NationStates Jolt Archive

Imperial Age, 1872, Land Forces Thread.

Of the council of clan
02-05-2006, 03:13
This is to post Your most recent Technology.

Currently we are still in the Age of Blackpowder weapons, though Brass Casings are showing up as are Internal Magazines and Repeating Rifles. Bolt and Lever Action are the Most Common.

There are no Machine Guns, though they are not far away, Land Mines are 40 years away, so I don't want to hear any of that.

Currently the Only working and Reliable Automatic weapon is the US Gatling Gun.

I'm doing some more research on Artillery of this period, but i'm pretty sure that its still Muzzle Loading, Breach Loading Artillery will be showing up soon though.
Ottoman Khaif
02-05-2006, 03:32
Imperial Russian Army as of 1874

Standing army around 110,000 during peace time, during war time it would at around 340,000 troops.

Currently most of the standing army is deploy around key forts and bases, and also 35,000 troops are currenty deployed in Turkistan, and are busy crushing Turkistani rebels.

Current weapons of the Russian Army:

* Smith and Wesson Model 3 Revolver
* M-1870 Gorlov Gatling Gun
* M-1870 Berdan II Breechloading Rifle

M-1869 Berdan I Breechloading Rifle
* M-1869 Baranov Rifle
* M-1856/69 Krnka Rifle
* M-1857 Rifled Vintovka

* M-1854 Rifled Percussion Musket
M-1854 Dragoon Musket
* M-1856 Jaeger Percussion Rifle

Bayonets, and Fighting Knives

Weapons in Service

M-1870 Berdan Bayonet

M-1856 Bayonet

M-1841 Saber

M-1834 Shashka

M-1827 Cavalry Trooper Saber

For a more detail info on the Russian Army read up on this
02-05-2006, 12:39
45,000 regulars
5,000 Cavalry
100,000 Reserves
3,500 mercenery <To be transfered to Dutch Control)

Unknown, probably American rifle standard with variety of weaponry being used, Little artillary, probably Krupp (Famous brand).

Currently in action:
4,500 regular and 850 Cavalry to campaign against the Maya tribes in the south. (Caste War efforts)
Eska Aria
03-05-2006, 00:23
Romanian Army:
30,000 Reserve soldiers, making up 3 Infantry Divisions
25,000 Regulars making up 2 infantry and 2 cavalry divisions

Uses an assortment of Russian weapons

Currently undergoing extensive clandestine training with the Russians.
04-05-2006, 00:14
Hellenic Army of Greece (Ελληνικός Στράτος)

General Staff (Γενικό Επιτελείο Στρατού):

Chief-of-Staff of the Army (Αρχηγός Γ.Ε.Σ.): Lt. Gen. Dimitrios Grapsas.
Inspector General of the Army (Γενικός Επιθεωρητής. Στρατού): Lt. Gen. Stylianos Kalfelis.
1st Deputy Chief-of-Staff of the Army (A' Υπαρχηγός Γ.Ε.Σ.): Lt. Gen. Ioannis Michaloliakos.
2nd Deputy Chief-of-Staff of the Army (Β' Υπαρχηγός Γ.Ε.Σ.): Lt. Gen. Dimitris Lampadakis.

Total Personnel Under Command:

Infantry (Όπλον Πεζικού): 45,000
Cavalry (Όπλον Ιππικού Τεθωρακισμένων): 23,000
Artillery (Όπλον Πυροβολικού): 14,100
Corps of Engineers (Σώμα Μηχανικού): 16,800
Signal Corps (Σώμα Διαβιβάσεων): 9,400
Quartermaster Corps (Σώμα Τεχνικού): 18,200
Medical Corps Σώμα (Υγειονομικού): 2,200

Total: 128,400 Personnel (8.8% of total Population)
Current Status of Personnel: Full Mobilization (Re-Organization)


[Infantry] - 45,000 Combat Personnel
- 10,000 Personnel in 1st Infantry Division, Athens
- 5,600 Personnel in 2nd Infantry Division, Tripolis
- 8,250 Personnel in 3rd Infantry Division, Thivai
- 11,000 Personnel in 4th Infantry Division, Cornith [Reserves]
- 10,150 Personnel in 5th Infantry Division, Lamia [Reserves]

