NationStates Jolt Archive

Final Fantasy: A NEW BEGINNING (IC)

29-04-2006, 17:43
Only nations who have signed up in the OOC thread may post in this thread. NO TAGGERS!


Tupac smiled as his iridescent blade cut through rival gang's armor. "You have invaded our territory and I think it is time that you leave." The gang leader snarled and yelled, "You will pay for what you have done,Tupac." Tupac was about to end the leader's life when a bright flash of light appeared and covered the leader. The leader began to laugh and then he disappeared. Tupac looked around trying to find the leader. Tupac thought to himself, Where did he disappear to? Then he heard a voice in his head He is gone. Tupac looked around trying to figure out exactly where the noise had come from. Then he looked down. For some reason he felt the the voice had come from his blade itself. He shook his head and said that he must be crazy. A lot of crazy things happened in Midgar. Tupac dismissed the idea and ran off to find one of his friends. Tupac knew that someone would be coming for him soon.
30-04-2006, 01:33
Kadaj looked over Midgar with a hateful eye.

"Why should mother prefer him over me?" He muttered below his breath before firing up his bike's throttle and preceeding down th side of the mountain at a near 90 degree angel.
Neo Zeta
30-04-2006, 02:38
OOC: I take it this is kinda the intro to the rp for our chars i am still a bit lost on the story i will just play it by ear i guess.

IC: Aesma looked into her eyes as she begged for her life. But she had to have known when she was his crimson eyes looking at her with no emotion not even joy in killing nore regret only nothing. His Kodachi hit a artery the blood shot out some onto Aesma's face. The woman bled to death soon after as Aesma stood there looking into the sky. The sun was bright but if anything it cooled him.

" Another worthless life ended....A pointless death for a pointless life. Yet why do i feel somthing will be happening soon?" He turned and looked out to the river he walked over and splashed water onto his face to clean the blood off. He then cleaned his blades. i should head to a town soon i am running low on supplys. He thought to himself still unable to shake the feeling that soon events would begian to unfold that would not only effect his life and mission but many others as well.
30-04-2006, 22:05
As he scampered along the street, Loki's ( boot clipped an uneven stone and sent him sprawling to his stomach. It was a frequent occurrence with the small 'boy' who wore oversized clothes and a particularly oversized hat that often fell over his face. However, more to the point, he was just clumsy at times. Most people either chose to ignore him or look at him funny for his odd appearance and glowing yellow eyes that protruded from the darkness that was hidden beneath his pointy hat and blue jacket.

In a moment's time, he pushed himself off his stomach and sat down on to gather himself. He brushed his clothes, knocking the dirt off, and then straightened his hat, which had fallen partly over his eyes.

He wasn't more than a boy - five years old at the most - but he was no ordinary boy. He was different; special; unique. He was a black mage, or at least many people called him that despite not knowing what his real race was (something which he didn't even know). And he was traveling the world...

A new city: Midgar. A strange, bustling place that was completely unfamiliar to the young mage. After gathering himself, Loki stood up and began walking down the street, taking in all the sights this new place had to offer...
30-04-2006, 23:35
Kadaj stopped his bike outside of a fallen church and pushed its massive wooden doors open. The loud noise anno8unced his entrance to everyone within half a mile.

He saw a girl tending to some flowers and ignored her. His eyes scanned every corner of the building and grunted in disgust.

"Brother has been here..." He muttered before walking back outside.
02-05-2006, 00:25
Tupac was on his way to his hideout when he bumped into a small boy. Tupac looked at him. He had never seen him around before. He looked pretty odd. But, then again not too many people looked alike in Midgar. He looked like he was about five years old and was wearing clothes that were too big for him. He was a funny looking guy. Tupac decided to speak to him. "Hello. How are you doing little fellow?"
02-05-2006, 02:32
ooc: I am taking the 'bumped into him' literally.

Loki was walking along absentmindedly, looking at what Midgar had to offer, when he bumped into another fellow.

Being much smaller and lighter, Loki was knocked to the ground. He sat there momentarily, brushing his clothes and adjusting his hat as was a common sight with him. Eventually, he looked up and then followed his glance by standing up. "Fine..." he replied cautiously and shyly.
Nation of Fortune
02-05-2006, 04:31
((OOC: Screw it, I'm gonna quit trying to falsify my own character and just admit I'm taking shadow from ff6. I'm also gonna do a second character from FF6 as well while I'm at it, if you don't want me doing two characters, lemme know and I'll just do one.))

In the middle of sector six a bar was host to a bustling brothel of people. Waiters scurried back and forth, and orders were taken, drinks were delivered, and beer spilled on the floor leaving a sticky mess. The doors came open, and a man with a dog walked in. Noone payed him any mind, and conversations were held still. The man was dressed entirely in black armor, and he carried with him an array of throwing knives, and a rather large knife along with him. He took a seat at a table that nobody was sitting at, if it wasn't taken before it was now. He leaned his chair back and kicked his feet on the table. The surrounding tables had noticed him, and broke into hushed whispers about the dangerous looking fellow.

A large man saw Shadow take his table, and was less than pleased. The man walked from where he was standing, and confronted Shadow.

"Hey asshole. What da hell you think yer doing!?" The man commanded more than asked. Around him the bar became quiet.

Shadow gave no response, but glared at the man through his helmet. If his eye's could have been seen, the man would have stopped right there.

"Whaaaaaaaa? Respond when I talk to you asshole," the large man said, getting very pissed off.

Still no response from Shadow. The man threw a fist at Shadow, which missed, and was met with a knife in the gut. Shadow twisted the knife, and the man let out a gurgling sound as the last pangs of life faded with the numbing pain that had been granted to him. Shadow left the bar, wiping the blood off of his knife before he left.

Once outside in the chokingly polluted air went about his way, getting away from the bar before the thugs cronies decided to hunt him down. Shadow walked to a a different part of town.

Across Town
A large person was standing across the street from Loki and Tupac. The person wore large multicolor robes, with a yellow hood obscuring it's face. He saw the scene falling out across the street, and he started doing his thing. A song ( started playing, and Gogo ( started mimicing Loki's motions.

Gogo fell down as an imaginary person bumped into him. He sat on the ground and adjusted an imaginary hat, while brushing dust off of himself. Gogo stood up as meekly as someone like himself could.
02-05-2006, 18:58
Kadaj sped through the crowd on his bike, whipping between person at breakneck speeds when he saw a small fellow dusting himself off.

"Get out of the way!" He screamed before tilting his motorcycle at an insane angle and tumbling into a pile of garbage collected against the side of a building. The silver haired youth shook the trash off his shoulders dragging his bike from the rubble.

"Damn kid!" He barked at Loki when he sensed a sharp ping of something unique. Kadaj rubbed the back of his head approaching the kid "You ok?" he asked.
03-05-2006, 00:13
He had just recently arrived and already so much was happening to him. When the motorcycle came at him at insane speeds, he did what he could to move out of the way, but again tripped and fell into a prone position.

After hearing the motorcycle crash into the trash cans, Loki again gathered himself and began brushing off his coat which was now messy from the dirty streets. However, when he adjusted his hat so that he could again see clearly, he noticed an odd man apparently going through the exact same actions as him.

Before he could think much about it, his thoughts were interrupted by the man who had gone flying by on the motorcycle. "Huh? Oh yeah... I'm fine," he said shyly, now at the center of many people's attention.
03-05-2006, 00:17
Midgar: ShinRa Tower (<---I usually put an appropriatte music link in my IC titles. My posts will be much better read while listening to them.

The black-caped man looked up enthusiastically at the 70 storied colossal structure that stood before him. The man knew what he was looking for, and knew who he would have to find.

As he took his first steps into the building, various employees and soldiers stared in disbelief at the man they had long since thought ‘neutralized.’ The young receptionist smiled ignorantly, and greeted the black caped man.

“Welcome to ShinRa Tower! How may I help you sir?”

The black caped man glared condescendingly at the fools' face,


“I’m afraid I can’t do that sir, but if you’re looking for employment opportunities…”

With graceful swiftness the black-caped man unsheathed his massive Masamune, striking horizontally across the receptionist’s throat. The head rolled to the black caped man’s feet, a look of shock frozen upon it. Within seconds the blood gushing from the decapitated corpse quickly helped the first floor security guards to overcome their initial disbelief, and they sheepishly drew their weapons, firing sporadic machinegun fire and taking a few shots with grenade launchers. A few words and the hundreds of rounds being fired at him bounced harmlessly to the ground. A grenade made it past his artificial wall, which the black caped man caught, noted the weapon upgrade, and threw back. The man heard orders from inside his protective sphere, and darted towards the source with unnatural haste, disemboweling the stunned officer who was quickly shackled to the ground by his falling intestines. The gunfire shifted, and the black caped man reached out with his palm opened towards the sky.

“Gaia mobbulus”

The man threw his hand upward, and from the marble tiling hundreds of jagged bits of rock and earth found their way to their targets. An impaled corpse was pinned to the ceiling by a massive stone, and the screams were soon stifled as the squirming body was mercifully petrified. Out of the gunfire, explosions, and death the black caped man heard a faint sound.


The elevator… dashing across the first floor the black caped man threw the unfortunate businessman out of it with his Masamune. A few shots followed him and knocked quietly as the doors closed. The black caped man ran his hand through his long silver hair as the elevator ascended the 60 lowest floors of ShinRa Tower. Noticing a fowl odor, he gave himself a breath mint and wiped the blood from his blade.

As the elevator doors opened the man prepared himself, 60th floor only 10 to go. The Tower was becoming flooded with some of ShinRa’s elites, amongst the most revered the Turks. The black caped man would not waste time on them; he knew who he was here for.

As the elevator doors opened, the walls of the 60th floor darkened. The stunned guards were blinded by the darkness that engulfed the floor. From the heavens an unnatural flare ripped a hole through the remaining floors, vaporizing any unlucky enough to be in the way; Shadow Flare. The greenish light returned to ShinRa Tower, illuminating the death and destruction the black caped man caused.

