A New Age - A Darker Age....
Unified Sith
26-04-2006, 01:45
Below every horizon it waits, underneath every cloud it stalks. The dark is everywhere unseen. It bides it's time, the dark is patient. The shadow will linger under your feet, the black will outlast the day, for with every sunrise, their must in the end, be a sunset...."
A whisper in the force, a whisper in the void......
"Nightshade." It croaked. "Oh Nightshade, what have you done? Chaos on the throne of order I see, yes, I see everything now my dear, I see it all." The voice grew stronger while in the physical world, the light grew darker. "My, my, my, you are useless aren't you. In the space of a year, war after war, each one, yes I see, each one a defeat..... You fool, how could you have let this happen, Oh Nightshade,well, you did try your best, it isn't your fault that you share the Masaki families capacity for failure. I taught you to be strong my apprentice, I taught you to endure, but I also taught you that success will be rewarded, and stupidity, well, it must be punished. You have cost the Empire much my dear, and for that, you must pay........" Nightshades shadow would flicker for a moment, the dark hand of vengeance consuming her own physical form, until, her face was no longer perfection, until her body had been struck by a thousand lashes of death.
"Oh, you're probably wondering where I am right now Nightshade, you're probably curious as to why you can't sense me, you're probably wondering why am I not dead? Oh foolish girl, not even death can take a Sith, for in the end, we are death itself, we are the dark incarnate... I am everywhere Nightshade.... Death you see, is not the end for a Sith, especially not for one such as I, no my dear, death is only the beginning....." Light began to shrink and bend away from the obsidian throne, the once mighty dias of power was slowly being shrouded in shadow. "You see Nightshade, I am no longer constrained by my body, for now, I am unto a God...... I am the dark side itself, I am the force personified. I am the counter to the light, I am the shadow of kindness, emotion and discipline. I am the bane of the Jedi." The throne room echoed with silent glee.
"This is a trick.... A masquerade!"
"You doubt my power child? You doubt my ability as God?! Oh you ignorant, ignorant fool...... only now, will you be able to understand, only at the end of you reign are you able to comprehend, that the darkside is the only path to unlimited power."
Axis Nova
26-04-2006, 01:51
ooc: tag
Mini Miehm
26-04-2006, 01:54
OOC: That is not dead which may eternal lie, for in strange eons even death may die... TAG!
The WIck
26-04-2006, 02:31
OOC: Sithy! Good to see you're back (sorta)! *breaks out champagne* Taggage for possible puppet participation.
No endorse
26-04-2006, 02:47
ooc: If US truely is back, then things have certainly started to get interesting this past cycle. I shall watch this with great interest. If you're back, please reunite the GE.
Unified Sith
26-04-2006, 09:57
Unified Sith
26-04-2006, 11:06
"When the sun begins to set, the tendrils of shadow stretch their hands, and take what is rightfully theirs."
The three Admirals which made up the ruling vote of the Moff council were all assembled before the shadowed throne. Each man had seen war, each admiral had seen conflict and death, but nothing had prepared them for this.... this, travesty against nature. Blathe the most objective of the three, was the first to realise what it was he was standing before, and of course, he was the first to bow before the shapeless dark. "My Lord Palpatine." He searched. "Welcome back." Blathe tugged on his fellow admirals arms pulling them down upon one knee he waited for the dark.
Seconds grew into minutes and minutes evolved into hours, time slowed and stalled forcing the present to dwindle into past, while the past warped itself to future, everything remained one and was yet, divided. The dark was working, the shadow was moving. "My loyal friends, I see, that you have failed to betray me, I see that your honour extends even through death. For this, you shall be rewarded." A tendril of shadow grazed their cheeks. "A gift gentleman." The dark returned to the mighty dias.
"Admiral Blathe we have a situation, I wish you to resolve it. I require you to issue an immediate recall to all oversectors currently extended beyond their command of duty. All expeditionary forces will be recalled as soon as possible, all unnecessary diplomatic contact will be paused, and all stations will be placed upon a high level of alert." Blathe stood to attention and saluted.
"Your will, Emperor" The Admiral said sheepishly.
"Admirals Harrel and Pael, you are to insure the security of this planet. The orbital defences are to be activated, and the garrison force will be put on alert."
"Your will Emperor." The two lesser Moffs echoed. "We live to serve."
The dark chuckled wryly. "And I shall not forget it, nor shall I fail to reward that which is given. Fealty with love, valor with honor, disloyalty with vengeance."
The communication was simple and pure. All Imperial warships were to cease their current activities and return to Imperial space. Around the fringes of the Empire planets would be relieved to see their impending fate vanish from view, billions would rejoice at the quenching of the fire, the quenching of light........
Hundreds of worlds would wait wait upon the abyss, unsure of their future, their freedom, and their very survival.
26-04-2006, 11:38
26-04-2006, 13:55
*TAG* for hopeful involvemnet
TAG (i smell a war brewing)
OOC: Huge Taggage. Sithy, we kinda need ya on the GE. Especially the way things are going. I'm assuming you're on coruscant right? If not, ignore the IC.
IC: The Force is a strainge thing. Aelikes knew this. He knew the paths of immortality. However the ones he knew of didn't totaly involve in reviving yourself. He suddenly felt very cold. Colder than usual in his chamber in the Coruscant palace. So many changes have happened in the past few weeks. The Chronosians were in power, then the Huntaer and CorpSac came into power, then Nightshade came back and resumed command of those forces still loyal to him. Now.... He felt a new presence. One which he's felt before Nightshade took command of the GE all those long years ago. One which he and his Master, Darth Trilkan, were well aware of.
But it's impossible. He's dead.
He found a way. You know this, came a nagging voice in Aelikes's head.
If he's found a route pass death.... Then the Dark Side is ultimate. I must see to this.
26-04-2006, 15:12
Nightshade sat, beweildered, bleeding from a thousand cuts inflicted by none other than her Master. She had power, yes. But she failed. The thought weighed heavily on her. She failed...
And yet...she still lived. There was still a chance to redeem herself. She redoubled her resolve. Never again...never again will she fail. No matter how long it takes, no matter what she must do to redeem herself, she will not fail again.
She will slink into the Shadows and obey her returned Master like the good little Sith she was. For she was once more the apprentice to the Master, once more the mere speck of darkness that is but a part of the whole that is Palpatine...
26-04-2006, 15:30
"The Darkness grows. He has returned." Lord Patriarch Masaki rubbed his aging head, looking out of the balcony of his office.
"Impossible." Master Elendil replied in disbelief...but he felt it too. "How can this be? Palpatine is supposed to be dead."
"And yet he has returned. The time of terror has almost begun." Alexander replied. "I had feared this day and hoped that I would not live to see it, but alas, my hopes are in vain."
"Then..." Master Rydo began. "What must we do?"
The Patriarch closed his eyes in grief. "Prepare to initate Protocol Eternity."
Several members of the Council gasped, while Tsunade nodded solemnly. Protocol Eternity was the code for Coreworlds to initiate full war economy production. Every factory will now be geared towards making war tools. Every school will teach children to fight and every Academy will emphasize combat skills. Rationing will begin. The costs will be innumerable, the price unforgivable. But the Patriarch will do what must be done to protect the people of Coreworlds. To protect his precious people.
For as long as it will be necessary, Protocol Eternity will remain in place. Perhaps it would be forever. Thus is the reason for the name.
"I am going to make an address to the nation. The rest of the Council will ensure that the Protocol is implemented. The Senate will be notified as well." Lord Masaki said. "And the Force forgive me for what I must do."
The Transylvania
26-04-2006, 15:58
The crimson dragon man, Raidon, could feel the dark being through the Force. “Palpatine!” he said to himself. He was surprised to feel that dark man again. He was fallen Jedi turn Sith then became a Warlock of the Dominion. A Master Warlock, he had became. He sat there, in his room in Jedi Temple; he started thinking about the outcome of this strange news.
Raidon was not the only Warlock that could feel Palpatine’s soul. All the Warlocks throughout the hidden Dominion knew he was back.
"No, no no NO" Kashi shouted as she paced up and down the Throne Room on the homeworld of the Corpsacian people. "my chance, my one chance to prove that i was the more powerful then that filth Nightshade...gone."
"the council has Ordered that our fleets return to our borders...on the chance that Palpatine whats to make an exsample of us." Admiral Adama replyed.
"why would he....if he is truely sith he would understand, in the sith world only the strong rule. But there right he might want to make an exsample, show his pupil how its done. At lest the Empire will be reunited. Have the fleets and our ground forces on full alert, discretly...i dont want the Emperor to find out" She said resting her head in her hands when she sat down. "I want our borders to be safe, i have a feeling Nightshade will....taint the ear of the Emperor with lies...i only hope he see's though them. Have my ship prepared, i want to leave as soon as he calls."
Adama saluted, "Yes My Lady".
"somethings wrong with all of this, even the dead can not return without grate cost. What was the cost...i fear its grater then you or I, i feel its grater then even the Empire." the voice said to her, "Imperial Forces return to the Empire...something is no right"
"i know this" Kashi replyed, as if speaking to herself.
26-04-2006, 18:34
26-04-2006, 19:26
On a Distant world in the Anagonia home-systems, in the Jedi Order Temple, sat a reptilian figure in meditation. His eyes closed in solem respect for the Force, expanding his mind and growing his soul. A soft stream of light fell where he sat through an opening behind him, the only true light source at this point. Soft echoes of eternity filling the stone-walled room in this Ancient Temple, and soft whisperes of past Masters silently expressing their wisdom of old.
However, a ripple occured, as if reality had a wave run through it. A soft intake of breath, heavy and sudden, as David Zeus opened his reptilian eyes. The whisperes came from serene, to silent, they knowing all too well the revelation that had just been gained by this young Jedi Master.
"Palpatine, Overlord of the Sith, has been reborn." He closed his eyes again, beginning to go back into meditation. "Ready the Order, but fear not, for his eyes do not befall us."
Footsteps in the darkness signaled the order was to be given, softly echoing as the person went about his duties. Anagonian Orders of Sith and Jedi would have already known of the ripple, but David would soon call a council to discuss the revelation.
For now, however, he exhaled gently, returning to the Wisdom and Whispers of past Jedi.
Nightshade sat, beweildered, bleeding from a thousand cuts inflicted by none other than her Master. She had power, yes. But she failed. The thought weighed heavily on her. She failed...
And yet...she still lived. There was still a chance to redeem herself. She redoubled her resolve. Never again...never again will she fail. No matter how long it takes, no matter what she must do to redeem herself, she will not fail again.
She will slink into the Shadows and obey her returned Master like the good little Sith she was. For she was once more the apprentice to the Master, once more the mere speck of darkness that is but a part of the whole that is Palpatine...
OOC: CW, Aelikes is still on Coruscant so far as I know. Is it possible to do a GE meeting with the new Reborn Palpatine (how many times has this happened now for Palpatine? Like... 4?). If we need to do something on IM.... Dad's finnaly got my computer's iChat to work, and it counts as an AIM. Can't do anything for the next four days. Music trip to D.C.
<And it looks like Palpatine is back. I can feel his presence here on Coruscant,> Aelikes was talking to his master, Darth Trilkan via Hologram.
"How did he come back? We have found our own path of immortality, but it looks like he's got something better than ours."
<I don't know master. But I have a feeling it has to do with ancient Sith powers which even the Kirtir haven't found out about yet.>
Trilkan paused for a moment.
<Master?> Aelikes's voice started to grow heavy from talking. Tiresome. It's been buisy at Coruscant.
"Seek him out. Find him."
<Hmph. There's something very different about Palpatine this time. It's like... He's here and he's not here. Like... He's now a space filling the dark void.>
"It's as I thought then.... Go to Nightshade. Perhapse we could finnaly get a meeting started with the leaders of the GE and discuss the recent events..."
<As you command master,> Aelikes shut off the holographic projection and sat down on his bed. He closed his eyes and prepaired to meditate. The Emperor had recalled all ships. Something big is Happening. Something.... Grand. Aelikes will have to think on this as he meditates.
Mini Miehm
27-04-2006, 01:32
The Miehmish forces deployed throughout the galaxy in various roles set courses directly for the nearest Alliance system. Whatever was going down, it was big.
OOC: AIM is OPwhiteguy I can relay with you for CW.
Unified Sith
27-04-2006, 02:40
OOC: This is the first time in NS history that Palpatine has been reborn I believe, wait no possibly the second.... Ge thingy coming in seperate thread, just hold on all until I get a GE thread up and running. :)
"Peace is a lie
There is only passion
Through passion I gain strength
Through strength I gain power
Through power I gain victory
Through victory my chains are broken
The Force shall set me free."
The dark shadow of the force writhed upon the bleak throne, twisting and turning it was obvious that the creature, whatever it was, certainly wasn't alive, but yet it was apparant, that it certainly wasn't dead either. Whisping through the lightless, shapeless forms, the void twisted and contorted as it congealed and bubbled, the dark still unsure on how to consume the light.
Once more Coruscant had become the center of galactic attention, all eyes, foreign or domestic were now focused on the giant pyramid of the Imperial Palace. All thoughts curious as to the future of the Galaxy......
Would Palpatine bring peace? Would he bring war? Or would he bring fire and destruction upon all? These were the questions that filtered through the public mind, everyone unsure on how to behave at the news of the Emperors dignified return.
Contorting in shadow, the black had finished its contemplation. The black had decided the fate of all. "Lord Sirus?"
"Yes master?"
"We have a new ally within the force, I can sense him from here...... Our ally is strong and vengeful. He must be called, he must swear fealty to the force...."
Sirus lifted his covered head, the crimson robes of the Imperial guard clashing against the void of power on the throne. "Who is this ally Majesty, who is this force user?"
"His name my apprentice, is Chronos. His desire..... is power... Something which at this moment in time, he lacks......."
Somewhere on Tenetia
The furious crashes of water persisted throughout the night, the grand waterfalls offering no comfort for one who had just endured battle and war. The place in question was no larger than a cave, a small den for vagabonds and thieves all too busy to flee instead of outsmarting the horror of the security forces. But this fugitive was no fool, this fugitive had been destined to succeed, his name would soon be recorded in the great history's of the Galaxy.
As the lone warrior began to rest, his eyes would only be able to focus on the burning fire. His mind unable to concentrate on anything other than the physical. As the fires died, and the embers dulled, the shadow slowly stretched throughout the domain, the darkness slowly consuming the black, until, at the end, there was only Chronos the Sith, surrounded by the dark side. Without warning or introduction, the darkside broke its silence, the void erupted in silent conversation.
"Darth Chronos." It snarled. "You will come to Sector Zero, Zero, Zero, and complete your training. Darth Chronos..... you will come to Coruscant, to have your revenge....."
The dark withdrew from the chamber, allowing, however slightly, only a few last embers to burn.... their ashes serving as a reminder to all of their impending fate.
OOC: This is the first time in NS history that Palpatine has been reborn I believe, wait no possibly the second.... Ge thingy coming in seperate thread, just hold on all until I get a GE thread up and running. :)
Ok... So that's three for the book, and one for NS. I would like to tell you my plans for Emperor Trilkan over AIM when I get back.
About that meeting,
I can wait. I have to anyways. While I'm gone, can you TG me the link so I can get to it when I get back on monday? I'll also probably beable to TG you my AIM too by then. Get into buisness. Now that I have an AIM account, I'll beable to participate in more conversations. More fun for me.
The WIck
27-04-2006, 17:41
The champions of the New Republic were long faded from history replaced by the Masaki Dynasty of the Coreworlds. This political unit had ruled most its people justly and fairly for many years until Emperor Palpatine had returned. The forces of good were shattered by the new threat and beaten, but those who rule nations due so not indefinitely and in time the pendulum had completed its rotation. The Coreworlds remerged backed by a new Rebel Alliance and they formed a new Republic the likes of which had not been seen since ancient times. This New Republic was not what it seemed however, in reality it was a cover for the resurgent Palpatine to regain his power, to sow seeds of discontent and discord, and to thoroughly corrupt the new system. He succeeded and a new bitter war was fought, in the end the Coreworlds and Jedi were devastated and Nightshade had come to power. The remnants of the Core saw to themselves and their former allies among the Rebel Alliance sought for their own defense. Now almost a decade later the darkness had returned. (A little NS history from my perspective)
+ + +
Munto Codru
Outer Rim
There was an audible series of gasps and mutters of shock as the Imperial Task Force suddenly reversed their course and entered hyperspace. As suddenly as the raid against the world had began it was now over. Munto Codru was one of the more important colony planets of Mon Calamari, supplying the home planet with foodstuffs and other essentials. Mon Calamari of course was stalwartly independent in the politics of the Galaxy and a known member of the former Alliance against the GE. Together with its other allies on the Rim it represented a potent foe.
Munto Codru was being raided only moments before by the local Moff who operated out near the systems of the Corporate sector, his forces looking for quick profit and to wreck some damage on their long time opponents. But it was over and why?
“Damn peculiar sir, I just don’t understand why…” muttered a young Lieutenant.
“Cant say I have any answers for you Jeff, but im not inclined to complain at the moment.” The commander a veteran of the War for the Republic would take good news where ever and when ever he could get it.
Far away on the farming planet of Agular a man knew the answer, he was a large man, his form thick with muscle and power, his hands rugged and callused. He was bent over in a field whacking at the hard soil with a hoe only moments before. He stood, his face pitted with scars from an old electrical burns, his hair was now more grey then black. His eyes were hard and cold. The locals for a second did not believe he had always been a farmer, but many people had secrets and by all accounts the man just wanted to live he retired life in peace. That would not be possible now….He had returned…Palpatine, and he has made Nightshade into something dangerous again, and former Jedi Master, and Knight Errant Hawkins had a score to settle.
“The galaxy now begins its fall into darkness.” The deep baritone of his voice predicted. The hoe whacked into the mud with more force now…there would be time still.
Yuuzhan'tar - Imperial Citadel
A great darkness spreads across the face of the galaxy. An evil taint. A cloud of dark energy. Palpatine has returned. The Sith rule once more. Lord Kunra sat cross-legged in his meditation chambers, allowing the Force to flow around him, through him, for him. The Force serves those with the power to wield it, not the other way round. Embracing all his passions at once, Kunra engulfed himself in the power of the dark side. But something new crept into his consciousness. Another power. The darkest of darknesses, emanating from the Core. To feel the darkness even from the very edge of the galaxy was astounding. Something - no someone - immensely powerful and unquestionably dark had made itself known. But what?
Leaving his mediations for later, Kunra stood and rushed off to the Imperial Court. Whatever this darkness was, there would surely be news of it racing across the galaxy. What it was, Kunra did not know. He did know, however, that it was powerful - more so than even he was - and that distressed him. That much power... it was unthinkable. Whoever you are, whatever you are... I shall find you and then decide whether you are worthy of my fealty...
28-04-2006, 22:21
So. Palpatine has returned. An unexpected surprise.
I thought him dead, from a heart attack of all things. We all did. But Old Darkest Prune of All just couldn't stay dead. He had to come back, cackling like the insane emperor he is, plotting the Jedi's demise.
And that of my family, most powerful of all, most capable of dealing with Palpatine and his minions. So it is with much disagreement (and a argument with Katrina) that I decided to go to Coruscant myself. As Coreworld's leader, I felt that it was my job to do it. Not just to scope out just how powerful the Old Crone has become. Not just to gather information on the Empire's new slaves or trade insults with my sister. But I do it because I want to give him a message.
No matter where he's gone. No matter what brought him back and increased his addiction to power. No matter what nefarous plan he cooks up to turn the galaxy into his personal Hell...
The Masakis will be there to stop him. I will be there to stop him. And until the day I, my friends and family, and the many allies Coreworlds cherish, finally get rid of him once and for all...
We will keep fighting him. For as long as it takes. For however many lives the coming war must take, we will keep fighting the Emperor Palpatine, Darkest Lord of the Sith until the very day he is defeated now and forevermore...or until the very last spark of light is extinguished.
That is the bottom line. Thus begins the next chapter of the War Between Good and Evil. Light and Darkness.
Winner take all.
I climb into my X-wing. "Let's go, Rocky."
"Come back soon!" Katrina yelled. "If you don't I'll kill you myself!"
"I will or my name isn't Daniel Alexander Masaki!" I yelled back as my astromech ignited the throttle.
"You better..." Katrina whispered as the X-wing rose into the sky and disappeared in a flash of light. "You better..."
28-04-2006, 22:42
The Galactic Republic had aged, very much so, through the demise of the Galactic Empire and the Sith Throne. The Orders of the Light and Dark, Jedi and Sith, had grown more balanced within Anagonia, forming its own Force that seemed to be unique to all else. It was almost as if the Force within the Republics borders seemed to criss-cross, live off everything within, become independent of that which it was. But, of course, this was all just an extension of how the Orders were. The Force was one, and always would be. That was the lasting lesson tought, and learned.
Yet such an independence from outside influence would be shattered as the Force was once again reuinted to all outside itself. A massive wave was to overtake every Order within Anagonia, bringing with it meetings between Masters and Leaders, Teachers and Students, Comrades and Brethren. It would have been finally decifered, perhaps from the moment the wave was felt, that Palpatine had returned, stronger than ever. In ending, it would be instituted a plan to investigate the darkness, to gather information, to know the rebirth truthfully.
Caster Oblivion would be sent to properly investigate, to fulfill the curiosity of the Orders. Having become a Neutral Force User, trained in the arts of Light and Dark, Caster hid himself beneath the desguise of a mild-mannered Chief Foreign Adviser, Game Reviewer, and common Thrill Seeker. He was the true desire of any woman in Anagonia, and thats how he wanted it to be, to have every eye off his secret life.
It would be times like this that would draw out his "Secret Life". In these times, his complextion, attitude, and mental outlook changed to a more stern and focused individual. Normally, he would live life to the fullest with every adventure imaginable, which grounded others belief to what he wanted them to believe about himself. But now, no, he couldn't be that. It was the serious times.
Caster would gaze outward of the small craft heading for Coruscant, the stars passing gently as eternity flew by. He looked young, able, capable, so full of life. But this was to hide the serious warrior within, and to allow that warrior time to relax and enjoy himself. Sighing gently as he looked over his comunications-pad, skimming over his orders again. Too bad Melkos wasn't chosen, he would think to himself, he and Palpatine would get along pretty well.
Unified Sith
29-04-2006, 01:07
The grand and opulent throne room was now fully decorated. Great banners of the Imperial crest were hanging from the marble roof, while at every mighty pillar red robed guards awaited the entry of the Emperor.
Palpatine was no longer a shimmer of shapeless shadow, instead he had taken on a more human shape, but still hidden beneath his white and gold robes was the dark, merely veiled from view.
The ceremony of fealty was due to be conducted in a mere three hours, the surprise and guests were all due to be arriving shortly, and the emperor sensed that an old friend was on route, an old enemy.... Daniel will surely enjoy the festivities the dark chuckled, Jedi are so fond of the light.
Taking his place on the throne, the Emperor awaited the arrival of his allies, friends, and enemies.....
Night had slowly descended on Arrakeen. Dust from a storm earlier that day filled courtyard of the Imperial Palace. There, in the humble yard hidden from public view, history was about to be made. The Padishah Emperor would be leaving.
It was decided that it would only be right for the Padishah Emperor to approach Palpatine personally. To do this, an excursion must be made from the capital world of Arrakis. It would be the first time any Emperor has ever left the boundaries of his realm.
The Emperor’s Mentat, Krath Jurnoh, was not enthusiastic about the journey, but also agreed that it was important that they meet Palpatine face to face. The Padishah Emperor and his Mentat, along with a group of guards and lieutenants, strode outside unceremoniously to a shuttle that would take them to the massive Heighliner VIII ship, which awaited its royal passenger in the cold space above the city.
The giant ship was packed full of gifts for this Emperor Palpatine. Hopefully, his majesty would be pleased by them.
When everything was accounted for, the ship’s Holtzman generator activated and the navigator steered the ship through folds in space. The Heighliner VIII emerged in space outside of Coruscant, and signaled its arrival and the intentions of the Padishah Emperor to meet with Palpatine.
The Emperor's shuttle, a sleek golden craft, was lowered out of the hanger in the bottom of the vessel. It closed in on Coruscant and landed where it was instructed. The Emperor, along with Jurnoh and some of his lieutenants, made their way to the throne room.
Padishah Emperor Donalbin VI did not immediately recognize that Palpatine was in the room. He was taking in his surroundings, and, as mighty as the Padishah Emperor often made himself out to be, the first sighting of a new world was a quite humbling and fascinating experience. No cities even near the scale of Coruscant existed in the Padishah Empire.
After a few seconds, his eyes wandered to the throne. He threw himself upon the ground. That figure must be the architect of this place. A grand empire this is. The others behind Donalbin followed their Emperor's lead and kneeled.
Donablin straightened himself out, making the stitching in his robes more apparent. They were red cobras, the symbol of the House Garindi. Upon inspection of the Emperor, the only out of the ordinary feature that could be found about him were his eyes. They contained no white or black, but were instead completely covered in a light shade of blue. The mark of a Fremen, those eyes were often compared to cloudy sapphires.
The Padishah Emperor then composed himself, and spat on the ground near him. Quickly, it dawned on him that this may not have been the proper action to take. He explained himself “Please accept the gift of my body’s moisture, my lord.”
The WIck
29-04-2006, 03:08
It had been twelve years since Hawkins had set foot on the Imperial Center, he never wanted to ever return, yet here he was. The last time he had been on planet he witnessed the fall of a government and the murder of many of his friends. It was not a place of happy memory at all.
For all the military might of the Imperial Fleet and the immensity of its Empire, it was still relatively easy for anyone to secure a trip to the planet, acting as tourists from a back water agricultural world. With the trillions of inhabitants and tourist it was like being a needle in a haystack. Of course utilizing ones force powers made the process ever more simple. Hawkins though spent most his entire time without utilizing any force powers, keep a lid on the pot so to speak. When one had the magnitude of power he did its use even slightly would give away his position to his enemies.
And so it was that the middle aged veteran who has retired to a back breaking life of farmer pulled his only cloak over his head and disappeared into the crowd…
"So... the dark energy... it is the one called Palpatine? Most interesting... Most interesting indeed. I was under the impression he was dead..."
Lord Kunra stood before yet another terrified subordinate, staring into the tiny orbs of fear that were the mans' eyes. Sometimes he felt pity for these men... sometimes... Mostly though, he enjoyed the terror he inspired in others. Reveled in it, fed on it even. To most, there was no sight more disconcerting than his heavily tatooed and scarred face - in accordance with his peoples' practices - hidden behind the mechanical voice-box apparatus ( a la Darth Malak ).
"Y...y...yes Lord Kunra... He was, but evidently the Force works in more mysterious ways than we believed..." Before he could even finish his sentence, the man's voice was replaced with choked gargling as an invisible vise closed round his throat.
"You dare question my knowledge of the Force? You dare insinuate that my mastery over it is somehow incomplete?!" the dark lord nearly shouted. The only response was further gurgling and a final strangled exhale before the man dropped dead. Turning to a second subordinate, he continued the conversation he'd just been having. "This Palpatine lives, hm? He has reclaimed the Imperial throne?"
"Yes, m'lord."
"Most interesting indeed. Ready my flagship. I will proceed to Coruscant immediately and see this Palpatine myself. Perhaps he is worthy of the fealty of the Yuuzhan Vong... Send word ahead of me. Tell them I come to offer the services of the Reborn Yuuzhan Vong Empire."
30-04-2006, 00:25
I broke hyperspace in a small flash of light and descended on the familiar world of Coruscant. I noticed a subtle (but noticable if you know what you're looking for) increase in darkness since the last time I was here. No surprise, considering who's in charge. Again.
Normally, the Imperial Navy would love a chance to blast me out of the sky for daring to set foot on Coruscant, but this was a time of truce, a time that will not last forever, but still a time to take measure of enemies and allies alike who deign to see if the Emperor has truly risen for their own eyes. I set down on a docking port and I noticed a familiar presence as I stepped down.
"Nightshade." I said calmly, turning around to face my sister. I noticed she looked haggard. Her eyes were bloodshot and she acquired a lot more scars than ever before. Perhaps Palpatine did something to her?
"Brother." Nightshade answered, a sneer visible on her face. "How like you to skirt danger so."
"How like you to be usurped again." I smirked, needling her. Anger rolled off her, but she controlled it well.
"Come. The festivities await." Nightshade answered coldly. An airship piloted by a clone flew by and docked at the edge. I checked for traps, ingrained as it is in me, and found none so far. Still, I won't trust my worst enemies as far as I can Force-throw them.
Nightshade and I entered the airship and sat side by side. How long has it been since we did that? I asked myself as I put up my cloak's hood. Too long...much too long...
It didn't take long to arrive at the Imperial Palace. Already, people were arriving to meet the Emperor Reborn and 'enjoy' the festivities. Nightshade and I stepped off the aircar to join them...
New Dornalia
30-04-2006, 00:44
Somewhere in Santa Fe, New Mexico-
Junko Tadanobu felt a powerful force as she sat down for tea. She had just had a hard day-answering to those damned politicians in the Secretariat was a feat a lesser man would have made into a disaster. She had just left her personal shuttle, and arrived at her personal ranch, The XKJ.
She liked oolong tea. As she came to sip though, it tasted bitter. Then, she felt a horrid presence. Like...no. It was an evil force. As she stared into her cup, she saw a dark abyss and pure hatred.
Then, her past as a Star Wars fan began to play with her imagination, and she began to form an opinion....
She thought he was a mere movie creation.
Emperor Palpatine.
She gasped, and dropped the cup. She then got up, and then said to her pilot, "Jacky. Fire up the shuttle. We're going to Coruscant."
The pilot looked at her like she was covered in old fish.
She then said, "Do it or your nuts become much warmer."
Jacky then said, "Roger."
Santa Fe High School-
Marianne Dalladier, a seemingly ordinary Senior in a New Dornalian High School, got out of fourth block. Damned Freddy Turgidson. He was a jackass, and it wasn't her fault she accidentally choked him with the Force, and then used it to push his iPod into overdrive and delete all his songs. She was a techie and a Christian philosopher. Not an "emo kid."
Besides, what did he know? She was mankind's Superwoman. A line of defense. She was comfortable with it. Eerily so. She didn't talk about it; it was a national Secret; besides, she felt her own origins somewhat mysterious. Officially French-Canadian-American, adopted when her parents died in a car crash in Montreal, she seemed to be something more....
She slammed the locker shut, and slung up her pack. She waved goodbye to her friend Melissa, and then walked out to her car. As she walked out, Junko came up to her, and said, "Ms. Dalladier?"
Marianne was surprised. What did this woman want?
Junko then said, "Come with me."
Marianne then felt compelled to follow. It was as if she understood...maybe it was the feeling of doom Junko projected. As if some grave threat was going to bring death to all New Dornalia. As if her mind, deep in her subconscious, compelled her to follow. And, knowing that she was born for this purpose (she was aware of being trained for some emergency, but she didn't recall her true origins as a clone), she followed.
The Gagarin II Shuttle thus moved forth, and leaving Earth (after Marianne got her things), entered hyperspace, bound for Coruscant. She would meet Palpatine.
The Humankind Abh
30-04-2006, 03:01
On a timeless world, a nameless planet, a being stood on the threshold of an old earthen temple. Black sunglasses looked up at the pulsating sun that heated the tropical world. The scale that maintained balance in the universe was being tipped to one side. Long blue hair lifted in the warm breeze as he took a few steps down the stairs. It was time to see what this new force was and how it would try to shape the universe.
A ship was hovering next to the temple. It almost seemed alive as it waited for one that could pilot it. Arcane symbols appeared on the multitude of green and brown colored side and an entry was open. Silently, the ship rose from the ground slowly at first and then shot off towards the dark vastness of space. It's destination was Curoscant, the source of strange anomonalies and a attraction of foreign powers whether they be good or evil.
The ship merely vanished and was gone as it approached Curoscant. There was one name planted in his mind. One name that seemed to cause this overbalance in the universe. Palpatine.
After a long journey from across the Galaxy, the small escort fleet arrived at Coruscant. The numerous ships prepared to maintain orbit as only a few shuttles would be sent down to the Imperial Palace with the Lord Mistress.
Requesting clearance for landing of three Imperial shuttles at the Imperial Palace. The Lord Mistress of DMG is en route to visit the
After receiving the go ahead, the three shuttles departed from the star destroyer and soared towards the planet's surface. In no time they landed near the Imperial Palace and opened their doors. Out of two of the flanking shuttles marched two hundred of the elite Executioners (http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b360/DMG2005/Executioner.jpg): the division of the military dedicated to the defense and protection of the Council and Lord Mistress. They are the best of the best and loyal beyond all doubt.
From the third transport came a file of twenty Greys, all with their lightsaber at their sides. When they had made a pathway, out stepped the radiant Lord Mistress Dani (http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b360/DMG2005/Dani.jpg) - who was followed shortly behind by Master Kendo Zayne (http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b360/DMG2005/KendoZayne.jpg)
They had arrived...
01-05-2006, 05:24
The Anagonian shuttle landed in the last designated spot it had been allowed to many decades before on Coruscant. They knew they were welcomed, and did not need any invitations or permissions. Afterall, before the Emperor allowed them, welcomed their presence. Why would he cast them out now?
Caster Oblivion, feeling the Dark Force from the planet, cautiously exited to shuttle to go about his investigational, and ambassadorial, duties.
Emperor Palpatine II
01-05-2006, 08:30
Out of hyperspace came the small frigate sized black adamantium Sith cruiser. It's small lithe form cut through the blackness of space quickly, with speed. It looked as if it had been molded from a starless depth of space, hardly any light reflecting from its smooth surface.
Darth Polarus manuevered the ship down to the surface of the metropolis, getting through the security with ease.
It had been some time since he had seen Curoscant, since he had found his treasure in it's dark depths. And again he had come, to find the man whom he might call master, if he should be worthy.
The large cruiser landed in a large pod area next to the Imperial Palace. Several dozens of other ships, marked with their nations symbols and sigals, were on other landing pods. Stormtroopers and Imperial Guard were everywhere, escorting dignitaries and guarding.
Polarus covered his head of black hair, pulling his black cowl over his head, hiding his face in shadow; his bright green eyes glowing in the dark.
A troop of stormtroopers marched forward and the sergeant raised his hand. "Identify yourself."
"I am Darth Polarus, here to pay homage to the Lord Emperor Palpatine," Polarus said, bending the sergeants mind at the same time.
"Very well, go on," the sergeant said, not even noticing Polarus.
Polarus nodded and smiled to himself, walking past the troopers and into the main entry hall of the palace. Seeing a line of dressed up dignitaries he fell in line and followed. They were heading into what looked like a large throne room. In there, Polarus felt a massive pressence in the force. Polarus masked himself before coming off his ship, so he felt that he could observe for some time without being noticed.
Neo Zeta
01-05-2006, 12:47
" He has returned the dark one who's power i had sensed through the force so long ago has returned. It is almost like haveing a lost sense returned." Lucifer said as his sith knight noded.
" Soon the Jedi hunt will begian agian and the last few powers who can stop me from reclaiming what is mine will be gone."
" My lord if Neo Zeta were destroyed in a war then......." the knight was cut off " I do not care for the lives of the people nore the empire. I will rule of ruins if i must but i will rule it one day. Neo Zeta will be mine once more and the Jedi hunted down every last one of them. And this time no one will stop me.The dark side's powers are unmatched and with the return of this dark one the dark side will cover all." Lucifer said with a smile on his face as he looked up into the sky to a star in a far away system.
OOC: Long tag
01-05-2006, 17:04
A lone figure; darkness clouding him, took to the skies. He had stolen the vessel; much as he had during the Weyrish wars; escaping the world with the High KIng in his grasp. Now; he fled to Coruscant; hunted; hated; feared. Nightshade feared him; his power. That he had returned from beyond the mindless gulf, by means she could not fathom; surely that must terrify her. And now; hurtling through the void towards Coruscant, requesting familiar landing quarters in long abandoned codes and ancient tones.
He had not been here in so long. He had betrayed his blood; his Empire, to serve a new Master; only to be betrayed by his own apprentice. A terrible state of affairs. She should have killed him. But now; his determination rising, his destiny at hand; she would regret that she had not.
His Master would remake him...
Nova Boozia
02-05-2006, 21:38
Schnapsemarschall Morlok considered himself a diplomat. Most Boozians did. Most... everyone else considered him a violent, impulse, psychotic nutjob. But in Boozia, this meant he was very diplomatic. His shuttle hung outside his little, winy office on the middle floors of Scharnhorst keep. Palaces and thrones were for grander rulers than the scarred old man. That, or people insecure in their power and determined to flaunt it.
With the ominous creek she seemed to always meke when openeing any kind of door Kapitan Menkeln entered the room, clad in her ever present navy greatcoat.
"Schnapsemarschall. You wanted me."
"Ahh, Kapitan, you do not need to act so formal. We are not having this meeting. Commissar Erhardt assured me. Now, as to why I brought you, I want your ship. Specifically, I want you and your crew. We're going to see Palpatine..."
Menkeln flinched. Morlok was more opened minded about "trans-humans" than most. Menkeln's mind was sealed tight.
"It will be fine, Hilde, you just have to..."
"Yeah, drop the damn sword, I know. I'll come."
It was a Boozian that an officer of both services should attend such a meeting, and lay down their swords. It was a humungous gesture, because it meant, in short, "you win".
A little later, the infamous Zu Reiben Axt entered Coruscant orbit and requested permission to deploy a shuttle.
Unified Sith
04-05-2006, 03:41
OOC: In regards to everyone posting fealty, sadly there was way too many posts to give everyone an individual reply, so I had to bulk refer to them in this post. I do however intend to roleplay with each and everyone of you in the future. Everyone who posted is of course a member of the Galactic Empire, and please add me onto MSN at Wardventure1@aol.com or AIM me on DaniW727.
Opulent, grand, Imperial are the three words that can be used to describe the greatest room in the Galaxy, the Emperors chamber, the seat of power, the Obsidian throne. Commander Sixty Six was one of the few clones allowed entry into this most prestigious event.
Before the Obsidian Throne was an arrayed guest list which ran into the thousands. Governors, heads of state, aides and military advisors all stood before the great circle that was the Imperial Cog.
Much like the senate chamber of old, the Emperors preparation room lay below the hall, his throne situated on an unextended platform which at this very moment was powering up, it's hydraulic arm ready to operate.
The day prior many envoys had pledged their fealty to the reborn emperor, many states now once more officially recognising the Empires military, technical and political superiority. But yet, there were those that persisted in defiance.... Sixty Six glanced upon Daniel Masaki. "Stinking Jedi" He said out loud.
"Yes Sir." A nameless subordinate responded. Sixty Six turned ever so slightly, the signal had been given and the Emperors podium was rising. Grabbing his E-11 blaster the clone commander stood to attention and began marching, leading the Imperial elite on parade. As the great cog in the centre opened to reveal the plunge below, the Imperial Sixty Second Legion formed a tight but solid circle around the rising dias. Looking up, Sixty Six caught the main murals of the throne room, the vestiges of Empire long past engraving themselves verily upon the educated mind. There were three of them, one, an artists magnificent rendering of the Death Star above Jurai, the second, the death of Andrew Masaki, his body charred by multiple blaster shots; and the third, the third was a blank canvass.....
The lights above quickly dwindled, the noise of the power cuts vibrating throughout the palace, until there was only one light, dim and shadowed. Rising until it was slightly elevated the Obsidian Throne dominated the chamber, the dark consumed and enveloped everything, until only one thing was visible, the Emperor Reborn. Sixty Six smiled in the Jedi's direction, though his helmet prevented any view, though the dark prevented any sight, he was sure it would be noted.
"Friends, allies, loyal subjects, I have gathered you here today to bear witness to a momentous occasion which will be forever noted in the annals of The Galactic Empire. The shadowed form writhed on the throne, the dark Sapphire eyes glaring towards the assembled crowd. "Today, you all shall be the first to experience the Galaxies rebirth into a peaceful "Golden Age." The roof began to retract, the thunderous mechanisms grinding past each other revealing the planets sun bathed in light. "Today, will mark the end of conflict, physical, mental and force, today my Galaxy WILL BE SECURE." A round of applause re-sounded from the crowd, causing the Emperor to pause. "In order to insure the continuation of the Empire, and extend its political and military strength through no force of arms, I have elected to pursue a policy of Galactic Rebirth. Every system, every world and every race shall come to realise the true nature of the force, every being will not go untouched by this new era, of peace and prosperity" The shadowed form turned its attention upon one person within the crowd, the face comprised of shadow peered towards one lone Jedi Knight, the eyes digging and searching, trying in vain to grasp the soul. "Ladies and Gentleman..... let there be night...."
Sixty Six, along with the rest of the assembled crowd looked up into Coruscants bustling skyline, the clone looked past the veil of pollution and fumes, he searched past the endless stream of speeders and transports and found his goal, the sun.... Darkening and dimming the jewel of the Galaxy was quickly losing its luster. The once great giant of orange and flame was quickening, it's corona eclipsing the nuclear fusion within, until, after a few moments, the star was a heavenly body composed of black, sightless flame.
Palpatine visibly rejoiced on the throne. "Since the dawn of time the Sith have yearned to destroy the light, now, I shall do the next best thing. The Sith shall consume it!"
OOC: For those who are unawares as to what's happened, the sun has just become a giant furnace that emits heat only, no light. As I said, a body of black flame.
04-05-2006, 04:00
Chronos watched from the shadows, appluading almost without thinking. To rob a star of light; to polarise existence by will alone. That was power. What were the Jedi and their craven allies next to such power? What was Nightshade and her whorish house; her wicked, kinslaying, vengeful brood. There he was, Andrew Masaki, his death magnificent in mural. He himself remembered well the death of Rebecca Masaki, that had set an entire series of events into Motion.
Now he watched, and he waited; waiting for the abscence of light to register; he embraced it. Darkness was his ally now; his shroud; his shield. Damned be the bitch who had drove him here and blessed be his returned Master. The Galaxy would burn; and the fires would be black as night.
04-05-2006, 04:28
Caster Oblivion actually felt fear for the first time in century of his life. He felt it, pure and unrestrained. It was the darkest fear he had ever felt, something that was so primal in his mind he couldn't bear it. It was impossible, in his mind, to conceive that the Sith had finally consumed their greatest enemy. The Light of the sun had been taken away, the Light of the Galaxy would be also. This was a dark omen for things to come, for Caster was of the Light, and seeing this he knew in his SOUL he would be next.
...but something reached for his fearful soul, and grasped it. It was something familiar, something welcome. The Light took over in him again, more powerful than ever. It reassured him everything would be alright, even if his death were to come. It comforted his existance, and comforted his demise. It stood beside him, came inside him to build his strength.
The Light came to his aide, as did his Comrades in the Councils. Someone sensed his fear, and he was ever greatful for their assistance.
Sighing, reassured and regaining his posture, Caster grinned at the display of Dark Power. It wasn't enough to make him fall in hopelessness, it was just enough to make fear present. Now, however, the fear was gone, and could not be brought back. He laughed under his breath, knowing all too well the plans of the Empire now. He stood there, a platform for the Jedi and Sith councils within his Galactic Nation. His mind and soul reached, and told all it could through the Force before the discovery of his betrayal would be known.
Caster gave one gaze towards the Emperor Reborn, smirking a smirk through eternity at it. The Darkness could not suprise the Light now....and something....
Something stood ready to save him should the emperor seek his demise, he knew it. The Force told him of it, the Force was strong in this feeling. But Caster didn't get cocky, he wouldn't....no...perhaps it was just his reassurance the Light would take him when he died.
Grinning now towards the Emperor, making sure no intimidation was present in his gaze, he shook his head. Exodus would begin soon, the Light had to be preserved, for this Darkness could never cut it completely out.
"Foolish Emperor," he said under his breath, "Light is just as eternal as Darkness, one cannot exist without the other." Gazing around at the stormtroopers and represenitives, he looked back at the Emperor. "You never had us in loyalty from the start."
Nova Boozia
04-05-2006, 07:41
Menkeln was gaping, muttering under her breath about "crazy half-wit trans-humans eating the fucking sun!". Morlok, as ever, kept his cool. He was even chuckling.
