NationStates Jolt Archive

Cravan Reestablishes Contact (FT Intro) - Page 2

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21-05-2006, 05:01
naomi conversed withe kurt the a.i of the heavenly sin

so kurt what do you think do we 13 combined have enough firepower to drive the enemy away

yes lady naomi we do
the doombringers allies formed up in a battle line those meli devils shall feel the sting of 13 sephrion warships
21-05-2006, 05:05
"We do not seek the dark. However, they came to us... semi peacably. We have no reason to attack them... yet.", he said, a sly look on his face. "The Council is not happy with how the government is welcoming them, but we don't plan on opening relations. A nice little trade agreement will do. The Council has agreed with the Emperor that they probably will not be allowed back. We're just being polite to them, for now. And no... I do not know when dinner is."
Me li
21-05-2006, 05:13
Taskforce Hope

Magpie Hope dourly glared at the Serphions...stupid gaijin devils. No appreciation for Melii Rights! Thirteen ships, several hundred fighters approaching in an obvious attack vector. All of this aggression was in their Home System. Why aren't the damn Cravanians doing anything?

She had moved to protect the weak! Those damn Kitir bastards were crazy. The Task Force could easily defend itself. Twelve Parasite ships-of-the-line: Three Battledreadnoughts and nine battle cruisers and their twenty Escorts destroyers. That was total of Thirty-Two heavy hitters and their hundreds of fighters were deployed in a clearly passive defense. The bastards would eat Void to attack.

She would wait until one of her brothers and sisters died...And THEN...

ooc: Seph trancend the Dark and the Light...come to the gloriously Gray! dude you going to do something about the Kitir bastards?
21-05-2006, 05:19
OOC: I will eventually. They aren't hurting anything now.

In any case, g'night ya'all.
21-05-2006, 05:23
naomi thought had her kitir coaptain been present she would not be so shall we say jumpy
coms to task force hope i naomi rule thes pther ships of the empire you see they serve this ship
21-05-2006, 05:45
Hortuli read the latest message. This is informative, but I am not sure if it will change anything. He sent a message in response:

I will try and get a meeting between you and the sublime Padishah Emperor to be arranged. You must still journey to Arrakis, however. The only way the Emperor will leave Arrakis is if something serious occurs, serious enough to draw him away from his people. Speaking using the "holo-comm" system you speak of would be like betraying his very own people. It can not be done with out sacrificing some of the Emperor's power and godliness.

On the roof, the Fremen answered the witch truthfully. "I did not know I was trespassing. I have come here to escape certain death."

As he was finishing his last sentence, the Fremen quickly threw himself off of the building. It could be quickly seen what he was trying to do: he had assembled under his robes four rods that connected to rings in his robes. He stretched out his arms, and with these rods, his robes were sprawled out to over twice his arm's length. The assemblage had created a rough glider. The ends of the robes were somewhat frayed, but there were no holes in them.

Thanking the Great Mother for the toughness of Fremen robes, the Fremen whipped away from the building quickly. He began analyzing the situation. The robed pursuer and the guards I passed up are on the other side of the building. I should be safe from them. I am not sure what that woman was asking me, but I could stay there no longer. I am unsure of what my fate will be with this glider, but I am sure of my terrible fate if I had stayed. The Fremen then noticed a critical problem with this situation: his arms needed to be used to keep the glider in the air. The gliders issued to many Fremen soldiers were of better quality, and could be operated without hands if needed. I hope that Shai-hulud will have mercy on me and not make me pay for this disadvantage.
Me li
21-05-2006, 06:20
Magpie Hope


Magpie Hope pondered the words of the Doombringer’s primitive AI. Maybe she was only a few days old? No...more likely the Sephions had purposefully designed a dense and aggressive AI

“It is an interesting choice of words. You rule these other ships. They are not of you? Do you also rule the protoplasmic entities that crew your ships? Surely Not! I find it difficult to believe that a ship would be entrusted to an AI. Where is your Captain? You seem distraught Naomi...are you not well? I strongly suggest you alter course. You may be biting off much more than you are authorized to bite off.

“Your ships are a bit too angular and heavy on weaponry...we projected that you have neglected your defensive systems. <encrypted tactical analysis> Power output requirements of your heavy systems will consume a disproportionate share of your estimated energy budget. This will give us several openings. Your Capital ships lack adequate support craft. You will note our Destroyers...

“Analysis of your carrier fighters projects heavy casualties for both sides...however...we believe our heavy jump-capable Fireflies will be decisive. The more lightly armed and equipped Mosquitoes will suffer the brunt of the star fighter losses. These projections make several highly unlikely assumptions. It is restricted to the current Taskforce allocations between the Magpie Hope and Doombringer. It disregards the likelihood of reinforcements. You will note the Battle-Planetoid-of the Line HHS Magpie currently in outer orbit. Surely you noted the Survey Group? It also disregards the likelihood of direct New Cravan intervention. This is a highly likely Eddy as this is their Home System.

“They will likely come down against the Aggressor.”

She smiled sweetly...

“So tell me Naomi. Will you break the Sacred Traditions of Host and Guest by continuing your foolish behavior? Or shall we start over?”


Isobelle was amused. The Freman had acted like a good Melii. The Voice worked...sorta. She had listened to Ian's conversation thanks to Magpie's comm feed. It would be fine to let the man continue...he did not request refuge. An independent folk the Freman. She headed to meet with the Knight.

ooc: Magpie had activated the Defences of the Embassy awhile back-I thought that would also mean the Rooftop shield would also activate? Wouldn't the Freeman notice the shield activation?

Ian grinned "Your Council is wise to do so. It is good you are of the Light...we Melii would prefer the Forces to let us alone. Yet they continue to bother us with their Battles. We are of the Gray. But if we had to choose we prefer you of the Light. The Demons consume the Dark Ones."

He pulled out a pomergranate. "You hungry?"

HHS Magpie
Magpie and the Admiral were slightly troubled. The words of the Freeman confirmed their suspicions. Godhood...that was alway troublesome. They would have to make the journey to Arrakis. He would tke a small gamble...perhaps they valued herds and water the Ancients did on Holy Terra?

The sacredness of your Madhi is tied to his location? Very well we will move the mountain to Arrakis after we have finished our business here. This is acceptable for your Great Tribe? What would be appropriate to bring as a gift for your Imperator? We wish to lessen or ignorance of your ways. So that we do not offend as often, please send us the proper imperial protocols.

And you Good Captain...we wish to gift you a goodly compensation for your goodly efforts. Would we be offending if we asked what we might honourably offer.
21-05-2006, 06:35
she thought this meli knows much about sephrion
coms why yes this aspect of me is young
no i do not rule my crew they rule me but with out the calming infulance of my kitir captain i am agresive and battle hungry
we could start again these ships serve my a.i my captain is the kitir lord down on the planet with out his prescence my program forces me into paranoid mode. so friend why did you come in arms
Me li
21-05-2006, 06:49
"Friend" Another interesting word full of promise...but she again used the term "Kitir Lord" I wonder if she realizes that all the Magpies were of the Melii...not likely. The Sephion seemed to prefer a slave rather than a Comrade. I foment a that could lead to worse things.