[Cavalry] - 23,000 Combat Personnel
- 5,200 Personnel in 1st Cavalry Division, Athens
- 7,000 Personnel in 2nd Cavalry Division, Athens
- 2,980 Personnel in 3rd Cavalry Division, Tripolis [Reserves]
- 4,110 Personnel in 4th Cavalry Division, Cornith [Reserves]
- 3,710 Personnel in 5th Cavalry Division, Cornith [Reserves]

[Artillery] - 14,100 Combat Personnel
- 3,200 Personnel in 1st Artillery Division, Athens
- 1,125 Personnel in 2nd Artillery Division, Athens
- 4,556 Personnel in 3rd Artillery Division, Athens
- 5,219 Personnel in 4th Artillery Division, Lamia [Reserves]

[More to come]
09-05-2006, 08:15
German Imperial Army

Chief of Staff: Helmuth Karl Bernhard von Moltke

Forces at Full Mobilization: 1,200,000 men, plus artillery and cavalry.

Current Active Forces: 300,000 men and cavalry.

Conscription: Yes.

Main Artillery Piece: Krupp breech-loading six pounder

Standard Rifle: Mause Model 1871

Of the council of clan
10-05-2006, 19:40
Everyone needs to post their militaries so I can RATE them.
11-05-2006, 20:50
US Army:

Standard Firearm: Trapdoor 1870 Springfield Rifle
Alternative: Whatever the soldier happens to personally own.

Active Army: (Note - Most are located in the South)

10 Regiments Infantry
7 Regiments Cavalry
3 Regiment Artillery
1 Regiment Marines (Technically part of the Navy)

Various unattached fort garrsions (Brigade or smaller)

Inactive Reserve:

Various Regiments of Militia (Varies by State requirements and support)
11-05-2006, 21:24
Minister of War: François Claude du Barail
Commander of Army: Jules Trochu
Chief of Staff: Jean François Dervaux

Standing Army:

320,000 Regulars.

220,000 in infantry,
60,000 in cavalry,
40,000 in artillery.

Wartime Army

700,000 conscripts

Note 1 - less than 200,000 reservists have been trained this far.
Note 2 - conscription system has been introduced only a year ago, and the quality of the troops will be much lower than that of regulars.


Breech-loading Chassepot rifle.
Long sword-bayonet Model 1842.
Main artillery piece is rifled, muzzle-loaded Lahitte '4-pounder' (actual weight of shot: 4kgs/8.4lbs) guns.
Mitrailleuse's (
21-05-2006, 01:40
Orange Free State Army

5 Regiments (1 Regiment=1,000 soldiers)

Ist Free State Rifles: Bloemfontein
2nd Free State Rifles: Guarding Interior
1st Free State Cavalry: Guarding Transvaal/OFS border
2nd Free State Cavalry: Guarding Cape/OFS border
3rd Free State Cavalry: Patrolling interior of country

In addition, all males between 15 and 65 as well as healthy males of higher age recieve 4 years of training in the army. During their stint in the army they may work on public works projects, put down rebellions, guard, or do other work necessary

Weapons: I'm guessing slightly older breechloading rifles. We are looking for potential sellers of new weapons
Artillery: 3 Batteries of Breech loading guns (18 guns)
21-05-2006, 02:51
The military of the South African Republic is small, mostly due to population constraints, but also a reflection of the Boer fear of a large standing army. The ZAR's standing army consists of about 1200 infantry, 700 cavalry, and five batteries of artillery (30 guns), with numerous militia kommandos ranging in size from 200-800 men.

Transvaal Army:
1st Regiment, Transvaal Staatsartillerie

Commander-in-Chief: Thomas Burger (President)
Acting Commander: Paulus Kruger (Commandant-General)

Irregular Forces:
Johannesburg Kommando
Pretoria Kommando
Messina Kommando
Potchefstroom Kommando
Veereniging Kommando
Nelspruit Kommando
Pietersburg Kommando

Standard Equipment:
Infantry: various German and British military rifles
Cavalry: various German and British carbines and pistols, sabers common as well.
Artillery: Krupp breech-loading six-pounder