"Even he who is wiser then the wise may err, young Kapitan. And despite all his hallowed power which he has demonstrated so graphically, Palpatine is either lieing or has made a serious mistake. There can be no peaceful galaxy, for while their are people who still feal love and hate and anger, and all the things that people should feal, they will answer the call to battle. And this incident is going to make the fools who think peace can last get up in arms against "injustice". I love irony, except when it happens to me."
"True. But what's worrying me is this whole darkening thing. I always thought trans-humans were mad, but there are limits to bad taste." She turned to Caster.
"If this other transy nutjob wins, fine by me."
The Humankind Abh
04-05-2006, 14:43
Lamia's ship ripped the fabric of space and glided silently through normal space. He had arrived just in time to witness the rape of the sun that was there to lighten the world. Now, the darkness was absolute. Such a thing was considered an abomination to the figure. He could hear all things living cry out with the loss of their source of light. An imbalance in the universe never boded well and always lead to a time of chaos. To preserve order, there must be a balance in all things. No good without evil, no heaven without hell, and no light without darkness. Remove a single one and the result is chaos.
The ship aimed towards a docking port and sped towards it. It was not overly large so the ship should fit anywhere. Lamia's black boots clicked on the floor as he departed from the ship and out into the warm darkness. Dressed in black pants, black leather jacket, and black gloves with no fingers, he was an interesting sight indeed with his long blue hair and multi colored tips. His black sunglasses weren't necessary but he seemed to wear them no matter what.
Lamia made his way towards the Imperial Palace where he was to meet with Daniel Masaki.
04-05-2006, 16:57
The Darkening of the Suns
I tried not to look at the pictures adorned on the walls. They bring too many memories boiling to the fore. Dark memories. Hearing Palpatine's speech and reading between the lines, I got the impression that he's really saying, "I'm gonna rule the Galaxy with my Imperial Might and I dare anyone to challenge me! *Insert Evil Cackle*"
I wasn't proved wrong when I saw Coruscant's sun turn black.
People will long remember this terrible day that has just begun. I'm not alone in that. Few can impart fear in my body, in my psyche, in my soul, but Palpatine is one of them. Coruscant's sun, her light, has gone and all that's left is a black heat.
But you know what? Despite what Palpatine says, this is just the beginning. As long as there's light left in the galaxy, in the souls of beings willing to resist the darkness even if sacrifice is required, we will continue the struggle. My eyes shone with that determination as I stared straight into Palpatine's eyes, letting him know exactly what I think of his little sideshow.
My sister, however, almost danced with glee. I noted the way she grinned with an evil, almost fanatic smile at the darkening sun. Her powers are of darkness as well, and I know she would want to test the increase in power I sensed from her now. And guess who's the target...
Luckily, I noted another beacon of light and moved swiftly and discreetly towards him. "Lamia of the Abh. It's a pleasure to see you."
Foolish mortals.
They intend to try and control things, things out of their power. Celestial bodies, numerous 'states'. It has failed time, and time again. When will they figure out it is a futile struggle, for futile lives.
There is war brewing on the horizon, it is yet another time the races of the galaxy must learn that all things grand are futile.
We will not be involved in another pitiful war. No, it is time we take advantage of the conflict, and make ourselves prosperous.
The Humankind Abh
04-05-2006, 17:52
Lamia stood there staring back at Daniel blankly, emotionlessly. A small light flashed in unison with a voice that was imparted in Masaki's mind. Masaki, Daniel of Coreworlds. I have heard of you and you are known to the Betterman council. Those of the Jedi are all known to us and respected.
04-05-2006, 18:13
And those of the Abh are known and respected to us as well. I replied, then got down to business. Dark times are ahead. That lowering of the curtains is but the first scene in the first act of the next play known as The Galaxy. And we're the players.
Nova Boozia
04-05-2006, 18:55
"The parties breaking up. Time to find where people stand."
The little old man stood up and scanned the crowd. Force sensitive, (or, as Menkeln would put it, "transie") he may not have been, but Morlok knew all about crowds, reading the currents of rumor, the winds of idle chit-chat and the tides of public opinion as a navigator might plot a course through the warp.
"Menkeln. Get the uppity transie (OOC: Caster). I can see some GFFA types congregating."
They walked purposefully in the direction of their targets.
Gaia Rodina
04-05-2006, 20:33
In the Outer Rim, on the very edge of the Imperial border, floated the tiny blue planet of Nelvaan. Around this tiny blue planet floated the grandest defense network devised by the Horde other than the defenses of the Homeworlds. Since its liberation from the Chronosians and the Empire several years ago, the races of the Horde had worked tirelessly with their Federation allies to rebuild it. Even now, however, debris from the horrendously destructive Battle of Nelvaan flashed in the planet's atmosphere. The Horde had lost a fleet there. So had the Chronosians. Countless Federation and Imperial vessels had met their demise over this seemingly insignificant, low-gravity world.
Hamuul knew differently. He knew Nelvaan's true value.
He emerged from his cave, his cloven hooves sighing with delight as they sunk slightly into the soft grass. Leaning on his staff for support, the ancient tauren gazed out onto the plains. A pair of dog-headed Nelvaanian children played nearby, their laughter welcomed by the wisened shaman's ears the way a begger would welcome a loaf of bread. Hamuul Runetotem hadn't felt this alive in years. Not since he had left his homeworld of Kalimdor for the harsh wasteland that was the orcish Draenor. Draenor had once held a savage beauty, and some of the outlying provinces still did, but it had become terribly industrialized. Even the golden Spirit Lounge had begun to stink with the taint of the city.
But here...here was paradise. Even with the eternal twinkling of warships and defense platforms in orbit, the constant traffic of shuttles and supply vessels landing in the spaceports, and now the arrival of Federation dignitaries, Hamuul felt at home. If he was elected to High Shaman, he decided, he would back the Nelvaanian petition to join the Horde. The "Horde Confederacy" his human acquaintances had called it. "The Horde" seemed to roll off the tongue better.
Suddenly, a deep seething caught Hamuul's insides. He snorted, his bovine head shaking, and he sunk to one knee. Something was wrong. Terribly wrong.
The temple had just been completed a week ago, and already it bustled with life. Shamans from across the Horde gathered in its immense courtyard to enjoy Nelvaan's temperate climate when they weren't studying, sparring, or meditating. Soon enough, Jedi, Malkir, and all sorts of religious figures from the Federation would be joining them, but for now they enjoyed an exclusivity. The quiet of the day was shattered as a young girl doubled over in pain, her purple hair suddenly soaking and her tusks quivering. An older orc rushed over to her, tending to the novice shaman. Just as a panic began to set in, Hamuul arrived on the scene. He darted past the novices and journeymen (well, as much as a tauren can "dart") towards the temple proper and the comm array that was there. The fleet had to be warned.
Once again, the spirit world cried out. Once again, a dark force had risen near the galaxy's core.
But this time, they were ready for it.
04-05-2006, 21:21
Caster had been concentrating on the situation at hand, ignoring the obvious as he wondered what would happen next with everyone. He sensed many were of Light, and many were of Dark. He sensed the sides, the line, being drawn out here. This was the starting point, this was the beginning of the end.
...and then he saw a person (Menkeln) walking towards him, and gave a nod. He trained his Force towards his lightsber, just in case, extending it towards the person to grasp his motives before-hand.
The Humankind Abh
05-05-2006, 00:56
And those of the Abh are known and respected to us as well. I replied, then got down to business. Dark times are ahead. That lowering of the curtains is but the first scene in the first act of the next play known as The Galaxy. And we're the players.
This darkness threatens to spread throughout all of the universe. It will upset the precious balance of existance and throw us all into chaos. This we cannot allow to happen.
New Dornalia
05-05-2006, 02:15
The ND Shuttle entered Coruscant's space...and Junko witnessed with horror at the sun. It was black....very black....
She shook off the nagging suspicions. Somehow, the sight of a black sun made her "shake all over" to quote the Guess Who. Still, somebody had to come in and face the evil. She merely laughed as a result; besides, she was fighting Emperor Palpatine, whom she had only seen on old pre-Apocalypse DvD copies of Star Wars. It was every fan's dream.
Marianne, meanwhile, began reciting the 23rd Psalm quietly to herself, mumbling, "Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil." Marianne hadn't seen anything like this before. Yet it may have been her subconcious, or perhaps God talking. But something told her not to turn back.
The shuttle docked at the same dock Lamia used, and then Junko and Company proceeded to walk through the Palace corridors to meet with Daniel Masaki and Lamia. Together, they would present solidarity.
The WIck
05-05-2006, 03:50
When one had seen the things he had seen, experienced the loss he had, the Night was not so scary nor was it the darkest thing he had experienced.
Hawkins had found who he was looking for. He stood behind them a second and for a moment he was unable to control his anger for one of them.
"Danny Boy long time no see." The words were light almost friendly, well if Hawkins could be friendly, not anymore. "And Fiona you look a little worst for wear, I see Palpatine is the kind of Master who likes to beat his bitch into submission." He laugh now for the first time in a while. Hawkins own body did resemble hers in their scarring though Hawkins were wounds sustained fighting the Sith or mostly from the Lords of Chaos from the time they capture him years ago. Chronosia he reflected was not a good party host.
The Padishah Emperor watched this phenomenon like others might watch a performance. It was truly an exciting spectacle. The Emperor could not say that he understood it, as he was not well informed on the nature of the force, light or dark. He did realize the significance of what he had just seen, however.
This man has powers beyond those that I have seen from any other single man, thought the Padishah Emperor. His strength in his leadership shows in the grand empire he has built. The only thing I know that is comparable to a man that can drain the light of a star is the shai-hulud, who can drain the life of a planet.
The Emperor could sense the excitement in the air. He was not sure what was about to happen, but he prepared himself mentally by heightening his awareness and controlling his breathing.
05-05-2006, 15:42
This darkness threatens to spread throughout all of the universe. It will upset the precious balance of existance and throw us all into chaos. This we cannot allow to happen.
Neither will we...or our allies for that matter. I noted, sensing some people from Earth and the rogue Knight Hawkins. "Nice to see you again, Hawkins." I said neutrally. Turning to the ND people, I smiled. "How do you do?"
Nightshade seethed at the insult, but held her tongue. Wouldn't do to embarrass the Empire now. "I hope you enjoyed the show, my old friend. There will most definitely be more to come, mark my words..."
Nova Boozia
05-05-2006, 16:37
Menkelns motives appeaered in a kind of psychic equivelant to block capitals, and were immediately "get information off the transie" and in the long term "kill". Not aware of the mental probing, she marched swiftly over to him.
"We haven't had the pleasure. Kapitan Menkeln, schnapsemarine, commanding officer of the Zu Reiben Axt. And you are?"
Morlok, meanwhile, took a less direct approach, merely sipping a beer and pondering as he strained his ears to catch the conversation between the GFFA representatives. He thought, idly and without any real purpose, about the symbolism of Palpatine's gesture. How strange that light and dark, mere sensory states, like load and quiet, should become so abstracted, especially in a galaxy, universe even, that was full of justice and bigotry and war and peace and chaos and order and al the things that meant something, no matter what time of day left you more vulnerable to tigers.
05-05-2006, 17:11
I see, Caster Oblivion thought to himself as he gained the new insight about this one, very interesting how we're precieved in the galaxy today.
With a smiles and a bow of his head, Caster gave acknowledgement to Kaptain Menkeln. He had been in these situations before, and knowing this new person would more than love to hear an earfull, he would speak his mind to her. Of course, allowing her to do anything other than gain information would never be allowed, or so he intended it to be.
"Greetings Comrade Menkelns, I am Caster Oblivion, Chief of Foreign Affairs and Activities for the Galactic Republic of Anagonia." He continued his smile as he talked, "I came here to see this new Emperor, and to observe the new players on the galactic scene." He waved a hand towards her, noting her very blunt attitude. "You?"
The Humankind Abh
05-05-2006, 19:27
Lamia bowed in greetings to the representative from New Dornalia. His lipid channel flashed along with a voice that was emparted into the delegates mind. Greetings.
New Dornalia
05-05-2006, 20:44
Lamia bowed in greetings to the representative from New Dornalia. His lipid channel flashed along with a voice that was emparted into the delegates mind. Greetings.
Junko bowed and thought back to Lamia, "And greetings to you too."
She then turned to Daniel Masaki, and said, "It's like what James Brown said. I feel good."
Marianne then said, chiming in a quiet, shy voice: "Doing good, Mr. Masaki. Physics is tough, but everything else is fine."
Junko then wondered what kind of appearance she and Marianne gave off. Junko was well-dressed, but Marianne, with an Acolyte's jacket covering a Rolling Stones t-shirt and khaki pants, looked more at home in high school. Junko was both embarassed and glad; it hid Marianne's true nature, but it did make her look sloppy.
Junko then sent a message across the Force to Daniel and Lamia, "I'm sorry about Marianne here...I had to get her here quickly."
Nova Boozia
05-05-2006, 21:26
"Interesting. I'm here as part of an old military custom, I said send the Grossadmiral, but whoever goes has to represent public opinion, and after ending some little squabble between rim states, I'm on all the damn posters.
So, as you've probably noticed by now, I don't beat about the bush. What's your stance on this crazy tra..-sith trick? I think it's pure lunacy."
05-05-2006, 21:39
"I think," he looked slowly back at Palpatine, "that this empire will fall like the last."
Caster smirked as he said it, looking back to the Kaptain and raising a brow. "Your very blunt for someone who wants to kill me."
Nova Boozia
06-05-2006, 08:08
"Oh, you probed me. Everyone makes that mistake when they read my mind. I just have the word "kill" circling round in my head all the time. Nothing personal." She too looked at Palpatine.
"Maybe yes, maybe no. But if someones got a planet killer and homicidal intent, you won't find us laying down our lives for that wacko. No, we'll be a long way away, looking for an oppurtunity to hit someone we dislike."
06-05-2006, 17:45
"I see," he looked to the Kaptain for a moment, observing her for a few seconds, then sighed as he looked back at Palpatine. "We plan on making an Exodus from the Galaxy should Palpatine become too powerful for us. However, we'd truthfully rather die trying to stay, then die trying to run."
Impressive... the Lord Mistress, Dani, thought as she witnessed the darkening of the sun that Coruscant orbited. What power could he possess...
(OOC: I posted my arrival in the Galactic Empire sign-up. It wouldn't really suit me to re-post it now.)
The Emperor looked agast at the blackened sun. It just didn't seem possible, from a Readanian's stand point, for a sun to suddenly stop giving off light. For a few moments, the Readanians believed it to be merely an eclipse of some sort, but after seeing no movement or ring of light about the sun, however, they continued to stare dumbfounded. The emperor who thought before to brashly stand to acknowledge Palepatine as an equal ally, realized that in all truth, this was no alliance of nations but the union of one Galactic Empire. There was nothing the Emperor could truly do but join this empire and hope for the best.
Unified Sith
08-05-2006, 16:35
Adam Blathe watched the events unfold across the Galaxy. News reports were flowing in from all regions of the Holonet regarding "unusual" solar activity across the Empire. From Correllia to Kuat, the stellar bodies were all slowly fading into darkness. But this wasn't his concern, Blathes concern was the impending attack upon the so called loyal state of Anagonia. The Emperor was most displeased with these traitors, and vengeance was about to be served.
Authorising the jump into Hyperspace Blathe casually watched as the Stars mutated into Starlines.
The galaxy is awash in darkness, the force is in chaos and the Empire grows once more. Now even the suns are losing their light, and while the Jedi plot before the Obsidian throne itself, fire shall be dealt out upon the Galaxy, a fire of black flame which will sweep away all resistance to the force.
The bulk of the Imperial Fleet was en-route towards the Anagonian sector, a small collection of systems located in the mid-rim of the Galaxy. The Imperial Navy had never visited this collection of worlds before there was never any need, this motley collection of Jedi and Sith had always been loyal to the Empire, until of course they began their association with the Masakis. Such a betrayal never be forgotten, nor forgiven.
The dispatched force was more than enough for Imperial consolidation, the foremost being the Executor of course, which was surrounded and flanked by almost seventy Imperial Star Destroyers, which were in turn guarded by Victories, frigates, cruisers and fighter carriers, each making for an evened and heavy handed task force.
The guns were prepared and the officer corps ready for action, all they had to do now was drop out of Hyperspace for the invasion.....
Back on Coruscant
The Emperor of course had elected to ignore any foreign guests and diplomats, instead he quickly retired to his chamber below, leaving the Sith Knight Darth Sirius to receive any guests. The Emperor had a surprise war to command......
Imperial Border
Star Destroyers had once more been thrown to the front line of Imperial Space, Carracks, Strike Cruisers, Tartans all were now absent from drydocks and spacebases, every vessel had been thrown towards the border, with every transport fully laden for invasion. The course of action was inevitable, the rebellion and the New Republic had to be stopped at its source, it had to be targeted without mercy.
The rallying point was of course Fondor, the Empires secondary area for ship production, above the fire encrusted world of smelters and shipyards the Imperial Fleet was in wait, preparing for the signal, waiting for the Emperors word....
Invasion of Anagonia
Adam Blathe sat silently upon the command deck of the Executor Star Dreadnought, his priceless uniform gently contrasting against the standard grey that is an Imperial warship. The past few days had been slightly disconcerting for himself and truth be told the Galaxy. With the return of Emperor Palpatine and the mass mobilisation and re-organisation of the Navy, nationstates everywhere were in uproar, each one preparing for an onslaught that may, or may not reach them. But of course, Blathe was a part of the Imperial Starfleet, he was a loyal member of the Empire, and he believed entirely in the adherence to the New Order, but still, it allowed for some doubt, some small feeling that said, something isn't right........
"Admiral, we're approaching the designated coordinates." Blathe casually nodded in the direction of his captain. "We will revert into enemy territory in five.....four....three....two....one......."
The Imperial taskforce quickly exited Hyperspace within one of Anagaonis periphery systems now codenamed System A1 by the Imperial Starfleet. "Captain, what do we have?"
"Sensors are detecting a majority of stationary defence platforms along with a light naval presence. The task force won't be challenged Admiral."
"Very well, allow for one plea for aide to be released and then open fire......... destroy everything that's space worthy."
"Would that include the planets Admiral?" Blathe looked at the young upstart annoyed.
"No it would not." The Admiral replied against the blissful sound of turbolasers.......
08-05-2006, 19:32
Chief General Oscar Vladinchi had been hard at work on the Exodus plannings, ever since word came from the Galactic Empire that Palpatine had returned. Oscar had taken over the Leadership of the fine Galactic Republic, and he was currently gazing through the Battlecarriers bridge above Novar. Everything through the systems was going fine, better the fine....excellent. On time, on task, and on scedule.
Until, that is, Imperial Forces were detected around Delphi, the treasure of the Galactic Republic of Anagonia.
A robotic B-1, one of the few sentients that populated the Galactic Republic, walked up to Oscar in their calm manner, handing him a PAD. Looking down at it, and the information it provided concerning the Imperial Invasion Fleet.
"Have they finally lost their nerve with us?" Oscar responded with his overly apparent Russian Accent.
The B-1 responded in its droid-like tone. "I believe so, sir. Their forces are strong, and our forces would barely put up a fight."
"I see," Oscar was clearly thinking.
"I suggest we do the most logical course," suggested the Droid, "we fight."
Oscar looked at the Droid and smirked. "I like you. Contact Chester One-One and inform him to bring all fleets to Delphi."
"Yes sir."
Planet Delphi - Treasure World of the Galactic Republic
The Planets defenses were curmbling, and ever Delphinian avaliable was loosing their lives on the Defensive Installations. Already, one Major Satellite Base had been severely destroyed, and another Defensive Space Station was beginning to loose its ground. It seemed hopeless for them, for everyone.
Massive disruptions in space appeared in High Orbit above Delphi, directly in front of the Invading Imperial Fleet. Four major disruptions were very apparent, which seemed to drag more disruptions with them. A sudden climax to the disruptions, almost like a dying sun, followed by a gigantic flash of light. The light fades, and in its place four massive fleets of Anagonian Ships. The very apparent ships were the 9 KM BattleCarriers with thousands of ships protecting them.
Every ship would immedietly begin firing.
Onboard the Space Battle Carrier Vessel Anagonia - Flagship of the Republic Fleet
Chief General Oscar Vladinchi gazed through the large bridge of the BattleCarrier towards the Imperial Fleet. They had betrayed the trust of Anagonia, and every Anagonian that had fought for the Imperial cause. A rage was inside him that couldn't be told, and anger, and saddness.
"Why would they betray us?"
The only response was turbolasers hitting the shields of the Battlecarrier, which responded with its Heavy and Medium PPC battieries across its hull. Flash after flash of weapons fire from the Anagonian fleets weapons lit Space, as did the shield impacts from the turbolaser fire.
"Tell the fleet to begin assault manuvers, and launch all fighters." Oscar commanded. "Open a channel to the Imperial Fleet."
To the Imperial Invasion Force - Concerning your massive betrayal
Greetings Comrades,
It is a sad day indeed when our best Brethren come to our doorstep and hit us in our heart. You seem to not care for our loyalty, seem to not even believe we tried our best to stay with you. All you care about is puny excuses to kill us, to ruin everything we worked for, and to begin you pathetic annextion of the Galaxy with the one Force that could stop you.
I would dearly hope you'd retreat, dearly hope you surrender. Else we will make sure our last stand will be nothing but a pain to you...and make sure that every ship will be destroyed.
Leave now, or face our wraith. We have no interest in your pathetic wars, and we have no interest in your excuses. You betray us, stab us in the back...but we shall give you one last chance.
Take it, and leave.
-Chief General Oscar Vladinchi
OOC Ship Stats
SBCV Anagonia
SBCV Novar
SBCV Delphi
SBCV Homeworld
3,000 Fighters/Bombers/ect each
12,000 overall
-- Fleet Approx --
x8600 Ships
x2000 Battleships
-200,000 XF-200 Super Starfighters
-160,000 Hammerhead Fighters
x1500 Pocket Battleships
-67,500 XF-200 Super Starfighters
-67,500 Hammerhead Fighters
x500 Blazing Blue class Scout Ships
x1500 Hailstorm-Class Battlecruisers
-75,000 Hammerhead Fighters/Bombers
x1500 Aries-Class Heavy Cruiser
-45,000 XF-200 Super Starfighters
-37,500 Hammerhead Fighters/Bombers
x800 IE-24 Aardvark class Line Cruiser
--4800 XF-200 Super Starfighters
x800 Magnificent-class Star Frigate
x669,330 Fighters/Bombers
Anagonian Space Forces - Look here to find ships said (http://hawk.proboards1.com/index.cgi?action=display&board=Military&thread=1103679193&page=1)
Unified Sith
08-05-2006, 23:51
Blathe cracked a smile at the battle situation. The Anagonian defence was crumbling with warship after warship falling apart. Above their worlds the stationary installations fared no better being subject to the concentrated attack of over half the Imperial inventory. But the easy times were sadly over.
The Anagonian Navy warped through space and time, each vessel appearing before and around the Imperial Starfleet.
"Not unexpected." Blathe summarised from his command chair. "Order the fleet to enter into Hyperspace immediently, we will revert back to real space in grid four three nine."
"Orders relayed Admiral."
As if it were a great ballet the Imperial task force fled into Hyperspace leaving the enemy fleet alone, destitute within their system, wondering just where would the Empire strike back?
"Admiral, just before we left we received a transmission from the enemy fleet?"
"Play it through." Blathe said quietly.
To the Imperial Invasion Force - Concerning your massive betrayal
Greetings Comrades,
It is a sad day indeed when our best Brethren come to our doorstep and hit us in our heart. You seem to not care for our loyalty, seem to not even believe we tried our best to stay with you. All you care about is puny excuses to kill us, to ruin everything we worked for, and to begin you pathetic annextion of the Galaxy with the one Force that could stop you.
I would dearly hope you'd retreat, dearly hope you surrender. Else we will make sure our last stand will be nothing but a pain to you...and make sure that every ship will be destroyed.
Leave now, or face our wraith. We have no interest in your pathetic wars, and we have no interest in your excuses. You betray us, stab us in the back...but we shall give you one last chance.
Take it, and leave.
-Chief General Oscar Vladinchi
Blathe allowed a wry chuckle to his officers; the Empire was indeed leaving, but not for fear of the enemy, only to take the battle further to their people. "Captain Netter, prepare a short ranged Hyperspace jump for system B2, we will enter inside the planets gravity well and take out any defensive installations before their shields have been raised." The orders were quickly distributed throughout the fleet.
After a short micro jump the Imperial forces reverted to real space and recalculated the intense course changes necessary for their next attack. Within the space of sixteen minutes the Empire had reverted back into enemy territory and were once more firing upon enemy installations.....
"Prepare the fleet for a second Hyperspace jump to system A1 and alert Coruscant to our intentions.... The Emperor will aide us in this battle today gentleman."
09-05-2006, 01:34
Oscar Vladinchi, admittedly, did not expect this. However, he had his back-up plans. No matter what, the fleets were to stay together, even if it ment to leave the worlds in dissarry. Oscar was a wise General, knowing the intentions of the Imperial Fleet. If anything, he knew that they wanted them split a part.
The Planets security forces would take care of the civilians, and any Exodus craft were probably already in space. So none of their tactics would worry him, especially since he wanted to use the bulk of his fleet to do a massive blow without having to half his forces.
Even the most benevolent of Generals knew sacrifices needed to be made, and Oscar was no expection.
"Chasing after them is stupid, have our fleets stay together until our allies arrive."
"If they do," responded Chester One-One, "when they do."
Oscar sighed, "At least we have Delphi. With this, we can substain our effort for however long we need to....now get to protecting her and repairing the defensive platforms and ships!"
"Yes sir," the Commanders replied, going about the business of assisting the fighters and platforms.
SBCV Novar - Prometheus Fleet
Prometheus was a tall B-1 Droid, the first to become sentient in the Galactic Republic. He remembered the lands of the organics, back when they called it Motherland and marched for Communism. His complextion was pure silver, or so it seemed, tarnished by time and age. He led the Sentient Droids in Anagonia, was their father, was their leader. He led them through thick and thin, and always gave them the answers should they never find it.
Now, he fought for their existance. Now, he led his Battlecarrier against the most oppressive being he ever realized. A very interesting turn of events, in his opinion.
Prometheus' mechanical droid voice was more deeper, more harsh than that of his brethren. He had age, and experience....centuries of it. Over those centuries, he learned how to be a war machine, and a Mastermind towards the Art of War. He learned everything a machine could learn, and more when he realized his sentience. He was smart, cunning, and overly complex.
Yet, right now, he was being considerate of the Organics, and his Droidican, brethren. The Imperials had fleed, which he considered to be a tactical manuver that was ment to confuse the Chief General into chasing. He believed it to have a 85% chance to be that, the rest was random other situation that had been brought up between the other wars he had led.
Hopefully, he'd have Delphi back up in arms soon. He knew they had a slim chance to defend the other worlds at once, and Delphi was the best pick of the bunch. Its water-world surface was rich and plentiful in supplies, which could easily ensure the fleets resupply for at least a year or less.
"Smart General," he finally spoke with his droid voice mechanism, "smart general."
Several thousand Defensive Satellites
x4 Defensive Platforms
x1 Defensive Space Station
Several Hundred Delphinian Fighters and Ships
Repairs being made by Battlecarriers.
09-05-2006, 03:59
The wrinkled old bony fingers of General William Harris lightly tapped against the steel armrest of his command chair, barely making a sound on the unusually quiet bridge of the NGSS Zereul. In times past, there would always have been some sort of chatter amongst the officers, but things had changed. Just recently, the Corporation’s embassy on Novar had reported to the High Command that attack had commenced against the Anagonian planet of Delphi by Imperial forces. So it had been quickly decided that the best course of action would be to send five of the battlefleets for the defense of their ally. The Corporation was now going to war.
“What’s the status on the gate?” Harris asked the comm officer, breaking the silence.
“Sir, it’s reaching one-hundred percent…now!”
On the viewscreen, the ninth chevron on the orbital stargate lit and a split second later, the event horizon swooshed out from the center of the stargate. It then receded backwards until it had created a spinning, funnel-like effect coming out of the back of the gate. Finally, the spinning movement stopped.
The voice of the female gate operator was heard on the speakers. “All military ships are cleared for departure. Good luck and God bless.”
“Alright, send a message to the rest of the taskforce, we’re going in.”
“Yes, sir,” the officer replied as he worked at his keyboard.
The taskforce slowly moved into the shimmering blue event horizon of the orbital stargate and within seconds, the entire fleet had reached the other side, just over the planet Novar. Immediately, the vessels reorganized into a box pattern with the five battlecarriers making up the core and the regular carriers placed in between them with the battleships taking up defensive positions around the entire fleet along with the battle cruisers.
OOC Ship Data
Zereul Class Battlecarriers
NGSS Zereul
NGSS Thomas Jones
NGSS John Knudsen Northrop
NGSS Kent Kresa
NGSS Shiran Naelthasser
15 x Yorktown Class Carriers
35 x Kingmaker Class Battleships
80 x Ancient Class Battle Cruisers
Most of the ship stats are here: http://s7.invisionfree.com/Northrop_Grumman/index.php?showtopic=6&st=0&#last
While the Air Force Space Command was preparing for a war, hundreds of feet underground within Stargate Command within Northrop-Grumman back on Earth, the technicians there were preparing the stargate for a nine chevron address. This had not been tried for some time and of course, they were being extra careful because the last time this had been tried, the stargate had nearly exploded.
“Are you done fiddling around with that thing?” Colonel Ryan Wilson, leader of SG-2, asked one of the technicians.
“Yes, we’re just making sure that it is all hooked up properly. Don’t want any accidents.” They began to back away from the NAVCOM. “Do you have that data pad that the Indrans gave you?”
Wilson pulled a small rectangular object out of his vest pocket. “Of course.” And he walked over to the device and inserted the data pad. Instantly, it lit up and began to emit a low humming noise. When this occurred, the stargate began dial automatically. One-by-one the chevrons illuminated indicating that they had engaged until the ninth, the last, chevron locked. The event horizon ruptured from the center of the stargate then receded backwards until it had created a spinning, funnel-like effect coming out of the back of the stargate. A few seconds later, the spinning movement stopped and there was a stable wormhole.
By this time, the rest of SG-2, along with Colonel Wilson, had assembled at the end of the ramp leading to the stargate. They were unarmed for this particular mission, something that rarely ever happened, because this was supposed to be a diplomatic call. No need for weapons. The people they were going to see were long time allies of the Corporation.
Then, the commander of the base loudly announced into his microphone, “SG-2, you have a go.”
The team saluted then quickly moved up the metal ramp and through the event horizon.
09-05-2006, 04:18
Chief General Oscar Vladinchi had ordered an immediet withdrawl to Novar for the netire Anagonian Fleet. Prometheus and his fleet would leave Delphi for itself after supplying them with what they needed. Every other ship was preparing for the jump at this point, with only a few seconds to go as the ships exit formation was plotted in.
Knowing that the Northro-grumman ships had arrived, Oscar would take this valuable time to ready the First Exodus Fleet for departure. Prometheus would lead this fleet, as he was an important asset that couldn't be lost in the start of a Galactic War.
Oscar had gazed at his pad for a moment or two, viewing over the plans provided by the Exodus Operation. Already, he could tell, the first Eclipse modified for Space habitation was full of the first contigent of Anagonian People. Not everyone would come, sadly, but just enough to insure the survival of the People themselves.
Two hours later - Following the landings of all fighters and ships
"Make the jump," Oscar commanded to his helm after the seconds had finished. They had to get this over with ASAP.
Within Seconds, the Battlecarriers entered Subspace for Novar, and brought with them their respective fleets and aircraft. In just a few moments they would linger near the First Exodus Ship, nicknamed Exodus Alpha by its constructors.
Indra Prime
09-05-2006, 06:03
Immediately upon stepping through the event horizon of the wormhole that made a connection through the black hole known as PSR BH 432-1, SG2 was greeted with a sight they had not seen in many years. Once again, they were standing in the massive gateroom/arboretum that was located in the very strategically isolated Military Headquarters of Indra Prime. Colonels Wilson and Rheinhard, Major Travis Fielding and Dr. Owen McAdams walked down the slight incline from the stargate and stood on the path leading towards the three archways that led to the other parts of the facility.
In the distance, they could see Indran Soldiers going about their duty assignments like usual, none of them interested in the guests that had arrived. Granted it had been some time since the stargate had been used, but they all knew that the only people who had access to that gate were secure allies to the nation of Indra Prime. A soft grinding sound made the team look up and see the ceiling retracting to reveal a few Indran Vessels framed by the swirling multicolored lights being generated by the Time Dilation Field that kept the facility out of the flow of normal space/time. Their attention was drawn away from the magnificent vessels by a low humming sound coming from the corridor on the right.
Soon three small hovering devices flew out of the tunnel and headed straight up towards the ships. Thinking those devices were about to impact a solid object and come crashing back down, they all flinched as the devices made contact with the forcefield that allowed the devices to pass cleanly through. They continued to observe the drones as they began making scans of the vessels above them and apparently making repairs. While their attention was on the drones, they failed to notice the approach of a young woman and her aid. When she spoke, they all startled at the sound of her strong yet gentle voice.
"Colonel Wilson. Colonel Rheinhard. Major Fielding. Dr. McAdams. Welcome back to Haeridan Base. I am Commander Azure Vinan, Deputy Commander of the Temporal Incursion Fleet Second Fleet. I apologize for General Vinan's inability to greet you here today, as she and some of our officers are in a neighboring galaxy tending to an urgent matter. What can I do for you?"
09-05-2006, 16:57
A small beep appeared on my comlink and I excused myself from Lamia to head back to my fighter, where Rocky was waiting.
A few moments later, I reached the XJ5 and greeted Rocky. "Hey, Rock. What do you have for me?"
He twittered and beeped, telling me that a message from Jurai has been sent through a tightbeam transmission to him, marked 'Urgent'.
"Well? Let's hear it." I ordered. And the message came to life.
"Lord Masaki." I groaned slightly at the title. Never liked the 'Lord' part. But Council members love being formal. It was Master Blayden. "We have just recieved word that Anagonia is under attack by Imperial forces. We're debating action now, but be sure that we'll be involved in any way possible."
"Great. And I'm in the enemy camp." I sighed. But I instantly went into 'combat mode' as I like to put it. "I see. I'll do what I must then. Do what you can to slow up the enemy until I return. May the Force be with you."
"And with---" Suddenly, the connection broke. And I felt a disturbance, and reached for my lightsaber...
OOC: your cue, US!
The WIck
10-05-2006, 03:20
Hawkins could tell that Daniel was leaving in a hurry, he made to follow him at a distance and saw he was headed to the hanger bay, alone. Hawkins walked down an adjourning corridor and up a flight of stairs, he knew where he was going Jedi have that sort of clairvoyance. he found him self in the darkened hanger bay on the second floor, hidden in the shadows and cargo containers. He used his powers ever so subtlety to make himself unseen and unheard, to even the best Jedi or security systems. While such a skill could not be used while moving it was perfectly good for stationary work.
Hawkins listened to the conversation and he heard every word. The Empire had declared another war, it seemed like they never stopped fighting. At least his own Far Star Confederacy had not been attacked in a decade besides the occasional raid. The Imperials could undoubtedly over run their cluster of systems but they would pay a dear price. Apparently they lack the desire to pay the cost.
Hawkins eyes narrowed as he saw a familiar being approach Daniel from behind. It was 66 the favorite clone of the Emperor. Hawkins saw Dan turn to meet the threat, Hawkins smiled the boy hasn’t lost his touch. Hawkins own hand moved every so subtly towards his own saber. He wasn't one for a fair fight. Besides he need a ride of the world...
That was the last thing he remembered thinking before a violent force push and the burning pain of electrical energy racked his body as it was thrown off the second story. He crashed through roughly and onto the cold floor of the hanger bay before rolling onto his knees. He spit out a stream of blood, cursing...
"I’m getting to old for this fucking shit..."In a disgusted voice.
Nova Boozia
10-05-2006, 07:04
Morlok, seeing one of his marks leaving, began to follow him, physically stealthy but unable to prevent his mind sticking out like a sore thumb as he followed the Jedi down, before stopping at the door to the hangar and listening.
War, was it? Interesting. And time to go. He turned and walked back up to the main chamber, paying no heed to the screams in the room behind him.
10-05-2006, 14:55
Caster Oblivion had just recieved word of the Exodus plan being initiated, and had started his way towards the landing pad where his vessel was. His mind kept reaching towards the darkend spaces of each long hallway, making sure no one would sneak up on him as he made his escape from his enemies house. Sure, he could sacrifice himself for the cause, but the Republic was no more.
The last bit of the message revealed his fears, that the Galactic Republic was now a Shattered Republic, and everything he worked for was now gone.
"Such is the way of Exodus," he said to himself, "we all need to start over somewhere else."
A slight gruf of annoyance as he attempted to find his way towards the exit, feeling as if he was being watched. His footsteps were quick and heavy as he tried to fasten his pace. Caster didn't like this place, nor did he like being here. It was pure evil, the same kind of evil that was trying top consume his beloved Anagonia.
Caster shook his head. "No time for memories, time for escape."
He started to run.
The Humankind Abh
10-05-2006, 15:12
Lamia could sense disturbances all around him. His lipid channel was opened up to the sounds every living thing around him. The voices of the mind, body, and soul flooded over him. A slight shuffle there and a quickened pace here. It took a brief moment to finally hone in on what he was looking for. The life force of Daniel Masaki was a ways away and he was moving. Lamia turned to his New Dornalian companion. Follow.
He began rushing off towards where Daniel's fighter was stored. People, robots, and clones alike were shoved out of the way to open a direct path towards his other comapnion. The emperor had blatantly ignored them all. So much for diplomacy.
10-05-2006, 23:35
11-05-2006, 00:03
The unexpected arrival of the Indran commander had slightly startled the members of SG-2, and immediately, they turned their attention from the drones to the young woman standing before them. At first, they believed her to be General Tirara Vinan, the one whom they had met on their first trip to this facility. This woman appeared to be identical to Tirara. But before Colonel Wilson could get a chance to greet her as such, she introduced herself as Commander Azure Vinan to the surprise of Wilson and the rest of his team. They wondered if she could be a twin sister, or perhaps a daughter, or could she be a clone?
After a rather awkward moment of silence, Colonel Rheinhard spoke up. “Well Commander, several hours ago, our embassy on the Anagonian homeworld of Novar reported to us that a taskforce sent by Galactic Empire had crossed into Anagonian space and had already begun attacking defense installations above one of the planets. Of course, with the Anagonians being very close allies of ours, we sent five of our battlefleets to assist in any way possible.”
Colonel Wilson nodded to Rheinhard and spoke. “Now, the reason why we are here is to ask if you would be able to provide military assistance to defend any evacuation ships that will be coming through our orbital stargate. Also, there is a possibility that we may be attacked soon because of our intervention and would be grateful if you could assist us in repelling it.”
New Dornalia
11-05-2006, 03:04
He began rushing off towards where Daniel's fighter was stored. People, robots, and clones alike were shoved out of the way to open a direct path towards his other comapnion. The emperor had blatantly ignored them all. So much for diplomacy.
Junko's thoughts were the same way. She didn't like being ignored. Many Politburo men had learned this the hard way; of course, she concealed this. Now, it seemed Masaki was in danger; she could sense something was terribly wrong. Now, it was time to go to work.
She then said to Marianne, as they ran to aid Daniel, "Marianne, you know how to use a lightsaber, yeah?"
Marianne said, slowly, "Uh...yeah?"
Junko then said, "You may have to put those skills soon to use."
She and her companions ran as fast as they followed Lamia to where Daniel Masaki was. She drew her saber, and got ready to ignite it....
Unified Sith
11-05-2006, 03:46
Jurai.... a system of relative peace, quiet and tranquility. The centre for Jedi teachings ideals and values for almost an entire Galaxy, but in all its cultural magnificence, Jurai is also the heart of Imperial malevolence. From every crack and chasm this newly relocated people, plot war, preach hatred and advocate destruction against everything for which the new older holds dear, but now, now the bells toll....
The bridge of the Imperial Star Destroyer Varangian was as usual abuzz with activity. On board Grand Admiral Morin Pael watched as his ample task force proceeded through the crisp streams of Hyperspace. To his left stood long time friend and fellow Moff Avrin Harrel and to his right sat a guest, a certain Arthur-Rashin.
Aurthur-Rashin was now the Emperors favourite executive. His corporation over the past six years had grown considerably. With the recent successes and practical applications of the Galaxy Gun; the now impressed Imperial Navy had quickly commissioned a new and extensive field of research, primarily into Darklight manipulation. Beating the infamous Kuat Drive Yards, Fondor syndicate, and the Geonosian conglomerate, Arthur-Rashin was now credited with the Imperials financial favour. Indeed, it could be said that the Rashin corporation was flourishing.
So why would one so successful request to witness what could be one of the bloodiest conflicts to date......
"So Arthur, do tell, why are you really attending this mopping up?" Paels hooked nose was carefully aimed down towards the chair bound cripple. Looking up ever so slightly Arthur managed a sly smile.
"I'm afraid that information is classified Grand Admiral Pael, I'm afraid you would have to ask the Emperor for answers." Morin was taken aback, for the first time in countless years someone had refused him......
"Battlezones are such dangerous places Arthur, if I were, perhaps informally enlightened to some of your, select information, it would go a long way to insuring the completion of your objective...... and..... personal security, if of course anything were to happen......."
"Of course." Arthur almost laughed. "But still, you would have to ask the Emperor to be..... informally informed." Rashin clicked his right hand beckoning an aide to approach. "Take me to the observation lounge please; gentleman." Arthur nodded towards the two Grand Admirals. "Good luck in the impending battle........" Avrin accepted the young mans thanks with a stern hardshake, while Pael merely scoffed and made his way into the operations pit. Passing the captain of the Varangian, the Grand Admiral quickly demanded a situation report, apparently they would be reverting to real space momentarily, the fleet had best be prepared......
The doors to the observation lounge opened rather quickly, granting the executive access to what is normally reserved for Imperial officers, but today, he had the spacious room all to himself as well as his adjutant of course. Outside the starlines were gradually reverting back into trillions of twinkling dots; the taskforce had therefore arrived..... As soon as the last line had been erased Arthur caught a glimpse of Tie Fighters and countless bomber wings spearheadeding the advance into the Coredian system. Very efficient he mused. Sitting directly before Arthur was of course the planet Jurai, and further behind it was it's star; allegedly a shining beacon for freedom and democracy. "Democracy, HA"! Arthur aired, "It killed the New Republic and now it shall be the end of the rebellion.".
"Yes sir." his aide replied sullenly.
Arthur looked up disgusted. "The statement was rhetorical Azroal...... hmmmmmmph, go and Deploy the sensory equipment, I feel its going to be needed in a few minutes." The aide nodded silently and headed for the hyper lift, leaving his master alone to enjoy the fireworks.....
In the distant space scape a green flash erupted from what appeared to be a large space station, must be one of those Super Laser platforms. Well, was a superlaser platform... The object had just detonated in a cloud of fire. Pulling out his pocket watch Arthur quickly noticed that it was only eight seconds to high noon. Counting down verbally the Chief Executive waited with baited breath for the Emperors personal surprise. "Five... Four... Three... Two... One..."
At that moment Jurais sun exploded in a frenzy of pain and agony. Around the corona solar flares began to thrash wildly in every direction, while from the core outwards the beaming light slowly darkened into blackness.
Sirius chuckled at Hawkins apparent embarrassment, his face had now turned as red as the Sith's robes, mostly from blood, partly from shame. "My my, you Jedi have lost your touch.... or perhaps you're right Hawkins, perhaps you are getting too old?" Sirius extended his force pike; the metal rod pushing out at the speed of light; headed for the grey Jedi's malformed face.
Meanwhile behind Masaki a familiar helmet took position, a certain Clone, number Sixty-Six to be precise.... "Oh Masaki." The soldier chuckled. "Please keep you hand away from.... from that toy." Sixty-Six pointed towards the sabre hilt. "I'm not here for a fight, I merely came to say farewell, just to bid you a safe trip home...." The soldier chuckled softly.