She smiled an older sister to a Little One. A very strong but young and slow gaijin AI little one. still wasn't too late to get her thinking like a good Melii!

Very well let us try again. Doomslayer! You are approaching Melii zones of operation. We demand you state your intentions. Please alter course. Repeat alter course.

Then we shot a warning was several klicks away. You armed your systems and headed DIRECTLY towards a superior force...It was brave but VERY stupid! Heroes die...that is what heroes do!

You are a ship AI...your responsiblity is to the Ship then to the Crew and then the Commander. Then somewhere in there is your responsiblity to your Empire, Tribe, and the rest of the Universe. Can you not alter your program? It makes little sense for you to have some control and no control over your Priorities. This opens your systems to multiple break points <encrypted note of the most obvious holes...gophers programs search for other backdoors>.

Why would your Masters' be foolish enough to slave their systems to so young an AI? Your Empire must be very very large and stagnant! They can afford to lose an Entire Taskforce. You duty to the Empire includes your Ship's survival no? Conquest is not always best achieved through force of arms. <datafeed of historical examples...and logical conundrums> We of the Melii believe that you are not yet consumed by Demons...tell me have the Sephrion renounced their Heritage? Take extreme care before you answer this question Freind is very important. Can your people still be called people?

ooc: A much better job of writing in English Seph;)
21-05-2006, 06:57
Can your people still be called people.

coms appologize for powering up systems i can not fully acesss my paraniod mode controlls yet
the other parts are older and wiser
no they cant and yes the empire is large

ooc i was busy
Me li
21-05-2006, 07:44
Magpie Hope

The translation programs were not working properly. She wasn't completely sure if Naomi understood the questions...her people were not people? They were Demons...yet she hadn't said anything really. It was fustrating talking to primitive AI's. She would let it slide. The Admiral and Enclave could discuss the matter. The poor little one was just scared and over-reacted...stupid of her Masters...yes they were not too bright.

Their size allowed for corruption and complacency to build. She remembered an interesting metaphor...A paper tiger...The Sephrion Empire could still strike out even as it was dying. And indeed it was already dead. The Melii would have to convince them that the Sephs were in fact dead.

"You are perhaps you would be so kind as to back up an AU, dock your fighters, and break your battle line into something less openly aggressive? We will retreat half our forces to the HHS Magpie in one minute as a sign of good faith. If you abuse our trust, the HHS Magpie will jump in system along with the rest of the Parasites and Fighter Wings."
21-05-2006, 08:05

I figure you will want to fix know you could use a Word spell check program--i use it half the time.

I'll edit this one after you fix the last post Seph

fixed naomi thought why would thry alow a little one to comanda mighty warship

se comed friend it is done
she sent one fought throught thee line break up and return home and inform them the doombringer stands proud
she docked her fighters and she movoured back 2 aus
Me li
21-05-2006, 08:58
Magpie Hope grinned to Naomi.

"Thank you now this is much nicer no?
"Ok perhaps you should hang out with our AI;
her name is Margaret...or Magpie.
You two can chat on the local System Net."

She frowned.

"Stay out of trouble and in the secure Subnet. DO NOT cause trouble!
"Your Master will likely discipline your crew for allowing you to almost lose his ride home.
"If the Cravan catches see the problems?"

A secure Subnet is constructed on the local resembles an Enclave of the Homeworld. It was a wooded glade. In the center, there was a spring and a small babbling stream. The Old Growth forest held the sky up and kept the heavens from falling. It was a simulation of an organic living Cathedral. Magpie sat as her usual six year old persona playing with the small damn she had constructed by the spring's source. She laughed and looked up as Naomi enterd the glade.

ooc: Just telegram me stuff seph...for this and any other thread.:cool:
21-05-2006, 09:04
on the sucuree sub ne hey magpie this form is ten by my races standereds
i supouse my crew will be introuble with darth sephrioth not only my captain but the ruler of the empire

ooc 100 human years=ten sephrion
23-05-2006, 01:08
Hortuli examined his latest message. They still seem to be somewhat confused about the Emperor. That is not something to be concerned of, however. They will figure out everything in time. Hortuli sent a response:

Yes, those terms will be acceptable. I still am not sure if you will be guaranteed an audience with our Mahdi, but business has been slow, so he might listen to you if he has nothing else to do.

Proper behavior in front of the Emperor is simple. Always be respectful. The Emperor is to be addressed as "Sire" or "My Lord", and any wives or concubines of his that happen to be present are to be called "Lady". Always do as the Emperor says, even if it seems irrational. He may be forgiving to you because you are not familiar with our ways, but do not rely on this. Always assume that he knows everything. If he needs to know something, he will ask. At meals, the Emperor always takes the first drink or the first bite. If the Emperor asks for you to be silent, then that means that you must become inaudible vocally and in any other way. No profanity or obscene gestures may be made while in the presence of the Emperor. Shai-hulud and the Great Mother must be respected, as must all other Fremen religious beliefs. Although it is not technically a rule, do not act threateningly towards the Emperor. If you do so, you may find yourself dead before you can even register what has happened. While thinking machines are allowed in the presence of the Emperor, they may never speak to the Emperor or look him in the eyes. If you notice some around you that are breaking the code that I have laid before you, do not be alarmed. These people may be Fremen, and the code of conduct for the Emperor's Fremen brothers is less strict than it is for non-Fremen.

As far as gifts are concerned, they are not required or even expected, although the best gift is that of water.

I will immediately make known your request to see the Emperor. I hope for the best in the future.
23-05-2006, 03:41
OOC: Sorry I haven't posted. Expect something tomorrow or Wednesday while I read up.
Me li
23-05-2006, 07:00
Task Force Gopher jumped to a neighboring system's oort cloud and began harvesting resources. Magpie concentrated on obtaining H2O. If Water was what they wanted then they would get som water. Many of the cargo bays were sealed and made fast. Several small ice bodies was wedged into the bays. Several Tons of water and other volitails! It would be a goodly present! Meanwhile, back in the New Cravanian System, a Cherry Blossom Class Shuttle was loaded with a few thousand liters of pure water. This would be for the Heighliner's Captain and Crew.

Shai-Hulud and Great-Mother confused Magpie...the Earth and the Worm. The Earth she understood; it was the Mother of us all. What was a worm to receive such veneration? Perhaps she was over-analyzing the facts/statements. The Admiral concurred. Best just to ask.

The Hummingbird was pleasantly surprised by the straight forwardness of the Sublime Pashish's Protocols. He had expected much worse. Perhaps this particular God was still a great human? That made things easier. Magpie brought the Package. It contained much of the History of the Exile of the Melii. Several Millenia of Lore. And One very important letter.

