We are back
Colorado and Texas
25-04-2006, 20:52
.....This is FOX news the only real new you can trust.......
Hello my name is Token Blackus reporting here in Denver the capitol of the great military theocracy of Colorado and Texas. After years of violence this great nation is back in the public eye. As you can see behind me the old satatnic so called democraticly elected family is about to be executed. Here is Commander Ragewulf McCully the new commander of all of C and T's armed forces.
"Hello to all of you God fearing people today we shall be rid of the whole of the Deconoly clan. No longer shall they trod on our holy lands. Now may I present our new leader for life the holy Christian hero Jared Kelly."
"Hello my children. Today is the first of many many good days. We are the gleam in GOd's eye here in WASTED AMERICA. We shall open our borders to all Christain and God fearing nations. As we speak my Secret Inquesitors are crossing our lands picking up all heathens, lesbians and any other abominations. Now watch as our Inquestors destroy the heathen Deconolys. Except for their five children who shall be raised by the inquestors."
*the footage on the screen changes to two adults and three teens being tied to stakes. THey are then set a fire.*
"That is how we shall do things here now."
The Gate Builders
25-04-2006, 20:56
Target acquired.
25-04-2006, 21:21
OOC Token Blackus! That made my day!!
25-04-2006, 21:29
SCENE: Situation Room
General Theod: "Emperor, It seems the once peaceful nation of Colorado and Texas has turned to the dark side of government. Religious zelots who blame all their problems on homosexuals and other such people. We will be watching them as time goes on. What do you suggest sir?"
Emperor Loak: "Do watch them. I want Strategic Missile Command upgraded to DEFCON 3 and target 1/4 of the nations missiles on Colorado and Texas. If they launch any attacks at their neighbors, launch the non-nuclear missiles at them as a warning."
General Theod: "Yes, Sir."
The Aeson
25-04-2006, 21:33
Due to the shocking and disgraceful decisions of the new government of Colorado and Texas, The Aeson will open its borders to any and all refugees from these woefully misguided would be crusaders.
Colorado and Texas
25-04-2006, 21:38
....Sent to all non Christain and non Jewish citizens of Colorado and Texas....To you heathens we shall be giving you two weeks to leave or repent. If you do not fall in and wership the One true God we shall execute you and wipe your seed from the face of our great nation.
Should any Jenrakian in Colorado and Texas be harmed, then swift wrath will come for your people from mine.
~~Saerus Annirak
Colorado and Texas
25-04-2006, 21:56
*admist the sputtering torches one loabnd reporter and his camera woman watch as an inquesetors questions a heathen*
"Wheer is the rest of your coven freak" he screams spitel running down his face, his fist punding the once handsome man tied to the chair.
*the reporter turns to the camers*' Hello my name is Token Blackus as you can see our great inqusitors have captured a foul warlock trying to fill the minds of our youth with sin"
25-04-2006, 22:04
Deep in a dark corner of Anagonia
Random General: "....must make plans to nuke Shazbotdom! We failed to nuke last time, we must this time! IT IS OUR DESTI-...hey, look a new nation."
Random Agent: "Yes...perhaps we could use it as...target practice?"
Random General: "Na, can't turn the publics eye away from Shazbotdom...gotta nuke shazzy! It will make us strong, and give us Mod Powers!....and he said Homosexual in a privatized role playing post, which means we can use the Homosexual Agenda, trick them to taking offense to him saying that, and GET ONE-HUNDRED BILLION DOLLLLLAAAARRRRSSS!!!!"
Random Agent: "I thought...we were going to...nuke?"
Random General: "Oh yea, and that too..."
Colorado and Texas
25-04-2006, 22:18
OOC:note this is open to any nation that is interested, I need people to play heathnes and forgian nation's agents
ic: At the three mile water limit out side Texas and Colorado's sea border. Three large destroyer class ships are escorting two battered and leakey trawlers loaded to the gills with gypsies and other un disirables(sp sorry) over the ship to ship radio this is heard
" Ok yall this is Grouch escort one Oscer, and Elmo head back for the next load Grover will stay here and keep an eye on the flastsom."
OOC: If you want me to join, then you'll need to publicy show the death of a Jenrakian. The reason? All Jenrakians are Tsellians (a religion).
Colorado and Texas
25-04-2006, 22:32
*outside the small temple a shaddy looking man turned towads the three black clad riot cops*" Inside there are the ones who beloong to some religion called Tsellians. Now give me my reward."
*one soldier turned and said here you go, he pulled out a large hand gun slamming it between the eyes of the surprised informant he fired splattering brains all over the place. At the shot a van pulled up ten more troopers jumped out. The tirteen ran towrds the door. Inside one of the four Tsellians screamed into a radio.*
"Help us the inquestion is*the vocie cuts off with the sound of gun fire, latter the night on FOX news*
" Hello the is Token Blackus we were told that our brave inquestion captured Tsellians today, they are being held at yhe Saint Geoge facuility as our goverment tries to figure out what to do with forgian heathens. We will keep you posted."
OOC: I will get to posting then. Later, though. I am busy right now.
Colorado and Texas
25-04-2006, 23:00
*Watching the two fleeing refugee ships deep under the water was the Sub Satanus just when they passed out side of Colorado and Texas's border they opend fire sinking one of the ships. The other ship despretly called the watching destroyer begging to be let back. Instread they responded we will sink you if you return. That being said the other ship burst in to flames as she was hit by three torpedos.
"Captain that was nbot us who sank them should we not go seek out who ever did?'
"no, they helped us out by ridding the world of heathens."
Terror Incognitia
25-04-2006, 23:09
--The Government of Terror Incognitia welcomes any refugees from Colorado And Texas.
--Incognitia offers aid, in the form of training, weapons and equipment, to any group working to restore democratic government to Colorado and Texas.
--If any Incognitian is harmed in Colorado and Texas, you may consider yourselves at war with Incognitia.
--If killings of "heathens" continue for more than seven days by agents of the government of Texas and Colorado, rather than permitting them to leave the country, you may consider yourselves at war with Terror Incognitia.
We respect your right to run your country as you wish, but must insist that those who will not fit in be allowed to depart. We will not stand by as you commit genocide.
Open Message from the McKagan Imperial State Department
This is downright hilarious. Once again another misguided nation pretends to be Christian. We'd like to point a few things out to you. The 'bible,' which is at the start just a book of fairtells written by a group of drunken camel farmers, never mentions homosexuality as a sin. Futhermore, it states that Jesus loves everyone. You are, in essence, violating the words and beliefs of your own figure. We suggest you invest more in education so at least your children will be educated in the truth behind the lies they're being brainwashed with.
South of Florida a single Cafeta Class Destroyer cuts though the tropical waters. It's the stand alone vessel in the new McKagan observation force that's designed to move near Colorado and Texas to observe their movements and those of other nations seeking to end the bigotry.
The vessel, sitting low in the water and using a waterjet propulsion system, is extremly stealthy. On the off chance a RADAR installation picks it up in the first place it will appear the size of a fishing boat anyway.
