Border Conflict Erupts in War
OOC: Naxos is an NPC nation I'll RP if neccesary.
[News Update]
A border dispute between the People's Republic of Dongara and the Kingdom of Naxos ensued when a fighter plane (most likely a F-16 Fighting Falcon) from Naxos crashed into disputed territory. Dongarian engineers quickly retrieved the fighter plane before Naxos could, and claimed it for themselves, claiming it had landed on Dongarian territory. The Monarch of Naxos quickly issued a declaration of war against Dongara in retaliation...Naxos is a smaller nation than Dongara, so many of his advisors advised against it...
Colorado and Texas
14-05-2006, 21:40
ooc: interesting.
ooc: interesting.
OOC: How so?
Dongara Yorkin is ready to help you just tell us were to attack!
Colorado and Texas
14-05-2006, 22:15
ooc: I would not mind playing as a third party of scavengers/bandits if that is ok.
The King of Naxos was furious. He talked with his council.
"They think this is a war simply on territory? We know they've been stealing and than sabotaging our plans for weapons. Look at what they've stolen! The MRLS, the M777, the XM200, and etc. Look, most of their military isn't meant to go on an offensive, so we can win."
Minister of War: My Sire, we have little to no information on their military. They could be much stronger than we expected.
The King of Naxos: But don't you realize? They could be much weaker than expected.
Minister of Economy: Foreign nations could embargo us...
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Unlikely. the Kingdom of Naxos enjoys more international support than the People's Republic of Dongara.
Minister of Internal Affairs: I believe the Parliament approved of your declaration of war my sire.
The King of Naxos: Excellent...
Colorado and Texas so your saying you want to be a 3rd force that it would be 3 partys agaist each other? NO! Either you join Naxos or me and Dongara!
Any ways news from General Hex of Yorkin "We have invaded Naxos and taken 3 citys already! We are now setting up bunkers on the outside of our area!" Well thats all I have to say.
Colorado and Texas so your saying you want to be a 3rd force that it would be 3 partys agaist each other? NO! Either you join Naxos or me and Dongara!
Any ways news from General Hex of Yorkin "We have invaded Naxos and taken 3 citys already! We are now setting up bunkers on the outside of our area!" Well thats all I have to say.
(Uh....since Naxos is controlled by me, it's technically a player nation now, and you can't god mod on it.)
ooc: I would not mind playing as a third party of scavengers/bandits if that is ok.
OOC: Alright, sure, try it out.
The Aeson
14-05-2006, 23:17
OOC: @Colorado and Texas Crazy Bob eh?
@ Dongara Is this PMT?
OOC: @Colorado and Texas Crazy Bob eh?
@ Dongara Is this PMT?
OOC: Nope, it's just MT.
Colorado and Texas
14-05-2006, 23:22
ooc: cool
ic: *Watching the growing conflict General Kenneth Sprite of The First Apocalyptic Calvary thought"If they come to blows that leavs more salvage for us to sell back to Colorado and Texas."
*he turns to his second in command Whispering Wind*"Get Wild Weasel Squad ready for a recon".
Colorado and Texas
14-05-2006, 23:24
OOC: @Colorado and Texas Crazy Bob eh?
@ Dongara Is this PMT?
ooc: well the ones I am playing as may or may not work for good ol Crazy Bob.
December 25th, xxx1
Naxos City, Naxos
King Remus Tamrika brooded. It was Christmas, and he was spending it with his entire family at the Imperial Palace in Naxos City. He remember another motivation...Romulus...Martha...Joseph...and countless others...all members of the ruling family in Dongara until they were overthrown and killed. Oh how he missed them. And the man responsible for the revolution was still in charge. Oh how Remus wanted his revenge. But enough of that matter, it was Christmas...time to cherish the rest of his family...
December 25th, xxx1
Al-Abussad, Dongara
Pilot: All systems go?
Co-Pilot: All systems go.
Bombardier: Can't wait. My first mission in a Blackjack.
Co-Pilot: I can't stand this dusty airfield anyways. Better to be in the sky than here.
Defensive Systems Operation: Say, where we hitting?
Pilot: Oh, just a few targets in Naxos.
Bombardier: Ever mentioned I hate flying?
DSO: Yes, for the fifteenth time.
Copilot: Than why did you sign up to be a bombardier?
Bombardier: I like watching things blow up.
Pilot: Excellent. We'll be lifting off in a minute, get yourself seated.
