 trails headed his way at high speeds.
"There go the mines...," he muttered as he pushed a red button. Behind him all but one of the torpedoes went off course and headed for the explosions. The last one kept coming.
"Oh god...."
The rest of this com-log rests at sea w/ the Commisar. It is our belief that the topedo hit his tank.
Sol Giuldor
02-06-2006, 23:23
The Admrial laughed as the silly little mines stopped a few torpedo's. Pressing another button, a volley of artillery shells fell on the tanks. Since all army groups had been recalled to Cirteo, for the invasion, only this fleet remained away from the main front.
The second in command was recently blown up by what we believe to be a 50" shell. The rest of the group suffered light casualties.
As the tanks fell back after the barrage, the turrets swiveled, the sheels were loaded, and the guns fired. 70 shells went skyward (my tanks are double barreled). As the turrets swiveled back in place, the U-238- enhanced shells hit the fleet........
How big are your landing craft, ACS or ACL?
Sol Giuldor
05-06-2006, 16:42
Radiation Laced explopsions rocked the fleet. The Admiral frowned as a destroyer took multiple dierct hits, and fell into the depths of the ocean. Fortunately, Sol Giuldor troops where trained well in radiation counter-measures. Grabbing rad suits, sailors launced another round of high-explosive shells. This would wipe out the entire force...
Sol Giuldor
05-06-2006, 16:46
The pounding of Cirteo continued...
Every city had been hit by bombing raids, while the coast was pounded by wave after wave of artillery shells. ICBMs landed outside the capital. Soon Sol Giuldor would be triumphant.
Almost as a somewhat cruel act of God, none of the shells blew up. Instead, they punched entrance and exit holes in the tanks, drowning the occupants of ten tanks and losing five more tanks. My current # of tanks is 20, but personnel is 75. All personnel in tanks must be at least a marksman with pistol, so if worst comes to worst, they can fight to the last.
The remainder of the tanks had mixed thoughts about what to do. After much arguing, they agreed to follow the fleet and take revenge, even if it cost them their lives........
Sol Giuldor
06-06-2006, 17:24
Sol Giuldor Newspaper
Today, Cirteo and Sol Giuldor came to a month-long cease fire. During this time, negotiations will begin as to attempt and find a suitable alternative to war. This allows Sol Giuldor to devote full military attention onto the small force of tanks harassing the 2nd fleet. Grandmaster Dante, in a public adress earlier this morning said:
"God has granted us this time of peace. We hope that this misunderstanding can be cured, and the great peoplpes of Cirteo and Sol Giuldor can stand united again! Rest assured, citizens, that the annoying remnant of Pueri's army will be CRUSHED utterly!"
Aircraft carriers have launched modified Tornadoes and Harriers carrying tankbuster missiles. Attack runs have been going on all day.
Sol Giuldor
06-06-2006, 17:31
The guns are silent. The pockmarked countryside of Cirteo is no longer struck by missiles, bombs and artillery shells. The mighty Crusader fleet of Sol Giuldor has pulled back to international waters. The crashing space station is about 24 hours away from impact, RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF SOL GIULDOR
Particle cannons point toward the sky, waiting for a chance to cut the station into harmless pieces. Bomber crews play poker and drink outside their aicraft. Grandmaster Dante has sent a peace offering to Cirteo, although surely his country has suffered under the nuclear and conventional onslaught...
HOW Big Are Your Landing Craft-LCS Or LCL?
"Aircraft on the right, sir."
"Alright. Launch the SAM's. Save the incendiaries for the ships."
The acting Commisar watched with approval at the smoke trails the missiles left.
Sol Giuldor
15-06-2006, 20:20
The Eurofighters laughed at the puny brigade of tanks, and released countermeasures, sending the SAMS off in all directions. Missiles soared forth from the bays, soon pueri would juts be a memory...
OOC: My LC's are HUGE Oh, and you have LOST. Meaning, you all have to admit defeat, apologize to me, and crusade against the dogs in Islam
Cirteo may have "lost", but there is still a fighter in the region.
"Great, they have Hornets. We're dead. To the fleet!"
As the tanks steamed ahead, the missiles took their toll.
OOC: I can't list a casualty report until I know how many aircraft your carrier is capable of launching or carrying. Launch rates need to be in how many per minute.
Us crusading against Islam was not part of the agreement. We can still crusade against Catholicism instead of Christianity as a whole.