Colorado and Texas
25-04-2006, 23:20
The Government of Terror Incognitia, as we are always open to sugestions from other nations we have this to say. To quote the great book. If ty eye ofends thee pluck it out, if thy hand offneds thee cut it off"(ooc: ok so I really do not know my bible verses).
Terror Incognitia
25-04-2006, 23:24
On the opposite end of the scale of stealth, an Incognitian Carrier Battle group had been sent before the diplomatic telegram to Colorado and Texas. It was now, escorts, submarines and all, only a short distance outside Colorado and Texas territorial waters. The message was clear - the message was serious, Incognitia would intervene if necessary.
To the telegram:
Pluck and cast it out to another nation, not beyond the land of the living. We take it you refuse our offer.
Colorado and Texas
25-04-2006, 23:29
*watching the massing fleet was its oppisite number a fleet of destryoers, subs and battle ships(ooc: I know they are not anti-ship I just like them) all along the shore missle batteries were being erected, some loaded with bio-weapons. Inside bunkers bio-clad troopers stood watch. Ofer the radio this message as hear. I am doing a great work and I cannot come down. Why should the work stop while I leave it and come down to you?
Terror Incognitia
25-04-2006, 23:37
The activity did not pass unnoticed.
"If you attack us that will be taken as an immediate declaration of war."
On board the ships, "Action Stations" was sounded. The destroyer screen was out in front of the carrier; frigates were searching out submarines; the anti-air/missile cruisers were scanning the sky. The carrier was ready to launch fighters if necessary.
If the Texans wanted a fight, they could have one.
OOC: I'd think very carefully before trying bio-weapons against my fleet. Not least because they all have positive pressure anyway, and I will go all-out against you if you do.
EDIT: Exactly what tech level is this? MT? PMT?
Colorado and Texas
25-04-2006, 23:42
ooc: ah the i love the smell of napalm in the morning
icc: The ships did not go past the Texas five mile point. The only ships heading in and out were the regular fishing ships. Over the ship board radios was this "hello brave men and women, as you can see the satanic forces arayed agenst us. We have not executed any onbe that has not desreved it. We let many many heathens leave our nations each day. Do not let these people scare you, we shall not fire the first shots.
ooc: near future tech, we do not have mech or stuff like that, we do have low space fighters and stations. We do have cyborgs,clones for medical use.
25-04-2006, 23:44
The Supreme General laughs at Colarado and Texas.
Terror Incognitia
25-04-2006, 23:48
The fleet remained ready. If not attacked, they would await the expiration of the seven days. An ultimatum had been issued. Six and a half days remained.
They kept a close eye on all ship movements. And, as time passed, they grew ever more certain as to the location of enemy submarines and missile batteries.
Meanwhile at home, an Expeditionary Force was being mobilised. Escorted by another carrier group, it would comprise two divisions, and be ready to depart soon after the ultimatum expired, as it was made up of troops ready for deployment.
Other forces were being prepared, as they would take longer to be ready, and so needed to start now. Just in case.
EDIT: Near future is cool. My stuff is mostly British Amred forces, only 10-15 years in the future and MUCH larger.
Colorado and Texas
25-04-2006, 23:51
The helicopter with the four diplomats in it headed towards the massed fleet. They broadcast that they wanted to speak to the comadning officers.
Terror Incognitia
25-04-2006, 23:54
"You could speak to us from anywhere. However, you may come in to land on the frigate with its stern to you. A high-ranking officer will then come out to talk with you."
A fast motor launch left the carrier and headed for the nearby frigate. It carried a small party of officers. Meanwhile, on board the nominated frigate, a small armed party gathered. Just as a precaution.
Colorado and Texas
26-04-2006, 00:01
The large helicopter landed the men in black suits and sun glasses stepped out, all holding brife cases.
Terror Incognitia
26-04-2006, 00:07
...to find themselves covered by wary sailors holding automatic rifles. No one fired, however. They were too well trained for that.
Fortunately their counterparts had arrived, so there was no awkward pause.
"Gentlemen, I am Admiral Nomara, would you please follow me to the Briefing Room? We can talk there."
He confidently turned and led off to a state of the art briefing room, this being a new frigate. He then turned back to the diplomats, if that is what they were.
"What do you wish to discuss?"
Colorado and Texas
26-04-2006, 00:10
The men took off thier sun glasses their red glowing eyes flashing erily(sp) the biggest on in a deep gravely voice says" First we want you to remove your people from being so near our lands, second we have not killed anyone that wareents a invasion of our sovigan lands. And as you will see here, we have booted so far 75% of the heathens on our shors. Those we have killed were the ones that resisted."
Terror Incognitia
26-04-2006, 00:23
"Our fleet is fully entitled to be here; it is entirely within international waters, and I will not hear any suggestion that it is not. There are two dozen of our people unaccounted for within your nation; we wish to ensure their safety.
You government has been murdering - not even executing, there has been no pretence at a trial in many cases - anyone who is brave enough to refuse to pretend to share it's religion. It has been broadcasting this process on television. On humanitarian gounds we are fully entitled to stop this slaughter, if you refuse to allow those who will not accept your religion to leave your country.
As previously stated, if the killings have not ceased entirely within one week of now, your country and mine will be at war.
Excuse me one moment."
The Admiral is passed a message by an aide.
"Apparently there is fresh wreckage on the seabed near here. Two merchant vessels, sunk since a vessel of ours last passed this way with sonar active a week ago. There has been no storm in that week. What will our men find if they dive on those wrecks, Mr. Unidentified Diplomat? If it is that your government is responsible for sinking ships laden with "heathens" it will go very badly for you."
Colorado and Texas
26-04-2006, 00:26
*the large one turns and pulls out a report, including transcripts of a conversation*"as you can see here we had nothing to do with the sinking of said ships, true we sat and watched it happen but then as you say the sinking was in international waters. If we have any of your people in our lands, you are more then welcome to inspect our holding faculity."
The general feeling at the McKagan Imperial Defense Department was simple. The last time C&T had gone on one of their rants a single McKagan submarine brought them to their news. That information was tucked secure away in an archival section somewhere, though - it wouldn't influence current events.
Regardless of how small McKagan's previous presense outline had been, it was about to get much larger.
Soon a small Carrier Battlegroup was formed. Consisting of a single Estranged Class Aircraft carrier, 4 Avisron Class Destroyers, 12 Cafeta Class Destroyers, 8 Illusion Class Frigates, and 4 Hamlin Class Next Generation Assault Submarines; the fleet moved towards the theatre.
Within the next few days or weeks there were also plans to assemble an amphibious assault group in Libertad (which is just a few days away from the Gulf, anyway.)
Colorado and Texas
26-04-2006, 00:36
ooc:McKagan ah craptastic.
Colorado and Texas
26-04-2006, 00:43
"sir those heathens of McKagan are at it once more, what shall we do?
"They have no reason to come by here, we have non of thier people in our lands."
*back abord the ship the diplomats tilts his head as a message comes in*"sirs we must beg a small boon, an old foe McKagan is planning on coming here pleas stall them while we work on meeting your demands, as for that we will need a wee more time."
