NationStates Jolt Archive

The santa Claus incident

15-05-2006, 05:29
Recently, a group of children aged 4-10 have kidnapped the minister of child-related legislation. This seems to be a result of the new legislation banning the belief of Santa Claus or other such urban myths. They have demanded either the law be repealed or for 1,000 pounds of candy, soda, chips, ice cream, and other such foods be delivered ot them. Of course, Kubra will not repeal the law OR give them any of said delicacies. Luckily, we have managed to pinpoint their location to the west side daycare. SWAT teams armed with BB guns and nerf bats have been deployed to storm the building. we hope that all other nations approve of our actions.
Mer des Ennuis
15-05-2006, 05:38
BB guns might put an eye out
15-05-2006, 05:43
BB guns might put an eye out Don't worry, our SWAT teams are equipped with eye protection. Besides, we felt that super soakers were much to inhumane.
The Lone Alliance
15-05-2006, 05:46
We fully support these children rebels and are willing to send 'Fireworks and sparklers' to them. You passed the law so children can make mature decisions earlier in life, their mature decision for Government opression is an uprising. -Lone Alliance
15-05-2006, 05:51
We fully support these children rebels and are willing to send 'Fireworks and sparklers' to them. You passed the law so children can make mature decisions earlier in life, their mature decision for Government opression is an uprising. -Lone Alliance "sir, the Lone alliance is supplying the terrorists with fireworks", A corporal told the Chief of the Police.

"Then match their firepower", the Chief said. He took a hufe bite out of a donut, which was already 4 fifths done. This is a large acheivement, considering it's a part donut. "Send in bottle rockets".
15-05-2006, 06:09
the Empire of Nebarri Prime has decided to send the children paintball guns and a large sum of ammuniton for the guns, simply to see the effect it has on this and future encounters
15-05-2006, 06:25
23Eris is airdropping in sugary supplies and caffienated beverages (ErisCola, with Extra Caffiene and Sugar!) to help keep the children alert - and to help bolster future sales of confectionry.
15-05-2006, 06:46
The Empeor thinks the children should be left alone and see what happens. They are children after all - harmless little buggers I say.
The Posleen host
15-05-2006, 07:47
The First Order Battle Lord, however, thinks your younglings look tasty and would airstrike them if he wasn't FT.
15-05-2006, 14:53
the Empire of Nebarri Prime has decided to send the children paintball guns and a large sum of ammuniton for the guns, simply to see the effect it has on this and future encounters Wow, paintballs suuuuure are effective against kevlar.

Oh wait, my SWAT only have cardboard armour. Still, it's more than a match for paintball guns! Do NOT underestimate the cardboard!
15-05-2006, 14:55
23Eris is airdropping in sugary supplies and caffienated beverages (ErisCola, with Extra Caffiene and Sugar!) to help keep the children alert - and to help bolster future sales of confectionry. Ooooh, I'll buy some

Tim Suziano, guy who's signature is used to symblolise everyone in the house of parliment
The Colony of Albion
15-05-2006, 16:30
We have several of our C-130 planes dropping vast supplies of Legos, Tinker Toys, and Power Rangers gear.

We believe that the little brethren may be able to build what ever they need in the on coming chaos with the Legos and Tinker Toys.

The Power Ranger stuff was not selling for us, so we needed to dump merchandise. The little nippers might look really spiffy in the colored ranger gear.

We have also have included supplies of Koolaid, Tang, and Fruit Snacks to support liitle tikes!!!!

To further arm the little heathens we will also special air drop 1 milliion super expanding water balloons.

We also will send special advisors in the use of all Nerf Weapons, which we will also supply as needed upon actions,

We support the Liberation of Santa Clause, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, Great Pumpkin, and also everything that is anti-grown-up......
15-05-2006, 16:36
The Erisian Cola Company, in partnership with Chaotic Chocolatiers Inc., would be happy to enter into an export agreement with Kubra. Especially if we can reach an agreement to set up vending machines in your various schools.
The Colony of Albion
15-05-2006, 16:44
We have our special tike operations ready. We are prepared to send 5,000 -3ft tall Limited Edition G.I Joe Action figures with full Kung Fu grips.

We will also supply the Limited Edition USO Barbie for touring purposes.

This is prepared as well as include 5,000 Lawn Gnomes in various poses, to be used as the little brethern seem fit.

We will air drop them as directed.
15-05-2006, 17:24
We here in Metaddan believe in discipline and tough, tough love. Boy howdy, when I used to strangle servants or otherwise act up I got punished. And thats what needs to be done to these young, troublemakers. I suggest sending in a team of crack nuns and schoolmarms, all armed with switches and rulers. Show those tykes who boss.