The man took three strides and leapt through the hole he created, discarding his cape revealing a massive angelic wing. Large wooden doors were the only thing between the man and his objective. As he placed his hand on the doorknob he heard a shot, and he crumbled to the floor gripping his stomach. Sawed shotgun, double barreled, the man cursed, and muttered quietly,

“Matri venia”

The wound slowly began to close itself, a rather glorious side-effect of the man’s past. Helicopter motor, the man slowly brought himself to his feet and burst through the doors. It was too late to catch him now, but at least they left in a hurry. The man found three reports recently compiled by ShinRa on the subject. That was enough. He took one last look at his accomplishments, and jumped from the building.

As the Turks burst into the President’s office they found nobody. The angelic form would ironically descend upon that ancient’s church.


President Rufus was furious; he had thought that mistake had long since been taken care of. He was quite fortunate to have gotten a shot off, and felt a bit of pride that he wounded the mighty Sephiroth. Sephiroth…it was years since he had heard that name. He had tried his best to eliminate that being, not merely the man but the idea of the man as well, it was all simply too painful.

ShinRa’s president made several angry phone calls to his various security heads within Midgar. The entire city was to go into lock-down, and ShinRa’s Security forces were to mercilessly route out any foreigners and other suspicious figures immediately to recover stability. The Turks were dispatched to hunt down the silver-haired demon.

The announcement would be made public in minutes, but Rufus was not foolish enough to mention Sephiroth’s name to the public. Even acknowledging he was still alive would cause unwanted panic and chaos. Instead the President would rhetorically blame the attack on foreign terrorists, and ask the public to help apprehend any outsiders who may have been involved in this horrific attack.
03-05-2006, 00:42
"Have you seen a blond spikey haired guy come through here with a big sword?" He asked the kid rubbing the lump on his head.

I have to find mother before him.
03-05-2006, 01:31
Corin Featherback sat on a stool in his favorite greasy spoon in Wall Market. Well, perhaps favorite was too strong a word, but one stood a decent shot at not getting botulism. Money was running low. He'd need to go out and find another job soon. Maybe he'd head over to sector 6. Not much there, but it was a place where one could be reasonbly alone to gather one's thoughts, and who knows? Maybe something would turn up.
03-05-2006, 01:35
"Have you seen a blond spikey haired guy come through here with a big sword?" He asked the kid rubbing the lump on his head.

I have to find mother before him.

Loki's large yellow eyes stared at the ground as he was much to shy to make direct eye contact. "No..." he said in barely more than a whisper.
03-05-2006, 01:40
"You certainly are shy. What is a child like yourself doing in this part of Midgar? It isn't safe at all." Kadaj asked wanting to know more about the kid.

There's something about this one.
03-05-2006, 01:49
"You certainly are shy. What is a child like yourself doing in this part of Midgar? It isn't safe at all." Kadaj asked wanting to know more about the kid.

There's something about this one.

"Umm... I don't know..." he said, still shy and unsure of how to answer a stranger such as this. "I was just sort of wandering around and eventually found myself here..." He continued looking at the ground as he kicked at the dirt lightly with his right foot.

He isn't like the rest of them... Loki thought naively. He asked me if I was okay and warned me it wasn't safe. Though... he is looking at me oddly. Loki couldn't make up his mind on how he thought about this new and odd person.
03-05-2006, 02:00
Kadaj chuckled "We are all victims of fate and I believe that we have met for a reas-" He was cut off by the sound of soldiers approaching through the crowd.

"There he is!" One of them shouted.

"Damn, he must be causing this." Kadaj muttered below his breath unseathing his sword and twirling it ready to attack.
Nation of Fortune
03-05-2006, 04:53
Gogo heard the sound of soldiers and cut the shit. He decided he was going to help, for what godforsaken reason was beyond him. It was likely to be the fact that the little "kid" seemed intruiging, and out of place, just like him.

Gogo ran over to Kadaj and Loki. He looked at both of them and shrugged. A single word escaped his lips.


He readied for a seemingly inevitable fight.
03-05-2006, 05:37
The crowd had scattered leaving just the few fighters and the six soldiers lined up face to face. Before the soliders could even life their guns Kadaj lifted his hand. He moved in front of Loki protecting him.

This kid is important, I can feel it.


The soldiers were engulfed in a massive fireball leaving no remnance of them afterwards. Kadaj was about to laugh when a tank rolled in around the corner.

"Scatter!" He yelled as the shell whizzed by his head and into the shop behind him.
Nation of Fortune
03-05-2006, 06:31
Gogo payed no mind to Kadaj as he yelled scatter, he was too busy mimicking the spell that had just happened. A second later and another fireball filled the air around the tank. He then ran after Kadaj.
03-05-2006, 06:45
Kadaj flashed back and forth avoiding secondary gunfiring from the other guards quickly closing in on them. His whirling blade deflected bullets from his path and in a few blazingly fast strikes the last soldiers dropped.

The young fighter was still teen, only 15 years old and had no memory of his past. All he knows is of mother and the nightmare known as him. People generally don't take too kindly to him because they associate Kadaj with him.

"We should leave before more showup." He said seathing his blade and stopped as one of the dead guards caught his eye. He picked up something and smiled. "Well they weren't after me." He mused holding up a picture of Loki.
05-05-2006, 22:14
"We should leave before more showup." He said seathing his blade and stopped as one of the dead guards caught his eye. He picked up something and smiled. "Well they weren't after me." He mused holding up a picture of Loki.

"Me?" Loki inquired after standing up from his inevitable trip to the ground. He brushed his coat gently and straightened his hat so that he could more clearly see the picture of him. "But why me? What do they want with me?" he asked, slightly confused and yet simultaneously scared of what might happen.
06-05-2006, 02:16
Kadaj stared at the picture, rolling it between his fingers. "I have no clue, but if ShinRa wants you then that isn't good for you at all." He admitted. "For your own safety we should take you into hiding immediately."
06-05-2006, 03:29
Loki nodded in agreement. He would agree to almost anything at the moment as he was quite frightened and still only a child by most people's standards. He waited to follow the man who had just helped him...
06-05-2006, 04:20
Tupac stood back and watched as everything progressed. Loki seemed to be important. Tupac wanted to get to know him. Tupac decided that he would journey with Loki to wherever the man named Kadaj was going.
Nation of Fortune
06-05-2006, 05:06
Gogo was a man, or person rather, his gender was difficult to decipher so for simplicity it will be reffered to in the masculine. Back on track, he was a man of few words. He shrugged and decided he'd go with the group. He did his best to lighten the lads mood, but he seemed to troubled to even notice. Upon the lack of Loki noticing him, Gogo sat on thin air, equipping a cherub down. He sat cross legged and looked to be lost in thought, least as well as one could make out through the robes he wore.

Shadow made his way towards the group. Gogo's eyes spotted him, and recognized his qualities as protection. Gogo stood up, still floating, and walked in place like Shadow, only much more humorous as he was floating, and looking dark was oddly amusing in colorful robes.

Shadow didn't take Gogo's antics as humorously as they were meant, and threw a knife at the mimic not even breaking his pace. His gait was halted as he heard his knife clang against another. His gaze changed from the world ahead of him to a cold locked gaze on Gogo. Another knife was thrown. The mimic followed perfect suit, and the knives met in air once more. Shadows gaze passed over the child and the others. Gogo bowed as Shadow walked over.
06-05-2006, 05:23
Tupac looked at the newcomer. He was obviously strong. Tupac looked at him and said, "Who are you?"
Nation of Fortune
06-05-2006, 05:33
Shadow met with a silence, he wasn't fond of people, and most comments out of him were that of an unpleasant nature.

"Shadow," he said after a short pause, "my services are for hire, if you so desire them."

His words were to the point, and his tone was dark. His eerie feeling was only increased by the lean dog at his side.
06-05-2006, 05:39
Tupac raised an eyebrow at Shadow. A mercenary, huh? If only I had some more money. He could be a useful ally. Tupac looked at the dog and and shook his head. This guy had a dark aura around him. Tupac decided not to ask him any more questions.
Nation of Fortune
06-05-2006, 05:47
"I don't require a payment upfront, but I'll be taking my share out of whatever you earn in your travels. I will also leave whenever I feel I have acquired enough," Shadow said, noticing the way he shook his head.
06-05-2006, 06:09
Tupac said, "Okay you have a deal." He held his hand out to Shadow.
06-05-2006, 14:55
Loki stood by as the others talk. He was confused and unsure of the whole thing as the group around him seemed to be growing. Who are these people... he thought.
06-05-2006, 19:18
Kadaj laughed at the newcomer's request. "I guess this arrangement is that of fate so I feel obligated to comply." He said chuckling brushing his grey hair out of his eyes. "Whatever, let's just get Loki out of here before more Soldiers arrive."

The young fighter jumped onto his bike and revved the engine only to here a pathetic spurt of life. "Dammit!" Kadaj yelled kicking his bike 20 feet back into the trash heep. "Where do we head too first?" He asked regaining his composure.
06-05-2006, 19:37
"Where do we head too first?" He asked regaining his composure.

Loki was in sort of a daze as he glanced around at the street and the people that had gathered. He had just recently arrived in Midgar, not knowing anything of its status or environment, and already he had run into a fight and a band of people that seemed to be helping him out. It was the why he couldn't figure out - nor who they were.

The impressive performance of strength that Kadaj showed by kicking his bike twenty feet caught Loki's attention and held it for several moments even after Kadaj asked what there plan was. "Umm..." he said as he shook his head gently, the point on the top flopping from side to side, "I don't know... I don't know this place."
07-05-2006, 05:46
Tupac looked around at everyone. This was an odd group of people to be gathered around one person. Tupac sighed and decided that he probably have to look out for the little guy. It wasn't like he had anything better to do. Ever since he was transported by Sin to Midgar life to him had seemed pointless. Somehow though Tupac thought that this boy, Loki, could help him get back home to Spira.
07-05-2006, 14:39
Kadaj held his chin in thought and smiled when he came to a conclusion.

"There's an old church in Sector Seven that looks like it's uninhabited, we could hide out there for a while." He said with a hint of laughter behind his voice.

Although Kadaj didn't much like the idea of hiding from these pathetic Soldiers, he didn't have much of a choice, because keeping this kids was his primary concern now.

Mother, please forgive me, but we will see each other again someday. That I promise to you and when we do we'll complete your dream together. Even if it involves him.
07-05-2006, 16:02
Loki nodded. "Okay... lets go," he commented lightly as he looked around at everyone. A church was something that he was familiar with, but 'Sector 7' and what it was, was something that was a complete mystery...
07-05-2006, 16:11
Kadaj started walking over a trash heap overlooking a vally of homes and business that inhabited the slums. He watched poor humans going to and fro through their lives with disgust.

