NationStates Jolt Archive

Hatarian Military Mobilizes (ATTN: Anti Kraven Forces)

29-04-2006, 03:29
The Imperial Republic of Hataria has started Total Moblization of The Hatarian Armed Forces in case of War with Kraven.

With the Threat of another War, Empress Serena soon Sent two messenges, One to The Anti-Kraven Nations and one to Kraven it self

To All Anti-Kraven nations

I, Empress Serena of The Imperial Republic of Hataria, Ask for your help in a War with The Evil Nation known as Kraven. We ask for nothing more then your help.

Signed: Empress Serena

To Kraven

We are sending you a warning; Leave The Nations that you have Invaded and Conquered with in 24 Hours, or face Invasion. We are waiting for your reply.

Signed: Empress Serena

Long Live The Empire
29-04-2006, 04:39
OCC: Kraven is, or at least was, occupied by AMF. Then AMF destoryed it with a ton of nukes. can't really invade Kraven.
29-04-2006, 05:18
OCC: Kraven is, or at least was, occupied by AMF. Then AMF destoryed it with a ton of nukes. can't really invade Kraven. OOC: Whoa, Kraven is dead?
29-04-2006, 05:37
OOC: Well, no. Kraven's leader is actaully a computer program named Father. Kraven has people and assets all over the world. I don't actually think Kraven has been online to respond to the attacks yet, which is unfourtante. I don't think we've seen the end of Kraven quite yet. Think of Kraven as a Corporation rather than a nation.
29-04-2006, 05:39
OOC: Well, no. Kraven's leader is actaully a computer program named Father. Kraven has people and assets all over the world. I don't actually think Kraven has been online to respond to the attacks yet, which is unfourtante. I don't think we've seen the end of Kraven quite yet. Think of Kraven as a Corporation rather than a nation. OOC: A corportation, well what do they sell?
29-04-2006, 05:46

Death. They sell death.

If you've ever seen or read I, Robot, then you have the basic idea behind Father. A Computer Program designed to manage city services becomes self-aware and decides to take things into his own hands. He seeks to save humanity by ensalving all of it under one banner, thus making war on the world to no end. He makes war to fuel his war machine, in an everlasting cycle. Kraven needs resources and so he invades a country.

It doens't matter that AMF nuked the Kraven homeland. His war machine spans the globle. Although given the current state of affiars, his forces are stretched thin. With so many resources concentrated on the invasion of 3 differnet nations, the slave states are realtivy weak and easy picking. At least, in my humble opinon.
29-04-2006, 05:47
OOC: Doen't matter, Kraven will have quite am easy time regaining its power. The anti-Kraven alliances will be replaced by anti-AMF alliances what with the nuclear attacks.
29-04-2006, 20:48
29-04-2006, 21:15
We will support you in whatever way possible, but our troops are already devoted to protecting our allies against Kraven. If you do need assistance, ask and we may be able to help.
29-04-2006, 21:17
occ I do not believe the anti- AMF groups are going to come out of the wood work , even with AMF nuking the Kraven home land. AMF is like a large dog in a back yard if you don't come into the yard he won't mess with you. Kraven on the other hand seems to stick his nose into other peoples business. I believe most countries are going to write AMF some nasty diplomatic letters then sit back and watch Kraven's "father" get dismantled.
29-04-2006, 21:19
If you want help going after Kraven I am in.
29-04-2006, 23:51
The Hatarians were already for a War and were now Planning for the fight, Operation: STRIKE TWO, this was against not only Kraven, but another Nation that was Hataria's enemy, Serena wasn't saying who was The Target Nation, but she said it would not be AMF or CoreWorlds, Twice with CoreWorlds was all Hataria neaded and Going after AMF was a death wish.

The Plan was to Attack Kraven Controled Territories and to Send Troops to Where Kraven was Attacking other nations. Making it into a World War.

Serena soon extended the Dateline for Kraven to 42 Hours
30-04-2006, 00:13
The Hatarians were already for a War and were now Planning for the fight, Operation: STRIKE TWO, this was against not only Kraven, but another Nation that was Hataria's enemy, Serena wasn't saying who was The Target Nation, but she said it would not be AMF or CoreWorlds, Twice with CoreWorlds was all Hataria neaded and Going after AMF was a death wish.

The Plan was to Attack Kraven Controled Territories and to Send Troops to Where Kraven was Attacking other nations. Making it into a World War.

Serena soon extended the Dateline for Kraven to 42 Hours

Slight OOC Note: It pretty much already is a world war.
30-04-2006, 03:22
30-04-2006, 15:24
30-04-2006, 15:32
Kraven wont be online until monday, just so you know.