23-05-2006, 05:29
Mationbuds Imperial Military Storefront
Welcome to the Mationbuds Military Storefront . Because today is the Grand Opening , for the next 4 RL Days , all items on sale will be going at a 5% discount to 10% Discount .
Here you will find capital ships , warships , starfighters , tanks and such . Feel free to purchase them if you want to .
**During 4 RL Dats - Discounts :
--5% to Everyone
--8% to Allies of Mationbuds
--10% to Allies with Military Ties , Members in the Galactic Empire , Confederation of Independent Planets and the Interstellar Alliance of Worlds .
**After 4 RL Days - Discounts :
--4% to All Allies of Mationbuds , Allies with Military Ties , Members in the Galactic Empire , Confederation of Independent Planets and the Interstellar Alliance of Worlds .
--3% to Nations below population of 100 Million
--2% to Nations upon Request with reason .
Yammosk :
Dovin Basal :
------------------------Capital Ships/Star Ships---------------------------
*Note : Price upon request
*Dovin Basals can be purchased for $5000 Credits apiece and $8000 a Pair
*Yammosks can be purchased for $10 000 Credits
*No copying of Technology allowed
1)Imperial Star Destroyer (MKIII)/(Elite)
Length: 1,600 meters
Crew: 36,810, gunners: 275, skeleton: 5,000
Passengers: 9,700 (troops)
Cargo Capacity: 36,000 metric tons , 1 Prefabricated Base , 1 Yammosk
Weapons: 60 Turbolaser Batteries, 60 Ion cannons, 10 Tractor Beam Projectors, Proton Torpedo Launchers , Concussion Missile Launchers , Truncheon Missile Launchers
Starfighters: 1 wing (6 squadrons) of various TIE-class starfighters for a total of 72 and 2 Squadrons of Scimitar Assult Bombers
Other carried vehicles: 12 landing barges 20 AT-AT walkers 30 AT-ST walkers 8 Lambda-class Imperial Shuttles 15 Stormtrooper Transports 5 Assault Gunboats.
2)VictoryII Star Destroyer
Length: 900 meters
Crew: 5,881, gunners: 226, skeleton: 2,100
Passengers: 2,040 (troops)
Cargo Capacity: 8,100 metric tons , 1 Yammosk
Weapons: 20 Turbolaser Batteries, 50 Double Turbolaser Cannons, 10 Ion Cannons, 10 Tractor Beam Projectors, 80 Concussion Mssile Tube Launchers , 60 Truncheon Missile Launchers
Starfighters: 2 Squadrons of TIE-class Fighters for a total of 24 and 1 Squadron of Scimitar Assult Bomber
3)Mon Calamari Star Cruiser (MC80)
Type: Converted Star Cruiser
Length: 1,200 meters
Crew: 5,402 (688 officers, 4734 enlisted)
Troops: 1,200
Cargo Capacity: 20,000 metric tons , 1 Yammosk
Weapons: 48 Turbo Lasers, 20 Ion Cannon, 6 Tractor Beam Projectors , 80 Concussion Missile Tubes , 50 Truncheon Missile Tubes
Starfighters: 36 Fighters, 24 Bombers, 4 Shuttles
4)Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser
Type: Medium Cruiser
Length: 600 meters
Crew: 16,113, gunners: 97, skeleton: 9,000
Passengers: 3,000 (troops)
Cargo Capacity: 9,000 metric tons , 1 Yammosk
Consumables: 2 years
Weapons: 10 Turbolaser Batteries, 20 Quad Laser Cannons, 10 Quad Laser Cannons , 60 Concussion Missile Tubes , 40 Truncheon Missile Launchers
Starfighters: 1 Squadron TIE-class fighter and 1 Squadron of Scimitar Assult Bomber
5)Interdictor Cruiser
Length: 600 meters
Crew: 2,783, gunners: 24, skeleton: 1,500
Passengers: 80 (troops)
Cargo Capacity: 5,500 metric tons , 1 Yammosk
Weapons: 20 Quad Laser Cannons, 4 Gravity Well Projectors
Starfighters: 1 Squadron TIE-class Fighters
Other Craft: 1 Lambda-class Shuttle, 3 Stormtrooper Transports
6)Escort Carrier
Type: Heavy starfighter/shuttle carrier
Length: 500 meters
Crew: 3,485, gunners: 20, skeleton: 1,500
Passengers: 800 (troops)
Weapons: 10 Twin Laser Cannons
Starfighters: 1 Wing for a total of 72 TIE fighters of any mix.