"We need to get moving." He declared to the others extended a hand out to Loki.

Clumsy kid will probably fall.

Kadaj hadn't travelled with a group since Loz and Yazoo, but that was a long long time ago.
07-05-2006, 18:00
Tupac looked at Kadaj and said, "Old church. I think I have been there before." Tupac had been all over Midgar. He had been living on Midgar's streets for years. Tupac began following Kadaj. Then he began thinking about his sword and what was in it. He glanced over at Shadow and thought, Perhaps he can tell me. I'll ask him later. Tupac looked at Loki and asked, "So how did you end up in Midgar?"
07-05-2006, 18:07
Wooshaba']"So how did you end up in Midgar?"

Loki shrugged slightly as he walked towards Kadaj, "I walked... I think."
07-05-2006, 18:15
Tupac glanced at Loki and thought to himself, He is a strange one isn't he. I'll have to break him out of that shell. Tupac asked Loki another question. "Where did you walk from?"
Nation of Fortune
07-05-2006, 18:18
"If you want my advice, I'd say the best way to avoid a confrontation would be to leave the city," Shadow said, "If they are looking for us, they will look for places that remain uninhabited. I entered this city through a gate near that church, we should be able to exit through and head towards Kalm, or if you feel lucky, we could go to the chocobo ranch."

Shadow had been hired to hunt many people down, and from his experiences, they had almost always stuck to less populated places.

Gogo, on the other hand, had taken to immitating Kadaj. He kicked an imaginary bike, and then started mimicking his motions.
07-05-2006, 18:24
It seemed like Shadow knew a lot about this world. He wondered if Shadow could help him get back to Spira. Tupac looked at Shadow and asked, "Have you ever been to Spira?"
Nation of Fortune
07-05-2006, 18:27
"Never heard of it, just like I'm sure you've never heard of the World of Ruin," Shadow replied. His gaze never met with Tupac's.
07-05-2006, 18:30
Tupac raised his eyebrow and said, "The World of Ruin? What is that?" Tupac was a curious mind. He would keep asking questions until his thirst for knowledge was quenched. That was one of the main reasons why he had ended up in Midgar, millions of miles away from his family.
07-05-2006, 18:31
Wooshaba']Tupac glanced at Loki and thought to himself, He is a strange one isn't he. I'll have to break him out of that shell. Tupac asked Loki another question. "Where did you walk from?"

Again, Loki shrugged. "The grasslands..." he commented, not knowing their name or where they were. In truth, Loki had fallen asleep and when he woke up, he was laying in the grasslands just outside of Midgar. From there, he just started walking until he found his way into Midgar.
07-05-2006, 18:38
Tupac looked at Loki and said, "The Grasslands? Do you mean the fields outside of Midgar?" Tupac wondered if this kid was in the same situation as he had been three years ago.
07-05-2006, 18:44
Loki nodded. He had awoken to find himself lying in the fields outside of Midgar, though he had not known what the city was before.

ooc: Just a note I forgot to say, Loki won't understand what most of the stuff/technology is. He is from a medieval culture and has only been to places of some sort of magic. Things like cars or microwaves would be strange to him.
Nation of Fortune
07-05-2006, 18:54
"The World of Ruin is where I come from. At one point it was a prosperous place, but then one psycho moves a few statues, and literally destroys just about everything as we know it, and becomes a god in the process," Shadow said this in an emotionless tone. The nods of Gogo, who had stopped mimicking Kadaj, that affirmed what he had been saying.
08-05-2006, 01:48
"Was it called the World of Ruin before it was.... ruined?" Loki asked innocently, curious as to whether it was an ominous name to begin with or a common name after its downfall.

It might have been a sensitive subject with the man, but just a child, Loki often made innocent comments and questions that were of the same nature.
08-05-2006, 03:17
Tupac smiled at the little guy's comment. He has a sense of humor, huh. Tupac looked at Shadow and said, "Well, answer Loki's question."
Nation of Fortune
08-05-2006, 03:22
Shadow had long since killed all of his emotions, long before anyone had even thought a collapse would happen. He felt no attachment to one world over another, just so long as he had money to feed himself and his dog.

"No, before the collapse, it was called the World of Balance."
08-05-2006, 04:00
"Whatever, we need to get moving now though." Kadaj barked growing aggitated by being mocked by a stranger. He was tempted to draw his blade and threaten the new comer.
08-05-2006, 23:27
Tupac looked over Kadaj and asked, "How long is it going to take us to get to the church anyway?" Tupac had been around Midgar a long time, but he wasn't used to traveling in packs. He figured since he had his sword he would be okay. He felt the sword warm up inside of its hilt.
08-05-2006, 23:44
Equally as curious to the distance they needed to travel as well as what a 'sector' exactly was, Loki voiced his questions. "Yeah. And how big is a sector? How many are there?" he asked curiously as they walked along - Loki located somewhere near the middle of the group, though having to work harder to keep up with the longer strides of the taller people.
09-05-2006, 01:54
"Midgar is made up of 8 sectors total each powered by an individual Mako reactor. The entire town is shaped like a double story pizza, right now, we're in the slums, the place underneath the actual town above." He said pointing to the endless metal sky hundreds of feet above them, spared by a few "light holes" every 400 feet. "The town is about 20 miles in radius and well, you do the math."

He sighed as he ran through endless calculations in his head, ones he had done concerning the blast radius and damage each reactor would commit if there was a entire systematic meltdown. Kadaj smiled wickedly when he came to his answer.

"Anyway the church is about a mile from here and the Sector 7 gate is right next to it. I guess we'll proceed through the Midgar Wastes to Kalm and then to The Midgar Marsh." He said proudly even though that's where he had just come from.
09-05-2006, 04:27
Pizza was a word Loki had heard and loved before, but this term 'Mako' was completely alien to him. He tried to figure out what the new word meant as he simultaneously took in the new and odd surroundings of the weird city he had recently entered. It was much larger than anything he had seen before, even the Castle and the Tower.
09-05-2006, 19:10
Kadaj watched the kid's bright yellow eyes shift when he mentioned Mako.

"Mako is energy converted from the lifestream." He paused realizing Loki wouldn't know that word either. "The lifestream is the force that holds this world together that connects each and every one of us. When we die we return to the lifestream and are reincarnated."
10-05-2006, 02:27
"Oh..." Loki said as he thought he understood what their 'beliefs' were. He had been to a couple different cultures and each had their own beliefs about life and death.

He turned his gaze back to the slums and run down state of Sector 7 as they walked ever closer to the Church. What they would do or where they would go from there was not something Loki knew or had even really thought about...
10-05-2006, 22:11
OOC: I swear that in the OOC thread we had a lot more people join up.

IC: Tupac was bored. He began to doing cartwheels and other silly stuff to try and make everyone laugh. He wondered if he could get Shadow to crack a smile.
Nation of Fortune
10-05-2006, 22:54
((OOC: I called it did I not?))

Shadow was unamused by the antics of Tupac, and even if he were to smile, his face was covered. Gogo, however, took delight in the playfull antics of the man, mocking him with almost complete precision.
10-05-2006, 23:00
Kadaj climbed another junk pile that so often inhabited the slums of Midgar and smiled. He pointed West and yelled: "Over this way!"
10-05-2006, 23:06
Wooshaba']OOC: I swear that in the OOC thread we had a lot more people join up.

ooc: Send TGs.

Loki was beginning to wonder how much farther the church was when suddenly Kadaj shouted, "Over this way!" He continued towards where Kadaj indicated, hoping that it was the church.
10-05-2006, 23:12
[OCC: I'm waiting until needed. I'm the one with the airship]
10-05-2006, 23:32
[OCC: I'm waiting until needed. I'm the one with the airship]

[OOC: You could make a slight introduction, maybe have your airship pass over Midgar or something.]
11-05-2006, 02:08
Tupac rushed up Kadaj and looked over. "Finally we have reached the church." Tupac began running down the hill towards the church.
11-05-2006, 02:12
"Hey! Wait up..." Loki cried as he noticed the others scampering ahead towards the church. Not wanting to be left behind, Loki moved as fast as little legs could take him, occasionally stumbling as he tried to keep up.
11-05-2006, 07:41
Kadaj turned and saw Loki scampering down the junk heap.

It's a matter of time before that kid falls right on his face again. He thought to himself while smiling.

The grey haired teen moved back to help the kid.

"You gotta move faster than that Loki, what's gonna happen when we're being chased by ShinRa?" He asked with a with jovial tone in his voice.
11-05-2006, 20:40
"You gotta move faster than that Loki, what's gonna happen when we're being chased by ShinRa?" He asked with a with jovial tone in his voice.

"I don't know..." Loki admitted quietly and shyly, slightly embarrassed by his inability to keep up with the others.
11-05-2006, 21:22
"Don't worry about it kid, worst comes to worst we'll fight to the last man. Actually I would kinda worry about that." Kadaj sarcastically put moving beside Loki.
11-05-2006, 21:28
It was kind of hard for Loki to understand what Kadaj and his tone meant, but fighting wasn't something was sure he wanted or could do. He wasn't much of a fighter as he preferred to stay out of trouble when he could... nor had he ever had a company out to get him.
11-05-2006, 21:37
Out of the corner of Kadaj's eye he though he saw Him[/n]. The grey haired youth turned to see that no one was there. Suddenly a blaring migrain ripped it's way through his head blinding him. He fell to the ground clutching at it his head trying to stabalize himself.

[b]You've wasted enough time Kadaj, I've found mother and the time for Reunion has begun. Now come, your family is waiting.

Kadaj ignored the message and blinding headache and stood to his feet. Eventually the pain was gone and he smiled as if nothing were wrong.
11-05-2006, 21:40
Tupac turned around as he heard someone fall to the ground. He thought that it was Loki again, but it was actually Kadaj. "What the hell is the matter with you?" he asked the warrior as he stood up.
11-05-2006, 21:44
"Someone we don't like is close by, we should be moving now." He barked scooping up Loki and carrying him on his back.

Kadaj moved incredibly fast despite the extra weight; his movements left clouds of dust in his tracks. The door out of Midgar, out of the slums, was within sight, but it was locked shut lined with a platoon of Soldiers.

