The Fall of Ramissle-Florintine (Closed to Irathria only)
The Transylvania
09-05-2006, 05:19
The nation was thrown into chaos because of the death of the Ramissle President. Mayors of the large cities began calling themselves, de facto rulers of the those cities. They used the city’s police forces are their own army. If there was military base near by, the highest ranking officers would become the leader of that base. Warlords they would become. All out chaos was going through out the nation. Looters robbing stores, taking everything that was not screwed down. Fights started in cities between the Mayor’s police and the soldiers of the countless Warlords. In under a week, thousands were dead and millions were wounded.
Northern Warlords began to formed up and join their forces together. The whole North of Ramissle main land became the Black States of Ramissle. They took over cities left and right. Gaining land and bases as their forces moved across the land. The Black States had northern army bases, air force bases and naval bases under their control. The Black States flags was black and red version of the Ramissle’s flag.
In Southern Ramissle, the same thing was happening. But it was divide into the west and the east. The west called themselves, the Knights of Ramissle. The west on the hand called themselves, the People’s Republic of Ramissle. Like the Black States, both the Knights and the People’s Republic had army bases, air force base, and navy bases. The Knights’ flag was the Knights Templar symbol. The People’s Republic’s flag was black and red version of the Ramissle’s flag with yellow word saying ‘For The People!’.
In the Florintine side, it was still chaos. No united people like in Ramissle, it was multiple warlords fighting against each other. It was mayhem throughout that part of Ramissle controlled lands.
09-05-2006, 11:31
OOC: sounds very appealing, nice
09-05-2006, 12:25
It is NOT closed to Irathrian nations only.
For gods sake, Ramissle said so himself. I have as much right to Role Play it as you do.
Amazonian Beasts
09-05-2006, 22:50
The oppurtunity could not be passed up by Dominion command. Ramissle now in total chaos, even with the slight unity laid up by the three segments of main Ramissle, which wasn't even far from the Dominion, seperated by the wastelands of once-ICCD. The People's Republic, in particular, seemed like another communist-type nation to be formed...and that went directly against the autocratic Amazonian regime. In the name of imperialism, and that of crushing the communist mencace, those fools daring enough to try independence in the People's Republic of Ramissle would pay dearly...
The attack route would be simple. Through what ports the Amazonians had in the inland Irathrian sea, naval forces would strike out at night, and make full speed towards the daybreak, they would already have firing positions.
OOC: Posting for interests. Someone mind answering my question in the new Irathrian Thread for me so I can make an IC?
Sparta Infensus
09-05-2006, 23:42
At news of this terribe deed thousands of soldiers were approved by the Spartan Government as well as current naval vessels stationed at 'New Greece' Naval Base/Civvie Colonization (It's been one NS year since my Colonization of the island. People flocked over and super-heavy construction as well as terraforming went down upon the coastline.
Within the fleet were
2 // O-Project Battle Cruiser//
Length: 824 ft
Beam: 118 ft
Draft: 27 ft
Maximum Speed: 47 knots
Crew: 2,800 officers and men
// Armor //
Belt: 9 in
Bulkheads: 5 in
Barbettes: 7 in
Turrets: 9 in
Decks: 4 in
// Armaments //
15 x 380 mm (15 in) (4x3) - Maximum Range (42 Mi) 3 Guns upon the bow, 2 upon the aft.
12 x 150 mm (5.9 in) (6×2)
16 x 105 mm (4.1 in) (8×2)
16 x 120 mm (4.7 in) (8x2)
20 x 37 mm (10×2)
40 x 20 mm (40 x 1)
8 x 533 mm torpedo tubes <--- Loaded with Warlock series Super-Cav torps and possible MGM-52 Sea Lance's
5 CW-CIWS System (Upon the Front Bow, Back Bow, and one on each side fo the Beam as well as one sitting upon a platform beind the brige of the ship):
Which takes the old system; updates the software and re-fitts the hardware unto smaller and lighter as well as more rugged TTFT's which are nearly 10x faster as well and are able to make much more accurate and faster computations for accuracy as well as threat assessment. They come outfitted with IR, NV, AEGIS, and LIDAR. They are integrated to work with the ships AEGIS system and LIDAR which comes with the Doppleganger. The modified CIWS systems come with RADAR and are made much more robust with the use of TTFT's.
