Half a Million Lightyears OOC Thread
Bryn Shander
29-04-2006, 14:35
Look, stop crapping up the thread with mindless OOC posts. I'm looking at you, SeaQuest.
I don't care how superior you think you are, nor how you think things work. The populations of The Shangri-la Project and Ankgor Wat are irrelevent, since no matter how many people they have in Sculptor, it's more than you and your little submarine.
In Sculptor, things work a bit differently than they do in the Milky Way. For one, you don't get away with acting like a moron. Part of this is the fact that it's not an easily accomplished feat to get reinforcements to the galaxy to save your ass. Another part is because everything out there wants to kill you.
Note this map. (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v186/Nightbane/Sculptor01.png)
For another, a select number of people make the rules. I'll give you a hint: You aren't one of them.
Now, the fact of the matter is that you've pissed off both pirates and killbots, and you've pissed off the players behind Sculptor with your self-serving, plageristic bullshit. Needless to say, Nero is not getting out of the galaxy alive. I'd suggest that you just cut your losses and stop making a fool of yourself.
T'ien Lung, on the other hand, just might make it back to the Milky Way if it's crew and player shape up. (Protip: When you're babysitting a crippled ship and two pirate ships much larger than your own show up, fighting isn't the best of ideas.)
29-04-2006, 18:10
1.) No, the fact of the matter is that arrogant nation of The Shangri-la Project is godmodding, pure and simple, by saying how far I can shoot effeciently and effectively.
2.) I'll have both of you know that I've solved the problem of distance a while back, why else do you think I specifically stated what type of torpedo I was loading?
3.) The matter of population only came up because if he tried that little stunt with anyone else, he wouldn't be there.
4.) I know that this is a hostile galaxy, note I've not fired a shot, yet.
5.) Size isn't everything. Smaller ships have the speed and agility everytime.
6.) If I wanted to, I could just make a blind Hyperspace jump. The only reason I'm lost, is because I don't know the relation of this Sculpter Galaxy with the Milky Way Galaxy.
7.) I asked them twice to make an IC post. Kind of hard to make an IC response to nothing. So, technically, I am not the one who was at fault for clogging up the thread with OOC.
Note that I'm not in on this at all, but I've got to say that in zero gravity, there is no weight holding your ships down, so a mile-long battlecruiser can travel at the same acceleration as a fighter drone if their engines are proportional to their mass.
Bryn Shander
29-04-2006, 18:20
Look, I don't care how much better than everyone else you think you are. Trying to justify why you think nobody can hurt your toys is only making you look even worse. Nobody wants to hear this crap.
Just cut your losses and die already.
29-04-2006, 18:20
Note that I'm not in on this at all, but I've got to say that in zero gravity, there is no weight holding your ships down, so a mile-long battlecruiser can travel at the same acceleration as a fighter drone if their engines are proportional to their mass.
Acceleration, maybe. But the engines would have to be hella big and hella powerful on the larger ship.
Still, the smaller ship would be able to turn on a dime, while the larger one would have to bank due to structural constraints.
Look, I don't care how much better than everyone else you think you are. Trying to justify why you think nobody can hurt your toys is only making you look even worse. Nobody wants to hear this crap.
Just cut your losses and die already.
Dude. If you were paying attention, I never said anything like that. I only called TSLP's godmod of saying how far I could shoot effectively and efficiently.
1.) No, the fact of the matter is that arrogant nation of The Shangri-la Project is godmodding, pure and simple, by saying how far I can shoot effeciently and effectively.
If I was to go by accepted standards of combat on NS, I'd say that your torpedoes leave your juristicition as soon as they leave their launch tubes. It goes the same for missiles, artillery shells, and any other large projectiles.
29-04-2006, 18:32
If I was to go by accepted standards of combat on NS, I'd say that your torpedoes leave your juristicition as soon as they leave their launch tubes. It goes the same for missiles, artillery shells, and any other large projectiles.
True, but I still have a way around this whole TSLP thing. I am quite able to fire a torp that he won't be able to track or get a defensive lock on (thus why I specifically stated loading Mark 105s and not any other type).
Bryn Shander
29-04-2006, 18:35
Funny, I don't see you using manuverability, SeaQuest. What I do see is you bullshitting a crippled vessel into a completely combat capable vessel without even bothering to explain yourself. I also see you wanking out of all damage.