"Matra Magic!" The teen yelled as roughly forty missles shot from his hand obliterating the blockade and the door.
11-05-2006, 21:56
Tupac and the others rushed into the church quickly. He looked at Kadaj and said, "Who is behind us?"
11-05-2006, 22:05
"A nightmare" He yelled a the missles completely decimated the wall out of the city. "Now keep moving, there will be time to pray later."
11-05-2006, 22:16
"Why do they come after me!?" Loki wondered as he was scooped up onto Kadaj's back. He was taken by surprise, but was grateful that he wouldn't have to walk/run any longer. He looks strong... Loki realized as he saw Kadaj decimate the barrier.
11-05-2006, 23:35
Tupac finally stopped. "I say we stand here and fight. What is the worst that can happen? I am not scared." Tupac unsheathed his Summoning Blade. "I will destroy whatever opposition comes my way."
11-05-2006, 23:46
"Then you will die without ever knowing what killed you." Kadaj said leaping over the rubble that was the gate.
12-05-2006, 01:10
Tupac looked down at his blade and it seemed to be telling him that Kadaj was right. Perhaps it was better that they did flee. Tupac quickly ran to catch up with Kadaj. "So why are they chasing us? I know it isn't just Loki," Tupac questioned Kadaj.
12-05-2006, 01:27
"I'll explain later, but it seems we may have more than ShinRa after us." He said moving swiftly through the barren Midgar Wastes. "When we reach Kalm to the North I'll explain more."
12-05-2006, 21:45
"Kalm? What is a Kalm?" Tupac asked curiously. The only things that Tupac knew were Midgar and Spira. He knew nothing about Kalm.
Nation of Fortune
12-05-2006, 23:37
"Kalm is only the town we've been talking about going to for the past hour," Shadow said, a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

((OOC:Sorry I missed yesterdays exciting events, I was too busy to reply.))
13-05-2006, 01:41
He had only just arrived in Midgar, but it seemed he was quickly leaving as he rode on the back of a man he had only just met. Perhaps he would come back one day - it seemed like an interesting city, if not terribly hospitable.
13-05-2006, 03:55
"Real funny, Shade," Tupac retorted. Tupac then asked, "How long is it going to take for us to get to the town of Kalm."
13-05-2006, 08:57
Kadaj slowed down his breakneck pace and turned while still running. "At this pace we'll reach there in about a day maybe less, but ShinRa already knows we're heading that way so we should just head East to the Midgard Marsh." He answered directly.

Nevermind that the Marsh is guarded by an ancient snake, the Zolum, that even a brigade cannot kill.
13-05-2006, 14:46
"What are we going to do in the marsh?" Loki asked curiously as his few experiences with marshes were that they were wet, mucky, insect traps, and not pleasant at all. More to the point... they were boring and had little to see.

ooc: Loki is still on Kadaj's back, right? (Not sure how long he will be able to comfortably carry him - as he is fifty pounds - but I will leave that entirely up to you).
13-05-2006, 14:50
"Past the marsh there's a mithril ore cave we can hide out in for a while, it's been abandoned for years so no one will really check there." Kadaj said to Loki while setting him on the ground. "You should see the cave, from wall to wall there are crystals shaping into materia, it is quite splendid."

That still doesn't explain how we'll get past the Zolum without bikes, or Chocobos. If they can stall it for a few seconds I could make it with the kid, but of course they'll be devoured. A wicked grin drew across Kadaj's lips.
13-05-2006, 16:13
"Materia?" Loki repeated curiously. Another word I don't know... he thought with an indiscernible sigh. He had only been here a couple of hours and already there were many words and things that he had no idea about.

ooc: I think it would be cool to stop at the chocobo ranch :P
13-05-2006, 19:48
Tupac looked at Kadaj. Something was telling him that it wouldn't be smart to go to the cave. Tupac walked up to Kadaj and said, "I think we should continue to Kalm. Something is calling me towards it."
14-05-2006, 06:11
"You can go there alone then because I'm pretty sure Loki doesn't want to become some experiment in a remote ShinRa lab." Kadaj barked when was unaware that he had reminded himself of where it was he was "born".

The disgruntled teen clenched his fist tightly and gritted his teeth as he thought back to his "home". It was quite relieving as he, Yazoo, and Loz tore the doctors limb from limb leaving that labratory.

Yeah they'll pay. He thought before looking down at Loki and breaking his vengeful reverie. "Well it's up to the kid really." Kadaj said almost defeatedly.

What's the point of going back He has mother by now, it's all useless. A single tear rolled down Kadaj's cheek while he turned his back to the group.
14-05-2006, 07:31
Loki was more confused now than ever as he was seemingly caught in-between Kadaj and Tupac. What did he know? He was not familiar with the places or the area in general.

However, what Kadaj said about becoming an experiment was particularly unnerving and swayed him towards heading to the marsh. "I don't want to go with them..." he said, meaning Shinra.
14-05-2006, 21:22
Tupac looked at him and said, "I doubt that you will become an experiment. Kadaj why are you so interested in Loki, anyway?"
14-05-2006, 22:44
"You doubt?" Kadaj barked viciously. "I know first hand to what they do to people with 'abilities' and it isn't pretty. You can head to Kalm if you want, but it's Loki's choice really. As for why I'm following him, it's probably the same reason you are. We don't know why we met but it had to be important."
15-05-2006, 03:21
Tupac looked at Kadaj and said, "Look, my gut is telling me that if we go where you want us to go we are all in trouble. Something is drawing me to Kalm. I promise you that it is safer to go that way." Tupac looked at Shadow and the others to try and get them to back him. He then looked at Loki, "I am afraid that if we go where Kadaj leads us there is a strong possibility that we won't make it out of there." He waited to see what Loki would say.
15-05-2006, 04:02
"Your gut says Kalm when every once of reason says the Marsh. Even the ninja said we need to avoid populated areas. You don't think there are soldiers in Kalm?" Kadaj barked back growing agitated.
15-05-2006, 05:07
Corin sat there, eating and wondering why he kept coming back to this dump.
as he finished, several people came in to the restaraunt. SOLDIER, and one dressed in the dark suit that was the uniform of the Turks.

"We're looking for some thieves, they may have come this way." said the Turk.

"Could you give us a little more to go on?" asked the owner.

"A tall silver-haired man, a child last seen wearing a pointed hat, and one other"

"No, haven't seen anyone like that. What'd they steal?" asked the owner.

The Turk gave him an unfriendly stare. "If you see them, let us know."

Corin got up, paid his bill and watched where the Turk and SOLDIERs were headed. He knew enough to know that if the Turks were involved, these were no ordinary thieves. He also knew a chance to get close to Shin-Ra when he saw it. He headed off in the direction they left. Toward Sector 7.
15-05-2006, 21:59
"I don't know...!" Loki admitted as he slumped to the ground and sat their unsure of what to decide.

((OOC: They were going towards Sector 7.))
16-05-2006, 00:27
Tupac becoming infuriated looked at Kadaj and said, "If we go to the Kalm we will be safer, but if you feel that the Marsh is a better route let's go." Tupac snarled and began walking in the wrong direction. Then he stopped and asked, "How do you get to the Marsh anyway?"
16-05-2006, 01:53
"We follow the base of the mountain west of here; there's a small chocobo farm just north of the marsh where we can rest. You are right that the marsh is dangerous, which is exactly why SOLDIER will never go there. Besides we're a tough group aren't we?" He finished with a slight arrogance in his tone as he started walking along the blackened charcoal earth.
16-05-2006, 02:10
"Chocobo?" Loki echoed with a slight sigh. Another word he didn't know or understand, but at least now he didn't have to support the pressure of deciding on their course of action.
16-05-2006, 02:15
Tupac rolled his eyes and said, "Yeah I know you and I can defend ourselves, but what about Loki?" He stopped and looked at the small boy and asked, "Loki can you defend yourself against enemy soldiers?" As they stopped where they were they didn't notice a small bright flame come up in the direction of the marsh.
16-05-2006, 02:18
"You'll like em a lot kid." Kadaj said smiling even though he himself hated the dumb birds on stilts.

He really doesn't know anything...
16-05-2006, 02:28
"K," Loki replied simply to Kadaj's statement, though still not sure what a Chocobo was.

In response to Tupac's question, Loki gave a slight shrug and nervously began his reply. "I-I don't know... I-I haven't fo-fought before..."
16-05-2006, 02:31
"Don't worry kid you won't have to do much fighting." He said flicking his grey hair from over his face.
16-05-2006, 04:45
Tupac began heading in the direction of the Marsh. To spark a little conversation Tupac said, "So Kadaj where are you from anyway? What do you believe your purpose is?"
16-05-2006, 04:50
"I'm from a Shinra labratory in the Nibelheim mountains, and all I really want to do is live maybe find my family one day." Kadaj said with a deep sense in his voice. "I don't really like talking about my past. So what about you?"
16-05-2006, 04:56
"I used to live in a beautiful place called Spira. The only thing bad about it was this force called Sin. One day Sin attacked my hometown, Luca, and I was on the front lines fighting. Somehow Sin warped me from there to here. I have been trying to get back to Spira ever since. I found a summoning sword and I think it contains an ancient summon. I want to get back to Spira and ask one of the priests about it," Tupac finished.
16-05-2006, 04:57
The topic of summons - something at last he was familiar with - perked Loki's attention as he looked up with his large yellow eyes to Tupac and listened intently.
16-05-2006, 04:59
"Spira? I've never heard of it, that's strange, and so is this Sin." Kadaj said rubbing his chin thinking back to every book he read. He definately liked the name Sin though, something stuck with it.

"Well if you're getting back to your world you had better do it soon because this one is just about dead." He remarked kicking sut from the ground.
16-05-2006, 05:08
"I am hoping that I can get there soon," Tupac replied. Tupac noticed that Loki was looking at him. "Do you know anything about summons and magic?" he asked the youngling.
16-05-2006, 05:24
Loki adjusted his hat as Tupac asked him the question. "A little..." Loki admitted as his eyes were now averted from Tupac to the ground.
16-05-2006, 05:25
Kadaj's ears were now at full attention, he was dieing of curiousity to what the child knew of magics.
Nation of Fortune
16-05-2006, 06:09
Shadow remained quiet for the argument, he didn't like the fact that Tupac had gotten really friendly earlier, calling him "Shade." A detestable name, he had half a mind to kill him just for that, but the flow of money was centered around him, so he remained 'cool.' He was hired for defense, not decision making, he wouldn't back either side of this argument. Suddenly Shadow noticed an enemy, and ran off after it.

