NationStates Jolt Archive

Iccd Ftl Research

01-05-2006, 20:12
This thread is provided for ICCD's push to find an alternative to Ion Electric Mass Impulse Drives, and conventional rocket impulse.

So far feeding a warp drive with a close solar flyby. Attempting containment of multiple nuclear blasts chain reaction, antimatter matter collision driver, and o point energy streaming have all been proposed for the warp tunneling. Other projects are still open however, so far Developmental stages have not yeilded tangible results.
01-05-2006, 20:27
Nuclear thermal takes about 200 days to get to mars. It is basically a superheated hydrogen rocket. Replace the nuclear with fusion thermal and you have a very powerful rocket which would cut some time off a trip to mars. With sonofusion this is relatively cheap the main reactor fuel is deuterium and heavy water which heats hydrogen. Deuterium is not incredibly expensive, neither is heavy water the two components of sonofusion reactors. Deuterium is easily extractable from sea water making it an easily accessible fuel for the Commonalitarianism. It is still question whether sonofusion will work in MT, but fusion is a possibility. In PMT, sonofusion would be a real possibility. This provides a workhorse rocket with a lot of thrust and readily available fuel. For earth, mars, asteroid mining it works well enough. The rocket launches from a space elevator with low thrust initially.

The other option is a solar electric propulsion if you are not worried about time constraints, this system would be good for mass transport of raw materials and other non-time sensitive materials.

The best option if you want to leave the solar system may not be to break the light barrier, but build a closed human ecology, with 95% closure we are thinking of doing a long duration space flight mission. We have hiberzine-- a comatic drug which slows the body down considerably. However people have to be rotated off the drug to maintain health, two weeks on, two weeks off. Another piece of technology is the quantum tunneling communicator, for brief moments simultaneity occurs between distances in quantum tunneling allowing slightly more than light speed communication 1.4 x light speed. The ship would be designed to mine components at the system they reached to replenish the life support system and to build extra equipment. This mission would be a first step before building a colony ship. It would not be necessary to send the ship to a planetary system.

We have already sent a deep space probe VASIMR rocket to the edge of our system. It should be heading to Proxima Centauri. It contains deep space probing equipment and a quantum tunneling communicator.

VASIMR may be a real option for long term space flight slow ships.
02-05-2006, 00:44
ooc as the majority of my non " " threads are :I remember remember reading an article that sonofusion was acheived but they it is difficult to reproduce. One professor and his students had repeated rusults. This may have to due with quantum dynamics and perhaps I'm geussing maybe even the effect of gravity minutely in specific areas. Not sure though. Microwave technology is known what I'm wondering trying to remember is how the electro magnetic oscillation is any differnet then cracking energy from a chain reaction. I think I need to reread what I read on sonofusion as it is somewhat dated now.

Im wondering if I could get away with adding some type of 'major' thruster to a second generation of the station I built perhaps letting it be 'self' transportatble to orbit around other planets in the Irathrian Solar System akin to mars...

p.s. are you in Irathria if not why not pick up one of the islands I might grab in the near future.

In system travel I think I have down somewhat through the ion propulsion, what I'm looking at is actuallly 'faster then light through 'matter energy converesion' basically I charge matter to hit light destream into a tachyon feild then within the signature recolide in a way that will cause the matter patern to reassemble and all really fast. The tunnel is a 'warp feild' that will push surrounding energy 'away' but do so by collecting the O point energy within it (the cosmic constant) and using that at a really high rate to create a jet sheild around it pushing any 'hard matter' that may cause a disruption in the field. If I could have the jet sheild read and adjust the pattern to absorb and eject energy rather than 'colide scatter the pattern then all would be well.. but I'm not 100% sure how to do this or create a space time warp to enable FTL.. I don't have enough energy to collapse a supernova to create a 'real' blackhole. thus a whitestream ejection vent which is the cosmic equivlent of what needs to be done.. like essentially every galaxy is a big warp drive..

great that your posting up.. any more ideas just keep posting maybe something will sink
02-05-2006, 00:54
yes I know you are going to say matter antimatter reaction but how can I do that without blowing up the ship.. let me geuss a electromagnetic shell.. yes but how do I get enough energy to do this.. and turn the ship into a tachyon field... or can I create 'the warp feild' itself to surround the ship? and squeeze it through space.. I'm geussing two modes emerge

Externalized teleporters
and internalized 'warp drivers'
02-05-2006, 00:59
I'm geussing you like reading stuff so here is a funny read. You got to wonder if this guy got a phd for the stuff... 1970's too...

A Time-Symmetric Matter, Antimatter, Tachyon Cosmology

p.s. I read something I was thinking about after you mentioned the cloud nines (and yah I think i may have breifly heard of them before)
JP Aerospace has been working to build an orbital airship, which uses a combination of a balloon and ion thrusters to achieve orbit without any use of conventional rockets, for roughly 70 cents per tonne per kilometer of altitude ($1/(short ton·mile)).
02-05-2006, 03:02
The problem you might run into is the amount of energy would be impossible to figure out to collapse the difference between two points in a warp field. I would imagine it would be immense. Not an easy thing to do. FTL I think is too expensive in PMT, not because it might be possible, but because of the amount of resources involved. It might be possible using an advanced fusion or antimatter drive to hit around .6 c, which would be enough to get something to a near star in about ten years. I am on the world of NationStates, of which Irathria is a continent but I am not on the continent of Irathria I am in the Paxarific ocean -- an alternate version of the Pacific.

My country consists mostly of floating domed city states. Each city contains about 4 million people. There are also some domed underwater cities, a few asteroid factories, and a space colony. The domes are based on Fullerian structures. This is an alternate history where an alternate Buckminster Fuller (Demian) helped build floating cities in the 1930s. We are a direct democratic alliance of states, bound together by common agreement.

I assume that I can contact farther out systems using something called A Bell Ansible, basically it combines quantum tunneling with a weird function of Bells theorem of simultaneity. Through some half baked quackery I can communicate with far away civilizations for game purposes. Basically as soon as wireless computers are developed I can detect them, kind of a hyperwireless communicator.
03-05-2006, 01:15
the bell theorm made me wonder if this cancled Heisenberg uncertainty principle using one for momentum and the other for location but it appears that the principle applies to grouped pairs as well. if it didn't and they were unique in spacetime then you could take the value of one or the other etc.. I think though that bell only take part of the quatum model as far as I understand it and these 'linked' particle are actually two points of a string that goes into other dimensions but I need to read more. Mtheory states that there are more dimensions.. I am geussing that subspace or the tachyon bottle neck is one where a two dimensional or even one dimensional phase can be applied a wave is 'two dimensional but rotates fast to create 3d tachyones would be 1d (that just above light speed but other points of the string would exist in other dimensions of the expanded space time. allowing movement in 'FTL or faster than two dimensional movement as we know from 3d to 2d linear movement is generally the most direct.. but what if we could take a string or travel along a string that is connected in one dimension to one 'pocket if able to convert energy to string energy then take a string in the pocket dimension another location but I hink this is sorta wormholic actually tearing space and doing the materenergy conversiion + being able to convert a second string to another location in the 3d seems sororta weid.. in my mind it is like saying that may other 3d dimensions or other d dimensions are FTL or have less resistance or are 'faster' this is quantum drives I geuss but due to limited information on MTHEORY and superstring symetry in fully out of 3d realities it gets very weird.. need to think about this one more.
03-05-2006, 01:51
emotion is 1 dimensional
'motion is a translation into two dimensions..
the characteristics are correspondent from the neuronal firings
and the mental 'brain activity storm' that translates to the capacity for it to be translated into '3demensional actions'

the 3d environment then channels back to two dimensions via the chemistry filters the storm.

