Kedalfax War Reignites! (MT, Openish)
07-05-2006, 01:08
Okay, this is my first attempt at a real RP. To enter, please TG me. Tell me what side you want to be on, what you think should happen, etc. So let's get this thing started!
Excerpt from Kedalfaxian History, p.239 (Smith M., Kaltson, J., Education International, 2005)
“The Kedalfax war was started in 1990, when anti-communist protests caused the Kedalfax Federal Army to violently respond. South Kedalfaxian militants fought the army. The federal forces were pushed eventually pushed out of all of Southern Kedalfax up to the Delon Province line. Other forces, lead by Gen. Sebuu, made it to Relton City. On June 4, 1991 Communist leader Mikhail Garter was captured in a military headquarters in Relton City. Sebuu decided that the Communist North would not be captured, and so he drew up a treaty, which separated the two sides of Kedalfax at the boarder of the Delon Province. Garter refused it. Knowing that the Northern side of the Delon Province contained nothing of much value, he changed the line to the point where the border of the Hampton Province met the Gulf of Simtropolis, crossing straight across to the ocean. Garter accepted. Sebuu also insisted that walls be built to prevent either side from entering the other without permission. The walls would be built one kilometer from the line. Under the treaty, neither side is allowed to have any military installations within a kilometer of the wall, nor any highways. Neither side is allowed to fly aircraft, civilian or otherwise, within 1.5 kilometers of the walls.”
Excerpt from The Newland Times, 5 May, 2006
J. Morrison,
Staff Writer
A northern rebellion group attempted to break the DMZ line late yesterday. The group reportedly walked toward and attempted to climb over the wall with bombs. The paper has been assured that the bombs were meant to blow holes in the wall. Communist soldiers opened fire, killing five people. Other militants who had been hiding in nearby trees started sniping the soldiers. Backup was called in, and a shootout erupted. The paper was forced to publish before the shooting stopped. Rumors say that large numbers of Kedalfaxian tanks are waiting at the 1.5 km limit. The government is urging all citizens to stay more than two kilometers away from the walls until northern forces cross the lines.
Excerpt from The Newland Times, 6 May, 2006
J. Morrison,
Staff Writer
The sanctity of the 1991 Demilitarization treaty has officially been violated. As you may have read in yesterday's paper, shootouts erupted on the north wall. Northern troops were called in to defend the sanctity. Captured militants stated to both northern and southern forces that they were acting independent of any government. Midday yesterday, northern troops came within the one km limit. Southern forces waiting at their limit advanced, and opened fire on the northerners. The government has told us to not release information regarding the position of troops. We at the paper believe that this war may come much too close for comfort, and so we believe that at this point compliance would be the best option. We would like to assure the reader that any illegal acts performed by the government will be reported to the best of our ability.”
The Federated States of Kedalfax are in a time of war. We need as much help as we can get, as we believe the enemy has a worthy military. We ask of foreign nations to aid us in any way possible. If possible, please aid us with army troops. Help in the formation of a naval blockade would also be helpful.
Thank you for your support,
Pauul J. James-Martin
Kedalfaxian Secretary of the Exterior
So now you know what is going on. For more information, go to my wiki ( page, or telegram me.
07-05-2006, 20:48
No intrest at all? Not even going to tell me what I did wrong? Nothing?
07-05-2006, 21:40
This post may contain actual information. And nuts.
Excerpt from The Newland Times, 7 May, 2006
J. Morrison,
Staff Writer
Kedalfax City mayor James Valdesz has sent a signed letter to the governments of the CUK and the FSK, stating that the northern area of Delon is to be treated as a separate and sovereign nation. The new nation's boarders will be defined as the current provincial boarder in the CUK, and the current international boarder between the two Kedalfaxes. The FSK has accepted the sovereignty. The CUK has not. They are willing to fight the "rebellious losers," as they were called by the CUK government. The Kedalfaxian government has said that they will be protecting and helping the new nation. Currently, the government has shown no interest in absorbing the new nation. Former Chairman Sebuu, who gave up the section in exchange for peace at the beginning of the nation, said to the Times, "The best governments have the approval of their citizens. The best citizens like their government. As long as Northern Delon remains democratic and free, we will should not absorb them. If they wish to become part of our nation, then we should let them."
