NationStates Jolt Archive

Farmina out! -says Rotovia

11-05-2006, 11:58

To: Foreign Affairs Ministry, Farmina
CC: Associated Press
Att: media-exert.doc

It is now and has always been the aim the of both the Coalition Government and the representatives of Crete to create, Foster and maintain an environment of peace, understanding and mutual consideration.

With particular regard to this interest and noting the recent passage of the 'Treaty of Antioch', both the Republic and Empire join with the people of Crete in calling for the respect of the rights of both our great nations and the road to peace that has been outlined.

In regards to the troops and claims over any Cretian or Rotovian-Cretian considerations or territory, it is requested such matters be immediately be relinquished and all troops, personnel and holdings be withdrawn.

The smooth transition of power is the utmost goal of all concerned and the respect for this process is paramount to the long term peace and prosperity of Greco/oceanic-Rotovia.

In addition, noting conflict between Farmina and certain members Reformed Oceania -being the region of Rotovia- it is requested that all transport of personnel be done under guard of the Imperial Navy, as a general courtesy.

Senator Sarah Hours
Minister for Foreign Affairs
Constitutional Republic of Rotovia

Mr Julien Trident, MP
Minister for Rotovian Relations
Temporary Joint Administration of Crete
Republic of Crete/Province of Rotovian Crete


Exert from 'The Athenian Times', originally reproduced in 'The Regional Report'

President Bacchus held a closed door meeting with Cretian Prime Minister Helen Oden-Blanc, in which it is believed concerns over growing conflict with Farmina were raised.

The Rotovian Territory of Crete was assigned to Farmina interim-governance in the 'Second Treaty of Crete' to prevent future conflicts between the hostile territory and the Republic.

Prime Minister Oden-Blanc has indicated her government's desire to conclude negotiation on the 'Treaty of Antioch', which would divide Crete geographical into to separate nations; The 'Republic of Crete' in south where primarily Cretian Aboriginals live as an Allied State under the Empire of Rotovia and The 'Province a Northern Crete' in the north largely occupied by the wealthier Rotovian descendants and will be created a Province of the State of Athens.

Effectively dividing the the territory into two nations -one of which being Rotovia- and ending Farminan occupation.
11-05-2006, 14:42
All Farminan military forces have already been withdrawn from Crete in full. Only bureaucrats advising the Cretan government remain. Furthermore, the Democratic Republic of Farmina makes no claim of Crete.

We do however warn Rotovia to be honest with regards to its dealings in Crete. The Republic’s eyes, though distracted, are still watching.

Tobias Grey
President of the Republic
11-05-2006, 14:58
Press Release

Although it is the considered opinion of His Most Serene Majesty's Government that this matter is an internal affair of the Rotovian Empire, His Most Serene Majesty's Government welcomes the diplomatic efforts of the Rotovian government in resolving this most delicate of situations.

In addition we applaud the government of Prime Minister Oden-Blanc for their initiative in the matter, and find their wish for a peaceful and lasting solution to the problems that have plagued Crete to be in perfect harmony with our own, and know them also to be in harmony with those of the Rotovian Government.

We have never known the Rotovians to act with any but the most honourable of intentions, and believe that they shall live up to their long-standing reputation for scrupulous dealings with all parties.

Ministry of External Affairs
12-05-2006, 07:59

To: Foreign Affairs Ministry, Farmina
CC: Associated Press

With the thanks of the Empire, Republic and The Temporary Joint Administration of Crete, the prompt response of Farmina is appreciated. That said, it is paramount that any all personnel, including bureaucratic staff not holding the newly created Pan-Rotovian Provincial Visa, be removed from the Republic of Crete and/or the The Province of Rotovian Crete. Illegal aliens may be subject to detention.

Farminan nationals within either The Republic of Crete or The Province of Rotovian Crete should immediately apply for a Pan-Rotovian Provincial Visa AND a Visa Permit from Temporary Joint Administration, for the relevant territory. Joint Visas for both the Cretian Republic and Province will not be granted, at this time.

Senator Sarah Hours
Minister for Foreign Affairs
Constitutional Republic of Rotovia

Mr Julien Trident, MP
Minister for Rotovian Relations
Temporary Joint Administration of Crete
Republic of Crete/Province of Rotovian Crete
Northern Colonies
12-05-2006, 12:16
TO: Minister for Foreign Affairs, Constitutional Republic of Rotovia
FROM: Department of Foreign Affairs, Northern Colonies.
SUBJECT: Congrats

We congratuate you on being able to achieve peace without a single bullet fired. We hope that the deal will bring peace and propsperity to all nations.

Yours Sincerely,
Alexander Peters, MP
Minister for Foreign Affairs
Northern Colonies

TO: Minister for Rotovian Relations, Crete
FROM: Department of Foreign Affairs, Northern Colonies.
SUBJECT: 6 Ships for the Navy

The six Ships have been completed and with the crew trained, the only thing left is to commision those ships. The ships will set sail at about a weeks time. Before then, please give us the name of which you would like to nane

Yours Sincerely,
Alexander Peters, MP
Minister for Foreign Affairs
Northern Colonies
13-05-2006, 09:46
All Farminan staff still performing duties in Crete have been instructed to complete the appropriate visa applications. It is the opinion of the Democratic Republic that there is nothing more to say on this matter.

Phillip Sullivan
Chancellor for Foreign Affairs