the chemicals on the reverse are oscilated and altered to create alteration in viarious biological systems. via the nervous system charges

now where is the spice.. really though.. it would see that we would for an instant be trtanslated to 'thought' communication of the idea of singularities would be that there are multiple points the forces themselves are translations single 1 dimensional actions translating to two dimensional actions. however thought itself exists by ' creating different points of reference.. for instance imaagination would be stimulation of another 'array' of two dimensional objects...

this is where 'sixth sense etc.. come into play telepresence telepathy..

and perhaps magic if you could think you way to a dimensional array or cause a dimensional array to reconstruct via a string at another 3d location.

now in order to go faster than light we must collapse 3d into 2d then finally 1d (our 3d space)

but ourselves, are questionable to be only '3d'

it may be hard to imagine that imagination can 'do real things' but everything causes some effect and wether this is a localized effect or an extra sensory 'projection' could be questionable

not to be 'quacky' but maybe you get the idea..
'M theory and superstring theory ' and quantum mechanics is ultimatey where it seems the answers are for FTL.

general relatively is generally shown to have 'minor errors' this is not to say that it was not true then, just that the laws' of nature on the time line may be variable.. hence a catalouge of differing reality.

This is how time travel may remove the paradoxes.. that is time travel may only be posible in circumstances that the overall dimensional characteristics are linear... that is to say that a time dimension changes the overall alignment of the various dimensions.. so one object traveling faster then light .. is traveling into the future. .while anther object is travelling into the past.. all 'items' are required to be balanced overall (although we know that universal equilibrem is questionable considering we exist and exist)
The tokera
08-05-2006, 23:18
I would be happy to help with your FTL research, although I dont know much about this kind of thing, but I will do my best.
08-05-2006, 23:34
This might work, it is beyond my scientists understanding. They cannot make heads or tails of it. But, if you can explain how this might possibly work, you may have a way to reach the stars.
The tokera
08-05-2006, 23:54
Well out of all of the FTL drives and concepts. Hyperdrives seem to be the most plausible out of all of them. From what I have read it requires almost no energy, but there is still the problem with opening a hyperspace "window".

here is a link about Warp Drive
The tokera
08-05-2006, 23:59
Perhaps the most used, most misunderstood drive, the hyperidor engine wasn't really a drive at all. It was closer to a field generator that allowed a ship to enter and remain in hyperspace. Movement through hyperspace was achieved through more conventional drives, such as the fusion engine and magnetic repulsor drives. It is this second one that is frequently mistaken for a hyperidor engine.
Hyperspace, contrary to speculative science fiction stories of the twentieth century, was a "sleeve" inside physical reality. It is in many ways the true "anti-matter" universe brought up in those same stories. The primary difference was attraction of molecules to each other. There wasn't any. Quite the contrary, everything in hyperspace repels everything else. While this isn't the proper venue for going into detail, suffice to say, hyperspace had its own package of unique problems and opportunities.
On the opportunity side, hyperspace required virtually no power to either enter nor travel through.

I found this article, it is based off of science fiction but it still explains a little.
But one of the biggest problems I see is navigation while in hyperspace.

also wormholes are more practical than Warp drive and some other FTL drives that use different spaces and dimensions, but the problem with using wormholes is that they are near if not impossible to generate or harness. If there could be a way of finding a wormhole and using it, that would be the best way, but again with the technology of today it is pretty much impossible.

here are some FTL drives I found.
Diametric drive
Pitch drive
Bias drive
Disjunction drive
Alcubierre drive (Warp drive)
Differential sail
Wormholes (impossible to build with current technology)
Biefeld-Brown effect (without on-board propellant)
Anti-gravity (true anti-gravity is theoretically impossible)
Reactionless drives (theoretically impossible)
09-05-2006, 00:19
If you did an outsystem drive, where you first left the system, then kicked in straight line distances before entering another system, it might work. The main problem would be calculating how far you traveled in a straight line between two points in a weird quantum world. There might not even be straight lines. Basically you would have to send in throaway probes that would make short distance jumps then return with the telemetry data.

The best thing would be to create a space lab near the edge of our system or in empty space to test these things. Build it in a spread out area. Six modules. Test various dangerous substances and ideas in space-- antimatter, helium 3, dark matter, warp drives, space tunnels. It would make for an interesting RP. Some of the labs would explode of course and terrible things might happen... A high PMT effort to leave the system about 40 years in the future 2050-2060. Things like hibernation drugs, closed ecologies, space mining, mass drivers and other stuff could be tested as well. Because it was PMT and not true future tech, everything would be experimental and if it worked, would not work in quite the way we originally planned a lot of the time.

I could probably leave the system now with a slow drive, with near closed ecologies, biospheric farms, and recycling regenerative life support with a big ship it might be possible to make it to a near star. If it included some mining equipment and processing equipment, the fuel could be produced at the destination to return home. With a quantum tunneling ansible, it would be possible to have decent communications between the ship and home.

If a dozen high PMT nations worked together, they might be able to build a slow colony ship. It would completely bankrupt a single PMT nation guaranteed.

At this point in my nations history, I don't think I could even make the trip to a near star even though the technology might be available, it would cost way too much. Maybe when my nation has grown a lot bigger.
The tokera
09-05-2006, 00:26
ok that sounds like a good idea.

Also i think it would be easier and more practical, not more efficient to remain in normal space.
09-05-2006, 01:40
We are going to build two deep space laboratories between the mars and the moon. We are putting $6 billion dollars to build each lab. Some of the material will be delivered up by liftport space elevator to earth orbit. There it will be taken to a near earth asteroid factory by a robotic tug. Additional specialized material will be built using vacuum manufacturing for specialty material. The construction will be modular. Tugs using solar electric ion drives will make a slow trip to the area where the labs are to be deposited. A minimal amount of labor will be used. We will use robots to put most of the containment sections of the lab together. The labs will be modular in nature designed to be "snapped" together and reinforced with metallic scaffolding. Part of the construction will use external tanks from our rockets as part of the construction to reduce cost. A moon regolith shell and a layer of water will be added to protect against radiation. Spin will create gravity. We will accept additional test material and construction equipment from Intracircumdei, Tocrowkia, and other interested nations. Feel free to describe the labs. They will focus on old reliable technology to build the structures. The actual test equipment and life support equipment will be advanced.

The first test is of a Vasimr plasma engine. It proves to work well for PMT, after looking at initial results, it could get to mars in 3 months from earth twice as fast as a nuclear thermal engine, but would cost a lot more to run because it is more complicated equipment. A pure fusion engine would be slightly more efficient but not by much. Although we could build a pure fusion engine it would be expensive.

We also release a solar sail with an instrument package. This will record the outer system over time. It does not look like it is a good choice for interstellar travel.