System B2
Blathe remained vigilant upon the Executor, apparently the enemy opposition had been crushed, ruthlessly he might add. The stationary defences around this pathetic planet could barely scratch the shields of the Executor and now the bulk of the Navy were waiting to truly engage the enemy, but first, first the Admiral had to wait upon the darkening......
As each ship punched in the Hyperdrive coordinates for system designation A1, the Emperor back on Coruscant would begin to manipulate the force. Around each pilot and fighter, through every gunner and stormtrooper, Palpatine slowly encouraged his personal adaptation of battle meditation, Palpatine began to darken the Anagonian stars.....
As with countless bodies before them, the solar bodies had been grasped by the Sith; each held clearly by the dark side of the force......... Soon the Imperial fleet would arrive, and this time there would be little chance of mercy, not now, not when the force was with them.......,
11-05-2006, 04:28
Nova Kretani Solar System - Planet Novar - Primary World within the Shattered Republic
A bright flash of light, followed by some bursts from Sub-space, and before Novar would now stand two massive Eclipse-class Dreadnoughts, with the respective fleets from the Delphi System now comfortably in formation.
Exodus One, now commanded by the Sentient Droid Leader Prometheus, would have been a sight to behold. Its formation consisted of two BattleCarriers, and an assortment of battleships, pocket battleships, heavy cruisers, battlecruisers, and various other ship classes and craft. Its massive frame would have, indeed, outshinned the other ship classes. Its massive array of guns would have been pointed directly at the enemy fleets. The entire time, the massive orbital Stargate would have been turning to dial in coordinates to a distant system far away...
Exodus Two, now commaned by the esteemed Chief General, Oscar Vladinchi, would have been protecting the Massive Stargate with its respective fleet of Two BattleCarriers, and equal amount of other classes therein. Its massive array of offensive and defensive weapons would be the primary energy usage of for the time being. Its cannons and super weapons would be aimed directly at the Imperial Fleet as well, making sure to be above Exodus Ones firing capacity as to not have friendly fire. The starfighters and bombers would have already been out in small squadrons, the rest ready for emergency takeoff.
By now, all would have come down to the recharging of the Subspace drives in the Exodus Two Fleet, which would take time due to its massive EM Generators on full shield capacity. Its Hydrogen and Fusion reactors would be the primary charging component, rendering its forward thrust somewhat lower than normal, and attempting to charge its Sub-Space drives quick enough.
With a unified message from both Prometheus and Oscar Vladinchi, it would be up to the Northrop-Grumman fleet to make the escape for the Exodus One fleet.
Afterwards, the two Chief Commanders, Promethues and Oscar Vladinchi, would not in the fleet-wide com-channels the darkness of the Nova Kretani Sun. Moral sunk slightly, almost as if something had imnpacted their will to fight. However, after a short reassurance from Prometheus concerning the tactics of the enemy, it seemed as if all ship Captains regained control of the moral shock.
Yet, it would remain to bee seen in the coming minutes whether or not the sudden slight drop in moral would affect the fleets combat skills. Afterall, their homes were being taken over, generations would be lost, the Imperial Enemy was finally winning....and now their Star, Nova Kretani, had bent to the will of the Imperial Might.
Obviously the two Chief Commanders were worried. Hopefully, the battle for Exodus would not be harder than it looked.
Indra Prime
11-05-2006, 05:08
Commander Azure Vinan listened to the request made by Colonel Wilson with no sign of surprise or shock about the nature of the request. Ever since the formation of the TRITON Alliance a number of years back, the relations between Indra Prime and Northrop-Grumman only grew more firm. As it has always been, Indra Prime never lost the drive to assist or protect an ally of theirs that has done so much, or been so integral in the grand scheme of things.
"Colonel, as per our mutual aid defense pact through both our Nations' Diplomatic Corps as well as through the TRITON Alliance, I will authorize the immediate deployment of a detachment of our vessels to the region you request and help facilitate a strategic withdraw of your personnel. We have eight vessels docked at this facility that are ready to move out in a matter of moments.
We will need some things to happen before they are deployed as well as while they are en route to their destination. We will need to know strength of enemy forces, types and capabilities of Allied Vessels, as well as primary and secondary defensive targets. I will also need you to contact Stargate Command and request all available BC304s rendevous at coordinates that our vessels will converge at, preferrably near the battlezone but out of the scanning range of the enemy vessels. You may have witnessed the strength of our vessels, but that is doubtful at best. I can guarantee, the vessels we are sending in have the capability to repel a fleet 50 times its magnitude at least. Though we will need close in support from your 304s."
She touched a small device on her wrist and immediately the smooth gate behind them activated with a wormhole connecting back to Stargate Command, giving the Colonel the ability to communicate with his superiors.
"Colonel, please make it quick. I have the Furtim Lancea, an Omega Class Dreadnaught ready to transport you and your team up as soon as you are finished with the Stargate. I will await you on the bridge."
Just as she finished with her last comment, a bright light along with the harmonics of a transporter beam came into view and as quickly as it had come, it dissapeared, along with Commander Azure Vinan, daughter of General Tirara Vinan. With her at the helm of the warship seen just on the other side of the forcefield, there would most certainly be one hell of a fight coming in the next few hours, if required.
11-05-2006, 15:22
Jurai.... a system of relative peace, quiet and tranquility. The centre for Jedi teachings ideals and values for almost an entire Galaxy, but in all its cultural magnificence, Jurai is also the heart of Imperial malevolence. From every crack and chasm this newly relocated people, plot war, preach hatred and advocate destruction against everything for which the new older holds dear, but now, now the bells toll....
The bridge of the Imperial Star Destroyer Varangian was as usual abuzz with activity. On board Grand Admiral Morin Pael watched as his ample task force proceeded through the crisp streams of Hyperspace. To his left stood long time friend and fellow Moff Avrin Harrel and to his right sat a guest, a certain Arthur-Rashin.
Aurthur-Rashin was now the Emperors favourite executive. His corporation over the past six years had grown considerably. With the recent successes and practical applications of the Galaxy Gun; the now impressed Imperial Navy had quickly commissioned a new and extensive field of research, primarily into Darklight manipulation. Beating the infamous Kuat Drive Yards, Fondor syndicate, and the Geonosian conglomerate, Arthur-Rashin was now credited with the Imperials financial favour. Indeed, it could be said that the Rashin corporation was flourishing.
So why would one so successful request to witness what could be one of the bloodiest conflicts to date......
"So Arthur, do tell, why are you really attending this mopping up?" Paels hooked nose was carefully aimed down towards the chair bound cripple. Looking up ever so slightly Arthur managed a sly smile.
"I'm afraid that information is classified Grand Admiral Pael, I'm afraid you would have to ask the Emperor for answers." Morin was taken aback, for the first time in countless years someone had refused him......
"Battlezones are such dangerous places Arthur, if I were, perhaps informally enlightened to some of your, select information, it would go a long way to insuring the completion of your objective...... and..... personal security, if of course anything were to happen......."
"Of course." Arthur almost laughed. "But still, you would have to ask the Emperor to be..... informally informed." Rashin clicked his right hand beckoning an aide to approach. "Take me to the observation lounge please; gentleman." Arthur nodded towards the two Grand Admirals. "Good luck in the impending battle........" Avrin accepted the young mans thanks with a stern hardshake, while Pael merely scoffed and made his way into the operations pit. Passing the captain of the Varangian, the Grand Admiral quickly demanded a situation report, apparently they would be reverting to real space momentarily, the fleet had best be prepared......
The doors to the observation lounge opened rather quickly, granting the executive access to what is normally reserved for Imperial officers, but today, he had the spacious room all to himself as well as his adjutant of course. Outside the starlines were gradually reverting back into trillions of twinkling dots; the taskforce had therefore arrived..... As soon as the last line had been erased Arthur caught a glimpse of Tie Fighters and countless bomber wings spearheadeding the advance into the Coredian system. Very efficient he mused. Sitting directly before Arthur was of course the planet Jurai, and further behind it was it's star; allegedly a shining beacon for freedom and democracy. "Democracy, HA"! Arthur aired, "It killed the New Republic and now it shall be the end of the rebellion.".
"Yes sir." his aide replied sullenly.
Arthur looked up disgusted. "The statement was rhetorical Azroal...... hmmmmmmph, go and Deploy the sensory equipment, I feel its going to be needed in a few minutes." The aide nodded silently and headed for the hyper lift, leaving his master alone to enjoy the fireworks.....
In the distant space scape a green flash erupted from what appeared to be a large space station, must be one of those Super Laser platforms. Well, was a superlaser platform... The object had just detonated in a cloud of fire. Pulling out his pocket watch Arthur quickly noticed that it was only eight seconds to high noon. Counting down verbally the Chief Executive waited with baited breath for the Emperors personal surprise. "Five... Four... Three... Two... One..."
Jurai, for once, was not expecting an assault by the Empire so soon. The sight of eighteen enemy Star Destroyers and four hundred other ships made many a soldier spit out their drinks and run to general quarters. Even caught off guard, Jurai had a multitude of defenses that are being brought online.
For example, even as TIE bombers rained down death upon it, Superlaser Platform #25 managed to get off a shot at a Star Destroyer before succumbing to the multitudes of bombs and missiles thrown at it. Then a slightly smaller cloud of Aurebesh soup fighters 'dove' upon the incoming bombers and began ripping them apart with fancy flying and powerful lasers, not to mention proton torpedoes galore. The other platforms, deeper into the the planetary system, brought their shields online and then began squeezing off shots at the enemy while the Home Defense fleet tossed multitudes of deadly blue plasma, globs of ionized energy and swarm upon swarm of missiles and suicide droids at the enemy while they began maneuvering to trap the enemy into a bottleneck...and crush them.
And this was just the beginning.
On the surface, Patriarch Alexander Masaki grimaced as he heard the reports of incoming enemies and ordered the initiates and Padawans to be placed on fast ships and dispersed to secret locations throughout the Galaxy while the orbitial defenses and ground defenses themselves booted online and began tracking enemies.
"My Lord, you must go with them." A blue-clad Royal Guard (as opposed to red) urged the Patriarch, but the old man would have none of it.
"Brett, you know that I have promised long ago never again will I see another capital planet lost to the Empire. Never again will I have my people suffer under the iron fist of Palpatine. And if I must give my life to ensure that the Imperial Republic survives, I would gladly do so." Alex replied to his guard seriously. "So, no. I will not leave the planet. Not this time. I, however, will not hold it against you if you wish to leave."
"Sir. I am sworn to defend Coreworlds to the very end. I'll stay by your side." Brett answered.
"Very well." The Patriarch nodded, and moved to conduct the defense of Jurai personally. A distinct feeling of dread made Alex look at the sky, towards but not at the sun...
At that moment Jurais sun exploded in a frenzy of pain and agony. Around the corona solar flares began to thrash wildly in every direction, while from the core outwards the beaming light slowly darkened into blackness.
As distress signals sounded out to our allies in the GFFA and elsewhere, and battle raged over the skies of Jurai, the light seemed to slowly drain from the orange-yellow main sequence star that is Jurai's sun. What has ocurred on Coruscant is soon occurring on Jurai as the Force itself seemed to writhe in pain at the very abomination of the Dark Side subjucating it and using it for its own ends.
Slowly, over the course of battle, the Jedi in their fighters and on the ground will start to feel a subtle loss of the Force and those who could would need to compensate accordingly using their own inner energy sources. Those who can't...die. And those who can't are the multitude of Jedi defending the forces of Light...
The Third Galactic Civil War has truly begun...
Meanwhile behind Masaki a familiar helmet took position, a certain Clone, number Sixty-Six to be precise.... "Oh Masaki." The soldier chuckled. "Please keep you hand away from.... from that toy." Sixty-Six pointed towards the sabre hilt. "I'm not here for a fight, I merely came to say farewell, just to bid you a safe trip home...." The soldier chuckled softly.
"Thanks. I think..." I replied dryly. I had the distinct impression that this new Sixty-six held a secret and that I must hurry to Jurai to find out what it is. Sensing Lamia and the ND delegate, I fired off a telepathic message. Something's up, and I don't like it. Get off this planet as quickly as you can.
I hopped into my fighter, started up the engines and literally shot out into space and calculated the jump to hyperspace. I had to reach Jurai...fast!
The Humankind Abh
11-05-2006, 16:04
Lamia nodded and made his way to the ship that brought him here. Colors swirled to form a doorway as the hull became transparent. He stepped through the threshold and the ship closed around him. Silently, the ship shot off from the city and back out into the darkness of space. A course was set for Lakfakallae, the Abh emperor needed to be warned of what was happening.
Lamia's report would not be needed as the transmission from Jurai was received through various means via communication sites. Emperor Dubeusec looked up from a quiet slumber on the Jade Throne as a holographic transmission came through. "What is it?" The pointy eared Abriel lifted one eye lid open to read the contents. The other eye slowly opened while his head straightened. A pale finger slid over the arm rest and pressed a flat crystalline button. "Inform Imperial Admiral Gaf'ton that we have a situation. He is to convene a meeting immediatly."
By the stars, why don't I just live down here? This was really too much now. He couldn't count how many times he had now been in this same room with the banners of every Abh family present lining the walls behind the admirals. Seven Admirals were present now as one was away on business. Gaf'ton plopped down into a chair with wheels at the head of the holographic table. "As you may already be aware of, Jurai has come under attack by the Galactic Empire and has called for assistance from all of its allies. I have commissioned a response force to be sent to Jurai for their assistance along with transport ships to evacuate anyone that needs to be. Admiral Abriel Lafiel, I believe this mission should be assigned to you."
Lafiel looked over at the older Abriel. "Yes sir. Thank you sir."
"I know the Coredians and your chief of staff are known to each other so this mission is yours."
"I understand. I will leave immediatly." Her chair rolled back and she departed the room while the rest remained for other such occurences.
Lafiel sat in her chair that overlooked the rest of the bridge on the ship. Jinto was standing by her side watching the swirling mist of Hyperspace pass them by. "How long has it been since you last spoke with Daniel?"
The man was shaken from his contemplations by his wife's question. "A couple years at least."
Lafiel switched her focus from her husband to monitoring the ship's systems. "We'll be there shortly and most likely come under immediate fire."
"Yeah." A few black ships slipped past the window. They always gave him the creeps but they were extremely advantageous in a battle like this.
Gaia Rodina
11-05-2006, 16:44
Bridge of Battlecruiser Oorta 1
High Orbit, Fortress World Nelvaan
The command deck of the Oorta 1 suddenly went awash in orange light. A transmission from Jurai had just been recieved - the first humanoid ally of the Horde was under attack.
To say that Warlord Aal'jin was surprised is an understatement in the grandest degree. Most of the Fourth Fleet was still in drydock in Outland, with only one squadron having recently been dispatched to Nelvaan to aid with the construction and upgrading of its newest defense systems.
As the troll warlord wiped the klah from his tusks, the young Nelvaanian grunt at the conn piped up. The canine-like natives of this liberated world were seeing limited service in the Horde navy, mostly to make up for the devastating losses suffered in the Battle of Nelvaan. Regardless, Aal'jin thought, none of them were particularly good.
"Warlord!" barked the grunt, a hint of cracking in his voice. "Requests from Jurai coming in now! They require our aid!"
The troll's gaze pierced the young warrior.
"Well, no shi' mon. Wha' be da status of da rest of da fleets?"
"Sir! The First and Second fleets are out on combat exercises near Kalimdor, and the Third Fleet is under strict orders to not leave the system!"
Aal'jin swore in his native gurubash. Of course, the First and Second fleets, the primary offensive forces in the Horde, would be on exercise. The First had been nearly wiped out in the Battle of Nelvaan, and the Warchief wanted them to be in top fighting manner when war eventually came to the Horde.
Once again, Aal'jin thought, the government had fucked up royally.
"Helm, new headin'! Set course fer Jurai, as fast as we be goin!"
By the love of Alexstraza, he just hoped they'd get there in time.
Unified Sith
11-05-2006, 16:45
OOC: Seaquest, I certainly hope you don't send in a naval fleet before Daniel Masaki reaches Jurai, such disproportion of fluid time would seem...... odd, wouldn't it?
Arthur-Rashin was still peacefully waiting in the observation lounge of the Varangian, his clear duraplex wheelchair held in lock before one of the lower viewports. The battle was spectacular, raging in every direction Arthur watched with silent glee as turbolasers green and red impacted around the lightless system.
But the reason as to why he's here quickly transpired. The systems sun began to darken, its light slowly subsuming into the folds and creases of the dark side, its potency, its magnificence now lost to the forces of "evil." "Azroal, begin operation darklight, take as much data as possible...." Arthur closed the channel. His adjutant was more than capable, the small nudge was hardly necessary, but then again, there wouldn't be a second opportunity, always better to insure success.
Turning back to the battle Rashin watched as the Imperial task force took their formal attack stance. It seemed that they were forming up for a torpedo line..... Before the Primary flagship moved the Cruisers and frigates, while intermingled between them Tartan Cruisers hovered, acting as a literal anti-fighter shields against the rebellions superior squadrons. Behind the advance force sat the heavies, the Victory and Imperial Class Star Destroyers, and finally making a good assumption Rashin theorised that the Bombard Cruisers were situated safely to the rear of the task force. He was quickly proved of course as a concentrated swarm of diamond -boron missiles leapt forward into the battle.
At first it seemed the Imperials were outnumbered and out gunned, the literal frenzy of enemy firepower was, to the educated eye, too overwhelming for any chance of a definitive victory, but things were starting to change. The number of enemy platforms was dwindling quickly, Imperial fighter competency was seemingly on the rise; with TIE-fighters and bombers initiating maneuvers that were seemingly impossible, and the consistent barrage of missiles worked wonders upon the rebellions sluggish capital ships.
But, not everything was going the Empires way. Rebel vessels were starting to close in on the advance line, engaging the lighter frigates and cruisers, attempting to pull the Destroyers into heavy combat, but Admiral Pael obviously disagreed. Holding position, the Imperial Star Destroyers continued to target objects in the distance, their heavy turbolasers acting in a precise, uniform fashion...... If everything continued this way, the dark light project could be become a quick success.......
Sixty-Six casually waved goodbye to Daniel Masaki as he hopped into his modified X-Wing, the clone commander was in no mood for a fight with a competent Jedi today, instead he desired to beat upon the old, the weak, the useless. Quickly turning around, Sixty-Six pulled his A5 blaster from its holster, and began shooting in Hawkins direction.......
System A1
The Imperial task force had once again arrived within the shattered system, the Hyperdrive engines of the fleet now too warm from the further micro-jumps; it would be some minutes before they were ready for any form of maneuvers......
As with all Imperial battles the Navy began to form up into their standard battle lines, Imperial Star Destroyers this time took point, while being safely flanked by the bulk of the fleet.
Blathe as usual had everything in control. The taskforce waited fifty nine light seconds away from the rebellion. with destroyers at point, the large capital ships offered a nice screen from long range artillery.
"Fire at will." The brazen Admiral scoffed.
From the distant Imperial force, the heavy guns of the Imperial Navy began to target the Anagonian frigates and Cruisers, the heavy turbolaser batteries tracking their predictable movements. It was like shooting fish in a barrel, so many ships, so many squashed into one area, so many targets.......
The Crimm
11-05-2006, 17:17
[OOC: This character has been training with the Jedi since late 2005... I just forgot she was there until today. >_<]
Swinging her blade down, it sliced two training remotes in half with ease. The special electrified metal vibroblade was made for defeating lightsabers, without the aid of Cortosis, which Crimmond did not have.
Kamara, a one eyed(thanks to a training incident with a Masaki) occult witch not too unlike the Sith(but with an unbreakable code of honor), looked up, along with a few others, before anything came into sight or the ground started to quake. The next few minutes were a flurry of activity, trying to get people underground. "Why isn't this doorway opening?"
"Power's cut. Give us time to ge-" he grunts as she pushs him aside and puts a hand on the power conduit. Sparks and lightning flash and the heavy door opens. She then waits until everyone is inside, then a minute longer, until she spots a bomber on approach. Another shock and the door closes. Unfortunatly... she was trapped outside. No matter.
She ran across an open square, creating a lightning storm around her body. It would certainly draw attention from sensors and from any pilots that saw the moving mini-storm moves up the side of a tall building. Rotating balls of lightning(powerful enough to overload a TIE fighter's systems) whipped around her, gathering energy from her powers, until she sent them hurtling through the air, into the paths of TIE bombers, not worried about her own well being at the moment in the least.
She had several wounds, from just getting to this point, but none were life threatening and even if they were, her powers would sustain her long enough to recieve treatment. She glanced up at the sky. The light from the sun... it had changed. It was more violent now, then began to darken. A voice in her head told her that now was a good time to leave this solar system, in case the star was just collapsed by some fools. She ignored the thoughts of self preservation once again.
She had no love of Jedi, nor of Sith, but merely wanted to have a challenge. To see how many fighters and bombers she could remove from the sky before they destroyed whatever building she was on.
11-05-2006, 19:58
Arthur-Rashin was still peacefully waiting in the observation lounge of the Varangian, his clear duraplex wheelchair held in lock before one of the lower viewports. The battle was spectacular, raging in every direction Arthur watched with silent glee as turbolasers green and blue impacted around the lightless system.
OOC: My turbolasers are blue, not red.
But the reason as to why he's here quickly transpired. The systems sun began to darken, its light slowly subsuming into the folds and creases of the dark side, its potency, its magnificence now lost to the forces of "evil." "Azroal, begin operation darklight, take as much data as possible...." Arthur closed the channel. His adjutant was more than capable, the small nudge was hardly necessary, but then again, there wouldn't be a second opportunity, always better to insure success.
Turning back to the battle Rashin watched as the Imperial task force took their formal attack stance. It seemed that they were forming up for a torpedo line..... Before the Primary flagship moved the Cruisers and frigates, while intermingled between them Tartan Cruisers hovered, acting as a literal anti-fighter shields against the rebellions superior squadrons. Behind the advance force sat the heavies, the Victory and Imperial Class Star Destroyers, and finally making a good assumption Rashin theorised that the Bombard Cruisers were situated safely to the rear of the task force. He was quickly proved of course as a concentrated swarm of diamond -boron missiles leapt forward into the battle.
The diamond-boron missiles proved to be tough cookies to crack and several ships fell to the onslaught. However, tiny saucer-shaped suicide droids moved into position to block incoming missiles. They couldn't however, block all of them, and those that blasted through sundered ships with gaping holes in their hulls.
After their first taste of what the Tartan Cruisers were all about ended in dismal failure, the fighters and light ships pulled back to allow the heavy turbolasers of Star Destroyers, Cruisers and Hokage-class battlecruisers target and lay waste to them while the smaller turbolasers concentrated on the enemy's escorts. Superlaser and heavy missile platforms continued to duel with the Star Destroyers while Lancer-class cruisers, Wolfpacks and E-wings slashed the enemy fighters and bombers with their own brand of antifighter defenses.
At first it seemed the Imperials were outnumbered and out gunned, the literal frenzy of enemy firepower was, to the educated eye, too overwhelming for any chance of a definitive victory, but things were starting to change. The number of enemy platforms was dwindling quickly, Imperial fighter competency was seemingly on the rise; with TIE-fighters and bombers initiating maneuvers that were seemingly impossible, and the consistent barrage of missiles worked wonders upon the rebellions sluggish capital ships.
But, not everything was going the Empires way. Rebel vessels were starting to close in on the advance line, engaging the lighter frigates and cruisers, attempting to pull the Destroyers into heavy combat, but Admiral Pael obviously disagreed. Holding position, the Imperial Star Destroyers continued to target objects in the distance, their heavy turbolasers acting in a precise, uniform fashion...... If everything continued this way, the dark light project could be become a quick success.......
The Coredian Star Destroyers acted in a similar fashion to the Empire, using themselves as long-range platforms while the smaller ships duked it out with their counterparts. However, the Empire's increasing accuracy, starfighter agility and generally winning stance unnerved the crew and captains of various capital ships, and the Admirals in charge of the Home Defense fleet could think of only one thing that could do that: Battle Meditation.
So, they began to execute one of their trump cards by sending a tightbeam signal to various locales to alert the ships there...
And within a minute, five Artillery Star Destroyers reverted to realspace several million miles 'above' the battle and announced themselves by opening up their bows like flower petals and charging up blue light, then releasing it in one massive blast of plasma energy on various enemy craft. Also, below the battle, three Elite-class Star Destroyers too reverted to realspace and charged at high speed towards the enemy's ventral sides, firing all forward guns at them. With 2500 meters of blistering turbolasers, ion cannons and missiles and four very dangerous capital-grade composite-beam turbolaser cannons(known simply as beamlasers or slicer beams) on their sides, they are a force to be reckoned with as they were designed to deal with SSDs in pairs. So, between the Artillery SDs and the Elite SDs, the Empire must realize that messing with Jurai is a very, very bad idea...
New Dornalia
11-05-2006, 20:18
Los Angeles-
"Oh no. This is not cool."
Premier MacIntyre was witnessing the breaking news coming from Jurai. It seemed the Imperials had moved onto the system, and always displaying a flair for drama, had initiated a massive solar storm from Jurai's sun. This was bad enough, with SeaQuest being invaded by the danged Federals and the Huntarian War entering a stalemate.
He decided to act. Calling Commissar Jack Cortes of the National Defense Commissariat, he said, "Jack, I'm going into Jurai, come hell or high water. Damn the People's Congress."
Jack then said, sighing, "Fine. I'll scrounge up a fleet."
MacIntyre then said, "Get me the Abraham Lincoln and the Chuck Norris in with them. I want our presence to be felt."
Jack then said, "Fine."
Karl Liebknecht Shipyards, Mars-
The formidable Chuck Norris and the Abraham Lincoln were at the dock. Having recently undergone upgrades with abblative armor and temporal shields, these ships, two of the most powerful in New Dornalia's People's Navy, were massive monsters, the Norris (the resident Uberbattleship, an Executor SSD modified with ND's best tech) 16km, and the Lincoln (the resident hypercarrier, which can divide into four sections and fields 10,000 fighters) 10km.
Now, the call up went out. It seemed they had business to deal with in Jurai, and much to the dismay of the crews, and to some smiles, it was involving the Galactic Empire. The dismay was mainly about the cutting short of shore leave, which on Mars, with its easygoing bohemian atmosphere (but not too bohemian), great coffee and lush terrain post-terraforming, was quite nice.
The crews got onboard, and began powering up their ships as fast as possible under the circumstances. It would take some time to bring everybody back from Mars, and to assemble the 1st Fleet, some 100 ships in total (OOC: ND Fleets are usually 20 Mao Zedong III battleships, 20 Prochkhoroovka II Fleet Carriers, 20 Trotsky Escort Carriers, 20 Zaitsev II ISDs, and 20 Relay Mobile Suit Carriers). But only a short time, some 24 hours. Such was the miracle of teleporters and the Bosun Jump Drive, newly refined.
New Dornalia
11-05-2006, 20:20
"Thanks. I think..." I replied dryly. I had the distinct impression that this new Sixty-six held a secret and that I must hurry to Jurai to find out what it is. Sensing Lamia and the ND delegate, I fired off a telepathic message. Something's up, and I don't like it. Get off this planet as quickly as you can.
I hopped into my fighter, started up the engines and literally shot out into space and calculated the jump to hyperspace. I had to reach Jurai...fast!
The New Dornalians obliged Danny Masaki. After all, they were on Coruscant, and Junko could sense something bad was going down too. They promptly ran to their Gagarin Shuttle, and flew away ASAP, trying to get to Los Angeles as soon as they could.
"Your Grace," came the calculated voice of an Executioner (http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b360/DMG2005/Executioner.jpg) as he approached the Lord Mistress and saluted smartly. She was looking out a window of the palace and staring over the immense cityscape of Coruscant. "We have received word from back home. The Imperials have commenced multiple attacks against enemies of their nation," he reported.
"Yes... I felt a disturbance in the force. No doubt the reborn emperor has decided to reassert his power over the Galaxy," Dani said with a blasé attitude about the matter at hand.
"Yes, ma'am," the clone stated as he continued to wait quietly for her instructions.
"Nothing further," Dani said, much to the Executioner's surprise. "We will stay out of the conflicts unless asked by the Emperor for support. There is no need to risk our forces for his campaign unless it would be in our interest, militarily, economically, or diplomatically."
"Yes, ma'am," he again stated.
"We will continue to stay here on Coruscant for a little while."
"But nothing. We are safe here, no doubt and our empire is secure," she paused momentarily. "Dismissed."
"Yes ma'am," the clone said, resigned to her decisions as he saluted again and then turned to return to the Honor Guard.
The Humankind Abh
12-05-2006, 00:57
A flash of light then blue fingers reached out towards the heaven and ripped the darkness of space apart. Red swirling energy opened wide to reveal the bleakness of Hyperspace. Abh vessels began streaming into the system off to the side of the planet below. The flood only took a minute to pass but it was seen as enough to deal with Imperials.
The hull of the Paryunu shimmered and became translucent giving the crew on the bridge a good view of the battle before them. "The battle has already commenced. Chief of Staff Lynn, take a seat. Don't worry I'm sure the Coredians will be fine. Senior Communications officer send a message."
"Yes ma'am."
This is Admiral Abriel Lafiel of the Abh Empire to the Coredians. We are here to assist you upon your request. Never let it be said that we never came to the aid of our allies. Now, together we will drive away the invaders and restore peace to your people.
Shadows shimmered and appeared around the Abh fleet, a favored class of ship for this type of battle.
10 Abh Destroyers
20 Rambirds
10 Missle Cruisers
15 Frontlineships
50 Whitestars
25 Victory Class Destroyers
15 Shadow Destroyers
2 Transports
New Dornalia
12-05-2006, 01:47
The crew and ships assembled, it was time to act...
The New Dornalian fleet assembled in Mars orbit. A quick prayer was read, a speech was given by the commander of the Norris (Wolfgang Styuvesant), and everybody braced for battle. Readying their Bosun Drives, they charged up....and went into space.
EDIT: Offending references to superweapons and arriving there deleted.
Beta Aurigae VII
12-05-2006, 02:58
The lights on the bridge of the Sabertooth were dimmed, it was the night shift and only necessary stations were manned. Grand Admiral Neville Larcat just couldn't seem to get to sleep. This was a regular occurence lately ever since Beta Aurigae joined the GFFA, he had been very uneasy. He had made his way to the bridge deep in thought, the crew for the most part ignored him as they were used to his nighttime wanderings now. Larcat was staring out of the viewscreen at the infinite vastness of space when one of the communications officers let out a gasp of suprise. Larcat turned and asked, "Is there a problem Lieutenant?"
"Admiral, we have just recieved a message from Coreworlds, they are under attack from Unified Sith. They are requesting immediate assistance."
"What do we have combat ready and avaliable now," asked Larcat.
"We have pretty much the whole navy on alert status as of now, but in terms of fleets, we have five fleets that can go right away."
"Patch me through to the fleet commanders."
After a few minutes, the other four Admirals of the avaliable fleets appeared on the screen in varying states of sleepiness.
"Gentleman," Larcat began, "we have just recieved a distress call from Coreworlds. They are under attack by Unified Sith at Janai, your fleets are the ones that are avaliable right now. I have to contact the High Council before we move but I want your fleets in formation and ready to move on my command within the hour." One by one the Admirals disappeared and when the last one was gone Larcat turned to the communications officers and asked, "What time is it on planet?"
"At the High Council's location, it is 9:30 PM. They are just about to ajourn their meeting," he replied.
"Put me through to them immediatly," ordered Larcat. After about 15 minutes, he had finally gotten past all of the lesser officials and recieved an audience with the High Council.
"Coucilors, the nation of Coreworlds is under attack by Unified Sith as we speak. Since they are our allies and it is our duty to combat the GE I formally request permission to take five fleets to aid them."
High Councilor Klev Kisharn spoke directly to the Admiral, "Permission granted. We transfer control of the mission to you, keep us uprised of the situation Admiral. Good luck."
"Thank you High Councilor. We will depart within the hour."
In the space around Beta Aurigae VII 15 minutes later....
The fleets of Beta Aurigae VII had assembled into formation and were ready to take off and defend Coreworlds.
"All fleets, this is Larcat, status report please."
Larcat received a series of readiness responses from the Admirals and then spoke again. "Prepare to make the jump to hyperspace on my mark, 3..2..1..Mark!." The starlines unfolded and Beta Aurigae VII jumped to the aid of their ally Coreworlds, hoping once and for all to hit the GE where it hurt the most right in the balls.
"All flight crews this is Larcat, begin preflight checks on your fighters. We will arrive at Janai in 3 hours be ready to deploy.
OOC: These are the ships I'm sending to the battle:
5 Emperor-Class ACCS
10 Empress-Class FCCS
20 King-Class CCS
40 Steward-Class CBS
80 Sovereign-Class HBC
160 Nation-Class IBC
320 Duke-Class LCR
The Transylvania
12-05-2006, 03:32
A new battlefield for the GE. Maybe the time for the hidden Dominion to show itself to the evil empire. Raidon’s Fury, a five ship fleet under the command of Warlock Master Raidon. Five Ha'Tak class Motherships; one battleship version, two fighter carrier versions and two Zoid carrier versions. Large pyramids, spinning in space like a child’s top.
The crimson red dragon man, Raidon, watched the battle between the good and the dark. He growled as he watched the battle. “Cover our allies!” he yelled out. “Launch all fighter and Zoids now.” Raidon watched as his friend’s nation was under attack.
Dozens of Death Gliders out the carrier Ha’Taks. Out of the Zoid Ha’Tak carriers, space version Jet Falcons flew out into space. The large birds like weird in space. The clone (http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y101/CountJWolf/Clone.jpg) pilots shot towards the fight.
Meanwhile…Baku (http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y101/CountJWolf/Baku.jpg), Raidon’s padawan, was getting in touch with Dominion High Command. He was telling them everything.
Things were beginning to look quite awry to the Immortal Emperor of Rea Dan. Many quite suspcious poeple had left in quite a hurry and the room seemed abuzz with comm activity and talks of war. The Emperor would have easily dismissed any of these things if they occured on their own. There were always wars and people frequently left meetings in a rush somewhere else, but it seemed to Liadon VII that these things happened far too quickly and appeared too closely linked to be dismissed. Former Comm Officer Collins confirmed the Emperor's misgivings.
"Milord, those monitoring the frequency and destinations of comm traffic to and from this position have received a great deal of localised activity. Unfortunately, we cannot adequtely intercept messages, as you well know, but we have been able to determine that most transmitions seemed to be coming from a system identified as Jurai...some capital of sorts. Our astrocartographers and communication monitors are working out the details, but the common theory is that the Empire has attacked ir has been attacked."
"No doubt that shadowy fellow wasted no time with his 'peace efforts.'" spoke the Emperor gruffly, "In any case, this situation could lead to great pains on the part of Rea Dan. Order the return of all exploration fleets. It appears we may also have to enact Alert Level 1, do so immediately. May the Gods save our nation from whatever troubles that now occur."
Rea Dan
Alert Level 1 was a precautionary military order installed by the Emperor following the CorpSac Disaster. It, in short, stated that every military personell was to be prepared for battle, the home front was to change to a wartime economy, all civilians were to be prepared for immediate attack and, last but not least, all dissidents imprisoned or otherwise, were to be quitely and immediately 'silenced' through any means neccesary. The Readanian Empire was to be prepared for a long, bloody and sudden war as quickly as possible and be prepared to outlast the enemy. If this war expanded, as it probably would, then Rea Dan would become part of its first Galactic War. Emperor Liadon VII did not want it to become Rea Dan's last war.
OOC: Durnit CW... you shoulda told me that Jurai was under attack! Hard for me to stay outta a war when a joint-owned system comes under attack. We need to have a talkies on MSN asap.
The arrival of the Imperial forces in the system of Jurai caused ripples of surprise throughout the Godulan garrisons. Being a world populated jointly by Godulans and Coredians in roughly equal number, both nations held a great stake in keeping the world as well defended as possible.
The unfortunate nature of the Imperials' arrival while even now a massive combat situation was unfolding in another system meant that most of the defensive measures had been removed, severely depleting the Godulan Defensive Cordons' efficacy. However, even with the reduced strength of their forces, the primary motivation in the surprise expressed by the Godulans as the Imperial destroyers materialized on sensors was a singular disbelief that anybody could be so inherently foolish as to attempt such a feat as a direct assault on Jurai.
A massive pulse of some strange communication radiated out from Jurai, audible on comms channels as a momentary shriek of intense static.
Within seconds of the pulse, power signatures all throughout the system came to life as giant floating Mass Drivers charged up and began manifesting munitions. Siege dreadnoughts and Sniper Cruisers all throughout the system, previously on standby mode, also initiated full charge-up.
Indeed, even with their overall numbers depleted, the emergence of so many sensor contacts in such a short amount of time would have flabbergasted even those in the allied forces.
This... would not be pretty.
Unified Sith
12-05-2006, 10:17
OOC: Humankind Abh, you're simply not here, I advise a quick OOC talk with Coreworlds. Your fleet, as was clearly posted earlier is simply not here Icly, it is impossible to move an entire battle division and cart it across the Galaxy before a single fighter. Go work out some problems you have with fluid time and get back to me.
New Dornalia leave the thread please, I advise you have a quick talk with Coreworlds, you seem to have completely ignored every OOC channel in this thread. When someone talks about superweapons in their second post, it's not going to happen.
Godular, let us hope that we can finally put the past behind us and roleplay effectively.
Beta Aurigae VII
12-05-2006, 11:54
OOC: Humankind Abh, you're simply not here, I advise a quick OOC talk with Coreworlds. Your fleet, as was clearly posted earlier is simply not here Icly, it is impossible to move an entire battle division and cart it across the Galaxy before a single fighter. Go work out some problems you have with fluid time and get back to me.
New Dornalia leave the thread please, I advise you have a quick talk with Coreworlds, you seem to have completely ignored every OOC channel in this thread. When someone talks about superweapons in their second post, it's not going to happen.
Godular, let us hope that we can finally put the past behind us and roleplay effectively.
OOC: I presume that I am still allowed to post in the thread as I'm not mentioned in this post. If I am then you can expect a post from me late tonight, if not then good luck CW.
12-05-2006, 12:19
Northrop-Grumman won't be posting until tonight due to his sisters injuries from a spider bite. He will be helping his family take trips to the hospital and back, and their jobs. Sorry for any incovience, but I reminded NG that family is more important than posting, so I suggested he take his time.
Course, knowing NG, he gonna try to get a post in tonight like he said he would.
Anyway, as for Humankind ABH, and concerning SIthy's concerns, after the Exodus One fleet goes through the stargate, it would be approx. 4 hours into the battle, and the Abh fleet will have fluid time transition to enter the fray to assit Exodus Two.
I hope you'll go along with this sithy, we can always talk about it.
For now, I'm waiting for NG. He's the Stargate guru. :D
Now, out of OOC....
12-05-2006, 13:38
OOC: Attention all allies. No fleets (except for Godular and Transylvania) will be entering Jurai space before Daniel gets to Jurai first. Even then, reinforcements from you guys will come after Daniel arrives to watch his fleets begin to burn. It's just the way it's meant to be. Oh, yeah and ND, do you have MSN?
As it stands, here's the ally and enemy standing that is eligible for Jurai.
New Dornelia (if you'll remove mention of superweapons until further notice, we'll be happy. Plot calls for that.)
Beta Aurigae VII
Unified Sith
Seems even enough :P.
The Humankind Abh
12-05-2006, 15:30
ooc: Then just save the post for when Daniel does arrive as well as ND's. Just so there are no more problems and I don't seem to show up out of nowhere. You have my MSN as well if you got questions.
"You're leaving?"
His golden cape fell to the back of his legs as he stopped. His palm rested on the pommel of his sword while a finger traced the golden word "TRUTH" that was gilded into the hilt. "I must."
Gaf'ton took a few more steps towards the man. "You do remember when they sent a fleet of ships to fight against us all when we were trying to protect Thrashia. Their government is not the friendliest towards us."
A steele grey eye turned towards the Abriel. "I met their Jedi and they are the ones that we formed an alliance with. They are the ones that I gave my word to that we would protect them if they ever needed us."
The old admiral sighed. "I can't allow you to have a large force but I will not stop you. What do you plan to take?"
"We still have two Abh Eclipse class star destroyers that were left over from our sale to the Huntarian Alliance. I will aslo take some members of the D'Haran home guard with me. Other than that, I'll go alone."
A chime signaled the opening of an elevator door. "Not alone, but with a friend." The cloaked figure stepped forward into the light. Long blue hair fell down past the hood.
"So it's the one and only Force user that the Abh Empire has. The young Admiral Abriel and Count Hyde's son, Doron."
Doron reached up and pulled the hood back to reveal pointed ears and a wide smile. "A pleasure to meet you Imperial Admiral." He turned to his long time brother in arms. "Lord Rahl, always good to see you."
The Seeker of Truth showed an expression mixed with surprise and delight. "And what do you intend to bring to this battle my very young friend?"
"My personal ship, the Twin Blades, is standing by with a squadron of Whitestars and other various goodies for our little expedition." Doron turned his attention back to Gaf'ton. "Don't worry. We aren't going there to wage war but merely help out old comrades. We'll be back before the next big crisis breaks out."
Richard, Doron, and Gaf'ton exchange goodbyes before the Abriel heads back into the war room to discuss battle plans with the rest of the admirals. The doors to the elevator closed infront of them and they were off out towards the docks. "How is Cypher?"
"Good. He just recently turned nine and is sharp as a nail. Kahlan is spending the fall with him in our retreat in the Midlands on D'Hara. Cara and General Meiffert are with them which leaves Nicci in charge of matters while I'm in space. How's Kanna?"
Doron looked back towards the door just as it opened. "She's doing good. I think she is getting attached to clyve palace a little too much but it's still going good."
The two continued their talks all the way back to the D'Haran system as they rounded up their troops and supplies. Several hours later, two Eclipse along with a few Whitestars, Rambirds, and Victor Class Destroyers entered Hyperspace and made their way towards Novar.
The loss of the star's radiance did not perturb the Godulan defensive fleet in the slightest. Truth be told, as the Godulan fleet did not rely on visual sensors, the only indications they had that some force had wrapped itself around the star was the occasional missive along the lines of "Dude... got dark out fast. Do we have the Dysjunction spell on file?"
The Godulan Garrison fleet, already on a state of High Alert due to events taking place elsewhere in Godulan space, were at Condition one as soon as powering up was completed. With but a few seconds of effort, the Garrison blinked into a shield spread formation about half a lunar distance away from Jurai, along the Imperials' approach vector.
The Makos and Marauders, normally assigned to Skirmishing, would act as additional shielding for the Siege Dreads and Sniper Cruisers, and as such they devoted the majority of their weapons energy to powering shields, while the rest would go into Shardbolt cannons in the event that Fighter craft would need to be dealt with.
The Siege Dreads, a score and five in number, began the counterassault with their long range guns, opening up with tremendous salvos of Protium Arc Fire along with significant quantities of Tachyon and Fractal Torpedos. Accuracy would not be at its finest at this range, but truth be told it did not need to be. The Protium Arc detonations would cause sufficient concussive damage to the enemy vessels that only proximity detonations were required, not direct hits. Their purpose was to buffet and weaken as the torpedos lanced out to impact shielding and, in the case of the Tachyon torpedos, pass through the shielding and striking the hull with their newly acquired energetic redshift.
As for the sniper cruisers, cover was taken behind the Marauders while weapons power was focused into their sniper cannons. Tachyonic weapons that required the fore shielding to be dropped in order to fire, the sniper cruisers could nonetheless shoot through the shielding of their cover vessels, as Tachyon bursts redshifted upon entering a shield were accelerated back into their non-interactive state upon exiting the same shielding, enabling the pulse to continue on towards its target. In this case, the targets were key portions of the targeted Imperial vessels. Fighter bays, command structures, shield generators, et cetera.
The HellKites, now organized in wedge formations throughout the fleet, waited for enemy fighters to approach.
And then the defensive Satellites. Bulky things were they, dominated by heavy shielding, anti-fighter defenses, and their main cannons. Guns of Archona were hideous weapons in any theatre. Great Mass-Drivers capable of projecting shells several times the size of a TIE fighter towards enemy targets at relativistic speeds. Several dozen of these Satellites opened up on the Imperial fleet as soon as they completed manifestation of munitions. These satellites would likely not last long, but the damage they would inflict upon enemy capital ships would be atrocious, and there were more Guns of Archona ready to transit in from elsewhere in system if necessary, to reinforce the satellites lost to attrition.