26-04-2006, 01:04
Secret IC:
Several Shazbotdom Spy Satelites position themselves over strategic locations. This includes the Gulf of Mexico and former US states surrounding the territory of Colorado and Texas. They were assigned to watch any and all traffic comming in and out of the land to ensure that no weapons were being brought into and/or out of the area. One of the satelites spotted the happenings between Terror Incognitia and Colorado and Texas and was watching the ships with great interest.
The Aeson
26-04-2006, 01:18
As it appears that Colorado and Texas are not planning to allow the refugees to leave, The Holy Empire of the Aeson has placed Second Fleet on full alert.
Colorado and Texas
26-04-2006, 01:21
*high inside the space station Gadstan One the scietest were haridly putting the final test on Lucifer's Hammer the newest meanist weapon in the C&T weapons grab bag. The five satalites in orison drop five hundred ton titanium (sp for the purpose of this they can pass through the atmespher with out being destroyed) girders with procies targeting unable to be picked up by satilite when launched. Unfortanitly they only work 1/10th of the time and for the most part when launched there is a good chance the girder will just tumbl harmlessly into space.
The Aeson
26-04-2006, 01:37
*high inside the space station Gadstan One the scietest were haridly putting the final test on Lucifer's Hammer the newest meanist weapon in the C&T weapons grab bag. The five satalites in orison drop five hundred ton titanium (sp for the purpose of this they can pass through the atmespher with out being destroyed) girders with procies targeting unable to be picked up by satilite when launched.
OOC: So basically God Rods.
Colorado and Texas
26-04-2006, 01:46
*Onboard the station the media head of Security was planning his new brief Token Blackes was sitting with his news crew.*
"So we will be letting out that we have this weapon but not that is does not really work?"
"coreect"(bad freench accent)
*The camera turns on..we are live in 5..4..3....
"Hello my fellow citizens today I am abred zee mighty station to telll you all of a new weapon we have called Lucifer's Hammer, yes it is nammed after our worst enamy but it is a good one. Be warry of those who would lie to you."
[OOC: Terror Incognitia, do you have some sort of different way to say your nations name IC? Just curious.]
[Encrypted Message]
To: Terror Incognitian Fleet
From: RMV Teen Spirit, McKagan 9th Carrier Battlegroup
Subject: Joint Operations
Greetings. McKagan is moving a Task Force much like your own into the theatre to support the international cease and desist order against Colorado and Texas. We'd like to assure you that our declaration for war will only come if much of the same things in your written statement come true. That said, would it be possible for us to integrate our fleet anti-missile and intelligence patrols together into a single datalink? We're not asking you to give up everything you've got, simply help cover another allied organization.
Colorado and Texas
26-04-2006, 02:18
Open Message to all Christain and or Jewish nations...We here in Colorado and Texas are under heavy blockade by many hethen lands please help.
[Open Message]
From: McKagan Imperial State Department
Do not let the lies set forth by the ignorant and arrogant regime in Colorado and Texas fool you. The naval forces currently deployed at the edge of their territorial waters are an observation force only. McKagan maintains that no action will be taken until prompted to by an outside force or a certain period of time passes without the Cease and Desist order being met.
Colorado and Texas
26-04-2006, 02:36
The diplomats turned towards the officers that they were speaking with. Well? We have agreed to work with you with in reason now what shall you be doing with the other fleet?
Colorado and Texas
26-04-2006, 03:37
bump for the revolutio
*On many radios this song is heared played on all of the radios throughout the fleet.
"Revolution Man"
One more time and you'll be dead
At least I think that's what they said
Forty days won't break a man
It was a bullet in his head
There's something in the...
Something in the way you were
The pain so wrong my friend
Revolution...revolution man
Imagine all the people
One more time and you'll be dead
At least I think that's what they said
Forty days won't break a man
It was a bullet in his head
Listen while I load my gun
He said to me
Something 'bout a chosen one
It's comin' back to me
Watch him while I taste the sun
He said to me
Something 'bout a chosen one
You'll never be
One last time your medicine
Swallow hard and take it in
Lucy's in the sky again
Trippin' on her diamonds
While it plays the Troopers on board each ship pull there firearmns,they proceed to fire at the inquesitors. Killing many. On the cutter Babyeater the last remaing inquesitor sets off its weapons at the blockading fleets. He then proceeds to hit the self destruct button sending an explosion up to the sky.
Terror Incognitia
26-04-2006, 07:00
OOC: McKagan, it's either the full name, Incognitia to be fairly formal, or occasionally Terror.
A tight-band communication was sent.
To: McKagan Battle Group
From Terror Incognitia Ship Bambinio
We would welcome any assistance we can get. Our current positioning is <thus> (tactical map). Known C&T forces are marked red.
(OOC: Just so we can now discuss OOC anything I've seen, and you can then use that knowledge IC).
Back on board the frigate:
"So two merchant ships under your own flag were sunk by torpedoes, and you made no attempt to discover the culprits?
That means either you were responsible, or you have very poor naval officers.
We have no quarrel with McKagan, we will do nothing to their fleet.
As previously stated you have just under a week to comply with our ultimatum. If we could send inspection teams to look for our people, that would be appreciated, but will need to be swift, as they shall have to withdraw before the end of the seven days if the ultimatum is not met."
"Sir. Incoming fire from a small enemy vessel, which then immediately blew up."
"What lunacy is this?"
Watching in the Command Centre on the Carrier Bambinio, incoming missiles could be seen. (OOC: If that's the wrong weaponry I'll edit, but you didn't say). They were only from one ship; none other took action; so purely defensive measures were taken. Chaff was fired from the closest ships. Defensive missiles vectored in from the AAA cruisers towards the enemy missiles; and if they got through all that the Goalkeeper CIWS waited.
"What was that? Incompetence on yuor part or a declaration of war?"
The Admiral asked angrily.
Terror Incognitia
26-04-2006, 07:08
News was coming in of Colorado and Texas having some form of orbital weapon, which they were calling Lucifer's Hammer. Presumed to be a kinetic energy weapon launched from orbit (OOC: How did you get ten ton masses of titanium up there? That is one hell of a heavy lift capability. Don't worry, not calling GM, just curious :D )
A response was immediately issued through diplomatic channels.
"If this Lucifer's Hammer is used against us with similar effects to a nuclear weapon, we shall retaliate accordingly."
Meanwhile one of Incognitia's small fleet of shuttlecraft was readied (OOC: Think Space Shuttle but slightly less unreliable, and a bit better tech. Space performance is much the same as the Shuttle), for a most unusual mission. Nothing could be done yet, while they worked out which station was the threat. Sadly they might only be sure after it had first been used. Even then their mission would be risky.
Colorado and Texas
26-04-2006, 16:09
ooc: shite did not think of that
Colorado and Texas
26-04-2006, 16:19
....open message sent from the carrier Cutty Shark.......This is the Colorado and Texas Carrier Cutty Shark to all Revolution Man force stand down, or we will execute your families.....
