NationStates Jolt Archive

Kravania cuts off diplomatic relations with Parthia. (ATTN: Parthia)

19-05-2006, 20:29
Official Communique of the High Council of Eternal Wisdom of the Humanist State of Kravania

From: The Humanist State of Kravania

To: The Plutocratic Shahdom of Parthia

The Humanist State of Kravania declares it's former relationship with the Plutocratic Shahdom of Parthia that was based on alliance and friendship to be void.

The Humanist State has uncovered a plot by counter-revolutionary and Anti-Humanist traitors that has the support and involvement of Parthia. This plot was a grouping of individuals, rejecters of the teachings and ideals of the Great Humanist Revolution and of Father. The plot focused on the attempt by the traitors to restore the ways of the old times of the corrupt society of the Pre-Father Era.

Let the sub-humans of Parthia and the degenerate Shah know that the Pre-Father Era can never be realised again and that Father is everlasting as is the Great Humanist Revolution.

Parthia is itself a nation made up of a populace that are all guilty of Emocrimes, Sex Crimes and Thought Crimes. The Shah himself is guilty of the three criminal offences and the Shah only uses his power to spread Emocrime and other social ills across this world and the brotherhood of humanity.

But Father is most wise and knows that in the future, the peoples of Parthia will grow sick of the social ills of their current society and the corrupt imperial regime of the Emocriminal, the Shah.

As of this day, all communication, trade, diplomacy and other means of inter-state interaction shall cease between the Humanist State and Parthia.

This is the will of Father and the Great Humanist Revolution.
19-05-2006, 20:52

The telescreens that were now everwhere across Kravania, on street corners, in schools and universities, in factories and distribution centres, in every home and flat and in every park and public space began to show the now familiar yet sinister face of Father again.

And Father began to speak:

"Dear children and fellow humans.

As you now know, the Great Humanist Revolution and our Humanist State has uncovered a plot by rejecters and Anti-Humanist counter-revolutionaries, illogical traitors who defy the will of the Great Humanist Revolution. These traitors formed a group, working for the destruction of the Great Humanist Revolution by attempting to restore the old ways that are both go against everything that unites the brotherhood of humanity and eveything we work for in our brave and unique task in building progress, human evolution and a utopia fit for all peoples.

This treason, however had a guiding hand, a supporter and instigator, the nation of Parthia.

Parthia, unlike our utopian Humanist State, is a nation of Emocriminals, Sex Criminals and Thought Criminals.

Let us guard ourselves and seek protection from this corrupt nation and it's criminal ruler, the Shah.

Let us root out the traitors who dare to walk in our very midst and who seek to destroy us and our utopian Humanist State and the perfect and peaceful soceity that rose from it.

Children, I shall always protect you and I seek to insulate you from the destructive influences of the outside world and the outlanders who populate it, in their own corrupt and criminal ways."
The Parthians
19-05-2006, 21:21
Official Statement from the Shah of Parthia

We are not amused by these antics. I was the sole nation who refused to make peace with the coalition to maintain supporting yours, yet it was you who declared peace, leaving us to continue fighting a battle we will certainly win.

Your allegations of us supporting treachery in your nation are faulty, and completely inaccurate. I have never once supported groups of rebels or insurgents in a nation we deem friendly, therefore, you are mistaken. We do not take kindly to slander, nor do we bear insults well. The Shahdom of Parthia is an honorable nation, headed by myself, created to ensure optimal creation of power and prosperity.

From whence spring your allegations of emocrimes, thought crimes, and sex crimes? What defines such crimes, and how can you apply it to our nation where Liberals were all rounded up and exterminated?

-Shah Khosru III
19-05-2006, 21:54
Short Diplomatic Transmission
Willink Applauds Father and Kravania for its actions.
The Parthians
19-05-2006, 22:09
Short Diplomatic Transmission
Willink Applauds Father and Kravania for its actions.

Perhaps the Willink government should see the latest laws passed by the Kravanians and then decide who is really the worse in their eyes.

-Shah Khosru III
The Lone Alliance
20-05-2006, 02:21
The Lone Alliance must, Ironicly, admit that this Utopia of the New Kravania Government, is worse than anything the Parthians could ever do. If Parthia does something about this, we will not get in their way.
-Government Response