Colorado and Texas
15-05-2006, 01:23
*The ten men unit that was Wild Weasel Squad snuck along the border watching everything. Each man held his assult rifle close. Lt. Dillard Fatfreak signaled everyone to crouch low as they came near a house. Pointing he sent Sgt.Fred Skinnyass and Sgt.Larry Didnothing to go investigate.*
15-05-2006, 01:36
--Secret Communication with Naxos--
I am SUpreme Soviet Unifyed Jason Mikoyan.Me and My nation,The Union of Usean Soviet States,Are willling to help you.Usea was wonce a small nation like yours,and had to fight early on in our history.So if you will,we will supply you with arms and training to help.
Several Transport Aircraft were loaded up.Troops and equipment.Yet this aircraft didn't have Usea's Blue star,but the old 7 star of the Erusian empire.
[Transmission: King of Naxos to Jason Mikoyan]
Yes, I would like your help at getting back at them. These...people murdered the royal family, one related to me, in cold blood after their "worker's" revolution. It's time for payback.
15-05-2006, 01:48
(ooc-Oh my!My soviet nation is fighting with a monarchy aganst a Communist nation!?!)
--Secret Transmission--
Those whose Use revolution as a means to hurt the inosent are not out to better themselves,they are just murdorus dogs.We will show them what the true power of the workers can do.THe Fist plane leaves now.
The Transport planes started there path.The hope of a people is on there back.
ooc:time for me to get some post in
The LCl moniter the dongara and naxos transmission
Officer: general to what we can tell the dongarain are planning an attack and the naxos are gathering allys
General: hmmm intresting maybe we can make this go in or favor
Officer: sir?
General: send this information to military command
Officer: *blink*
*officer sends the info to MC*
General: its about time we got in to internation matters
Colorado and Texas
15-05-2006, 01:58
*the two troopers ducked into the house seeing no one around they looked into alll the rooms. Stupidly over the open air waves they sent back to their commander that the house was empty.*
Officer: sir new signal
General: what
*looks at screen*
Officer: i think its from merc or scavangers
General: whys that?
Officer: here listien:
*general grabs earphones*
Officer: you hear?
General: yes... send this to command as will
Officer: yes sir
Colorado and Texas
15-05-2006, 02:21
*the other members of the unit jogged forward. The lt. was screaming into the radio"You bloody fool now anyone may know where we are...erm"*blushing he went inside the house. The first two troopers had a stack of civlian cloths, the team proceded to put them on*
*at the Lurparl Capital city Central Military Command, an Officer enters the joint commnad center*
Officer: sirs we have info on the dongara and naxos boarder disput
National General Serag: will what is going on?
National Admeral Heruta: yes i would like to know if we need to deploy ships
Officer: will it seems that the naxos have gained an ally and the dorgarains are readying to strike
National General Serag: is that all?
Officer no sir there also seems to be scavagers at the disputed area
National Admeral Heruta: hmmm they might prove useful what do you think serag
NG Serag: i think we should ready troops and send spies into the area
NA Heruta: so were brieng in the LCI?
NG Serag: yes
NA Heruta: you do know we will have to infmorm the Emperor and the council:
NG Serag: yep we should leave now
NA Heruta: ok then lets get this over with
15-05-2006, 04:01
From chancellor Lucius Blackhelm to the Naxos monarchy
We would like to send in 100 military advisors, as well as an elite Honor Guard unit, which will be sent in via blackhawk helicopters.
Hey Dongara we need to talk. I want to help you but I need to now what you want me to do... AND FAST! Recon Unit 491: We have spotted Naxos navy forces on the coast of Yorkin!
Also I did't now you were ok with having other parties in this becuse yesterday I think, I said he had to join us or Naxos but now I now.
I'm in the middle of my own war. Can I eneter as a savenger party to help my war effert? This could be intresting if I end up geting draged into a 2nd war.:)
15-05-2006, 21:44
The transports landed,with them,trainers,technicians and planes for them.When the first one landed,they emeitly rolled to a hanger.Then they unpacked there supplies to there new allie.
ooc: this is going to get big...
In the lurparl Council Chamber NG serag and NA heruta decicion was a aboved and 3 divisons with need air and naval support will be sent to assist the dongarains in there fight
and members of the LCI have been sent into naxos
Also I did't now you were ok with having other parties in this becuse yesterday I think, I said he had to join us or Naxos but now I now.
He does not speak for me. This is my RP, not his. I'm fine with people having other parties.
16-05-2006, 00:44
Late at night, the dull hum of the exponent choppers is the only sound above a small Dongaran outpost near the Naxos border. The choppers made it below the radar, and that coupled with the radar absorbing paint that had been applied to them made them invisible to almost all systems. A rope drops out of the choppers, and 30 Honor Guard slide down. In 10 minutes, the base is empty, the Dongaran soldiers still lying in their beds. They would sleep there forever, or well, at least till some one came by to bury them.
The Tu-160s flashed out of the sky.
Bombardier: Woohoo! We just hit another military depot. Watch that oil go up in flames.