Finally, Psions contacted Savants deeper in Godulan space, requesting assistance from whatever the Godulan Expeditionary could spare. The Godulans knew the Imperials well... well enough to know a feint when they saw one. This paltry force was far too small to inflict anything more than token damage upon Jurai. Reinforcements had to be en route. The Godulans intended to make certain that the little buggers would get exactly the welcoming party they deserved: an Ice Pick to the brain base and a kick to the curb.
The WIck
12-05-2006, 21:18
Sirius chuckled at Hawkins apparent embarrassment, his face had now turned as red as the Sith's robes, mostly from blood, partly from shame. "My my, you Jedi have lost your touch.... or perhaps you're right Hawkins, perhaps you are getting too old?" Sirius extended his force pike; the metal rod pushing out at the speed of light; headed for the grey Jedi's malformed face.
Meanwhile behind Masaki a familiar helmet took position, a certain Clone, number Sixty-Six to be precise.... "Oh Masaki." The soldier chuckled. "Please keep you hand away from.... from that toy." Sixty-Six pointed towards the saber hilt. "I'm not here for a fight, I merely came to say farewell, just to bid you a safe trip home...." The soldier chuckled softly.
Hawkins did not react as the force pike reached the extend of its length of 4 meters just as he knew it would about a half a meter from his face.
"Nice trick there Sirus, compensating for something with that long pole?" He chuckled for a bit with a crooked smile on his face. " Age is not something to fear Sirius though you Sith seem to be petrified of it...though I suppose in your case mortality is not something you need fear."
That was no threat but a matter of fact....Hawkins had killed Sirius once before he would do it again. Hawkins reflex’s were not that rusty though he quickly began to backpedal as he parried Sixty-Six's shots, in time to see Danny-Boy flee from the hanger quickly. So much for old friendships, his hand quickly touched a small pad on his wrist sending out his distress beacon.
New Dornalia
13-05-2006, 05:50
US, I got the situation straightened out with CoreWorlds, and I'll try to keep to the agreed guidelines of the RP, as it were (I won't pull out the superweapons, in other words.). I for one did not know this was being OOCly planned until today, and I apologize for any inconvience.
CW did indicate I was still in the Jurai battle. However, if requested, I can delete this.
Aboard the Chuck Norris, in hyperspace en route to Jurai (OOC: Again, he won't get there until Daniel Masaki does).-
Admiral Styuvesant cursed in Afrikaans, before getting up to address the assembled staff in his ready room. The officers respected Styuvesant, despite his Elven nature and his sarcasm; a rare thing for a man such as he. He was a relatively old man (in his 50's), who made it his life's work to strategize, and dish out biting sarcasm.
Life was tough, but meh. Once New Dornalia took over his neck of the woods via the Treaty of Los Angeles, which unified Earth, he had a chance to advance. Thus, he joined the navy, thus, he was here.
He then said, clearing his throat: "Gentlemen, I do not need to tell you what we are up against. Imperials. But I do need to know what to expect. What is our intelligence?"
The Intelligence Officer said, "Not much. We know the Coredians are locked in battle with the Imperials. Exact movements are unknown, but there were reports of....solar flares."
Styuvesant then said, shaking his head, "Solar flares?"
The IO said, "Solar flares."
Stuyvesant said, joking: "Always knew the Empire had a sense of humor. Any concrete numbers on the enemy?"
IO said, "None that I know of sir, and none I can rattle off the of of my head."
Stuyvesant chuckled, and said, "Comrade Premier, you son-of-a-b**ch. You send me into battle with poissibly huge odds, and one of your golden elephants, too."
He then sat down on his chair, and then said, slightly annoyed at the prospects: "Well, what of planning? Where will we go?"
The Helmsman said, pointing to a map of Jurai and the surrounding system, "We appear on the top of the planet, and then move in a widened claw to take on our foes."
Styuvesant said, "I like it. Anybody else coming in with us?"
Helmsman said, "Unknown, sir. Only potential allies we see are possible Abh intervention and existing Coredian elements. Otherwise, no more."
Styuvesant thought deep about this. He had the strength, the will, the courage. But did his men? Well, he trusted them enough, they liked him.
But did the enemy have more of the strength and will needed than he?
13-05-2006, 06:47
BUMP for Northrop Grumman. BUMP to allow the Exodus Two thingie fight....
13-05-2006, 08:40
Orbital Stargate Facility -- Nova Kretani Solar System
With the strong odor of burning wires filling his nostrils, Edward Kerr, one of the few Northrop-Grumman technicians that were employed at this facility, hurried through the long dark corridors as the exploding lights overhead showered sparks down upon his head. He also had to watch out for the bulkhead doors that always seemed to want to slam shut on him. But nevertheless, he was intent on making his way to the gate control room to find out what exactly was going on inside.
Meanwhile, on the outside, the orbital stargate itself was approaching the power level that it needed to sustain a stable wormhole to the Corporation’s colony worlds, the Criun System, but from the observation from those in the fleets, it appeared that the gate and the facility were having some technical difficulties. The chevrons dimmed and brightened randomly as did the lights on the facility. At times, sparks burst out of the connections to the facility. And one could even see fires raging in the lower decks. But luckily this was not having too much of an adverse effect on the procedure as less than thirty seconds later than expected, all nine chevrons lit and the energy vortex burst out of the front of the gate. Finally, it stabilized and outbound travel could commence.
Back inside of the facility, Kerr had finally reached the control room, alive, and found his colleague, Peter Prelozny, speaking into his headset to the fleets that were waiting in space.
“This is Nova Kretani Orbital Control. To all allied fleets, in the vicinity of the gate, you are cleared for departure. I repeat. All allied fleets are cleared for departure. You have exactly four minutes to do so or you will be left behind.”
Kerr interrupted, slightly out of breath. “Jesus, Pete, what the hell are ya doin’ to this place?”
A small sheet of paper was handed over to him with sloppy handwriting on it. “General Harris’ orders. We are to sabotage everything in the facility.” Prelozny began to type furiously at the computer console in front of him. “Life support is burned out so we only have about ten more minutes of air with the fires and all. Shields are just about gone. Anti-gravity is barely working. Now, the doors are on manual control only. So really, the only thing working is the gate and the main computer control but that’s set to self-destruct in a little under four minutes.”
“Anything else that needs to be done?” asked Kerr, half-expecting the answer to be ‘no’.
“Actually, yes.” He tossed over a heavy sack. “Here’s some C-4, looks like the Anagonians left it behind in the armory. So just place it around computer consoles.”
“Sure thing,” came the reply.
So as Kerr began to set up the explosives, Prelozny set to work finishing one last task so he pressed on the headset’s earpiece to hear clearly as he spoke into the microphone through an encrypted channel. “Criun Orbital Control, this is Nova Kretani Orbital Control. Do you copy?”
“We read you loud and clear, Nova, what can we do for you?”
“I need to you revise the current update protocol and remove our gate from the list permanently.
“Understood. We require your authorization code please.”
A brief silence for a moment then the voice spoke again. “Code confirmed. It will be approximately eight minutes before the correlative update commences.”
“Very well, thank you.” Prelozny glanced back at his colleague. “Ready?”
“Definitely. Let’s get the hell out of here.”
Kerr tightly clutched the remote detonator in his hand and rushed out through the open sliding door as Prelozny followed behind, slamming each of the doors shut as he came upon them. Luckily, to make this easier, he had planned this out earlier and had the computer keep open the ones that they needed to get to the shuttle bay in the fastest way possible. After reaching that shuttle bay, Kerr pressed the detonator button and the C-4 in the control room instantly exploded. The consoles were all blown apart and swept into space as the large windows broke apart under the pressure. Even some of the doors were ripped out as the air was sucked out, rendering nearly the whole deck unlivable.
Task Force Alpha -- Nova Kretani Solar System
While Kerr and Prelozny were dealing with their problems in the orbital stargate facility, the Corporation’s five battle fleets, now called Task Force Alpha, had an entirely different situation to deal with. The Anagonian fleets were now being fired upon by the Imperial fleets so the task force repositioned itself between the two forces in an attempt to absorb most of the firepower. Obviously most outsiders would consider this a suicidal move, but to those in the Corporation’s military, it was completely necessary for it to be done so as to save as many of the Anagonians as possible. And it was considered to be honorable to give ones life to save an ally’s.
The task force had also repositioned most of its class types enroute. The battleships were on the outer edges, closest to the enemy fleets, while the battlecarriers and battlecruisers remained a little further away as they had quite a bit of firepower but were not as powerful as the battleships. And the carriers, not constructed for capital ship battles, positioned themselves the closest to their ally’s vessels.
The stronger shields of the battleships appeared to be able to withstand the onslaught of the turbolasers fairly well in the short term. This enabled them to position their turrets and fired upon the enemy vessels with their MAC and H-PPC turrets. On the other hand, a few of the battlecruisers received quite a bit of damage and even one was destroyed, prompting General Harris to move them a little further back for safety.
OOC: The definitions for MAC and H-PPC can be found here: http://anikari.zioncreation.com/tech.htm I just didn’t feel like it would be necessary to bog down the writing with terminology as this is not a textbook we’re writing here.
Main OOC: I want to thank everyone here for being patient with me over these past few days. As Anny has told everyone, I’ve been taking trips back and forth to the hospital for my little sister and doing some of my parents’ work. But I do have good news, she’s out of the hospital and it looks like she’ll make a full recovery so everything will settle back down into a routine (which pleases my schedule-oriented obsessed self)
Now about posting here. As promised, I have made a post tonight which I am very happy to finally get written (I know you all feel the same too) But unfortunately, I started on this at 2 am and now at 3:30, I’m dead tired. Even the coffee doesn’t seem to help any more. What I am getting at is that this is only half of the intended post. The other half is supposed to be what is going on with the Criun System (where the wormhole/gate leads to) and that other batch of ships that I was rounding up. So if everyone that is participating in the Anagonia invasion could be patient and not post for just a little bit longer, I should be able to have it done by five EST today (Saturday).
Thank you all and goodnight.
Unified Sith
13-05-2006, 15:40
"Oh" Was all Arthur Rashin could utter as five enemy star destroyers jumped out of Hyperspace. Their sequence perfected and their timing absolute..... this wasn't going to be pleasant.
Meanwhile on the bridge.......
"Enemy Star Destroyers on approach vector. Their coming in at Lightspeed!"
"All gunnery crews angle weapons at expected reversion coordinates. Close all outer bulkheads."
"Too late.........."
Morin Pael turned from the operations pit to see five enemy star destroyers plunge out of hyperspace, their sleek slender bodies saying it all.
"All batteries target those ships!" Pael screamed over the bridge. "Helm full reverse, take us out of range and ask Captain Rouls taskforce to intercept." Surprisingly.... relatively little firepower left the rebel destroyers, there was of course the traditional odd heavy turbolaser and the random ion bolt but nothing overly significant. They were just sitting there..... waiting while all the time they themselves were being sundered by half the taskfroce.
"Energy build up detected. Admiral.... sensors detecting heavy laser mountings....." The warning stopped as did everything. Around Morin Pael and his subordinates life seemed to expand and compress. The air grew stiff and the sound of screams and anguish erupted from bulkhead to airlock. Thrown across the command deck Pael caught a glimpse of several green energy beams cutting through the forward hull. Air, crewmen and gun mountings were all torn from the body, sirens erupted everywhere as damage control teams struggled to comprehend the situation. The bridge was powerless.
"Ad....... Wh.... ....ill .....e. .......do? S........ r..... da...ge t..... a...lm..... all ........ms. Jedi ....re...p..ed. .....o..... sh......" Paels ears will still reeling after the attack, his hearing still barely functioning but of course it didn't stop him from screaming orders.
"Damage control teams to all sections! Take the ship out of the combat zone at best possible speeds. All gunnery crews are to remain at their stations..... and...." Pael was once again horrified, the command tower was clearly no longer connected to the Varangian... he knew this as outside the viewports he could clearly see his prized flagship, sitting there, disabled lashing out wildly at the attacking rebels. "Can we still communicate with the fleet?"
Pael felt sick, his stomach plunging through his body, the taskforce now lacked any commander......
Imperial Star Destroyer Dark Eminence
"Where are my orders!" Captain Asel demanded from a terrified staff. "Communications get me a channel with the Varangian immediently!"
"Channel open sir."
"Pael, where are my orders! The fleet is a sitting duck out here. Do we have permission to engage the enemy artil...."
"Captain Asel this is Commodore Vrel second class; acting commander of the Varangian. We have sustained heavy damage on all quarters with multiple hull breeches. The bridge mounting has been sheered off and we have lost all communications with Admirals Harrel and Pael....."
"I see..." Asel winced. "Thank you commodore." The channel quickly closed. "Communications open another transmission to the fleet, alert them that I am now acting commander......."
Observation Deck - Sheered Bridge of the ISD Varangian
Arthur Rashin was somehow still upright in his chair, still watching the battle unfold as the tower gently drifted away from the conflict. Pity about Azroal, he was such a good aide; he did his work well. Arthur stroked a small datacron, project darklight could now proceed, yes Azroal would want it this way, Rashin smiled at the battle..... Yes. Arthur thought one last time, Azroal would want the future, his future......
<Captain Melve> "What do you think you're playing at Asel, you're not fit to command a barracks never mind a fleet! I won't put my ship and my men under your shaky command. You've just ordered us to engage at point blank range. Engage at point blank!"
<Captain Rouse> "I'm afraid I tend to agree with Melve, Asel you're not experienced to command an operation of this size, you m....." [LINK TERMINATED]
<Captain Hazzrat> "Asel, surrender command of the fleet to myself or Melve before we lose any more ships. The fleet is in complete chaos. Relinquish command or be responsible for the Empires most embarrassing defeat since Yavin."
<Acting Admiral Asel> "I am within my rights to claim command. Protocol dictates that the....."
<Captain Melve> "Damn Protocol man, damn it to fire, you're arrogance is causing hundreds to die every minute. Relinquish command or we will do it for you."
<Commodore Alen> "Sir, the Adjudicator and the Punisher have turned their guns towards us."
<Captain Melve> "Relinquish command Asel, or we will open fire upon your ship."
<Captain Asel> "You don't have the nerve Melve."
<Captain Melve> "Prepare to fire!"
Asel stood shocked at the events transpiring, they really were going to open fire upon his warship..... "The Adjudicator and the Punisher have swung their heavy turrets at us captain. Sir, you must relinquish command!"
"I will do no such thing!" Asel stormed towards the operations pit. "Cease firing upon the Godulans and target the Punisher. Helm prepare the ship for ramming velocities. The Emperor shall reward me for dealing with these traitors!" Commodore Hathel stood dumbfounded. Within mere moments, his captains usual reasoning and logic had mutated into madness.
Asel instantly turned from the tactical bench and rushed towards the communications sector. "It must be the Emperor." He ranted. "He must know of my promotion, he must be supporting me...." Asel stopped...... "This isn't an authorised code..... this is almost three years old." The readout finished copying and Asel Grimaced
"Who does that scum think he is....."
"Captain, we have a Super Star Destroyer entering the system........ IFF designates it as the, captain, it's the Hellfire."
The Executor Class Super Star Destroyer reverted from Hyperspace ploughing through the advancing rebel line of frigates and cruisers, the Dreadnoughts shields glimmering a gentle blue as flames engulfed the invisible barrier.
On board, a certain Chiss Grand Admiral smiled at the beauty of the scene, fire, wreckage, drama...... truly a masterpiece.
Arthur Rashin, like the rest of the Imperial fleet was slightly surprised at the sudden emergence of a Super Star Destroyer onto the battlefield. The grey hull blending in perfectly to the backdrop of space; or it would have if it weren't for the thousands of flaring turbolasers. "I wonder who it is?" Rashin turned a small control on has movement pad, it was time to abandon ship............
The Crimm
13-05-2006, 16:30
(OOC: Talked to CW. He said I'm fine.)
Kamara continued to lob her balls of pure electricity, watching a few TIEs go down and slam into the ground or a building. She was growing weary of this though... it was draining her energy to keep powering the orbs. Sends her last one away and leaps down ten stories to a flagpole, making her way down the building in an acrobatic masterpiece until she hit the pavement running.
Enters the Armory and shoves a citizen out of her way. He was about to protest, then got a good look at her gray skin, blazing white eyes and the firey tattoos on her arms. She looks at the selection and ignites a lightsaber, swinging it around with a practiced test of balance and puts it back, Tkaes two others and tests them, before placing them on her belt and grabbing a cortosis-weave vibroblade. It wasn't like her own, or the one that was destroyed, but it would do for an off-hand weapon, not that she really had an off-hand...
She heads back out into the streets, looking up at the darkened sun. She seemed to prefer it better this way. It seemed more hellish and powerful in a different way.
Unified Sith
13-05-2006, 17:41
System A1
Blathe stood arms behind his back, posture perfect upon the bridge of the Executor. Everything was simply the same as before. The Anagonian naval detachment was still holding position in front of whatever that thing was. The long range sensors were detecting limited activity, apparently some of the rings were turning, to whatever end, Blathe didn't know nor did he care.
The allied forces sent to assist the rebellion were now moving in between the two fleets, their battleships and cruiser bulk providing a wall between the two sides. "Perfect." Was all the grand Admiral could mutter. They had finally done it, finally halved their firepower.
"Communications." Blathe announced proudly. "Order the fleet to advance to upon the unknown force. Order the Interdictor Cruisers to hold them in gravity wells and prepare to order the carriers to launch bomber squadrons." The orders were fast and the commands simple.
The Imperial Task force quickly ignited their booster engines, each capital ship thrusting towards the unknown fleet with impunity. The Star Destroyers no longer providing cover for the frigates and cruisers quickly lagged behind as the advance force swarmed in ahead. Covered by the first salvo of the Broadside cruisers, which lay far outside the battlezone, the Empires diamond-boron missiles were destined to eat away at their foe.
The Executor was alas the last to advance, the Empires pride and joy sluggishly making her move at sublight velocities would be within point black range shortly.
Blathe was having the time of his life.... The conquering of Anagonia was never accomplished by anyone, not even by his teacher. Soon, he would be in the Emperors favour.....
The smaller warships were sadly suffering from the enemy, their weaker shields and lower armour simply crumpled away at the concentrated firepower dealt by the enemy battleships. But needs must and the Empire continued to advance. The Empire continued to hold their gravity wells in position, the Imperials continued to show no mercy. Forcing the other half of Anagonias defence in limited options......
They would either move away at sublight velocities, destroy the cruisers, or flee now against the approaching fleet, leaving the stargate vulnerable, leaving their allies open to death..........
Sirius smirked. "I've been waiting a long time for this Hawkins. Yes, I'm afraid you're right, death is indeed something I need not fear, but you should, there are so many people waiting there, in the void, just dying to greet you. But I do have one message for you Hawkins, just one, from sweet old Alyssia." The Siths tounge slithered the name. "She said one thing Hawkins..... she said Help!" Sirius quickly sparred his force pike into action, reaching out his hands, the silver point began to energise.
From the other side of the hanger Sixty-Six strolled along firing with little concern. His blaster bolts of course glancing off the Grey Jedis sabre, bouncing throughout the hanger bay without thought. Unfortunately for Hawkins a stray bolt compromised the hanger controls forcing a lock down.......
Above the great Neutronium doors began closing, their mechanisms unstoppable, while below, the blast doors shut almost instantaneously locking the three men in one, all be it large room........
Godulan comms were something of a bustle as things seemed to go belly-up for the Imperials.
-- They're firing on themselves?! --
-- Looks like we might have taken the fleet commander. Comm intercepts suggest a power struggle, --
-- Not anymoooooore... Heads up, new contact! Executor Class. --
-- I see it. What... no support fleet? What in the hell is going on here? --
-- Executor opening fire on friendly vessels and satellites, tagging as hostile-combative. Hey... that firing pattern look familiar to any of you? --
-- Yeah... and that isn't a good thing... --
-- Feh! I'm gonna start moving the Guns around, see if we can shuffle in some more support. --
-- All Sniper cruisers, focus fire on the Executor. Try to take out command structures and weapons arrays. Stick to Tachyonic, that sucker's fresh... --
Thus far, damage across the fleet had been minimal. With the skirmishers providing the majority of shielding effort to the fleet and proper rotations taking place like clockwork, combined with the comparatively small amount of counterfire, not one vessel had lost shielding as of yet.
The Siege Dreads, several times the size of a standard ISD, simply shrugged off whatever Turbolaser fire made its way into their fore, returning fire in standard fashion. Great waves of crackling blue pulses of energy lanced out alongside streams of torpedoes as part of the Godulan defensive Fusillade. The Tachyon weapons, in the case of the sniper cruisers a few times more powerful than a heavy turbolaser blast, would only become apparent when they contacted enemy shielding, shifting into white lances of exotic energy before slamming into the enemy vessel's hull.
The Godulans did not celebrate their good fortune, however. Something was amiss, and they knew the hammer would fall at some point. Still, as long as the Imperials kept sending in reinforcements ship by ship in such a piecemeal manner, the assault was doomed to failure... even if, though they were not certain of it, the Imperials should happen to send him.
13-05-2006, 22:19
Haeridan Base*
Commander Vinan’s terms appeared to be perfectly acceptable to Colonel Wilson. Nothing was out of the ordinary, just basic information and a few extra ships. He was sure that they could be fulfilled, so when she had teleported aboard her warship, he keyed his walkie-talkie to speak to the commander of Stargate Command, Brigadier General Steven Clayton.
“This is Colonel Wilson of SG-2, calling the SGC.”
An older man’s voice came through the speaker, obviously the General. “Yes, Colonel, this is General Clayton speaking. What’s the status on your mission?”
“The Indrans said that they are willing to help us, but they want all of our BC-304s on site to provide close in support for their warships.”
“That shouldn’t be too much of a problem. I can get the PDF to release theirs to us.” The General paused before he spoke again. “What else did they say?”
“Of course, sir, they want to know the make-up of both the enemy fleet and our allies.”
“No problem there either. I can have the 304s send all the information once they get into position. Is that all?”
“Just one last thing. My team has been requested to come aboard one of their warships.”
“Permission granted, Colonel. Good luck.”
“Thank you, sir.”
As soon as the conversation had ended, the wormhole on the stargate disengaged, and instantly, the team was transported aboard the Furtim Lancea which had already begun to leave the base along with the other seven warships. Within a few hours, they would be arriving at the Criun System’s orbital stargate.
P3X-719 -- Criun System*
In various locations all over the lush green surface of the Corporation’s colony world of P3X-719, massive titanium reinforced blast doors were sliding open. Inside were the dark grey hulls of the BC-304 class of ships that were assigned to the PDF, or Planetary Defense Forces. They were constructed with the sole purpose of protecting the colonies in the event of a surprise attack. Along with these thirty vessels were two thousand of the older F-302 fighters that had the same purpose also.
Within minutes of powering up their main systems, the 304s gradually lifted off of the concrete floor and engaged their primary engines to make the flight into space. Along the way, the following information was transmitted via an encrypted message to the Indran warships.
<:: Transmission Sent ::>
<:: Security Code – Alpha ::>
<:: To: Indran Detachment ::>
<:: From: Commander, Planetary Defense Forces, Northrop-Grumman ::>
<:: Subject: Compositions ::>
1 x Eclipse Evac Vessel
2 x Zereul Class Battlecarriers
1000 x Battleships
750 x Pocket Battleships
250 x Blazing Blue class Scout Ships
750 x Hailstorm-Class Battlecruisers
750 x Aries-Class Heavy Cruiser
400 x IE-24 Aardvark class Line Cruiser
400 x Magnificent-class Star Frigate
5 x Zereul Class Battlecarriers
15 x Yorktown Class Carriers
35 x Kingmaker Class Battleships
80 x Ancient Class Battle Cruisers
Enemy Forces:
1 x Executor Class Super Star Destroyer
70 x Imperial Star Destroyers
300 x Frigates and Cruisers
10 x Bombard Cruisers
5 x Carriers
Hyperspace – Indran Dreadnought Furtim Lancea*
The interior of the Furtim Lancea was no different from any other Indran vessel with its spacious rooms that were decorated in white, silver, and brightly lit cerulean blue. They bared some similarity to the Corporation’s own vessels in styling and even included the usual holographic displays for the computers. Commander Vinan was looking over one such display behind her desk in the ready room as she was discussing with SG-2 the upcoming battle and such.
“Where exactly will we make the rendezvous with your 304s?”
“We have a group of colonies with an orbital stargate nearby in what is called the Criun System. That’s where we are expecting the return of our fleets and any evac ships.”
“I see,” she replied and was going to say more, but was interrupted by a beeping sound from the ready room door, indicating that someone wanted to come in. “Enter.” Her First Officer strolled in with a data pad clutched in his hands, which he promptly gave to Vinan.
“Commander, here are the compositions of the vessels that you had requested from the Northrop-Grummans.”
Vinan took it from his hands and studied over it carefully. “Thank you.” She looked up to the team sitting before her. “It appears that everything is in order. This will work out just fine.” Then she glanced over to her First Officer. “Since we will not be in battle for the next few hours, you can deactivate yourself.”
“As you wish.” He looked over to the team for a brief moment then suddenly vanished much to the surprise of the team. It was not all that common to see a hologram of a person that could be so detailed and so…real. The Corporation had always been wary of such things as they preferred to always have real people in control of everything. It was simply paranoia towards artificial intelligence, and interestingly enough, the scientific community split themselves up into two groups: those who fully obeyed the laws and those who worked secretly on robots, AI and other such things.
“Whoa! What in the hell? How many of these holograms do you have aboard? Is he the only one?” Dr. McAdams asked the Commander.
She smiled. “No, he is one of many that operate this vessel, for approximately seventy-five percent of the crew is holographic.”
“I would have never realized that. I mean I shook his hand earlier and it felt warm just like anyone else’s.”
Chuckling a little, she nodded to Wilson as she rose from her desk. “Colonel, would your team care to take a tour of the Furtim Lancea while we wait for our arrival into your region of space?”
“I think that’ll work out great,” he replied and followed her, along with his team.
Criun System – Four Hours Later
A considerable distance away from P3X-719 and the active orbital stargate, several small, but bright flashes of light instantly appeared in space to the interest of the crews of the 304s who immediately assumed that this was the Indran warships. But yet they still kept a close eye on the eight large, silvery-black objects that now exited from hyperspace. They did not want to take any chances on this being a surprise attack and even scanned the vessels. To their delight, the computers responded that they were Indran in design.
Then the eight warships quickly moved forward and took up positions amongst the 304s. Now they would have to wait to see what exactly came out of that shimmering blue event horizon.
* These three sections take place approximately four hours prior to the orbital stargate opening from Novar to the Criun System as it would not have taken that much time to get through 3 posts of dialogue.
The Humankind Abh
14-05-2006, 03:19
Grey swirling veins of the marbled throne sat dead center underneath the domed command deck. The ceilling was well equipped with sesnors display arrays that allowed certain parts to become transparent. At the moment, the entire area had become transparent and it was as if Lord Rahl had walked out into the turbulence of Hyperspace alone. Flashes of light and crimson swirling mist all surrounded him. All around him where vessels that had been scrounged up in short notice. Many of them were vessels that were just on standby or on patrol in the D'Haran system. To his left glided the ominous outline of another Eclipse Star Destroyer. A black colored Whitsestar zipped by between the two of them and made its way to the head of the column.
"Always showing off." The tide of ships followed consisted of many others and different classes. "Well he seems to have developed quite a following."
"My Lord, we are preparing to make the jump into normal space."
The Mord-Sith's comment turned Richard from his thoughts. The man walked back to the marble "chair" and waved his hand over a golden globe. At once the hull solidified stealing the scenery from him as he sat down. "All ships prepare to jump to normal space."
A tiny flash of light followed by a blue arrow shot through space all gave way to the opening the fabric of normal space and revealing hyperspace. The smaller ships were the first to arrive in the system while the two enormous Eclipse brought up the rear flanked by black Rambirds. "Well it seems the battle is just getting good. It appears that we have Anagonia ships trying to escape. Inform Commander Doron to take his Whitestars and cover the rear and pick off the smaller fish. I want the Eclipses and Destroyers to cover the Anagonians retreat. Get in the line of fire and cut off the Imperial's targets. All ships, head to the star gate!"
Engines from the Abh fleet roared to life as they glided through space and covered the retreat of the Exodus Two Fleet. Firing solutions were targeted at the Imperials and targets were programmed into the Rambirds should they be needed.
14-05-2006, 04:39
Exodus Two - Command Deck
Chief General Oscar Vladinchi nodded at the reports coming in, it was indeed dreadful to see such losses. He rubbed his head, the Sub-Space drives needed a few more seconds before they would encompass the entire fleet. All ships would be using this technology, the "Mass-Space" as it was called. The Exodus Two was equipped with this outstanding device, a real upgrade to the previous Sub-Space drives that only allowed one ship-per entry.
The Exodus Two rocked towards a concentrative fire of Imperial Turbolasers,shields holding for now. Gazing outward, some of the Exodus Fleet ships weren't as lucky. Most notable, and most visiable, was a Pocket Battleship being blown in half, and its sister Battleship being encompassed in the mass explosion, its bridge and front end dissappearing completely from the power of the Hydrogen-Fusion Reactor collapses. Oscar grimmeced as he watched, and felt, his Brethren die for the cause of Life, and Freedom. Trying to gaze away from it, he looked out the other side of the bridge, only to see the Battlecarrier Homeworld take significant damage to her left side. She had been constantly bombarded since the skirmish started, and her shields seemed to have just failed from current reports from officers on the Exodus Two bridge.
Sighing heavily, he turned to the Commanders Console to find reports from current stations, of which two people shouted just as the reports pined in.
"Chief General, Mass-Drives online, Sub-Space protocols avaliable." - "Chief General, Abh Allies meeting our front, we are now in position to Mass-Space."
Not thinking about the implications of Gravity Wells from the Imperial Forces, Oscar Vladinchi commanded the fleet to Mass-Space.
Paladin Task Force - Exodus Two Fleet - Battleship Novarian Spear
Greg Paladin watched in horror as many ships fell to the Imperial Onslaught, then witnessed the Exodus Two and her allies Sub-Space with Mass-Drives out of system. In horror as he realized the Sub-Space bubble didn't drag his fleet along, Greg faced a dire dilemma. His Commander instincts took control as he ordered the rest of the left-behind fleet to begin evasive manuvers and retreat.
"Gravity Well hampered Mass-Driver drag, Master General. All fleet assets beginning evasive manuvers and are retreating."
"Good," Greg Replied as his fleet shot forward with Fusion Drives, looking over his fleet statistics, which were grim. "Left with two Pocket Battleships and three Heavy Crusiers.....great."
The Fleet did begin evasive manuvers, but not before a Heavy Cruiser was engulfed in a massive explosion. Another direct hit from a ISD Turbolaser, as it seemed. The lone fleet was not to be considered a fish in a barrel, however, as the ships did manage to take the hits they didn't dodge. Their speed would be a consideration, as their Sub-Space charge was now being stored until they exited the Gravity Wells field of influence.
Greg Paladin knew he could get his small fleet to outrun the ISD's, as all back-up Hydrogen Reactors were now being used for the run. It would take a measure beyond the mortal realm to cripple the retreat, which Greg felt was about to happen.
82x Battlecruisers
150x Scouts
220x Heavy Cruisers
18x Battleships
26x Pocket Battleships
340+ Various other craft
15-05-2006, 03:47
Exodus One - Before Exodus Two Mass-Space
High General Prometheus threw his robotic arm in a forward motion, and all stations responded accordingly. He gave orders to the Chief Engineer to put all power to forward motion, using the Sub-Space Generators as further backup. Anagonian Marines dashed across the Brdige as stations were further alerted, and Commanders ran down shafts to begin the proper procedures.
Outside View
Taking losses wasn't the Exodus Ones strongpoint, as nearly all barrages from the Enemy were shielded by the Exodus Two and Allied fleets. It was amazing how much her Sister Ship was sacrificing to ensure her survival.
Only about fifty ships so far suffered any damage, and none of it life-threatening.
Immedietly after the order was given, the Exodus One and her massive Eclipse-Class frame came to life. Huge thrusters in back erupted in blue flame, as did the rest of the fleet in a similar fashion of different color thrusting effects. The tip of the Exodus-class Evacuation ship entered the STargate, and various other ship classes followed suit.
It would only take about a few minutes before the entire bulk dissappeared, and even then, the rest of the fleet came through.
Thankfully, only the Exodus Two fleet seemed to suffer any losses. With that said, every Exodus One ship was now safely from the battlezone.
15-05-2006, 09:08
Dor Lomin – New Thrashian Homeworld
The light of the systems star turned the skies of Dor Lomin a bright crimson as the new day dawned. The billions of people, men, women, children went about their lives as they always did; living and dying. It was almost like a tragic play, but then that is what life sometimes is forced to be.
Treize Kushrenada stood looking out the window of his palace home, his fine tailored uniform fitting him smuggling in the coolness of the morning. It would be a good day he decided.
Suddenly a knock came at the far wood oak door.
Intelligence Section Leader Colonel Marvel walked through the door, followed by Commander Yuri Kilani. Both men came to attention before the large polished desk behind which Treize stood. They snapped off salutes.
“Sorry to disturb you this early you’re Excellency, but we have urgent news,” said Kilani. The commander wore his brown uniform, the one that marked him as an officer of the Leo Specials Corp. Kilani nodded to Colonel Marvel.
The colonel cleared his throat and handed over a file. Treize walked to his desk and sat down, opening the file while he did.
“We have received news as of this morning that the Galactic Empire has staged a series of attacks upon the nations of Godular, Coreworlds, and Anagonia. From the report, it says that the Emperor Palpatine has sanctioned these attacks in a new policy of expansion,” reported Marvel.
Treize nodded. “Palpatine is ambitious…very so, to be doing this sort of major offensive so soon after his return. Not only that, but each of these nations is an ally of the Earth Sphere Unified Nation of Thrashia.”
“We have reports,” said Marvel, he seemed a bit uneasy as he spoke, “That the situation in the Jurai system is under control. However it is the Anagonians that may be in the most trouble.
“Then we must go and protect our allies. If we do not our agreements with them and others will be seen as pure rhetoric. Rhetoric will lead only to a highly dignified isolation, one that leaves us alone and without a strong base of support. I will make a proclamation at some point within the next few days,” said Treize. He swiveled his chair and looked out the window. Then he turned back to Colonel Marvel.
“Alert Colonel Barten that I will be bringing the 1st Mobile Fleet up to alert one status. He is to be prepared to leave within the coming three days, at any time. He and his Space forces should be enough to back up Anagonia.”
“Yes sir your Excellency,” both men said. They snapped saluted and left the room.
Treize stood again and went to the window. He watched as his wife walked through the garden picking flowers of many types, the sunlight dancing like flames off her hair.
“Palpatine…there is nothing more noble and beautiful then a warrior with no distractions. One could say he is the closest thing to God."
15-05-2006, 14:56
::BUMP:: for sithy saber fight...
15-05-2006, 16:19
"Oh" Was all Arthur Rashin could utter as five enemy star destroyers jumped out of Hyperspace. Their sequence perfected and their timing absolute..... this wasn't going to be pleasant.
Meanwhile on the bridge.......
"Enemy Star Destroyers on approach vector. Their coming in at Lightspeed!"
"All gunnery crews angle weapons at expected reversion coordinates. Close all outer bulkheads."
"Too late.........."
Morin Pael turned from the operations pit to see five enemy star destroyers plunge out of hyperspace, their sleek slender bodies saying it all.
"All batteries target those ships!" Pael screamed over the bridge. "Helm full reverse, take us out of range and ask Captain Rouls taskforce to intercept." Surprisingly.... relatively little firepower left the rebel destroyers, there was of course the traditional odd heavy turbolaser and the random ion bolt but nothing overly significant. They were just sitting there..... waiting while all the time they themselves were being sundered by half the taskfroce.
"Energy build up detected. Admiral.... sensors detecting heavy laser mountings....." The warning stopped as did everything. Around Morin Pael and his subordinates life seemed to expand and compress. The air grew stiff and the sound of screams and anguish erupted from bulkhead to airlock. Thrown across the command deck Pael caught a glimpse of several green energy beams cutting through the forward hull. Air, crewmen and gun mountings were all torn from the body, sirens erupted everywhere as damage control teams struggled to comprehend the situation. The bridge was powerless.
"Ad....... Wh.... ....ill .....e. .......do? S........ r..... da...ge t..... a...lm..... all ........ms. Jedi ....re...p..ed. .....o..... sh......" Paels ears will still reeling after the attack, his hearing still barely functioning but of course it didn't stop him from screaming orders.
"Damage control teams to all sections! Take the ship out of the combat zone at best possible speeds. All gunnery crews are to remain at their stations..... and...." Pael was once again horrified, the command tower was clearly no longer connected to the Varangian... he knew this as outside the viewports he could clearly see his prized flagship, sitting there, disabled lashing out wildly at the attacking rebels. "Can we still communicate with the fleet?"
Pael felt sick, his stomach plunging through his body, the taskforce now lacked any commander......
Imperial Star Destroyer Dark Eminence
"Where are my orders!" Captain Asel demanded from a terrified staff. "Communications get me a channel with the Varangian immediently!"
"Channel open sir."
"Pael, where are my orders! The fleet is a sitting duck out here. Do we have permission to engage the enemy artil...."
"Captain Asel this is Commodore Vrel second class; acting commander of the Varangian. We have sustained heavy damage on all quarters with multiple hull breeches. The bridge mounting has been sheered off and we have lost all communications with Admirals Harrel and Pael....."
"I see..." Asel winced. "Thank you commodore." The channel quickly closed. "Communications open another transmission to the fleet, alert them that I am now acting commander......."
“Very good. Very good.” Admiral Montgomery allowed himself a smirk as he watched the Artillery Star Destroyers lay waste to the Imperial flagship and then moved on to other ships, sniping at bridges and other vital spots from afar. “Get me the closest Jedi taskforce and have them board the bridge of the enemy flagship. Perhaps capturing the commander, if he survived, will make the Imperials think twice about fighting Jurai..”
Observation Deck - Sheered Bridge of the ISD Varangian
Arthur Rashin was somehow still upright in his chair, still watching the battle unfold as the tower gently drifted away from the conflict. Pity about Azroal, he was such a good aide; he did his work well. Arthur stroked a small datacron, project darklight could now proceed, yes Azroal would want it this way, Rashin smiled at the battle..... Yes. Arthur thought one last time, Azroal would want the future, his future......
As Arthur Rashin began making his escape, a Jedi taskforce of uncannily accurate and agile gunships began fighting their way through the battlefield for the sheered-off bridge. They spat devastating anti-fighter lasers at the swarming TIEs and closed in on the flagship.
<Captain Melve> "What do you think you're playing at Asel, you're not fit to command a barracks never mind a fleet! I won't put my ship and my men under your shaky command. You've just ordered us to engage at point blank range. Engage at point blank!"
<Captain Rouse> "I'm afraid I tend to agree with Melve, Asel you're not experienced to command an operation of this size, you m....." [LINK TERMINATED]
<Captain Hazzrat> "Asel, surrender command of the fleet to myself or Melve before we lose any more ships. The fleet is in complete chaos. Relinquish command or be responsible for the Empires most embarrassing defeat since Yavin."
<Acting Admiral Asel> "I am within my rights to claim command. Protocol dictates that the....."
<Captain Melve> "Damn Protocol man, damn it to fire, you're arrogance is causing hundreds to die every minute. Relinquish command or we will do it for you."
<Commodore Alen> "Sir, the Adjudicator and the Punisher have turned their guns towards us."
<Captain Melve> "Relinquish command Asel, or we will open fire upon your ship."
<Captain Asel> "You don't have the nerve Melve."
<Captain Melve> "Prepare to fire!"
Asel stood shocked at the events transpiring, they really were going to open fire upon his warship..... "The Adjudicator and the Punisher have swung their heavy turrets at us captain. Sir, you must relinquish command!"
"I will do no such thing!" Asel stormed towards the operations pit. "Cease firing upon the Godulans and target the Punisher. Helm prepare the ship for ramming velocities. The Emperor shall reward me for dealing with these traitors!" Commodore Hathel stood dumbfounded. Within mere moments, his captains usual reasoning and logic had mutated into madness.
“Sir, we’ve intercepted Imperial communications.” A comms officer reported aboard the Tyrannosaur, the flagship in charge of Home Defense. “It appears there’s a power struggle occurring with the demise of that ship the Artillery crippled.”
“Ah, good news at last. All squadrons, advance on the enemy now!” Admiral Montgomery ordered.
Upon the orders, the rest of the fleet poured on the fire, advancing with great purpose and intent on removing the enemy from Jurai space ASAP. The Artillery SDs continued to charge up and release their deadly beams of blue-green energy, other ships began focusing their fire on an ISD at a time and the three Elites that appeared from ‘below’ the battle stampeded ‘upwards’, spearing enemy frigates and cruisers with beamlasers, turbolasers and ion cannons and the defense stations, those that survived, did what they could to eradicate the enemy. It appears that the battle has turned…
Asel instantly turned from the tactical bench and rushed towards the communications sector. "It must be the Emperor." He ranted. "He must know of my promotion, he must be supporting me...." Asel stopped...... "This isn't an authorised code..... this is almost three years old." The readout finished copying and Asel Grimaced
"Who does that scum think he is....."
"Captain, we have a Super Star Destroyer entering the system........ IFF designates it as the, captain, it's the Hellfire."
The Executor Class Super Star Destroyer reverted from Hyperspace ploughing through the advancing rebel line of frigates and cruisers, the Dreadnoughts shields glimmering a gentle blue as flames engulfed the invisible barrier.
On board, a certain Chiss Grand Admiral smiled at the beauty of the scene, fire, wreckage, drama...... truly a masterpiece.
Arthur Rashin, like the rest of the Imperial fleet was slightly surprised at the sudden emergence of a Super Star Destroyer onto the battlefield. The grey hull blending in perfectly to the backdrop of space; or it would have if it weren't for the thousands of flaring turbolasers. "I wonder who it is?" Rashin turned a small control on has movement pad, it was time to abandon ship............
“Force damn it!” Admiral Montgomery slammed a fist on his command console as the Hellfire emerged from hyperspace, blasting away the advancing Coredian fleet and ramming into a Victory Star Destroyer with little more than paint removed for its trouble. It was far too soon to call victory, that’s for sure. “Fleet elements, concentrate your firepower on the Super Star Destroyer!”
The few remaining superlaser platforms and the Artillery Star Destroyers concentrated their fire first, lashing at the SSD with everything they have while Godulan forces did what they could to assist. The three Elites plus the Tyrannosaur and their Star Destroyer squadrons switched targets to the Hellfire and let loose with Alpha Strike after Alpha Strike upon the SSD.
“Grr. How long before reinforcements arrive?” Admiral Montgomery asked his crew.
He received an answer from the Sensor stations. “Sir. Major hyperspace emergence right about…”
Daniel's Return
"Now." I said, as I reverted to realspace and took one good look at Jurai's space. "SHIT!"
S-foils activated, threat matrix off the charts, I found myself in the thick of a battle over Jurai, fighting in my starfighter against hordes of TIEs. Imperial craft were everywhere and I noted a groan-worthy familiar Super Star Destroyer in the area: Grand Admiral Thrawn's flagship, the Hellfire!
Suddenly, a Star Destroyer, then another, then a Star Cruiser, then more and more ships and fighters emerged from hyperspace around me, culminating in the Chimera and our own SSD Light Side of the Force. Grand Admiral Pellaeon hardly needed to speak before the entire First and Second Fleets opened fire as one, sending out so much energy it felt like being bathed in a sea of blue and green.
Then I sensed familiar presences, smirked and ordered:
"Rogues, form up!"
It's been a while since Rogue Squadron (aka the Dragonriders) was last used as a unit, but now we would be sorely needed today. All the pilots were Jedi and Ninjas I've known since I was a kid, training on Issus with the Dragons and each other. And now, we would fight together...as one.