Other Vessels: 2 Assault Transports 2 shuttles
7)Strike Medium Cruiser
Type: Strike-class Medium Cruiser
Length: 450 meters
Crew: 1,972, gunners: 140, skeleton: 800
Passengers: 340 (troops)
Weapons: 30 Turbolasers, 10 Ion Cannons, 10 Tractor Beam Projectors , 40 Concussion Missile Tubes , 20 Truncheon Missile Tubes
Starfighters: 1 squadron of TIE-class fighters
8)Carrack Class Light Cruiser
Engine: Ion sublight engines
Lenght: 350 meters
Crew: 1,007
Troop capacity: 142
Cargo capacity: 3,500 metric tons
Weapons: 10 heavy turbo lasers, 20 quad lasor cannon, 5 tractor-beam projectors
Starfighters: 4 TIE recon fighters/scouts
9)Nebulon-B Frigate
Length: 300 meters
Crew: 920 (78 officers, 842 enlisted)
Passengers: 75(Troops)
Cargo Capacity: 6,000 metric tons
Weapons: 12 Turbolaser batteries, 12 Quad Laser cannons, 2 Tractor beam projectors
Starfighters: 2 Squadrons of TIE fighters
10)Lancer Class Frigate
Type: Heavy Starfighter/Shuttle Carrier
Length: 250 meters long
Crew: 810 Crew and 40 Gunners
Weapons: 20 Quad laser cannons
Shield: Unknown
Hull: Unknown
Crew: 850
Troop Capacity: 100 Imperial stormtroopers
11)Eclipse Class Star Draednaught
Length: 17.5-kilometer
Cargo : 2 Prefabricated Bases , 2 Yammosks
Starfighters: 600 TIE Interceptors and 96 Scimitar Assult Bombers, divided into 58 squadrons
Weapons: Thousands of Turbolaser and Heavy Turbolaser cannons , 10 Gravity Well Projectors , 100 Tractor Beam Projectors, 300 Ion cannons, 1 Superlaser, 150 Concussion Missile Tubes , 100 Truncheon Missile Tubes , 20 Nova Torpedo Tubes , 50 Nova Cannons , 9 Heavy Energy Cannon Systems
Ground Assult: 150,000 Imperial Stormtroopers, 100 AT-ATs,
Crew: 700,000
12)Executor Class Super Star Dreadnaught
Length: 19 kilometers
Cargo : 2 Prefabricated Bases , 2 Yammosks
Weapons: 250 heavy turbolaser batteries, 250 turbolaser batteries, 250 concussion missile tubes, 250 ion cannons, and 40 tractor beam projectors, 100 Concussion Missile Tubes , 80 Truncheon Missile Tubes , 10 Nova Torpedo Tubes , 40 Nova Cannons , 8 Heavy Energy Cannon Systems
Starfighters: 144/216/"thousands" of fighters
13)Twilek Class Mothership
Class : Mothership Vessel
Primary Designer and Builder : Mationbuds Corp
Length : 20 kilometers
Cargo : 3 Prefabricated Bases , 2 Yammosks
Crew : 702,000
Weapons : 600 Turbolaser Batteries , 300 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries , 200 Ion Cannons , 80 Heavy Ion Cannons , 20 Tractor Beams and 100 Quad Turbolaser Batteries , 100 Concussion Missile Tubes , 60 Truncheon Missile Launchers
Starfighters : 15 (90) Squadrons of TIE Fighters , 10 Squadrons of X-Wings and 5 Squadrons of B-Wings .
Misc Ships : 10 Shield Web Generator Ships (To surround fleet and create a massive and strong Shield Web capable of withstanding heavy enemy fire and disintegrates foreign objects upon entrance)
Ground Assult Force : 10,000 Vanguard Troops , 20,000 Battle Droids , 15,000 Super Battle Droids , 200 Droidekas , 15 AT-ATs , 20 AT-TEs , 40 AT-STs , 50 AT-PTs , 500 Hover Tanks , 50 Clone Turbo Tanks , 50 Lambada Class Shuttles and 40 Republic Assult Shuttles .