The return message came from the Shark Class Sub Alamo
...We will not stand down our nation was formed on strentgh and religiuse (sp) freedom. We have lock on your ship you stand dow...
The gun fire and minor explosion could be seen as the sun went down.
Terror Incognitia
26-04-2006, 18:45
"Sir! Communications in clear between C&T vessels; it seems they have internal conflict. A transmission from the carrier threatened the families of "Revolution Man" forces. A defiant reply came from a sub that then exploded."
"Right! Broadcast this in clear. To ALL Colorado and Texas vessels.
If you want to oppose your nation's government, we urge you to defect immediately! We can aid you in your struggle. At the moment we cannot intervene because we don't know which side holds which ship."
OOC: Hmmm...this Tech Level isn't the same as mine. Henceforth, I'm out.
Terror Incognitia
26-04-2006, 19:15
OOC: Why not RP more than one? (I'm currently Rping in PT, this and FT).
26-04-2006, 19:19
All my stuff (except my space vessels) is considered slightly PMT. I'll debate wheather i want to join this conflict.
OOC: Why not RP more than one? (I'm currently Rping in PT, this and FT).
I only do MT and FT RPs.
Colorado and Texas
26-04-2006, 20:14
OOC: Hmmm...this Tech Level isn't the same as mine. Henceforth, I'm out.ooc:we are near ft but all tech is ok
ic: Through out the fleet the new flag of the inquestion http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v396/wardoggames/603608440.jpg
could be seen being replaced by the clasic Colorado and Texas nationol flags
The gun fire soon stopped as a ship wide message went out.
"This is Admrile Jasper Saint Clair of the Battle Ship Blood Freud as you can see we are fine here, all we need to do is clean out the rats nest on the main land.
Deep in a dark corner of Anagonia
hey, look a new nation."
OOC- C&T has been around as long as me.
Terror Incognitia
26-04-2006, 20:22
In clear. To: Blood Freud
This is a most welcome development. Would you like us to assist?
Colorado and Texas
26-04-2006, 20:30
From the Blood Freud
Nay if you would like to keep other nations from our soil and keep these parisites from fleeing feel free, you may if you want send a few hunter teams in but not that many.
Terror Incognitia
26-04-2006, 23:19
"If we may we would send a few neutral inspection teams in to search out our citizens.
If you do not want us fighting by your side we shall not commence hostilities; you may consider our ultimatum no longer in force. If you desire any aid, in the form of arms or supplies, these we will happily supply.
Good luck."
Colorado and Texas
26-04-2006, 23:26
As the last ship is retaken the admrial aborde the Blood Freud sends this out. To the blockkading forces, the sea is now ours, please send in your teams now.
ooc: feel free to rp the teams any way you want, I will rp the good and the inquesitors.
Terror Incognitia
26-04-2006, 23:44
The ground troops who had been heading for Colorado and Texas were some distance away, for now. However, they were in helicopter range of the Bambinio.
6 teams, each of a dozen men, came in on Peregrine helicopters; high-tech troop transports with teeth. These fuelled up on board the carrier, then span up again ready to take off.
"Blood Freud, uh, where would you advise our teams go? Do you know where we're most likely to find our people?"
Colorado and Texas
27-04-2006, 00:10
The return message came back....Shhzzzt Try heading towards Monestry City it used to be Boulder Colorado our troops are suronding it and holding their positions. Beaware the elite of the inquesitors are stationd there.
The McKagan fleet finally moved into the theatre. Moving in a bit south of the Incognitian fleet. With destroyers out front and Cruisers sweeping for submarines while keeping the Anti-Air defense up - the fleet was a well organized structure. Several of the newer, UAV equipped Cruisers launched their payloads to patrol for possible Texan infiltration attempts.
Upon news of the Texan space weapon, a great wave of urgency crossed through the halls of the MIDD Complex. This conflict, should it escalate, could very quickly head towards one including Weapons of Mass Destruction. The MIDD could deal with this easily.
Just a few hours after the McKagan fleet had established itself the order for Four (4) Contraband Class SSBN's to move to the Gulf of Mexico was given. Each one, armed with 30 300 KT missiles, could put down the firepower needed to quickly counter any attack from the Texan orbital weapon.
Colorado and Texas
27-04-2006, 03:40
ooc: a wee late?
Abourd Lucifers Hammer inquesitor Dameos McKrackendillion sat screami8ng at those he percived to be tratiors on the earth. He thought for a moment then grinned. If his people could not rule Colorado and Texas then they would see to it that she was wipped off the face of the eart.
"Lock on to that wee island out side our territory. Prepare to launch."
Terror Incognitia
27-04-2006, 16:33
In an open transmission to the world at large, but aimed specifically at space installations thought to be likely candidates as the Lucifer's Hammer launch station, the Consilium sent this:
"We don't yet know where you are, and we don't yet know who you support. If you use your weapon we will work out where you are, and turn you into orbiting space junk, never you mind how.
Unless a state actor claims responsibility for your actions we will cease retaliation there; and will attempt to persuade others to do the same. We will not allow you to drag us into nuclear war."
The Lucifer's Hammer was a concern; more likely to be used than nuclear weapons; who controlled it was unknown, but it was likely to be in the hands of the fanatics currently on the defensive - and it's capabilities had not been seen in practice.
The shuttle "Halfway" had been undergoing modifications. More were required, but she was approaching readiness to attempt a kill on a Lucifer's Hammer launch station. It was hoped that these efforts would be unnecessary, their effectiveness was unproven, and would inevitably come after the Hammer had been used. It was still considered worthwhile.
The six Peregrine choppers took off and headed for Boulder, as it was still marked on their maps; they would liaise with local commanders when they reached the front lines there. For now, they had an escort of JSF, just in case.
Colorado and Texas
27-04-2006, 16:54
ooc: Yes I know the planes are out of date but dont forget the Air Force now under the controll of the good except at the staion*sic* guys
IC; On board the station the Inquestor listend to the radio broadcast he smiled and said."Launch the F23 A. Space Fighters I want this place protected."
*back on earth* Three P51 Mustangs took off from Greenbay Point Out side Boulder (real tiny town) they headed towards the helicopters twin machineguns flashing*
27-04-2006, 17:08
So if i brought my space fleet into this you wouldn't mind?
Terror Incognitia
27-04-2006, 18:21
By this time the escort had withdrawn to return to the carrier - the helicopters would have to deal with this threat themselves.
However, as multi-purpose modern helicopters, they carried air-to-air missiles on their wing-stub hardpoints.
"Red callsigns Fox One."
(Fire infra-red homing missiles).
Each of the six helicopters fired one missile - two to each Mustang. For now they were out of the accurate range of the planes' guns, and their speed was almost equal to the Mustangs'.
