NS RP War! Chose your nation, it dosen't need to be NS real and then chose your stats! When posting stats, keep them in my time limit and advance realisticly.
1) Tech level late 19th centary to mid 21st centary.
2) NS World only, no malti-world empiers.
3) Must post stats at start of involvement in RP.
Starting Stats:
Nation- Republic of Zooloo, ruled by Gen. Vortie, elected to a 10 year term and is head of the Army.
Money- Zooloo's currancy is the doller. It has $1.5 Trillion and 25% of that is military spinding with the rest spred evenly among other goverment programes.
Military- 3 Million Solders (Army), 50,000 Airmen/women (Air Force), 10,000 Seman/women (Navy) and 250,050 Reserves.
Population- 250 Million and 23% unimployment rate. 68% of workers have high paying jobs and the unemployed have an okay welfar system.
Upper Weston
23-05-2006, 15:50
What's the scenario?
As a note, spending 45% of your GDP on military means that you won't have an economy at all, or a terrible one at best; your citizens will live mainly in small shacks with few amenities, have little to eat or wear, no education or healthcare; in short, high mortality rates and almost nothing to do about it. That would make the work of Ayatollah Khomeini-style demagogues much easier and compel the people to revolt against the government. Think Sudan, North Korea, or Pakistan on steroids.
You have about $6,000 per citizen per year (GDP of $1.5 trillion). Spending 45% of that leaves $3,300 per year. In USD, a citizen can survive on about $200 per month, or $2,400 a year for food, and another say $250 for clothing (conservative estimate). Then shelter, assuming they live in rudimentary shacks with no running water, takes up about the rest of the money each citizen has. Not to mention with spending that high a percentage on national defence, but very little on anything else, you won't really have roads to transport all your tanks on, airfields to land your planes, or a manufacturing sector to build equipment -- no-one will have the technical knowledge.
In other words, I'd recommend rethinking your stats.
What's the scenario?
State your stats and make one. I haven't done anything so it's all open.
The Parkus Empire
24-05-2006, 06:03
My nation is my own. As for my military: Army: 1000 infantry divisions, armed with AR-15 assualt rifles, and IMI GPMGs. Most men carry at least one grenade, and a medkit.
67 anti-tank divisions.
100 combat enginer divisions.
19 tank divisions, 1000 M1A1 tanks, rencently purchesed.
1 Royal Guard division.
12 guard escort for the Emperor.
All-in-all, about 50,000,000 personal.
Navy: 1 Emperor class ship, the flag, 40 Patriot class ships, 600 Soldier class ships, 1,000 Napoleon class ships, 1,000 Battle class crusiers, about 400 carriers, and numerous smaller vessals. Total Navel enlistment: 20,000,000 personal.
Air Force: 50,000 fighter squardrons, 25,000 bomber squadrons, and 30,000 heavy assualt planes. Enlisted .5,000,000.
P.S. If you think this is Godmodding, remember, a nation's military is population multiplied .05
Your logic is massively flawed.
Using your own logic:
Your tot pop=1,451,000,000
mil (your reasoning)=1,451,000,000=72,550,000
just your infintry alone require a min of about 1:4-5 ratio of troops to support to gimply keep them from starving and running out of ammo, and a fully stocked division needs about 1:7-11 ( I run 1:8)
[historical note: in the pacific the US in WWII had a 1:27 troops to supply ratio, so without reserve personel to fill any potential supply line gaps, you stand little chance beyond your inital battle lines]
assuming you run the min of support to troops=250,000,000troops (17%of your nation in the army?)
Now for the navy
how would a nation of your size support all those ships, assuming you run a avg NS carrier upkeep = 100mil, avg dreadnaught 1bil, avg battleship 70mil, battlecruiser 50mil; roughly 700billion upkeep, 43% of your budged on just maintaing your naval ships, this is quite high
Ah the airforce:
an airforce squadren in RL is 12-24craft (wiki it) so you have at min 1230000 pilots (1 per fighter &h.assault, 2 per bomber). The necessities of pilot to ground personell range around 1:15-25+(depending or the complexity of the aircraft) so around 18,450,000 at 1:15 (mor likely around 25,000,000) just in support
all told you would run an army of around 340,000,000personel, about 23% of your nation.
Total population of a country 1.451 billion,
total troops needed for the army he wants to send .340 million,
the utter misestimation of an army: priceless
there are somethings logic cant do, for everything elise there's godmodding
The Parkus Empire
24-05-2006, 07:55
Your logic is massively flawed.
Using your own logic:
Your tot pop=1,451,000,000
mil (your reasoning)=1,451,000,000=72,550,000
just your infintry alone require a min of about 1:4-5 ratio of troops to support to gimply keep them from starving and running out of ammo, and a fully stocked division needs about 1:7-11 ( I run 1:8)
[historical note: in the pacific the US in WWII had a 1:27 troops to supply ratio, so without reserve personel to fill any potential supply line gaps, you stand little chance beyond your inital battle lines]
assuming you run the min of support to troops=250,000,000troops (17%of your nation in the army?)
