MP4 Talon Sub-Machine Gun Unleashed on the Market
The Phoenix Milita
16-05-2006, 09:27
MP-4 Talon SMG (
Name: MP-4 Talon Sub-Machine Gun
Designed by: Phoenix Dynamix
Caliber: 9mm, 10mm, .40 or.42
Action: semiauto/fullauto
Capacity: 30 to 40 round mag or 60rd drum (.42 variant takes up to 36 round mag and 52 round drum)
RateOf Fire 900 rpm
Range: 300+ meters
The MP-4 is the latest sub machine gun to hit the market, and comes in four popular pistol calibers. It features an extensive recoil buffering system, fully encased action for operation in dusty or wet environments, ambiodextrous charging handle, magazine catch, and selector switch for left or right handed soldiers and there is an optional muzzle suppressor and a variety of sights available. It also features a built in red light laser and TAC lights. A bayonet or sling can be attached and it even can accept a 20 or 25mm grenade launcher. The MP-4 is an excellent Close-Quaters-Combat weapon which has been used by TPM special forces for a number of years and is now for sale to the general international community.
Act now and get free rechargable AA batteries :)
Do not make OOC comments about the design here, for OOC comments go to
the OOC Thread (
The Phoenix Milita
16-05-2006, 14:40
you can click on the pic for a better view.
16-05-2006, 18:12
It's a better design, but it's not really got anything that could be a hook for me, as a buyer, to choose it over others. That, coupled with a cost that is extortionate, to coin a phrase, means that even if I were in the market, I wouldn't be buying this.
The Phoenix Milita
16-05-2006, 22:02
well that comment was completely unnecessary
16-05-2006, 22:09
OOC: Constructive criticism is never unnecessary, dude. You of all should know that, trying to become a succesful salesman.
The Phoenix Milita
16-05-2006, 22:17
I see no constructive criticism on the design other than he wants me to sell it at production cost and not make any profit whatsoever.
16-05-2006, 22:18
I see no constructive criticism on the design other than he wants me to sell it at production cost and not make any profit whatsoever.
theres no way that costs 1000 dollars
and if you leave it like that, you're gonna make very little profit
The Phoenix Milita
16-05-2006, 22:25
I prefer not to sell weapons for a ridiculously low amount of money, a good hand gun will cost you $600 so this price is not outrageous
16-05-2006, 22:27
I prefer not to sell weapons for a ridiculously low amount of money, a good hand gun will cost you $600 so this price is not outrageous
yeah, for the individual costumer, you think the military pays 600$ per sidearm?
The Phoenix Milita
16-05-2006, 22:28
The MP-5N costs $894 and does not include a tac light or laser. This is actually cheaper than buying an MP-5 and then after market accessories and it is a better gun all around.
The Marine Corps Force Reconnaissance Companies and Marine Security Force Battalions pay 894$ per weapon, they may get some unlisted bulk discounts but so do you if you buy more than 999,999 from me :)
16-05-2006, 22:34
In which case, you're an absolute ****ing idiot. If you don't like constructive criticism, then how about some regular, personal criticism? In fact, better yet, why don't you stop bitching when people point out things wrong with your designs and make some goddamn improvements? Eh?
The Phoenix Milita
16-05-2006, 22:38
I just see un warranted hostitly from you mc psycho and i suggest you steer clear of my threads if you are just going to try to find things wrong for the sake of finding things wrong. You did not offer me any constructive crit, you just said you don't like it. You also ignored the unique features which set it apart from ordinary guns such as the extensive recoil buffering system, fully encased action and ambiodextrous controls.
16-05-2006, 22:48
Ambidextrous controls - most guns worth their salt have this. Hell, the guns that aren't worth their salt have it because it's a necessity.
'Extensive recoil buffering system' - Is that it? I can claim that my air-rifle has a recoil buffering system because the butt is made of wood.
Fully encased action - See my first point.
I told you that nobody with more than four of their marbles left would pay a thousand dollars for a gun that offers no more than any others. You can go to DMG Military Industries and get better rifles for half of the cost of that. I want to help, but if you're going to continue with this idiocy, you're beyond help. As such, I will take pleasure from pointing out all of your mistakes.
Think of it like a slapstick comedy show.
The Phoenix Milita
16-05-2006, 22:53
you have obviously never seen a M16 or AK47
for the last time, please leave my thread
OOC: you had to release this just as i bought the rights for the other weapon.
Encrypted Channel.
connecting to Server@ShadowInc.cs......Connection complete.
Our Corporation is interested in this design, we know that the corporate
Security Forces have had dealings with you and so we feel that it is safe
to deal with you ourselves. I shall not tell you who i am or who i work for
But i will tell you what we wish.
We are willing to pay a large fee for monthly productions of this weapons
in the sum of 10,000 units per month for 4 years. the contract price will be
5% higher then what you currently sell the item for but this is for a few
reasons. First off we wish each item to be untraceable, to you or
even to us. No production reports, no transport logs nothing, 100%
Untraceable. We wish no one to know of these items being shiped to
The Corporate States and this is the reason for a higher payment.