True, but I still have a way around this whole TSLP thing. I am quite able to fire a torp that he won't be able to track or get a defensive lock on (thus why I specifically stated loading Mark 105s and not any other type).
And that right there is flat out godmoding. Just shut up and die already.
29-04-2006, 18:42
1.) No, its not GMing on my part because you don't know what my Mark 105s can do.
2.) I never said she was crippled. I also never said that work on replacing the control crystal's ever stopped.
3.) Oh, why do you think I'm running if I'm fully operational?
29-04-2006, 18:53
firstly the t'ien lung is a vessel of the kirisuban exploration fleet not a warship but Kirisubans will fight rather than surrender their ship no matter if its a cargo ship or a cruiser.
as explorers they're inclined to help a ship in distress and they still have 4 crew on the nero as well
29-04-2006, 18:57
firstly the t'ien lung is a vessel of the kirisuban exploration fleet not a warship but Kirisubans will fight rather than surrender their ship no matter if its a cargo ship or a cruiser.
Same with SeaQuestians. In fact, if it comes down to it, they'll destroy the ship rather than risk the tech she carries falling into enemy hands.
as explorers they're inclined to help a ship in distress and they still have 4 crew on the nero as well
I'll make sure to do my best to keep them alive along with the rest of my crew.
Bryn Shander
29-04-2006, 19:17
Then both ships will be destroyed. There are just some things you don't fight, and killbots are one of those things.
29-04-2006, 19:19
Then both ships will be destroyed. There are just some things you don't fight, and killbots are one of those things.
Dude, by saying I'll be defeated no matter what is wank, pure and simple. Organic intelligence may be outdone by the machine, but people have something the machine never will, the ability to think outside the box.
29-04-2006, 19:20
if i can get away i will but first i need my 4 crew back. the t'ien lung hasn't fired a shot yet but they may have to in the future.
Bryn Shander
29-04-2006, 19:22
Dude, by saying I'll be defeated no matter what is wank, pure and simple. Organic intelligence may be outdone by the machine, but people have something the machine never will, the ability to think outside the box.
You don't understand. This is their box. They decide what lives and dies in the box, and your number is up. Perhaps if you weren't stroking your ego so much it wouldn't have come to this, but it has and now you need to realize that you can't always win and move on.
29-04-2006, 19:33
You don't understand. This is their box. They decide what lives and dies in the box, and your number is up. Perhaps if you weren't stroking your ego so much it wouldn't have come to this, but it has and now you need to realize that you can't always win and move on.
I never was stroking any egos, my own or anyone elses.
And I never said anything about always winning. Its just the logical outcome when the tech and tactics are on your side.
The Shangri-la Project
29-04-2006, 19:36
There has still never been an explanation as to how being outside of your practical (lookup that word why don't you?) weapons range makes me a godmodder. If we followed your logic then every battle would be a wankass Cultureverse affair with Gridfire and such horrible things.
I also never stated I wanted to own your ship, or Kirisubo's. If you had noticed I alluded to the fact you had a chance to escape, nothing is stopping you sans repairs from leaving the system. However that does not mean you can generate a cloaking field (something most nations with any real knowledge can detect) and wait like a submarine to hit my three extremely advanced (for the sake of the Sculptor RP) warships that have more ways than one of finding you.
Bryn Shander
29-04-2006, 19:40
I never was stroking any egos, my own or anyone elses.
And I never said anything about always winning. Its just the logical outcome when the tech and tactics are on your side.
Unfortunately for you, you posess neither the tech nor tactics that could save your ass.
29-04-2006, 19:42
concerning the kill bots i'd only fight them if i couldn't get away. thats why the stealth field is up and i'm on silent running until i can get my crew back from the nero.
it was the others who wanted our surrender and Kirisubans never surrender under any circumstances
my tech level is based on 23rd century romulan ships and the federation matter/anti matter reactors.
my plasma beams are basically plasma powered phasers so theres nothing out of the ordinary there. the T'ien Lung is also the only Kirisuban ship with a stealth field as well. its a prototype that the T'ien Lung was supposed to test out nearer to home rather than in a hostile area of space.