After calculations based on the Daedalus project, we think it would take 50 years for a colony ship to reach a near star 6 light years away. With sonofusion engines which are much more compact and can generate more thrust we may cut that down to 30 years as a guess.

We have not worked on antimatter because of the expense involved. We are willing to take donations of antimatter-- to get an idea of how long it might take to get to a near star.

So far our conclusions are that we must build in the inner system and oort cloud way before we attempt interstellar distances.

We need help building testing equipment for the Burkhard Heim drive.
09-05-2006, 11:59
We have uncovered a paper on how to reach hyperspace. The details on the possibility of building a graviphotonic drive are described. Unfortunately, our scientists are having trouble even understanding exactly how this works. We would like a little help with building the necessary test equipment.
10-05-2006, 02:05
Hi, responding on each the the posts appearing after my last one. BTW welcome The tokera, nice to see you join this research body.
Quantum theory is field based probabilisitic science
relativity is relatively common interactions from one point to another and a system of points (however segments of einstiens have been shown to be currently inaccurate.)

gravitational force emerges from the dimensions of space and time, (space time interaction, it is mass interelation from one frame of time to the next in relation to the mass distrobution within the universe mass x speed of light squared = energy ... roughly .. energy/speed of light or C = mass the speed of light is 299 792 458 m / s The meter is the length of the path travelled by light in vacuum during a time interval of 1/299 792 458 of a second.)
a second is the duration of 9 192 631 770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the cesium 133 atom. -- if you can see this relation you can start to understand what stuff is.

electromagnetism (energy matter interaction)

different set of dimensions (mtheory) there are over 10 dimensions currently ascribed by theorists. superstring, supergravity

electron has both mass and charge (electrons have very small masses compaired to protrons and neutrons) electrons are 'points or feids of quantum energy a quanta is a the smallest measurement of energy (err sorta long story as there are different types of energy) in quantum mechanics this ends up being spin charges. When an electron falls under the pull of gravity its moving electric charge creates a magnetic field = so esentially when light becomes mass it is represented by a magnetic field. electromagnetic field to accelerate an electron you move the gravitational field associated with its mass. ~ to gain more 'energy or light' you alter the gravitational field (or the 'identity of the mass.. in relation to the magnetic feild) you cannot change the strength of gravity simply by cranking up the electromagnetic field. (actually there was recent researching into microgravity generators.. but only very small amounts of gravity were generated this way) a rotating magnetic field could reduce the influence of gravity on a spacecraft enough for it to take off. (this by creating more 'light energy' you fake the mass of an object (err sorta.. I vaugely theorize that this mass is acounted for in some way...........)

SUPGRA ( Terms lattice quantum chromodynamics gravity reduction gravitational and electromagnetic forces, "gravity reduction" "anti-gravity" ) I think that perhaps supergravity may assist in the need for gravirtors and gravitino's as well as perhaps yeid a connection with graviphotonics. produces pairs of "gravitophotons", particles that mediate the interconversion of electromagnetic and gravitational energy. anti-gravity dark energy that appears to be causing the universe's expansion to accelerate. And the other might be used to accelerate a spacecraft without any rocket fuel. Heim's fifth and sixth dimensions gravitophotons would interact with conventional gravity to produce a repulsive anti-gravity force,

Dröscher and Häuser's experiment - a magnetic coil several metres in diameter capable of sustaining an enormous current density. “A spinning ring and a strong magnetic field could produce a repulsive anti-gravity force”

Heim's has a six-dimensional world, gravity and electromagnetism are coupled together. + 2 subspace

The Coil Ship:
huge rotating ring placed above a superconducting coil to create an intense magnetic field. 150-tonne spacecraft a magnetic field of around 25 tesla would be needed. 500,000 times the strength of Earth's magnetic field,

Speed of Heim space: 3hour:8months 11 light years 80 days 18 times the speed of light? done by transisting from R4 to H 8 to R4.

To Study: X-ray generator the Z machine generates very strong field intensities and gradients.

FACT: Universe was stated as being 13.7 billion years old; however, has been found to be older.. 20+ billion years by some space telescope studies.
10-05-2006, 02:29
The Warp Drive:

Infront of the bubble object space shinks or 'mater relations' are more connected Behind space cools or expands, distorting, or “warping,” the fabric of spacetime. (thus heat would not be 'infront of the object' but behind??????? ship sits inside a bubble of spacetime bound by a negative energy field that races across the cosmos faster-than-light speed (more than 186,000 miles per second), a warp-drive ship would travel 4.5 light-years to Alpha Centauri, the closest sun to our own, in about four years.

Names- ( Miguel Alcubierre : Chris Van Den Broeck : José Natário : Jochem Häuser :Dröscher : Wernher von Braun,(V2 rocket designeer.. big in the US space program after the collapse of NAZI germany) : Max Born and Werner Heisenberg (heisenberg is imo best known for the uncertainty principle))

The drive works best As far away from other gravitational fields as posible.
Process: Convert matter into negative energy (particles with negative mass that are repelled by gravity rather than attracted to it).
2. Curve Spacetime: Emit pulses of negative energy to curve spacetime. Form a sphere around the ship with the energy, insulating passengers in their own private spacetime bubble. ~spacetime is already curved.. I'm geussing this means a different curve'. slip into other dimensional form H8 or M10,11,12+ ?.

How to make a space ether tether? (narrow tube of negative energy keeps it tied to our world. )

Expand Space inside buble,? could this be done by cooling space within it? Expand space behind the bubble at faster-than-light speed by supercooling it.
and shrink the space in front by superheating it.

??Dark matter?? Negative Energy: matter into negative energy, (reverse spin???) Can we create dark matter by creating a reverse spin and if so how can this spin be created? generate dark matter at the back of the bubble

Casimir effect, empty space between two conducting plates behaves as if it contains negative energy

Bubble Brakes? : set how long the bubble exists for before it disapates and the ship unwarps. obviously using firing cycles. or have a mechanism to interupt the process in subspace?

space expands faster than light, so is there some way to convert energy to space? except through difference of relative time?

What of the light tsunami? luminous equivalent of a sonic boom, a shock wave with infinite energy?

tenuous tube of energy? how to get from subspace to realspace? what exactly is a pocket dimension?

so how does FTL and time interrelate with enstiens theory things faster then lightspeed are in reverse time???

however the speed of light has been slowed to 30mph.. could it not be then used at this rate somehow by supercooling the light? could this mean light could travel faster in frigid space? (by this I mean it travels slower and there is less space out there.. maybe I am not understanding the cooling of the speed of light studies. OR MAYBE JUST MAYBE the ammont of heat present effects the size of space.. perhaps space shrinks the colder it gets?? If this is true perhaps there is a relation between 'heat' energy and the size of space.. the more heat in one location the more space.. EDIT I think I got this backward. if the speed of light is slowing it would mean space is expanding.. while the reverse if you superheat space it would shrink.. so perhaps darkmater is what causes stuff to move away, thus dark matter would be 'antiheat???' which would be a reverse spin? by size I mean 'gravitational strength' effect... rather the colder it was the greater 'the time' it would take for the electromagentic energy to travel through it. The hotter, the more 'transient' or pathways exist through that's space's spacetime feild.
10-05-2006, 02:47
For interest we build an electomagnetically charged coil ring. Our first job will be to prove the existence of hyperspace. For a brief moment-- the coil ring in deep space flashes in and out of existence it is about 5KM away from its starting point. The ring looks like a badly broken in half bicycle wheel that has been wrenched in different directions. It is distorted and seems to be slightly irradiated. Somehow the constants must be a little bit different in another dimension. From my understanding you only have to turn the field on to enter the extradimensional space. The field is maintainted by the generators. According to Hime you simply turn the field off to get back to normal space. Often it seems too simple to believe.
10-05-2006, 05:56