Colorado and Texas
27-04-2006, 20:50
So if i brought my space fleet into this you wouldn't mind?
ooc: nope have fun just go easy on my old tech space fighters
Colorado and Texas
27-04-2006, 20:53
*two mustangs exploded sending metal all over the place, the last one jigged fireing its modifided .50 cals at on of the helicopters, the piole screaming in terror.*
27-04-2006, 21:29
SCENE: MSF Bloodsaber
Captain Henderson looked out the main view window. Why did Colorado and Texas turn to this crap? he thought to himself. They used to be a good nation with good values, now they are a demoralized and demonic nation. He then walked over to the Communications station and picked up a slip of paper. It has the orders of the Bloodsaber on it. He read it through and then looked over at navigation. "Set course mark 2345.21. 1/4 speed. Destination, the satelite owned by Colorado and Texas."
The navigation officer looked up at him, wondering what he was going to do. He then turned around and typed in the course and speed. He then turned to Captain Henderson. "Sir, it will take us approximatly 5 hours to reach the satelite at our present speed."
Henderson then looked back at the communications station. "I want a message sent to the Blagraland, we need a contingent of fighters on point around us." He knew this would get messy if he didn't have a fighter escort. He then turned and looked back out the window.
Colorado and Texas
27-04-2006, 21:34
*sir we need to show our strenth to keep the scum away."
"Well pfc. Inquesitor Deno fire at aplha bravo 179er"
*as he says this the main weapons scream into life pin pointing the target a small historic town in the mid rockies outside the contested zone, with a woosh five girders slam in to Villa De Rio anailating all life in the town.*
Mer des Ennuis
27-04-2006, 22:23
OOC: Wish this could have appeared on the front page... "I'm telling you people, the earth revolves around the sun." "Burn him!"
Colorado and Texas
27-04-2006, 22:34
OOC: Wish this could have appeared on the front page... "I'm telling you people, the earth revolves around the sun." "Burn him!"
ooc: hey the satilite is going to be trashed soon by over whealming forces gotta have some fun.
27-04-2006, 23:11
SCENE: MSF Bloodsaber
The Bloodsaber was making a final approah to the space station. They stopped roughly 15 kilometers from the station. They had gotten a squadron of 45 SA-25A Badger's on patrol around the ship. Each of the Badgers was armed with 1 32mm Gatling Rail Gun, 6 40mm Rail Gun, and 8 Fusion Missiles. Enough fire power to take out the crappy little space station/satelite. Captain Henderson looked out the main window and then turned around. "Aleart Condition Red. Close Blast Doors." Suddenly there were alarms all over the ship and metal doors closed over the windows across the ship.
Across the rest of the ship men and women were running to their positions, manning the Defensive Missile Turrets and the Railguns. Within 3 minutes all battle positions were filled to the brim. Captain Henderson walked back to the communications table and pushed a few buttons, opening a channel.
"This is Captain Anthony Henderson of the Shazbotdom Ship MSF Bloodsaber. We kindly ask you to abandon your space satelite and relinquish control of it over to the Pure Socialist Holy Empire of Shazbotdom. Of whom which will disassemble it and scrap it for parts. If you fail to comply, we will take measures into our own hands. Bloodsaber out."
Terror Incognitia
27-04-2006, 23:17
Two of the Mustangs were down, as expected. One, however, had survived.
Later examination of flight recordings would reveal three missiles had targeted the plane to its right, and the pilot had evaded the one missile heading for him in a display of skill that, in a modern fighter, might have helped him a little.
"Red group, guns go hot."
The Mustang was now close enough that its bullets were having an effect; one of the helicopters was taking damage. How serious not even the pilot knew yet.
Meanwhile the fast-tracking miniguns had a window - a fraction of a second - to hit the Mustang; then it would be past, and time for another go with the missiles.
A hail of lead leapt out from under the nose of each helicopter. The accuracy was poor, but the sheer quantity was likely to have an effect.
Terror Incognitia
27-04-2006, 23:23
The Consilium Security Committee was in emergency session.
"The C&T satellite has eradicated a town. Villa de Rio in the rockies."
"Under whose control?"
"Outside the contested zone."
"I think we treat these men as terrorists, not warriors for a state. No retaliation, have them face trial."
"Get on the horn to all the nations that might retaliate. And anyone who might take out the satellite as well."
"Consider it done."
To: All Interested Parties
From: Incognitia
We intend to treat this heinous act as that of terrorists, not a state. We will therefore not, repeat NOT act against the rump government that the men of this satellite presumably think they represent. We urge other nations to do likewise.
We urge any nation dealing with the satellite, if possible, to capture it's crew and bring them to trial.
27-04-2006, 23:28
To: All Interested Parties
From: Incognitia
We intend to treat this heinous act as that of terrorists, not a state. We will therefore not, repeat NOT act against the rump government that the men of this satellite presumably think they represent. We urge other nations to do likewise.
We urge any nation dealing with the satellite, if possible, to capture it's crew and bring them to trial.
TO: Leadership of Incognitia
FROM: Captain Anthony Henderson
We are preparing to anihilate the space satelite weapon as we speak. That is if they do not agree to our terms of surrender. I suggest you look up at the sky, for there will be fireworks if they do not surrender.
Colorado and Texas
27-04-2006, 23:29
OOC: hmmm
ic: The loan remaing Mustang was hit many times the piolet in a suicidel bid twisted his flamming craft right towards the helicopeters. Screaming as blood flowed down his face.
In space a small swarm of F22a-3 space fighters flew trwoards the oncoming fleet. Over the radio the head inquesitor yelled come closer and I will fire the remaing hammers."
ooc: hope that makes sense
Terror Incognitia
27-04-2006, 23:32
Encrypted Communication:
To: Captain Henderson
Very well. We are certain you know your business. Better that than they be allowed to wreak further havoc.
27-04-2006, 23:37
In space a small swarm of F22a-3 space fighters flew trwoards the oncoming fleet. Over the radio the head inquesitor yelled come closer and I will fire the remaing hammers."
The fleet had remained stopped since they sent out the first message. Suddenly the Communications officer got some audio traffic over his headset and yelled, "Sir, we have a message from Colorado and Texas! I believe that it is comming from the space satelite."
They then played it over the radio for all to hear. Captain Henderson laughed and then checked his computer. He then stood up from his chair and walked up to a monitor that was viewing the outside of the ship. It zoomed in on the vessels comming at them. They looked outdated compared to the ships at the disposal of the Empire. He stared at it for a minute.
He then looked back at the weapons station. "Target one of those pissant ships. Tell the Badgers to key in on each ship, i don't care how many to one of their ships, it doesn't matter. We'll give the Colorado and Texas ships a few more minutes to decide what they want their fate to be."
Terror Incognitia
27-04-2006, 23:37
Frantic evasive action later the Mustang missed, narrowly. The helicopter was in trouble from the .50 bullets that had been pumping into it, but would survive to land somewhere. Two of the men it was carrying would not - it had long been known the Peregrine Mk1 had inadequate protection, but it had never been sorted out.
Its companions between them fired three more IR-homing missiles after the remaining Mustang. Privately they prayed the pilot would have the sense to bale out; rather than see another man die in a fireball 20,000 feet up.