Gogo had equipped his cherub down once more, and was now pretending to swim through the air.

Shadow returned carrying the dead corpse of the beast, he threw it at Kadaj.

"While you two were busy bickering I killed something that was trying to harm us," Shadow said, a hollow tone filled his voice, "Kadaj, you say we should let the kid decide, then quite making up his mind, and Tupac, you straight up don't trust Kadaj, despite you have no clue of the surroundings. Now both of you shut up, and let the little kid decide."

Shadow turned to Loki, not attempting to make himself appear friendly in any way.

"Listen kid, we have two choices, go to Kalm, where nothing awaits us, or go through the marsh, which is very dangerous. If we get some chocobo's at the ranch, the major troubles should be avoided. Now with those two options at hand, you make the decision."
16-05-2006, 06:24
Kadaj ducked under the beast as it smacked against a rock behind him. "Congradulations, you killed a monster, now perhaps you would like a little silver star to pin on that nice outfit of yours. All I know is the longer we sit here the closer the people chasing us get!"

Nothing waits for us in Kalm, what a joke, who the hell does this guy think he is?

As his anger reached a pitch there was the loud blaring sound in his head again. The pain was blinding and the young warrior clutched his head in agony.

He's toying with me, what does he want? He has mother already.

Kadaj recovered and trotted away from the group and climbed a tall rock hoping to get a better view.
16-05-2006, 22:51
While Shadow made some good, logical points about both Kadaj and Tupac, leaving it up to the young Loki to decide was not based in any sort of logic. However, he had said, like one of the others, that they would face no danger in Kalm, and so he made up his mind. "I g-guess... we go to Kalm."
17-05-2006, 00:03
Tupac turned around and said, "I just agreed to go to the Marsh. Now the kid wants to go to Kalm. Are you freaking kidding me?" Tupac calmed down and looked at Shadow, "How do you figure there is nothing in Kalm? I never said there wasn't nothing there I just said it was safer." Tupac began heading in the direction of Kalm. He said back to group, "Come on. Let's go before you guys get slaughtered and I have to carry your bodies back to Midgar."
17-05-2006, 00:08
Kadaj already knew the kid was going to choose Kalm, Shadow had choosen his words very carefully and slightly pushed the kid in his direction.

What does the Ninja want that's in Kalm?

He leapt from rock to rock swiftly keeping up with the group.
17-05-2006, 00:13
Tupac decided to get back on the subject. "So Loki what do you know about summoning?"
17-05-2006, 01:14
"Oh..." Loki said suddenly as he looked up from the ground passing under his short legs to look at Tupac. He paused for a moment as he stared up at Tupac with h is large yellow eyes. "Just a bit..." he admitted.

"I met a couple of them a little bit back..."
17-05-2006, 01:26
"Them?" Kadah asked leaping from out of nowhere.
17-05-2006, 02:13
"Them?" Kadah asked leaping from out of nowhere.

ooc: I assume you meant Kadaj.

Loki nodded, not understanding what had confused him. "Yes..."
17-05-2006, 03:24
"Who is them exactly?" Kadaj again asked at the child.
17-05-2006, 04:34
"A few of the summons..." Loki repeated.
17-05-2006, 12:55
Tupac looked at him and said, "Which ones do you know? There were a lot in Spira. Some were undiscovered. I hope to find some and become friends with them."
17-05-2006, 21:40
"Umm... well I met a few of them, but I only really talked with a couple of them seriously," Loki said as he remembered back. "I talked with Ifrit for a little bit, but he was kind of grumpy so I left him alone. Shiva was nice... I talked with her a lot. She even gave me this whistle and said I could use it to call something," he said excitedly as he produced a small wooden whistle from his jacket. "But I forgot what that was... and have never used it..." he added as he looked away from it.

He thought for another moment. "Oh... and a dragon named Bahamut."
17-05-2006, 22:04
Tupac shocked said, "Bahamut? That is the legendary summon of the city of Bevelle. That is extraordinary. Have you ever summoned one of them. There is a summon in my sword but I don't know exactly who or what it is." Tupac looked down at his sword wondering what was contained in it.
17-05-2006, 22:16
"Talked to summons?" Kadaj questioned "In this wolrd summons are slaves to their masters, you call on them and when their job is done they return to the sky. Personally I have tamed Neo-Bahamut, and almost obtained the great Knights of the Round, but they're very tricky."
17-05-2006, 22:18
Tupac was enraged at this thought. "Summons are not slaves. They are what helps protect you. I can never see you mastering the Neo form of Bahamut. Knights of the Round Table, yeah right," he barked at Kadaj.
17-05-2006, 22:26
"Shall I call my servant to prove to you my powers?" Kadaj growled raising his arm as it glowed blood red. Small runes encircled his arm as well many strange symbols.
17-05-2006, 22:30
"Call whomever you want. If you do manage to summon them I bet that they won't be as powerful as they could be if you showed them more compassion. You will never obtain Knights of the Round without it," Tupac replied as head on towards Kalm. He could see it in the distance.
17-05-2006, 22:44
Loki didn't want to get in the middle of the argument so he just shook his head to indicate a 'no' to Tupac's question.
17-05-2006, 22:46
Tupac saw Loki shake his head. He then looked at Loki and said, "Don't you believe a summon will be more powerful if you show it more compassion?"
17-05-2006, 23:00
"Umm... I guess," Loki responded, realizing he was being put into the middle of the conversation whether he liked it or not - and he most certainly was not comfortable there. "I-I sort of just looked at them like anybody else."
17-05-2006, 23:09
Tupac smiled. Loki was a smart kid. Tupac then asked, "How did you become involved with the summons. Were you a summoner before you came to Midgar?"
17-05-2006, 23:15
Loki wasn't quite sure what Tupac meant by a summoner. As far as he knew, most people, or at least those with the ability of magick, could summon them if they were allowed to by the summons. "Umm... I guess... sort of... sort of not."
18-05-2006, 00:29
"Friends with your summons?" Kadaj asked almost laughing. "They are not called requests, they are called summons because you control them. They are yours to master and command.I would only care for them when their abilities start to fail, in which case I would dispose of them."
18-05-2006, 01:00
This line of maniacal thought that Kadaj had went down was not one that Loki liked. He took a couple steps to the right so as to be slightly farther away from him.
18-05-2006, 02:20
Kadaj saw the kid inch away from him and smiled.

That's ok, it's in the nature of every being to mistrust me, and that is why I will reduce the earth to nothingness. Not for revenge, but for justice, and mother.
18-05-2006, 03:42
Tupac shook his head and said, "One day you will regret those worlds. You'll regret them when your summons reject you and they take your life."
18-05-2006, 03:53
"My summon obeys me because he respects and fears my strength." Kadaj remarked giving Tupac an angry look. "No sense in getting attached to anything in this world anyway." He added chuckling slighly.
18-05-2006, 03:55
Tupac looked at him and said, "You probably have a heart made of ice. It seems like you are filled with nothing by hatred. You will never harness the true strength of summons."
18-05-2006, 03:57
"Perhaps not, but I don't fall back on summons for my strength though, I'm not that weak." The silver haired teen remarked back drawing a cocky smile.
18-05-2006, 04:13
"My summon obeys me because he respects and fears my strength." Kadaj remarked giving Tupac an angry look. "No sense in getting attached to anything in this world anyway." He added chuckling slighly.

"Our deepest fear in this world is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure," Loki said distantly, seemingly repeating the words.
18-05-2006, 04:26
Kadaj cocked an eyebrow at Loki. "That's a strange saying." he commented trying to translate it for deeper meaning.
18-05-2006, 04:30
Loki shrugged. "I read it somewhere... it seemed appropriate at the moment," he said.
18-05-2006, 04:37
"I try not to think about philosophy too much, I've got more important things to concern myself with." He remarked. "There's really only one person I fear in this world anyway."
18-05-2006, 12:36
Tupac looked at Loki in awe. This kid is smart. he thought to himself. Tupac looked at Kadaj and said, "Who do you fear the most?"
18-05-2006, 19:03
"I don't like to speak his name, but he is truly a nightmare. The bane of all living things, his anger is so great that it is devouring the planet as we speak. He is a god among men and he is quite vengeful." Kadaj said looking behind his shoulder.

He sighed and squinted while staring at his feet.

"I have never met him in person, but I feel him everywhere I go. I hate him, but he is a brother in a way so I must love him." He growled clenching the leather hilt of his sword.
18-05-2006, 22:15
"Love thine enemy..." Loki said, "For both love and hate have power to change people, but love alone has the power to change enemy into friend."
19-05-2006, 00:47
"This person is beyond love Loki and the moment you show him compassion he'll run you through." Kadaj said rubbing a spot on his chest.

Before Kadaj was even aware of his existance Sephiroth slaughtered all of the clones one by one, only three survived, Kadaj being one of them.
19-05-2006, 01:27
As Tupac and the others walked over a hill they came to a sign. It said, "Welcome to Kalm." Tupac looked ahead of him and saw the town. He thought to himself, This is Kalm.
19-05-2006, 01:35
"Pathetic little town." Kadaj sneered gazing at the little village and its inhabitants.
19-05-2006, 03:21
"This person is beyond love Loki and the moment you show him compassion he'll run you through." Kadaj said rubbing a spot on his chest.

Before Kadaj was even aware of his existence Sephiroth slaughtered all of the clones one by one, only three survived, Kadaj being one of them.

"Nobody is beyond love..." Loki professed as they reached the top of the hill and a small town came into sight. How quaint... Loki thought - or at least would have if he had known the word quaint.