Gaia Rodina
15-05-2006, 17:46
((I take it now would be a good time for my token fleet to arrive? A Kolkar, three Hellscreams, and a smattering of frigates aren't going to do much good against that SSD, but they're better than a kick in the pants.))
The Humankind Abh
15-05-2006, 20:01
ooc: here it goes again.
"Jinto, return to your station. You'll have work to do once we arrive in the system."
The Senior Officer sighed and plopped back down into his seat. A glass control panel slid out from his chair and turned to face him. The screen glowed blue as the ship's systems were reported in along with the fleet's. He was now in charge of monitoring every signle vessel's status and to make reports to the Admiral or take actions that he deemed necessary.
"Well admiral, it seems we are approaching our destination. All ships are taking their respective positions and are ready to make the jump to normal space."
Lafiel looked over and nodded with a smile. "Very Good. All ships...jump!"
The vortex that showed the only way into Hyperspace spewed forth the Abh fleet that was sent to aid the Coredians and long time ally. The scene before them was a mess as imperial ships were everywhere and even some firing on one another. Destroyers didn't waste time in aquiring targets and locking on. At the moment, level one firing was only allowed for the Victories but that would be more than enough to handle the smaller class ships. The big guns would be saved for the bigger fish.
Lafiel stood as her chair folded and lowered into its staging area during time of battle. The holographic tactical map that was in the bed of the bridge fired to life to reveal the battlefield to her. "Gunnry Officer, program targets for the Rambirds. Remember, we are fighting these Star Destroyers so sensitive areas are priorities. That means the bridges and command decks. I want them annhilated and you only need one Rambird per ship."
"Yes ma'am."
"Communications, contact the Whitestars. I want them to break off and engage fighters." The Whitestars were some of the fastest and most manueverable ships that the empire had to offer. "Launch our fighters as well."
Fighters streamed out from docking bays into the battle that awaited them. The fighters brought by the Abh did not equal the number of any that were present by either side, but the additional numbers would be useful.
The Crimm
15-05-2006, 20:02
Bursting into a hanger, Kamara looked around once and ran full speed to a shuttle in a side bay. It was unlike any of the others, being from Crimmond. She approached and the ship automatically powered up and dropped the ramp. A tech nearby shouted that it was suicide to pilot a ship out into that battle. She ignored him, as she had no intention of flying the shuttle into a battle. She pressed a button and the specially made shuttle emited a pulse so powerful that the energy from it distorted light around the shuttle. It was the emergency recall signal, to her own nation. In five minutes, it would pulse again. It would do that five times, before the circuts fused themselves. Or until a TIE Bomber blew the small shp to hell and back.
She was out of the hanger before the second pulse was even close to coming, moving through corridors and ran straight into a group of volunteer soldiers. Normal citizens that had grabbed rifles and melee weapons. She gave them quick commands to follow her, before moving on, ending up in a turbolaser control center that had taken a hit. Bodies were everywhere, controls were dark andthe roof was caved in. One of the 'soldiers' wretched. The cannon looked intact, though. She took a deep breath and held out her hands, electricity flowing straight into the machines, which reacted by powering up. They didn't care where they got power, just that they got it. "Man the controls. I don't care if you can even aim the damned thing, just start shooting."
One looked ready to argue, but then rethought arguing with someone that was powering a turbolaser with no generators. A few moments later, the cannon started to fire sporadically. As she powered the system, she was tracing the route using her powers, fusing cut connections, slowly restoring power to the grid and feeding power to the turbolaser from it's normal power stations. It also backwashed into her, giving her a boost of energy. She saved that, knowing that she was overtaxing herself... if someone started landing troops, which was the logical next step, she wanted to have the ability to fight.
Beta Aurigae VII
15-05-2006, 20:50
"Admiral, we have reversion from hyperspace in 10 seconds."
"All fighter crews be ready to launch as we revert."
The starlines suddenly returned to normal as the Aurigean fleets bashed in-system just in time to see the Hellfire smash through the Coredian attack like a hot knife through butter.
"All fighter have launched Admiral."
"Thank you lieutenant, I'll take it from here," replied Larcat. "Fighter squadron leaders, this is Larcat, your targets are at your descretion until futher notice. Happy hunting." Then, turning to his fleet commanders he said, "I'll take my fleet in to deal with that SSD. Millwall, Sturges, take your fleets in on the attack, hit the heavy stuff first than work your way down. Norton, Hodges, hold your fleets in reserve and just keep the enemy from going anywhere. Keep an eye outside the system as well, we don't need any suprises."
The other commanders blinked off the screen and Larcat sat down in his command chair. "Ensign, signal the fleet to advance, engage the SSD at close range, we'll use our speed as the advantage."
"We're coming in to range now sir."
"Excellent, commence firing. Hit them with everything we have."
The space around the SSD suddenly erupted in a wall of fire so thick it was hard to tell the individual turbolaser bolts from each other. The Aurigean resonance torpedoes hit with unbelievable force, as literally thousands of explosions far more powerful than proton bombs or even concussion missiles rocked the great ship. The Hellfire couldn't hope to stand up to this bombardment very long.
New Dornalia
16-05-2006, 02:48
OOC: Now, where were we...
Styuvesant then got the word.
"Comrade Admiral. We are approaching Jurai."
He then got up. Smiling, he said, "Then it begins."
He sauntered over to the Norris' bridge. Sitting in his chair, he said, "Send hail to all ships. Go to red alert."
The lights dimmed, the klaxons gave a quick blast. Stuyvesant felt a jolt as the Norris exited hyperspace, and said, "Onscreen."
The sight before him was one of chaos. Imperials, Coredians, Abh, Aurigians all were shooting at one another furiously, and when they entered, Stuyvesant took no chances.
He ordered the New Dornalians to assemble in a claw formation, and had the Abraham Lincoln and the other carriers deploy fighter screens, including some of the new Komsomol III Fighter-Bombers, to attack the enemy fighters in X-shaped kill teams with torpedoes and gauss fire.
Meanwhile, the Norris and the other ships began to join the Abh in their assault on the enemy ISDs with a large volley of conventional torpedoes, targeting their vitals.
16-05-2006, 07:49
Public Declaration
Friends and Foes alike, I bear with me a heavy burden this day. It is one which my nation has not carried for some time and we are reluctant to take upon ourselves this task once again; however we will not shirk in our duty.
As of several dozen standard hours ago, the Soveriegn of the Galactic Empire made suprise attacks upon the nations of Coreworlds, Godular, and Anagonia. We of the Earther Sphere Unified Nation of Thrashia condemn these attacks. As such, in accordance with my nations treaties and alliances with those nations, we declare a state of war with the Galactic Empire of Unified Sith.
We shall not cease until victory is achieved, will not give up, we shall never surrender our cause; for to do so would allow lesser men to conquer.
Colonel Barten stood on the bridge of his command ship Pride of Vitalis watching the vid screen as his Excellency spoke. It was a marvoulous time. It would be the first real war that the OZ military would be involved in.
The destruction of rebel Thrashian Imperial Fleet splinters had been a good warm up, since both The Unified Sith and the old Thrashian Imperial Fleet used SDs; ships which the mobile suits pilots of the OZ space forces had learned to deal with quickly.
"All ships reported in Colonel," reported an ensign form his command station. "We have made orbital holding patterns and simply await orders."
"Very well, plot course jumps out of the Haily's Cordon and for the Julian System. From there, were we will meet up with Task Force 2, we'll make our move against the Sith."
"Aye sir," replied the ensign.
Unified Sith
16-05-2006, 09:09
OOC: Humankind Abh, you're simply not here, I advise a quick OOC talk with Coreworlds. Your fleet, as was clearly posted earlier is simply not here Icly, it is impossible to move an entire battle division and cart it across the Galaxy before a single fighter. Go work out some problems you have with fluid time and get back to me.
New Dornalia leave the thread please, I advise you have a quick talk with Coreworlds, you seem to have completely ignored every OOC channel in this thread. When someone talks about superweapons in their second post, it's not going to happen.
Godular, let us hope that we can finally put the past behind us and roleplay effectively.
I'll be posting shortly, but for those newcomers who have just jumped into the thread without permission, I expect all of you to accept the OOC storyline and plotline. Ignoring it will just see you, not in this thread.
16-05-2006, 11:42
I'll be posting shortly, but for those newcomers who have just jumped into the thread without permission, I expect all of you to accept the OOC storyline and plotline. Ignoring it will just see you, not in this thread.
ooc: Perfectly understood. OOC storyline accepted and as is the plotline this rp is taking. If someone [Anagonia, CW, G.] is going to be destroyed or 'lose' in the long term according to story, then simply TG me. [EDIT] Also, if you wish to see my military specs, its in my sig. I'll be listing my forces soon enough in my next post.
16-05-2006, 12:59
Julian System - Foremost OZ Military Outpost
OZ Fleet Staging Area
Around the Julian System a hive of activity was set, hundreds of ships of all sizes were either in docking stations, in final preperation stations, mobile suits were in formations going through practise assaults. The OZ 1st Fleet was preparing for an offensive.
Dominating the space, orbiting around Julain Prime, was the Epion Space Station. The DS sized space station that was the central command of the Thrashian and now OZ Fleets.
Colonel Barten stepped out of the gray metal hallway and clanked into the darkened conferance room. The room, filled with ship captains, went silent with only a few wispering as Barten walked to the fore.
"Gentlemen, I don't have time to go into raising speeches about our victory...so I'll begin with one of those."
Laughter erupted from the group of officers, the tension easing out.
Barten turned on the holo projector and pointed to a swirling ball. "That is Sector A1. Currently a battlezone, it is the territory under the nation of Anagonia. An Imperial Fleet under, as far as Intel says, Blathe, is currently attacking. Our mission is to go there and help kick those Sith Imperial slobs back to Curoscant where they belong."
A cheer and harumps echoed through the room.
Barten smiled. "Now, first group under Major Martino will be on the left quadrant. Major Noin will be on the right. All immiediate orders will come from them, and through them from me when I think they need it. Now, get to your ships, and good luck."
The lights came on the officers filed out, talking and chatting, filled with confidence and a determination to see off an old enemy. An enemy that they had been raised to fear and hate since childhood.
A small vid screen appeared, it was Barten's aide. "Sir, the personnal transports will be arriving at their designated ships soon. We'll be ready to move out in three hours max."
"Very good Martin," said Colonel Barten. "Get my ship ready for combat."
"Yes sir."
Thrashian 1st Fleet
x10 Erasmus Destroyers
x4 Excalibur Heavy Destroyers
x50 Knight Cruisers
x10 Omega Transports
x30 Agamemnon Carriers
x15 Galantine Heavy Cruisers
x4 Jacobin Heavy Dreadnoughts
Unified Sith
16-05-2006, 16:15
This, OOC comes directly from me, Unified Sith and Coreworlds.
All nations wishing to stay in this thread, must from this moment on accept the storyline no matter what. We're not telling you what it is, nor are we telling you the implications.
However, Me and Coreworlds have decided to put up this OOC warning for every member of the thread that you can either find some way to get out now, or you can stay and accept what's going to happen.
There is no middle grounds, no defence from the plotline. Whatever is going to happen will and must happen to all concerned in the Jurai system, with perhaps the exception of Godular, which we will iron out on MSN.
I will give the thread a day before posting so everyone can at least read the warning. If you do not post before 4.00pm Glasgow time on Wednesday, we assume that you agree to the above and are therefore bound by them.
Any attempt to ignore will result in the permanent ignoring from both me and Coreworlds. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Me and Coreworlds will make this clear, leaving the thread will also mean your forfeit all other branch of threads from this storyline. This is a case of, you're in it from the beginning or not at all.
16-05-2006, 16:37
OOC: To ensure that all people comply, I have given the above my
Jedi Stamp of Approval!
The Crimm
16-05-2006, 17:42
OOC: So long as I don't lose my character, I don't care if the Sith try and glass the planet, or put on dresses and have a tea party.
The Transylvania
16-05-2006, 18:41
OOC: I'm game for anything. Just US has not attack my Death Gliders and Zoids. I feel sad, now.
OOC: I'm game for whatever, if you don't mind witnessing a rather rapid shift in Godulan ideology and a small amount of byplay between me and Chron should the situation arise...
16-05-2006, 23:08
Hell, I'm game, cause I still have to do an OOCly planned thingie with Sithy before...well....you'll find out.
The WIck
17-05-2006, 01:41
Sirius smirked. "I've been waiting a long time for this Hawkins. Yes, I'm afraid you're right, death is indeed something I need not fear, but you should, there are so many people waiting there, in the void, just dying to greet you. But I do have one message for you Hawkins, just one, from sweet old Alyssia." The Siths tounge slithered the name. "She said one thing Hawkins..... she said Help!" Sirius quickly sparred his force pike into action, reaching out his hands, the silver point began to energise.
From the other side of the hanger Sixty-Six strolled along firing with little concern. His blaster bolts of course glancing off the Grey Jedis sabre, bouncing throughout the hanger bay without thought. Unfortunately for Hawkins a stray bolt compromised the hanger controls forcing a lock down.......
Above the great Neutronium doors began closing, their mechanisms unstoppable, while below, the blast doors shut almost instantaneously locking the three men in one, all be it large room........
"It would see that we are all alone. At last, just us old friends...Death comes calling for us all....All we can do is smile back." Hawkins smiled
Unified Sith
17-05-2006, 01:50
Sixty-Six almost laughed, even now when facing his end the Jedi still managed some humour. A pity he was fighting for the other side. "Leave him be...." A voice burst through the soldiers intercom; the grainy tone most assuredly from the Imperial inner circle. A true officer Sixty-Six didn't need to be told twice.
"Sirius, leave him. He must be allowed to leave....."
The force pike swirled through the atmosphere causing gentle clouds of Ozone to trail in its wake. "I will not......." Sirius bellowed. "Not when I can kill him here and now!"
The clone looked on bewildered. "Do as you wish Sith, but I will have no part in treason." Sixty-Six calmly walked to the other side of the hanger, while behind, a battle raged between victor and vanquished, death and life, light and dark.
The WIck
17-05-2006, 02:44
"Sirius you remember our last meeting, of what little can fit in your puny brain of sure you have memory of that. You can not defeat me alone. Take sixty-six's advice, be gone." the Jedi grumbled sourly.
Beta Aurigae VII
17-05-2006, 03:05
OOC: Whatever you guys do is fine with me. I have contingency plans if all of my fleets get destroyed.
New Dornalia
17-05-2006, 03:38
OOC: I'm in. I can take a bloody nose.
However, US, there is one other RL Matter before I go any further. I am undergoing Driver's Ed. Not only that, there's a good old-fashioned essay to work on. So if my RPing and my OOC Communications are infrequent, then that will be why.
I certainly want to get involved and be committed to this project, and I will try and post as often as I can within parameters. However, there are times when this may not be possible. I just want to clear that up, and be honest and avoid future problems.
18-05-2006, 02:32
Task Force Alpha – Nova Kretani Solar System
The Imperial attack upon the task force had left some of the front line vessels badly damaged including the eleven that were still mired in the gravity wells. The battlecarrier Zereul was one of such vessels. It had been struck mostly in the landing bays, destroying hundreds of fighters and causing the ammunition stockpiles to explode. The bow sections, including the command center, were badly hit too, cutting off forward shields. General William Harris took note of all this as he struggled to climb back into his chair with his unbroken arm. He had been thrown when the missiles hit and was now suffering from cracked ribs and a broken arm.
“Damnit,” he mumbled as he was finally able to sit but sitting upright did not help the increasing pain in his chest.
He then punched a yellow circular button on the armrest and hoped that the communications systems still had some power left in them. To his relief, the viewscreen promptly changed from a display of the tactical situation to one of his second-in-command of the taskforce who was aboard the battlecarrier John Knudsen Northrop. Dressed in the typical BDU of an officer aboard an Air Force vessel, the slim thirty-two year old woman leaned forward in her command chair to get a closer look at the condition of her superior and pushed back the long raven locks of hair away from her face.
“Sir! Are you ok?” she asked, a look of worry was apparent on her face.
“I could be better.” His voice was low and grating. “But that’s not important right now. You need to command the rest of the fleet and get them out of here.”
“We can’t leave you behind,” she protested.
“That’s an order. Just go, while you still have tim,” he stated as he typed out a message on his keyboard. It was for the Vice Chairman and told would tell him everything that had occurred and included a recommendation for a person to replace the General.
He cut her off sharply. “Amanda!”
Startled by the fact that he used her name on duty, she immediately stopped what she was saying and complied. “I will do it.”
“Thank you.” A small smile appeared on his face. “You take care of yourself.”
“You too…” The screen flashed to static. The connection had failed. “…Grandpa.”
Major General Amanda Harris, the first female Air Force general in the history of the Corporation, briefly paused for a moment in sadness, but her training and a promise that she made to her grandfather not to let personal feelings interfere with her duty finally brought her to make the order. With the John Knudsen Northrop leading, the remainder of the task force quickly moved forward and banked towards the stargate while the Zereul and the ten battleships opened fire on the Imperial forces with everything that they had, including the ion cannons, to keep them away from their leaving fleet. In under a minute, the task force entered into the event horizon.
Criun System
For everyone waiting on the other side of the event horizon, the arrival of the Anagonian evacuation fleet brought about a reason for great joy: their allies had been successfully rescued and were now safe in their region of space. But a somber mood soon passed over everyone with the appearance of the Corporation’s task force. The loss of life was immediately evident when one counted the vessels that were not with them. Estimations arose that four-hundred fifty thousand lives had been lost that day, and those that heard it were shocked. It had been over two decades since a last major battle that took the lives of anywhere near that, but at that time during the great civil war, only a couple hundred out of several million had returned home.
Orbital Stargate Facility – Criun System
Concerned with getting the new arrivals away from the event horizon on the active stargate, lest someone accidentally fly in or something ridiculous like that, and also with shutting that wormhole down before any unwanted visitors came through, Maria Zlatovich began directing the allied ships to their designated areas much like an air traffic controller via her headset.
“Anagonian vessels. Welcome to the Criun System, the colony worlds of Northrop-Grumman. If you are in need of any repairs, please make your way to the right of the planet where the shipyard workers will happily assist. But if you are in perfect shape, please head to the left of the planet and stay until further instructions are given.”
Ending with that, she focused her attention towards the active orbital stargate and turned her head towards the back of the control room where Edward Kerr and Peter Prelozny, who had both just arrived, stood. Oddly they kept glancing down at their watches and their expressions were ones of utter confusion.
When asked what was wrong, Kerr replied, “I don’t get it. The wormhole should’ve disengaged a minute ago. We had set the timer for four minutes, didn’t we?” Prelozny nodded in agreement. “Unless somehow, the reactors on the other side are still keeping it active.”
Zlatovich forgot about her headset and blurted out, “So you’re telling me we have an open wormhole that we cannot shut off?”
“Pretty much.”
“Damnit,” she cursed, slamming her fist down on the control panel and dropping her body into the chair. There was only one thing that could be done to solve this problem “Call back the Main Control Room for Sol and see if they can shut it off from there. Also, check to see if they’ve locked out that gate yet. Perhaps an update in the system will cut the wormhole.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Prelozny sat down in another chair towards the back of the room and set about what was asked of him.
Meanwhile, Zlatovich quickly pressed the iris control, and the energy shield appeared over the event horizon of the orbital stargate. For further reinforcement, she diverted power from the two space station’s shields and weapons to the iris. She hoped that they could find a way to shut it down and soon.
Unified Sith
18-05-2006, 02:43
Twenty Eight Thousand Years Into the Future
Kalath Rashin felt the slow grasp of exhaustion; its invisible hands gradually pulling upon his eyelids. Before him lay data pads and holodiscs, each one containing at least an hours worth of work. His eyes were failing while his head quickly surrendered to the smooth oak surface of his desk.
The shrill tone of the intercom quickly threw the sandman away, the president of Rashin Incorporated now "perky." reached out for the small silver switch. *click* "Andrew Hales to see you Mr Rashin, shall I tell him you're busy?"
Kalath pulled his hands over his pale smooth face, his silver hair tumbling through his fingertips "No no, let him through Amali." Lifting himself from his chair Kalath began to search the room for some much needed Ilarol juice. "Here we are." He said inquisitively.Pouring the thick red liquid from its container Kalath took a refreshing gulp while the footsteps of Andrew Hales grew ominously louder, the trudges of his chief of security clearly filling the discrete corridor beyond.
*Beeep Beeep Beeep*
The door alarm sounded creating another shrill tone which stood between Kalath and sleep. "Come in Andrew." Kalath waved as the shield over the doorway decentigrated. Walking in with his traditional footsteps of thunder the chief of security nodded towards the President.
"Sir." He gasped. "We have a situation......."
Back in the Present: Jurai Orbit
Antifighter flak flashed on all sides of the command tower as the Star Destroyers guns struggled to keep up with the ever increasing swarm of attack craft. From within the bridge of the behemoth, Grand Admiral Thrawn surveyed the swathes of turbolaser fire directed towards his very position; the horde of enemy capital ships now crowding around his flagship were quite clearly firing with all they had upon his durable shields. "Enemy capital ships preparing to emerge from Hyperspace Admiral. Long range probes indicate the Light Side and the Chimera are among them." Thrawns icy composure remained untouched.
"Have the ship move to starboard as fast as possible captain, route power from the port shields to compensate for the enemy attack." A slight vibration rocked the bridge as the inertial dampners failed to cope with the sudden change in velocity.
Outside the battlefield was raked with fire and explosions, with ship after ship now concentrating around the Hellfire. Fighter pilots moved into the massive skyline of the Empires capital ship TIE fighters banking around skyscrapers and pylons in an effort to catch the evading rebels.
Advance Upon Rogue Squadron
One of the more inferior incarnations of Sixty-Six advanced upon rogue squadron, his own force comprised of the invaluable Tie Interceptor which was quickly followed in close succession by five more. Pushing the engine core to maximum the small fusion reaction within the fighter ignited into an inferno; the engines exploding into action thrust the clone pilots past the millions of windows upon the Hellfire leaving the surveying crew in bewilderment as to what actually just past them.
"Dark Wing, form in X formation and prepare to envelop. Target all laser fire upon the rear fighter." The Squadron quickly blew past a Heavy Turbolaser turret awash in flames; the black cloud of smoke covering Sixty-Six's fighter in a veil of decaying soot. Ignoring his new paint job the commander pulled his squadron onwards towards their target. They were gaining, the anticipation of the chase, the hunt, the kill, was clearly throwing adrenaline through Sixty-Six's enhanced glands
"Tartan Cruiser dead ahead!" Someone shouted over the radio. From behind one of the control towers the three hundred meter frigate emerged and saturated the area with heavy flak with laser fire not far behind. Snarling with grated teeth Sixty-Six banked his fighter downwards, spiraling into the maze of Imperial quad turrets and missile stations.
"Bastard almost shot us." Sixty-Six erupted over the channel. "Its as though we were being led onwards, the thing didn't even show up on our scopes." Sixty-Six tapped the small holographic display on his cockpit interface, everything seemed normal, perhaps it was bad luck.... or perhaps it was.... "It's a trap!" Sixty-Six shouted as a hail of red laser fire engulfed Dark Three and four. "Two, Five and Six pull in and push down on the afterburners, lets shake these scum." On board his fighter Sixty-Six tried to ignore the growing volume of the threat counter, the shrill tone warning of an impending missile lock. Closing the magnetic seal on his helmet Sixty-Six tried to shut out the noise but the computer programmed interface quickly followed him; now it bellowed through his helmet intercom there was clearly no escape from the damnable noise. Flicking several controls, Sixty-Six struggled to communicate over their secure channel, the shrill tone of the alarm blurring his words. "Launch counter measures....." He finally managed. The small canister situated on the back of the canopy burst open on each of the remaining Interceptors, each released cylinder sending out a wave of chaff and decoys.
It had worked, the sharp scream suddenly halting within his fighter was almost victory enough; almost being the word of focus. "Okay, lets give them a full circle, on my mark......." The fighters sped through a hail of broadsides between the Hellfire and the newly arrived Light Side. "Now!" Dark two and five quickly arced up, their exhausts leaving no mystery as to their course, while One and Six both went port and starboard. The superior turning circle of the Interceptor pulled the pilots round on the tail of rogue squadron now at the Empires mercy. "FIRE!" Sixty-Six once more ordered as his face was illuminated an unholy green......
Hellfire Bridge
Thrawn watched with clinical distaste as the Rebellions now superior fleet slowly began to eat away at the Imperial taskforce. Holding on to a handrail the Chiss Admiral braced himself against the occasional deck tremors which rocked the ship. Everything was not going according to plan, Thrawn summarised as he glared at the debacle outside. The organised lines of starships, the battleplans and tactical organisation had now decentigrated into a mess of Imperial and rebel starships; even the reserves had somehow managed to pull themselves into the battle. But,as with all conflicts, the fight slowly pulled itself around the largest warships in play, today it was the Hellfire and Lightside, now in the centre of it all...
Above the bridge, Thrawn could just catch the faint glimmer of the Chimera blasting away at another frigate, the destroyers heavy guns making light work of whatever random strike cruiser or tartan that dared to get in its way. His once loyal student, Thrawn noticed that Gilad Pellaeon, had improved in command and confidence since their last confrontation. The Admiral now employing the same bold gestures of his former teacher. Another larger shudder rocked the ship, this time Thrawn actually struggled to maintain his balance as the artifical gravity failed to compensate in time. The rebellion were clearly winning... the Imperial Navy was in disarray and was already starting to fall. This was unacceptable.... an Imperial defeat at this moment in time would cause hope to strike in the hearts of the free... already the glimmer of defeat was dropping upon the enemy, hope, at this time simply wasn't allowed.
"Damage suffered to hanger bay A-Nine; damage control teams dispatched."
"Tubolaser turret AB-Twelve offline, mounting severely damaged, crew killed in explosion."
"Aft tractor beams destroyed, core output falling to eighty three percent of maximum."
"Star Destroyer Injustice has just been nullified Admiral." The explosion of light and shrapnel filled the Chiss's view, the shockwave quickly spreading and engulfing several enemy frigates......... though the battle was clearly against him Thrawn decided to persevere, it wasn't in Palpatines character to attack with even the slightest prospect of defeat, no, victory was coming from another source, quite what that is, the Chiss was still deliberation, but he was sure..... victory was soon to be in his grasp........
Sirius ignored the blatant baiting of Hawkins, preferring to devote his attentions purely to the physical; instead of his verbal paries the sith instead opted for material thrusts and jabs. Hawkins would be backed against the wall sooner or later, and the hanger was fast becoming smaller......
Arthur Rashin slowly traversed the maze of corridors and strewn wreckage, his wheel chair propelling itself along the smooth neutronium floor. Running from room to room was a sea of officers and storm troopers, each one struggling to tend to the vast amounts of damage and hull breeches throughout the tower. Taking an abrupt right into a small corridor the disabled executive was delayed by two Jedi knights, both standing with pride their lightsabres glistening against the background of dead stormtroopers. Carefully nudging the datablock deeper within his trailing robes, Rashin looked up. "If you help me into the escape pod, I can tell you where to find the Grand Admiral...." Rashins bony hand pointed towards a small rectangle on the wall......
The Dark is generous and it is patient.
It waits with eternal contempt.
Its hatred, not even confined by the eternity of death...
The force writhed with pain as the dark slowly manifested itself. The mystery and shroud giving way to death and despair. The contempt stretching its hand towards the light; encompassing it, consuming it, subsuming it.
Stretching its will throughout the system the dark guided itself towards its enemy. Moving silently with care and caution the black prepared to engulf the last remaining candle of justice.
Throughout the rebel fleet shadows slowly manifested themselves, dark figures confined to the two dimensional world, their wills, their souls all trapped upon a wall, dependent upon the light for survival.
Skimming from wall to wall, darting along floors and roofs, the dark found its prey. For the dark required life; its tendrils of will long past desperately grasping at a second chance, desperate for control, power and vengeance. Crawling up the figures of crewmen innocent the dark encompassed its victims in a layer of ice, fear and dread. The dark was happy, for the dark was manifest.
Rising through the realms of the force the souls of those long deceased reformed within the vessels of the living. Choking, strangling and consuming the very nature of their enemy, the dark thrust its army upon the light..........
SSD Light Side
Tulak Hord breathed deeply for the first time in millenia. His lungs expanding and contracting in a gentle hiss of joy. He had returned...... Tulak spread his senses, he searched for feeling, he looked for allies and enemies. His ally at this moment in time was the force. But yet there was so much more, Hord could feel thousands of his brethern awakening throughout the system known as......"Jurai" He thumbled through the unfamiliar lips; unsure on how to proceed without his mask. But in a place where fear should prevail Tulak Hord took comfort; for he like his brethren need not fear the dark for they are the dark. And wherever the darkness dwells, the shadow sends its perception......
Expanding his awareness Hord began to roam the corridors of the Light Side, which, to his delight were already basking in chaos. For within the narrow halls Sith soldiers, masters and Lords were rising from the dark; the loyal armies long dead and destitute from the flaring guns of the Jedi, were rising in might, ready for fire and death; prepared to unleash vengeance without remorse. The enemy would burn in darkness for eternity, with the only light, being that of their writhing corpse bathed in flame.
Tulak Hord was indeed happy, for the Sith had returned.......
Throughout the alliance fleet, the Sith were consuming all. Throughout every warship, throughout ever frigate and cruiser, the night was falling upon the Jedi, the darkness was falling upon the stars...........
Surface of Jurai
The Sith groaned as he awoke upon the planet. His face smelling of life and decency; stinking of art and peace. The Dark Lord searched himself scoffing at his pathetic vessel, the very being was an insult to his grandeur, his power, his destiny of Lordship.
Opening his eyes for the first time since his demise, The Sith took comfort once more in being absent from the force. Everywhere around him light shone against the darkness, slowly fighting against the descending blanket from above, but he, the Sith rejoiced was a hole in the force, he was unaffected, this Sith Lord was the only one capable of destroying the Jedi..........
Before him were packing aides and students each one being carefully attended by an older Padawan or even in some cases a Jedi knight..... The Sith scowled with disgust. "Filthy Jeehdai!" He roared in a long dead language, his voice screeching throughout the temple. Turning a Jedi Knight looked upon his opponent in fear, openly aghast at what he faced.... Without second thought the master Stretched forth his arm and consumed the Jedi's life, his energy, his very essence itself. As the boy crumpled to the floor in peaceful death his limp hand dropped a metal object; his lightsabre hilt, which kindly rolled to feet of Darth Nihilus.....
OOC: Anagonias installment to follow. Everyone can assume that a nasty Sith master is on board flagships etc etc. Incase people are in confusion, your ships crews and even their AI's are being consumed by undead Sith. Your ships are sort of no longer in your control.....
The WIck
18-05-2006, 03:15
loud crack filled the room as sparks erupted from the point of impact. Hawkins green blade held vertically pushed force pike to the side holding it there. Pole arms such as Sirius were ungainly weapons, better using in a thrust then a sweeping motion. A loud screech filled the room as Hawkins advanced on the Sith, holding his pike off to the side, now only two meters from his target he pulled out his smaller yellow light saber.
"Smile Sirius death calls..." He shouted as he thrust the blade at the Sith's exposed chest...
The Humankind Abh
18-05-2006, 03:27
Victory was near, but the will of the Sith could not so easily be undone. Rambirds were aquiring targets to penetrate through command bridges of the Star Destroyers. Missle Cruisers had aquired targets and were beginning to unleash devastating volleys. Abh fighters were linking up with the Coredians to begin coordinated attack patterns. It seemed like liberation of Jurai would go on without a hitch. "Gunnry officer, direct electromagnetic rifles at nearest target and fire."
There was nothing.
"Did you hear my command gunnry officer?"
Still nothing.
Jinto stood from his chair and walked to the railing. "The admiral gave you an order. Now carry it out!"
The Abh in the chair turned his head. The Sith lord that would have taken position of his body would notice that he was intune with the ship. It was a bonus of being an Abh. A devilish grin was on his face. The ship lurched back as the four massive rifles launched their ordinance. However it wasn't at the Imperials.
"By the stars. . . That was the Victory. . . One of our first prototype Victory Class Destroyers. It's....it's gone."
Lafiel stood from her chair. Her command saber would be useless at this distance. Instead she drew her Star Forces standard sidearm and fired straight between the Abh/sith's eyes. "The price of treason."
All around the ship, Abh and human alike began to rise up from their stations. The same crazed look was in their eye. "Lafiel...what's going on."
Still in control of herself and not letting the situation get the best of her. A few quick phrases in baronh and the pressurized door behind her chair opened to reveal an extensive weapons rack. Rifles and detonators were brought out for her and her husband. "Their is starfighter in the hangar still and it seats two people. It is not jump capable but we will deal with that situation once it arises. Right now we need to get down at the docks."
Jinto caught the rifle and case of charges. "I swore I would remain by your side all the way until the end. I am not backing down now."
A few rounds were fired off in the direction of anyone approaching and they dashed off towards the docking bay that contained the sole Thunderbolt Starfurry.
The Crimm
18-05-2006, 03:30
Kamara's head comes up as the turbolaser fires on it's own. Something was wrong on this planet... She wasn't at all in touch with the Force, but the Force cast it's shadow on the Occult realm where her power rose from. It's presence could be felt, pushing at the outskirts of her senses.
She ran outside, not sure if she should confront the essence, or run from it. She needed off this damned rock of a world....
Beta Aurigae VII
18-05-2006, 04:07
Grand Admiral Larcat sensed the change in his men almost immediatly. It was one of the bonuses of being part of the Aurigean High command. All members of the army and List'ten marines were very advanced telepaths, the ability had been engrained in their genetic structure for so long that it became part of both themselves and their children. The High Council however realized that it would be a smart thing to do to also give this special ability to the commanders of the navy, so that they could combat the Force users effectively by knowing their next moves. Larcat was lucky he was a telepath. As soon as he felt the change in the crewmen's minds, he glanced at his control pannel and saw that thousands of other ships in the allied fleets had begun to fire on each other.
"What the hell," he muttered to himself. "Lieutenent, what's happening?" Just as he asked, another wave of changed rippled through his mind and he lept from his chair as a blaster bolt pierced the empty air where he had been a moment before. Pulling his sidearm from its holster, he turned and fired shooting his mind controlled lieutenent dead. All around the bridge, other officers began to stand and move towards him some of them drawing blasters.
Larcat darted to his left and tounched a switch on the wall exposing several blaster rifles. He grabbed two on them and began firing on the advancing crew. They began to return fire and for the moment he was able to remain one step ahead of them, but it wouldn't last forever. Thinking quickly, he began making his way towards the lift, if he could get off of the bridge, he could alert the marines and they could retake the ship. Finally, he reached the lift ducking two blaster bolts as he dove into it and slapped the down button. Then as he was momentarily safe, he noticed a prescence trying to push its way into his mind, gathering himself, he pushed it aside and reached for the comm in the lift.
"Commander Lev, this is Grand Admiral Larcat, the crew have been possesed by some type of force and have turned on me. I'm on my way to you now, when I get there, we will retake the ship."
"Aye sir," Lev shouted over the comm through what appeared to be mroe blaster fire.
"Now to contact the other ships," Larcat thought. As he reached for the comm again, it refused to engage. "Dammit," cursed Larcat, "those things must be working themselves into the computers as well." Before he could think on it anymore, the lift opened and he was confronted by three crewmen which he mowed down before they could move in on him and he was once again fighting for his life and he made his way the the barracks where he sensed a large portion of the crew, being out fought, but still fighting against the marines.
Arriving to the scene a few moments later, Larcat entered the barracks through an access door that could only be opened with his code. Relocking the door quickly, he sprinted to where Commander Lev was holding out quite comfortably.
"Good to see you Admiral, were you able to contact the other ships."
"No, the whatever they are are taking over the ship's computer as well. if we can neutralize all of the crew members, the things shouldn't be able to do much damage. The computers can't make the ship go anywhere, all they can really do effectively without a crew is fire weapons and use the defenses."
"OK then Admiral, let's get started taking the ship back then. I only hope that the other Admirals were able to get off of the bridge and notify their marine contingents before it was too late."
"So do I Commander, so do I."
OOC: OK, I lost half of my ships to the Sith spirits or whatever they are. So US you should have control of them. The other half of my ships have been retaken by the Marines on them but the ships are unable to do anything because the Sith spirits have taken over the computer functions.
The Transylvania
18-05-2006, 04:29
By the time Daniel arrived into the system, four of the five ship fleet were heavily damaged or gone. Both of the fighter carrier Ha’Taks were destroyed, their Death Gliders had no place to land. Most of the Death Gliders were destroyed, they could hang with the TIEs before they were out numbered. So…they would not survive that long. The two Zoid carrier Ha’Taks were heavily damaged when they both moved in front of Raidon’s flagship. A move that Raidon did not order, a move to made both of the ships’ commander to save Raidon’s ship.
Right now, the fighting looked like it was on the Jurai’s side. More ships from Daniel’s fleet were here. More ships from the allies were here, too. But the Imperials has their ships. Raidon’s Fury was down to one Ha’Tak that had low damage and two heavily damaged Ha’Taks that look they would take a few more hits before becoming scrap metal.
On the bridge of Raidon’s flagship, the massive dragon man watched the battle. Baku stood next to him. He had the rest of his fleet move far out of the fighting before the other two ships were destroyed. “Daniel is out there.” he said out loud. That is when it hit him, the Force was gone. Well, it was not really gone but he was in touch with the Force. Something was up. At that same time, both of the damaged Ha’Taks began shooting at each other. “Move us back.” commanded Raidon. His flagship move out of the way before both ships blew up. "What the fuck is going on?” asked Raidon out loud.
OOC: Decided I'll allow a goodly chunk of the Godulan Garrison to go darkside, but some of the force is gonna make it out of the system after I do some stuff of my own...
Barachiel sensed the shift long before the shadow fell upon the Godulan forces, and immediately sent word to the others. He knew not what was going on, but he knew that it was a possessing force, and he knew that it was phenomenally powerful... not so much a single force as an army. He felt the responses of his similarly gifted battalionmates, as well as what could only be termed a guttural roar from the ranks of the Gendarmes...
He felt them come. He felt the shadows reach out to him. He felt them try to reach into his mind, to crush and subsume his will. He felt them draw back at the backlash. He felt the pain that surged through his body as the presence in the back of his mind struck out and tore the shadows apart. Another died. Another. Barachiel tuned out the pain and moved into the corridor, drawing his black swords as he strode forth and met the twisted face of a former Godulan soldier.
"The Darkness shall prevail once again..." The Marine hissed, and brought his Fractal Render up to fire. First his arm flew off, then his head.
Barachiel's eyes were already emitting their telltale black mist. If anyone could resist the possession, it would be the M'Lekk'Torr.
Get to the bridge. We must save the ship before the captain can figure out how to use the self-destruct.
A mental chorus of enraged acquiescence answered him, as well as what sounded like a full-scale battle around the center of the ship. It was good that the Gendarmes were typically stationed near the bridge, though they likely had much on their hands with attempting to take the bridge and defend themselves from former friends now turned steadfast foes.
Another marine leapt out to meet him, or rather would have had his legs not suddenly decided to disconnect themselves at the knees with the persuasive argument of a Voidsword leaping out of the wall. The sword came out again, followed by the rest of the commando as he scrambled out from the wall. "Harder to manage that sir... they keep trying to get in my head!"
"Mine too." All units push forward.
The Psion-Captain lay slumped in his chair, the top of his head a smoking ruin, and the Adjutants were now busily trying to work the controls.
"Why aren't they working?!" "What the hells is wrong with this ship?!" "Access Denied?!"
All cries were suddenly silenced as black swords erupted seemingly from the walls and floor and tore the unfortunate possessees apart with ruthless efficiency. Sith though they may have been, the M'Lekk'Torr were created specifically to combat them, and such was the procession of events as the Special Forces and Triad Gendarmes rampaged through the ship, wiping out the hapless weaker minded folk on the vessel and restoring Godulan dominance on the few vessels they were present on.
Barachiel, commander of the M'Lekk'Torr forces in the Garrison, easily accessed the controls, which the Sith possession victims had learned the hard way was psychically attuned to the users. Having been possessed by interlopers, the command staff no longer registered as command staff.
Sensors showed a dismal display beyond the hull of the ship. Though the Special Forces and Gendarmes were more than sufficient to reestablish control throughout the Dreadnoughts and Marauders, the Makos and the Sniper Cruisers were not blessed with such crew, and would likely figure out the means to bypass the psi-locks on the command protocols soon.
What was worse, a message on comms had come through from home...
Reinforcements Denied. All Units report to Talbott Sector for further instructions.
Even now those vessels that still read as friendly were zapping out of the system. Far be it from Barachiel to deny his superiors...
OOC: Siege Dreadnoughts and Marauders gone from the system. Godulan Makos and Sniper Cruisers now firmly under enemy control. About half of the Godulan Garrison fleet or so.
Consider this a little foreshadowing though of what's gonna happen when the revamped Godulan forces come back...
Indra Prime
18-05-2006, 06:58
INDRAN SECOND FLEET DETACHMENT, Cmdr. Azure Vinan commanding
LOCATION: Criun System – Orbital Stargate Facility, Northrop-Grumman
MISSION: To Aid Allies in strategic withdraw of troops
Commander Azure Vinan sat back and watched the situation unfold as the Anagonian ships and the remainder of the Northrop-Grumman defense fleet came through the orbital stargate and take up positions behind the Indran and Grumman vessels already poised in defensive postures. She, along with the rest of the bridge crew, listened to the communiqués being sent back and forth between the Grummans and the Anagonians as well as the increased chatter on the orbital stargate facility itself.
“I don’t get it. The wormhole should’ve disengaged a minute ago. We had set the timer for four minutes, didn’t we?”
“Unless somehow, the reactors on the other side are still keeping it active.”
“So you’re telling me we have an open wormhole that we cannot shut off?”
“Pretty much.”
This exchange that took place on the station proper caught her attention, as she had reviewed the nature of the enemy on the other side of that incoming wormhole and had no desire to deal with them at the moment. She listened a few minutes more as the Northrop-Grumman technicians frantically tried everything they could to shut down this wormhole, even throwing all the power to the iris shield they could, even knowing that shield would never hold up against that kind of armada. We need to nip this in the bud, RIGHT now, she thought. She stood up and straightened her Battle Dress Uniform tunic and stepped closer to one of the consoles at the front of the command deck.
“Captain Hendrikson, send a signal to the Northrop-Grumman Defense Forces. Inform them to withdraw to a distance of 500,000km, and tell them to make sure the Anagonian vessels are escorted beyond that point. Any vessels incapable of reaching that distance in two minutes must be evacuated and temporarily abandoned. Inform the personnel on the stargate facility to prepare for immediate evacuation.”
She looked to the crewman stationed at the terminal on the left-hand side of the command deck.
“Major Torland, inform the Astral Oceanus, the Atrum Angelus, and the Endeavour to take up positions at the apex of a tetrahedron with the stargate at the core. They need to be 10,000km from the gate and all weapons need to be charged to the following frequency.”
She hands him a data pad with equations he had never seen before. He looked up inquisitively and immediately she knew what he was asking.
“This is a weapon modulation program that was specifically designed to target the stability of a subspace region. This is not the original code, in fact, it originally had a key purpose in defeating the power generation capabilities of several nations who used Zero Point Modules. I believe the modifications that have been made can work to this problem at hand.”
Major Torland nodded once and began transmitting the program to the other vessels immediately. Back at the Comms station, Captain Hendrikson noted a significant problem with the station. He brought it to the Commander’s attention.
“Commander Vinan. Scans indicate that the personnel on the station will be unable to evacuate all the people in time. There are 71,453 lifesigns on board and not nearly enough Northrop-Grumman ships to secure them. However, all other vessels have reached minimum safe distance. Those unable to reach that distance have been successfully abandoned.”
“Thank you Captain.”
She turned to the officer manipulating a holographic three-dimensional cube at the rear of the command deck.
“Colonel Wrane, inform Detachment Delta to decloak from their positions and come in and pick up the crew of the station.”
Without taking her eyes off the hologram, she acknowledged the order.
“Aye sir. Detachment Delta, This is Colonel Wrane aboard the Furtim Lancea. Your standing orders have been changed. Commander Vinan has ordered you and your ships to decloak and transport all crew from the station and evacuate the immediate vicinity.”