We would ask that if it ever does get traced back to you that you
leave the Corporate states out of it, even if someone claims that we
bought the weapons we wish you to denie it all that you never sold
these weapons to them. make fake documents or what ever we dont
care just leave the states out of it.
Shadow C Inc
The Phoenix Milita
16-05-2006, 23:05
Encrypted Response:
We can accomadate you easily as we have done covert sales in the past.
If there is any trace done it will end in Navira, which is an island nation
that Phoenix Dynamix Security bought out for black market dealings
such as this and is used as a front for non-TPM sacntioned activity.
-Phoenix Dynamix Covert Sales Dept.
[[OOC: i posted this about 6 hours b4 u ordered from my other store :) ]]
OOC: i must have missed it:-
connecting to Server........connection complete
Welcome to Shadow C Inc Sever
Data File Uploading..........
Data Uplink completed.
Inclued is the location of the first shipment to be made to the Estonavia
Pickup will be made from The Black Guard Merc Unit in operation in this
We thank you for your.....understanding.
Shadow C Inc
OOC: just tell me when your ready to send the first shipment and i will incorporate it into the RP, unless your involved in "the joys of peacekeeping" RP. You do know your becoming one of my major supplers for military weapons, im still looking for other things you know in my contracts, just not added them yet.
17-05-2006, 23:38
you have obviously never seen a M16 or AK47
for the last time, please leave my thread
Seen them, fired them, love the AK so much my first-born child is going to be named AK47. Any other questions?
The Phoenix Milita
18-05-2006, 00:00
Seen them, fired them, love the AK so much my first-born child is going to be named AK47. Any other questions?
Then you shoul know the M-16's action is not fully encased and can easily become foweld and jam, unlike the Talon. The AK-47's action can also eaily get dirty, although this doesnt create a jamming problem because the bore is wider and the parts are not machines as precisely as the M16, it can cause other problems including corrosion, and if in cold climates freezing and cracking.
Why don't you leave the IC thread. NOW
18-05-2006, 00:07
The action of the L-85 is not fully enclosed. As we all know that is maybe the worst rifle ever made. The actual actiont hat is outside the housin is the cause of most jams.
And stop getting on at him. This product is different in certain ways that may be typical to TPM's armed forces, or may appeal to certain people. By posting this for sale he isnt suggesting you buy it - hes offering you to.
I know I did it all the time, just because I wanted a write up of all my products, which happened to be for sale. It offers certain things for TPM that are different from all others, for example your bog standard MP-5.
Hell, I amde a tank that wouldn't win in a straight fight with most other NS tanks, but it is suited to my climate and terrain etc. I think this is more important than anything else.
The Phoenix Milita
18-05-2006, 00:10
The black figure moving along the coast of Navira might have been mistaken for a warship, with its twin linked gatling cannons and pair of machine guns, but the multi colored containers identifed as a freighter. An armed freighter but "civllian" all the same. The Navirain lighthouse operator flashed the light twice to signal it was clear to exit the bay and off it went, carrying the first shipment of weapons, ammo and god knows what else to god knows where at a brisk 36 knots.
Less than a week later she arrived and prepared to offload her cargo of MP-4 Talon Sub-Machine Guns.
The Phoenix Milita
18-05-2006, 19:34
Ok, so you missed this warning.
Do not make OOC comments about the design here, for OOC comments go to
the OOC Thread (
Delete your post an advertisement please. This is an IC thread.
Delete or I will ask a mod to delete it.
18-05-2006, 19:56
Last time I checked, I wasn't Aequatio, hence my example of his submachine gun is not advertising, it's proving a goddamn point. I will not delete my post, and if you really have to resort to mod intervention, I'll simply repost the entire thing. If you're going to treat people with no respect, you can hardly expect them to do the same to you, can you?
I also notice that you have no complaints about Galashiels making an OOC post in an 'IC' thread. Strange that, don't you think?
The Phoenix Milita
18-05-2006, 20:10
I put the warning after he posted.
18-05-2006, 20:11
I put the warning after he posted.
So? You were whining about me being OOC in an 'IC' thread long before that, so why didn't he pick up on it?
So? You were whining about me being OOC in an 'IC' thread long before that, so why didn't he pick up on it?
He's ask you to leave so do it befor you get yourself in trubble of some sorts. Delete your advertisment since to be fair even i think it is. Im not Sticking up for TPM for any reason other then your hounding him repeatedly about his design and he has asked you to leave.
18-05-2006, 20:16
Antarctica 123 would like 15,000 of these weapons chambered in 9mm.
*money wired*
The Phoenix Milita
18-05-2006, 20:23
Order confirmed. It may take a few months as we are still filling other contracts but your order will be shipped within the (NS) year.