14)Czardas Class Cruisers
Class : Ship to Ship Assult Cruiser
Primary Designer and Builder : Mationsbuds Corp
Length : 700 metres
Crew : 2,000 + The Individual Starfighters and Ships Crew
Weapons : 80 Turbolaser Batteries , 20 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries , 20 Ion Cannons , 10 Heavy Ion Cannons , 4 Tractor Beams
Starfighers : 4 Squadrons of TIE Fighters , 3 Squadrons of X-Wings , 2 Squadrons of A-Wings
Specialised Ships : 30 "Hull Braching Boarding Ships" , 5 "Explosive Laden Attack Crafts"
15)Wraith Class Super Star Destroyer/Dreadnaught
Length : 15.6 km
Complement : 295,152 men
Cargo : 1 Prefabricated Base , 1 Yammosk
Weapons : 1 Superlaser , 520 Heavy Turbolasers , Turbolasers 1,154 , Laser Cannons 3,172 , 576 Ion Cannons , Missile Tubes 1,384 , 10 Nova Cannons , 12 Nova Torpedo Launchers , 5 Heavy Energy Cannon System
Fighters : 20 Wings
Troops : Up to 1 Legion
16)Enslaver Class Super Star Destroyer
Length : 14 km
Complement : 212,056 men
Cargo : 1 Prefabricated Base , 1 Yammosk
Weapons : 1 Superlaser , Heavy Turbolasers : 400 , Turbolasers : 500 , Laser Cannons : 2000 , Ion Cannons : 200 , Missile Tubes : 2000 , 8 Nova Cannons , 10 Nova Torpedo Launchers , 2 Heavy Energy Cannon Systems
Fighters : 2 Wings
Troops : Up to 1 Division (Around 10,000 Troops)
17)Adjudicator Class Cruiser
Type : Heavy Cruiser
Length : 625 Metres
Crew : 2,034
Troops : 3,500
Weapons : 12 Heavy Turbolasers , 20 Turbolaser Batteries , 16 Double Laser Cannons , 4 Tractor Beam Projectors , 20 Concussion Missile Tubes , 10 Truncheon Missile Tubes
Starfighters : 3 Squadrons of TIE Fighters
18)Vindili Class Multi-Purpose Ship
Primary Designer and Builder : Mationsbuds Corp
Length : 500 Metres
Crew : 1,500
Troops : 800 Vanguard Troops
Weapons : 8 Heavy Turbolasers , 10 Turbolaser Batteries , 12 Double Laser Cannons , 2 tractor Beam Projectors , 25 Concussion Missile Tubes , 15 Truncheon Missile Tubes
Defensive Systems : EMP Wave Guns (For disabling electronic equipment - targeting sys etc and enemy missiles) , Anti-Missile Shield Systems (Able to absorb most enemy explosions) , Heavy EMP Wave Guns (shoots a high frequency wave of EMP which is capable of disabling starfighters and even small warships)
Starfighters : 2 Squadrons of X-Wings
Primary Equipment : 2 Cloaking Device Generators , 1 Holonet Jamming Device
Info : Used to cloak whole fleets and can also jamm enemy communication lines .
19)Defender Class Light Cruiser
Primary Designer and builder : Mationbuds Corp
Length : 300 Metres
Crew : 800
Weapons : 10 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries , 10 Ion Cannons , 8 Tractor Beams , 20 Proton Torpedo Launchers , 20 Concussion Missile Launchers , 15 Truncheon Torpedo Launchers
Starfighters : 4 Squadrons (6) of X-Wings , TIE Interceptors and B-Wings
Troops : 300 Vanguard Troops , 200 Clone Troopers , 10 Hover Tanks , 1 AT-AT/AT-TE
Purpose : Mainly used for exploration and small scale skirmishes or attacks or planetary patrol .
20)Vagabond Star Destroyer
Primary Desginer and Builder : Mationbuds Corp
Length : 1,500 Metres
Cargo : 1 Yammosk
Crew : 35,000 Crew , 300 Gunners , 4,500 Skeleton
Weapons : 60 Turbolaser Batteries, 60 Ion cannons, 10 Tractor Beam Projectors, Proton Torpedo Launchers , Concussion Missile Launchers , Truncheon Missile Launchers , 1 Heavy Energy Cannon System
Starfighters : 1 Wing of X-Wings , TIE Interceptors , TIE Fighters , Scimitar Assult Bombers , B/Y-Wings
Troops : 5,500 Troops , 8 AT-AT/AT-TEs , 100 Hover Tanks , 4 Artillery Groups
Special Systems : SCS System
Welcome to the Mationbuds Military Storefront . Because today is the Grand Opening , for the next 4 RL Days , all items on sale will be going at a 5% discount to 10% Discount .