Loki stopped at the top of the hill with the rest of them and surveyed the town for a moment. He turned his head slightly, the tip flopping to the side, and looked up at Kadaj with his large yellow eyes that peered out from the darkness. "Nobody can truly hurt you unless you let them..." He held his gaze for a moment and then continued down the other side of the hill ahead of the group.
19-05-2006, 03:55
The young warrior turned his head down towards Loki and gazed at his large yellow eyes confused. "He is no longer human, any compassion or love left in him is reserved for the love of his own hatred. I have seen through his eyes what it is he does to innocent people, people who are non-combatants: mothers, children, pets. He has no mercy." He remarked while reflecting on the Massacre in Nibelheim so long ago.
19-05-2006, 05:44
"Nobody is beyond love..." The words seemed to echo through the air, but Loki was a good thirty strides ahead of them down the hill. This time however, the sound of the majestic voice carrying in the wind was that of a female - certainly not Loki. It lingered momentarily before fading...
19-05-2006, 06:01
"Hey slow down kid, you'll lose us!" Kadaj mocked catching up with a few graceful strides.
19-05-2006, 06:14
"Hey slow down kid, you'll lose us!" Kadaj mocked catching up with a few graceful strides.

Not getting the mocking sarcasm in Kadaj's statement, Loki apologized and complied. "Oh... sorry," he said dimly as he slowed down to a walk. Nearing the village, he now took a better look at it... obviously nothing like Midgar (from the little he had seen of it).

ooc: What is the town like? Still FF7/high-tech or is it a run of the mill little quaint town you could find in 1700 Virginia.
Nation of Fortune
19-05-2006, 06:36
((OOC:Quaint 1700 virginny with reactor in the middle))

Shadow kept along with them, remaining silent, he had little to say, and kept his thoughts to himself mostly. He did however take note of what Loki had said.

"The kid has alot to learn of how the world works, needs to quite romantasizing everything," he thought to himself.

Gogo on the other hand was now cycling around the others on an imaginary bike, the things the cherub down let him do.
19-05-2006, 07:24
Several days had passed and no luck. Corin knew he should probably just give up, but that wasn't his style. He'd keep searching for these people. The chance to get at Shinra was to important to him. At yet another run down store in Sector 7, he finally got his lead. He'd asked everyonr he could if they'd seen the one he was looking for, and at last this store owner said he'd seen them. It was several days ago now, but he'd seen the three, and heard one of them mention Kalm.

Now Corin knew where to go.
19-05-2006, 21:32
(The is the one who my character somehow kills.)

As soon as the group walked into the city a man walked out. Tupac didn't recognize him but it seemed as thought Kadaj did. The man looked at Kadaj and said, "Nice to see you, Kadaj." Tupac looked at him and said, "How do you know Kadaj?" The man didn't reply.
19-05-2006, 21:36
"Loz? That doesn't sound like you, I don't hear any crying." Kadaj teased while proceeding to his brother.
19-05-2006, 22:14
Loz looked at Kadaj and said, "I have grown up a lot. Gained some much needed maturity." He looked at Loki. "There is my target. Are you going to help me capture him, my brother?" Tupac looked at Loki and thought, Target. Why do they want him?
19-05-2006, 22:27
"I'll miss the old Loz then." Kadaj said chuckling. "Like a baby brother all grown up."


"I don't understand brother, who ordered you to capture Loki?" He asked moving in front of the kid.
19-05-2006, 22:36
"It is not who ordered me to capture the boy it is just that I was ordered. Now step aside." Loz relinquished his blade.

Tupac looked at him and said, "Now hold on Loz. Loki isn't going anywhere." Tupac pulled out his summoning sword.
19-05-2006, 22:42
"Brother, you are losing your individuality, becoming so dependant." Kadaj remarked. "You know you could never defeat me, so coming for the child would just result in humiliation."

Out of the corner of his eye he saw Tupac step forward.

However, I'll let Loz kill this fool before I step in.

A small grin formed at the corner of his lips.
19-05-2006, 22:47
Loz looked at his brother and shook his head. "A lot has changed my brother. Things aren't so simple anymore. If you want help me take the young magician back to Mother then I will take him with Force."

(OOC:Luporum, what is he trying to say in those italics?)
19-05-2006, 22:51
"I'm afraid he has mother or is closer than we ever were. I refuse to side with him unless mother wills it for me; until then the kid isn't going anywhere." Kadaj growled.

He examine his larger brother with a sense of pity.

"You have grown, and matured even. However, you are still the fool you always were, but at least when you were young you listened to your older brother!" He yelled unseathing his sword and pointing it at Loz.
20-05-2006, 04:42
During the altercation Loki took a few steps back so that he was a few feet if not a couple of yards behind Tupac and Kadaj, who both had their swords drawn and ready to fight.

Why me?!
20-05-2006, 19:45
Loz looked at Kadaj and said, "Do you ever shut up?" Before his brother could reply he lept at the group with his sword. Tupac saw that the attack was coming quickly stopped him with his sword. Loz laughed at the young boy. "Do you really think you can defeat me?" Loz backed up a little bit. He looked at his brother and said, "Step aside. I will destroy this one first." Tupac looked at Loz with no fear. He then said, "You won't ever defeat me." Tupac ran at him. Loz quickly parried off Tupac's attack. Loz slyly said, "What is your name? I want to know the name of the person I am going to obliterate." Tupac lept up into the air and said, "I am Tupac of Luca. You are surely dead." Loz once again blocked Tupac's attack. Loz shook his head. Loz looked at his brother and said, "These are the kind of people you keep in your company? These weaklings. You were once the powerful one." Loz kicked Tupac in the stomach. Tupac fell to the ground. Tupac then tried to sweep kick Loz. Loz stepped back. Tupac got up on his feet. Tupac looked tired. Loz shook his head. Loz then said, "You should take your death with fighting. Surrender." Tupac whispered, "Never." Loz shook his head and said, "Fine then." Loz rushed him with his sword and then right when he was about to strike Tupac a bright light erupted from Tupac's sword. The Summon of the Sword had finally showed itself again.
20-05-2006, 19:51
Something is wrong with Loz, he was never like this before. He was also a very gentle person even in combat.

Kadaj placed his hand against Loki and began pushing him away from the fight.

He never used a sword before either. He must have gotten to him.

Watching the fight Kadaj saw an entirely different personality in his brother, a new fighting style even. He was sure that Loz would be victorious as he saw Tupac becoming winded until the sword lit up brightly.

"What the!?" Kadaj exlaimed.
20-05-2006, 20:02
When the light cleared a tall, angelic figure stood in front of Tupac holding Loz's sword. Loz looked at the figure and said, "Who, what are you?" A strong voice generated from the figure. It said, "I am Lucent, the Celestial Summon of the Sword." Lucent looked down at Tupac and said, "Cura." Tupac instantly began to feel energy coming back into his body. Tupac thought to himself, That is him. The being I saw when I first touched the sword. Lucent turned around and said to Loz "You will never hurt my friends." Loz's sword broke as Lucent's energy went throught it. Loz began to scream. He looked at Kadaj and yelled, "Help me, brother." Within a blink of an eye Loz was gone. Lucent stood there in front of the group. Lucent then looked at Tupac and said, "If you ever need me call me to me. You will know what to say." A thought instantly entered the mind of Tupac. Come forth, Lucent, Celestial Summon of the Sword. Lucent disappeared into the sword and then Tupac fainted.
20-05-2006, 20:14
Kadaj's eyes became almost hollow with shock as he saw his brother vanish before his eyes. Quickly he pounced where Loz stood and began digging furiously.

"Brother! Brother!" He cried as tears began to roll down his cheeks.

The young warrior dropped his heads into his hands and began sobbing heavily.

"Come back brother." Kadaj whimpered embracing the handful of dirt.
20-05-2006, 20:16
Tupac awoke to see to Kadaj sobbing on the ground. He looked around and said, "What happened?"
20-05-2006, 20:18
Kadaj's eyes narrowed as he boiled with uncontrollable rage, quickly unseathing his blade he pressed it against Tupac's neck and began pushing him back.

"You killed my brother!" He screamed with tears still fresh in his eyes. "Young kindhearted Loz I knew is gone because of you!"
20-05-2006, 20:28
Tupac looked at Kadaj with shock. "I didn't kill anyone." Tupac used his sword to move Kadaj's blade away from his neck. Tupac looked around to see where Loz was.
20-05-2006, 20:31
With a burst of power Kadaj shot Tupac back 50 yards. His arm began to glow blood red surrounded by runes again.

"Now let me show you my summon." He said calmly in a cold voice.

Raising his hand to the sky the red glow shot into the clouds, and a massive coccoon began descending.
20-05-2006, 20:34
"Stop it!" Loki shouted from only a few yards away.
20-05-2006, 20:39
The words popped into his head. Come forth, Lucent, Celestial Summon of the Sword. Tupac was just about to shout them when Loki yelled, "Stop it!" Tupac froze and looked at the boy.
20-05-2006, 20:46
Loki's command fell on def ears as Kadaj uttered the words to unleash the dragon king's second form.

"From the skies of eternal fire I bring you forth Neo-Bahumut! Come and answer the call of your master!" He shouted as the mighty red dragon spread it's giant wings and soared down toward his master.

"You should be running, you just might live long enough for me to burn this humble town to ashes." He mocked with his eyes changing to an almost reptilian shape.
20-05-2006, 23:41
Loki stood rooted to his spot as he had no idea what to do. He saw Bahamut descending towards the ground, but he looked much more different and angry since the last time he saw him. He was strangely different...
21-05-2006, 00:09
Tupac ran as Neo-Bahamut appeared. He grabbed Loki and yelled to the others, "Come on!!!"
21-05-2006, 00:31
Corin was tired. It had been a long journey here; he hoped it would prove worth it. As he approached the town of Kalm, He saw them. The three of them were deep in some kind of discussion -- or perhaps an arguement. One had pulled a sword, at any rate. Corin moved closer, trying to hear what was being said. At that moment, IT appeared. He'd heard it described, but never thought to actually see it. It had to be Bahamut. One of those fools had actually summoned it! Corin hit the ground and hoped he'd live through this.
21-05-2006, 18:17
The red dragon landed hard behind Kadaj as a large metal chain connected to its collar clattered to the ground.

"Lay waste to the entire city, leave no soul left alive!" Kadaj ordered laughing maniacly.