Now for the navy
how would a nation of your size support all those ships, assuming you run a avg NS carrier upkeep = 100mil, avg dreadnaught 1bil, avg battleship 70mil, battlecruiser 50mil; roughly 700billion upkeep, 43% of your budged on just maintaing your naval ships, this is quite high
Ah the airforce:
an airforce squadren in RL is 12-24craft (wiki it) so you have at min 1230000 pilots (1 per fighter &h.assault, 2 per bomber). The necessities of pilot to ground personell range around 1:15-25+(depending or the complexity of the aircraft) so around 18,450,000 at 1:15 (mor likely around 25,000,000) just in support
all told you would run an army of around 340,000,000personel, about 23% of your nation.
Total population of a country 1.451 billion,
total troops needed for the army he wants to send .340 million,
the utter misestimation of an army: priceless
there are somethings logic cant do, for everything elise there's godmodding
This INCLUDES my reserves. I have about one million people acually fighting. If you look at NSEocomy, you'll see military is my MAIN priority. I spend an INCREDIBLE amount of money on it. Look and SEE how much I spend on it. Your estimates are not wrong, at LEAST %40 of my budge. I make up for this by taxing countiries I defeated in a war. I fight a war about once a week (RT). P.S. I loved your last line.:p
Look at thirdgeek, it ranges around 27%
Look at thirdgeek (http://nseconomy.thirdgeek.com/nseconomy.php?nation=The+Parkus+Empire)
The navy seems fine, other than the 10000 battlecruisers, That is just a unrealistically high number to deploy, it would be a logistical nightmare
I can see, if you were including reserves, the army figures are considerably better, but the airforce is still quite skewed with it's personel numbers.
I still support my assertin that your figures for the air corps would need at least and additonal 15-20 million troops to propperly service and support themselves.
Sidenote:This is all in constructive crisism
Pontification: if your 1.6tril def spending is huge, my 27.8tril (17.33X) is paltry ;)
The Parkus Empire
24-05-2006, 09:09
Look at thirdgeek, it ranges around 27%
Look at thirdgeek (http://nseconomy.thirdgeek.com/nseconomy.php?nation=The+Parkus+Empire)
The navy seems fine, other than the 10000 battlecruisers, That is just a unrealistically high number to deploy, it would be a logistical nightmare
I can see, if you were including reserves, the army figures are considerably better, but the airforce is still quite skewed with it's personel numbers.
I still support my assertin that your figures for the air corps would need at least and additonal 15-20 million troops to propperly service and support themselves.
Sidenote:This is all in constructive crisism
Pontification: if your 1.6tril def spending is huge, my 27.8tril (17.33X) is paltry ;)
Apperntly you are correct. My logic was flawed, I acedently added an extra zero to all my plain counts AND my battlecruiser counts. That little "0". It could start a war you know
The Parkus Empire
24-05-2006, 09:14
My problems have been corrected. I have modified my post. In fact, my army WAS going to be only 7.5 million, but seeing how I botched up, I changed it, and ended up REALLY botching it up.:p
Okay, let me start and remember, if you haven't already, post your stats before geting involved.
The Zoolooian Navy was on station, off the coast of an uncharted island when word cane that a sciance team on the island had come under attack and needed back up. In response, the task force commander, Rear Am. Vick King, sent in a marine unit to check things out. What thay found was the sciance team almost wiped out and thay themselvs under fire.
What a mess. What happens now?
25-05-2006, 18:26
This thread is officially dead. You destroyed it when you posted your HORRIBLY skewed statistics. Your defence budget is the most laughable number I have ever seen. I think I have some nation in my closet that spends more than you do. But hey, your 7.5 million man army is at least running around with some sharpened bamboo sticks. I suppose that offers a piece of protection from my tanks.
How about you practice being smart before posting an RP?
This thread is officially dead. You destroyed it when you posted your HORRIBLY skewed statistics. Your defence budget is the most laughable number I have ever seen. I think I have some nation in my closet that spends more than you do. But hey, your 7.5 million man army is at least running around with some sharpened bamboo sticks. I suppose that offers a piece of protection from my tanks.
How about you practice being smart before posting an RP?
It's time you got smart, I only have a little over 2 million, not 7.5 million and if you wearn't talking to me, I posted this RP!
no he's talking about parkus
26-05-2006, 19:22
no he's talking about parkus
Yeah, I was. In NationStates, it can be hard to get a good military size. You have to be able to keep it in perspective with real-world proportions. For example, the U.S. Army has an active personnel of about .5 million. The current U.S. population is 350 million (just an estimate). You also have to keep in mind various economic restrictions, such as defence budget.