29-04-2006, 23:54
There has still never been an explanation as to how being outside of your practical (lookup that word why don't you?) weapons range makes me a godmodder. If we followed your logic then every battle would be a wankass Cultureverse affair with Gridfire and such horrible things.
I also never stated I wanted to own your ship, or Kirisubo's. If you had noticed I alluded to the fact you had a chance to escape, nothing is stopping you sans repairs from leaving the system. However that does not mean you can generate a cloaking field (something most nations with any real knowledge can detect) and wait like a submarine to hit my three extremely advanced (for the sake of the Sculptor RP) warships that have more ways than one of finding you.
Incorrect. Let me get the info on my cloak for you.
Cloaking Device
SeaQuestian starships have a highly advanced form of phase cloaking device. This allows the ship to not only become undetectable but also intangible and unaffected by anything in the normal universe. The settings range from merely becoming invisible, to being completely intangible, however when intangible the ship's weapons are useless and cannot fire. The phase cloaking devices range in power; generally the larger the ship the more powerful the device.
With only the normal cloak engaged, SeaQuestian vessels are extremely difficult to detect, and can still fire their weapons. The more advanced SeaQuestian sensors can detect ships using the lower power cloak systems, however it takes multiple scouts working in tandem to locate a battlecruiser.
Unfortunately for you, you posess neither the tech nor tactics that could save your ass.
That's a godmod right there. For all you know, I do. You know nothing about what I can and can't do.
concerning the kill bots i'd only fight them if i couldn't get away. thats why the stealth field is up and i'm on silent running until i can get my crew back from the nero.
Which you will.
it was the others who wanted our surrender and Kirisubans never surrender under any circumstances
Neither do SeaQuestians. If it comes to it, I'll drop shields and run straight into the star itself.
OOC: I wouldn't be so arrogant if I were you Seaquest, your nation's existence is only tolerated because you've yet to do anything to piss off any of the true powers-that-be into doing something about it.
You know, like the ToY, Mars, and Raumreich. Nations like me who have defense budgets larger than your entire gross domestic product (http://www.retrogade.com/nstracker/index.php?nation=vernii&nation2=Seaquest&nation3=&nation4=&nation5=&nation6=)
Now that that's out of the way, I must say <3 to Bryn for starting this. If it's alright with him, I have a puppet account I created last night at Neutron's request that I'd like to join with.
Correction, the nations that matter are those like NE, THA, Chrono, Godular, and so on.
As for your threat, I could care less about the size of your damn budget. Tech and tactics are what will win the day.
The Shangri-la Project
29-04-2006, 23:59
Apparently you missed something important posted by a very intelligent fellow:
"So you're saying you could defeat the entire Warsaw Pact military at the height of the Soviet Union's power alone, armed only with a wet towel with sand in it, if you used 'good tactics? "
"@The Timeship Amethyst: You do know that the whole Warsaw Pact thing was a scam. Russia was severly out-gunned the entire time by western powers."
Note the lack of actuall response.
"@The Shangri-la Project: No, I'm calling your godmod on that you saying how far my effective range is. It has nothing to do with you being far away.
Now, I am only going to ask you one more time to make an IC post."
Effective range of any C limited weapon against a high manoverability oponent is going to be below a few light seconds SQ unless you have million mile beam spread in which case I doubt your ability to so much as light a candle with the beam in question. Even if you can detect them in real time unless your beam weapons or missiles are FTL your "dumb" fast shots and beams will still miss and the sub FTL missile burn time is so long that its more than enough to give PD time to engage. Further the faster your missiles are going the less in the way of say a sand caster shot it will take to dispose of them and the less manouverable they will be.
At extreme range dumb spread kinetics wont do it, nore will standard direct energy weapons, missiles fast enough to strike the enemy will suffer the same as the energy weapons and missiles manouverable enough will take too long and be avoided or destroyed. He has stated "extreme range" and anyone can simply withdraw to it, its space SQ.
The one thing space has ..is space.
My opinion on Guff is not mmm postable.
One further point in "conventional" forces the warsaw pact was no cardboard cutout.
Incorrect. Let me get the info on my cloak for you.
So basically, you're not longer in the solar system, and apparently thinl I can't shake you out of whatever universe you're hiding in?
That's a godmod right there. For all you know, I do. You know nothing about what I can and can't do.