10 x 4 ESS Missile 4 Tube Launchers
10 x 6 Harpoon Anti-Ship Missile Launchers
1 Nimitz from the origional Colonization, 16 Austin's from the origional Colonization, and 7 El Santo call Submarines, and lastly 2 Wasp Class nuclear powered Carriers. Upon these ships Were 15,000 combat ready troops ready to be deployed to the island to re-take control; and unite the island though not under Sparta; but instead to give the nation. When ready; democratic control and restore it to it's origional state.
They left the port a 'New Greece' heading through the straight of Relish to the Quintigian Sea. Where further operations would be carried out
No endorse
10-05-2006, 03:15
-the news cuts away from local events to a recent No Endorse announcement-
"Greetings fellow Irathrians, it is my esteemed pleasure to be here with you today. I come bearing matters very grave. We all know of the fall of Ramissile, and of the chaos now in the area of old Florintine."
-the camera cuts away to a wooded scene. Tanks are roaring in the background along jungle roads-
"Therefore, we are claiming the entirety of the Tiberan Penninsula.(ooc: What I'm calling the thing between the gulf of Tiber and open sea) This is a natural extension of our holdings, and is lightly habited."
-The camera cuts away again, this time of several large landing fleets in a calm sea, approaching the Florintine coast under heavy shore fire, broad orchestral music playing in the background-
"In addition, we are claiming the northernmost sectors of Florintine. The areas will have peace restored, and will become full-fledged members of No Endorse. Do not be afraid, this is merely a peacekeeping measure. No Endose will liberate these people from their bondage. People of Ramissile! Watch the fires of the old regime burn into nothing, and a new age of wealth and prosperity emerge!"
-end news reel-
The Transylvania
10-05-2006, 03:23
The people of Florintine did not like that. Ramissle already ruled them and they did not want any other person to rule them. They will rule themselves. They would have to fight themselves until that day comes. A few of the Navy bases in the north started working together. Men start moving out to man coastal guns. Word was going around that the north was going to unite.
A message was sent out to the No Endorse navy. “You are not welcome in Florintine. You are nothing. You are like the evil nation of Ramissle when they took over. If you want this land, you will have to fight for it.”
Sparta Infensus
10-05-2006, 03:53
As the Nimitz halted several miles off West the coast of Florintinian-Ramissle two Wasp Class carriers halted off the Eastern coast while each O-Project took firing positions with full broad-sides extended as they entered the Tenerian Bay to make sure that there would be no unprovolked attacks upon the carriers. Of course they wouldn't fire upon civvilians as they were here to restore democracy and peace to the Florintinians.
A squadron of 15 OH-10A's took off from the flight deck of the Nimitz; as 15 more took of from one of the Wasp's. These planes were on a mission to fly over the hot-spots of the riots and fighting only to spread this message.
"Please, people of Florintinian-Ramissle; stop your fighting. Sparta is here to restore Peace and Democracy. Give every person the right to vote, is that not what you all have in common? Show it, stop the fighting!"
If not, hundreds of soldiers would march in and force Marshal Law upon them though they didn't know that. Meanwhile several LCM's landed 5,000 troops from 25 LCM's landed by from 6 Austin's off shore. These 5,000 troops were veterans packing G-12's and every 10th man with AT4's as well as extra Javelins as well as FIM-92F's.
Ftagn Official Announcment to Irathia:
The Emperor has pledged his armies to restore order to the southern half of Florentinian-Ramissle. Please do not interfere.