Colorado and Texas
27-04-2006, 23:44
*the fighter piolts knew they would be dieing for god(brainwashing is fun) they all keyyed their weapons shooting it all in one great load. Singing their death songs they then proceded to try to kamakzee their firghters. Back on earth the troopers inside Boulder proceded to line their walls with the sick, elderly and young of the captured city. The new reformed Colorado and Texas troops could do nothing but stare with anguish. In space the mad Inquesitor keyed the meager defensive grid up to try to buy time as he locked on to many random cities. Knowing only 1.\10 of the girders would hit.
[Libertad, McKagan Province Zone, Velvet Air Force Base]
The weather in Libertad was as usual. The sun beating down on everything had created an area almost like the desert wasteland of Saharistan, where McKagan forces had fought their first overseas engagement. This created an area perfect for secret Imperial McKagan Air Force activities. With thermal indentification being almost impossible in the desert heat, bases for IMAF's infamous Secret Shining Projects (SSP's) were under every sand dune.
One of the most important bases was the one basing many of McKagan's small scale space projects. Among these projects was the MTKL-213.
Unmanned Combat Air Vehicles were always useful, especially in situations where a large human crew would be needed to support a long term mission.
The MTLK-213 takes advantage of this issue. Being simply a small airframe, it uses an external fueltank made to blend in with the aircrafts body for the first stage of its flight. The fueltank then, in one single (split second) action, falls away from the craft and into the ocean to be recovered by an Assault Submarine.
This is exactly what's happening, too. Upon the events of the Texans admiting to having a spacebourne superweapon (of sorts) and then another foreign nation engaging it, the IMAF decided it was the perfect time to give one of their best investments a trial by fire.
The MTLK-213 finally moved into Low Earth Orbit - long after having dropped off its external fuel tank. It continued to move on an arc away from Earth, towards Medium Earth Orbit.
The craft would turn back towards Earth at a certain time and come within weapons range of the Weapon at a point near the atmosphere. Being one of McKagan's stealthiest vehicles ensured that the vehicle would be able to get at least one of its 12 Missiles off during the engagement. If it was engaged heavily it could simply move deeper into space and come back again on a second attack. There was no way to link the attack to McKagan - it would appear to be part of the same foreign assault. The perfect trial by fire.
Colorado and Texas
28-04-2006, 01:56
ooc: McKagan good to see ya
ic: Broadcast to all nations
*a shadow man dressed like a pope sits http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v396/wardoggames/pope.jpg he rasps into the cammera. If you do not back down and return this land to my controll this poor damned people linning our walls shall die God hiself shall *here spittle is flying* SMITE THY ASSES!!!"
Behind the man can be seen his top Inquesitor Saint Orlef http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v396/wardoggames/inquestion.jpg
North Mack
28-04-2006, 01:56
An empty space within the Shazbotdom fleet was suddenly filled as a North Mack Lancer Class Destroyer shifted in.
The Captain of the ship, Mid Lance Freddy Marklen, stared out the front viewport on the command bridge.
"Comms, contact the lead Shazbotdom ship."
"Yes sir... contact made."
Marklen nodded, and turned twords the communications screen.
"This is Mid Lance Freddy Marklen of the North Mack fleet. The NMSS Hellfire is at your command. We have responded to reports of multiple Commonwealth nations engaged against hostile forces. However, due to the fact that we were quickly deployed, we do not have the intelligence we would like. If you could space some time, could you please notify us as to the current situation."
The MTLK-213 continued on its preprogrammed path through the empty void of space, occasionally changing directions to avoid getting too close to another satellite or piece of debris. In modern spaceflight close to earth was a very dangerious place. Satellites all had defensive countermeasures and possibly even offensive units nearby.
The aircraft was nearing its firing range. The weapons platform was no longer hidden by the Earths horizon. Suddenly a pair of missiles dropped from under the vessels short wings. They were forced downward for a good 5 seconds by the initial discharge that moved them out of the weapons bay.
They finally activated. Small, steady blasts moved them quickly towards the Texan weapon. At the exact moment their onboard computers detect Texan defensive fire, they'll explode, throwing 40 (each) small explosive cluster munitions in the general direction of the satellite.
Colorado and Texas
28-04-2006, 02:15
*on boad the satilite the Inquesitor grinned as he saw the flashes agenst the defensie screen*"Come all ye heathens! Target a random city in retaliation!!!!" The systems kicked in locking onto some random city, two girders launched burning into the atomspher.
North Mack
28-04-2006, 13:15
Marklen sighed as he watched two points of light streak twords what he assumed was the enemy installation mentioned in the deployment orders.
"Well, looks like the shit just hit the fan."
He turned to the comms officer. "Call in the fleet"
The comms officer nodded and bent over his console. A few seconds later, he gave the thumbs up, indicating the message had been sent. In just under a minute, the fleet had shifted in.
In the Fleet
4 Victory Class Dreadnaughts
9 Crusher Class Battleships
15 Lancer Class Destroyers
8 Myrin Class Light Destroyers
2 Myriad Class S.M. Frigates
35 Cutter Class Cruisers
4 Whale Class Carriers
10,000 Lightning Class StarFighters
2,000 Silver Class StarBombers
13 Tortise Class Troop Transports
1,000,000 Regular Infantry
300,000 Heavy Infantry
5 Wrath Class Orbital Bombardment Ships
28-04-2006, 15:43
SCENE: MSF Bloodsaber
Captain Henderson looked as he saw the two weapons falling through the atmosphere. He turned to weapons and nodded at them. They quickly punched in a few numbers and combinations into the onboard targeting computer and over 2 dozen defensive missiles launched out of the bottom of the ship towards the two "grinders". He watched as the missiles streaked towards their targets. Then he turned his attention back to the satelite.
"Target that fucking thing. Full weapons. I want hundreds, if not thousands, of railgun bolts and fusion missiles heading towards that piece of shit." he said in anger. Communications sent messages to all the small fighter craft to engauge with maximum fire power as weapons locked onto the station and the 22 forward railguns opened up, firing 10 rounds per minute at the satelite. You never wanted to piss off Henderson, and he would prove that to the leadership of Colorado and Texas.
North Mack
28-04-2006, 16:18
"Comms! Get me an S.M. Frigate NOW!!"
The comms officer scrambled to open a link to what was perhaps the most expensive ship in the entire North Mack Fleet.
"Link open sir!"
Marklen stared at the face of the S.M. Frigate Juggernaught's captain, Jacob Jamal.
"Jacob, I want some of your missiles inside that!" indicating the two 'grinders'
Jacob looked uncertain "Sir, it would be extremely difficult, we might not have enough time..."
"yes, sir..."
the comms screen blanked out.
the Juggernaught's missile team ran calculations as fast a they possibly could. Finally, a light on the targeting console blinked green.
"We have a lock on one of them sir!"
"Then fire at will."
the weapons officer turned and hit the fire button.
the missile in Bay 23 sat on its launch rack. then it didnt.
The S.M. , or Shift Missile, used the same technology as the ships of the Fleet. and each one cost about as much as a ship of the fleet. In the ENTIRE fleet, there were only 10 S.M. Frigates. and two were here.
The missile shifted from its launch rack, directly into the heart of one of the 'grinders'.
Then it detonated its sub-atomic warhead.
the grinder was destroyed. the other was not. Hopefully the Shazbotdom missiles would be enough to stop it.