Immediately the great dragon began bombarding the small town with its mega flare. Buildings exploded sending massive wooden shrapnel everywhere, the town being mostly old lumber, burned quickly.
21-05-2006, 20:34
Horrified by the destruction of the city, Loki could not help but screaming out for Kadaj to stop, "No! Don't do it!" though there was little Loki could do.
21-05-2006, 22:04
Tupac yelled to Loki, "It is no use. He is out of control." Tupac tried to take shelter behind a large rock.
22-05-2006, 00:21
Wooshaba']Tupac yelled to Loki, "It is no use. He is out of control." Tupac tried to take shelter behind a large rock.

Loki knew he should take shelter or at the very least start running, but he could not. He stood rooted to the spot, unable to do anything but stand defiantly against the madman.
22-05-2006, 02:11
Tupac started yelling, "LOKI!!!!! GET DOWN!!!" The young boy wouldn't respond.
22-05-2006, 02:34
Kadaj stood amongst the flames of the burning village laughing to his hearts content at the slaughter.

"This is a memorial to you my dearest brother!" The warrior yelled into the sky when he saw Loki standing out in the open. Kadaj pointed to the boy and immediately Neo Bahumut swooped from the sky charging for another strike.
22-05-2006, 02:44
Loki was frozen - paralyzed. He could not act and had no where to go. He stood in the open, transfixed on Neo Bahamut...
22-05-2006, 03:55
Tupac thought to himself, Oh no. Loki! Tupac stood and said, "Come forth, LUCENT!" Before he could call his summon something began to happen to Neo-Bahamut.
22-05-2006, 04:04
Kadaj sensed the world quake almost disturbed by an alien force. It was an unusual feeling, like being stuck in a whirlwind restrained within your own mind. Every memory ran back and forth to fast to remember, but he still know he saw them. He became utterly unaware of his physical self at the time, a ghost without a machine...
Nation of Fortune
22-05-2006, 05:11
Shadow saw the kid freeze, and knew he wouldn't survive a blast from the beast. He took off running, using his really fast speed, to try and pick up Loki and run off before the dragon could destroy them.

Gogo had seen the threat the dragon posed, and thought that if control of the dragon could shift his side could end this with little loss. He repeated the summoning technique he had seen Kadaj use a second ago. He finished the summon, and awaited the awesome power of Neo-Bahamut to come to his command. He watched as time seemed to freeze in place as the dragon froze mid fireball. He looked around at the others who were all frozen in place as well. He glanced at Shadow who was mid scoop in picking Loki up. The fireball had frozen in place, and was an interesting image with a ball of fire frozen in mid air.

Gogo moved towards the others, and realized something bad might happen if he moved away from where he was and time started back up again. He was too late. The monochrome tint of the world seconds ago dissapeared, and Neo-Bahamut and his fireball dissapeared into a flash of light. The color that had drained was now back in full force, if not more colorier than before. Gogo looked to where he had been standing before to see a doppleganger of himself and Neo-Bahamut. The ghostly version of himself was ordering the dragon to attack Kadaj. The ghostly dragon made a superflare appear where Kadaj stood, the flare was innefective as it was just a ghostly shadow.

Gogo looked down at his hands and watched as they seemed to melt from his fingertips back to up his arms. His hands looked like ice melting really fast, and being poured straight down, through the soil of the earth.
23-05-2006, 00:43
OOC: That really wouldn't warp us into another realm. It would just give us the power of Neo-Bahamut. What is to stop Kadaj from just resummoning Neo-Bahamut back on his side? Also just because you summon a beast doesn't mean that you can control it. Neo-Bahamut could very well reject Gogo. If I am correct Neo-Bahamut is under the control of Luporum. Loki is still going to have to summon Bahamut in order to initiate the warp.

IC: A smile went across Tupac's face. Gogo had somehow resummoned Bahamut to their side. Tupac thought to himself, So that kid is useful after all. He yelled to Shadow and told him to take shelter under the rock.
23-05-2006, 00:55
Something felt incredibly strange, by the time he recovered, he thought he saw Sephiroth standing amongst the fire and rubble of Kalm.

Turning around he saw his summon obeying another master, that mimic.

"Neo-Bahumut! I command you, as your master and superior being to destroy them!" Kadaj barked as the dragon's eyes turned red and snapped around towards Gogo.
23-05-2006, 04:55
Tupac thought to himself, Oh no, Gogo lost control again. I don't know what to do.
23-05-2006, 18:51
Without any knowledge of what was happening, Loki had been picked up and dragged away from his spot...What's happening!?!
24-05-2006, 23:15
Tupac yelled to Gogo, "Move before he blasts you with the Mega Flare."
28-05-2006, 03:27
OOC: I guess it is about that time.

IC: Tupac stood up and yelled, "Come forth, Lucent. Summon of the Sword." The summoning sword began glowing a brilliant hue as the angelic warrior Lucent stepped from the sword. Tupac yelled to him, "Lucent use Holy." Lucent raised his right hand and let off a beam of yellow and white light. It hit Neo-Bahamut square in the chest. Tupac yelled, "There you go Lucent. Lucent attack." Lucent lept into the air and used his sword to strike Bahamut." As soon as Lucent got close, Bahamut blasted him with a MegaFlare. Tupac yelled, "Get up Lucent." Lucent stood up. Then Tupac began to hear a strange noise. He looked around to discover that Loki was knocked out. Tupac then looked at Neo-Bahamut. Something weird was happening to it. It was like something else was coming out of it. In a matter of seconds the Bahamut imploded and created vacuum that sucked all of the warriors to a new land. Tupac, Loki, and an unknown person landed on the sandy beaches of Besaid. They lay there unconscious.
28-05-2006, 04:50
Of the three figures that lay on the beaches of Besaid in an unknown world, Loki was the last to wake up. Evidently, he had lost a lot of energy as they were sucked into this strange and different place and was only now coming to.

"Huh...?" He wondered as he sat up and looked around. His clothes were a mess, so he set about fixing them, straightening them, dusting them, and then readjusting his hat. "Wh-Where... where are we?"

ooc: I know I posted before the other two figures who are on the beach, but I am saying Loki woke up last. So when you write yours, just say that your character woke up before Loki.
28-05-2006, 05:54
Tupac was astounded. He knew this land. He thought to himself, I am in Besaid. How did I . . . get here? Who cares. I am nearly home. Tupac smiled and looked around. His clothes were destroyed. There were two others on the beach. To his surprise one of them was Loki. He was about to wake Loki when the other awoke. Tupac drew his sword because he didn't know who the man was. He said to the man, "Who are you?" He waited for reply. While he was waiting, Lokie woke up. He responded to Loki, "We are in my homeworld, Spira. This is Besaid Island." His eyes never left the stranger who carried the gunblade.
28-05-2006, 06:26
"Bu-but... how did we get here?" Loki wondered as he remained sitting. He glanced around at the unfamiliar landscape... however, it seemed similar to how many of his other adventures had begun: he just awoke to find himself somewhere else.
28-05-2006, 14:43
Not letting his eyes leave the stranger's face he said to Loki, "I have no idea."
28-05-2006, 16:27
Corin looked around himself. Well, he'd been looking for these guys, but this wasn't quite what he'd had in mind. He wondered to himself if perhaps he should've thought this out a little more.

"Whose brilliant idea was this, and where the hell did you send us?" he asked.
28-05-2006, 18:43
Tupac said to the man, "We didn't send you anywhere. Who are you?"
28-05-2006, 19:15
Kadaj woke up and found himself not where he was.

"What! How did..." He exclaimed looking around for signs of an enemy, or anyone for that matter. He found his sword half buried in the dirt close to him.

The sky was even different, the scent in the air, and his general feel of the world was amiss.
29-05-2006, 04:53
Still getting his bearings, Loki stood up and finished brushing off the last of the sand. He was quite confused and so he remained silent.
29-05-2006, 05:33
"Corin Featherback. I'm a mercenary, and I wanted to talk to you. I didn't, however, want to travel halfway around the world in the blink of an eye -- at least, not without warning." he said.
29-05-2006, 07:23
Tupac looked at him and said, "What do you want to talk to me about? I don't know you."


A young boy walked up next to Kadaj. He resembled Loz in a lot of ways. He said to Kadaj, "You are in Zanarkand, Home of the Final Aeon."
30-05-2006, 22:58
Wooshaba']Tupac looked at him and said, "What do you want to talk to me about? I don't know you."

"I didn't know you either a couple of hours ago," Loki commented as he had now gathered himself. "And look now..." It was an obvious plea to be kind to the stranger, but Loki never came straight out and said those kinds of things.
30-05-2006, 23:30
"I wanted to talk about the fact that Shin-Ra is looking for you. I was having lunch over in Wall Market, and a Turk and several SOLDIER troops came in asking about you. I figured anyone that Shin-Ra wanted badly enough to send a Turk to find them could potentially be my ticket to get in close to Shin-Ra, so I'm coming with you." he said, looking them over to assess what kind of people he'd gotten in with. Not that he particularly cared one way or the other, but one should always know who one has at one's back in a fight.
31-05-2006, 00:01
Tupac nodded at Loki's comment. "Yes you didn't know me, but I protected you. You know I will help you out anytime." Tupac listened to the man's words. "Corin is your name, huh? I'm Tupac. This is Loki." Tupac looked around and smiled, "You have no idea where we are do you?"
31-05-2006, 03:26
Seeing that Tupac was being slightly more congenial towards the stranger, Loki decided to let the matter rest. However, now his idle mind was wondering where the others were.
31-05-2006, 03:34
Tupac smelled the fresh air. Tupac loved being back in Spira. He quickly found the path that led from the beach to the village. Tupac yelled come on. He then said, "I hope you guys can defend yourselves. There are fiends on these roads." Tupac pulled out his blade and began walking down the road.
31-05-2006, 03:38
"Fiends?" Loki wondered as he began hustling to catch up with the brisk pace set by Tupac.
31-05-2006, 06:58
Kadaj raised an eyebrow at the boy while seathing his blade.

"What's an Aeon?" He asked still trying to get the bearings straight on this world. Even the gravity was noticablely greater than the one inhabiting Midgar. Probably because his home world was becoming hollow. "Maybe you can help me, I'm looking for a group of people travelling with a little boy. The child has a large pointy hat and you can barely see his face."
01-06-2006, 04:33
OOC:NoF where did your characters land? If you aren't sure where to land them put them in the town of Besaid. When Tupac, Loki, and Corin come into the village they will pick them up.