Fighting still continues on the boarder, however. At this stage, our info says that the fighting is still primarily within the DMZ. Again, we will continue to keep you up to date every day to the best of our ability. More information about the new nation can be found on page A-8.
*Skipping ahead to page A-8*
We would like to thank the Times for allowing for us to tell Kedalfax about ourselves. Many of the readers of this paper are probably able to remember Delon before the war. Not much has changed. The nation is still in its very beginnings, so we are not able to say much. As you read on the front page, we refer to ourself as Northern Delon. Our submission to the Nation States Authority has us labeled as a rouge nation. In the most basic sense, we are. We hope to last for a long time. As I write this letter, some of my cabinet is starting a draft of our constitution. After I finish, I will be helping. We would like you to know that we support a peaceful trade between Northern Delon and Kedalfax. We also support the sanctioning, and hopeful destruction of the CUK. I will write in more later.
Thank you for your attention,
James Valdesz
Nothern Delon Head of State
07-05-2006, 22:20
A Park Bench, Somewhere
A middle aged man wearing a neat business suit and glasses was reading a broadsheet newspaper, with a laptop on the bench next to him, and a suitcase at his feet. In it were a small sidearm for personal use and some more business clothes, among other gadgets.
He wore a quizzical look on his face. He was reading the Times, and was rather interested in what it read. Apparantly, a communist movement in the north, a mere 25 miles away from where he was, was gathering force.
Sitting his laptop on his lap, he typed away a message, with all the information he could gather in it. His superiors would surely find this interesting....
Several Hours Later
PAF Stoddart
In the quiet of the night, in a hangar on the far side of the airfield, a single C-145SOF came to life. Painted jet black, it was a formidable sight, with its refueling probe stretched out in front and Fulton recovery system arms. On board it were a 6 man team of Zulu operatives and two Land Rovers, heavily armed of course.
Circling above the airfield were four F-45 fighters, todays escort fighters. On an intercept course from PAF Atryau was a KC-145 refueling jet. Their drop point - international waters, near Kedalfax. Of course, Communist leaders had already been informed using various official and unofficial sources. The first part would be a walk in the park, the second would be slightly more difficult.
Also, a fleet is being prepared, and an Airborne Division is being readied, but you wouldn;t know this at this stage. And eveything here is secret IC too.
07-05-2006, 22:59
Umm, Galashiels, The movement is anti-communist. Just wanted to make sure you knew that. Maybe my J. Morrison character is not a very good writer. Maybe I'll have the Times fire him. Probably doing drugs again. (If you get it, you need to go to Paris.)(And the joke isn't that I'm doing drugs, 'cause I'm not)
So, yeah. You might want to make sure you know which side you're on.
CUK:Communist Union of Kedalfax. Not registered with NS. Communists.
FSK: Federated States of Kedalfax. Democracy. Me.
NDe: Northern Delon.(ND is a province in FSK, so it cant be used) This is the territory of dispute. It lies within the CUK, and has declared independance. This is where the fighting is going on.
So, which side are you on, Galashiels? And it's still open to any participants
07-05-2006, 23:02
I'll go with the anti-commies. Sorry about that.
I don't actually carry any political ideals as a person, I just like going with the underdog.
Sparta Infensus
07-05-2006, 23:28
I'm going to agree with Galashiels and go and ally with the Anti-Commies. Simply because I hate them with a passion, except for Cuba, Cuba's cool just not Fidel... Because I say so...
A single Spartan KH-6 series, Vagabond satellite watched overhead as it moved into Geo-Syncronis orbit watching the action unfold. Producing high-resolution digtial real time video which was being streamed back to fort 'St. Conrad' where Commanding Officers and other high ranking military personelle would normally, after watching what had just happened, discussed the next course of action. Though this time it was immidiate in what the next course of action was. Help the Anti-Commies.