To the people of Florentinian-Ramissle, we bring you order out of chaos. Do not resist, we are coming to help you. This is for your own good. Ftagn troops will only stay until stability and peace is restored.
OOC: I'll post more later...
Of the coast of southern Florintine a small fleet had gathered, comprising of 2 Battleships and 8 Missile Destroyers. The ships slowed to a stop, the Corporate states flag high in the air of each of the ships, in the distance the targets could be seen. A small Coastal town, defenceless, its only crime was not being of the Corporate States, to the States it was the highest crime and the only reason they needed.
the battleships opened fire from there massive Guns, round after round after round. For over an hour the fired, non stop, each hour tho they would allow the guns to cool, an over heated gun was a dangerus gun.
Shell after shell hit the town, buildings exploded, people screamed, dead bodies littered the streets (aswell as body parts). One image that was cought by outside news services was a shcoking one. A young child, maby not even older then 4, sat crying in the chaos and the shouts and screams. He sat there cry holding his teddy bear close to his blooded body, holding his mothers hand, the only thing that could be heared from his was "mummy, mummy wake up...mummy wake up".
Her body lay next to him, burnt and deformed, her lower torso missing. But the kid didnt care, she was his mummy and he was scared, he didnt understand why her eyes where closed.
It was the last thing the camra crews saw, as missiles fell apon the town, warheads tiped with napalm. Fire would sweep across the coastal town, burning all who was left, destroying a perfectly good town and killing 1000s of people.
once it was finished the ships moved on, each target a coastal town, city or villiage, each one would be destroyed in the wake. But that was not all...
High in the air, B2 Spirts flew, military bases the target, low yeld (1kt) nuclear warheads would be droped on KEY military bases. The Corporate States would claim that, but the fear that would insue was what was needed.
In the distance from the shore's, the invasion force was arriving. the 1st Corps, the Black Hand, the most elite of the elite in the CSF. A force that new how to get the job done and well.
Assault Carriers/Transports cut though the night sea, there deadly cargo waiting for a fight. Soon the son's and daughter's of the Corporate States would bring the final freedom to the people of southern Florintine, freedom from pain, freedom from life itself. There only hope once the Shocktroopers land would be to flee, flee to the north.
OOC: i will post my actions in Ramissle soon...if i ever do anything there.
Announcement to The Former Ramisslean State "The Black States"
It has come to my attention, Chancellor Fonzi Jewitt's, and Sectur James Conners', that your nation of Ramissle has fallen into callapse. With it, you have come out of the ashes of anarchy. Of which, you are considered the most prestigous of the break-aways, which is why I am personally writing your government.
The Jewittist Republic's claim in Irathria, Jewittist Irathria, is just north of your current state, and the Republic wishes to expand in this colonial harsh world, by claiming Jewittist Ramissle, your very nation.
Signing over peacefully will grant you admediate Jewittist industrial aid, economic healthening programs, and protection. It also will mean a technocratic federal economy to be inplaced to get you the money you need and quick. All the while, representing yourself in the tight-nip confederacy that is the Jewittist Republic.
If you refuse, your lands will be taken forcefully, I am sorry to say. Do not let your decision be influenced by our past povertized crisises, and may your decision look onto the examples of the Skibereens, who attempted to stab Raptior, our capital, in the back.