The young boy looked at Kadaj with a bewildered expression. "You don't know what an aeon is? Now I know for sure you aren't from Spira." The boy looked towards the ruins and said, "The name is Zol. I not from Zanarkand, but I know a lot about it. An aeon is a beast summoned by summoners to aid them in fights. They are very powerful. There are a lot of them within this land." Zol looked at Kadaj and said, "What is your name and why do you have a sword? Are you a warrior or something?"


Tupac said, "Oh yeah, you aren't from here are you." Fiends are basically dead spirits that haven't been sent to the Farplane. Don't worry about them now. They are usually weak around this area." As soon as he said this a blob of yellow mollasses dropped in front of them. Tupac jumped back and said, "That is a Yellow Flan. They use level one and two electricity spells. They are weak against water." Tupac then yelled, "Waterblade." He ran his fingers up the edge of the blade and the blade took on the properties of water. Tupac ran up to it and slashed it through the chest. The Flan flew back. Tupac smiled and said, "Nothing to worry about." Suddenly a large lightning bolt hit Tupac. Tupac fell to the ground. The Flan moved towards him. Tupac quickly jumped up and said, "It used Thundara. My waterblade technique didn't do much damage because that heap of syrup has a good defense. I bet it can't take a strong water spell however." Tupac looked at Loki and Corin and said, "Do either of you guys know Water or Watera?"
01-06-2006, 04:50
"My home is a lot uglier than this place." Kadaj remarked. "The name is Kadaj, one of the last of my kind; the sword is a reminder of how unkind this world really can be."

He smirked at the kid.

"You could say I am a bit of a fighter." He mused. "Anyway, where is this Aeon as you call them?"
01-06-2006, 18:32
Wooshaba']Tupac looked at Loki and Corin and said, "Do either of you guys know Water or Watera?"

Loki knew the spells, but wasn't used to using them in a battle. He looked nervously, being somewhat frightened and uncomfortable, at the ground. "I'll try..."

Loki cupped his two gloved hands together and soon there formed a small ball of liquid. He could change its properties quite easily, and so it had first formed as a ball of ice, but now appeared to be water. He looked up at Tupac...
01-06-2006, 22:36
Tupac looked into Loki's hands and saw the ball of water. Tupac yelled, "Nice Watera spell. Throw it at the flan." Tupac hoped that Loki would launch it at the Yellow Flan before the Flan electrocuted the whole party.


Zol looked at Kadaj and said, "I don't know exactly where the Aeon's spirit is. I sure hope that someone acquires it soon though because Sin took a big chunk out of Kilika yesterday. That was the third time this month."
01-06-2006, 22:49
"Sin?" Kadaj asked while following the kid. "Sounds bad, the kind of people I would like to fight."

He grinned as he slowly began liking this world more and more.
01-06-2006, 22:52
Wooshaba']Tupac looked into Loki's hands and saw the ball of water. Tupac yelled, "Nice Watera spell. Throw it at the flan." Tupac hoped that Loki would launch it at the Yellow Flan before the Flan electrocuted the whole party.

Loki looked down from Tupac to the orb of water that swirled between his hands and then to the Yellow Flan that was not to far away. He was slightly nervous at the idea of attacking the monster, but when he looked back up into Tupac's eyes, he knew what to do.

His fingers tensed momentarily, stretching out, and the orb of swirling water went flying at the Yellow Flan.
01-06-2006, 23:20
Zol looked at Kadaj and said, "I don't know if you would want to fight Sin. It is pretty powerful." Zol glanced at the ruins and said, "Are you a summoner?"


The ball of water hit the Flan right in the center. The flan keeled over quickly. It lay there defeated. Then pyreflies began to fly away from its body. Tupac smiled and said, "That was close. I am glad you knew that Watera spell." Come on before we run into even more fiends." Tupac began walking up the path.
01-06-2006, 23:24
"I have many tricks up my sleeve, Bahamut being one them." Kadaj added looking back at him. "Strong eh? I shall enjoy battling it."

Judging by the sound of it I'd rather bend this Sin to obey my will.

"What's this Aeon's name by the way?" He asked.
01-06-2006, 23:42
He had done it. He had attacked the Flan and destroyed it. Loki sat staring as its body dissolved into pyreflies before nodding and following Tupac.
01-06-2006, 23:44
Zol looked at Kadaj and said, "Sin is much more powerful than Bahamut by itself. I wish there was someone who could control it." Zol answered Kadaj's question by saying, "The Final Aeon has no name. It is the spirit of a person who you have once loved. That person sacrifices himself to become your weapon against Sin."
01-06-2006, 23:56
"Stronger than Bahumut? I'm looking forward to this now." Kadaj smirked before thinking about what that would imply for his final Aeon. "Let's just call it Jenova then."

The young warrior's pace increased greatly wanting to sprint his way to the summon.
02-06-2006, 00:34
"You won't be able to acquire it with Jenova being present. Plus you need to acquire all of the other aeons before gaining access to it," Zol stated.
02-06-2006, 00:36
"Jenova is always present around me, mother is a part of me." Kadaj threatened while lowering a hand onto his blade. "I think I'll just bust into the place and take what I want."
02-06-2006, 21:48
Zol shook his head and said, "The protectress of the Final Aeon would destroy you. Believe it." Zol began to walk to a weird, blue, sphere thing that was sticking up out of the ground. Zol looked at Kadaj and said, "I am about to leave. I couldn't find what I needed. If you want a ride on my airship you can catch one." Zol stuck his hand over the orb. The orb turned red to signal the airship to land.
03-06-2006, 06:17
"Considering I don't have many other places to go in this new world." Kadaj said subtlely moving his hand away from his sword while moving closer. "Take me to this 'Sin' or as close as you can, I would very much like to meet it."

I wonder, if Sephiroth is in this world with us. If not then that makes it mine for the taking.
04-06-2006, 17:57
"I won't risk my life so that you can see Sin. I'll take you to last place that experience Sin's fury however." A large airship hovered above them. Zol yelled up at it, "Beam us up." Zol looked at Kadaj and said, "The captain can be really dull at times."


Tupac and the gang had to fight about three more times before they reached Besaid. Tupac ran into the little town. He looked at the temple and he could sense the aeon that was held within it. Tupac looked at Corin and said, "We need to find an inn to stay at."
04-06-2006, 19:29
"Very well, I'll go from there and track down this evil to stop it." Kadaj smirked while bending his head back looking in the air.
04-06-2006, 23:39
OOC: I think I need to go find Fourhearts now.

IC: Zol nodded his head and then the airship beamed the guys on the deck. Zol walked through the door and took the elevator down to the bridge.
Nation of Fortune
05-06-2006, 15:54
((OOC:Sorry about that, I've been getting really busy with Finals coming up. I'll be really off and on until next wendsday.))

When Gogo awoke, he saw a fire. It wasn't a large fire by any means, but it was enough to keep the surroundings warm. This raised an interesting point, the point of where he was. He examined his surroundins with a close eye. He picked out fifteen similar, but different, objects. Further inspection would determine that they were graves. A large black dog entered the cave, and shook off what looked like snow. Behind the dog was a familiar body, Shadow, who also had accumulated an amount of snow on himself. Gogo shot him a confused look.

"You've been out for several days. Best I can tell we are in some sort of mountain."
05-06-2006, 22:49
Loki was becoming tired - it had been a long day - and was now eagerly looking forward to finding a bed where he could rest and sleep. Hopefully, though, someone would be able to pay for it as Loki didn't have anything but what he wore...
06-06-2006, 03:56
A young boy with red hair hair ran out of a hut. He smiled at the group and said, "Do you travelers need somewhere to stay? If you do you guys can stay with my family." The red haired boy lead the party into a hut.
08-06-2006, 03:32
Loki nodded his head in confirmation, though it was more likely that the boy was addressing Kadaj. He headed inside, grateful for the refuge and sat down in a nearby chair. It had been a long day of walking and the young mage was thankful to finally be able to sit down and rest. Soon, he would be out cold...
13-06-2006, 18:31
OOC: Almost forgot about about this one.

IC: Tupac looked at the boy and said, "What is your name?" The red haired boy replied, "I am Wakka." Tupac smiled and said, "Nice to meet you Wakka." Wakka looked at Loki and said, "Well I guess you are here so that you can go into the temple?"


Zol looked at Kadaj and said, "Welcome to the Airship." Zol then walked over to the captain and began speaking to him. There were also a lot of workers around. There was also a girl about the age of Kadaj there too.
13-06-2006, 19:05
"Impressive, I have seen airships like this around Junon but never been on one." He said looking around noting the girl his age. "It should be easier to find the others with this..."
13-06-2006, 21:38
The girl looked up at the newcomer. She then looked at Zol and said, "Who's the hitchhiker?" Zol replied, "I found him Zanarkand. He said he could summon and I thought wouldn't he make a great addition to the team." The girl shook her head and said, "Well new guy, what is your name?"


A blue, furry humanoid walked by the men. He then stated, "Who are you?"
18-06-2006, 01:38
Wooshaba']IC: Tupac looked at the boy and said, "What is your name?" The red haired boy replied, "I am Wakka." Tupac smiled and said, "Nice to meet you Wakka." Wakka looked at Loki and said, "Well I guess you are here so that you can go into the temple?"

Loki looked around for a minute, waiting for someone to answer the question, but then he realized it was directed at him. "Me?" he asked, not sure if he was in fact being addressed.

"What temple?"
19-06-2006, 04:57
Wakka looked at Loki and said, "Temple? Well the only temple in the whole village." He stepped outside and pointed at the temple, "The Besaid Temple, home of the first aeon." He then looked back at Loki and said, "You are a summoner right?"
19-06-2006, 05:13
Loki looked at Tupac, "Umm... not really.... I don't think... I don't know." He wasn't quite sure whether he was or not as he never had summoned anything before.
22-06-2006, 01:56
Tupac looked at Loki and said, "I am sure that you can do it. You're a powerful little guy. Don't syke yourself out."
22-06-2006, 02:04
Wooshaba']Tupac looked at Loki and said, "I am sure that you can do it. You're a powerful little guy. Don't syke yourself out."

[ooc: "Psych" :p]

Loki nodded. He would try his best - that is all he could do. "Y-Yeah... I'm gonna do it," he proclaimed nervously, unsure if he actually could.
05-07-2006, 18:45
[ooc: bump?]