The End of Spanoism
New Eonopolis
07-05-2006, 04:36
OOC-I have decided to end the rebellion, I am busy and would not have time to continue it.
Constantine became the leader of New Eonopolis, instituting Constantinianism. Maximillian and his family returned and the nation became a constitutional monarchy. The Three Elites were given their former status and Spanoism was disposed of.
Constantine had decided to open diplomatic relations with other nations. He hopes New Eonopolis can get off to a new start.
The Horde Of Doom
07-05-2006, 04:45
The new Direct Democracy of the Horde of Doom would prefer information on your new political leanings.
New Eonopolis
07-05-2006, 04:51
The new Direct Democracy of the Horde of Doom would prefer information on your new political leanings.
Constantine is the founder of Constantinianism. Constantinians believe in ''A government for the people. One that works for the people and one that earns respect, not one that just says it wants some or deserves some without any work done to have it.'' Constantinians ''respect the freedom of conscience and all freedoms, given to the people by the Creator.'' Constantinians also hold ''It is that we respect the people, it was said by St. Paul ''What you sow so shall you reap.'' Henceforth, we wish to reap that which is good, not that which is bad.''
Rotten bacon
07-05-2006, 05:05
OOC: this is fricken hillarius i've been here since before the rebellion and i still never saw any gunfire.
IC: All troops moved out and returned home.
The Horde Of Doom
07-05-2006, 05:08
We wish to open relations with New Eonopolis
Message from the Secular Empire of Maraque Foreign Affairs Ministry
The Secular Empire of Maraque seeks to open diplomatic relations with the new government.
07-05-2006, 11:16
OOC: Rrrrrrrriiiight. And all those troops in there, all the naval forces, airforces, foreign support, meant nothing? They just disappeared?