Co-Pilot: Great shot. The other planes are hitting air fields to. Their planes ain't getting off the sky.
Pilot: This is amazing! An entire column of soldiers is retreating!
DSO: Lets get them!
Heavy bombers relentlessly hit columns of escaping troops, those that were fleeing for more fortified ground.
Pilot: Alright, just one more sortie. It's time to go straight for the Capital. Watch our King Remus Tamrika.
Late at night, the dull hum of the exponent choppers is the only sound above a small Dongaran outpost near the Naxos border. The choppers made it below the radar, and that coupled with the radar absorbing paint that had been applied to them made them invisible to almost all systems. A rope drops out of the choppers, and 30 Honor Guard slide down. In 10 minutes, the base is empty, the Dongaran soldiers still lying in their beds. They would sleep there forever, or well, at least till some one came by to bury them.
OOC: I don't think that is quite realistic because choppers don't make a dull-hum. They're ****ing loud. Any self-deserving watchman or senty would hear a chopper. In addition, the shape of a helicopter makes it VERY visible on a radar, no matter what you do.
16-05-2006, 01:11
"Radar absorbing paint, or RAM (Radar Absorbent Material) coating, especially on the edges of metal surfaces. The RAM coating, known also as iron ball paint, contains tiny spheres coated with carbonyl iron ferrite. Radar waves induce alternating magnetic field in this material, which leads to conversion of their energy into heat. Early versions of F-117A planes were covered with neoprene-like tiles with ferrite grains embedded in the polymer matrix, current models have RAM paint applied directly. The aircraft must be painted by robots, because the solvent used is highly toxic." taken from They also make helicopters that produce a dull humming sound because if you are flying into a place and want surprise, it would be dumb to have a loud ass helicopter pumpning away. look at the RAH-66 Commanche stealth helicopter at
Colorado and Texas
16-05-2006, 03:21
ooc: you have a bit of trouble with your comp and see what you miss.
ic: *Wild Weasel Squad sat wating untill a new day dawned. They climbed into the old truck they found and headded deeper into the land. Fallowing the flight of chopers and planes.*
Hey Colorado and Texas I have been woundering since your a third party in this and all are an enemy like your going to bomb me and stuff or are you a scavenger and your just taking left over supplies from battles becuse i've been woundering?
16-05-2006, 21:16
Doors and Rope drops make big RCS you know.
Colorado and Texas
16-05-2006, 21:25
Hey Colorado and Texas I have been woundering since your a third party in this and all are an enemy like your going to bomb me and stuff or are you a scavenger and your just taking left over supplies from battles becuse i've been woundering?
ooc: right now we are just raiders latter we may sell our services to whomever wants them
I'm mixed up! There are alot of people on this thread. Are they all fighting in this war? and if they are... WE'RE SCREWED! I'M THIS IS WW3! IF! all the people are fighting. and I think we should divide us all into 2 main partys like WW2. I think then we all could under stand who's good and bad. Also I don't see this war ending soon becuse all i've seen are stolen files and stuff i mean there have been attacks but there isn't that many but I can't say we should attack more becuse not even I have attacked well ... I did invade Naxos a while back but we were forced out of Naxos by enemy bombers. So were is this war heading?
I'm mixed up! There are alot of people on this thread. Are they all fighting in this war? and if they are... WE'RE SCREWED! I'M THIS IS WW3! IF! all the people are fighting. and I think we should divide us all into 2 main partys like WW2. I think then we all could under stand who's good and bad. Also I don't see this war ending soon becuse all i've seen are stolen files and stuff i mean there have been attacks but there isn't that many but I can't say we should attack more becuse not even I have attacked well ... I did invade Naxos a while back but we were forced out of Naxos by enemy bombers. So were is this war heading?
ok to answer your questions with what i no
1. not everyone that is in here is in the war (yet)
2. their is two main partys dongara and naxos
3. thats why this is happening dongara steals shit and naxos is pissed
4. this war is heading no where yet... but so far the dongarain have done the most damage
ok to answer your questions with what i no
1. not everyone that is in here is in the war (yet)
2. their is two main partys dongara and naxos
3. thats why this is happening dongara steals shit and naxos is pissed
4. this war is heading no where yet... but so far the dongarain have done the most damage
Thanks and you have a point! "1. not everyone that is in here is in the war (yet)":gundge: :sniper: :mp5:
Thats what I'm scared of.:eek:
19-05-2006, 00:55
(ooc-When are we getting some word from the Naxos side,Usean supplies just came in,and they can be moves on the spot.