All of a sudden, much to the surprise of SG2, the Anagonians, and the rest of the Northrop-Grumman Fleet, an entire battlegroup of Indran warships decloaked not more than 15kms off the bow of the ship furthest away from the gate. On board the Furtim Lancea, Colonel Wilson was trying to count the number of vessels that had just appeared. …., 14, 15, 16, 17… 18 ships!, he thought. Damn, the Indrans have levels of deception that I never thought they possessed
The battlegroup took less than 15 seconds to get into transporter range of the gate control facility and less than that to lock on to all lifesigns, transport them aboard the vessels, and begin moving out of the area. By the time the entire thing happened, a grand total of 55 seconds, the four Indran vessels were in position ready to target the stargate. Commander Vinan looked at the microholo display on her command chair, verifying that the commands were correctly entered and the ships’ shields were up, she gave the order.
“Major, contact all ships. FIRE.”
Three bright blue/purple beams lanced out from each of the Indran Vessels facing the stargate. Every one except the Indrans looked on with utter fascination as the beams apparently impacted something that resembled a completely invisible bubble around the stargate and they could see the impossible, the beams began to pierce the ‘bubble’. Less than ten seconds passed and then all of a sudden, the bubble began to turn the same bluish/purple color as the beams that were piercing it. It grew in intensity exponentially until it was a blinding white light no one could look at. What they were unable to see, was the trans-space manifold that connected the subspace wormhole to normal space/time ripping apart and releasing tremendous amounts of energy in the form of a subspace shockwave that passed all the vessels in the immediate vicinity at the speed of light. Being so close to the reaction, the Indran Vessels took the brunt of the destruction on their shields and the vessels that were 500,000km away, merely got rocked and some received minor damage.
When the afterglow subsided and sensors returned for the Northrop-Grumman and Anagonia vessels, they were shocked to see the station completely intact however, the wormhole that had been connected to the stargate, had been disconnected. With their job being complete, Azure sent a communiqué to the allied vessels in the area.
“Allied vessels. This is Commander Azure Vinan on Indran Flagship Furtim Lancea. As we have promised, your fleet is safe, and your system is now protected from any incursion by the enemy. We are withdrawing to a system adjacent to this one to pass off refugees and to render any assistance we can. Please meet us at the coordinates we are sending you. Furtim Lancea OUT.”
With that, a short databurst transmission was sent to all allied vessels in the area and the entire Indran Battlegroup vanished as they entered hyperspace, on their way to the coordinates of the uninhabited system.
18-05-2006, 18:19
Twenty Eight Thousand Years Into the Future
Kalath Rashin felt the slow grasp of exhaustion; its invisible hands gradually pulling upon his eyelids. Before him lay data pads and holodiscs, each one containing at least an hours worth of work. His eyes were failing while his head quickly surrendered to the smooth oak surface of his desk.
The shrill tone of the intercom quickly threw the sandman away, the president of Rashin Incorporated now "perky." reached out for the small silver switch. *click* "Andrew Hales to see you Mr Rashin, shall I tell him you're busy?"
Kalath pulled his hands over his pale smooth face, his silver hair tumbling through his fingertips "No no, let him through Amali." Lifting himself from his chair Kalath began to search the room for some much needed Ilarol juice. "Here we are." He said inquisitively.Pouring the thick red liquid from its container Kalath took a refreshing gulp while the footsteps of Andrew Hales grew ominously louder, the trudges of his chief of security clearly filling the discrete corridor beyond.
*Beeep Beeep Beeep*
The door alarm sounded creating another shrill tone which stood between Kalath and sleep. "Come in Andrew." Kalath waved as the shield over the doorway decentigrated. Walking in with his traditional footsteps of thunder the chief of security nodded towards the President.
"Sir." He gasped. "We have a situation......."
OOC: Oooh. I wonder how this part will do...
Back in the Present: Jurai Orbit
Antifighter flak flashed on all sides of the command tower as the Star Destroyers guns struggled to keep up with the ever increasing swarm of attack craft. From within the bridge of the behemoth, Grand Admiral Thrawn surveyed the swathes of turbolaser fire directed towards his very position; the horde of enemy capital ships now crowding around his flagship were quite clearly firing with all they had upon his durable shields. "Enemy capital ships preparing to emerge from Hyperspace Admiral. Long range probes indicate the Light Side and the Chimera are among them." Thrawns icy composure remained untouched.
"Have the ship move to starboard as fast as possible captain, route power from the port shields to compensate for the enemy attack." A slight vibration rocked the bridge as the inertial dampners failed to cope with the sudden change in velocity.
Outside the battlefield was raked with fire and explosions, with ship after ship now concentrating around the Hellfire. Fighter pilots moved into the massive skyline of the Empires capital ship TIE fighters banking around skyscrapers and pylons in an effort to catch the evading rebels.
The Fleet of the Coredian Armed Forces and their allies slowly swarmed the Hellfire[, belching turbolasers, ion cannons, beamlasers, missiles and torpedoes among other weapons. While the Super Star Destroyer could last a while even under the onslaught of around fifty ships in total, it won't last forever, especially not with the student of the master at the helm of the Chimera...
Advance Upon Rogue Squadron
One of the more inferior incarnations of Sixty-Six advanced upon rogue squadron, his own force comprised of the invaluable Tie Interceptor which was quickly followed in close succession by five more. Pushing the engine core to maximum the small fusion reaction within the fighter ignited into an inferno; the engines exploding into action thrust the clone pilots past the millions of windows upon the Hellfire leaving the surveying crew in bewilderment as to what actually just past them.
"Dark Wing, form in X formation and prepare to envelop. Target all laser fire upon the rear fighter." The Squadron quickly blew past a Heavy Turbolaser turret awash in flames; the black cloud of smoke covering Sixty-Six's fighter in a veil of decaying soot. Ignoring his new paint job the commander pulled his squadron onwards towards their target. They were gaining, the anticipation of the chase, the hunt, the kill, was clearly throwing adrenaline through Sixty-Six's enhanced glands
"Tartan Cruiser dead ahead!" Someone shouted over the radio. From behind one of the control towers the three hundred meter frigate emerged and saturated the area with heavy flak with laser fire not far behind. Snarling with grated teeth Sixty-Six banked his fighter downwards, spiraling into the maze of Imperial quad turrets and missile stations.
"Bastard almost shot us." Sixty-Six erupted over the channel. "Its as though we were being led onwards, the thing didn't even show up on our scopes." Sixty-Six tapped the small holographic display on his cockpit interface, everything seemed normal, perhaps it was bad luck.... or perhaps it was.... "It's a trap!" Sixty-Six shouted as a hail of red laser fire engulfed Dark Three and four. "Two, Five and Six pull in and push down on the afterburners, lets shake these scum." On board his fighter Sixty-Six tried to ignore the growing volume of the threat counter, the shrill tone warning of an impending missile lock. Closing the magnetic seal on his helmet Sixty-Six tried to shut out the noise but the computer programmed interface quickly followed him; now it bellowed through his helmet intercom there was clearly no escape from the damnable noise. Flicking several controls, Sixty-Six struggled to communicate over their secure channel, the shrill tone of the alarm blurring his words. "Launch counter measures....." He finally managed. The small canister situated on the back of the canopy burst open on each of the remaining Interceptors, each released cylinder sending out a wave of chaff and decoys.
It had worked, the sharp scream suddenly halting within his fighter was almost victory enough; almost being the word of focus. "Okay, lets give them a full circle, on my mark......." The fighters sped through a hail of broadsides between the Hellfire and the newly arrived Light Side. "Now!" Dark two and five quickly arced up, their exhausts leaving no mystery as to their course, while One and Six both went port and starboard. The superior turning circle of the Interceptor pulled the pilots round on the tail of rogue squadron now at the Empires mercy. "FIRE!" Sixty-Six once more ordered as his face was illuminated an unholy green......
"Split!" Was my order when the Interceptors (they're good, much as I hate to admit it) formed a full circle, targeting our engines and other vital spots. Despite our swift dodge, a scream sounded on the intercom. Damn, that was Jason Davis. I'll mourn our comrade later. Now's the time to fight back with a vengeance!
"Now..." Going through my arsenal of fighter tricks, I decided on one and running my fingers through a handseal, I managed to gather enough chakra energy for this technique and flicked my coms to the others in a certain way. And then...
"Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!" In a cloud of space dust, additional fighters appeared, seemingly out of nowhere and lashed the enemy TIEs with dazzling displays of laserfire. The fighter clones have all the skill and ability of the real fighter, but they can only survive two hits, one to down the shields and the other to poof them away. They are meant to be used as a distraction while we set up the next trap...using the Light Side as our shield!
Hellfire Bridge
Thrawn watched with clinical distaste as the Rebellions now superior fleet slowly began to eat away at the Imperial taskforce. Holding on to a handrail the Chiss Admiral braced himself against the occasional deck tremors which rocked the ship. Everything was not going according to plan, Thrawn summarised as he glared at the debacle outside. The organised lines of starships, the battleplans and tactical organisation had now decentigrated into a mess of Imperial and rebel starships; even the reserves had somehow managed to pull themselves into the battle. But,as with all conflicts, the fight slowly pulled itself around the largest warships in play, today it was the Hellfire and Lightside, now in the centre of it all...
Above the bridge, Thrawn could just catch the faint glimmer of the Chimera blasting away at another frigate, the destroyers heavy guns making light work of whatever random strike cruiser or tartan that dared to get in its way. His once loyal student, Thrawn noticed that Gilad Pellaeon, had improved in command and confidence since their last confrontation. The Admiral now employing the same bold gestures of his former teacher. Another larger shudder rocked the ship, this time Thrawn actually struggled to maintain his balance as the artifical gravity failed to compensate in time. The rebellion were clearly winning... the Imperial Navy was in disarray and was already starting to fall. This was unacceptable.... an Imperial defeat at this moment in time would cause hope to strike in the hearts of the free... already the glimmer of defeat was dropping upon the enemy, hope, at this time simply wasn't allowed.
"Damage suffered to hanger bay A-Nine; damage control teams dispatched."
"Tubolaser turret AB-Twelve offline, mounting severely damaged, crew killed in explosion."
"Aft tractor beams destroyed, core output falling to eighty three percent of maximum."
"Star Destroyer Injustice has just been nullified Admiral." The explosion of light and shrapnel filled the Chiss's view, the shockwave quickly spreading and engulfing several enemy frigates......... though the battle was clearly against him Thrawn decided to persevere, it wasn't in Palpatines character to attack with even the slightest prospect of defeat, no, victory was coming from another source, quite what that is, the Chiss was still deliberation, but he was sure..... victory was soon to be in his grasp........
Hmm. Definitely Thrawn's style. Pellaeon thought as he grasped the rails of his command platform, the ship rumbling and rocking to enemy fire.
"Enemy Star Destroyer nullified, shields down to eighty seven percent. Light Side matching Hellfire in all respects." A report came to him. "Sir, we're advancing on another enemy Destroyer."
"Very well. All beamlasers, fire!" Pellaeon ordered. The Chimera's port and starboard ball-turreted beamlaser cannons spun to target the enemy Star Destroyer and let loose with violent blue-green beams of composite-turbolaser energy, followed up with fire from the main heavy turbolaser cannons on the dorsal side.
Meanwhile, the three Elite and five Artillery Star Destroyers moved in to support the Light Side, firing all weapons at the Hellfire. Slowly, but surely, it appeared that the Coredian defenses will defeat the Imperials and win the day. Except...
Arthur Rashin slowly traversed the maze of corridors and strewn wreckage, his wheel chair propelling itself along the smooth neutronium floor. Running from room to room was a sea of officers and storm troopers, each one struggling to tend to the vast amounts of damage and hull breeches throughout the tower. Taking an abrupt right into a small corridor the disabled executive was delayed by two Jedi knights, both standing with pride their lightsabres glistening against the background of dead stormtroopers. Carefully nudging the datablock deeper within his trailing robes, Rashin looked up. "If you help me into the escape pod, I can tell you where to find the Grand Admiral...." Rashins bony hand pointed towards a small rectangle on the wall......
The two Jedi and one Ninja trailing behind looked at each other, skeptical about this Arthur Rashin's involvement on an enemy flagship. But the fact that he *is* in a wheelchair and he's just ready to leave means that he is not much of a threat. They'll pick him up later, anyway.
The Jedi helped him to the escape pod and they, with the Ninja, prepared to hear what the businessman has to say...
The Dark is generous and it is patient.
It waits with eternal contempt.
Its hatred, not even confined by the eternity of death...
The force writhed with pain as the dark slowly manifested itself. The mystery and shroud giving way to death and despair. The contempt stretching its hand towards the light; encompassing it, consuming it, subsuming it.
Stretching its will throughout the system the dark guided itself towards its enemy. Moving silently with care and caution the black prepared to engulf the last remaining candle of justice.
Throughout the rebel fleet shadows slowly manifested themselves, dark figures confined to the two dimensional world, their wills, their souls all trapped upon a wall, dependent upon the light for survival.
Skimming from wall to wall, darting along floors and roofs, the dark found its prey. For the dark required life; its tendrils of will long past desperately grasping at a second chance, desperate for control, power and vengeance. Crawling up the figures of crewmen innocent the dark encompassed its victims in a layer of ice, fear and dread. The dark was happy, for the dark was manifest.
Rising through the realms of the force the souls of those long deceased reformed within the vessels of the living. Choking, strangling and consuming the very nature of their enemy, the dark thrust its army upon the light..........
SSD Light Side
Tulak Hord breathed deeply for the first time in millenia. His lungs expanding and contracting in a gentle hiss of joy. He had returned...... Tulak spread his senses, he searched for feeling, he looked for allies and enemies. His ally at this moment in time was the force. But yet there was so much more, Hord could feel thousands of his brethern awakening throughout the system known as......"Jurai" He thumbled through the unfamiliar lips; unsure on how to proceed without his mask. But in a place where fear should prevail Tulak Hord took comfort; for he like his brethren need not fear the dark for they are the dark. And wherever the darkness dwells, the shadow sends its perception......
Expanding his awareness Hord began to roam the corridors of the Light Side, which, to his delight were already basking in chaos. For within the narrow halls Sith soldiers, masters and Lords were rising from the dark; the loyal armies long dead and destitute from the flaring guns of the Jedi, were rising in might, ready for fire and death; prepared to unleash vengeance without remorse. The enemy would burn in darkness for eternity, with the only light, being that of their writhing corpse bathed in flame.
Tulak Hord was indeed happy, for the Sith had returned.......
Throughout the alliance fleet, the Sith were consuming all. Throughout every warship, throughout ever frigate and cruiser, the night was falling upon the Jedi, the darkness was falling upon the stars...........
It started on the Coredian Star Destroyer Starstorm. One of the crewmembers on the bridge was a rather ambitious fellow named Jack. He aspired to one day command a Star Destroyer of his own, but right now, he learns from the tutelage of the Commander. That is, until a shadow entered the bridge, and grabbed the young member and forcibly subverted his spirit, mind and finally, body, to the astonishment and fear of the bridge crew. And to further compound their fear, he transformed. His hair fell out and from his scalp sprouted horns. Then his face turned red and black, the colors of the Sith Lords.
And before the commander could shout orders, he was immediately mindraped by the Sith, as were the other members of the bridge. And then...the commander began ordering the weapons to target a Coredian Nebulon-B Frigate and let loose an Alpha Strike that blew it apart in seconds.
Yes, friends. Darth Maul is back.
And so was Exar Kun, Brakiss, Darth Tyranus, Dark Master C'Baoth and countless others. Ship after ship fell to the Sith and not even the Jedi and ninjas on board could stop them...
The Revenge of the Sith has begun.
Surface of Jurai
The Sith groaned as he awoke upon the planet. His face smelling of life and decency; stinking of art and peace. The Dark Lord searched himself scoffing at his pathetic vessel, the very being was an insult to his grandeur, his power, his destiny of Lordship.
Opening his eyes for the first time since his demise, The Sith took comfort once more in being absent from the force. Everywhere around him light shone against the darkness, slowly fighting against the descending blanket from above, but he, the Sith rejoiced was a hole in the force, he was unaffected, this Sith Lord was the only one capable of destroying the Jedi..........
Before him were packing aides and students each one being carefully attended by an older Padawan or even in some cases a Jedi knight..... The Sith scowled with disgust. "Filthy Jeehdai!" He roared in a long dead language, his voice screeching throughout the temple. Turning a Jedi Knight looked upon his opponent in fear, openly aghast at what he faced.... Without second thought the master Stretched forth his arm and consumed the Jedi's life, his energy, his very essence itself. As the boy crumpled to the floor in peaceful death his limp hand dropped a metal object; his lightsabre hilt, which kindly rolled to feet of Darth Nihilus.....
OOC: Anagonias installment to follow. Everyone can assume that a nasty Sith master is on board flagships etc etc. Incase people are in confusion, your ships crews and even their AI's are being consumed by undead Sith. Your ships are sort of no longer in your control.....
No...it cannot be... Alex groaned as he sensed Sith after Sith revive and kill and slay and rape minds. Frantic crew of the ships above him were purged and a fourth of the fleet were subsumed by the Dark Lords in moments.
And then...he felt a deadly presence nearby. A presence that would spell doom for Jurai if he is not defeated or at least thrown off the planet. The presence...of Darth Nihilus.
"Brett. Gather as many troops as you can. We have a problem in the Temple." Alex ordered, leaving no room for argument for his guard.
As the guard left, Alex Masaki reached onto his belt for an ancient scroll. A scroll that he wished never to use. Opening it, he memorized the contents he wanted, then closed the scroll and placed it inside a sealed chamber within his stateroom. A chamber only a member of the Masaki Clan could access. With a defense against the Sith on the planet in mind, Alex Masaki, Patriarch of the Masaki Clan and High Councilor of the Imperial Republic, prepared to go to war. A comlink entered his hand and dialed the grandchildren he knows are in the system. "Jacob. Rina. Jacen. Daniel. If you can hear this, know that Jurai is in peril and I go, perhaps to stop this threat at the cost of my life. When that occurs, do what you need to do."
That done, he walked out of his chambers and down towards the battle to unfold.
Meanwhile, Rina got the message in another corner of the Temple, and prepared her *special* equipment while soldiers and Jedi advanced to hold down Darth Nihilus with sabers and blasters. Jacob and Jacen were preparing the ground defenses when they also recieved the call. They knew what to do and began heading to the Temple to do it...
"Grandfather." I said quietly. I got the message all right and the Force warnings from all over only doubled the dread I felt at the return of the Old Sith. I could sense Dooku and Sith soldiers rampaging around the Hell's Bane, another Star Destroyer, taking it over and using it against us. More Sith appeared on more ships, even those of our allies and then started blasting away at the still-friendly fleets. And then a threat on the Light Side and Chimera themselves. If they fall to the Sith....
No! I won't let that happen!
"Tim, Henry. Take your flights and head to the Light Side! I'm going to the Chimera!" I ordered. They replied with double clicks and Rogue Squadron began splitting up, heading to the respective flagships of the Fleet.
Responding quickly, the Marine garrison aboard the Light Side began lobbing blaster bolts and grenades at their possessed comrades, a fight replayed on every ship in every part of the Jurai System. Some were victories, as Sith fell and the troops and crew regained their ships. Some were losses and went over to the Imperial side. But on the flagships...fierce battle raged aboard them as Coredians and Possessed Ones fought to gain control of the ships...
The Battle of Jurai is not over, not by a long shot...
OOC: Been unable to Rp for the last two weeks. Since then, I've been briefly reading the RP. I have an idea on whats going on.
US, where would you like Aelikes to position his ships (remember, he's still on Coruscant's Dark Palace so far as I know)? Should I use the INR Class TSSD (see Ship Yard thread in sig)? Just want to know what to do before I attack. Unfortunatly, my AIM ain't workin right now (trying to get it up). Any other convienent way we can coordinate attacks?
Beta Aurigae VII
19-05-2006, 03:10
After a grueling battle, the Sabertooth had been retaken and Larcat breathed a brief sigh of relief. Then, as the ship rocked from yet another explosion, he turned to he more pressing matter at hand. He sprinted to his command chair and began to assess what systems were still operable. Looking in dismay at the ammount of systems he had at his disposal, a warning light flashed, they were losing the shields. Giving some quick thought to the situation, he decided to try to purge the system of the Sith or at least bypass them.
Turning to the marine commander he said, "I'm going to shut down all AI systems. That should allow us to bypass the Sith intruders and we can re-enter the battle. Unfortunately, we will have to aim and fire everything by sight alone and I will have to control the ship manually. Get some of your technicians to see if they can get the comm up and running. In the meantime, I'll signal the other ships with the running lights and begin attacking the Hellfire again. Have your men man all of the weapons stations tell them to fire at will."
Touching a button on his chair, the Admiral activated the ships sensors again as they began to press the attack on the US forces. He noticed that about 450 ships had followed him into the attack and were pouring fire on the Hellfire once more. Yet still, in the back of his mind the Sith prescence there was trying to break through, but Larcat pushed it back yet again and focused on the task at hand, staying alive.
New Dornalia
20-05-2006, 01:15
OOC: Anagonias installment to follow. Everyone can assume that a nasty Sith master is on board flagships etc etc. Incase people are in confusion, your ships crews and even their AI's are being consumed by undead Sith. Your ships are sort of no longer in your control.....
OOC: Got it. US, I'm giving half my fleet to you, and the Chuck Norris and Abe Lincoln. That will explain an important element in this post (why only half of the ships got the message.)
This is Part One. Part Two is where Stuyvesant will actually get out. The Marines escorting him will become casualties.
Styuvesant was moving along, taking command as he seemed to be winning. He was sipping his tea, and didn't notice his Political Officer came up to him.
He glanced at her, and said, "De Oliviera? What brings you here?"
She didn't respond. Instead, she seemed to grin an evil, almost demonic smile. A bad portent of things to come.
Just then...a flurry of comms came to the Norris. All bad. It seemed mutinies were breaking out all over, and in a couple of ships so far, the Gracie units had turned on their masters, sicing the work drones on the crew in cohort with the mutineers. Ships were shooting each other, and so were Marines and Acolytes. Even he could hear the madness, as faint gunshots and screaming began to be heard.
She then snapped her fingers, and a number of bridge crew, as well as a squad of Marines-all of who shared her mad, possessed look-rushed in. They raised their arms, and aimed them at the Admiral's head.
Stuyvesant got up and said, with surprise and indignation: "What is this!?Comrades! Listen not to this fiend!"
They didn't listen. Instead, the Political Officer, smiled and said, in a warped voice, "You fool. You know better than to test us."
She then said, with a shrug, "But I guess you have to prove your manliness somehow."
Stuyvesant said, trying to call Gracie, the Ship's AI: "Enough! Gracie, get Security!" No response came...but a low moan of pain.
The officer formerly known as De Oliveria laughed, and said with sadistic relish: "I wouldn't do that again. Your 'comrade' is busy."
Stuyvesant tried to reach for the self-destruct button.
The Officer then said, growing cold, "FIRE!"
The bridge erupted in gunfire, joining the unholy chorus around the ship. The Helmsman turned on him, and Stuyvesant shot back with his Railpistol. Two Acolyte guards tried to engage the Officer, knowing just what the heck was going on-but they were slain.
Stuyvesant ducked, and knew that he had to get out. Two Marines who were as of yet untouched followed Stuyvesant, guarding him from the Sith-controlled mutineers. It became apparent that the enemy Stuyvesant was fighting before had a trump card, and played it to the hilt.
Running to his ready room, the Marines providing cover, he began to try and call on his men to restore order. All he got were calls of overwhelment, and more calls from the ships asking for aid and orders.
Gracie then piped up. Her avatar was becoming twisted, and looked as if it was becoming possessed like the others, only with a dark aura. Yet Gracie was still resisting with all her might.
"Admiral, I need help!"
Stuyvesant thought, "That's why she wasn't talking."
Stuyvesant said, "I can see that, what is it?"
Gracie then said, "Something's..eating...(voice warp)..at me..."
He then opened up his personal laptop and said, "Quick. Get into the computer. Save yourself. Somebody has to reveal what happened."
Gracie then said, her voice strained as she seemed to fight the evil that had begun to consume the ship: "Okay.."
The process began....and she was downloaded onto the computer.
The ship then rumbled-the result of a spread of conventional torpedoes. Stuyvesant had to hold onto the table to keep from falling over, and the Marines nearly lost their balance.
Gracie then said, speaking from the laptop: "Okay, I'm here."
Stuyvesant said, frantically: "Gracie, what is the situation. Do you think we can get control back?"
Gracie then said, "No. Probability of retaking the Chuck Norris is 2%. They got us by surprise, and by forcing me out, whatever's tried to kill me probably is well on its way to taking over the ship's controls and what looks like a good portion of the Security Contingent."
Stuyvesant said, "What of the others?"
Gracie said, "Not sure. Haven't heard, comms are spotty. If my judgment is right, things are not going well."
Stuyvesant then said, thinking fast: "Gracie, send a message to the Fleet. Tell them to try and bring the mutinies under control. And tell them to try to purge the Gracies that have been infected. If they can respond..."
Gracie then said, "Okay, lemme try...."
A few minutes later...
"Okay. I had to work to try and get past the infected servers, but I did get to one uninfected comms node. Hate to tsay this, only half the fleet's confirmed acceptance of message! And unfortunately, that doesn't include the Abe Lincoln."
Stuyvesant then said, "Damn.....there's nothing we can do now...Now let's go. Marines, escort me to a shuttle-ASAP."
Gracie said, "Good thing I'm on the Admiral's Comp. I got a route for ye."
A map of the Norris emerged, with the most likely methods of escape. Stuyvesant took the most direct, and said, "Let's go, Marines!"
The party then began a harrowing journey. What they saw was something out of Mogadishu. Marines were shooting Marines, Acolytes were slashing crewmen apart and gunfire was not in short supply. They had to hide like criminals, such was the horror...and the worst part, was that it was occuring everywhere....
All the while, the Sith-corrupted Officer said on the loudspeakers, "Now here's a song for Admiral Stuyvesant. I like it, and if the dear Admiral wishes to interpret is as he wishes, so be it."
Then, the song "Nowhere to Run" began to play on the ship's loudspeakers, as if the enemy had anticipated an escape attempt....
EDIT: All the while, Stuyvesant and the others could feel an ugly, unholy presence eating at them...and so could Gracie, to a lesser extent. Yet they calmed themselves, and muttered prayers to their respective deities, and tried to assure each other they would be okay, and tried to ignore it and keep themselves sane as best as they could.
The Humankind Abh
20-05-2006, 01:16
Lafiel and Jinto ran through the halls of the ship as they steadily descended into the belly of the Paryunu. A sidearm in one hand and their family crest in the other, Lafiel finally came to a set of stairs leading down in the docking bay. Laser fire erupted from behind. Jinto nudged his wife down the stairs as he took position underneath the rail. "Go on Lafiel! I'll be there in a minute."
Jinto's rifle belted out rounds while Lafiel sprinted down the stairs. The lone Thunderbolt sat there waiting for her. The cockpit was already open and the analysis crystal went through a quick systems check before firing the four engines up. "Jinto! We have to move. Now!"
Her husband came sprinting across the floor with sporadic shots nipping at his heels. Jinto vaulted over the rail and into the cushioned seat. The hatch came down and sealed. Shuttle bay doors at the far end were remotly opened from the inside and thankfully hadn't been commendeered by the Sith. Out in the "safety" of space, the situation wasn't much better. A lone Whitestar was sent spiralling out of control into a nearby Star Destroyer while other Abh ships were engaged in fierce combat with one another. It seemed that the Sith spirits had brought the worst out in the Abh race. That thought alone sent fear through the typically calm Abriel. "Lafiel...." Debris and bodies floated through space like dust on the wind. Flames shot up then were snuffed out by the lack of oxygen in space. The Abriel pressed an innercomm link button that would connect her with several ships. There was one man that she was hoping hadn't been overpowered by the Sith.
Whitestar 101:
Keirn've was bleeding from multiple spots and a heap of bodies laid around the command chair. The chamber and muzzle on his marine issued rifle still smoking from the rapid firing. Only four crew members were left including himself, barely enough to keep the damaged ship functioning. "How much time until automated repairs fix our shields?"
"Ten minutes commander."
The old Abh sighed. Ten minutes was a long time, especially in a battle like this.
"Commander, message coming through from the Admiral."
"The Paryunu is still intact?"
There was a brief silence while the communications officer interpreted the source of the signal. "No sir. It's coming from a lone fighter. I'm reading a lone Thunderbolt Starfurry with two life signs. The Admiral is requesting pick up."
"Inform her highness that we will are on our way and to standby."
The Whitestar twisted and flipped around, diving back into the forray to pick up the stranded Admiral.
Unified Sith
26-05-2006, 01:46
Part One
Kalath looked up at Hales; his pale face dancing around the orange glimmer of sunlight. "What do you mean by situation?" He asked for the second time.
Andrews head fell even lower. "I take full responsibility for this situation; Mr President, it's..., it's Kadaan... its been stolen sir......"
Kalath fell back; his legs, arms, mind, everything started to turn weak and numb..... "When did, this happen?"
"It happened.... al....o..s ..... t...o. hou........? Sir? Si........" Kalath fell unconscious, the words of his aide relegated to the luxury of awareness. Falling deeper into shadow Kalath succumbed to the inevitable; as his eyes closed, his thoughts focused upon one thing.... Kadaan.... the plague; was stolen.........
Upon the word of Virit; below the blackened skies of smog and industry; beneath the bustling metropolis and even below the hardened crust of the world itself, there lies a complex. Within there is a staff; all deceased; their death inflicted by the plague of Kadaan, all exterminated by its uncompromising will.....
One of the first to enter the scene was Doctor Mulorah already contracted to survey the carnage on behalf of the corporation. From wall to wall there was dead bodies, the corpses quickly giving way to humanities natural process of decomposition. Mulorah almost wretched at the sight..... and the smell; but she was quickly saved by her chaperone, a young man who had just arrived from the lower levels. "Doctor Mulorah." He asked curiously. "This way please; we need you to take a look at something......."
Nihilus inclined his head slightly forcing the hilt to rise from the marbled floor. Placing the lightsabre upon his belt he moved off into the depths of the Jedi temple.......
The Mind of Darth Nihilus was abuzz with fury, the last thing he could remember was death itself; the depths of defeat at his enemies blade, and yet here he was, alive, renewed with almost limitless power; yet the hunger had also returned; the urge to eat; the need to consume grasped at his soul; but something was holding him back, the dark wished this planet to survive....?
"Stop, in the name of the light!" Shouted a group of Jedi Knights; their grey robes gently illuminated by glow spheres mounted along the sandstone walls.
"Is this the part where you ask me to surrender?" Nihilus almost laughed.
The Knights ignited their sabres.
"Perhaps not." The Sith stood firm and moved into battle position; his feet were apart, his balance even and controlled, and his hand ready to grasp at his new found blade within a moment; but of course, this was merely a rouse. Stretching forth his will, the depth of the dark side enveloped the light, the shadow dragged the failing candles down a seemingly endless pit; forcing their fate, extinguishing their flames. As the guardians of the light perished, so did the emerald green of their blades......
Magnificent.Applauded the dark.....
Nihilus scoffed and continued walking; while the Jedi continued to resist. Battle after battle ensued; the opponents were to Nihilus mere children; their experience in the force nothing compared to their ancestors of old, nothing compared to the power of the ancient Sith Lords; yet their resolve somehow seemed greater. Their will, their desperation though not giving them victory in life, somehow gave them satisfaction in death. The Jedi and their arrogance... The dark whispered. Even in death they refuse to admit defeat.....
Nihilus only grew enraged at this selfless act of petty vindication; his heart ablaze with contempt and the need for vengeance. Let me consume this world........ Allow me to destroy them all......... He pleaded with the shadow; his case went ignored.
The Dark apparently needed Jurai....... But not its Jedi.
Seeking out the fastest route for vengeance Nihilus unlocked the secrets of his hosts mind; the Sith utilised the information gathered for him by his vessels life time of dedication and work...... "Ahhh here we are." Nihilus smiled as he finally found his way out of the maze of side corridors and stairs. He had finally gained entrance to the main auditorium. Soooo many souls......
The presence of the Dark loomed over the chamber like a circling vulture; Nihilus gladly wielded as its instrument of death. From below the pupils and aides began to scream as countless innocents fell to the hunger; the panic quickly sweeping throughout the hall. Blade after blade swung at the Sith, the green, blue and purple swords falling far away from their target. "Do you not realise Jedi." Nihilus almost cackled with glee, his voice descending back into his hoarse echo. "The force is not with you today....." Clothing, bags, trunks and cargo was slowly strewn everywhere as the panic erupted into riot. But there was one that stood out from the crowd.....
A MASAKI The dark growled with anger. KILL HIM.
The Shadow spread arms that made its sleaves into black wings. "Just one more soul." Nihilus remarked. Through the rampaging crowd of fear and dread lightning poured from outstretched hands.......
OOC: Part one of three. Part two will be soon and so will three.
The Crimm
26-05-2006, 05:27
Kamara leaps from one rooftop down to a first story building, entering it and searching for a weapon with more bang than she had at the moment. She picked up a Concussion Rifle and smirked, taking a satchel of Shells with her.
She stepped outside again and people running through the streets stopped. A woman, looking very much like a Sith, carrying two lightsabers, two blades and a rifle almost as long as she was tall. She ignored them as she fit a Tech-Enhanced Eye headset onto the side of her face. It would detect movement, give an outline, or be switched to old fashion infrared. She suggested having both together, but she supposed that they didn't want to add that feature until a designers job had to be justified and so the military would have to buy an all new version.
She headed in the direction of the 'emptyness'. Because the Force seemed to have become a vacuum and whatever was moving around seemed like a black hole in that vacuum. She loaded in a shell. If it was a powerful being, then it might throw the shell back at her(not that she would fire without being sure she could dodge such a retaliation)... unless she could suprise it. A Jedi had once told her she felt 'dead'. Like the Force and even life were wary about touching her. Perhaps she could use that to go unnoticed.
She could feel the Force users on the planet still... but they seemed to be falling at an alarming rate. This is not good. I need to get the hell off this Creator forsaken dirtclod of a planet. I'd rather be stuck in the Inferno slam on Earth than here... and no inmate ever comes out of that place alive or dead.
26-05-2006, 15:17
The presence of the Dark loomed over the chamber like a circling vulture; Nihilus gladly wielded as its instrument of death. From below the pupils and aides began to scream as countless innocents fell to the hunger; the panic quickly sweeping throughout the hall. Blade after blade swung at the Sith, the green, blue and purple swords falling far away from their target. "Do you not realise Jedi." Nihilus almost cackled with glee, his voice descending back into his hoarse echo. "The force is not with you today....." Clothing, bags, trunks and cargo was slowly strewn everywhere as the panic erupted into riot. But there was one that stood out from the crowd.....
A MASAKI The dark growled with anger. KILL HIM.
The Shadow spread arms that made its sleaves into black wings. "Just one more soul." Nihilus remarked. Through the rampaging crowd of fear and dread lightning poured from outstretched hands.......
OOC: Part one of three. Part two will be soon and so will three.
The Sith Lightning was repulsed by hands glowing a slight blue color and sent straight back at the Sith. To the Patriarch's astonishment, the lightning was basically sucked in without visible damage. Between the wrenching deaths of the young Padawans and Knights, many of them being his swordmastery students, and the clear fact that the reflected Force Lightning did no damage to the Sith...
Darth Nihilus has truly returned. Alex thought with a frown. As his blue blade burst to life in preparation for a duel, he decided to at least figure out what makes Nihilus tick while he formulates a plan to get rid of him.
"My poor apprentices. My lost children. Why must you destroy them so?" He lamented to the Sith.
New Dornalia
27-05-2006, 00:29
Turns out Pt. 2 will be split into two segments, owing to length.
Stuyvesant and the Marines began running through the corridor. They darted into a corner to escape a patrol of Marines, obviously possessed by Sith. Then, they kept running. To stay in one place was murder, to keep moving meant life.
Gracie began talking, saying, "Okay. Turn down this corridor, and take the lift to level 23."
Stuyvesant followed Gracie's directions, and then promptly came under fire from four possessed crewmen. As he ducked to avoid fire, he pulled out his railpistol and began shooting. The Marines with him, meanwhile, opened fire with their own weapons, and the gunfire killed the enemy that tried to shoot him.
Stuyvesant then said, "Close...too close." He then continued moving on towards the end of the corridor. They reached the lift, and then entered.
Stuyvesant then said, "Level 23."
The lift amazingly moved. The Marines thought, "Damn...with the s**t going on here, one'd think the enemy would kill our escape route." As it turned out-they did. The lift shut off, and one of the Marines began screaming, "Oh God! OH GOD!! MAKE IT STOP!!!"
The other Marine began shaking him, saying, "Chill, man, chill! Fight it! Stay cool!" The Marine did not listen, however. He developed the look, and then lunged at his comrade with his knife. The Marine barely jumped out of the way, and Stuyvesant then kicked the crazed man in the head. He tried to get back up, but Stuyvesant had to punch him out once more, and throw him onto the wall. But he did not die...
...so Stuyvesant pulled out his railpistol and shot him.
The surviving Marine said, "What the hell!?" Stuyvesant then curtly informed him, "Enough. He was dead when the thing got him."
Stuyvesant then fumed to himself, "Bastards."
Gracie then said, "I hate to interrupt this bar brawl, but we're kinda stuck."
The Marine then said, "No s**t!" Stuyvesant held his hand up and replied, observantly, "Wait...a hatch. Yes. We can use the emergency hatch, and climb out. Gracie, how far down do we have to go by climbing?"
Gracie said, "Hold on...."
She then replied, "At least 100 meters. It won't take long. About 20 minutes."
Stuyvesant said, "It's our only shot."
The Marine then said, shaking his head, "You're crazy....Comrade Admiral."
Stuyvesant then shot out the panel, and used the dead man's rifle to shove it out of the way. "Crazy enough to get us out of here," said Stuyvesant with glee.
He then told the Marine, thrusting the laptop into his arms, "Hold her in your rucksack." The Marine stowed the laptop in his sack, and she said, "Okay. Let's go."
The men helped each other out, and got onto the emergency ladder after some tenous footwork. They then began climbing down as fast as possible, taking care not to look down....
The Marine said, "Tell us when we get there, okay?"
Gracie said, "But of course."
They climbed periously, and felt the ship seeming to convulse around them with vibrations from torpedo shots, screams of fighting, and the nagging sensation that whatever was out there wanted their souls.
That force, the Spirit that controlled the Political Officer, struck in the corridor. Vertigo seemed to come into play; they nearly fell. Yet they stayed, even through mental turmoil, dark voices, and feelings of uncleanliness biting at them.....it was hard though. The Political Officer, or rather the spirit controlling her, was using all of its Sith skills to try and eliminate them, or otherwise get them to give up.
They seemed to climb interminably, until...
"We're here!"
Stuyvesant then said, "Thank you Gracie. If only my daughter was like you..."
Gracie then said, "Oh Comrade Admiral...dream on."
New Dornalia
27-05-2006, 00:30
Stuyvesant hit the manual door opening switch, and the door creaked open to reveal a sight out of Hell. Blood, bodies, and more blood....
As they climbed into the corridor, the Marine said, "Damn. What are these things?"
Stuyvesant said, "Pure evil. Pure evil."
The party moved on, and Gracie said, "We're close...I can sense it." They didn't have to sneak through the hallways...this area seemed to be cleaned out already, most of the fighting was done here. But who won? It was hard to tell amongst the leavings.
Then, as they walked to the hangar bay door...
Marching steps. A party of possessed Acolytes and Possessed Marines surrounded Stuyvesant and his men. They raised their sabers and rifles, and began to make their move...
(Cue up "Nobody but Me" by the Human Beings at this point)
The lone Marine guarding them said, "RUN, DA**IT! RUN!" He then threw the laptop at Stuyvesant, who grabbed it like a madman and then rushed off, as a flurry of saber swings and gunfire silenced the man.
He then ran into the hangar bay, the doors dramatically closing behind him one by one and the drone guns opening fire and tracking their former master. Finally, he stumbled into the hangar bay, and found a shuttle. Shoving his keycard in after a few minutes of fumbling, he opened the door to the Gagarin II shuttle, and then got inside, closing the door.
Powering up the engine, he then plugged the laptop into the ship's computer, and then said, "Gracie, keep the hangar open."
Gracie then said, "Got it. I'll see what I can do."
This was just as well, the hangar bay door began to close, and the possessed New Dornalians from earlier began rushing in, opening fire and using Force powers to try and prevent their escape. The door then held at a midway point, and began to grind in agony from the conflicting orders to close and open at the same time...
Stuyvesant then rushed out into the darkness, the shuttle fleeing the Norris. He fumed; he had a lot of explaining to do at home. Hopefully, the politicians would believe him, if not, he'd have that ranch back home in New Leningrad to tend to....
He then got in touch with the rest of the fleet as he ordered them to evacuate. By now, half of the fleet replied- 50 ships, mainly 20 Proch IIs, 20 Trotsky Escort Carriers, and 10 Mao Zedongs had gotten some measure of control, if just barely, and had the drives ready to flee. The others were far gone....including two of the most powerful ships in New Dornalia's arsenal-the Chuck Norris and the Abraham Lincoln.
Stuyvesant ordered them to escape Jurai, and sent this message to the Coredians as the battered remnants of the New Dornalian Expedition tried to evacuate-
"We are sorry Comrades...the enemy that is now attacking you through underhanded means has crippled us. We must leave to avoid total destruction at their hands. Know that we are still with you, know that we support you and would fight with you if we could. We are sorry..."
Beta Aurigae VII
27-05-2006, 01:19
On the Aurigean front, the battle was progressing. Slowly, but it was progressing. Without the comm system, it was hard to co-ordinate attacks in certain sectors of the battle and Larcat was beginning to lose his almost infinitesimal patience.
"Admiral, we have the comms back up."
"Thank the Force," muttered Larcat as he broadcast orders to all his ships. "Attention all vessels, this is Admiral Larcat. I am preparing to initiate the auto destruct sequences on the ships that have been taken by the Sith "ghosts", some of you may believe that the men aboard those ships are still our people, they are not. The moment they were polluted with the Sith, they became the enemy. To ensure our survival, they must be destroyed."
With that, Larcat cut the transmission and began to transmit the destruct code to the corrupted ships. The code sent with his authorization could not be reversed, the people aboard those ships would perish in two minutes if they stayed.
Then he turned to his communications officer and said, "Patch me through to the High Council."
"Connection established Admiral but it's a little spotty."
"Esteemed councilors, this is Admiral Larcat. I'm sorry to say that the battle has taken an unexpected turn for the worse. I have been forced to destroy half of my ships because of what appears to be a Sith plot."
Back in the Council Chamber on Beta Aurigae VII...
A shiver of alarm went through the Council at Larcat's words.
"Are you certain of this Grand Admiral," asked Kisharn.
"I am sir. I can feel the dark prescence trying to break into my mind and enslave me."
"Very well Admiral, I will mobilize the Order immediatly. How is the rest of the fleet holding up?"
"Besides the ships I had to destroy, we've only lost fifty or so others. More than half of those losses came from our own ships. We won't need re-enforcements anytime soon. Larcat out."
As the image of the Admiral vanished, the members of the Council looked at Kisharn who frowned and said, "It appears as though the darkness we have sensed and ignored has reared it's ugly head. It is time for us to move out of the shadows for good, inaction has not protected us," And for only the second time in the over 20,000 year history of the Order of the Ts'Mri, Klev Kisharn gave the order, "assemble."
Unified Sith
04-06-2006, 00:55
Anagonian Reply
"What is that?" Blathe demanded rather abruptly; his icy fingers pointing through the collapsing Grumman fleet.
"We're still working on it Admiral, but the energy readings are vast." Blathes curiosity subsided, no matter what the ring was, it was clearly obvious as to its purpose. Which was of course, escape.
Infuriatingly; the Angaonian naval detachment was starting to filter from their positions and were now conducting a rather effective fighting retreat. Their interceptor escorts were with-holding Imperial bomber and corvette squadrons, and the wings that did manage to get through encountered an extremely unpleasant frigate line... Sadly, the dish of the day was slowly dripping off the menu.