Emperor Erasmus Er, Emperor of Metaddan, Grand Marshall of the Knights Exultant, and the High Lord of all Sandwhiches.
15-05-2006, 17:35
Wow, paintballs suuuuure are effective against kevlar.

Oh wait, my SWAT only have cardboard armour. Still, it's more than a match for paintball guns! Do NOT underestimate the cardboard!

in this event we have decided to give them Guns that fire rubber bullets, and 100 rubber bullets each, to add the the childrens firepower.
15-05-2006, 18:09
OOC: This thread is so hilarious, lmao!
The Erisian Punks
15-05-2006, 18:39
The Erisian Punks, in an unheard of show of silent things, has massed a huge coalition of 232,323 philosophers, theologians, magicians, scientists, artists, clowns, and similar maniacs to support the Children's Rebellion. This group, is of course, completely expendable. They come bearing a few sandwiches, a crate of biscuits, and plenty of pixie stix.

The rest of the country thinks its all very boring and decided instead to debate the history of Fig Newtons.
15-05-2006, 19:43
Oh for God's Sake just let children have their childhood. You call BBguns inhumane, if any of you harm so much as a hair on a child you are all in big trouble.

Even Criminals know, hurting a child is unforgivable.
15-05-2006, 19:47
The Erisian Cola Company, in partnership with Chaotic Chocolatiers Inc., would be happy to enter into an export agreement with Kubra. Especially if we can reach an agreement to set up vending machines in your various schools. Done, we've been lacking in the sugar that kids need to concentrate in class.
15-05-2006, 19:48
in this event we have decided to give them Guns that fire rubber bullets, and 100 rubber bullets each, to add the the childrens firepower. We'll double layer our cardboard.
15-05-2006, 19:50
We are deploying 100 UAV's to dump urine on the unsuspecting Police and SWAT officers.
15-05-2006, 19:53
We are deploying 100 UAV's to dump urine on the unsuspecting Police and SWAT officers. OOC: I thought UAVs were only useful as scout drones.
15-05-2006, 19:56
Our secret agent mines the area with laughing gas, silly string, and exploding sparkle dust packs.
15-05-2006, 19:58
Due to the massive amounts of supplies the children were recieving, drastic measures were taken. 50,000 reserve soldiers were ordered to report back to thr capital city where the children were and lay seige to their hideout before storming it. They would be armed to the teeth with bb guns, nerf guns, super soakers, water balloons, aciton figures, bottle rockets, itching powder, ink squirting pens, lego, silly putty, nerf bats, soft balls, child safe lawn darts, and other such goods. They were determined to rescue the political figure that had an obsolete position with work that could have been given to0 someone else.
15-05-2006, 20:01
Our secret agent mines the area with laughing gas, silly string, and exploding sparkle dust packs. scouts and goody-two-shoes informants were devastated by these mines. When they would leave to report the police, a mine would go off and they would be laughing and crying at the same time. The children would know thwy were informants and were taken prisoner. They were chained up and given makeovers. The girl informants were made to play sports with the boys.
15-05-2006, 20:09
OOC: I thought UAVs were only useful as scout drones.

Our UAV's are more advanced than the ones used by the USA. They can have small payloads.
United Earthlings
15-05-2006, 20:42
Recently, a group of children aged 4-10 have kidnapped the minister of child-related legislation. This seems to be a result of the new legislation banning the belief of Santa Claus or other such urban myths. They have demanded either the law be repealed or for 1,000 pounds of candy, soda, chips, ice cream, and other such foods be delivered ot them. Of course, Kubra will not repeal the law OR give them any of said delicacies. Luckily, we have managed to pinpoint their location to the west side daycare. SWAT teams armed with BB guns and nerf bats have been deployed to storm the building. we hope that all other nations approve of our actions.

Our government does not support your actions and wonders how in the hell, childern could kidnap a grown-up. What did they to, cry and throw a fit until they came with him? Thats not kidnapping- that childern being themselves. The government has no right to tell these kids what they can't and can believe in- thats the parents job. As such- we have contacted all the parents who kids are throwing a fit and if you lay one hand on those kids- not only will you have a lot of pissed off parents- you have alot of pissed off lawyers ready to sue you. Our lawers are standing by for the lawsuit to follow. The next move is yours. We suggest you repeal this law and let the parents decided how they want to raise their kids.

If you don't remove your forces from the grounds and let the parents do their jobs we will be forced to drop a stink bomb (a big ass one at that) on your forces.

This message brought to you by the PATG.
15-05-2006, 20:49
I cannot believe this is unfolding before my eyes. I have now seen everything.
~~Saerus Annirak
The Colony of Albion
15-05-2006, 21:46
We would like to supply the children with 10,000 unexploded Mimes.

They will be air scattered around the childrens position to provide securtiy and safety. They will enact a wall and box against any hostile action against said children.