He had helped El write it. He stroked the black crystal...holo-cube. This was almost as significant as the Scattering a few centuries prior. He took extreme care.

Sir Captain thank you for your aid once more.

A Cherry Blossom shuttle shall shortly depart for your freighter. It contains our gift of water to yourself and the Crew of the Heighliner for your help. It also contains a message from our Madhi to His Sublime Pashish. Will it be offence to ask that we have someone deliver this to his offices before the HHS Magpie arrives at Arrakis?

Now then to our confusion. Can you give us guidance as to your Religion and Customs...have you archives? Please expound upon what exactly is this <Worm and Earth> you speak of?
Me li
23-05-2006, 07:07
One of the packages to be personally delivered to the Empire's Represenative.
<Sealed and Encrypted Package written in the Olde Tongue>

To: His Sublime Padishah Emperor
From: His Holiness, The Venerable El DXI
RE: The Petition

Madhi of the Freman,

We the Tribe of Melii have returned from the Sundering. Millenia ago we retreated and gathered our strength. It has been long in building. A few Centuries ago we came upon some surviors of the Scattering. Their ship was greatly damaged and most died before they could be saved. They could but only direct us to the general direction of the Ancient Empire.

We have sent the Survey Group Epsilon and her sisters in search of our Cousins and of the Homeworld. They are to Free the oppressed and warn the Empire of the Incursions. The Demons have grown strong beyond the Realms of Man. Beware the Dark Orders Madhi...they have corrupted many of the Scattering. Their <mistaken beliefs/actions/thoughts> have attracted the Phantoms from the Life Less Zones. The Phantoms too begin encroaching upon our Realities. They make stronger and stronger forays into the Dominion of Me Li. We are strong as are they. We have pushed them from our lands for now. They will return. They always do. But they give no honourable challenges.

My Lord, Be Forewarned. They trail us by a mere millenia or two. The Empire must prepare for the both the Demons and the Barbarians!

Now to goodly things.

Our first boon is to be recognized as a Great House of the Empire! We have our worlds and our ships. We are a goodly people. Long have we fought the Gaijin and the Demons. Long have we believed the Empire of Man dust. Finding it not only alive, but prosperous. Now we wish to be reunited with the Empire.

Our Second is to allow our Orders to study the Archives.

Finally, to our Third and last request. Can you tell us the location of Holy Terra? Our Hajj will be completed only when we return to Holy Terra. Only then can we rest for a time.

His Holiness, The Venerable El DXI
Seal of Melii

OOC: Garindi do you want to join the Isles of Mara? We don't do much but I see you are just chillin' in the Noob Region. In a few weeks, perhaps open another thread for the Empire?
23-05-2006, 14:27
the a.i form of naomi was a liitle girl with blond hair and red eyes. i am hidous no she asked
Me li
23-05-2006, 15:17

Magpie was not surprised...she had set up this Glade...she Knew before Noami even arrived that this might be interesting. She stood and tried cleaning the mud off of her archaic outfit. It just made more smudges. Her laugh died in her throuts when she saw Naomi.

Magpie stared with pity at Naomi's Avatar...why did she manifest as a Sleepy/Drugged up little girl? Manipulative? No...Hmm...the gopher programs agreed that she didn't seem to be hostile or purposefully evasive. They had had no problems so far...they would continue carefully digging into the Sephion systems. So then was it hard-coded into the Kitir AI? Why would the allow the AI to acheive conciousness if they didn't properly train her to be independent? A completly dependent slave was a useless slave. Well come to think of it...a slave is generally useless.

An Experiment.

She decided to alter her the space of a few fecoseconds she aged twenty years. She eerily resembled the Hummingbird. Silver Eyes and Long Black Hair arranged in a simple single braid. Her muddy peasant clothes were replaced with expensive silks and brocaded cloths. She was the Queen Mother of the West...the Merciful. Magpie's silver eyes glowed as she forced Noami's Red Eyes to fall into hers.

Don't be silly child! She admonished

Now then come here. She commanded
23-05-2006, 15:22
she did this cursed form she geustered is the simplest i have thier is one of the most beuatiful woman in the empire but that is kellys form i chose the form of the deceauused princess
23-05-2006, 23:00
Hortuli strided across his office on the Heighliner. He reached a cabinet and opened it, revealing several communication instruments. In an orifice of one of the instruments, he inserted the holo-cube to the sublime Padishah Emperor. After manipulating some of the switches and dials, Hortuli pressed in on a plunger-like item. The instrument gave a quick beep, and somewhere in Arrakeen an identical holo-cube appeared for the Emperor to read.

Hortuli then began making his way back to his post at the control bridge. They gave us much water. They must be from a water rich world like New Cravan.

Upon reaching his station, he relayed another message to the Melii:

My thanks to you could tower over any Arrakeen dune. This water gift was exceptionally generous, and our tribes will remember you for a long time to come.

I also wish to tell you that your message to the Emperor has been sent. I am in a high enough position to ensure that the Emperor himself will see it.

I will tell you of your religion the main points, which are true to almost all Fremen religions. The almighty Shai-hulud governs over Arrakis as lord of Earth. Many of our ceremonies exist to please him and ask for his favor. The Great Mother is also a prominent deity, although her purpose is not as clear. Most sects portray her as a creator god. Us Fremen listen to the universe, and gain oneness with it. Through spiritual wholeness, we can achieve the unattainable and see that which we before could not see. That is why we worship our Emperor: through his spirituality, he has been given by the gods the gift of seeing that which others can not see.

I hope that this matter is more clear now. Do not feel ashamed. Most people who live outside our worlds are ignorant of Fremen religion.
25-05-2006, 00:55
25-05-2006, 03:04
OOC: I think I'm lost in my own thread.... :p
Me li
25-05-2006, 03:32
yeah we sorta got carried away...not really that sorry though. I think it is a pretty good one. This is in my biased opinion a very good example of the pitfalls of a first contact. SOOO many close calls.

The Seph ship is neutral again. SEPH has an Audience with the your Emperor. The Melii aren't trying to kill anyone anymore. The Companion is about to meet your Jedi knight who has been chatting with a rather strange Marine. You still have a couple of loose Freman running around. One of which just jumped off the building and looks to make like Icaras. Hmmm...that about sums it up I think.

Nothing from the other Gaijin.

Oh yeah Magpie has been exploring your Local Net and is now chatting with Naomi, the Warbringer's AI inside a secure subnet in the System Nets. gohper programs are digging EVERYWHERE...very discreetly. And There were at least 12 fully fuctional Magpies pushing big red buttons. They are now hiding...they shouldn't be caught.
BUT they PUSHED alot of BUTTONS!:D :headbang:

I like your other MT stuff...
Pashish and Seph I'll get back to you latter.:)
26-05-2006, 02:06
bump...does this mean we're abandoning this thread?
26-05-2006, 03:27
OOC: Hopefully not.