Outside, the void was filled with Imperial zeal. Fighter squadrons embodied the darkness of the sun, their dagger shapes strafeing the shadows like relentless wraiths; their green blasters igniting fear in their foes.
Fear of course is the Empire, fear is the weapon of the Sith, fear is a Siths greatest ally.....
On board the Exodus Two, through the endless corridors of durasteel and polished neutronium there lies a man fast asleep within the officers quarters, his head heavily laden with bacta pads and foil. His mind, his consciousness open to invasion and consumption.
The mind was open, weak and ready to be consumed. The shadow slid along the floor, its outstretched hand opened and took its vassal......
Inside the mind
"Who are you?"
"Why; I am you." The darks snide laughter showed no mercy. "You however, are now mine. Your body, your soul, yes I'm afraid even your mind."
The vassal slowly realised what was happening, the dark rumors and reports from Jurai echoing in the depths of his mind. "I will fight you......" He defiantly responded. Honour and true intentions sullying his words.
"Yes, you will. I wouldn't have it any other way." The darks tone perfectly accepting. From nothingness came a field, brown and gold, the gentle crop of barley bristling in the conjured mind.
"It appears to be harvest time, tell me, where is this memory from." The Sith attempted to stretch his hand deep within the mind but there were still blocks. Before him his vassal had finally arrived, his young body and face hidden underneath armour of Gold. "Your armour will do you no good in here."
"And neither will your threats..... Sith!"
The Dark Lord tilted his head slightly, his black eyes consuming the mid day sun. "Well, shall we get this over with?"
The vassal charged with all his might, the golden armour, the heavy footsteps each crushing his gentle crop. But his target remained still, not even a weapon extended, until of course he used the force.
The Siths hand extended forward, the open claws clenching the gentle breeze, but his target ignored the attack his throat resisting the gentle fibers of the force. Instantly a red blade ignited its sharp hiss drowning out the heavy footfalls of the charge. Within the centre of the field, in the middle of a mind, light and dark fought for dominion.
Two blades, two opponents, two ideologies, one mind.
The Sith's sword began to blur in a frenzy of stabs, the blade conflicting with his opponents defences and guard. Yet the Sith had one advantage; the force was with him. Extending his will, branching his thoughts the force quickly channeled through the dark; its power acting as a solar eclipse; above the crisp glare of light collapsed into a disk of dark.
"You are losing my vassal."
The field melted away beneath the two opponents feet, their swords clashing relentlessly. "Shall you burn for eternity? Would you like that?" The dark unleashed a background of flame, the gentle field grasped within a firey mountain. "I know I did....." The two swords locked in combat, the crackling conflict sending a flurry of Ozone in every direction. It was time for this to end, the battle was fun, the conflict necessary, but his master was calling....
"I'm afraid my vassal, that this is over, you won't get to see what lies beyond, but I will grant you one mercy; a clean death. A quick death." The Sith pulled upon the force grabbing the licking flames. "Goodbye my vassal....." The fire erupted in frenzy, its rage consuming his very soul........
The Real World
The lungs groaned heavily, the hoarse wheezing ebbing away. The bacta had worked magnificently, the bandaged wounds, the bruised skeleton all now fully recovered. Unsure on how to proceed the Sith slowly lifted himself from the bed; his legs not quite as he remembered them. But the force.... the force was stronger than ever. Rushing through him like a tide of vengeance the merciless currents gifted no mercy to his host.... Everything was now unlocked.
I am in a battle......... The sound of a thousand turbolasers echoed in the back of his mind. I am tasked to do something..... My master demands victory.... He was now standing on the clinical floor. I must take the bridge..... His cold blue eyes focused upon his task. But first, first he required a lightsabre......
Dawning a uniform, placing his blaster, the Sith Lord stalked the command corridors in search of a weapons locker, in search of a blade.
Memories of the ships interior came flooding back. Crew names and persons almost crippling the Dark Knight, but yet, like a true predator he maintained the stalk. A left here. And he found himself confronted by a door.... A keycode? The force provided the answer. it's knowledge providing the message; the blade was his.
Upon the bridge.......
The silver doors of the hyper lift opened without hindrance, the small box beyond revealeing an unseemly sight.... Two dead officers, one ignited blade, one Dark Lord, and one desire..... Destruction.......
Stepping forth Darth Vader clasped his hand, the pink flesh unusual almost disconcerting...... Crushing the wind pipes of several defenders Vader found himself opposed by a Jedi..
05-06-2006, 03:19
Greg Paladin stood on the bridge, giving orders after the Exodus Two fleet had fleed the battlefield from the horrors of the Imperial Onslaught. His tiny fleet had been left behind, and currently he was fleeing the area as fast as he could make his ships go. The Anagonian Battleship, while hard to kill, was a bit sluggish in the speed department. However, the good thing was that it was faster than the Imperial Capital Ships, which was all the advantage needed as the fighter contigent managed to stay the Imperial Fighters for just a bit.
Eyeing the Battle Map, and the progress on the escape manuver, Greg heard the tall-tall rebreathing sounds of a resperator. Turning back, he realized that two officers lay dead, and his beloved Comrades saber ignited seemingly told the story.
A slight bit of shock, but he quickly managed to get his lightsaber ignited, a silver hue over his face as he positioned it beside him in a defensive style. Slowly, he side-stepped here, and walked closer there. Twirling the saber, Greg became confused. This was unlike Darth Vader, his closest Comrade Brethren, to do this. Perplexed, Greg knew he was of Light now, no longer in the grasp of darkness. It seemed impossible that any Anagonian could turn back to the true Sith, but this one seemed to do just that.
"Darth Vader," started Greg as he managed to sideway position his lightsaber, walking back a bit, cautious. "Darth Vader, why have you turned on your Brethren? We saved you..."
The Crimm
05-06-2006, 08:46
Kamara walked the streets as if she were the only one on them, which was no where near true. There were people oing this way and that, runninga dn screaming and generally dropping into some welcome chaos.
She used the Conc Rifle to push people out of her way, until the crowds ended. She stopped and felt the various energies. The sun was a well of darkness now, there was that black hole presence, there was Death and there was... a Masaki. Good.
She studied the situation through her Tech Enhanced Eye and threw the Conc Rifle away. This thing had beel slaghtering Jedi. A rifle, no matter the size, would do little to stop it. She instaed threw down the Tech Eye and made her way into the area the two were facing off in. She made herself visable to Masaki, behind Nihilus, but otherwise did and said nothing to stop their battle. Nihilus could probably sense something where she was, but it wasn't the Force and wasn't Life.
Unified Sith
07-06-2006, 19:44
ISD Varangian
Arthur Rashin nodded his thanks to the Jedi. "Thank you gentleman for showing an old man some kindness." His gentle face smiled up at the guards of light. "Grand Admiral Pael is currently making his way to the escape pods...... You need to go down two decks and and head aft. You should catch him in a corridor if you're lucky....." His hand moved to the ejection control sliding down a Neutronium wall. Seconds later Arthur Rashin was on his way to Coruscant........
Pael strode through the crippled tower, a small contingent of Stormtroopers closely matching his pace. His white uniform and golden shoulders whisking past the burning corpses with strangled apathy. "Sir" A muffled shout grasped.... "Jedi!". Paels narrowed thin face turned, his narrow eyes glaring upon the ignited lightsabres.
"Blast them!" The Admiral turned and strode off towards his escape pod, his mind slightly concerned to the pursuing Jedi. Lifting up his small cylindrical communicator he decided upon a rather old, yet well practiced tactic. "Bridge?"
"Yes Admiral"
Paels lips curled into a wry smile. "Close all blast doors on the lower tiers. We have unexpected guests."
"Jedi Admiral?"
Rogue Squadron
Sixty-Six cursed as the remainder of his wing was quickly engulfed in flame, all of them dead; saturated with red laser fire. His Interceptor wasn't doing too well either, his aft panels had been grazed and the afterburners were shot; in fact his fighter was that bad it resembled a ragged Yevetha. Rogue squadron were still hot on his tail, their guns narrowly missing his nimble craft. With a blatant sigh Sixty-Six cursed as the sensor panel screamed at an attempted missile lock, the warning lights turning his cockpit a dull red. "When will these scum ever learn?" Quickly firing his maneuvering thrusters Sixty-Six sent his craft into a one hundred and eighty degree spin; momentum keeping his course. Clicking the firing trigger the clone sent another X-Wing to the abyss, the orange flames flying through the darkness like an extinguished phoenix. Smiling the clone never even saw it coming; he died thinking of victory.
SSD Hellfire
Thrawn watched from the bridge of the hellfire, his red gaze mirroring the fire and destruction of war. The Admiral was slightly confused as to the situation in the Jurai system, Thrawn had never truly believed in the force, he was a man who detested such arcane arts. More often that not he suffered the claims of his masters and the ingenuity of the Jedi. But now, today, his denial could no longer hold foundation. The force had literally turned the tide of the war, the battle and the Imperial will were slowly filtering throughout the system like a plague.
"Admiral, we have ships reporting in from across the enemy fleet. We we have them Admiral!" Usually Thrawn would not allow such enthusiasm from his officers, but he could let it slip, just this once.
"How many ships have joined our ranks?" Thrawns hands formed the tell tale clasp of thought.
"About a quarter of the enemy Admiral, and more are answering." A small tingle of light sparked in the distance; the Aurigean ships detonating.
"I assume they have just self destructed captain?"
"It appears the enemy would rather destroy their vessels than allow them to fall into our hands Admiral."
The Chiss's blue lips frowned for a moment. "Admiralable, but we'll have no more of that. Send a fleet wide communication throughout the sector to fire at will on all ships obviously anti-Imperial. Block all channels and prepare to issue a surrender edict to the Light Side." The Admirals posture crept more rigid than ever. "Perhaps they will see reason?"
"They are Jedi Admiral?"
"I know." Thrawns voice echoed. "But surely even Jedi enjoy life more than death?"
Jurai Fleet Situation
The Imperial attack was fluttering though the enemy forces, former friends quickly turned foe acting without mercy or remorse. Even the vast capital ships of the rebellion were attacked without exemption; the Sith extending their grasp, their cold hands around the vulnerable throats of the enemy with gentle, snide pleasure. The dark filtered through every corridor and hallway, the shadow grasping at life; dragging it down to the empty depths of sorrow.
Blasters, cannons, guns, all were firing throughout the vast expanse of endless mazes and superstructures. Crew fought Crew, while ship after ship fell to the onslaught. Some, even electing death by friend over the possession of evil.
Admirals self destructed their forces only to unleash the Sith upon new warships un-tainted by the dark. Guns realigned themselves, turrets re-targeted and slowly but surely the sith defeat was turning into a victory, as nothing was left untouched.
Below the enveloping dark; Jurai, the last orb of light struggled to defend itself. The planet holding back the endless advance of the dark. Surrounded, trapped, and now with little hope, Jurai was under siege.
Jurai Battle
Nihilus looked upon the old man with little care. "I destroy what I can, because it is my nature Jedi. I unleash the force as is its right. I do not contain or nurture it. The force is life, the force gives life, and it can take it away." Nihilus raised his hand halting an energy bolt before impact. "I sense you; there behind me." His voice hoarsed. "You cannot hide in a crowd of innocents.... it only leads to death...." The outstretched hand clasped tightly collapsing vast swathes of the roof. Dust, rubble, all filtered down reducing visibility entirely. Nihilus did not wait however. Quickly, with the force as his guide he fled from the chamber, the temple, and the city. He had a target to destroy..............
07-06-2006, 21:31
ISD Varangian
Arthur Rashin nodded his thanks to the Jedi. "Thank you gentleman for showing an old man some kindness." His gentle face smiled up at the guards of light. "Grand Admiral Pael is currently making his way to the escape pods...... You need to go down two decks and and head aft. You should catch him in a corridor if you're lucky....." His hand moved to the ejection control sliding down a Neutronium wall. Seconds later Arthur Rashin was on his way to Coruscant........
Pael strode through the crippled tower, a small contingent of Stormtroopers closely matching his pace. His white uniform and golden shoulders whisking past the burning corpses with strangled apathy. "Sir" A muffled shout grasped.... "Jedi!". Paels narrowed thin face turned, his narrow eyes glaring upon the ignited lightsabres.
"Blast them!" The Admiral turned and strode off towards his escape pod, his mind slightly concerned to the pursuing Jedi. Lifting up his small cylindrical communicator he decided upon a rather old, yet well practiced tactic. "Bridge?"
"Yes Admiral"
Paels lips curled into a wry smile. "Close all blast doors on the lower tiers. We have unexpected guests."
"Jedi Admiral?"
The Jedi, following the old man's directions, sped through the corridors to try and reach Pael. However, doors began closing and they dove through tight spots, narrowly missing getting squashed. The next blast door however...
"Blast!" Jedi Knight Vash growled as the door closed in front of him. "Let's do this."
"Right." His friend Gary nodded. Together, they stabbed their lightsabers through the door and began carving their way through while Katsuo, the ninja, stood guard for stormtroopers. Once through the door, they continued through the corridors for the Admiral...
Rogue Squadron
Sixty-Six cursed as the remainder of his wing was quickly engulfed in flame, all of them dead; saturated with red laser fire. His Interceptor wasn't doing too well either, his aft panels had been grazed and the afterburners were shot; in fact his fighter was that bad it resembled a ragged Yevetha. Rogue squadron were still hot on his tail, their guns narrowly missing his nimble craft. With a blatant sigh Sixty-Six cursed as the sensor panel screamed at an attempted missile lock, the warning lights turning his cockpit a dull red. "When will these scum ever learn?" Quickly firing his maneuvering thrusters Sixty-Six sent his craft into a one hundred and eighty degree spin; momentum keeping his course. Clicking the firing trigger the clone sent another X-Wing to the abyss, the orange flames flying through the darkness like an extinguished phoenix. Smiling the clone never even saw it coming; he died thinking of victory.
"Got him." I sighed as I felt the clone commander's life force wink out, taking Samuel with him. At this rate, I'd have to recruit a whole new team for the Rogues. But right now, I had to reach the Chimera and hope the Admiral was alright.
I flew through the battlefield, my fighter scorched by laserfire and scratched by random shrapnel from missiles, not just from the enemy, but from our side as well!
"What the hell?" I said as I flew towards the waiting hangar bay of the Chimera with Madison and Kohaku, two of my flight.
In the hangar bay, all was chaos. Marine fought Marine. Crew fought crew. Even the ANBU and Jedi detachments onboard the ship had trouble dealing with the sudden mutiny, but I saw them fight with all their strength, slicing enemies apart and using offensive moves.
So this was the plan of the Sith. Great. Now what do I do?
"Fight. Nothing else I can do." I sghed and opened my cockpit. I immediately jumped out, ignited my blue blade and cut down several possessed troopers. In my peripheral vision, I noticed Kohaku swinging a chain-sickle around and Madison shooting small yet powerful fireballs from her mouth, both dealing with enemies in their own way.
A hail of blasters rained down our position, and we were forced to jump and roll our way to cover. Then more blasters fired, forcing the enemy blasters to switch targets, giving us the chance to cut down the former crew and meet some unpossessed soldiers. They added a small salute to me.
"Sitrep." I ordered, blocking blaster bolts.
"Major Halls, sir! Happening all over the fleet, apparently! Admiral's holed up in the bridge with the ANBU, but there's a lot of fighting between here and there!" The Major replied, shooting his rifle at enemies. Enough friendly troops rallied around to fight off the enemy.
So Admiral Pellaeon's still alive. Good new at last. "Right. Engineering?"
"Same there, but it's holding up. Same with Engines and Tactical Systems." That included the weapons.
Now I got a clearer picture of the situation aboard Chimera. It was bad, but managable if we can make it to the vital sections and hold the ship from there. "Right. We'll head to the bridge. Madison, you and Kohaku relieve the Engineering section."
"Right." They nodded.
Sensing danger, I whirled my lightsaber around my torso, deflecting blaster bolts back to enemies and with what troops I could gather, began making my way towards the bridge...
SSD Hellfire
Thrawn watched from the bridge of the hellfire, his red gaze mirroring the fire and destruction of war. The Admiral was slightly confused as to the situation in the Jurai system, Thrawn had never truly believed in the force, he was a man who detested such arcane arts. More often that not he suffered the claims of his masters and the ingenuity of the Jedi. But now, today, his denial could no longer hold foundation. The force had literally turned the tide of the war, the battle and the Imperial will were slowly filtering throughout the system like a plague.
"Admiral, we have ships reporting in from across the enemy fleet. We we have them Admiral!" Usually Thrawn would not allow such enthusiasm from his officers, but he could let it slip, just this once.
"How many ships have joined our ranks?" Thrawns hands formed the tell tale clasp of thought.
"About a quarter of the enemy Admiral, and more are answering." A small tingle of light sparked in the distance; the Aurigean ships detonating.
"I assume they have just self destructed captain?"
"It appears the enemy would rather destroy their vessels than allow them to fall into our hands Admiral."
The Chiss's blue lips frowned for a moment. "Admiralable, but we'll have no more of that. Send a fleet wide communication throughout the sector to fire at will on all ships obviously anti-Imperial. Block all channels and prepare to issue a surrender edict to the Light Side." The Admirals posture crept more rigid than ever. "Perhaps they will see reason?"
"They are Jedi Admiral?"
"I know." Thrawns voice echoed. "But surely even Jedi enjoy life more than death?"
Tim and Henry, upon arrival on the Light Side, found it even worse than the Chimera was, apparently. Fully one side of the ship was slagged by the hours long bombardment of the Hellfire, but the Hellfire appeared just as damaged.
The only problem was the possessed troops aboard the Light Side and Sith Lords numbering no less than ten using their powers on Coredian soldiers and taking lightsabers from random Jedi on the ship. Bane was in the forward section, enjoying the slaughter of Light's champions immensely. Revan and Adjunta Pall were amidships, also causing death and destruction everywhere. Especially Revan as he fought through this huge new craft (to him) for the bridge itself.
Then there was C'Baoth, frying everyone in his way. Jerec, whom Kyle Kataran had killed once. Exar Kun was onboard, exacting revenge on Skywalker's Legacy. In the Engineering Section, Darth Lumiya took command, slaughtering everyone who resisted her lure. And the bridge section...well, the only thing protecting Admiral Denon from the wrath of Kaan and two other Sith was a squad of ANBU and two Jedi Masters, and they won't last much longer.
Tim, Henry and the three other Rogue pilots with them were sorely outnumbered and outmatched here, and they knew it.
Jurai Fleet Situation
The Imperial attack was fluttering though the enemy forces, former friends quickly turned foe acting without mercy or remorse. Even the vast capital ships of the rebellion were attacked without exemption; the Sith extending their grasp, their cold hands around the vulnerable throats of the enemy with gentle, snide pleasure. The dark filtered through every corridor and hallway, the shadow grasping at life; dragging it down to the empty depths of sorrow.
Blasters, cannons, guns, all were firing throughout the vast expanse of endless mazes and superstructures. Crew fought Crew, while ship after ship fell to the onslaught. Some, even electing death by friend over the possession of evil.
Admirals self destructed their forces only to unleash the Sith upon new warships un-tainted by the dark. Guns realigned themselves, turrets re-targeted and slowly but surely the sith defeat was turning into a victory, as nothing was left untouched.
Below the enveloping dark; Jurai, the last orb of light struggled to defend itself. The planet holding back the endless advance of the dark. Surrounded, trapped, and now with little hope, Jurai was under siege.
"Ahh. What beauty war is." Darth Tyrannus, also known as Count Dooku, sighed in contentment as he stood aboard the Star Destroyer Hell's Bane. He found it ironic to command a ship that was the very image of the Republic a hundred years ago, if the memory of his host was any indication. And now, irony was about to shoot at Jedi. "Have all ships that have completed the 'transition' rally around the Hell's Bane and await orders from the...Hellfire, I believe."
"Aye, My Lord." Possessed crewmembers replied in unison and went about their duties.
Soon, those ships that have been won by Sith Lords began to form a loose formation around the Hell's Bane, firing at allied ships and fighters. The ships still having internal fights were either slagged to scrap metal, allowing the Sith to possess other ships, or they managed to fight off the enemy, rallying around the remnants of the First and Second fleets.
Those Sith that grabbed Godular's ships had some initial troubles with the unfamiliar controls before they too rallied around the Hell's Bane.
Jurai Battle
Nihilus looked upon the old man with little care. "I destroy what I can, because it is my nature Jedi. I unleash the force as is its right. I do not contain or nurture it. The force is life, the force gives life, and it can take it away." Nihilus raised his hand halting an energy bolt before impact. "I sense you; there behind me." His voice hoarsed. "You cannot hide in a crowd of innocents.... it only leads to death...." The outstretched hand clasped tightly collapsing vast swathes of the roof. Dust, rubble, all filtered down reducing visibility entirely. Nihilus did not wait however. Quickly, with the force as his guide he fled from the chamber, the temple, and the city. He had a target to destroy..............
"A most formidable foe." Alex acknowledged, holding up parts of the roof falling on him with his abilities. "But one I must stop!"
Planting chakra to his feet, Alex began pursing the Sith Lord through the Temple, the underlying city surrounding it, pursuing the enemy wherever he goes...
New Dornalia
07-06-2006, 22:15
OOC: Just wanted to post where my ships went. If this is not the right place, let me know.
Somewhere in New Wuhan-
The tattered remnants of the New Dornalian fleet limped back near New Wuhan, ships damaged, crew traumatized by the experience. A few struggled to comprehend what happened. The rest tried to clean up the mess.
They were let through the formidable MacIntyre Line, passing through with the pallor of a funeral march. When they got back into the nearest repair facility, the Lorca Shipyard, they began repairs, fixing their ships. As for their numbers, medical personnel and hospitals below were filled trying to take care of the survivors. Chaplains and psychologists tried to console those who were driven just slightly mad by the experience, or otherwise distraught.
And all the while, Admiral Stuyvesant had to answer for the loss. While recuperating, he got a call from Premier MacIntyre.
Stuyvesant replied, "Comrade Premier-"
MacIntyre interrupted the pleasantries, saying, "Listen, here, you incompetent wretch. You're my Comrade no longer. I gave you our best. What happens? It goes bye-bye. I didn't expect that. So, you can see I am very, very unhappy, and very shocked right now. Mostly unhappy."
Stuyvesant gulped, and steeled himself as MacIntyre continued his speech, his voice getting louder and filled with more anger than before. The Premier usually never got this angry, but well, when he did-let's just say LBJ looked like Mother Teresa by comparison.
"Unhappy that instead of victory, I get one of the biggest f**king eggs laid and shoved where the sun don't shine of my career. You know how much those ships cost? Millions, trillions of dollars, manhours and replicator labor. Can you comprehend that, motherf**ker!?
Some of our best f**king technologies. And not to mention the blow to our pride. How can we say the People's Navy can compete, when you lose two of our best ships to the enemy like a nancyboy? They have those vessels now, they know our technology, and they will use that to have their way with us. Oh, it'll be good times tonight you sorry sack of pointy-eared s**t!
So answer me this. Why on general principle should I not have you brought up on charges of willful negligence and derelection of duty? Why shouldn't I have you stripped your skivvies and left on Skid Row, at the mercy of the junkies and the derelicts? Maybe they'll care for you there. They can take your stupidity! They'll be too hig-"
Stuyvestant then blurted out, "Let me explain, why don't you!?"
MacIntyre held his breath, and was about to shout when Stuyvesant said, snapping back with a hint of disgust: "My ship was overtaken by some kind of force. I swear upon my father's grave, my mother's, and to God that my Political Officer was possessed by an evil of such magnitude, it had gotten ahold of most of my command. Communications were spotty. My Marines were shooting one another. My Acolytes were slicing their fellow men and fellow Acolytes in two. My ships were firing upon each other, Demolisher Guns against Demolisher Gun.
It was as if Dante's nightmare had come true. I was swept up in chaos.
Did I try to take back control? How could I? I was focused on getting out of the ship, and even if I wanted to, the Chuck Norris' AI unit informed me it wasn't worth trying. If you must yell, yell at her, she will tell you all she will know about the events."
He then lowered his voice, and spoke in a cutting, angry tone:
"Tell me, Premier, have you seen your beloved Marines shoot one another? Have you seen People's Acolytes try to kill you, crazed by a foreign spirit? Have you felt an evil force nibbling away at your soul, trying to prevent you from escape!? Answer me!? Don't pontificate to me, you whiny little desk jockey, you would not understand. I do not believe most of the populace would. But I want to be able to advocate for myself before you carry out a court martial. So do your worst. I know what I saw."
He then hung up, and slumped back onto his chair.
Unified Sith
08-06-2006, 01:46
Nihilus merged with the local populous, his figure, face and form becoming one of the simple crowd frantic with panic. Yet this face was not concerned; the force was with him.Striding through the vast open planned streets the Dark Lord basked in the absence of light, his eyes perfectly adjusted to the gentle warm glow of Jurais lighting.
Turning round one of the many street corners his eyes fell upon his target.....
Taken off guard Nihilus ignited his blade as the old man attacked from nowhere, his skulking form waiting from within a small side street. Red verses blue, the two sabres crackled with conflict. "You Jedi never learn do you!?" Nihilus's hands flickered with expert ease. But his skill was never with the blade... he was being beaten. His arms were now starting to tire, his host wasn't as durable as the old man..... looking around the Sith lord grasped at straws, his sight glancing from building to building...... Then in the distance he spied something.... A giant spire stretching into the clouds.
Destroy it. The dark ordered.
Nihilus could only abide..... Stretching out with the force he looked upon a tower block, focusing upon it's foundations he slowly ripped it from the surface, the rubble, the masonry falling upon the crowd below; a small prelude to the building itself.
As Masaki turned to save his people, Nihilus once again fled towards the countryside, his heart set upon the generator.
The WIck
08-06-2006, 01:55
booo sithy dont forget about little old me !?
The Humankind Abh
08-06-2006, 13:27
It was a bittersweet reunion onboard the lone Whitestar that drifted amidst the chaos and destruction in Jurai. Keirn've had kept his solo ship secure and they were receiving secure messages from other ships that had remained under the control of their original commanders. Lafiel and Jinto stood at the front staring out into space at their fleet that had been scattered. It was easy to discern which were under the Sith's control and who were on their own. Many Abh ships had already join enemy lines while others were running from attackers or making a stand.
"Excuse me your Highness but I have compiled a list of ships that are under our control at this moment. It's not great but it's better than what we first expected. We have a variety of Whitestars and Victory Destroyers under our control. Several Shadow Destroyers have also fallen back under the controls of the crew. Our automated ships are sitting dead in the water at this moment with no definitive leader."
Lafiel turned back around after Keirn've had finished his report. She was the Admiral for the Abh in this great mess and they needed leadership now. "Inform those ships that we have still under our control to rendezvous with any Coredians still left able to fight. Lend aid to their crippled ships where ever they see it and evacuate any crew members that may require it."
"Yes your Highness."
"Next, I want you to get me on board one of those Victory Destroyers. Ours or theirs, it doesn't matter."
Keirn've looked at her suspiciously. "What do you intend to do?"
"To take back our fleet. If I can bring another Victory Destroyer to our side, I'll have a greater chance of securing our automated ships. The enemy can't use them without hacking into our anaylsis crystals. That there alone should buy us some time allowing us to reactivate them and reprogram them."
The Whitestar fired to life, spinning on its axis and then darting off into the night for the nearest Victory Class Destroyer. What was left of the crew on board the Whitestar, was armed with various rifles, sidearms, and demolition charges. It was time to take back the Abh fleet.
ooc: just entertaining myself at the moment.
08-06-2006, 14:52
Nihilus merged with the local populous, his figure, face and form becoming one of the simple crowd frantic with panic. Yet this face was not concerned; the force was with him.Striding through the vast open planned streets the Dark Lord basked in the absence of light, his eyes perfectly adjusted to the gentle warm glow of Jurais lighting.
Turning round one of the many street corners his eyes fell upon his target.....
Alex disappeared into the shadows, utilizing the teachings of ninja masters long dead. The Sith aren't the only one to whom the darkness is an ally, after all.
When he reappeard once more, it was to attack with a Trakata technique, igniting his lightsaber at the last moment to strike at Nihilus...
Taken off guard Nihilus ignited his blade as the old man attacked from nowhere, his skulking form waiting from within a small side street. Red verses blue, the two sabres crackled with conflict. "You Jedi never learn do you!?" Nihilus's hands flickered with expert ease. But his skill was never with the blade... he was being beaten. His arms were now starting to tire, his host wasn't as durable as the old man..... looking around the Sith lord grasped at straws, his sight glancing from building to building...... Then in the distance he spied something.... A giant spire stretching into the clouds.
Destroy it. The dark ordered.
"And you Sith never think." Alex taunted in reply as he slashed and thrusted at the Sith, learning moment by moment of the Sith's techniques and overcoming them with his mastery of the blade. Then the Sith used a distraction...
Nihilus could only abide..... Stretching out with the force he looked upon a tower block, focusing upon it's foundations he slowly ripped it from the surface, the rubble, the masonry falling upon the crowd below; a small prelude to the building itself.
As Masaki turned to save his people, Nihilus once again fled towards the countryside, his heart set upon the generator.
And a big distraction it was indeed. Alex struggled to keep the building from crushing the fleeing populace, forming handseal after handseal to mold and produce the chakra needed to keep it afloat. Even though he used chakra in addition to the Force, it still was exhausting to finally stop gravity's actions on building and masonry and then let it drop once all the civilians have fled to safety.
But Alex can't rest. Not yet. Not while Nihilus lives and approaches that shield generator. Gathering more energy, the Patriarch continued to pursue the Sith Lord, using his home base advantage to try and reach the giant radar dish-like station protecting a planetary sector from bombardments and ground invasions before the Sith does...
The Transylvania
08-06-2006, 19:03
The once powerful flagship of Raidon’s Fury was now the only ship left. No support Death Gliders or space version Zoids left. All by itself, it was. The large Ha’Tak just sat there in the battle, on the outer edge. The battle was not going good for fighters on the light side.
A wing of TIE bombers did attack runs on the ships before the ships anti-fighter weapons started do what they were built for.
“Shields holding, Master.” said one of the ship’s bridge crew. The bridge, the safest place on the ships because Raidon had all his Warlocks there. Two Warlock Masters, himself and a gray Ram-man named Konrad Zöllner von Rotenstein. Four Warlock Warriors, Baku was one of them. Taking as much powers, they were keeping out the Sith shadows.
“We can keep this up forever.” said Raidon out loud.
“Reports that two Sith warriors are leading an attack on the engine room, Master.” said another crewmen. “Fifty clones are with them. All possessed by the dark side.”
Raidon growled, the fire grew in his eyes. “Set course for the rear of the enemy flagship.” he commanded. “Prepare to order all hand overboard.” The course was set on the rear of the Hellfire. “Order all hands to escape pods. “ The ship rocked from an explosion within. The explosion came from the stargate room. “Sent bridge control to my personal transport.” commanded Raidon.
As the crew worked, Raidon prepared his Warlock Warriors as Master Konrad watched the bridge’s door. After two to three minutes, it was done. The non-possessed crewmen were heading towards the escape pods, the command of the ships was in Raidon’s personal Tel'Tac cargo shuttle which would only open with Raidon’s hand print and voice.
With Radion and Master Konrad in the front, the bridge crew heads toward the hanger. All of them had their weapons ready for anything, Warlocks with their lightsabers and non-Warlocks with their blasters. Everything was fine untill the group got closer to the hanger. They were met by two of the Siths aboard. A female human named Saato (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Saato) and a male human named Tol Skorr. (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Tol_Skorr)
“Move out of our ways, Sith.” commanded Raidon. With their lightsabers ready, the two Masters waited for the Sith to move first…
OOC: It is in US or CW hands now, y'all RP with Sith better.
The Crimm
08-06-2006, 19:12
Kamara followed Maskai outside, uncaring as to what was happening around her. As he was trying to hold the building off the innocents she stepped up to him. "I hope you're in as good of shape as your grandchildren, old man. You'll need it for this fight." She chuckles and takes off at a run to follow Nihilus.
She follows the Sith, still not drawing a weapon or attacking it, but never taking her eyes off of him. An interesting being. Sadistic, cruel and calculating. Much like my own master... something is different about this one though.
Unified Sith
16-06-2006, 15:16
Nihilus Battle
The day of night slowly fell into further despair as the sky ruptured with thunder. Before him the shield generator extended to the heavens the great dish pointing towards the raging battle above. Nihilus smirked once more; he was almost there, he could smell victory oozing from the pores of the force.
Behind him, two Jedi were closely following, one a master of considerable power, the other an oddity, an unknown feature against the background of light. It was too late. Nihilus had reached the generator. Continuing in his run, the Sith ignited his sabre sending a flurry of incoming laser bolts back towards the defending garrison; the lightly armoured troops cut down before the Sith. Nihilus glanced backwards, the corner of his eye catching a blue blade rising from the horizon, the small line of light contrasting the crippled sky.
Crouching down upon the barren landscape, Nihilus sped into the sky; the force breaking gravity in order to carry its cargo to the top levels of the platform. Grasping a small gantry railing Nihilus stuck to the height like glue, his grip maintaining a firm hold upon his prey.
Rising, his brown robes began to flail in the wind, his face illuminated by the frequent flashes of lightning. His eyes glowing a deep red of fury. Below, Andrew Masaki and the oddity halted, the eyes focused upon Nihilus.
"You are too late Jedi! Your world is mine!"
On board the crippled Chimera there was one form that descended from the nether regions of the force, one shadow with a purpose. One hatred thriving for vengeance. Rising from the ashes of death, the Sith Lord mustered his strength as he consumed a helpless crewman. The mind, the body, the spirit and the soul and were sundered in moments. Darth Plagueis breathing in for the first time in a hundred years sensed the force, there were Jedi everywhere, there were also Sith.......
Jurai Fleet Battle
Thrawns red eyes lit up as the stray fire from the Light Side slowly dwindled into a trickle, then slowing even more it suddenly ceased. The luminous view ports quickly fading into black. "Admiral, the Light side has lost main power." A dull red replaced the former shining white. "They will be reverting to emergency power Admiral."
The Chiss's hands clasped together, everything was starting to look like it may proceed well...... "Lower the communications blackout Captain and issue a surrender notice to the remaining Federation forces. Instruct them that they shall surrender or die." A small nod came from Netter as he moved off towards the operations pit.
Federation Fleet; you have fought Admirably against the Empire this day, but you are surrounded, outnumbered and out-gunned. Your vessels are currently being overrun by Imperial forces, your worlds are unguarded and your command chain is vacant. Surrender and you shall be allowed to survive. Continue to fight and we shall show no mercy.
The transmission spread throughout the system, reaching every fighter and every warship, while Thrawn back aboard the Hellfire was seeing to it that his Star Destroyer was not impacted by a rogue warship.
Two Star Destroyers the Rock and the Obsidian had been ordered to intercept, their tractor emitters locking on to the stricken Raidons Fury. Turbolasers and bombers thrusting their weapons towards the engine sections, desperately trying to avert disaster.
The Hellfire herself shunted port shield power to the aft quadrant preparing to weather the impact as best she can.
Saato/Tol Skorr.
The two blades were ignited before the fleeing Admiral. "You are going no where, sir" The two pairs eyes glaring a mischievous grin. Turning at the same time, the two Sith plunged their sabres into the cargo ships hull, melting through to the soft interior. "We hope you have another method of escape." One of them cackled. "Vacuums just suck the strength out of you....." Charging, the two acolytes began the deadly ballet of combat.
The Coredian command center on Rakurai thrummed with activity as officers hurried about in the process of carrying out their orders and keeping track of the very much dire situation out in space. The tactical readouts showed a tableau of 'things gone wrong'-ness that would sap the courage of any man.
Within this maelstrom of activity they appeared. Godulan Psions all around the assembled generals on the second level of the command center, six to be precise. They trembled slightly as they watched, tears streaming down their cheeks as they still mourned the loss of Terivine, yet their faces revealed an expression of demented glee, focused entirely on the tactical readouts.
As the surrender call from Thrawn came through, their response was immediate:
"Give not an inch," One of them hissed, still riveted on the tactical readouts.
"The tides ebb and the tides flow. We have lost, so shall we regain."
"It shall be a singular honor."
"It shall be glorious."
"The Sith should thank us when they understand."
"The Sith should thank us when they die."
16-06-2006, 19:36
ooc: I am posting this on behalf of CoreWorlds who for some reason doesn't have access to NS at the moment and he asked me to post it for him. So just act as if he were me. Nuff said.
Nihilus Battle
The day of night slowly fell into further despair as the sky ruptured with thunder. Before him the shield generator extended to the heavens the great dish pointing towards the raging battle above. Nihilus smirked once more; he was almost there, he could smell victory oozing from the pores of the force.
Behind him, two Jedi were closely following, one a master of considerable power, the other an oddity, an unknown feature against the background of light. It was too late. Nihilus had reached the generator. Continuing in his run, the Sith ignited his sabre sending a flurry of incoming laser bolts back towards the defending garrison; the lightly armoured troops cut down before the Sith. Nihilus glanced backwards, the corner of his eye catching a blue blade rising from the horizon, the small line of light contrasting the crippled sky.
Crouching down upon the barren landscape, Nihilus sped into the sky; the force breaking gravity in order to carry its cargo to the top levels of the platform. Grasping a small gantry railing Nihilus stuck to the height like glue, his grip maintaining a firm hold upon his prey.
Rising, his brown robes began to flail in the wind, his face illuminated by the frequent flashes of lightning. His eyes glowing a deep red of fury. Below, Alex Masaki and the oddity halted, the eyes focused upon Nihilus.
"You are too late Jedi! Your world is mine!"
“We’ll see about that!” The Patriarch answered. If he destroys that generator…
In a rush of wind and dust, the sound of a desperate *pop*, he disappeared from view, reappearing instantly next to the Sith Lord and lashed out with his lightsaber, thrusting and stabbing once more…
On board the crippled Chimera there was one form that descended from the nether regions of the force, one shadow with a purpose. One hatred thriving for vengeance. Rising from the ashes of death, the Sith Lord mustered his strength as he consumed a helpless crewman. The mind, the body, the spirit and the soul and were sundered in moments. Darth Plagueis breathing in for the first time in a hundred years sensed the force, there were Jedi everywhere, there were also Sith.......
I fought my way through the corridors of the battered Elite Star Destroyer with my troopers, fighting to save the Grand Admiral and relieve his beleaguered ANBU and Marine guards. Fighting to regain control of this crazy, crazy situation. And then I encountered a presence…unknown…old…powerful…dark…a Sith Lord. And one with power that could match, even rival my own.
“Sir?” The Major asked me, raising his rifle.
“Leave me to him.” I ordered. “Get to the Admiral.”
“Aye, sir.” He nodded and he and his troops ran down a side corridor, leaving me to face this Sith alone.
This could get messy…
Jurai Fleet Battle
Thrawns red eyes lit up as the stray fire from the Light Side slowly dwindled into a trickle, then slowing even more it suddenly ceased. The luminous view ports quickly fading into black. "Admiral, the Light side has lost main power." A dull red replaced the former shining white. "They will be reverting to emergency power Admiral."
The Chiss's hands clasped together, everything was starting to look like it may proceed well...... "Lower the communications blackout Captain and issue a surrender notice to the remaining Federation forces. Instruct them that they shall surrender or die." A small nod came from Netter as he moved off towards the operations pit.
Federation Fleet; you have fought admirably against the Empire this day, but you are surrounded, outnumbered and out-gunned. Your vessels are currently being overrun by Imperial forces, your worlds are unguarded and your command chain is vacant. Surrender and you shall be allowed to survive. Continue to fight and we shall show no mercy.
The transmission spread throughout the system, reaching every fighter and every warship, while Thrawn back aboard the Hellfire was seeing to it that his Star Destroyer was not impacted by a rogue warship.
Two Star Destroyers the Rock and the Obsidian had been ordered to intercept, their tractor emitters locking on to the stricken Raidons Fury. Turbolasers and bombers thrusting their weapons towards the engine sections, desperately trying to avert disaster.
The Hellfire herself shunted port shield power to the aft quadrant preparing to weather the impact as best she can.
Shame that Daniel wasn’t here to send back an appropriate reply… General Solomon of Military Command thought wryly. The chain of command has reverted to the moon of Rakurai, where the Military Command Center was working overtime to do everything they can to repel the Imperials.
“Sir, should we send a reply?” An officer asked.
“Hmm.” The old dark-skinned man rumbled. He heard the Psion’s suggestions. He nodded. They certainly agree with Coredian sentiment at this moment. “Very well.”
”Thrawn. We have heard your words once before and believed it. You should have killed us when you had the chance, because we’re going to take you out one way or another. We won’t surrender. Not now. Never again.
In other words, Nuts.”
Smiling broadly, the General sent the message. “Let him retaliate. He’ll have to kill every last one of us to end this war this time around. Oh woe to the Empire for it will surely fall if there is but one last child of Coreworlds left alive to exact vengeance…”
“Try to reestablish links with the Chimera. Have all remaining ships form up on Admiral Pellaeon’s flag and concentrate all their firepower on the Super Star Destroyer. We can certainly hurt it some more before we’re dead.” Solomon ordered.
“Yes, sir.”
The fleet, battered and bruised as they are, managed to hear the General’s orders. Ships big and small, with many a hole pattering their hulls began to form a sphere formation around the Chimera[i] itself, protecting it with their own selves. Those with working weapons began concentrating their firepower on the weakened sections of the [i]Hellfire, compounding the damage caused by the earlier fighting with the Light Side.
Speaking of the Light Side, Tim, Henry and the other Rogues found the Coredian Super Star Destroyer to be a lost cause and with what crew was left, decided to abandon the ship. Escape pods, light shuttles and every other means of escape was used and a Star Destroyer was called in to forcibly scuttle the Light Side.
The Interstellar Defense Force may be down, but it sure as hell not out!
The Transylvania
16-06-2006, 19:40
Saato/Tol Skorr.
The two blades were ignited before the fleeing Admiral. "You are going no where, sir" The two pairs eyes glaring a mischievous grin. Turning at the same time, the two Sith plunged their sabres into the cargo ships hull, melting through to the soft interior. "We hope you have another method of escape." One of them cackled. "Vacuums just suck the strength out of you....." Charging, the two acolytes began the deadly ballet of combat.
"I do, you foolish Sith.” growled Raidon. At that time, Baku and the other three Warlock warriors hit the lights to the hanger bay. As the lights began to lit the bay, it show four more Tel'Tac cargo shuttles. The shuttles that Saato and Tol Skorr attack was not Raidon’s personal Tel'Tac cargo shuttle. It was near the hanger bay exit doors.
As the two masters engage in combat with the two acolytes, Baku and the rest of the bridge crew began to prepare the other shuttles for escape. The two masters, one that the power that equals the power of a Jedi named Daniel Masaki, the crimson red dragon man named Raidon. A former dark elf-vampire hybrid called Erik. One that gone for the light to the dark and back to the light.
The other master, Master Konrad, has trained as a Warlock for over 35 years. So…he not going to be a easy foe for those foolish Sith.
Baku looked out the doors, which lead into the ship, to see some of those possessed clones. ”Oh shit!” he said in Japanese. ”You’re not coming in here.” With that, he closed the door and welded them with his lightsaber.
The transmission spread throughout the system, reaching every fighter and every warship, while Thrawn back aboard the Hellfire was seeing to it that his Star Destroyer was not impacted by a rogue warship.
Two Star Destroyers the Rock and the Obsidian had been ordered to intercept, their tractor emitters locking on to the stricken Raidon’s Fury.
OOC: FYI, the attack has not happen. So, you know nothing. Plus, the ship is far out of the battle and looks like it is die because weapons are not firing. On'y the auto-controlled weapons like anti-fight weapons are active.
The Humankind Abh
17-06-2006, 01:38
What remained of the Abh fleet assigned to Lafiel had been rallied and reformed. Several destroyers still remained along with a fair chunk of the Whitestar fleet. Their last remaining wildcard was still floating in the same formation it had once connections were lost from the flagship. Analsys crsytals were still functioning on many of the ships and it was time for Lafiel to retake the remnant of her fleet.