OOCly your stuff is not superior, ICly you're fighting perhaps the most advanced race in the Sculptor galaxy, so against it isn't looking good for you.
30-04-2006, 00:04
If I had know you people were going to tech-wank, I wouldn't have signed-up for this RP.
Drop this arrogant bull attitude of yours and remember that no tech is proven superior until proven in actual use. By saying your tech is better than someone else's is considered a godmod.
Read the stickies.
Bryn Shander
30-04-2006, 00:08
Yes. Because you don't get the shiniest toys and can't stomp around the galaxy with your tiny ship, we're godmoding. Right.
30-04-2006, 00:10
No, by saying your tech is superior to mine is godmodding. You haven't seen what I can do. How would you like a Tri-Colbolt Torpedo salvo slamming into your ship after I decloak within your defensive perimeter, for example?
Now, you can either IC'ly give me directions to the MWG so I can leave, or you can try to salvage what's left of this RP.
The Shangri-la Project
30-04-2006, 00:17
No, by saying your tech is superior to mine is godmodding. You haven't seen what I can do. How would you like a Tri-Colbolt Torpedo salvo slamming into your ship after I decloak within your defensive perimeter, for example?
Now, you can either IC'ly give me directions to the MWG so I can leave, or you can try to salvage what's left of this RP.
If you're cloaked as you say, then you cannot possibly interact with the universe at all, you can't transport things over to Kirisubo, you can't tell what I'm doing, you're a blind man in a dark cave with a wet torch.
So how again to you plan on repelling me when you have no idea what is even going on?
30-04-2006, 00:22
the kirisuban stealth field stops sensor scans and locks off any kind dead so unless you looked out a window you wouldn't see them.
my shields may be down but you couldn't get a transporter lock as things stand.
i've always thought that a cloaking device would work like the klingon or romulan models.
they stop sensors and the bending of light makes the target invisable but they arn't full proof. you also can't run a cloak and fire the weapons at the same time unless you're praetor Shinzon :)
Bryn Shander
30-04-2006, 00:22
No, by saying your tech is superior to mine is godmodding. You haven't seen what I can do. How would you like a Tri-Colbolt Torpedo salvo slamming into your ship after I decloak within your defensive perimeter, for example?
Now, you can either IC'ly give me directions to the MWG so I can leave, or you can try to salvage what's left of this RP.
And how would you like to take a shot from a 250GW megaparticle cannon right through the length of your ship?
Look, little boy, this isn't your playground. This is mine, and in my playground the big kids are in charge. A little kid that throws a tantrum when he doesn't get to swing has no place here.
Most of the people involved in Sculptor have other nations that could drop you and your fledgling empire without even breaking out their big ships. You're outclassed in the Milky Way, and you're outclassed in Sculptor. Unfortunately for you, you just happened to encounter the most advanced civilization in the galaxy, and they're not here to play marbles.
30-04-2006, 00:30
@Kirisubo: Does it block magnetics?
As for my cloak, it is based off a version found in the ST expanded universe (books) and not seen on screen.
Its a hybrid of the Romulan Phase Cloak with the Klingon Cloak used by General Chang in ST VI (which did allow fire while cloaked) and a few other things from various sources (like the ability to go from just a basic cloak, without the phasing part, which is the stage where firing is possiblt to a deep interphasic cloak).
@The Shangri-la Project: Only correct thing you mentioned is the thing about the beaming. The transportees would still be phased after transport.
Which is why I'm going to drop cloak and immediately blind jump to FTL out of the Sculpter Galaxy to the MWG first.
@Bryn Shander: That's it. I've had it with this damn tech-wank from all of you. I'll make a blind jump and end up in the MWG without your help.
Oh, F.Y.I., you would still have to breach my shields AND armor before being able to pierce the hull as you described.
And the only thing I'm out-classed by is all this godmod. Small nations with 7 million populations (like TSLP) are not counted as powerful nations.
30-04-2006, 00:37
@Kirisubo: Does it block magnetics?
As for my cloak, it is based off a version found in the ST expanded universe (books) and not seen on screen.
Its a hybrid of the Romulan Phase Cloak with the Klingon Cloak used by General Chang in ST VI (which did allow fire while cloaked) and a few other things from various sources (like the ability to go from just a basic cloak, without the phasing part, which is the stage where firing is possiblt to a deep interphasic cloak).
the stealth field could be bypassed by beaming them blindly to co-ordinates but it would be easier to just drop the field if you could send a message without revealing us for too long.