Here you will find capital ships , warships , starfighters , tanks and such . Feel free to purchase them if you want to .
**During 4 RL Dats - Discounts :
--5% to Everyone
--8% to Allies of Mationbuds
--10% to Allies with Military Ties , Members in the Galactic Empire , Confederation of Independent Planets and the Interstellar Alliance of Worlds .
**After 4 RL Days - Discounts :
--4% to All Allies of Mationbuds , Allies with Military Ties , Members in the Galactic Empire , Confederation of Independent Planets and the Interstellar Alliance of Worlds .
--3% to Nations below population of 100 Million
--2% to Nations upon Request with reason .
Yammosk :
Dovin Basal :
------------------------Capital Ships/Star Ships---------------------------
*Note : Price upon request
*Dovin Basals can be purchased for $5000 Credits apiece and $8000 a Pair
*Yammosks can be purchased for $10 000 Credits
*No copying of Technology allowed
1)Imperial Star Destroyer (MKIII)/(Elite)
Length: 1,600 meters
Crew: 36,810, gunners: 275, skeleton: 5,000
Passengers: 9,700 (troops)
Cargo Capacity: 36,000 metric tons , 1 Prefabricated Base , 1 Yammosk
Weapons: 60 Turbolaser Batteries, 60 Ion cannons, 10 Tractor Beam Projectors, Proton Torpedo Launchers , Concussion Missile Launchers , Truncheon Missile Launchers
Starfighters: 1 wing (6 squadrons) of various TIE-class starfighters for a total of 72 and 2 Squadrons of Scimitar Assult Bombers
Other carried vehicles: 12 landing barges 20 AT-AT walkers 30 AT-ST walkers 8 Lambda-class Imperial Shuttles 15 Stormtrooper Transports 5 Assault Gunboats.
2)VictoryII Star Destroyer
Length: 900 meters
Crew: 5,881, gunners: 226, skeleton: 2,100
Passengers: 2,040 (troops)
Cargo Capacity: 8,100 metric tons , 1 Yammosk
Weapons: 20 Turbolaser Batteries, 50 Double Turbolaser Cannons, 10 Ion Cannons, 10 Tractor Beam Projectors, 80 Concussion Mssile Tube Launchers , 60 Truncheon Missile Launchers
Starfighters: 2 Squadrons of TIE-class Fighters for a total of 24 and 1 Squadron of Scimitar Assult Bomber
3)Mon Calamari Star Cruiser (MC80)
Type: Converted Star Cruiser
Length: 1,200 meters
Crew: 5,402 (688 officers, 4734 enlisted)
Troops: 1,200
Cargo Capacity: 20,000 metric tons , 1 Yammosk
Weapons: 48 Turbo Lasers, 20 Ion Cannon, 6 Tractor Beam Projectors , 80 Concussion Missile Tubes , 50 Truncheon Missile Tubes
Starfighters: 36 Fighters, 24 Bombers, 4 Shuttles
4)Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser
Type: Medium Cruiser
Length: 600 meters
Crew: 16,113, gunners: 97, skeleton: 9,000
Passengers: 3,000 (troops)
Cargo Capacity: 9,000 metric tons , 1 Yammosk
Consumables: 2 years
Weapons: 10 Turbolaser Batteries, 20 Quad Laser Cannons, 10 Quad Laser Cannons , 60 Concussion Missile Tubes , 40 Truncheon Missile Launchers
Starfighters: 1 Squadron TIE-class fighter and 1 Squadron of Scimitar Assult Bomber
5)Interdictor Cruiser
Length: 600 meters
Crew: 2,783, gunners: 24, skeleton: 1,500
Passengers: 80 (troops)
Cargo Capacity: 5,500 metric tons , 1 Yammosk
Weapons: 20 Quad Laser Cannons, 4 Gravity Well Projectors
Starfighters: 1 Squadron TIE-class Fighters
Other Craft: 1 Lambda-class Shuttle, 3 Stormtrooper Transports
6)Escort Carrier
Type: Heavy starfighter/shuttle carrier
Length: 500 meters
Crew: 3,485, gunners: 20, skeleton: 1,500
Passengers: 800 (troops)
Weapons: 10 Twin Laser Cannons
Starfighters: 1 Wing for a total of 72 TIE fighters of any mix.