Miguel Alcubierre : Chris Van Den Broeck : José Natário : Jochem Häuser Bröscher : Wernher von Braun,(V2 rocket designeer.. big in the US space program after the collapse of NAZI germany) : Max Born and Werner Heisenberg

(heisenberg is imo best known for the uncertainty principle)) Edward Witten : James Clerk Maxwell

Engines: (sonofusion engines: Vasimr plasma engine. nuclear thermal engine, fusion engine : )

Drive Types to explore: Diametric drive : Pitch drive
: Bias drive : Disjunction drive : Alcubierre drive (Warp drive) : Differential sail : Wormholes : Biefeld-Brown effect : Anti-gravity : Reactionless drives
Six modules. antimatter, helium 3, dark matter, warp drives, space tunnels.
: Burkhard Heim drive.: graviphotonic drive, solar sails )

The Coil Ship: Dröscher and Häuser's experiment - a magnetic coil several metres in diameter capable of sustaining an enormous current density. “A spinning ring and a strong magnetic field could produce a repulsive anti-gravity force” huge rotating ring placed above a superconducting coil to create an intense magnetic field. 150-tonne spacecraft a magnetic field of around 25 tesla would be needed. 500,000 times the strength of Earth's magnetic field,
Speed of Heim space: 3hour:8months 11 light years 80 days 18 times the speed of light? done by transisting from R4 to H 8 to R4.

The Warp Drive: Infront of the bubble object space shinks or 'mater relations' are more connected Behind space cools or expands, distorting, or “warping,”

the fabric of spacetime. (thus heat would not be 'infront of the object' but behind??????? ship sits inside a bubble of spacetime bound by a negative

energy field that races across the cosmos faster-than-light speed (more than 186,000 miles per second), a warp-drive ship would travel 4.5 light-years to

Alpha Centauri, the closest sun to our own, in about four years. field is maintainted by the generators. (ah but the geneartors are in '3d space' or 4d space

including time. So how are the generators going to stay with the ship? Now what if you have a replacement pair.. the first ones are blown off like a bullet

shell then you carry a replacement with you.. put it on on the other side when it runs out and then go home with your spare.. you would have to have my

geuss a field 'halflife' of some sort though. It is simple however, how do you turn off the generator.. or what form would the generator have to take to stay

with the pocket dimension.. or would the pocket? Or the generators could be inside the field they create.The drive works best As far away from other gravitational fields as posible. Process: Convert matter into negative energy (particles with negative mass that are repelled by gravity rather than attracted to it). 2. Curve Spacetime: Emit pulses of negative energy to curve spacetime. Form a sphere around the ship with the energy, insulating passengers in their own private spacetime bubble. ~spacetime is already curved.. I'm geussing this means a different curve'. slip into other dimensional form H8 or M10,11,12+ ?. Expand Space inside buble,? could this be done by cooling space within it? Expand space behind the bubble at faster-than-light speed by supercooling it. and shrink the space in front by superheating it. ??Dark matter?? Negative Energy: matter into negative energy, (reverse spin???) Can we create dark matter by creating a reverse spin and if so how can this spin be created? generate dark matter at the back of the bubble Bubble Brakes? : set how long the bubble exists for before it disapates and the ship unwarps. obviously using firing cycles. or have a mechanism to interupt the process in subspace? space expands faster than light, so is there some way to convert energy to space? except through difference of relative time? What of the light tsunami? luminous equivalent of a sonic boom, a shock wave with infinite energy? tenuous tube of energy? how to get from subspace to realspace? what exactly is a pocket dimension? 1. matter antimatter reaction without blowing up the ship 2. create electromagnetic shell.. 3. turn the ship into a tachyon field... or make 'the warp feild' itself to surround the ship? and squeeze it through space.. Externalized teleporters, and internalized 'warp drivers'. sonofusion effected by gravity minutely in specific areas. how is EM oscillation differnet then cracking energy from a chain reaction? charge matter to hit light destream into a tachyon feild then within the signature recolide in a way that will cause the matter patern to reassemble and all really fast. warp tunnel or 'warp feild' sucks up or pushes surrounding energy 'away' whie collecting O point energy within it (the cosmic constant)
and using that at a really high rate to create a jet sheild around it pushing any 'hard matter' that may cause a disruption in the field. If I could have the jet sheild read and adjust the pattern to absorb and eject energy rather than 'colide scatter the pattern then all would be well..

navigation while in hyperspace. ~ you would need a mechanism... perhaps some type of pocket dimension to out of pocket dimension 'reverse' tool if this

tool could take you out of hyperspace. I'm geussing a 'reverse of the initial process for instnace something that will change the dimensional joints from the

dimensions you are in to the otherones.. my geuss is this would be interelated. symbolic interconnections. of some sort. I think black holes present the best

oppourtunity for worm holes, what else could be causing matter to be sucked in to one point but a larger mass on the other side.. thus collapsed stars could

be some type of 'energy merger' between two systems etc.. one that is closer to the center of universal gravity.

Transit routes: (Leave heavily mass populated areas travel along the spacetime curve in a 'straight line' (there is matter in space though. and light which is

mass (sorta) I had the idea of making a 'space ice breaker' or pushing or absorbing all surounding energyt o fuel the thing in some type of neo nuclear

reactor. if the field was dependant on not making contact.. you would be making a 'space' tunnel... pushing away surrounding energy with a negative or

repuslsion feild or I geuss antigravity feild.)

Multidimensional Mapping Technologies: (throwaway probes that would make short distance jumps then return with the telemetry data. (even then I am

geussing subspace rates would change as well, space lab near the edge of our system or in empty space to test these things.

How to make a space ether tether? (narrow tube of negative energy keeps it tied to our world. )

Technologies to explore- (hibernation drugs : closed ecologies : space mining
: mass drivers : biospheric farms : recycling regenerative life : new mining equipment and processing equipment : quantum tunneling ansible, decent



Facilities and Vehicles: (asteroid factory : robotic tug : manufacturing sites for in vacuum materials)

Space Lab Facilties (containment sections of the lab, metallic scaffolding
external tanks from our rockets, moon regolith shell and layer of water will be added to protect against radiation. Spin will create gravity. )


"again with the technology of today it is pretty much impossible." Well we have all the technology available today that we will have in a billionyears. but

some of us may not have the knowledge of how to make or use it. We can figure that out.

Codename: Daedalus project 30 - 50 year colony ship? 6 light years away.

To build: electomagnetically charged coil ring. Process: the coil ring in deep space flashes in and out of existence ??? you mean spacetime I assume..