OOC: back to the reseon were all here (not going to be able to post for awil
Lurparl forces arrive on a small inland village of the coast of naxos and estables their base of operations their. artillery are set up fighters are placed at the small airport and the naval fleet has takeing over the entire port, one of the office buildings has been fortefied and made into central command.
[Message to the leader of dongara from Colonel F.Wolfen]
To the leader of dongara we would like to offer are support in your war, we have takeing command of a small village and are willing to leaned you aid in any battle you may enter we also have spies inside naxos, if their is any thing you need just ask, message end
OOC: back to the reseon were all here (not going to be able to post for awil
Lurparl forces arrive on a small island village off the coast of naxos and estables their base of operations their. artillery are set up fighters are placed at the small airport and the naval fleet has takeing over the entire port, one of the office buildings has been fortefied and made into central command.
[Message to the leader of dongara from Colonel F.Wolfen]
To the leader of dongara we would like to offer are support in your war, we have takeing command of a small village and are willing to leaned you aid in any battle you may enter we also have spies inside naxos, if their is any thing you need just ask, message end
(ooc-When are we getting some word from the Naxos side,Usean supplies just came in,and they can be moves on the spot.
OOC:well is naxos ever going to stand up for its self?
are you guys still out! is the war over!
22-05-2006, 02:02
Public Statement from the High Council of the Holy Republic of Aztiluth
The Holy Republic of Aztiluth, while understanding that conflict may arise time and again, is troubled by the speed in which war was declared by the Kingdom of Naxos. Despite Naxos's agressive move, we condemn Dongara's capture of Noxas's fighter plan as it proved to be a provocation that led to this conflict.
The High Council of Aztiluth strongly urges that both nations submit their grievances to arbitration by other nations. Should arbitration be spurned; however, and the paths to war trod, we deem it neccessary to side with the nation of Dongara, as Naxos is the beligerent nation, and in addition to immediatly form an embargo upon all trade between Aztiluth and Naxos.
From High Chief of Military Chief Ran "May, 27, 2006. A day Yorkin or Naxos shall never forget. Yorkin Invaded the shores of Naxos with 1.5 million troops, 20,000 battle ships, and 800,000 bombers attacked. 750,000 troops died. Yorkin has taken half of a quarter of Naxos. I am sad to say (tears running down his ckeaks) a terrist has shot the President of Yorkin. President Johnson D. Freddrick. The vice President Holden B. Johnson will be Yorkin's first african american president! But today will be Yorkin's President Day. So this is a extremly sad day for Yorkin." said Chief Ran crying.:( :(
28-05-2006, 19:59
(ooc-You know that Naxos is also using Soviet Usean Products like KrT-4 Sholder launched SAM as well as other items.Yet it is not knowen to your forces why,So don't make ridiculas clames.)
(ooc-You know that Naxos is also using Soviet Usean Products like KrT-4 Sholder launched SAM as well as other items.Yet it is not knowen to your forces why,So don't make ridiculas clames.)
Dude my clames are not ridiculas! Hell! I lost 750,000 Troops and my president got shot and you say Naxos got some SAM thing! Dude I want to end this war and get my troops home! AND WERE THE HELL IS DONGARA! I AM THERE FRIEND IN THIS WAR SO WHY HAVEN"T THEY ATTACKED! OH MY!
Ok point is I want to end this and get out of here! But I'm not going to be some baby and retreat! SO! Dongara give back Naxos stupid plane! Naxos get some peace treater or something! Come on this war could end so soon if you guys would could think insted of attack!
30-05-2006, 23:13
(ooc-sorry about that,I didn't see that part.You know what,I think this is a dead topic....)
(ooc-sorry about that,I didn't see that part.You know what,I think this is a dead topic....)
You have a point. So is the war over or is it just me you and maybe one or two guys? becuse it seems we're the only ones who are still here?
I'm gonna be in wisconsin in a cabin till father's day! so i won't be online.:cool:
If any ones out there! Yorkin Is reatrieting from the war. As far As I know... This War is over. But I did meet people hopefully I shall meet again.
Usea-jason I hope we meet again. Lurparl hopefully we'll meet again.
And Dongara thank you for your aid in this war but i must leave. Yorkin has sufferd greatly for this war. But I belive This should not go without a thanks. Yorkin did take a stand agaist Naxos one last time... even though we failed... We made our stand... you all should too before you leave.
High chief of war Chief Dan "Yorkin troops ran to the gates of the capital of Naxos and we fought to the end... there was 600,000 troops there... each and ever one died... but yorkin's are proud people... we fought are best and failed... now it's time for all of you other countries in the war... Allies!
Take your stand! ride to Naxos! Take your stand! If you do you can defeat Naxos! They grow weak! You grow strong! Take your stand! We took ours! Do it! FOR LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL! This war will not go in vane!" yells Chief Dan stepping down.