Other Vessels: 2 Assault Transports 2 shuttles
7)Strike Medium Cruiser
Type: Strike-class Medium Cruiser
Length: 450 meters
Crew: 1,972, gunners: 140, skeleton: 800
Passengers: 340 (troops)
Weapons: 30 Turbolasers, 10 Ion Cannons, 10 Tractor Beam Projectors , 40 Concussion Missile Tubes , 20 Truncheon Missile Tubes
Starfighters: 1 squadron of TIE-class fighters
8)Carrack Class Light Cruiser
Engine: Ion sublight engines
Lenght: 350 meters
Crew: 1,007
Troop capacity: 142
Cargo capacity: 3,500 metric tons
Weapons: 10 heavy turbo lasers, 20 quad lasor cannon, 5 tractor-beam projectors
Starfighters: 4 TIE recon fighters/scouts
9)Nebulon-B Frigate
Length: 300 meters
Crew: 920 (78 officers, 842 enlisted)
Passengers: 75(Troops)
Cargo Capacity: 6,000 metric tons
Weapons: 12 Turbolaser batteries, 12 Quad Laser cannons, 2 Tractor beam projectors
Starfighters: 2 Squadrons of TIE fighters
10)Lancer Class Frigate
Type: Heavy Starfighter/Shuttle Carrier
Length: 250 meters long
Crew: 810 Crew and 40 Gunners
Weapons: 20 Quad laser cannons
Shield: Unknown
Hull: Unknown
Crew: 850
Troop Capacity: 100 Imperial stormtroopers
11)Eclipse Class Star Draednaught
Length: 17.5-kilometer
Cargo : 2 Prefabricated Bases , 2 Yammosks
Starfighters: 600 TIE Interceptors and 96 Scimitar Assult Bombers, divided into 58 squadrons
Weapons: Thousands of Turbolaser and Heavy Turbolaser cannons , 10 Gravity Well Projectors , 100 Tractor Beam Projectors, 300 Ion cannons, 1 Superlaser, 150 Concussion Missile Tubes , 100 Truncheon Missile Tubes , 20 Nova Torpedo Tubes , 50 Nova Cannons , 9 Heavy Energy Cannon Systems
Ground Assult: 150,000 Imperial Stormtroopers, 100 AT-ATs,
Crew: 700,000
12)Executor Class Super Star Dreadnaught
Length: 19 kilometers
Cargo : 2 Prefabricated Bases , 2 Yammosks
Weapons: 250 heavy turbolaser batteries, 250 turbolaser batteries, 250 concussion missile tubes, 250 ion cannons, and 40 tractor beam projectors, 100 Concussion Missile Tubes , 80 Truncheon Missile Tubes , 10 Nova Torpedo Tubes , 40 Nova Cannons , 8 Heavy Energy Cannon Systems
Starfighters: 144/216/"thousands" of fighters
13)Twilek Class Mothership
Class : Mothership Vessel
Primary Designer and Builder : Mationbuds Corp
Length : 20 kilometers
Cargo : 3 Prefabricated Bases , 2 Yammosks
Crew : 702,000
Weapons : 600 Turbolaser Batteries , 300 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries , 200 Ion Cannons , 80 Heavy Ion Cannons , 20 Tractor Beams and 100 Quad Turbolaser Batteries , 100 Concussion Missile Tubes , 60 Truncheon Missile Launchers
Starfighters : 15 (90) Squadrons of TIE Fighters , 10 Squadrons of X-Wings and 5 Squadrons of B-Wings .
Misc Ships : 10 Shield Web Generator Ships (To surround fleet and create a massive and strong Shield Web capable of withstanding heavy enemy fire and disintegrates foreign objects upon entrance)
Ground Assult Force : 10,000 Vanguard Troops , 20,000 Battle Droids , 15,000 Super Battle Droids , 200 Droidekas , 15 AT-ATs , 20 AT-TEs , 40 AT-STs , 50 AT-PTs , 500 Hover Tanks , 50 Clone Turbo Tanks , 50 Lambada Class Shuttles and 40 Republic Assult Shuttles .