Keirn've stood by with the rest of the Whitestar fleet while Lafiel and Jinto worked at the analisys crystals. "How is it coming Jinto?"
"Not too good. I'm going to need more time to reroute the data link to Keirn've's pannel."
"You're going to have to work faster. I've just finished recording the necessary files."
In a flash of brilliance, which were far and few between for the human, Jinto's code finally went through. "Wait! I got it! Sending data now."
Keirn've's clyuno flared to life with the downloading data straight into his personal data pad located on the back of his hand. "Alright your highness, I've finished receiving the data. I'm going to need some time removing the security walls, putting in new lines of code, and resetting the security parameters of the crystal. Try to keep the enemy off of me while I work."
One of the psions ceased their reverie to step forward towards the assembled Coredian generals, all six of them forming a strange chorus of hissing voices as the first one began: "We have a request." "An order." "Critical." "Yes..."
He brought out a datapad and placed it before the generals and stepped back. "Relay a message." "Encrypted." "Critical." "Yes..."
"Inform your ships to change their registries to these codes." "Critical." "Yes..." "You will understand." "They will all understand..."
OOC: Need ta talk to ya on MSN, CW.
The Crimm
18-06-2006, 21:07
Kamara looked up at the two. As she watched, a badly wounded soldier called out for help, sounding disturbingly pitiful. She stepped over to the man and assesed his wounds quickly... he had lost two limbs and much of a third, as well as having a puncture wound through his chest cavity. "As you wish." She picked up his weapon and shot him twice in the head. She could not have saved his life, but she saved him from an unnecesarily painful death.
Tossing the weapon away, as it would do nothing but anger the two battling above, she stared up at the sky as a new wound formed. A thunderstorm arose from nowhere, as she raised her arms. She now made her decision. "I have learned all I can from the Jedi." she muttered.
Bringing an arm down she summoned a fifty thousand volt, .05 amp bolt of lightning which arced in on... Masaki. Nihilus would be caught in the wash, of course, but the brunt was focused on the old man. Unlike Force Lightning, which could be absorbed into the Force, this was pure electricity and would be more of a challenge to dissipate.
The flash of light and roar of thunder was enough to rob her of sight and hearing for a short few moments, as she lept up several catwalks at a time, on feel only. As he vision cleared, her dual sabers ignited.
19-06-2006, 15:23
Sensing the large bolt of lightning, Alex was forced to painfully collect it all in his hand as it was too quick to dodge and sent it straight at the one who shot it at him...Kamara!
A Sith and now a betrayal. Troublesome. Alex thought.
Beta Aurigae VII
19-06-2006, 17:59
Jurai Fleet Battle
Thrawns red eyes lit up as the stray fire from the Light Side slowly dwindled into a trickle, then slowing even more it suddenly ceased. The luminous view ports quickly fading into black. "Admiral, the Light side has lost main power." A dull red replaced the former shining white. "They will be reverting to emergency power Admiral."
The Chiss's hands clasped together, everything was starting to look like it may proceed well...... "Lower the communications blackout Captain and issue a surrender notice to the remaining Federation forces. Instruct them that they shall surrender or die." A small nod came from Netter as he moved off towards the operations pit.
Federation Fleet; you have fought Admirably against the Empire this day, but you are surrounded, outnumbered and out-gunned. Your vessels are currently being overrun by Imperial forces, your worlds are unguarded and your command chain is vacant. Surrender and you shall be allowed to survive. Continue to fight and we shall show no mercy.
The transmission spread throughout the system, reaching every fighter and every warship, while Thrawn back aboard the Hellfire was seeing to it that his Star Destroyer was not impacted by a rogue warship.
Two Star Destroyers the Rock and the Obsidian had been ordered to intercept, their tractor emitters locking on to the stricken Raidons Fury. Turbolasers and bombers thrusting their weapons towards the engine sections, desperately trying to avert disaster.
The Hellfire herself shunted port shield power to the aft quadrant preparing to weather the impact as best she can.
The Aurigeans had reformed and began to press the attack once more just as Thrawn's broadcast went out. On the bridge of the Sabertooth, Admiral Larcat smiled grimly.
"So the foolish Chiss believes that he has the battle won," snarled Larcat. "What is the status of our fleets?"
"We have lost twenty more ships Admiral. Mostly smaller ships but we have lost a few King-class vessels."
"What is the status of the shields and armor?"
"Our shields are completely gone except for a few small pockets. Our armor is holding steady. It'll take a hell of a lot more than one preoccupied SSD to knock down our armor."
Beta Aurigae VII
The call had gone out, and thousands of Ts'Mri now gathered at the temple in Mullion. They waited patiently in the great citadel as the Council of Lords discussed the situation.
"We have nearly five thousand Champions at the temple now," said Kisharn to the other members. "That will be more than enough to accomplish our goal. Lord Gralen, Lord Sarteer you will lead the assault into Jurai. Take two thousand Champions and two hundred Masters with you. Destroy the Sith on Jurai at all costs. The Council is ajourned. May the Force give you the will to choose your own destiny."
Unified Sith
23-06-2006, 17:07
The Masakis blue blade clashed with the Sith's venomous red; the sabres flurried in between strike after strike until there was nothing around the two; no shield generator, no storm above, no lone individual below, but only the force. Drawing upon it, using it as his guide Nihilus was consumed then, he was betrayed by the force. Falling to a halt, the Sith's sabre fell to the ground bouncing along the metal gantry.
"Well played Jedi." Nihilus said while grimmacing at the blade through his heart. "Please, enjoy this parting gift. I shan't be gone for long...."
The lower support of the generator began to crumple as the force stretched around it. The Innumerable pressure crumpling the Neutronium alloy with ease. Within seconds the gash within the planets shield grid slowly began to form. Within moments, the tower began to collapse upon the corpse of Darth Nihilus and the awaiting Jedi.
The Sith seethed through gritted teeth. "Here I am." His eyes darted down a corridor. "Yes here I am......" Walking gently through the Star Destroyer his feet oddly made little sound upon the Durasteel deck, the boots of his host had somehow been rigged for stealth. Beyond, and in every direction a random flurry of fire and screams emanated; echoing throughout the superstructure.
The entire ship will filled with a presence, a familiar...... "Darth Sidious." His tone mused happily. "So you succeeded, you finally learned my little trick.... Oh I was so looking forward to meeting you in the nether realm of the force, so..... very looking forward to it." An explosion detonated down the hall, the battle was creeping towards him.
The corridor dimmed and slowly illuminated red as the emergency lights activated. "We must be in...... Oh look, a Jedi." The face tilted slightly as the eyes narrowed in on a blue blade slowly growing larger. "Carried by none other.... than yes." Plagueis accessed the mind of his host. "Yes Daniel Masaki; the hero of the day. I take it you're here to cease my wicked ways?" A small chortled laugh escaped at the thought.
23-06-2006, 17:28
The Masakis blue blade clashed with the Sith's venomous red; the sabres flurried in between strike after strike until there was nothing around the two; no shield generator, no storm above, no lone individual below, but only the force. Drawing upon it, using it as his guide Nihilus was consumed then, he was betrayed by the force. Falling to a halt, the Sith's sabre fell to the ground bouncing along the metal gantry.
"Well played Jedi." Nihilus said while grimmacing at the blade through his heart. "Please, enjoy this parting gift. I shan't be gone for long...."
The lower support of the generator began to crumple as the force stretched around it. The Innumerable pressure crumpling the Neutronium alloy with ease. Within seconds the gash within the planets shield grid slowly began to form. Within moments, the tower began to collapse upon the corpse of Darth Nihilus and the awaiting Jedi.
"No! Damn it!" Alex cursed. Then the generator began to fail, and Alex had too little time to gather energy for a teleport. I'm sorry...Daniel.
The shield generator collapsed and a hole opened in the powerful planetary defenses. A hole large enough for enemy ground units to fly their way down...
And Master Elendil, the head of the Order, sensed Alex's fall even as soldiers reported the shield generator's loss. Oh dear. Daniel's not going to like this...
Nevertheless... "Prepare to repel invasion! All Zoid and Godulan Mecha pilots to their craft!" The old elf ordered. "All civilians to their designated bunkers! And may the Force help us all..."
In a distant military base, one of the larger ones that dotted the landscape, large eyes began to glow and deep growls could be heard from powerful mechanical creatures, both homegrown and Godulan-made.
If and when the Empire's pachydermic AT-ATs arrive, they will be the ones to charge forth and fight...
The Sith seethed through gritted teeth. "Here I am." His eyes darted down a corridor. "Yes here I am......" Walking gently through the Star Destroyer his feet oddly made little sound upon the Durasteel deck, the boots of his host had somehow been rigged for stealth. Beyond, and in every direction a random flurry of fire and screams emanated; echoing throughout the superstructure.
The entire ship will filled with a presence, a familiar...... "Darth Sidious." His tone mused happily. "So you succeeded, you finally learned my little trick.... Oh I was so looking forward to meeting you in the nether realm of the force, so..... very looking forward to it." An explosion detonated down the hall, the battle was creeping towards him.
The corridor dimmed and slowly illuminated red as the emergency lights activated. "We must be in...... Oh look, a Jedi." The face tilted slightly as the eyes narrowed in on a blue blade slowly growing larger. "Carried by none other.... than yes." Plagueis accessed the mind of his host. "Yes Daniel Masaki; the hero of the day. I take it you're here to cease my wicked ways?" A small chortled laugh escaped at the thought.
"Perhaps." I balanced lightly on the balls of my feet, ready for treachery. I smiled in return. "Since you know me, it's only polite to know who you are..."
Meanwhile, the troopers continued to fight their way to the bridge, losing several men in the process. By the time they made it, the emergency lights turned on, plunging the ship in red gloom.
"I hope those kids could get the power back on..." The Major grumbled. Then he shot at an enemy, pumping blaster bolts into the minion's body. Then he reached a sound-powered phone. "Admiral, sir! Permission to enter the bridge!"
"Who is it?" An old, gruff voice replied.
"Major Halls. Commander Masaki ordered me to the bridge, sir!"
"Very well!" Pellaeon spoke with his ANBU guards, they sensed no evil from the Marines, and the troops were let in.
"A sight for sore eyes, Major. Where's the Commander?" Pellaeon asked.
"Facing down a Sith Lord, sir. Captains Kohaku and Madison are at Engineering, don't know what happened to them."
"Ah, very well." A small nod from Pellaeon and two animal-masked ANBU (Neko and Gama) guards sped down the hallways to meet up with Daniel.
Kohaku and Madison reached the engineering bay with their own squad and as soon as they entered, they encountered a Sith...
Well, not a Sith, but his name is Brakiss...Skywalker's former apprentice.
"Could be trouble." Kohaku noted, readying his lightsaber-resistant Kusarigama (weighted chain attached to a sickle).
"Yep." Madison agreed.
And they began to duel...
The Transylvania
23-06-2006, 19:03
The battle with the two dark acolytes was short but hard for the acolytes. It lasted a good five minutes. They looked like youngling to the masters. Both of them laid at the feet of the two master, Saato’s body without a head and Tol Skorr without both of his arms.
“I want to know who their host were?” asked Raidon out loud. “Because that door only opens for few people of this ship. And four of them are in here.”
With that duel over, Raidon heads towards his shuttle. Placing his hand on the side and saying “Master Raidon.”, the side door opened up. Baku heads inside and starts powering everything up. Soon Raidon with Master Konrad, a few of the bridge crew and the rest of the Warlock Warriors were aboard the shuttle. In the back of shuttle was mini version of the bridge of the Ha’Tak.
“Master, we are ready.” said Baku in Japanese on the intercom.
“Good." said Raidon back in Japanese. ”Open the door and get us out of here.” He looked back at the rest. ”This is the plan. When our shuttle exit, this ship will fire at an ally ship then move toward the Empire’ forces. Understand?”
Everybody say yes. The plan was set and ship began exiting the large Ha’Tak. Raidon’s shuttle cloak as the other three engaged their hyperspace drives. Those three were heading out of the system as Raidon’s shuttle heads towards the ally’s ship.
At the same time, the Ha’Tak fired at an ally ship on the edge of the fleet and began formed up with the Hellfire. What is funny is the fact the ship was still under Raidon’s control and will stay under his control. Any possessed crewmen could not retake the main bridge because the main door has been weld shut and they would need Raidon’s codes to gain control of the ship.
Unified Sith
27-06-2006, 00:22
"Oh excuse my manners dear boy, my name, well let us start off with my title. I am Darth Plagueis, perhaps you've heard of me?" The smile broadened.
Thrawn took a small data pad from the Commodore, it bore rather excellent news indeed. Grand Admiral Blathe was en-route, apparently he had secured a complete and total victory over the Anagonians, his force already rallying to begin the attack upon Jurai.
"Admiral, the commodore answered. We have reports from the other side of the planet. Apparantly a section of their shield grid has collapsed......"
Thrawn gifted a rare smile. "Dispatch a bombard Cruiser at once, we want to end this before my pupil arrives......."
The Transylvania
27-06-2006, 00:50
Raidon’s shuttle, heading toward the allied ships
”Master, reports that part of Jurai’s shield grid has collapsed.” said one of the Warlock Warriors.
”Shit.” he said out loud. He looks over at the ones piloting the Ha‘Tak. ”Armed the self-destruct. Countdown at five minutes. That will give you time to get in place.”
“Yes, master.” said the ones.
One bomb could not destroy a Ha’Tak. It will take many bombs to do it. Many bombs that would create a large blast. One that could maybe take out a few of the enemy’s ships. On Ha’Tak the countdown began.
27-06-2006, 14:54
"Oh excuse my manners dear boy, my name, well let us start off with my title. I am Darth Plagueis, perhaps you've heard of me?" The smile broadened.
Something about Plagueis' name triggered a memory of me randomly searching through the Archives for notable Sith Lords. Seems he was owerful enough to induce the midiclorians to create life or some such technique. In other words, really freaking powerful.
Like I said, this could get messy.
I noticed the ANBU guys arrive and waved them off, and for good reason too. ANBU are Chuunin/Knight to Jounin/Master level. People tell me I'm Sennin/Sage-level, like Jiraiya, but I'm modest about that. A Sith Lord is Sennin/Kage (Sage/Lord) level. So, this duel is waaay out of the ANBU's league. But enough about the ANBU.
"Well, nice to meet you, but I've got a war to conduct so I'll just shove you off the mortal coil like so..." I smirked and as a small part of my mind wondered why's he just standing there and not raising his hands to do that Sith Lightning attack or something, I was here...then there! And the lightsaber struck true. I expected to see Plagueis yell in pain as his arm was slashed off, but I didn't expect this!
His arm healed itself, fast enough that it was like trying to chop Silly Putty, and it didn't even fall away!
"Uh...right..." A small bead of sweat rolled down the back of my head and the ANBU guys dropped their jaws in shock. "Now this is new."
I have a bad feeling about this...
Brakiss was losing. He hadn't counted on the boy Jedi to have a weapon that can not only block his lightsaber (which he procured from a dead Engineer-Knight), but yank it away with his chain! The girl then struck, attacking fiercely to get rid of the former Yavin praxeum pupil, but Brakiss had other techniques up his sleeves, like a Lightning-Shove that stopped Madison cold and tossed her into a wall, knocking her out.
But his victory was short-lived as Kohaku redoubled his attack, giving the dark Jedi the business end of his sickle and drawing blood in several places. The young Rogue then saw an opening and kicked Brakiss in the gut with a Force-enhanced kick. Brakiss' spine connected with a computer console and suddenly, Kohaku's other blade, a purple color, was at his throat.
"Heh. Mark my words, boy. You may kill me today, but I'll be back tomorrow." Brakiss chuckled darkly, then the blade went through his neck, killing him instantly.
"What did he mean?" Kohaku asked in confusion, as he helped Madison revive and the huddling engineers, seeing that danger has passed, ran to the various stations to restore power to the Elite Star Destroyer.
Thrawn took a small data pad from the Commodore, it bore rather excellent news indeed. Grand Admiral Blathe was en-route, apparently he had secured a complete and total victory over the Anagonians, his force already rallying to begin the attack upon Jurai.
"Admiral, the commodore answered. We have reports from the other side of the planet. Apparantly a section of their shield grid has collapsed......"
Thrawn gifted a rare smile. "Dispatch a bombard Cruiser at once, we want to end this before my pupil arrives......."
Admiral Pellaeon, the other pupil of Thrawn, wiped blood off his forehead with a kerchef as he watched the rest of the fleet continue to pound away at the Hellfire despite dwindling numbers. But he realized something...
"Thrawn could have left before his ship became too damaged to jump to safety, but he did not." Pellaeon frowned. "Why? He would leave...unless..."
The Coredian Admiral suddenly realized the Grand Admiral's next move. "Tactical, how long before the Sixth Fleet arrives?"
"Sir, fifteen minutes!" A Tactical Officer answered.
"Very well. Get engine power back online ASAP and prepare hyperspace coordinates for all friendly ships! We jump once the Sixth Fleet arrives to cover us. I have a feeling that we're about to get another surprise from the Empire." The Admiral sighed. "And i'm beginning to really hate surprises..."
Smaller gunships and assault shuttles went around the battlefield, fighting TIEs, dodging laser fire, and picking up escape pods, including those from the ruined hulk of the Light Side. The battle was clearly in the Empire's favor, but the Coredians, even as their preparations to retreat from the battle were being made, still drew blood from whatever Imperial craft they could shoot at.
The Crimm
28-06-2006, 02:19
Oh.... hellfire. Kamara's perch buckled in slow motion and she looked into the old Jedi's eyes for a moment, then she was too busy to see what was hapening to him.
Had she been her master, this would be no problem. He would simply use his powers to create a shockwave, clearing much of the debris from the generator away from him. Kamara did not have that option and rode the catwalk down, leaping clear of the twisting metal, so it would not crush her.
She struck the ground hard, tumbling to a rest, unmoving as the cloud of dust and debris covered her.
Unified Sith
05-07-2006, 15:56
For the Imperial Navy the battlefield was one of improving supremacy; the Imperial fleet was now regrouping and solidifying their position around the enemy force; captain Pellaeon in the stricken Chimerra was attempting to somehow undo the damage done to his famous vessel. From firing wildly to frigates and fighters the battle had slowly succumbed to the traditional capital ship grind, most of which was now focused upon the Hellfire.
Turbolasers of course were flying in all direction, the bulk of which emanating from the Hellfires still fully intact Starboard; firing thrusters the mighty Super Star Destroyer slowly tilted upon its X axis giving the operational guns the appropriate firing arc for combat.
It was relentless, neither side was willing to surrender, neither force was accepting defeat, but the simple matter was that the rebellion was losing.
"Well, I suppose you go on your merry little way old chap, as I'm sure you can realise that it's futile to try and stop me. Perhaps in a few hundred years eh?" Plagueis ruffled Daniels hair in a patronising tone, his smile still watching the Jedi; attempting to discover his mindset.
"Perhaps I'll just follow you about for the day, I've been gone for some time." Plagueis said with a little hint of glee. "I'm sure you won't mind the company." The Sith pointed down the corridor. "I believe you were going this way?"
The red eyes maintained their gaze upon Jurai, the stricken planet now obviously ripe for invasion, but the means, his means were absent. Everything was now in position, his forces were tiring, but then again so were the rebellions. However unlike the Hellfire the Chimerra did not have an approaching Ha'tak upon her aft. Unfortunately the Grand Admiral could do little to stop it, his forces were engaged elsewhere, nothing was spare, alas all he had was the promise of reinforcements some time soon.
His officer core were of course exemplary, each man continued his duty even though the threat of death was imminent, the small red blob upon the scanners growing closer and closer, until, the soon melted away into the present.
The tall muscled Admiral rose from his seat as the star lines collapsed into space, the multi-coloured spectacle of Hyperspace dwindling to the frantic battle for life and death, victory or defeat.
Plunging from Hyperspace the Imperial fleet numbering in countless Star destroyers and one mighty Executor fired upon the Ha'Tak, the mass of firepower concentrating on the stricken ship before she collided with the Empires pride and joy. Hundreds of thousands of bolts would impact within seconds destroying the golden hull of the false Gods.
"Your orders Admiral?"
"Fire on everything, destroy the rebellion at whatever cost."
The fleet turned in one formation the mass of Imperial craft arcing up towards the last stand of rebel forces. In the centre of the Blathes attack squadron existed multiples Interdictors, each one training their gravity cones upon the rebellion, preventing the timely escape into Hyperspace.
The Transylvania
05-07-2006, 18:57
Firing on a ship that has all, I repeat, all power to her shields was not a good idea. The Ha'tak pulled through the fire power of the enemy ships, moving closer to it‘s target. Shield’s power drops as it moved across space. It got closer to it’s target as the countdown for the bomb ticked down. It was not close as it need to be, but it was close enough that the shockwave from bombs would do damage to the Hellfire. 5...4...3...2...1...Boom. The massive ship was destroyed but it would be Hell the enemy.
OOC: US, the ship was on your side. Or that is what it looked like. I had it firing on allied control ships. ICly, you knew nothing what was going on. So…you should have not fired at it.
Raidon’s shuttle moved closer to the allied ships. The massive dragon-man and the others watched as Raidon’s Fury was destroyed near the Hellfire.
“Not where it need to be but it was close to that spot.” said Raidon out loud.
05-07-2006, 22:16
For the Imperial Navy the battlefield was one of improving supremacy; the Imperial fleet was now regrouping and solidifying their position around the enemy force; captain Pellaeon in the stricken Chimerra was attempting to somehow undo the damage done to his famous vessel. From firing wildly to frigates and fighters the battle had slowly succumbed to the traditional capital ship grind, most of which was now focused upon the Hellfire.
Turbolasers of course were flying in all direction, the bulk of which emanating from the Hellfires still fully intact Starboard; firing thrusters the mighty Super Star Destroyer slowly tilted upon its X axis giving the operational guns the appropriate firing arc for combat.
It was relentless, neither side was willing to surrender, neither force was accepting defeat, but the simple matter was that the rebellion was losing.
The Coredians may be losing, but you wouldn't notice it from the continuing assaults upon the Hellfire, slagging every portion of the Super Star Destroyer the ragged fleet could fire at. When the Super Star Destroyer began tilting, those ships that could, began maneuvering likewise to keep up with the weaker port section and fired what turbolasers, ion cannons, torpedoes and missiles that were still active to further damage the Hellfire at all costs.
"Well, I suppose you go on your merry little way old chap, as I'm sure you can realise that it's futile to try and stop me. Perhaps in a few hundred years eh?" Plagueis ruffled Daniels hair in a patronising tone, his smile still watching the Jedi; attempting to discover his mindset.
"Perhaps I'll just follow you about for the day, I've been gone for some time." Plagueis said with a little hint of glee. "I'm sure you won't mind the company." The Sith pointed down the corridor. "I believe you were going this way?"
I felt like a patronized schoolboy meeting a businessman for the first time and obviously, I didn't like the idea of a Sith Lord hovering around my shoulders, but short of spacing him, I don't know what to do with him. I sighed. "Fine. I see that I can't get rid of you (at least not easily). I can still space you, though, but I've got more pressing matters at the moment."
What a day. I thought as I headed towards the bridge. Walking past the black-cloaked ANBU, I gave them an order. "Keep an eye on that guy, will you?"
"Yes sir." The ANBU nodded. Scared shitless of the super-powerful Sith Lord, but still able to follow the orders of their leaders, I'll give them that.
Grumbling about annoying Sith Lords and stupid Imperials, I reached the bridge at about the same time engineers down at the reactor reapplied reactor power to the ship, enough to juice the engines and hyperdrive. "Ah, finally."
Reaching the birdge and returning salutes as necessary, I got to work rallying fleets and allies around the Chimera. Then Pellaeon approached me for a private conversation, and I got concerned with his findings about Thrawn's next moves...
The red eyes maintained their gaze upon Jurai, the stricken planet now obviously ripe for invasion, but the means, his means were absent. Everything was now in position, his forces were tiring, but then again so were the rebellions. However unlike the Hellfire the Chimerra did not have an approaching Ha'tak upon her aft. Unfortunately the Grand Admiral could do little to stop it, his forces were engaged elsewhere, nothing was spare, alas all he had was the promise of reinforcements some time soon.
His officer core were of course exemplary, each man continued his duty even though the threat of death was imminent, the small red blob upon the scanners growing closer and closer, until, the soon melted away into the present.
A soft groan emanated from the twisted metal of the former shield generator as the Patriarch awoke and found himself trapped with blood flowing from several wounds. He even felt pain shoot up an arm, realizing that it was broken. It was a miracle that he survived at all, as old as he was.
Definitely time to pass the torch... Alex thought, groaning as he used his other hand to call in help via comlink. Shortly, a military speeder and ambulance arrived on the scene, along with Jacob, having collected all the scrolls and holocrons from his grandfather's stateroom. The Jedi Alchemist and several former members of his Alchemy class clapped their hands in unison and alchemized away the metal. Swiftly, room was created for the medics to pass through.
"Grandfather, hold on. I'll get you to safety," Jacob said, concerned at the amount of injuries the Master incurred.
"Safety..." Alex groaned as he tried to speak. "Illusions, all. The Scrolls?"
"Same old man. I have them." Jacob nodded.
"Learn and teach all techniques in them. Useful in this war." Alex whispered. "One more thing. Daniel."
"What about him?" Jacob asked, a rhetorical question.
"Ascend to the throne. Coreworlds must have her Emperor!" Alex pleaded, then coughed blood from an internal injury. "Only then can he rally more to the cause."
"I..see..." Jacob said. Everyone knows that Daniel is reluctant to take that ultimate step from which there is no return. I suppose there's no more foot-dragging for him.
As the IV drips the bacta into the bloodstream and the ambulence prepares to leave, Jacob felt a presence from above. Dark presences...
The tall muscled Admiral rose from his seat as the star lines collapsed into space, the multi-coloured spectacle of Hyperspace dwindling to the frantic battle for life and death, victory or defeat.
Plunging from Hyperspace the Imperial fleet numbering in countless Star destroyers and one mighty Executor fired upon the Ha'Tak, the mass of firepower concentrating on the stricken ship before she collided with the Empires pride and joy. Hundreds of thousands of bolts would impact within seconds destroying the golden hull of the false Gods.
"Your orders Admiral?"
"Fire on everything, destroy the rebellion at whatever cost."
The fleet turned in one formation the mass of Imperial craft arcing up towards the last stand of rebel forces. In the centre of the Blathes attack squadron existed multiples Interdictors, each one training their gravity cones upon the rebellion, preventing the timely escape into Hyperspace.
"Admiral, mass-shadow warning! We can't escape into hyperspace!" Helm reported frantically.
"What?" Pellaeon cried out. "Where's it coming from? Tactical scans!"
Tactical stammered out a reply. "Reinforcements on the Imperial side...and...sir..."
"Spit it out, son." The Admiral ordered.
"Executor." The lad felt like fainting. I sympathize. The Executor. Never has there been a more collective Oh Shit than right now.
I stumbled when a sudden hammering pounded at what's left of the shields of the Chimera as Tactical reported several ships lost at the counterassault. There's no way we can hope to fight the fleet of Grand Admiral Blathe, not and live...
But we didn't have to. I sensed it seconds before the sensor officers reported a second hyperspace exit. Fresh fighters, bombers, light ships, medium ships, and the Elite Star Destroyer Triceratops, accompanied by two Hokage-class battleships, Shodai and Nidaime, joined the fray, firing all weapons at the enemy.
The battleships were dotted with turbolasers and MAC cannons scanning every arc of the ships with beamlaser cannons covering the dorsal and ventral sides. All three flagships were twice the size of the Imperial mk-II Star Destroyer, making them formidable foes in any conflict.
Elite Star Destroyer.
Hokage-class battleship.
"Triceratops, Shodai and Nidaime will concentrate their firepower on the Executor!" Admiral Halycon ordered. "All other ships, protect the Chimera and her fleet! And somebody get rid of those Interdictors!"
The hundred-ship fleet of the Sixth Fleet with Seventh Fleet elements conducted their orders well, concentrating firepower when needed to support the Chimera's beleaguured fleet. Two Nova-class battlecruisers and a Star Cruiser went through the Executors fleet on a suicidal mission to assault the Interdictors. The Coredians' cavalry has arrived!
The Transylvania
05-07-2006, 22:49
OOC: Damn, I forgot to have Raidon’s shuttle land in the hanger bay of the Chimerra
The cloaked shuttle neared a hanger bay of the Chimerra . Unlcoaking, a message was sent to the large ship’s bridge. “Chimerra, this is Master Raidon, asking for permission to land in your hanger.” was the message. “We lost our fleet. Damn, that is what we get for only have five ships.”
06-07-2006, 15:01
"Hurry up then." Came the reply. "Cause the enemy's brought friends, and so did we."
The Transylvania
06-07-2006, 17:56
Raidon’s shuttle entered the hanger bay of the Chimerra. The side door open and out walked the crimson dragon-man. “Everybody stay here.” he said in English. He looked at Baku but did not saying anything. Baku move next to his master and touched his arm.
Soon…all that was left was cloud of white smoke. A few seconds later, Raidon and Baku arrived on the bridge. “Don’t shot.” said Raidon. He eyed Plagueis then looked over at Daniel. He walked over to Daniel. “More friends are on the way. ETA is in ten minutes.”
06-07-2006, 18:17
I nodded to Raidon. "Right. Thanks."
The Humankind Abh
11-07-2006, 02:20
Sweat dripped from the tip of Keirn've's nose as he worked through system lock, encrypted code, and blasted outdated firewalls. Everything had been thrown into these anaylsis crystals to keep them well protected in the event that a ship was taken hostage. If that was not enough, every crystal was set with an auto self destruct sequence. A poor hacker would lose hours of work in a split second.
Fortunatly, he had been at the forefront when it came to the newer crystals for the remote ships. His fingers flew over the glass top panel as it lit up with multi colors. The screen before him was swirling with numbers and repeated codes. One last breath. Light in front of him flashed out as the screen went blank. It wasn't until the screen lit back up in the blue that his breathing resumed. His clyuno rested on the back of his palm for some time in silence. Now his attention returned to it as he reached the Princess. "Your Highness, we have just returned control of the remote ships to my counsel. We are ready to make our escape."
Lafiel plopped down on a freshly retaken Victory. "Good work commander. Form up on the Coredian ship. We will coordinante efforts with them to make our escape." All in all, the Abh had managed to regain a little more than half of their ships with the majority being in the remotes and whitestars. Still several Victories were also regained.
"I must go."
The Abriel looked up at her human husband. Her blue eyes stared into his brown orbs. She knew what was on his mind and his intentions. "I understand. The communications are down and the Coredians must know where we stand. Take a fighter and head over to their main ship."
Jinto bent down and kissed the pale cheek of his Abh wife. "I'll return."
"Just don't try to be a hero."
A small Thunderbolt starfurry launched from the hangar and headed towards the Coredian ship Chimera. Jinto fastened his harness and secured his equipment while progamming the computer to lock onto the large vessel and approach. It wasn't long before the fighter was waiting outside to be allowed in while the rest of the Abh fleet meandored over.
12-07-2006, 02:21
"Sirs, a Thunderfury fighter wishes to dock with us." A sensor operator said.
I could sense who the occupant is. "Let him through, Lieutenant. He's an old friend."
As the battle rages around us and turbolasers spat everywhere, the hangar bay shields dropped just long enough for Jinto to enter. I even had an ANBU operative go down and meet him.
The Humankind Abh
12-07-2006, 02:41
Jinto's Thunderbolt fired it's landing thrusters and gently touched down in the hangar bay. The hatch popped open as the pressurized seal was released. He stood taller and older these days but there was still the light of youth within his eyes while he wore his Star Forces uniform with pride.
Jinto clicked the back of his heels together and snapped two fingers up in a salute. "Chief of Staff Hyde of the Paryunu attack squadron, or what's left of it. I am looking for who is in charge of this vessel."
12-07-2006, 13:59
The shadows belched an ANBU operative, who bowed in reply. "Come with me. You are expected."
The ninja meandered his way around the heavy damage caused by the earlier mutiny and led Jinto to the bridge some half a kilometer away. Soon enough, Jinto entered the bridge to see people frantically rushing about, doing damage control and obeying orders. In the center of the storm of madness, the Grand Admiral sat in his command chair, barking orders here and there. And on his side, using the Force to assist in rushing the fleet to safety...was the Supreme Commander.
Daniel Masaki.
"Hey, Jinto. Or should I say Chief Hyde?" I smiled as he entered.
The Humankind Abh
13-07-2006, 01:49
"Hello Daniel. Jinto will do just fine. It's been a long time since we last met. I've come aboard to inform you and your commander here that my wife and commander Keirn've have recaptured all of our remote vessels and what ships we could. We managed to regain about half of our forces and they are now on approach to link up with you to find a way out of this death trap and perhaps remain here to aid you in your time of need."
13-07-2006, 01:56
"That's good news." I said, and meant it. A small spark of hope in this day and age means a lot. "Well, like you, we're trying to get the hell out of here. All we need is the Interdictors dead and we're good to go."
I pointed to the sensor station, where a whole shitload of red enemy units and a lot less blue friendly units were duking it out in the hologram of the battlefield. The ones marked "Kill ASAP" were the Interdictors keeping us in realspace. Each minute we don't jump is a minute closer to death...
New Dornalia
13-07-2006, 21:20
The JRCCC, Earth SSR-
The battle at Jurai had been costly, and proved embarassing to the MacIntyre Government. Only heavy censorship had prevented a disaster, but even then, the loss of two of New Dornalia's best ships was tragic, if not cause for concern. Nevermind the new ESUS war developing in New Leningrad and Andromeda.
Thus, Commissar for Internal Affairs Taniel Gibarian was concerned greatly about the situation. Commanding in MacIntyre's stead, as he was out, he was in meeting with the Commissariat of National Defense and other members of the Cabinet. The news was grim.
"So. We have a defeat at the hands of the Imperialists, and an Admiral that runs like a little girl," Taniel said, displeased. "Robert told me to have him fired."
CND Jack Cortes replied, "Stuyvesant has been demoted, and relegated to leading the New Wuhan Navy Band. He won't command a ship anymore. Not after that stunt."
He then steepled his hands and said, "But the man did have a point. Whatever took the Norris and the Lincoln was not a normal enemy. We grilled the Gracie unit from the Norris, and confirmed that. Why he chose to flee is understandable, but still embarassing."
Taniel said, shaking his head, "Fine. But what kind of enemy are we facing?"
Jack replied, "According to Gracie and Admiral Stuyvesant, we are facing some kind of demonic spirit. It's the Galactic Empire, so its not a stretch to say its probably Sith-related."
One of the other Cabinet men said, "Well, we better make up our minds....the Democratic Coalition is freaking out, at least those who want peace. They're reportedly circulating a draft resolution to create some kinda War Powers Act."
Taniel mumbled, "Hippies. Never want to stand up for the good, do they? At least they're not whining about how much money it'll take. That got old fast."
Jack then sat back and said, "Perhaps we should send in the People's Acolytes. They acquired a new fleet from the Corporate Sector, using their contacts in the Commissariat of Trade. We can tell them to leave the Chuck Norris-Executor they refurbished behind; no need to lose another, but have them attack with their equipment alone. Besides, with the mods we placed, they'll do well."
The Cabinet mumbled in hushed, frantic whispers. One said, "Acolytes!? Not Macky's Pets."
Jack then said, "Well, we can consult them, see who would be willing to crew an effort."
Taniel said, "It better be the Shinmei. From what Gracie told us, a number of Acolytes onboard the Norris and the Lincoln who were non-Shinmei fell prey to the possession."
Jack then said, "Then it'll be the Shinmei. Besides, from what I heard, they love this shit. Bobbie!"
A comely secretary walked in the room, saying, "Yes, Comrade Commissar?"
Jack replied, "Send a message to whoever runs the Shinmei Temple in Nova Louisiana. Ask them if they feel like taking on a job."
"Bobbie" replied, "Yes, Comrade Commissar. Oh, and here's your coffee, heavy cream and sugar."
Taking the coffee, Jack said, "Thank you."
Shinmei Grand Temple, Nova Louisiana
The secretary's message traveled by paper letter, through Hyperspace Route, hill and dale, via National Post to Alvaria, Nova Louisiana, the bustling capital of the territory. It was recieved and promptly passed to the Grand Temple. There, amongst its imposing facade, inspired by Japanese Buddhist temples and guarded by rows of men in Nembutsu armor, a messenger took it to the Grand Sensei of the Temple, who was busy practicing focusing his Force powers into his bokken, performing a "do" slash and promptly destroying the straw dummy with a hurricane force wind. The sounds of "kyah!" could be heard as well, with the numerous Shinmei devotees practicing fighting manuevers with Shaolin Spades, and some breaking bricks with Force-powered punches.
The Grand Sensei, a stern, bearded balding man, veteran of the wars with the Daedra, lay down his bokken. He picked up the letter, bowed, and read it. His face grew cold. Evil was spreading, it seemed, and the impure government soldiers fell prey to it. He wanted to laugh almost; the desperation of the letter was evident, it didn't take a Force user to deduce that one out. So the Great MacIntyre was asking him, the Demonhunter Grand Sensei Grigori Batov, to take on a job they couldn't do!?
He initially resisted, but his conscience was saying something else. It recognized the Sith were evil, and the Shinmei School's motto was "Evil Unto Evil," evoking the vigilantism of the Shinsengumi of old. And any force that could possess and exploit the weak as had happened at Jurai, as the letter said to him, was worth hunting.
He then folded the letter, and put it into his pocket. Gathering his Senseis in the Grand Temple and on HoloNet for a War Council, he showed it to them and asked what was the best option at this point. They disagreed, some felt it was time for Jihad, to save the valiant Masaki family, which had always been against evil, others felt it was a lost cause, and that the Shinmei shouldn't have to clean up a government's mess. But in the end, the interventionists won out; the argument was that if the reports were true, and there was some kind of posession, then the force behind it had to be stopped; it was not worth letting it corrupt more New Dornalians or Coredians or allies that could be corrupted. And, so what if the government asked them to do the job? They had the skills, their intense training and discipline, forged in the heat of Daedra hunting, would make them highly resistant to posessesion.
So why not?
Thus, the Shinmei School decided to act. The fleet mentioned by Cortes was, sure enough, existent, and in mothballs, awaiting orders; it was transferred by a nonchalant Junko Tadanobu who was glad somebody was helping out. Per government instructions, the Chuck Norris-Executor Class vessel in the force, the "Chuck Norris II" was docked at home, to be kept in reserve to prevent another loss of prestige. All that remained was to crew them, and as a result, International Brigadiers and Shinmei were hired to crew the vessel, though training for the IBs in how to resist mind control and training for the Shinmei in how to run the ships was needed....
The Crimm
14-07-2006, 17:36
[OOC: This ship MIGHT be considered a superweapon, but it's only on the scale of slow firing ship killer. It could probably disable a Star Destroyer with an Alpha Strike, but would only have it's shields and armor while waste heat from the cannons was dumped and another charge loaded, which takes at least two posts. CW okayed this entry, as well.]
Jurai System
A ship tore into realspace, at full battle readiness. It was a massive ship (http://usera.imagecave.com/Alpha-Zero/RenegadeGunship.bmp.jpg) compared to many nations, though a Star Destroyer made it seem small. It looked like two gigantic magnetic cannons with a ship built around them. The shields read as three seperate Xanthalian Tripple Shields, with a hull hugging shield, plus it's heavy armor. Obviously made to be an artillery ship that can survive a heavy fleet battle without a large escort force.
It makes it's way into the system slowly, manuvering around the wreckage of ships. Seems they missed the party, until they spot the ships in orbit of the planet and a battle still raging.
A signal is sent of all sides, as the ship comes to a relative full stop. An alien of unknown origin, surrounded by humans at various stations appears. "I am Commodore Im Kmmta, commander of the Gunship Archangel. We are responding to a distress signal sent by a high ranking official of the Crimmond Empire. We request immediate information to her location for immediate extraction." The signal cuts out.
Im looks at his Executive officer. "The ship is fully prepared for battle? The magnetic cannons loaded and charged?" A nod. "Good. Passive sensors only... manually target the most dangerous ships in the area."
"Sir... there are two Executor Class Super Star Destroyer in system... one heavily damaged, standard Star Destroyers and other equal and lesser classes. Shall I target the Executor that is in the best condition, or the crippled one?" The weapons officer asked, as if he had asked if Im wanted a side of potatos with his steak or not.
"The Executor that is mostly unharmed. Manually imput the trajectory for both shots and prepare to do an active scan to make corrections. I do not want them to know we are targeting them until right before we fire. Helm, prepare a trajectory to take us through the thickest of the debris while the weapons cycle."
He watched as the weapons officer used a calculator with pencil and paper to do his calculations. He liked that... the officer knew his stuff and didn't just press a button and pray that everything worked right. The helm was busy as well, though no paper was needed to preprogram the computer on what to do.
Now Im waited for the responses from the battling forces, be it weapons fire or talk.
Commodore Im Kmmta
Task Force Renegade
New Dornalia
15-07-2006, 18:09
Training for the IB's commenced at the Shinmei Temples in Nova Louisiana, with numerous men and women enduring instruction on techniques to resist mind control, followed by practice, which consisted of rituals that resembled a combination of Zen meditation and Psychological Warfare training, with IB students meditating in place while they were subjected to any number of Force treatments, including taunting and attempts at mind control and possession, plus a healthy dose of pain.
THe Shinmei, meanwhile, were learning a less mystical art, how to work their new vessels. Recieving instruction from handlers, they performed drills, exercises, gunnery drills, and more drills to try and improve their skills, along with learning in classrooms as well.
All the while, Batov wanted to get contact with the Masakis, but he didn't know how...
The Humankind Abh
16-07-2006, 22:16
"That's good news." I said, and meant it. A small spark of hope in this day and age means a lot. "Well, like you, we're trying to get the hell out of here. All we need is the Interdictors dead and we're good to go."
I pointed to the sensor station, where a whole shitload of red enemy units and a lot less blue friendly units were duking it out in the hologram of the battlefield. The ones marked "Kill ASAP" were the Interdictors keeping us in realspace. Each minute we don't jump is a minute closer to death...
OOC: Sorry this took so long. Been a bit preoccupied.
Jinto walked over to take a look at the units arrayed on the battlefield seeing the vast difference in numbers and with that, possibly firepower. Time was of the essence at this moment and they couldn't afford to stay in this system. Each second would cost precious lives that would take time to replace on the battlefield. Minutes would cost ships that would take far too long to replace. What the Coredians needed was to get out and get out now before much else was lost.
The middle-age count turned to Daniel. "With your permission, I would like your information on the Interdictors and their positions sent over to my wife. By your leave, we'll take point to take the pressure off your people and remove the ships. Then we can get out of here."
19-07-2006, 14:39
"Not a problem." I said. "Might not get everything with all the jamming, but if she's close enough that it doesn't matter, Lafiel should get enough."
The Humankind Abh
21-07-2006, 03:05
A slight smile crossed his face. "Check your scanners and you'll see that my wife is well on her way. I doubt much will be able to stand between her and her target once she is as angry as she is now."
The WIck
23-07-2006, 20:47
OOC: Intolerable Sithy...Reply needed :P
A loud crack filled the room as sparks erupted from the point of impact. Hawkins green blade held vertically pushed force pike to the side holding it there, the Jedi's large arm muscles flexed showing his resolve in keeping it there.
Pole arms such as Sirius were ungainly weapons, better in using in a thrust then a sweeping motion. A loud screech filled the room as Hawkins advanced on the Sith, holding his pike off to the side his own weapon sparked as it slide down the poles edge, now only two meters from his target he pulled out his smaller yellow light saber and ignigted it with his left hand.
"Smile Sirius death calls..." He shouted as he thrust the blade at the Sith's exposed chest...
Unified Sith
24-07-2006, 02:20
OOC: I have not ignored this thread; I'm just a little busy at the moment with work and what not. Please be patient. A post should be up soon. IE - Monday.
The Crimm
24-07-2006, 03:55
OOC: I have not ignored this thread; I'm just a little busy at the moment with work and what not. Please be patient. A post should be up soon. IE - Monday.
OOC: Hurrah! So you ARE still alive.
Unified Sith
31-07-2006, 00:23
Link above is the continuation of this thread.