5KM away from its starting point. turn the field on to enter the extradimensional space.

antimatter research intitute

inner system and oort cloud development organization

Area Classifications: (near earth : interplanetary : out of system )
Casimir effect, empty space between two conducting plates behaves as if it contains negative energy
SUPGRA ( Terms lattice quantum chromodynamics gravity reduction gravitational and electromagnetic forces, "gravity reduction" "anti-gravity" ) I think

that perhaps supergravity may assist in the need for gravirtors and gravitino's as well as perhaps yeid a connection with graviphotonics. produces pairs of

"gravitophotons", particles that mediate the interconversion of electromagnetic and gravitational energy. anti-gravity dark energy that appears to be

causing the universe's expansion to accelerate. And the other might be used to accelerate a spacecraft without any rocket fuel. Heim's fifth and sixth

dimensions gravitophotons would interact with conventional gravity to produce a repulsive anti-gravity force,

Kaluza-Klein theories
quntessence particle

Quantum theory is field based probabilisitic science
relativity is relatively common interactions from one point to another and a system of points (however segments of einstiens have been shown to be

currently inaccurate.)

gravitational force emerges from the dimensions of space and time, (space time interaction, it is mass interelation from one frame of time to the next in

relation to the mass distrobution within the universe mass x speed of light squared = energy ... roughly .. energy/speed of light or C = mass the speed of

light is 299 792 458 m / s The meter is the length of the path travelled by light in vacuum during a time interval of 1/299 792 458 of a second.)
a second is the duration of 9 192 631 770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the

cesium 133 atom. -- if you can see this relation you can start to understand what stuff is.

electromagnetism (energy matter interaction)

Spacial Dimensions: different set of dimensions (mtheory) there are over 10 dimensions currently ascribed by theorists. superstring, supergravity

Rethinking lightspeed and what space is: however the speed of light has been slowed to 30mph.. could it not be then used at this rate somehow by supercooling the light? could this mean light could travel faster in frigid space? (by this I mean it travels slower and there is less space out there.. maybe I am not understanding the cooling of the speed of light studies. OR MAYBE JUST MAYBE the ammont of heat present effects the size of space.. perhaps space shrinks the colder it gets?? If this is true perhaps there is a relation between 'heat' energy and the size of space.. the more heat in one location the more space.. EDIT I think I got this backward. if the speed of light is slowing it would mean space is expanding.. while the reverse if you superheat space it would shrink.. so perhaps darkmater is what causes stuff to move away, thus dark matter would be 'antiheat???' which would be a reverse spin? by size I mean 'gravitational strength' effect... rather the colder it was the greater 'the time' it would take for the electromagentic energy to travel through it. The hotter, the more 'transient' or pathways exist through that's space's spacetime feild.

Mass and Energy: electron has both mass and charge (electrons have very small masses compaired to protrons and neutrons) electrons are 'points or feids of quantum energy a quanta is a the smallest measurement of energy (err sorta long story as there are different types of energy) in quantum mechanics this ends up being spin charges. When an electron falls under the pull of gravity its moving electric charge creates a magnetic field = so esentially when light becomes mass it is represented by a magnetic field. electromagnetic field to accelerate an electron you move the gravitational field associated with ts mass. ~ to gain more 'energy or light' you alter the gravitational field (or the 'identity of the mass.. in relation to the magnetic feild) you cannot change the strength of gravity simply by cranking up the electromagnetic field. (actually there was recent researching into microgravity generators.. but only very small amounts of gravity were generated this way) a rotating magnetic field could reduce the influence of gravity on a spacecraft enough for it to take off. (this by creating more 'light energy' you fake the mass of an object (err sorta.. I vaugely theorize that this mass is acounted for in some way...........)

Time Travel: time travel may only be posible in circumstances that the overall dimensional characteristics are linear... that is to say that a time dimension changes the overall alignment of the various dimensions.. so one object traveling faster then light .. is traveling into the future. .while anther object is travelling into the past.. all 'items' are required to be balanced overall (although we know that universal equilibrem is questionable considering we exist and exist)

The point of 'conscience existance: New ways to see 'motion in space' emotion is 1 dimensional 'motion is a translation into two dimensions.. the characteristics are correspondent from the neuronal firings and the mental 'brain activity storm' that translates to the capacity for it to be translated into '3demensional actions' the 3d environment then channels back to two dimensions via the chemistry filters the storm. the chemicals on the reverse are oscilated and altered to create alteration in viarious biological systems. via the nervous system charges now where is the spice.. really though.. it would see that we would for an instant be trtanslated to 'thought' communication of the idea of singularities would be that there are multiple points the forces themselves are translations single 1 dimensional actions translating to two dimensional actions. however thought itself exists by ' creating different points of reference.. for instance imaagination would be stimulation of another 'array' of two dimensional objects... this is where 'sixth sense etc.. come into play telepresence telepathy.. and perhaps magic if you could think you way to a dimensional array or cause a dimensional array to reconstruct via a string at another 3d location. now in order to go faster than light we must collapse 3d into 2d then finally 1d (our 3d space) but ourselves, are questionable to be only '3d' it may be hard to imagine that imagination can 'do real things' but everything causes some effect and wether this is a localized effect or an extra sensory 'projection' could be questionable. not to be 'quacky' but maybe you get the idea..

Heim space: Heim's has a six-dimensional world, gravity and electromagnetism are coupled together. + 2 subspace
'M theory and superstring theory ' and quantum mechanics is ultimatey where it seems the answers are for FTL.
MSPACE dimensions: time1 time2 entelechial aeonic 1 2 3
To Study: X-ray generator the Z machine generates very strong field intensities and gradients.

tachyon bottle neck: is one where a two dimensional or even one dimensional phase can be applied a wave is 'two dimensional but rotates fast to create 3d tachyones would be 1d (that just above light speed but other points of the string would exist in other dimensions of the expanded space time. allowing movement in 'FTL (subspace) or faster than two dimensional movement as we know from 3d to 2d linear movement is generally the most direct.. but what if we could take a string or travel along a string that is connected in one dimension to one 'pocket if able to convert energy to string energy then take a string in the pocket dimension another location but I hink this is sorta wormholic actually tearing space and doing the materenergy conversiion + being able to convert a second string to another location in the 3d

grouped pairs symetry: use of 'linked' particles to map two points of a common string.

FACT: Universe was stated as being 13.7 billion years old; however, has been found to be older.. 20+ billion years by some space telescope studies.

IC/OOC: ICCD will match your 6 billion in funds. Or up to 10 billion we are still working out how these funds can be best used for the project.
10-05-2006, 11:48
After reading the description it would appear to enter the field generated by the drive, I am guessing it would change the way it "looked", it might look like it is not there for a bit, then when the field turns off, it appears to be there again. I wouldn't know if a field drive would distort the light around it.