If the children are harmed the Mimes will then explode and the bad humor will spread by airborne means.

Remember a Mime is a terrible thing waste always.....
The Colony of Albion
15-05-2006, 21:51
We would also like to express a wish to help by applying our advance stealth technology to Santa's Sliegh if the children wish it.

We would also suggest that we put an air defense system also on the sliegh.

The possilbity also giving the Easter Bunny Kelvar Body Armor as well against possible hunters.
15-05-2006, 22:03
The ECC and CC Inc. have begun setting up shop in Kubra. Economists predict nearly double the sales of previous year due to this growth outside health-conscious 23Eris. Dentists in Kubra have also been seen licking their lips and grinning inanely at the news.
16-05-2006, 00:20
Our government does not support your actions and wonders how in the hell, childern could kidnap a grown-up. What did they to, cry and throw a fit until they came with him? Thats not kidnapping- that childern being themselves. The government has no right to tell these kids what they can't and can believe in- thats the parents job. As such- we have contacted all the parents who kids are throwing a fit and if you lay one hand on those kids- not only will you have a lot of pissed off parents- you have alot of pissed off lawyers ready to sue you. Our lawers are standing by for the lawsuit to follow. The next move is yours. We suggest you repeal this law and let the parents decided how they want to raise their kids.

If you don't remove your forces from the grounds and let the parents do their jobs we will be forced to drop a stink bomb (a big ass one at that) on your forces.

This message brought to you by the PATG. Well, they took him by luring him to the building with candy. Then they built a lego cage around him.

As for your threats to take this to the court of law, don't bother. Kubran laws are differnet form yours. Child beating may be illegal, but terrorism is illegal too. By Kubran law, we may take any means neccesary to eliminate any terrorists. Plus your stink bomb is no match for our skin-safe pinesol!
16-05-2006, 00:23
We would like to supply the children with 10,000 unexploded Mimes.

They will be air scattered around the childrens position to provide securtiy and safety. They will enact a wall and box against any hostile action against said children.

If the children are harmed the Mimes will then explode and the bad humor will spread by airborne means.

Remember a Mime is a terrible thing waste always..... I don't recommend that. You see, in Kubra mimes are our version of the mafia. Whenever mines from opposing mime schools met, they ifght. Now imagine what would happen if these guys came in. There would be a giant mime battle and mime WMDs woudl be used. We never know when they'll mime a nuke.
16-05-2006, 00:24
The ECC and CC Inc. have begun setting up shop in Kubra. Economists predict nearly double the sales of previous year due to this growth outside health-conscious 23Eris. Dentists in Kubra have also been seen licking their lips and grinning inanely at the news. OOC: It's true, they are grinning insanely!
16-05-2006, 00:41
to support the little guys we are sending in parer mache swords and shields.
16-05-2006, 00:43
to support the little guys we are sending in parer mache swords and shields. well we have cardboard armour!
16-05-2006, 00:56
30 men stormed forwards carry 10 barricades made out of lego, 3 men at each barricade. They ran thorugh a hail of BBgun pellets, taking very little hits due to the lego. Still, a man would get hit in the leg and stumble. 2 of the barricades broke. The others kept going, though. They were set up right in front of the buildign while men carrying sacks of lego ran though the same hail, falling in numbers. Those who fell gave thier sacks of lego to charging lego-bearers. They rushed to the barricades and started building a lego command center, complete with super soaker emplacements and bottle rocket launchers. although it owudl take long, 100 men werep ut on the job. Still, there was 1,000 children manning the building. Many were hti with BBs and water balloons.
The Colony of Albion
16-05-2006, 03:18
The Mimes then went off causing opposing officers to become slighed amused and confused several officers, while innocent by-standers went home due to sillyness of it all.

The children then launched thier G.I. Joes at the hostile forces and using super soakers and water balloons were able to force the police and others away from the command post............for a short time before it was nap time.
16-05-2006, 03:23
The Mimes then went off causing opposing officers to become slighed amused and confused several officers went home due to sillyness of it all.

The children then launched thier G.I. Joes at the hostile forces and using super soakers and water balloons were able to force the police and others away from the command post............ OOC: Godmode, you can't just say my guys went away from the command post.

IC: The mime laws were enacted, mimes were now illegal (I made a thread about it). Men held their BBguns by thier barrels. They struck at the mimes with the butt of thei rifles, swinging them as if they were baseball bats.
The Colony of Albion
16-05-2006, 05:35
I fixed it sorry about that, hopes that fixes it.
16-05-2006, 05:38
OOC: Thank you.

Of ocurse, beating mimes was soooooo boring. So the soldiers nad police alike stormed into the building. They came in droves, wielding super soakers and BBguns. Volleys of water balloons were exchanged while bb gun pellets flew in every direction. The fighting was getting to be thick.