Signed Respectively,
Douvier Daniel Tanner de Portshire
Before it was even sent, that message carried with it hightend patrols along The Black States' borders and a full fleet deployed. Planned for the invasion, for it would happen, was the following:
1st Irathrian Armal "Heartland"
1,200,000 General Infantry armed w/ OSIR
56,000 Various Infantry of other Arms/Specialties
650 Iskra LBT
600 Mekhev MBT
200 SPARW Self-Propelled Artillery
80 U-4 Uberfest
3,000 130mm towed conventional artillery
165 Praetorian II Anti-Air Vehicles
30 HURST-5 Koda "White Knife" Stealth Attack Helicopter
2nd Irathrian Armal "Clean Enforcement"
900,000 General Infantry armed w/ OSIR
120,000 Various Infantry of other Arms/Specialties
2,000 Iskra LBT
1,980 Mekhev MBT
1,000 SPARW Self-Propelled Artillery
124 U-4 Uberfest
4,500 130mm towed conventional artillery
400 Praetorian II Anti-Air Vehicle
340 HURST-5 Koda "White Knife" Stealth Attack Helicopter
1st Irathrian Terramarine
[3] Voodoo-class CVN (
[56] Brian Johnson-class DDG (Destroyer / Instruments Disruption) (
[24] Oured-class SSN (Submarine Superiority) (
[20] Angus Young-class BBG (Guided Missile Cruiser) (
[8] Alice Cooper-class PDAG (Fleet-wide Defence Vessel) (
[12] Jim Morrison-class Auxilary Logistical Vessel (
[14] Kurt Cobain-class HPC (Hydrofoiled Patrol-Missile Craft - Blue/White Water Capable) (
Ftagn Battlegroup Alpha neared the coast of southern Florentine. Comprised of 4 Eclipse class supercarriers, 15 dreadnoughts, and numerous escorts, the fleet began to stir to action after days at sea. Surveillance planes lifted off from the decks of the carriers, and a large mass of troop transports began detaching themselves from the main fleet. Further down the coast, on either side, a similar scene unfolded from groups Beta and Gamma...
Soon, Florentine would come under the shadow of the iron fist of the Emperor's legions.
Sparta Infensus
11-05-2006, 02:59
Of the coast of southern Florintine a small fleet had gathered, comprising of 2 Battleships and 8 Missile Destroyers. The ships slowed to a stop, the Corporate states flag high in the air of each of the ships, in the distance the targets could be seen. A small Coastal town, defenceless, its only crime was not being of the Corporate States, to the States it was the highest crime and the only reason they needed.
the battleships opened fire from there massive Guns, round after round after round. For over an hour the fired, non stop, each hour tho they would allow the guns to cool, an over heated gun was a dangerus gun.
Shell after shell hit the town, buildings exploded, people screamed, dead bodies littered the streets (aswell as body parts). One image that was cought by outside news services was a shcoking one. A young child, maby not even older then 4, sat crying in the chaos and the shouts and screams. He sat there cry holding his teddy bear close to his blooded body, holding his mothers hand, the only thing that could be heared from his was "mummy, mummy wake up...mummy wake up".
Her body lay next to him, burnt and deformed, her lower torso missing. But the kid didnt care, she was his mummy and he was scared, he didnt understand why her eyes where closed.
It was the last thing the camra crews saw, as missiles fell apon the town, warheads tiped with napalm. Fire would sweep across the coastal town, burning all who was left, destroying a perfectly good town and killing 1000s of people.
once it was finished the ships moved on, each target a coastal town, city or villiage, each one would be destroyed in the wake. But that was not all...
High in the air, B2 Spirts flew, military bases the target, low yeld (1kt) nuclear warheads would be droped on KEY military bases. The Corporate States would claim that, but the fear that would insue was what was needed.
In the distance from the shore's, the invasion force was arriving. the 1st Corps, the Black Hand, the most elite of the elite in the CSF. A force that new how to get the job done and well.
Assault Carriers/Transports cut though the night sea, there deadly cargo waiting for a fight. Soon the son's and daughter's of the Corporate States would bring the final freedom to the people of southern Florintine, freedom from pain, freedom from life itself. There only hope once the Shocktroopers land would be to flee, flee to the north.
OOC: i will post my actions in Ramissle soon...if i ever do anything there.