And so a Spartan officer while after consulting the President; and of course after he had agreed. Went on radio; which most likely would be listened in on; as they broadcasted for the Rebels to hear.
"This is Sparta and we will help you overthough the government in any way shape or form. Of course if you need it..."
08-05-2006, 23:53
Hey, I think Cuba is cool too. I prefer the Conch Republic myself. I'm also not entirely convinced that the Fidel that started Commie Cuba is still alive.
Also, I have written up a draft constitution. If you don't like it, tell me what to fix. It hasn't been finished yet, so the nation is still taking suggestions.
It's at the top of the page here:
09-05-2006, 17:40
So what's gonna happen? Is there going to be a civil war?
By the looks of it, your planning a peaceful finish in which Northern Delon is officially recognised as a country.
The former is good for a war RP, the latter a good diplomatic one, though I'm sure me and Sparta can put our own spin on things.
09-05-2006, 22:24
Well, there is a war going on. You might not realise it, because I haven't posted a whole lot about the fighting, but here are the basics of what is going on as we speak.
The Communist Union of Kedalfax was attempting to keep the boarder secure. An attempt at a crossing of the boarder caused fighting to break out. The fighting escalated, and now it is a full out war. The fighting is mainly taking place in an area of the southern CUK. This area has declared its self a nation. The FSK, that's me, has acknowledged the existance of Northern Delon as a nation. Technically, there is a civil war. Northern Delon and the CUK, with Northern Delon backed up by the FSK.
EDIT: Part of the reason I haven't posted a lot about the fighting is that I started this thread with the ideas that I have shown, hoping that in the time before I ran out, I would come up with new ones. So right now I am just doing idle tasks to try and rack my brain for new ideas. One way that y'all can help is to POST, POST, POST! Feed me information about what your nation thinks. Even just saying that you will or won't recognise Northern Delon is helpful!
Imperial IBeria
10-05-2006, 00:03
I would like to join on the side of the anit-communists. I am very new at this, so please help me along if I mess up.
“Charles, did you receive the email on the Kedalfax situation.” Ethan O’Conner, Minister of Forgein Relations, stepped into a large, oval room, filled with maps and monitor screens.
“Of course, and I have already discussed it with Air Marshall Hixon and Admiral Ferguson.” Emperor Charles I took in the view of his cabinet. Seven individuals filled the circular table of the room.
“Good, as you know, it is our policy to contain all elements of communism, and Minister Mikal has agreed in its benefit.” O’Conner turned attention to the Minister of Domestic Affairs.
“We are in need of new trade partners and allies. This new nation of Northern Delon could be a great asset along the road.”
The emperor took control of the conversation. “As all of you know, most of our forces are involved with regional maneuvers with our other allies. Currently, all we have at our disposal is the 7th Fleet and the First IBerian Marine Division. That’s only a few ships and two aircraft carriers, and we are two weeks from Kedalfax. I say we send them.”
The other Ministers nodded in agreement. A News conference was planned and the message to carry out operations in Kedalfax cleanly passed through the chain of command, starting with the Commandant of the IBerian Defense Forces, and ending with the 7th Fleet.
Admiral Kerrington quickly decided to choose the Battle Carrier Vic Rigona as his flagship. His orders were simply. Move to striking distance of the states of Kedalfax and provide support for the First Marine Division, which was being taken by air to Northern Delon. Only 17 ships, and no support, sounds like fun.
Transmission to Northern Delon government. The United Charleston States of IBeria is sending aid. Further details will arrive soon with an embassy staff.
[OOC] The 7th Fleet consists of 2-Nimitz class carriers, 2- Los Angeles class subs, 2-Ageais class cruisers, 4-Perry class frigates, 6-Burke Class guided missile destroyers, and one Iowa class battle ship.
The Marine Division consists of twenty thousand troops, but only a fraction will be involved, all flown in on military and civilian aircraft.