Colorado and Texas
28-04-2006, 16:19
*the crew starts to sing thier death songs louder.*
"launch everything we have fire on the ships, launch every girder (multi-hundred a few will get through). May God have mercy on those heathen souls"
*he reaches over and hits the fire controll, rail guns bark and missles streak towars the flleets. The crew wathces in awe as the heavy girders streak towards mother earth.*
*back on earthin the Fortified City of Boulder the high Inquesitor prays for the soon to be fallen warriors. Out side the city the massed units of Reformed Colorado and Texas stare never thinking that the Weapon would ever be used.*
*the station starts to buckle, bulk heads slamming down to stop the air from leaking, out side of one area a crew member is sucked through a breach is blood a fine mist coating the fleet ship. The remmaing fighters turn trying to ram the largest ships.*
Terror Incognitia
28-04-2006, 16:28
Into this tableau; massed Reformed C&T troops watching in horror, madmen within the walls; came the six Incognitian helicopters.
They were cautious, on the lookout for SAMs, but their commander had a plan. It had been agreed with his men. And to hell with what the Consilium thought.
The choppers flew over the outskirts of the city, heading for the palace.
(OOC: assume you have a central command/control complex of some form.)
28-04-2006, 16:33
The defensive missiles of the Bloodsaber began shooting constantly at the incomming kamakazee fighters. The polarized hull would probably take the blunt of the impact but there was still the chance that they would damage something. "Evacuate the outside sections of the ship and close the emergency hatches!" Henderson yelled at the crew. The communications officer rushed to relay the message through the ship. He pushed a few buttons, "Evacuate outside sections. This is not a drill. Code RED." They scrambled to evacuate the areas, but one section was a little too late with their evacuation.
There was a loud BANG against a room in the left lower quadrant of the ship. Suddenly the wall buckled and blasted open in a spray of metal and furniture. The emergency bulkheads closed at the door of the room, but the people in the room never made it out. You could see 6 bodies floating away from the hole of the ship in space.
On the main viewer Captain Henderson watched as the missiles impacted their targets. Two of them onto the remaining Grinder and the rest onto the hull of the satelite. They exploded, sending metals out towards the heavens.
Casualty Reports:
6 Dead
15 wounded
Minor Structrual Damage
Colorado and Texas
28-04-2006, 16:36
ooc:aye there is.
ic: *the inquesitor troopers watched the on coming helicopters, the commander of the south wall radioed the lead helicopter.
"Back off or we will kill these civilians"
*to illistrate his point he pulled his .50 pistol and put a round into the young child he was holding*
ooc: they are evil
*The massed C&T troops surged forward knowing they cant do much. Over the walls flew two Warrior Class helicopters mini-guns spinning getting ready to fire.*
Terror Incognitia
28-04-2006, 16:41
OOC: What side are those helicopters on?
IC: "back off or we will kill these civilians"
"Gunner, one burst, rip him to shreds."
After one quick, targeted burst, the pilot turned on the loudspeakers.
The choppers hovered for a moment.
Meanwhile the rear part of the flight had developed targeting solutions on the two unidentified choppers; if they were enemy, they wouldn't be for very long.
Colorado and Texas
28-04-2006, 16:45
*the two helicopters hovered each one opend its side door letting the world see the tied families inside them. On the ground the troopers using the human shilds opend fire on the good*sic* forces. One Colorado Marine tried to snipe one of the inquesitors only to miss clipping the head of a young man, ripping his ear off splatering the inquesitor. The inqeisitor jams his kniif in to the young mans back. He then turns lifting and RPG to his shoulder trigging it towards the good copters.*
Terror Incognitia
28-04-2006, 16:52
The Incognitian helicopters were well practiced at this sort of messy fighting. Gunners were tracking likely troublemakers ahead of things really kicking off, and were using quick bursts against a series of inquestors and their allies.
As an example the one who fired an RPG had a burst from a minigun coming back towards him a fraction of a second later.
As soon as the Warrior helicopters showed their true colours, it was regretfully decided that those within them must be sacrificed to save others; three missiles were fired at each.
The RPG missed, but it had been fired at the damaged helicopter, and the strain of last minute evasive action was too much. The pilot told his passengers over the intercom "In about two minutes we're going to be on the deck. Be ready."
Colorado and Texas
28-04-2006, 16:58
*in the small town of Debbies Cleft the residents went on with thier lives not know that soon they would be wipped off the face of the earth by on of the six girders that made it through the atmospher. On her morning walk the mayor Reginal Lickass looked up just as the girder hit. His last throughts being."Well shite"*the explosion could be seen upto 100 miles away.*
*back at the battle the chopters exploded. The troopers manning the walls screamed as hot metal hit them. They fell back to the inner wall around the HQ building. Dragging the hostages with them. Rumbling through the streets came hundreds of humvees with .5o calls and 36 heavy battle tanks.*
28-04-2006, 17:03
Waiting for Casualty reports...
Terror Incognitia
28-04-2006, 17:09
"Red Six, large quantites of enemy vehicles. We can't take out all of this lot."
"Red Flight, ascend out of machinegun range."
"Uh, Red Six this is Red Three, we're going to be on the deck in a minute. Cannot comply."
"Very well Red Three, endeavour to land amongst friendlies, we will keep an eye on you. We'll be looking to take out as many of these vehicles as we can from up here, help out the good guys. Use your AVR on the way down."
Each helicopter carried two pods of Anti-Vehicle Rockets or AVR. 24 rockets in each pod, fireable individually or as a burst.
The doomed helicopter turned to face the massed vehicles and let loose the rockets in a massed burst.
The remainder swooped above the battle, aiming individual rockets at individual vehicles, starting with the tanks.
OOC: And that'll be my last post before Monday. Sorry 'bout that. Feel free to finish the battle without me; if not I'll catch up when I get back.
North Mack
28-04-2006, 21:17
A section of the south wall suddenly dissapeared in a shower of debris. 20 North Mack Black Ops soldiers ran through the breach, firing at men with the hostages. These soldiers had been deployed for over a month now, deep within the C&T territory. They had planned for something like this forever. now the training showed. Their bullets tore through many *evil* soldiers, and dropped them instantly. The commander of the soldiers looked around. "There!" he yelled, pointing to the inquisitor, "TAKE HIM OUT!!"
"Bring up Sheilds!"
"Sheilds up. 98%"
the view of the outside suddenly dissapeared, then quickly became visible again as the computers compensated for the quickly flickering Energy Sheild.
The NM Fleet moved to engage the enemy forces. Fighters streaked away from the carriers and defended the ships.
Silently, small Ship to Ground transports detatched from the Troop Carriers and fell twords the planet. They quickly dissapeared between the solid black, near impenetrable sheild meant to defend the transports against defensive fire. If all went as planned, 1,300,000 troops would soon be on the surface of the planet, ready to seize the palace.
OoC: North Mack never does ANYTHING half strength. and if the situation becomes REALLY dire, I can deploy another 79,000,000 soldiers. Yay Military Calc!!