30-04-2006, 00:38
the stealth field could be bypassed by beaming them blindly to co-ordinates but it would be easier to just drop the field if you could send a message without revealing us for too long.
How about I drop them in escape pods? Then you can beam them aboard yourself.
30-04-2006, 00:39
How about I drop them in escape pods? Then you can beam them aboard yourself.
i'm cool with that :)
30-04-2006, 00:41
i'm cool with that :)
Cool. I'll edit my last post.
The Shangri-la Project
30-04-2006, 00:41
@Kirisubo: Does it block magnetics?
As for my cloak, it is based off a version found in the ST expanded universe (books) and not seen on screen.
Its a hybrid of the Romulan Phase Cloak with the Klingon Cloak used by General Chang in ST VI (which did allow fire while cloaked) and a few other things from various sources (like the ability to go from just a basic cloak, without the phasing part, which is the stage where firing is possiblt to a deep interphasic cloak).
@The Shangri-la Project: Only correct thing you mentioned is the thing about the beaming. The transportees would still be phased after transport.
If you are not part of this universe, then you cannot interact with it, you cannot see anything in it, you canno do anything because you are not here.
Which is why I'm going to drop cloak and immediately blind jump to FTL out of the Sculpter Galaxy to the MWG first.
How do you even know where you are?
@Bryn Shander: That's it. I've had it with this damn tech-wank from all of you. I'll make a blind jump and end up in the MWG without your help.
Oh, F.Y.I., you would still have to breach my shields AND armor before being able to pierce the hull as you described.
And the only thing I'm out-classed by is all this godmod. Small nations with 7 million populations (like TSLP) are not counted as powerful nations.
Yes, because you, the almighty lord of technology and tactics says so :rolleyes:
30-04-2006, 00:47
If you are not part of this universe, then you cannot interact with it, you cannot see anything in it, you canno do anything because you are not here.
If you knew anything about alternate dimensions, you would know that in most of them you can still see what's happening in the main one, just not interact with it. That's canon Stargate and Star Trek.
How do you even know where you are?
*See above*
Yes, because you, the almighty lord of technology and tactics says so :rolleyes:
Yes I am, of my own technology. I know its flaws, limits, strengths, weaknesses, and abilities because I designed it.
The Shangri-la Project
30-04-2006, 00:58
If you knew anything about alternate dimensions, you would know that in most of them you can still see what's happening in the main one, just not interact with it. That's canon Stargate and Star Trek.
Oh please, Stargate and Star Trek are NOT things you should base dimensional arguments on. Also if there is more than one dimension, how come we can't see into it but some how they can see into ours? Makes no sense does it?
Yes I am, of my own technology. I know its flaws, limits, strengths, weaknesses, and abilities because I designed it.
Yeah, I've yet to see one design flaw or weakness, just strength after strength after wankey strength without acknowledging anyone elses strengths.
Correction, the nations that matter are those like NE, THA, Chrono, Godular, and so on.
The only one of those I'm even remotely familiar with is No Endorse, and thats only because he's regularly on the IRC channel. The others might as well be (and probably are) 3rd rate powers for all I care, much like yourself.
As for your threat, I could care less about the size of your damn budget. Tech and tactics are what will win the day.
And once again you show us how you really operate. You're quite willing to lord numbers over everyone else, right up until you run into someone much, much, bigger then your own ass, and only then do you declare that numbers don't really matter.
Oh yeah, your tech sucks, get used to it.
If I had know you people were going to tech-wank, I wouldn't have signed-up for this RP.
Drop this arrogant bull attitude of yours and remember that no tech is proven superior until proven in actual use. By saying your tech is better than someone else's is considered a godmod.
Read the stickies.
Seaquest, you lecturing other people on tech-wank is about like the Catholic church lecturing others on the evils of child molestation. You have absolutely zero credibility, to the point that your name is used as a synonym with wank and godmodding. You have absolutely no respect from a good portion of FT nations, and you most likely never will, because you can't seem to get that through your head that you aren't the High Chief King Shit of the Universe.
Personally, this RP's quality increased dramatically the moment you stepped out of it. Good riddance.