Even if we have faster than light, it will still take a long time to get where we are going... We will need 1) To reduce the amount of weight carried-- this means recycling regenerative life support. 2) To make the food and oxygen we carry more compact until needed-- farming and green house modules. 3) To limit the amount of fuel which we will need-- be able to make fuel at our destination to power the field drive. Some kind of mining ship to collect fuel and raw materials. 4) Most likely we would need a sonofusion or fusion generator to power the drive. 5) Create spin for artifical gravity. 6) Have an outer shell consisting of a heavy thick material surrounding water to protect from radiation. Have a way to protect the crew from intense magnetic fields as well. 6) A hibernation drug to lower resources used by the crew-- rotating the crew in and out of hibernation-- two weeks on two weeks off. Basically it would be a life support capsule. The body would be slowed down requiring less food and oxygen for a short time. Extended stays in hibernation would cause medical problems though. I don't think cold storage is possible unless we are non- hard science future tech. 7) Create redundancy in case anything fails. 8) Have some way to protect against asteroid impacts. 9) Have a bell type ansible to talk to the crew. 10) Because of the density of civilizations in Nation States be prepared for a contact type situation. 11) Have both weapons for protection and repair equipment. We would design the core for a long trip-- basically 50 year trip one way so we would not have to worry if parts of the ftl died we could switch to fusion to get where we are going-- redundancy. 100 years round trip. This would be huge unless we got near 100% closure for ecology on ship-- and had very compact storage. We would either design this as a one way colony ship or hope for the best.

In practical terms I would like to make antimatter but at $20 million per gram in the lab currently it is a little expensive, plus the equipment to make it and the time involved. If you already have some antimatter we might consider making a fusion--antimatter drive, something which could be pushed up to close to 20 years for 6 light years. Still a long time. Another option is a laser powered sail-- this is the fastest thing by far-- it could get to another star in 10 years but the power pumped into this would bankrupt both our countries-- I think something like a million terawatts-- some outrageous number which would requires something like a thousand multigigawatt solar power satellites pumping lasers into the sail.

To make this interesting there might be a possibility, you wouldn't enter the exact hyperspace every single time, it might depend on how the field was charged-- you could get a many worlds interpretation of quantum physics type problem, where in one instance you got faster than light with a certain charge, and another instance you might get slower than light.

Our goal is to continue a similar process to what we were doing earlier on earth, massive resources with minimal interference. When we first started building on the ocean it was by accident. Now, it is by intent very few countries actively try to hold international waters as their territory. Effectively because the cities are structures not land we instantly own structures which we build on. With the bottom of the ocean, it is a very similar circumstance. No one has claimed it and we were there first.

We may mine the moon and planetary bodies, and set up trading bases but to live there would be a mistake. Most countries and cultures have an idea that it is good to build on worlds-- the moon, mars, jupiter, etc.

We have every intention of avoiding planetary bodies within the solar system and building multiple small city size hollowed out asteroid cities in both the oort cloud and the asteroid fields that are mobile and spin on their axises creating artificial gravity. Our goal is to build a mining industry and free space mobile habitats that encourage freedom and creativity. We do not intend to become planet bound.

We will first search out empty places with a large resource base ie worlds without life or other cultures where we can expand our philosophy of a non-planetary free society. Your goal may be different, but this is ours.

The first goal in building a ship will be to send a self-reproducible ecology and self reproducible colony ship to an empty system where we can grow without interference.
11-05-2006, 12:13
We dismantle the destroyed ship and look over what happened. There was something which released a tremendous amount of heat when we entered hyperspace destroying the ship. The constants were changed significantly we don't understand why, but it looked like the arrangement of atoms in the ship was unstable with different constants.

We are going to try not moving the ship in hyperspace. Basically we assemble a number of smaller ring ships and move them in and out of hyperspace with no motion for nanoseconds adjusting the field until one of them comes out intact. These rings should be able to enter hyperspace but not go anywhere, so they will not be the full size of ship nor as expensive. We assemble ten small rings and send them in and out of hyperspace adjusting the field strength and intensity. The first two are completely destroyed. We add a heat shield and mirror armor crystalline heat absorbing material grown in a vacuum environment to the third ship. It is not as badly bent or melted. Then we make the material support structure out of a tungsten steel, titanium, and iridium alloy (the iridium is from our asteroid mining operations). Finally we add radiation shielding to stop radiation from entering the ship. We send the ship through again. This time it is still damaged but mostly intact. We infuse the structure of the fourth ship with a carbon nanotube lattice to strengthen the alloy. The ship comes out intact with some heat and radiation damage.

What we have observed about the hyperspace environment. Because particles travel much faster within the hyperspace environment we are being bombarded by more radiation and heat. Also it seems to contain a much higher concentration of electromagnetic radiation both from the field drive and the environment. In order to send things through hyperspace they must be heavily shielded.
12-05-2006, 02:23
Our heavily shielded small ship is able to travel short distances initially. We first put some plants inside the ship. They are dark brown and dead when they are brought out. They are also heavily irradiated.

We add some electromagnetic superconductors to counter the radiation coming into the ship. Then we add a layer of lead and concrete shielding to the shell of the ship. We send some more plants and a radiation counter. They are fine.
The American Privateer
12-05-2006, 03:58
After years of mishaps, including one that sent half the outfitted ships skipping through dimensions before returning to this one, we have finally been able to work out the kinks on our tesseract generator. Instantaneous folding of space. Go from one spot to another like that. it is too big to fit on fighters, but a craft the size of the space shuttle could be converted into a courier, though it would have very little cargo room, as the generator takes up the entire cargo bay.
12-05-2006, 11:33
Yes, a tesseract generator is a serious possibility. The main problem is that space is not empty, you wouldn't be able to fold while a large object was between the two points you were trying to reach, or even a small one for that matter. The other problem I am curious about is the energy source, probably antimatter or an extremely powerful fusion generator, it costs a huge amount of energy to fold space. The main limitation on how far you could go would be energy cost.

I would imagine this would be a fairly large drive. Minimizing the size would be a problem. Possibly an outsystem drive to insure there is no matter between the points you need to fold to with a fusion drive in system. This would be instantaneous but the further you had to fold, the more energy cost. Are you entering a higher dimension and then folding space to avoid the problem of matter between two points.

I think the field drive we are using would be available in system, the Heim drive, but would not be anywhere near as fast going between two points outsystem. We thought initially it would only be available outsystem, but after reading about it, we can make short trips in system the moon, mars, etc. very quickly. We would be moving in and out of regular space time.

The initial cost to build the Heim ship is going to be expensive because of the shielding involved, but it should allow us to colonize the inside of a system very quickly. However, it will be cheaper than an antimatter drive, a star sail, or other systems. The initial design is approximated at 150 tons by the designers of the drive, not huge. However we are going to have add another 50 tons of shielding to get this thing to work right, mostly enzyme bonded concrete, lead, tungsten steel, and carbon nanotubes surrounded by a heat absorbing shell. 200 tons. We use the Arkema process to make carbon nanotubes so we can mass produce them like plastic.

We have not built any outward colonies yet.