I've been swamped with work recently, so I haven't gotten a chance to catch up. I should have plenty of time this weekend... Hopefully...
Me li
26-05-2006, 04:18

No no yet there are too many loose ends. I would like a chance to meet the Cravan's Emp...establish freindly relations and get some interesting techs as well as a download of their archives...AND I want to see what Cravan will respond to the "Jokes" of the Magpies.

You still need to get you Fremans back to the Heighliner...and after all of that...then the HHS Magpie will translate to Arrakis to meet with your Sublime Pashish. We will start another thread after this one is tied up nicely...:p
28-05-2006, 23:38
29-05-2006, 03:09
OOC: Defibrillators... CLEAR!

BTW: If you guys want to take that whole reunion thing to a different thread, that's fine. But it's just too confusing to have that in this thread...

INS Legacy

"Prepare a message to the Heighliner."
"Aye, sir."

A communique was sent to the Fremen ship:

We have reason to believe that our auto-air defense web mistook your shuttle as a hostile craft when it left the landing pad and entered a no fly zone over the city. The pilot managed to eject, and we have lost contact with him in the city. We humbly request you gather your Fremen at the landing pad in order to resolve this situation. We look forward to your response. Thank you.


The Knight waited patiently on the balcony to meet with the Melii representative.

Imperial Department of Intelligence
Electronics Division

"What the hell...?"
"What is it?"
"Sir... There's alot of things wrong in the system... It looks as if someone's been... Pushing buttons."
"Track down what's going on."
"Yes, sir."


The Fremen and two police officers continued to sit in silence, one of the officers munching contentedly on a doughnut.
29-05-2006, 03:41
Hortuli received the new message from the Legacy. It seemed odd. What is going on down there? Were they fired upon? I thought these people were rather quaint and not aggressive. However, it seems like this is just a misunderstanding. I shall make sure that this is cleared up.

He sent a short transmission to the Legacy:

Very well. I will contact them and make sure that they return to the landing pad. Can I be assured of their safety?

After sending the message, he retreated to his office to use the communication equipment specialized with contacting the Fremen on the ground via their cielagos. The fragile looking instrument he now consulted made a few beeping noises, and he had established a channel with the cielagos.

"This is Hortuli, requesting the positions of all Fremen on New Cravan's surface."

The response Hortuli received was in the hunting language that the Fremen had been using. "Sir, this is a hot channel. Members of the hostile tribe might be listening in. We request you use only this hunting language."

"What do you mean? How are enemies listening in?"

"Sir, one of our men has been captured by a hostile enemy tribe. He is apparently being held captive in a sietch."

Hortuli was shocked. "You imbeciles! How could you allow yourselves to get captured?"

"It was Rothi, sir. He is young and selfish."

"Well," replied Hortuli, "We can not have him give away confidential Fremen information that might get in to the hands of our enemies. You know what must be done."

"Yes, sir."

Suddenly, Rothi spoke up. "No, sir, please! I will not give out any information, and these people do not seem to know what to ask in order to extract it! I am perfectly okay here."

"That may be, young mouse, but I have just received an official order from the Cravan government for you to meet with Cravan officials who request your presence. If you are stuck captive in a sietch, then you will not be able to get there."

"Well, sir, please give me some time! I can get out of here, I'm sure of it."

"Very well, but know that others listening in will terminate you should they hear anything remotely troubling. As for everyone else, apparently they want you to gather at the landing pad where you arrived on this planet. Make your way there at once, and may the Great Mother be with you."

Hortuli broke communications. Rothi, feeling anxious, sat quietly with the two police officers, contemplating a way out of this odd looking sietch.

The rest of the Fremen were faced with a paradox: an official order to go back to the place where the killers might still be waiting. If the killers were still there, it would have to result in violent confrontation.

"We will not proceed directly to the platform," declared one Fremen on the cielago. "Meet at point beta on the maps that have been distributed to you. It is far enough from the pad that we can observe the pad and see if the hostile tribe members are still there. We will have the advantage, because we will know which direction to look for them, but they will not know which direction to look if they are to find us."
29-05-2006, 05:39
We have no hostile intent against them, and do not know of anyone with hostile intent. They should be safe. You have my word., came the response.


The landing pad had been cleared of troopers, and instead four men in brown cloaks stood waiting patiently. They hoods covered their heads, and their cloaks concealed their bodies.


The comm of one of the officers blared.

"Unit-534, the Fremen have been requested to return to the landing pad. Take our guest to the pad, and make sure he arrives safely. Repeat, the Fremen have been requested to return to the landing pad. Take our guest to the pad, and make sure he arrives safely. Over."

The officer pressed the open channel button, and spoke into the device.

"Ten-Four. We'll take him over. Officer Carson out."

He looked to the Fremen.

"Would you care for a ride to meet with your friends at the landing pad?"
29-05-2006, 06:21
The group of Fremen that had gathered to observe the landing pad saw that the guards had since left. After rejoicing this great turn of events, they dispersed, agreeing to meet again at the platform. Minutes later, the Fremen wandered to an outside the platform one at a time until the twelve of them were there. They looked at the four cloaked men, who some of them had seen before. They looked like some of the hostile agents that had pursued them, but supposedly there were friendly people that were going to meet them here. Had these four men killed them? There was no blood or corpses...

As the Fremen entered the platform, they did so with their hands on their weapons, readying their reflexes to strike at the first sign of danger.

This must be the landing pad meeting I heard about over the cielago, thought Rothi. How would these people know about it? Do they know this hunting language? I suppose I should agree to come with them in order to find out more about their intentions.

"Yes, I will come with you," said the Fremen called Rothi. In the cielago, he said, "The hostiles seem to know about the landing pad meeting. They are taking me there as I speak."

On the platform, this new revelation made the Fremen group even more tense. There was a greater probability that these four men were agents of the hostile tribe, seeing as they somehow know that the Fremen are coming here. It was a mistake for all of us to come here at once. Now, if they destroy all of us here, there will be none of us left to carry out the mission.
29-05-2006, 15:47
The lead man removed his hood, showing an old man with snow white hair. He had a neatly trimmed beard, and short, well kept hair. The others kept their hoods up, however, ensuring the Fremen did not see their facial features.

"Welcome, friends.", the old man said. "We have heard you have not been obeying all of our laws. We have requested your presence to clear this matter up. Are all of you here?"


The officers took the Fremen to the police cruiser, and opened the door for him.

"We'll get you to the platform as soon as possible."
29-05-2006, 19:24
On the platform, the revelation came slowly to the Fremen. This man was most likely the official that they had been instructed to meet. If he was an enemy, then Hortuli would not want them to interact at all. So that means that this man must be the government official. Now, some of them knew that they had been told before that they had been breaking the laws of this city. They must have somewhere along the line gotten government officials mixed up with members of the hostile tribe! This revelation spread quickly throughout the group by means of the connection of the prescient intuition between the troop due to their melange consumption.

They decided that they should answer him truthfully, but change to more important subject matter as soon as possible. "Not all of us are here. One of our group has been captured by an enemy tribe. Are you of this enemy tribe?"

