Lios Party of Greill asks for donations (Open)
Copies of the following letter has been sent to sympathetic heads of state around the world from the Lios Party of Greill, the main opposition to the ruling Ilk party in the nation of Greill. It bears the symbol of the Lios party, and is personally signed by its chairman, Adrian Grey. Lios is a statist party, which believes in more economic and social controls, while the Ilk party is strongly libertarian.
Dear name and title here,
I write to you on this day at a very critical time for my people's nation. As it is now, the Ilk Party is in control of the nation of Greill. During their time in office, they have done great harm to our country. The letter here is tailored to the recipient, excluding or including the following paragraphs to elicit the maximum support depending on the policies of said head of state or leader depending on their political philosophy.
They have ignored the needs of the environment, instead bowing to the interests of wasteful, polluting corporations. They have disregarded workers' rights, and given irresponsible tax cuts to the wealthy. Our nation's economy is in ruins thanks to them and their reckless, irresponsible, discredited laissez-faire system.
They have abandoned our nation's heritage and culture. They have eliminated any state religion, despite the fact that 90% of our population follows it. They have all but encouraged acts of depravity and lasciviousness, acts which are destroying our nation's moral fiber. More and more immigrants come to our nation with each passing day, transforming the country into a completely alien land. Not even our way of life is sacred to them, as they abandon the good of the group for selfish desires.
At this point onward each letter reads the same
This is only the beginning of what they have done. I fear for the nation of Greill, should the Ilk party continue their tyrannical reign. Yet, there is hope for Greill yet, as the Ilk have not destroyed all freedom. Our electoral laws still protect freedoms of association and donation, and, as it is, we are able to receive virtually any funds from any donors. (Note: This would seem to include foreign governments.) As such, you can help the Lios party save the nation of Greill before it is too late.
Please, friend. We're counting on your generosity and the generosity of the world, to bring Greill back into the right.
Adrian Grey
30-04-2006, 05:09
Lios Party,
Pythogria hopes yo uwin the next election. To help, attached to this letter is $4 Billion dollars, in cash. Use it wisely.
-Sub-Supreme General Jon Geralt
To: Chairman Adrian Grey, Lios Party, Greill
Prior to any possible considerations for donations of funding to your electoral campaign, we must ask a few questions.
1. What does the Lios Party stand for, it's ideology and goals?
2. What is the money to be spent on?
3. What is the benefit of donating said monies, as at present, it appears that the Ilk Party is more friendly to investors and various resource havesting companies.
4. What record of campaign promises completed as oppose to those broken does the Lios and Ilk Parties have?
30-04-2006, 06:13
OOC: Haraki your thread about what to do got me interested in actually doing something on II thanks.
Tim Gonnenberg looked at a letter that had come to him from some place called Greill. He had never heard of it before but that didn't matter to him as another place he had never heard of before called Obdura had helped him win the election and put the Communist International party in power.
Since he had become leader though he had still not completely disbanded his election army and it was getting itchy for something to do. Also he knew that despite the name the Communist International Party had been less than steller in helping out other nation's socialist and communist parties. He then went down and wrote a response:
Dear Adrian Gray,
We would be glad to help a party like yours with its socialist leanings win an election and restore normal order to your fine country. Unfortunately, at this time we have very little money to spend on election campaigns such as these. We do however have an army full of men with various types of weapons that would be more than willing to help you out with the election campaign. They helped us beat the treacherous Limad Party as they showed the country side the possible improvements of the communist system. They are ready to help you this time and I am sure they will succeed again.
Great Leader Tim Gonnenberg
Lios Party,
Pythogria hopes yo uwin the next election. To help, attached to this letter is $4 Billion dollars, in cash. Use it wisely.
-Sub-Supreme General Jon Geralt
The following letter is sent promptly after receival
Sub-Supreme General Jon Geralt:
The Lios party, and, in extension, the working people of Greill, thank you for your generous donation. We hope that with your charity, we will be able to finally beat the Ilk party.
Adrian Grey, Chairman of the Lios Party
To: Chairman Adrian Grey, Lios Party, Greill
Prior to any possible considerations for donations of funding to your electoral campaign, we must ask a few questions.
1. What does the Lios Party stand for, it's ideology and goals?
2. What is the money to be spent on?
3. What is the benefit of donating said monies, as at present, it appears that the Ilk Party is more friendly to investors and various resource havesting companies.
4. What record of campaign promises completed as oppose to those broken does the Lios and Ilk Parties have?
The following letter is sent promptly to the response by Theao's government.
1. The Lios party stands for worker's rights, the environment and tax fairness. We also believe that we must defend our culture and way of life from the three-part threat that is endangering Greill's national heritage- the cultural imperialism of other nations, the relentless, unabated onslaught of immigrants, and the careless, self-centered, libertine policies of the current Ilk party. We believe in a system where the economy will be fair to the workers, where the environment will be protected from ruthless corporations, and where the rich will pay their fair share and help instead of abuse the working class.
2. The money will be donated entirely on campaign and other electoral expenses.
3. The benefit of donating said monies is a partnership with the Lios party as we return Greill to its former state. We are just as friendly to investors and resource harvesters as the Ilk party is- we simply believe in environmental and economic justice. We believe that there will be a tourism boom after we fix the environment that will prove more beneficial than the ill-gotten gains of the Ilk party and their cronies terrible environmental stewardship.
4. The Lios party has voted consistently with our platform, with around 90% of our ministers voting for each bill that is made based on our platform- however, the obstructionist Ilk party and their allies have consistently voted against all of our measures. We believe that if we gain power we will be able to help the working class at last to help them out of their present, Ilk-created predicament.
OOC: Haraki your thread about what to do got me interested in actually doing something on II thanks.
Tim Gonnenberg looked at a letter that had come to him from some place called Greill. He had never heard of it before but that didn't matter to him as another place he had never heard of before called Obdura had helped him win the election and put the Communist International party in power.
Since he had become leader though he had still not completely disbanded his election army and it was getting itchy for something to do. Also he knew that despite the name the Communist International Party had been less than steller in helping out other nation's socialist and communist parties. He then went down and wrote a response:
Dear Adrian Gray,
We would be glad to help a party like yours with its socialist leanings win an election and restore normal order to your fine country. Unfortunately, at this time we have very little money to spend on election campaigns such as these. We do however have an army full of men with various types of weapons that would be more than willing to help you out with the election campaign. They helped us beat the treacherous Limad Party as they showed the country side the possible improvements of the communist system. They are ready to help you this time and I am sure they will succeed again.
Great Leader Tim Gonnenberg
The following letter is sent top-secret through encryption. It bears no incriminating marks or signature.
Great Leader Tim Gonnenberg:
Temporarily, we must decline your offer. However, as the situation is, our polling experts are reporting significantly higher numbers than the Ilk party. The only plausible explanation for our losing the next election is the same as the reason we lost our last election- electoral fraud. If this should happen, then it is clear that we would be under a dictatorship that violates the will of the people. In this scenario, we would be greatful for any military aid to help us overthrow the Ilk tyrants.
Your answer to the fourth was avoiding the question. We did not ask if the Ilk Party worked against you. We asked if they fufilled thier own campaign promises.