We are interested in trading our science on the Hime Drive for your tesseract generator.
12-05-2006, 14:52
After further tests we build a colony/research ship, it consists of two drives both 3000 ton toruses. A backup drive to insure continued functioning if the first one goes. The ship is surrounded by a bubble field. The actual ship is round in shape to allow the maximum amount of ship inside the bubble. It is a fullerian tensegrity sphere made up of triangular panels. The outer layers contain various shielding, a layer of heat resistant ceramic infused with carbon nanotubes goes around the sphere. This is polarized to increase the density of the ceramic with superconducting magnets. This also protects against radiation. A thin layer of depleted uranium is under this. A layer of enzyme bonded cement is under this. Then there is a layer of tin. Under this is a layer of lead with a layer of water with another layer of lead. It is very heavily shielded.
Inside the ship are bays for several smaller ships. 2 Asteroid miners for processing fuels and metals. 2 solar collector sails to be deployed at location. 2 Processing modules for ores and fuels. 2 Heavy construction ships to build asteroid habitat modules. 6 probes for mapping our location. 2 Warships. The inside of the ship contains a recycling regenerative system for air, water, and waste to purge and clean the systems in the ship. There are two small closed loop ecological farms containing a variety of plants and small animals. A medical bay with hibernation capsules is included so we can rotate people in and out of deep sleep. The ship contains a total of 100 one foot sonofusion spheres each capable of delivering 40 MW of power. The ship is designed to spin along its access. All of the systems in the ship are designed to be redundant. The ships computers are powered by diamond chip parallel processing super computer. It contains much of the information we downloaded into the final encyclopedia. Also every system is mapped out in a system of robotic repair crawlers so if necessary each system can be replaced. To communicate with home there is a Bell quantum tunneling ansible. There are the standard rec rooms, manufacturing, science, health facility, and other parts of a large ship. It is designed to carry several hundred people our partner Intracircumcordei because this is where the $10 billion dollars went about half of the money for the ship. There are various sperm and ova from different people, as well as a variety of sperm and ova from different animals. There is also a seed bank with a wide variety of seeds. There are various defensive systems -- nanobattery ultracapacitated railguns, space shotguns, laser sweepers, advanced detection systems, point defense machine gunes, defensive and offensive missile cells, chaff dispensers. The ship will take about 1/2 a year to reach a near star going 8xc inside the field drive. This is not a living world which we think we are goint to. It registers a high density of asteroid and mineral resources. We cannot go faster than this because it would destroy the ship with the particulate bombardment.
The American Privateer
12-05-2006, 22:27
We use a ZPM to draw power from the fabric of space time to power our drive. Also, Our tesseract generators use a network of satelites that enable it to track the location of major bodies so that tesseracts do not place you into the heart of a star or a planet. The Tesseract though, consists of multiple instantaneous jumps. The computer guidance system is specially designed to access the network, and enable it to plot a safe folding path from one location to another.

An example, You want to go from Earth to Proxima Centaurri. The computer would track the location of heavenly bodies, and jump around them.

The engine and power pack is about the size of a Space Shuttle's cargo bay.

As for the Hime Drive, our engineers already know of it, and it is in place on our ships. We would be willing to place a group of our scientists and engineers at your disposal to assist you in constructing this drive engine.

We would also be willing to give you three Tesseract Generators, as well as a group of engineers to assist you in reverse engineering the generators for use on your ships. In exchange, we merely ask that you sign an MDP with us. That is all we require.
13-05-2006, 00:11
ZPM or Zero Point Module as it is described in science fiction has no corollary in real physics-- The tesseract drive which you are describing is a space folding drive which is possible according to physics. The tesseract drive comes from science fiction.

Zero point energy is the lowest amount of energy a particle can have in a given space.

Free space energy devices have been proven to be completely unworkable in physics. A free space energy device in physics is considered the equivalent of a perpetual motion machine. It is like saying we draw energy from dark matter something which might be possible a few hundred years from now when we understand dark matter.

If you have a way to draw energy from hyperspace, another dimension, or dark matter that would be serious future tech way beyond (PMT).

Being able to tap into quintessence would be very hard-- nobody seems to understand what it is at all.

There is no current reputable way to do this now. Ufology and conspiracy sites may say otherwise, but ZPM is fantastic. It would also mean you would have the ability to have lasers, shields, and plasma weapons that never ran out of power and other things because you would simply tap into subspace to power everything.

The United States air force is actually considering building the Heim drive, and Heim tried to get a contract from a German aerospace company to try and build his device.
The American Privateer
13-05-2006, 00:32
ZPM or Zero Point Module as it is described in science fiction has no corollary in real physics-- The tesseract drive which you are describing is a space folding drive which is possible according to physics. The tesseract drive comes from science fiction.

Zero point energy is the lowest amount of energy a particle can have in a given space.

Free space energy devices have been proven to be completely unworkable in physics. A free space energy device in physics is considered the equivalent of a perpetual motion machine. It is like saying we draw energy from dark matter something which might be possible a few hundred years from now when we understand dark matter.

If you have a way to draw energy from hyperspace, another dimension, or dark matter that would be serious future tech way beyond (PMT). There is no current reputable way to do this now. Ufology and conspiracy sites may say otherwise, but ZPM is fantastic. It would also mean you would have the ability to have lasers, shields, and plasma weapons that never ran out of power and other things because you would simply tap into subspace to power everything.

Note, I am FT, and we restrict the use of ZPM's to our tesseract generators. We also have other ways to create massive amounts of power, wich we will send you with the tesseract generators. The guys are on their way, and should arrive in about three RL hours.
13-05-2006, 00:37
We will exchange our information with you for the Tesseract drive. Unfortunately, the quintessence energy device is way beyond our current ability to build or understand. The math confuses our scientists. We will be glad to exchange our drives information with you. A DPM will be more than fair. We are interested in a way to mass produce antimatter at an affordable price. We will be working on that as our next major project. Do you harvest antimatter from the event horizons of black holes?

An interesting bit on them testing the theory. It would be interesting if this is theoretically correct and could be built in the real world. 20-40 years from now we could go to Alpha Centauri if we wanted to to.
13-05-2006, 11:26
We make some in system runs to test the system. First we head to the asteroid fields. It takes about a day to get there. We start setting up a small permanent base in the asteroid fields. We make several runs until there is enough equipment to build a small base. Then we make another run to the edge of the solar system in the oort clouds. One of the toruses needs to be repaired. We set up a second base in the oort clouds. It takes three or four days to get to the outer oort clouds. We are going to start by going to various places in system to test out problems with the drives, etc. We are also going to build 2 smaller transport ships for in system use with 300 ton toruses. This will allow us to transport material anywhere in the solar system fast. We will not immediately head for deep space. As a first step to deep space, we will release a telescope in deep space just past the solar systems edge to map out far systems.

There are still some adjustments to make after the failure in system. It was due to a minor failure in electronics. We need to shield our internal electronics better. We add layers of wire mesh and heavier cable coverings to all electronics.
14-05-2006, 15:00
We are going to build a small test colony on the edge of the system. This will be a biospheric experiment like Biosphere 2 which ran for 2 years but had to be resupplied after five months. We set up a biosphere, and give them some supplies as well as mining equipment to mine asteroids for oxygen, hydrogen and other materials if it is available. There should be water in the Oort cloud. Then we communicate with them constantly trying to adjust for maximum stay without resupply. We make sure it is much better sealed than the original biosphere and work on making the recycling far better.
15-08-2006, 12:54

Are you still around these parts? If so I'm prepared to pick our R&D back up.
The American Privateer
15-08-2006, 18:12
OOC: Watched a thing on NOVA the other day, I think I might actually have Fold space figured out will post an IC for it

"Warp drives and Hyperspace are obsolete, now that we have Foldspace or Tesseract Drives. Now, To build one you have to understand that there are more dimensions to our world than Height, Width, Breadth, and Time. In fact Time Travell is possible, though not the way we know it.