14)Czardas Class Cruisers
Class : Ship to Ship Assult Cruiser
Primary Designer and Builder : Mationsbuds Corp
Length : 700 metres
Crew : 2,000 + The Individual Starfighters and Ships Crew
Weapons : 80 Turbolaser Batteries , 20 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries , 20 Ion Cannons , 10 Heavy Ion Cannons , 4 Tractor Beams
Starfighers : 4 Squadrons of TIE Fighters , 3 Squadrons of X-Wings , 2 Squadrons of A-Wings
Specialised Ships : 30 "Hull Braching Boarding Ships" , 5 "Explosive Laden Attack Crafts"
15)Wraith Class Super Star Destroyer/Dreadnaught
Length : 15.6 km
Complement : 295,152 men
Cargo : 1 Prefabricated Base , 1 Yammosk
Weapons : 1 Superlaser , 520 Heavy Turbolasers , Turbolasers 1,154 , Laser Cannons 3,172 , 576 Ion Cannons , Missile Tubes 1,384 , 10 Nova Cannons , 12 Nova Torpedo Launchers , 5 Heavy Energy Cannon System
Fighters : 20 Wings
Troops : Up to 1 Legion
16)Enslaver Class Super Star Destroyer
Length : 14 km
Complement : 212,056 men
Cargo : 1 Prefabricated Base , 1 Yammosk
Weapons : 1 Superlaser , Heavy Turbolasers : 400 , Turbolasers : 500 , Laser Cannons : 2000 , Ion Cannons : 200 , Missile Tubes : 2000 , 8 Nova Cannons , 10 Nova Torpedo Launchers , 2 Heavy Energy Cannon Systems
Fighters : 2 Wings
Troops : Up to 1 Division (Around 10,000 Troops)
17)Adjudicator Class Cruiser
Type : Heavy Cruiser
Length : 625 Metres
Crew : 2,034
Troops : 3,500
Weapons : 12 Heavy Turbolasers , 20 Turbolaser Batteries , 16 Double Laser Cannons , 4 Tractor Beam Projectors , 20 Concussion Missile Tubes , 10 Truncheon Missile Tubes
Starfighters : 3 Squadrons of TIE Fighters
18)Vindili Class Multi-Purpose Ship
Primary Designer and Builder : Mationsbuds Corp
Length : 500 Metres
Crew : 1,500
Troops : 800 Vanguard Troops
Weapons : 8 Heavy Turbolasers , 10 Turbolaser Batteries , 12 Double Laser Cannons , 2 tractor Beam Projectors , 25 Concussion Missile Tubes , 15 Truncheon Missile Tubes
Defensive Systems : EMP Wave Guns (For disabling electronic equipment - targeting sys etc and enemy missiles) , Anti-Missile Shield Systems (Able to absorb most enemy explosions) , Heavy EMP Wave Guns (shoots a high frequency wave of EMP which is capable of disabling starfighters and even small warships)
Starfighters : 2 Squadrons of X-Wings
Primary Equipment : 2 Cloaking Device Generators , 1 Holonet Jamming Device
Info : Used to cloak whole fleets and can also jamm enemy communication lines .
19)Defender Class Light Cruiser
Primary Designer and builder : Mationbuds Corp
Length : 300 Metres
Crew : 800
Weapons : 10 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries , 10 Ion Cannons , 8 Tractor Beams , 20 Proton Torpedo Launchers , 20 Concussion Missile Launchers , 15 Truncheon Torpedo Launchers
Starfighters : 4 Squadrons (6) of X-Wings , TIE Interceptors and B-Wings
Troops : 300 Vanguard Troops , 200 Clone Troopers , 10 Hover Tanks , 1 AT-AT/AT-TE
Purpose : Mainly used for exploration and small scale skirmishes or attacks or planetary patrol .
20)Vagabond Star Destroyer
Primary Desginer and Builder : Mationbuds Corp
Length : 1,500 Metres
Cargo : 1 Yammosk
Crew : 35,000 Crew , 300 Gunners , 4,500 Skeleton
Weapons : 60 Turbolaser Batteries, 60 Ion cannons, 10 Tractor Beam Projectors, Proton Torpedo Launchers , Concussion Missile Launchers , Truncheon Missile Launchers , 1 Heavy Energy Cannon System
Starfighters : 1 Wing of X-Wings , TIE Interceptors , TIE Fighters , Scimitar Assult Bombers , B/Y-Wings
Troops : 5,500 Troops , 8 AT-AT/AT-TEs , 100 Hover Tanks , 4 Artillery Groups
Special Systems : SCS System