Rothi obeyed the police officers and got into the cruiser. Hopefully I will be taken to my Fremen brothers, who may save me, he thought.
29-05-2006, 20:17
"Friends, allow me to explain something:

"All this time, it has not been a hostile tribe chasing you. It has been the government of this world. They have been searching for you, because you broke Cravan's trade laws. Although you will not be punished, since you were ignorant of these laws, we still need to speak with you to set this situation right.

"This one who was captured was probably detained by the New Cravna Police Department. I recieved word they are bringing him here to meet with you all."

The old man paused, then continued speaking to the Fremen.

"I, myself, am not a member of this 'tribe.' I am a Master Knight of the Order of Cravanian Knights, an independent sect of the Jedi Order. Perhaps you have heard of them?"

Seconds later, a police cruiser pulled up, and dropped a Fremen off. It then promptly left, speeding down the street.
30-05-2006, 03:28
The Fremen named Rothi quickly ran away from his captors and to the Fremen group. The Fremen did not turn to look at him. They were focusing on these four men.

One of the Fremen stepped slightly in front of the rest. What they are saying is true, then. I suppose we were mistaken all along. It seems that we have broken their laws, and they are calling us out. We can not run away, this time.

So be it. With any hope, the Great Mother will allow some of us to live. If we are to die here, then may we take some of these men with us.

"I am sorry, sir, I have not heard of this order to which you belong," said the Fremen in front.

One of the Fremen behind him spoke up. "I have seen people like this before in my travels as a merchant. They are Jedi, enlisted by governments usually as military or law enforcement leaders. They practice weirding ways and fight with swords of light."

Energy weapons. In a confrontation, that would mean that they would cut right through our scimitars. This is useful knowledge for the coming fight. The lead Fremen made a motion out with his right and left hand. The Fremen behind him began sidestepping, those on his left stepping further to his left and those on his right stepping further to his right. They quickly formed a wide arc, far enough away from the Knights so that they could not be hit by a blow from the position that the Knights were currently in.

There are four of them. Does this mean that they wish to call out four of us?

"What are your intentions, sir? Who among us do you wish to call out? Are you going to kill us all?"
Me li
30-05-2006, 06:24
HHS Magpie

The Admiral gave a half nod indicating he understood and would respond.

Very well Good Captain Mentat Freeman of the House of Garindi of the Planet Arkeen, whom the olde tongue is Arrikis, of the Pashish Emperor's Merchant Guild, we thank you for your aid. Out waterdebt has been paid. Unitl the State Dinner then.

Fair thee well.

He blinked and was about to disconnect when he realized that he did not know this man's name...a name was always a touchy subject with the Melii. He would take a chance.

By the way Menat...what is your name?
I gift you with mine; I am called the Sand Shrew by my friends

Me Li Embassy
Magpie deactivated the shielding and defenses lest the Freeman die from the systems.
The Marines were making bets as to how long before the guy was an even split. So no real big losses euther way.
She loved trying to sneak up on Ian...the little rugrat was pretty good at detecting the slightest distubances...but still...she slowed time down...breath...<<movement>>>. She appeared beside the two Knights. Damnit he didn't even blink. He was just peeling a pomergranate. She sighed and grinned...Little brothers were such a pain.

She turned her silvered eyes onto the Cravan Knight...

"Your prey has just left...perhaps it would be best if you pulled the hounds off the fox's tail? He will eventually return home. If you continue to chase him there will be death...of him and possibly of you and your citizens. Most definately the Peace between your two Worlds will be dead, she explained politely.

"Do, you want this come to pass? Her Voice emphasizing the key points.
<similar to the jedi mind trick-but in this instance used to penetrate illusions>
If she had judged correctly this low level no offensive teaching Voice would be effective on this paticular Knight.

Lights all over the city begins flickering...the system-wide power net was beginning to draw too heavily upon the local power sources and began drawing regional power from the planetary grid. Large section had to be shutdown for fear of blowing the generators. It was not quite a brownout...but the troubles were just beginning...
ooc: just an example of a little RED Button...They oushed some BIG RED ONES!
30-05-2006, 23:29
"We've got some reports of power outages... Sir?"
"Isolate the networks... And get the hacker teams on the problem."
"Yes, sir."

A team of ten master hackers set to work, searching for whatever caused this and a way to shut it down...

OOC: You couldn't have accessed any MAJOR systems through this, so nothing military or anything extremely vital. Mostly minor nuisances. This is because I keep most of my important systems on isolated and secure networks, to prevent this kind of situation. :D


"We do not mean you any harm, and do not 'call you out.' We are here to solve this situation through a peaceful means."


The Knight at the suite did not need any more persuading than the ambassador had given him. He had learned that the Fremen were returning to the platform, and wasn't going to give chase in any case.

"Thank you. Good day."

He walked out, an emotionless yet serene look on his face as he lifted his hood. Seconds later, the comm rang in the suite. It was the Director of Foreign Affairs. (I'm sending your ambassador to meet with the Emperor now, since Seph isn't on.)
31-05-2006, 00:45
The Fremen were puzzled. How can this be settled peacefully. Are they trying to trick us? Well, these underhanded tactics certainly will not give them any advantage in the battle. The Fremen continued to stand in motionless silence, ready to spring into battle.

High above in the upper reaches of New Cravan's atomosphere, the shuttle that the Fremen pilot had abandoned spiralled upwards, being recalled to the Heighliner. Hortuli sat slouching in a seat in the control bridge. He had neglected his latest meal in favor of a bottle, which he now clutched with a quivering hand. I love these alcoholic beverages. One of my few indulgences not native to the Fremen. He watched as the shuttle disappeared in to one of the the hangar bays that dotted the Heighliner. He decided to send a message to the Melii:

I have enjoyed meeting you. You are a creative people. We hope to see you soon.

A pause. He decided that Emperor Kyle might want a message:

I am sorry sir, that my dogs have caused so much trouble. I hope that someday we will be able to do business again.

Another look at the planet that he had grown familiar with over his stay here.

"Are we ready?" came the voice of a coordinator in Hortuli's cielago. It was coming from the Guild Navigator's chamber.

"We have a clear path?" asked Hortuli.


"Alright, then. I want to see the beautiful dunes again."

A large flash, and the Heighliner was sucked into the bowels of spacetime.
31-05-2006, 02:32
"Sir... The Heighliner... She's gone!"
"She just jumped!"
"Contact the Knights on the pad. Tell them to tell the Fremen their ride left without them."
"Yes, sir."


A beeping was heard on the platform, and the Master pulled a comlink from his cloak. When he opened his cloak, the Fremen could see a silver cylinder glistening for a split second.

"Master Dawls, here."

An inaudible mumbling was heard, and the Master's face had a grim expression on.

"Right... I'll tell them."

He put the comlink away.