However, that is for a different lecture. Now I mentioned that there are more dimensions than we know of. That is correct, however, to be able to see these we need to expand an Atom to the Size of the Milky Way.

Now, you see this tree. Within every Atom, there are Electrons and Protons, Hydrogen has no Neutron, and these are composed of Quarks. However, this tree is representative of the size of an even small item, a Quantum String.

Now, to be able to create the various forces, Gravity, Electro-Magnetic, Strong, and Weak, there are six, supersmall dimensions that exist in a way we cannot see, twisted and crumpled up. As they vibrate, they create the various forces.

Foldspace manipulatesd this, and is in fact a two step process. Step one is the breaking of a Quatum String. Once broken, it will continue on and on forever, a straight line. Then, you grab hold of two part and fold the string. Once the two point where you are folding meet, you are abl to intantly move from one place to another.

And we call that, the Tesseract. We have these machine built, and would be willing to help you construct them."
19-08-2006, 00:49
Foldspace - Tesseract Drives

"more dimensions to our world than Height, Width, Breadth, and Time." --- this going into MSPACE and string theory

Time Travel - ICCD is interested in your Time Travel Theories as well. ICCD came only to the point of reverse force actions from an internal system to recreate the processes but could not do a total system time travel. The other option had to do with the FTL research btu was not true time travel it was space travel in a non active state. For instance storing the structure of an object in a computer system or energy wave system, then having the energy wave unpack itself to material form when a specific key unlocked the energy form. Very rought sciences. However, this FTL research project is making substancial inroads into our transport technologies and Future Technologies capacities.

"expand an Atom to the Size of the Milky Way" This is remarkable how the energy sequence can be held together over a string array, however slipping one demension through another remains an abstract thought. I can see it though.

Quantum String Manipulation - Tesseract

break Quatum String.
fold the string.

ICCD is very much interested in Continueing its FTL capacities and other advanced technologies. ICCD does have some experts in quantum physics. The capacity ICCD is lacking is being able to located break and fold the string via machines? How is this done?
The American Privateer
19-08-2006, 03:01
ICCD-Intracircumcordei']Foldspace - Tesseract Drives

"more dimensions to our world than Height, Width, Breadth, and Time." --- this going into MSPACE and string theory

OOC: yeah, came up with the idea after I watched an episode of Nova on String Theory.

IC: Yes, exactly, we use the quatum strings to move from one point to another.

ICCD-Intracircumcordei']Time Travel - ICCD is interested in your Time Travel Theories as well. ICCD came only to the point of reverse force actions from an internal system to recreate the processes but could not do a total system time travel.

IC: Where you trying to move along the timestream within your own universe? As we have discovered, the key is not to attempt to move backwards in time within your own universe (We have found it is impossible to do), but rather to find another part of the multiverse that exists in the previous time period. That is why it is impossible to alter the past, it is a completely different past. Plus, if you do something in the past, you already did it, so you can't change the past.

ICCD-Intracircumcordei']The other option had to do with the FTL research btu was not true time travel it was space travel in a non active state. For instance storing the structure of an object in a computer system or energy wave system, then having the energy wave unpack itself to material form when a specific key unlocked the energy form. Very rought sciences. However, this FTL research project is making substancial inroads into our transport technologies and Future Technologies capacities.

IC: hmmm, storing the matter as energy and moving it. Sounds like Teleportation, or even...welll...we will help you with that later.

ICCD-Intracircumcordei']"expand an Atom to the Size of the Milky Way"

OOC: just an example of the size of a string

IC: we used that as an example of the size of a Quantum String, comparitive to an atom.

ICCD-Intracircumcordei']This is remarkable how the energy sequence can be held together over a string array, however slipping one demension through another remains an abstract thought. I can see it though.

Quantum String Manipulation - Tesseract

break Quatum String.
fold the string.

ICCD is very much interested in Continueing its FTL capacities and other advanced technologies. ICCD does have some experts in quantum physics. The capacity ICCD is lacking is being able to located break and fold the string via machines? How is this done?

OOC: I am still working on figuring that out. I just know that it may become possible. I once thought about using nano-bots, but that is not possible, as they are way to big. This is what I am considering at the moment.

IC: the sensors have to be extremely sensitive, sensitive enough to detect the fluctuations within the Quatum Foam. In fact, we actually came across the strings as we were moving between universes. Since then we have been having special vehicles go into foam space, break the strings, and then fold the ends so that the host vehicle is able to move from one point to another instantly.

If you wish, we can send over a team of engineers to assist you in the construction of test vehicles. Not only will they hopefully be able to help you fold space, but they will also allow you to travel through time (via a quantum foam wormhole into another universe).

OOC: don't forget the Hoshalla thread.
19-08-2006, 05:12
OOC: ha, yah , I posted again in the Hoshala thread.. I'm here until the 21st.. I'm not sure what my status will be at that point.. I think this is a good step for firm PMT... however I like to understand the techs I integrate with as much as posible. I"ll post to the Courtship thread whenever I have the creativity etc.. as I need to be in character to really do it. I have her pretty well characterized though.


Yes, ICCD would like that you can send the Engineers to our Southern Mountain Space Center in the Continent of Irathria.
The American Privateer
20-08-2006, 17:29
ICCD-Intracircumcordei']OOC: ha, yah , I posted again in the Hoshala thread.. I'm here until the 21st.. I'm not sure what my status will be at that point.. I think this is a good step for firm PMT... however I like to understand the techs I integrate with as much as posible. I"ll post to the Courtship thread whenever I have the creativity etc.. as I need to be in character to really do it. I have her pretty well characterized though.


Yes, ICCD would like that you can send the Engineers to our Southern Mountain Space Center in the Continent of Irathria.

Our engineers are on their way to the launchpad now. Requesting permission to enter your airspace.

OOC: as soon as permission is given post that an explosion is heard over your facility, it will be us tesseracting there in our standard, yellow-green explosion from the tesseract
27-08-2006, 12:15
Our engineers are on their way to the launchpad now. Requesting permission to enter your airspace.

OOC: as soon as permission is given post that an explosion is heard over your facility, it will be us tesseracting there in our standard, yellow-green explosion from the tesseract

The scientists and engineers and security staff on hand are truely awed by the appearance and they have seen some cool things before.... photos and film capture the historic event.
The American Privateer
27-08-2006, 17:20
The vessel descneded from the skies, with the emblem of the TAP Diplomatic Corps splashed across it. As it moved for a designated docking point, landing struts extended.

Once on the ground, a hatch opened and out stepped three people. Cheif Sceintist in Charge of Tesseracts Daniel Thorpe, Chief Diplomat in charge of First Contact Admiral Roget Lee, and the AI Leora on her holo-walker.

Admiral Roget stepped forward and extended a hand in greeting to the lead represntative of ICCD. "Greetings, I am Admiral Roget Lee of The American Privateer, it is an honor to meet you."

OOC: I am assuming that this happens after NN has left Irathria and Shane stays here.
The American Privateer
31-08-2006, 03:42
OOC: bump!

This is getting fun, don't disapear on me again
The American Privateer
06-09-2006, 00:48
OOC: Bump