10-05-2006, 02:18
Excerpt from The Newland Times, 9 May, 2006
J. Morrison,
Staff Writer
"Let's make sure everyone understands; I did not shoot myself." This was the comment made by Northern Delon Governor James Valdesz. According to reports, the Governor of Northern Delon, which is what Northern Delon had decided to call their Head of State, shot former provincial governor Zach Peppard. Peppard, who had been on vacation in a rural area of the northern CUK, attempted to regain control of his province by walking into the mayor's office unarmed, and demanding that Valdesz relinquish control. A local pro-communist who saw Peppard enter the building, followed him in. The man, who's name has not been released to the press at this point, walked in as the Northern Delon Governer was reaching in a drawer. Assuming he had a gun, the man raised his own gun. As it happens, there was a gun in that drawer, which Valdesz in return aimed at the man. The man put his hands up and dropped the gun, which Peppard picked up and aimed at Valdesz. Valdesz shot Peppard one time. The shot punctured his left ventrical. At the sight of the profuse bleeding, the unnamed man fainted. Governor Valdesz claims that he was reaching in the drawer for a copy of the draft constitution. He said to the Times, "I was getting out a copy, in hopes that maybe I could get him over to our side. Something tells me he wasn't going to." Valdesz also stated that, while he greatly regretted the loss of a life, he said it was entirely in self defence, and "He was a terrible leader who, had we actually had elections, would never have been voted in."
Imperial IBeria
10-05-2006, 03:03
Channel 3 Central News Agency
11:00 News Report
“Today, the federal government has publicly announced its commitment to the containment of the Communist Union of Kedalfax in its aggression to the new nation of Northern Delon. The government’s position on the southern Federated States of Kedalfax is still unknown.
The emperor, supported by both houses of the People’s Assembly and Prime Minister Alex Savand, ordered the mobilization of the nation’s defense forces and it is believed that a diplomatic attaché is being sent to Northern Delon.
Protests by the minority Isolationist Party were made clear today in many of the nation’s major cities, as over three thousand joined in anti-war demonstrations. The Protesters still did not clearly attribute the blame to the emperor, who still holds great sway over much of the populace.”
“Military Analysts still citied the military as an inchoate force, and with nearly all IBerian Defense Forces participating in maneuvers for the next few weeks, it remained questionable on how the government would deal with any escalation of hostilities.
Ambassador Lawrence Elderan quickly boarded the small privet jet headed to Northern Delon. His staff included only five members, and two Marines. He had hastily thrown his team together and had just received a satellite uplink encryption phone for speaking with the capital. He felt quite uncomfortable about his assignment.
“Hey Mark!” Lawrence was barley audible as he spoke to his cultural secretary. “What is the name of their capital?”
“Capital, we just hope they have a runway for the jet!”
Could you name some major cities, ports, airfields, capitals. Just a thought
10-05-2006, 11:16
I think I'll actually join the communists....sorry about changing my mind a lot, but I prefer being the underdog, and currently the anti-commies are gaining support.
So assume my post up yonder ^^^ says that the air task force is heading for sourthern Delon, for the communists, ok?
Monkey Fights
10-05-2006, 12:45
The Republic of Monkey Fights fully backs you in your was against communism and the liberating of Delon. Please inform us of what we can do to assist your nation and army in their battle.
El Presidente
10-05-2006, 21:37
Currently, it is suggested that you do not fly into the capital, or the one other airport in Northern Delon. The fighting is currently much too dangerous. However, there are airports in Delon City, DE, FSK, Los Diablos, DE, FSK, and the capital of the FSK (Newland, ND, FSK). Military airbases can also be flown into close to the boarder in various small towns. I would suggest flying into Newland, where we will be able to get an armored limo to take you up to Kedalfax City, which is the capital of Northern Delon.
There are two major cities in Northern Delon; Kedalfax City and Anderson City. Both have a port and an airport. Anderson City is up the Dupree River from Kedalfax City. County Seats (Like a state capital) will probably be up on the wiki page ( Delon) soon.
11-05-2006, 20:13
Ok, I'm a bit of a dumbass, so your going to have to spell this out to me.