Unfortunetly for them.... The O-Project Battle-Cruiser's stayed at the gulf out of fear at the two inbound Doppleganger class Battleships. 24, 380mm ETC guns. When aimed at a common place of a ship. Say it's Aft area; devestating effects. Or complete rape of that area of the ship is done. These two ships cruised at 40 knots only 1 knot under thier maximum speed. They redier a full on assault of these horrible people.
The OH-10A's with the Microphones relayed back real-time didgital footage to floating HQ of the destruction.
The Doppleganger Battleships were ordered to destroy the enemy with no remorse and so. They intended to do so; readying the guns at thier 45 degree maximum range angle. Both ships in a line, one directly behind the other after a few hours of full steam ahead; they closed in on the enemy. GPS said 5 minutes until they were in range for the 42 mile range of these guns; though that was for effective velocity upon imact to cause collateral damage. If they were fired from farther; the arch would be to big and it would hit the deck. Though they were aimed from something else...
The 24 380mm ETC guns readied and aimed upon both ships. They were aimed at the bridges at the Battleship closest to them from the enemy.
The Bridge Commander ordered for the guns for fire the second they were in range; upon the other brige. Which the guns did; letting loose a hail storm of 52 shells from just two ships at the Enemy Ship's brige. More than enough to rape it away and disable the ship.
In a matter of seconds the next wave of shells would be loaded and ready to fire at the other Battleship; effectively disabling them. Leaving them completely brigeless and unable to use the FCS, or AEGIS, or any other major part of the ship.
No endorse
11-05-2006, 03:25
The people of Florintine did not like that. Ramissle already ruled them and they did not want any other person to rule them. They will rule themselves. They would have to fight themselves until that day comes. A few of the Navy bases in the north started working together. Men start moving out to man coastal guns. Word was going around that the north was going to unite.
A message was sent out to the No Endorse navy. “You are not welcome in Florintine. You are nothing. You are like the evil nation of Ramissle when they took over. If you want this land, you will have to fight for it.”
A response was fired back just as quickly.
No problems mate, we'll give ya a show.
The fleets on station redoubled their bombardment, hitting everything from military bases to shore emplacements. Massive bomber formations came in with low yield nuclear weapons, aiming for major military bases. Seven weapon encirclement ensured effective... 'disposal' of the targets, and intense conventional carpet-bombing added uncertainty to every move.
Would the plane above you incinerate you? Or would you merely be surrounded by conventional ordinance?
By the end, it would be realized that continued resistance would bring Dresden to every living being in the nation. No Endorse would not be stopped.
On the North Beaches, wave after wave of No Endorse troops was repulsed. It seemed as if this fleet was too small to breach the landing zone. Everything still remaining pulled back a ways and began massive long-range bombardments. The very land would be blown away if it was necessary to do so.
Atal Amner routinely observed field reports, watching his armies take the Tiberan penninsula rapidly, but be stunned by Rammissilian defenses. We shall break them...
Sparta Infensus
12-05-2006, 02:55
OOC: Whoops; thought you were Corp xDDDD Sorry
The Xeno
12-05-2006, 07:02
OOC: Marked for interest.
OOC: Sparta just want to know if your shore you want to attack my ships, its just well i will consider it an act of war and well.......cant be held resonsible for what i do (what's normal for my invasion plans are invading and killing off the entire population of a target, in this case all 100 odd million of your people.)
OOC: Sparta just want to know if your shore you want to attack my ships, its just well i will consider it an act of war and well.......cant be held resonsible for what i do (what's normal for my invasion plans are invading and killing off the entire population of a target, in this case all 100 odd million of your people.)
OOC: I'm about to run into your forces myself, actually. Just letting you know. 'Cause we're both attacking the same area.
OOC: has this stalled or died?
No endorse
18-05-2006, 23:44
ooc: Got lazy, I'll post more eventually. Assume there's heavy fighting at the beach, and the NE troops are stuck like the Allies were just after D-day.
im waiting on Sparta but if he doesnt post soon i will just figure what he posted didnt happen. Yet.