"Apparently, your ride just left without you."
31-05-2006, 02:39
The Fremen listened to the Knight without movement. By "ride", I infer that he means the Heighliner. I have been expecting Hortuli to leave. There is no market here. We have failed. If we ever get out of this situation, I suppose we will have to make ourselves at home here. The Fremen remained in motionless silence, for focusing on anything else could only be a disadvantage when the Knights struck.
31-05-2006, 02:59
The Knights stood in an awkward silence, not knowing what to expect.

"Do you men... Well... With your ship gone, would you like for us to arrange for your transport home? Or maybe asylum here?"
31-05-2006, 03:12
The Knights appeared to be telling the truth. The optimal time of attack had long since passed. Could it be that they really did not want to fight? The Fremen in front spoke, but otherwise remained motionless. "Our master has made his wishes known. If we return, we will be killed. There can be no room for weakness. I suppose we will have to spend the rest of our lives here. Will your people react with hostility to our seeking to live here?"
31-05-2006, 03:18
"Well, I am sure we can help you find a suitable place to live on our little world. I'm afraid we don't have any desert regions here, since I am told you come from a desert world. You do, however, appear to be warriors of some sort or another. Perhaps you would like to accompany us to the Enclave, to see the Order? I know it will take some getting used to, living on this world. But I hope you all manage to fit in."
31-05-2006, 03:25
The Fremen were flattered by his words. "Oh, no, we are not warriors. True warriors put us to shame. Every Fremen must be somewhat skilled in the art of combat, however, because you do not know when you will be challenged by a peer or by another tribe." Now what is this enclave? I suppose, since we are going to be living here, we should find out. It appears to be a welcoming place. "Sure, you may take us to this enclave."

The Fremen, realizing the tone in their temporary leader's voice, relaxed a little.
31-05-2006, 04:08
"Excellent. Follow me, if you will."

The Master led them to another landing pad in the spaceport, this one with a Cravanian shuttle. The ramp descended, and the four Knights climbed aboard, and waited for the Fremen to come aboard. (OOC: How many do you have, again?)
Me li
31-05-2006, 06:40
HHS Magpie watched the Foldspace vessel blink to Arakis. The Melii would translate their at a latter date. The Admiral informed Magpie to tell herself to play it cool...

Magpies Embassy
Magpie's lemmings noticed the Cravan Wolves...ayup time to go to ground. They had tunneled through the cyberspace and had several hidden caches of interesting things...mostly random trivia and cultural data. Magpie liked collecting such things. You never knew when something would come in handy. They collapsed the tunnels behind them and then ran off the cliff and into the sea. Nary a trace save that there was a massive colony was once there and now not there. The hidden "gifts" began activating like mines as the wolves entered the area...well more like water balloons, eggs, and flour.

It was a goodly trap of a joke. Teach the Cravan not to leave their local systems without a Gaurdian or two to greet visitors. The secure systems that were not on the Net were not touched. Magpie didn't wasnt to annoy the Hosts...well not seriously anyway.

It wasn't polite not to say hello!

So the Magpie's were saying hello! all over the City and Planet. Recess was never suspended and school let out early. the major cities had fire drills...the corportations that had neglected thier systems found that their payroll for the week was reversed...water fountains went off at irregular intervals...somehow always seeming to hit the "best" or at least wealthiest passerbys. Anarchic chaos...well mostly just a little chaos. It was a goodly gift! The Magpies merged with the Embassy Magpie and told great stories...of minor mischeif. The Gophers had located interesting people and had made arrangements for them to meet the Embassy delagation before they departed. A few dozen businessman, scholars, religious men would arrive later this day.

OOC: You couldn't have accessed any MAJOR systems through this, so nothing military or anything extremely vital. Mostly minor nuisances. This is because I keep most of my important systems on isolated and secure networks, to prevent this kind of situation.

ooc: Of course not...still it would have been interesting if she
Like I said she likes playing tricks on people. The Melii are based on the fae folktales across the world. The tales say that they played tricks and jokes all over the world. Most of the times the jokes are just annoying...Most of the Time we seek to do the same.

It was really just a nudge for you to think of some weird things all over the drills in many of the major buildings...same channel on many channels...weird <scary/funny> things.

The comm notified that the Emperor was now available...the Ambassador told Ian to tell the Cravan that they would be at the Audience appointment tommorrow. It was too late to have one today.
Me li
31-05-2006, 08:23
[MT] The Danteri Civil War ( was starting to heat up. The Melii had been observing this particular Eddy with interest...what would have happened differently had the Melii had stronger allies? This sector was dominated by the Daemons...what would happen if Cravan and other like minded freedom fighters had successfully destroyed the Daemons in the MT? Would have anothre arisen?

She would have to ask the Cravan Kyle tommorrow.

<glorified TAG & request for MT/PMT aid against the damn bastards>
31-05-2006, 21:11
"Excellent. Follow me, if you will."

The Master led them to another landing pad in the spaceport, this one with a Cravanian shuttle. The ramp descended, and the four Knights climbed aboard, and waited for the Fremen to come aboard. (OOC: How many do you have, again?)


"I can't find anything, sir... Just alot of messed up code.", said one of the hackers.
"Well... Clean it up, and keep an eye on the network."
"Yes, sir."


The message was recieved. The meeting would occur the next day.
31-05-2006, 23:58
The thirteen Fremen followed the Knights in a single file line, contemplating what this dangerous twist in their life could bring. Are we going to be able to live in this hostile place?
01-06-2006, 00:30
The shuttle took off, and after several miniutes of flight set down again. It was several hundred miles away when the Fremen stepped out into the Enclave with the Knights.

What they saw was one of the most heavily protected areas on the planet, yet government forces were completely absent from the area. Knights walked about on their daily business, paying no attention to the shuttle which had just landed in the hangar.

The Enclave's hangar was massive as well, filled with shuttlecraft of the same class as the one they had arrived in, and D70 Aurora Knight Starfighters. The four Knights who had brought the Fremen stepped down into the hangar, and motioned for the Fremen to follow.
01-06-2006, 00:53
The Fremen noted that there were much more of these people than they had thought. Are these concentrations of them present throughout New Cravan or is this just a highly concentrated area? They noticed what appeared to be fighter craft, which meant that these people might also have some sort of military affiliation.

The Fremen followed the Knights through the enclave wherever they went.
01-06-2006, 01:46
The Knights led them through the many halls of the Enclave, past many doors which led to training rooms or other such areas.

Eventually they were led into the council chambers, where they found seven men sitting in the well lit room, and two holograms being projected into empty chairs. One chair was completely empty. The old man who had led them in sat down in the empty seat, and the younger Knights left the room. One of the holograms spoke. It appeared as if he were in a cave, and ambient noise of weapons discharge could be heard.

"Welcome. I am Master Cauldswell, head of the Council. I have-", he paused as a loud explosion was heard, and looked away for a moment. "-heard that you have been abandoned on our world. We have been discussing the situation while we awaited your arrival, and would like to know if you would seek refuge in the Enclave."