Who is in Northern Delon?
Who is in Southern Delon?
Who is fighting who?
11-05-2006, 23:23
In the NORTH is the COMMUNIST Kedalfax. Currently not officially RPed.
In the SOUTH is the DEMOCRATIC Kedalfax. That is me.
In the MIDDLE is NORTHERN DELON. That is also me. This is the area of dispute.
11-05-2006, 23:39
OOC: Ok, that's made it clearer. Sorry for being such an idiot, I put 2 and 2 together to get 7...:S
The C-145 was nearing it's drop point. It had been a long trip - after refueling twice with two KC-145's and flying in massive straight lines, the escorts had held position over international waters, and allowed the cargo aircraft to proceed alone. After taking some readings from the GPS and confirming orders with the HQ, the transport decended to a mere 300 feet above the waves.
The pilots saw the coast approach at a rapid rate, and surged low over the waves. Their course set them for a spot forty kilometers north of Northern Delon, in Communist Kedalfax. The drop point was in the middle of a huge farm, with only a collection of farm buildings to provide any resistance.
As agreed with Communist leaders, the cargo approached a valley that ran up from the coast to the drop point. As they surged over the coast, the aircraft starting transmitting with its CK (Communist Kedalfax) transponder and popped some flares, lighting up the morning sky. They proceeded several miles up the valley, make minor adjustments every now and then. Two miles before the drop point, the aircraft climbed to 500 feet and opened its rear door.
Over the wide fields of the farm, the red light changed to green, and several tons of equipment, two Land Rovers and six men descended from the heavens. The aircraft made a large, sweeping turn, and went back to the coast using a different valley (the farm was at the meeting of two valleys, in a fertile spot near some rivers.) Parachutes opened, and the figures hit the ground at 0647 approximately.
The first step had been made.
12-05-2006, 22:28
Somewhere along M-1 in the FSK
Hundreds of large trucks sped past, heading north on both sides of the highway. The trucks wre preceded by black SUVs and tanks. Three rows deep, all three lanes. The same followed.
Northern Delon-CUK boarder, near the Gulf
Men and women grabbed wooden planks off of trucks and placed them on both sides of a large trench. The trench was six feet deep, and six feet wide. The digging equipment had just left when the trucks arrived. After the planks were placed, metal re-enforcements were placed in the trench. Cement trucks simultaniously started pouring into the rebar-filled trench. By the time all the trucks were empty, the cement was up to ground level, a foot of rebar still poking out. The trucks started back to the FSK for supplies. Three hours later, more rebar had been lain, the cement had been poured, and the trucks started back. There was now a six foot wall, stretching for one hundred miles along the line. A six foot deep and six foot across trench stretched the remainder of the way around the CUK boarder of Northern Delon. Plywood forms made a six foot tall wall along the sides of the trench.
CUK Capitol, Relton City, Hampton Province, CUK
"How the hell does a six foot trench appear in the middle of our nation without anyone noticing?" yelled CUK DOD secretary Ronald Darlingsfeld.
"Um, sir, there's also a wall."
"A wall."
"Yeah. 'Bout two meters tall, 'bout 'hundred sixty kilometers long."
"Have we broken the wall yet?"
"Sir, I've seen fallout shelters that are less strong."
"When have you ever seen a fallout shelter?"
"Um, we're kind of in one."
"This building is made of sheetrock and two-by-fours."
"My point exactly, sir."
"Wow. Get a bridge built."
"I don't know if we can. Most of the boarder is guarded by tanks. At least ten a piece on the M-1 and M-3, five on Route 8, and at least two on all the other roads. The rest of the way is covered by a tank or armed radio car every few miles. Southern Navy blockades out at sea. I hate to say it, but I think we might be losing them."
At that, Darlingsfeld shot him.
Imperial IBeria
13-05-2006, 01:35
“This is IBerian jet 1r39. Sending transmission codex. Carrying Ambassador Lawrence Elderan.” The pilot sounded exhausted form the long flight.
“This is Newland International Airport. You have permission to land.”