Colorado and Texas
28-04-2006, 22:43
ooc: military calc?
List o the Dead
Two small towns about 3500
599 Civiliens so far from boulder
238 Reformed trooper
3 Inquesetors
1000+ Inquestor troopers
ic* Watching his breathren fall around him, seeing the invincable Lucifer's Hammer destroyed pushed trooper Kamic DeVen McNuter over the edge screaming he turned his Hellfire machine pistol on the school children he was watching body parts splatered.*
28-04-2006, 23:22
OOC: C&T, did the station blow up at all? or is it still standing?
Colorado and Texas
28-04-2006, 23:25
OOC: C&T, did the station blow up at all? or is it still standing?
ooc:It is gone but not forgotten
28-04-2006, 23:30
The viewscreen on the ship showed that the station was damaged but not destroyed. Captain Hendersoon look at the image on the screen to determine what would be done with the wreckage. Looking back and forth at the manifest of weapons on board the ship, he was formulating a plan that would ensure that this weapon wouldn't fall into the hands of another rediculously immature government ever again. He turned towards the weapons officer and pointed him towards the Captains Ready Room.
They both walked across the bridge to the room at the back and shut the door.
"You wanted to speak with me, sir?"
"Yes. I think that it is time that we make sure this weapondoesn't fall into Colorado and Texas's hands ever again. I want it blown up. Tell the fighters that we are dropping the nuke out the back of the ship. They are to tow it to the station and release it inside the hull. we will then remote detonate it from a safe distance. Also, notify the McKagen fleet of our intentions so they move to the safe zone."
"Yes, Sir."
TO: McKagen Fleet
FROM: Captain Henderson of Shazbotdom
We are going to destroy that damned station. We ask for fighter cover while we plant a nuke inside the station with our fighters. This mission is to ensue peace and prosperity for all those who would be at risk of this weapon. We thank you for your quick reply
Colorado and Texas
28-04-2006, 23:44
*the battle rages hard in Boulder, C&T troopers pushing the Inquesitors into other building, house to house fighting abound. As the reformers moved in they stared as they passed people cruicified some still alive. On the far side of the city surounding the Citidal behind the thousands of hostages the troopers sat, sweat pouring down there eyes.*
29-04-2006, 00:04
SCENE: Shazbotdom Military Command
Command had known about the fighting on the ground since it broke out. It had gotten to the point in which they were preparing to call an emergency meeting of the Parliament to discuss the possibility of initiating an actual Declaration of War against Colorado and Texas. They watched the screen tediously to try and calculate the probability of a war helping to destroy the tyranical regeme that currently holds the nation.
The ticker printed out a sheet of paper.
Colorado and Texas
29-04-2006, 00:36
ooc:what do those stats mean?
29-04-2006, 18:52
ooc:what do those stats mean?
Thats just stuff that the Generals at Marine Command are looking at to see the probability of us overthrowing your current government as calculated by the supercomputer. It's not viewable to anyone else besides my nation.
Colorado and Texas
29-04-2006, 19:13
ooc:cool but the only place that needs over throwing is BOulder, my people cant go in dont want to kill there own.
29-04-2006, 19:38
SCENE: Shazbotdom Marine Command
The generals were waiting for a final say from the Parliament about what would be going on in the conflict with Colorado and Texas. The generals sat around watching latest news reports from the monitors, seeing if those damned idiots would try anything else. Reports were that the nuke situation on the space station worked, the thing was incinerated within seconds of the explositon.
SCENE: Parliament Building, Main Chamber
"But what have THEY done to us?" Cried one of the minority parliamentary members. He didn't want another war so soon after the last one. He did have a good point, but he didn't know that they attacked the space fleet yesterday.
"What did they do to us you ask?" Said the Speaker of the Parliament. "They tried to use their superweaon against our ships in space, they used their superweaon against civilian targets, and they attacked our ships in space with kamakazee fighters. THAT is what they did to us." This caused an uproar within the membership. Some were yelling things.
"We want a vote now!" those yelled. "Lets kill the bastards in charge of that nation!" others yelled. And some yelled things so obscene that they won't be repeated here. So it was decided that a vote would take place. Each man and woman in the parliament were instructed to pick up their voting device and press a button on the current bill at hand.
The vote results came in roughly 10 minutes later.
FOR: 5,241
Colorado and Texas
29-04-2006, 19:47
*inside the citidal the situation was bleak, the Inquesitor forces had been pushed all the way back, they were down to only a hand full of child hostages. The grounds out side the fortifided citidal the ground was litterd with people. Many wearnbg the uniforms of the Reformed Colorado anf Texas forces, hundreds in inqueitor uniforms, the largest part was civilians. Men women and childrens bodies lay scatered. Reformed medics did what they could for the wounded. Back inside the Head inquesitor orderd his hit squads to head towards the enamy territories sneak in and cause havok. He then porocedded to gather his family and elite troops. Heading deep underground he bordered a tram. It took him out side the citidal where he was met by civilien suporter. They proceded to take him towards the far border. As the first Reformed troops headed in the cital exploded. The city of Boulder was vaperized in an spectaculear explosion. The 25,000 pluse citizens left died. Luckey for them the majority of the reformed troops were well outside the blast zone in side Fort Denver.
ooc: now come trying toi catch the Inquesitor. The goverment is now under Comanderr Dictator Ragnar DeVill.
North Mack
29-04-2006, 22:16
"Holy shit... the entire city just... exploded..." Three star general Terrance Goulair stared at the expanding bubble of hot plasma.
Goulair turned and saw a young corporal running into the ready room onboard the North Mack Dreadnaught Trinakai. He had old-style paper message in his hand. "From the Emperor himself."
Gouldair raised an eyebrow and took the message. He opened it and quickly read through it. Then he looked up at the assembled officers onboard.
"Gentlemen, The Emperor has just authorised full military action against these 'inquisitor' troops." He said smiling slightly. "Up to and including full strength POB's."
OoC: POB = Precicion Orbital Bombardment
The landing pods touched down just outside of what used to be Boulder. All 1,300,000 troops poured out and immediatley secured the perimeter. Right after that, 500,000 moved in to secure the rubble, while the rest began to fan outward to find the escaped inquisitor.
The equipment and training of each NM Special Ops soldier cost about as much as a small Fleet task force.
and they had just lost 20.
the empire was not happy. and they were going to make somebody pay.
Colorado and Texas
29-04-2006, 22:24
The viachles pulled up to a old tran yard in the dead of night. The Inquesitor and his 100+ men snuck out and climbed on the a train that pulled up. On bored they mingled with the ocupents. Many of who were young children refugees from Boulder.*
North Mack
03-05-2006, 01:53
the infantry moved into the destroyed city, searching for any survivors. seeing that there was nothing left of value, they all joined the search for the missing inquisitors. StarFighters decended into the atmosphere and began patrolling, looking for anything suspicious
Colorado and Texas
03-05-2006, 02:00
*the long train covered in refugees pulled out towards Commerece City where they would be assmulated into the realm. No one knew that the armed people that had come one were anything other then refugees. also.