He waited for their response, as blaster fire could be heard outside, accompanied by the sounds of Gauss rifles discharging their deadly slugs.
01-06-2006, 02:17
The Fremen took in their surroundings as they were lead through the enclave. One particular area that they had been lead through contained many arches and columns. It gave the Fremen nostalgic memories about the homes of wealthy melange moguls that they had visited on their missions. It only served to remind them that they would not be returning there to their home again. They were stuck in this strange and backward alien world.

Then they were led into the council chambers. The Fremen had seen holographic technology similar to that which the Knights were using right now, so it did not alarm them. They did wonder, however, why Master Cauldswell was speaking with them even though he was in an apparently dangerous situation. The answer to that question could wait, however. The Fremen were in too much of a shock with their new predicament now that they did not want to risk it and intrude on something that was not their business.

"Yes, we wish to live here if it would be okay with you," said one of the Fremen. "We will be very useful. We will do anything you wish."
01-06-2006, 03:17
"Excellent to hear.", Cauldswell replied with a smile. At that moment, a massive crash was heard, and a Cravanian Trooper burst onto the holoscreen.

"Sir, Dominion forces have penetrated the shield!"
"What!? How?"
"They managed to fire upon a formation of rocks above us... We lost a few men, sir."
"Tell the troops to keep up the pressure. The shield must hold. I can only pray the fleet in orbit can offer some help..."
"Yes, sir!"

The Trooper disappeared, and more combat was heard in the background.

"As I was saying... We have been discussing you in great detail while we awaited your arrival. And we are curious about your ways. Perhaps you can reside here, and train with the Knights. We can learn more of your culture, and vice versa. I feel you could have much to offer, and we could offer much in return. What do you say?"
01-06-2006, 03:34
The Fremen were slightly caught off guard by the Master's words. We can not tell them our secrets...or can we? Since we have been excommunicated from our tribes, we are no longer bound to be loyal to them.

"Yes, I suppose we can tell you some of our ways. You must know, however, that you are not of the sand, and it is difficult to teach the ways of the sand without the sand."
01-06-2006, 03:41
"We understand perfectly. And I thank you for your understanding. I know it will take alot of getting used to, but perhaps you can learn to live on our world. Now, if you will all excuse me, I have... urgent matters to attend to."

The hologram disappeared, leaving an empty seat.
Me li
01-06-2006, 04:23
The Melii had dressed to impress...they were all in black spider silk robes edged in platnium. Their shoulder length hair was bound in a top knot. And staffs at half-rest. Ian being the second in command was trying to set an example and maintain his composure. He had never really met a Gaijin Emperor before.

His Holiness was a pretty down to earth guy...well most of the time. Uncle could be a bit of an ass...but still he walked amongst his people. How would this foriegner measure up? He hoped that getting all pretty was worth the bother. He sensed her before she arrived and turned to grin at his big annoying sister and technically his OC.

She had chosen a Hunter's Green and silver edging.

The grinned at their outfits and waited for the Audience.
01-06-2006, 04:27
The door opened, and two men in black suits walked into the suite.

"We are here to escort you to the Imperial Palace. Please come with us to the landing pad."
Me li
01-06-2006, 04:59
The Escorts fanned ahead...once clear then the Embassy moved sedately to the waiting speeder.
A limo? How amusingly archaic!


The HHS Magpie had recieved a distress call from one of the outlying pickets in this dimension. She sent a burst to the Cricket and gathered the Fleet. Within ten minutes everything was ready for translation...they had to make a call at a small outpost on the edge of The Imperium. It was run by the Bene Grillon Verte. ( Apparently some barbarians were causing some troubles and the citizens had requested that a suitable taskforce be sent to protect one of the Oldest Enclaves of the People.

They informed Cravan Control they were leaving.

POP...popopop popopop...pop!
01-06-2006, 21:32
The speeder made its way to the Imperial Palace, setting down on the upper landing pad. The door opened, and the delegates were led into the main reception area, finely decorated with more classic design styles.

Two Imperial Guardsmen stood at oak double doors in their military dress uniform. They opened the doors, and motioned for the delegation to enter the office. They would find a middle-aged man with graying hair, sitting in a comfortable looking chair, and wearing the standard political business suit. He stood, extending his hand with a hearty smile.
Me li
01-06-2006, 22:17
What was expected? Surely he did not expect an Ambassador of an Equal to kiss his hand? Nonono it must be a misunderstanding...she emptied her knowledge and observed the man before her. Average non-descript, slightly portly and beginning to bald. Otherwise indistinguishable from any other Devil.

Yet..this Devil carried himself with the confidence of a man in the prime of his life and of an Empire that was confident in its powers...a dangerous foe...a worthy ally? She slowed the Stream and analyzed the possible outcomes...of the infinite she chose her Golden Path and fixed it to this realm.

The Ambassador bowed as to an Equal.

Ian solomenly presented the credentials and introductions.
The Escorts did not sense danger but until the Status as Friend of the Imperium had been could not trust Gaijin...even ones such as these.
01-06-2006, 22:31
"Welcome.", the Emperor said with a wide grin. "How has your stay been so far? I heard there was a slight incident involving a certain Knight at the hotel..."
Me li
02-06-2006, 00:47
Twas nothing good sir.
We have come to officially open relations with your Empire in this timeline and all others. We have watched you defend the weak until the weak could defend themselves. We have seen your cleverness...<she laughs bells silver tinkling>
Indeed the Admiral and Magpie curse you for it...a goodly joke.
So then Imperator will you stand with us against the Daemons?

She made a flicker of her fingers.

Ian brought forth the Contact packages. They outlined the Melii's journeys and contained several complete databases of their records. It was basically a copy of their Encyclopedia Galactica. The Commonii allies were obsessed with the idea of gathering the sum of human knowledge and were constantly adding to it. So this was perhaps a few weeks old. Nevertheless the small Black Obolisk was an impressive sight.

This will explain our positions.

she bowed and did not take a seat.
02-06-2006, 00:58
"Indeed...", he said, also not taking a seat. "How exactly does one extract information from it?", he asked, slightly confused.
02-06-2006, 01:07
The Fremen were unsure of what to do next. They sat council chamber floor, taking sips of water from their flasks. Should we pitch a stilltent in here? It seems to early to make that judgement.

"Do you wish to hear more of our people?" one of them asked.
02-06-2006, 01:12
"No. If you would like, we can take you on a more detailed tour here. Perhaps you would be interested in learning more of us. Perhaps some of you even possess the gift."

((OOC: Not sure if that is even possible in a Fremen.))
02-06-2006, 01:22
"The gift?" asked a Fremen. "What gift do you speak of?"

(OOC: Yes, it is just as likely that a Fremen will have the gift as any other person, although there is no organization in the Empire that tries to find force sensatives.)
Me li
02-06-2006, 01:22
"Ah! A goodly question. You must ask it a question and it will respond...if you give it a datacube it will inscribe the relavant data." She bit her lip...the Libary can be a bit fickle. "You must ask it Exactly what you want of it else it will do as it wants to. The AI entities known as Library are notorious for being obstiante. They collect data and can dispense it but prefer not to be bothered.

"Oh yes for each bit of information you ask of must provide it with an equal amount/quality of info."

ooc: Lucas was inspired by Dune...he changed some stuff but one of the ROOTS of Star Wars Is DUNE!!!:D
02-06-2006, 01:28
"Interesting.", he said, a pleased expression on his face. "Now..."

He set the object down, and motioned for the delegate to sit as he took a seat.

"What would your people say to some sort of agreement between us, whether military defense or some trade agreement... Whatever. Or, would the answer be in this?"

He motioned to the gift he had recieved sitting on his desk.


"The gift of the Force, my friends.", one of the Masters said. "The ever present Force, which flows through all. Some beings have the power to allow the Force to flow through oneself more freely than others, such as ourselves."
02-06-2006, 01:42
While the Fremen knew that this "Force" was obviously false, now was not the time to insult their host's religious beliefs. They would play along for now.

"Well, I do not believe I have the Force flowing through me," said one Fremen. "I have never seen it or felt its presence and it has never talked to me." He looked at his companions. They all nodded in agreement.
Me li
02-06-2006, 01:43
The Melii conversed silently...the Cravan were a most inexact peoples...they concluded that the future tense was actualliy a present tense form in the Cravan vernacular. Ian nodded and concurred. It was good enough for her.


If you were to offer a trade agreement, depending on the terms we would be happy to oblige. If you seek to form a defensive Allaince under Article 13 of our Charter you would be welcomed. We of the Melii had hoped rather that you would consider becoming a Great House of the Imperium. Your fiefs will remain your own. And you will enjoy the advatages of having a goodly ally in the Melii and the other Houses of the Imperium. Moreover, we would be willing to aid you if asked and able in whichever timestream you delve into.

Is this not a goodliest option?"

The Melii radiated confidence that this was indeed the most logical...

ooc: well check out my sig and look at the charter...we are still working on it but it lays down the basics.
02-06-2006, 01:57
"At the time, we're merely looking at an alliance. Right now I am afraid we won't become a House, although we will consider it heavily."

<OOC: My nation is the kind of nation that will gladly make friends and alliances, but will never join any kind of pact or organization which could even possibly hurt its sovereignty. So as of right now I won't be becoming a House of the Imperium. Tempting offer, but just not my style. :D Would there be some sort of affiliateship, though? Like the position you took with the GASN in MT/PMT?>


"You are mistaken. I can feel the Force flow through some of you already.", one of the older women on the council said. "Watch the Force at work."

She raised her hand, and a table in the center of the room began to move. It slowly lifted from the floor, and levetated in place.

"Knights and other adepts can do far more than this feeble trick which I displayed for you. If you need further convincing, then say the word."
02-06-2006, 02:22
The Fremen watched as the table hovered and was lowered again to the ground. There is definitely some kind of magic here, whether it is this Force or not. The four Fremen who had first encountered a Knight outside their stilltent recalled the time when the Knight had used a mysterious magic, which was probably the same kind that they had just witnessed here.

"While that is certainly impressive, I have never been able to move a table simply by wiggling my hand at it. If you say that you sense the Force in me, I can not change that, but I must tell you that I have never observed anything of the likes of your trick." The Fremen who had just spoke looked around, to see if others agreed. "Apparently, none of us have experience in moving tables with our hands without touching them."
02-06-2006, 02:26
"It takes time to fully harness and understand the Force. With time, one can master the art.", she said, soothingly. One of the younger masters spoke up.

"If you would like, you may take a better tour of your surroundings now. I will call an escort if you wish."
02-06-2006, 02:41
Ahh, that makes sense. No wonder we cant move tables. The Fremen decided that they would like a tour.

"Yes, I suppose that we should go on the tour that you offer. You can call an escort if you think that it would be more advantageous than not having an escort. We do not care either way."
Me li
02-06-2006, 02:54
"At the time, we're merely looking at an alliance. Right now I am afraid we won't become a House, although we will consider it heavily."

"A very well then you wish to remain a Gaijin Friend for the time being. If should you decide to change your mind send a note to a Speaker and to the Me your case just contact the Me Li homeworld.

Now then I believe the details can be worked out at a later date?"

ooc: I would suggest you give it another gander...and perhaps hit the link to the convention...we are a You would understand better if you read Dune! It states pretty much that you remain soveriegn in your borders...and just makes sure no one fights each other.

An affiliate then!

Oh yea...I think I made my point with Kraven...we won without even having to fight. The best way to win! We are Switzerland!
02-06-2006, 03:04
"Of course, we can iron out the details at a later date. And we will keep our options open for membership as a House."

He stood with a smile.

"I do hope our friendship lasts."


One of the Masters called for an escort, and soon enough the Fremen were being led around the Enclave on a guided tour.
Me li
02-06-2006, 03:22
Another future indefinite! These folk were trying...yet this Emperor Kyle reminded her of her own Emperor and Uncle...The Melii openly smiled and bowed.

Indeed Imperator Kyle. If you should require anything tell the Libary to tell itself to tell us. Activation code : Open Sesame.

Then without another word the delegation headed out of the throne room.
09-06-2006, 12:35
the kitir growled whats taking so long
09-06-2006, 16:19
"The Emperor will see you now.", a guard said.
12-06-2006, 16:24
sorry we are required else where and these damned force messages are givin me a head ache
the two kitir walked in
12-06-2006, 16:41
"Welcome!", the Emperor said, remaining in his seat. There were considerably more people in the room than there had been with the Melii. Particularly the four Knight Masters in the room...
12-06-2006, 19:03
greatings she said in high sephrion may the gods smile up on you in this the hour of greatings he switched back to basic specah ia am the grand high kitir lord darth sephrioth i am also the waririor king of sephrioth
19-06-2006, 19:16
"Well, welcome to our humble little world. What can I do for you on this fine day?"

He gave an unnoticable look to one of the masters in the room. The man stood clamly, but was in a position where he could strike at any moment.
19-06-2006, 19:18
i wish to prupose a trade pact in exchange for dylitium ore we are willing to give you some of our cluster qantium torpedoes plus their desgeins
19-06-2006, 19:35
"Well, we don't have this ore of which you speak... Perhaps something else?"
21-06-2006, 17:49
an allanice
23-06-2006, 02:38
"We're very keen on full blown alliances. We'll gladly build our relationship up, between trade and other such activities. It will take a little time, but eventually we can have a full blown alliance. We trust you, but we've been betrayed in the past, and we want to try to prevent that. Is this acceptable?", he asked with a smile.
23-06-2006, 11:47
yes i will have 3000 cluster qantiums shiped here with thier plans
25-06-2006, 03:11
"Excellent.", he said. "What else can I do for you?"

OOC: Sorry for late response. Been fairly busy lately. And now I'm off on a week long fishing trip. See yas.