The plane landed gently and the new IBerian embassy staff quickly filed out. FSK security personal lead them to three armored limousines.
“Good Morning,” Elderan spoke in a charismatic tone, full of energy. “It seems my government has changed its mind. I am the new FSK ambassador; one of my deputies is going to Delon. Gentlemen, we have much business to attend to. We believe that the 7th Fleet, and possibly the 6th, will arrive no latter than two weeks from now. Also, this is Strategic General Diane.”
The woman was tall, near six feet, and held herself like a rod of steel. Her black hair was short and her uniform contrasted greatly form the wrinkled suits worn by the rest of the embassy staff.
“Hello gentlemen. Please send this note to your air traffic controllers; it will identify all IBeria aircraft and ships. Also, there are six transports carrying four companies of marines to Newland. We would greatly appreciate a piece of land to form a temporary military supply and command base.”
With those concise words, Diane withdrew herself from the conversation.
Twenty F-22 Raptors escorted six C-130s and two Boeing 707s over the international waters of the FSK. Their destination was the airport in Newland. IBeria had begun its campaign.
“Sir, we have visul confirmation of the 6th fleet.” A naval officer reported.
Admiral Ferguson looked out over the vast ocean, disrupted by some 17 more ships.
“What is our current orders.” Ferguson’s voice was hardened.
“The combined fleet is to proceed to the same latitude with Northern Delon and then request orders from General Diane.”
“I want a constant fighter screen over the carrier group, and scouting by our helicopters. No surprises.”
“Yes Admiral.”
Does the CUK have an airforce?
13-05-2006, 17:33
Yeah. CUK does have an airforce. It's not very strong, probably not as strong as ours, but they have one. Their navy is decent, and their army is pretty good.
16-05-2006, 22:34
I don't feel like writing a full out article, but I want to continue the war news. So here we go:
The wall around Northern Delon has been finished. If NDe can push out the CUK military, I guess that the CUK will probably have no choice but to give up Northern Delon. The wall is now 12 feet tall, six feet deep, six feet wide. (Six feet is a little under two meters for those of you who are used to meters). They're still working on making it taller, and fortifications are being put up near the wall. The wall now also continues out to sea about half a mile, staying at least a foot above sea level the whole way.
NDe and the FSK have submitted a peace treaty to the CUK government, waiting for a response. I would like OOC responses from people as to whether or not you would sign the treaty if you were in the position of the CUK. The treaty entails a ceacefire, and that neither country bring military within a mile of the wall.
Also, the FSK is giving a small area of its gulf coast to NDe, so that it can have a port on the Gulf. On the map (, look at the part where the NDe-FSK line turns south for a bit. That's the part I'm talking about.
NOTE ON THE MAP: The canal is just proposed. So are the roads leading to the annex in the Southwest.
And the constitution is finished, It's right here (
Also, the wall doesn't block the river, it comes right up to the coast, where huge heavy duty chains were strung across just above water level, and at various depths below water level. The river is not very deep, only deep enough for a Panamax ship. And that is only because of dredging progects done durring communism.
that's about it for now.
17-05-2006, 22:08
[OOC]Okay, I realy don't like waiting around for responses, so if nobody disagrees by May 18, 2006 at 18:00 EDT (22:00 UTC), I will assume that I can go ahead and make Northern Delon separate and peaceful.
For additional time zones, see:
EDT is the time for New York, New York, USA.
19-05-2006, 01:55
The Newland Times, 18 May, 2006
J. Morrison
Staff Writer
The treaty sent to the CUK government has been accepted, meaning that Northern Delon is now a peaceful, sovereign nation. The treaty says that all of the CUK forces currently in Northern Delon are to be transported safely across the boarder. They are to be loaded abord the H.S. Comfort, a Kedalfaxian hospital ship, and unloaded in a port in Relton City. Election campaigns for Northern Delon Representatives, Judges, County Chairmen, and Governor have begun. Elections are goint to be held on June 7. More information about Northern Delon may be found at the nation's wiki site here: