Embassies Anyone?
23-04-2006, 04:47
The Holy Empire of Witnessia is a Jehovah's Witness majority nation (Jehovah's Witnesses and another denomination I am thinking on are the state churches).
Our leader, Charles Taze Russell (Real Life Founder of the JW's) would like nations to open embassies in our nation.
Embassies anyone?
Embassy List:
Aqua Anu
23-04-2006, 04:47
Pythogria would be happy to exchange embassies.
OOC: Hey, need an army? I can sell you stuff.
23-04-2006, 04:50
An army would be good, ours is being fixed up.
Also, consider an embassy done, Pythogria.
23-04-2006, 04:51
Consider it done, Kanami.
I'm in.
I also recomend you join the Global Alliance of Soverign Nations for protection. Search for GASN and there should be a topic.
23-04-2006, 04:56
Have a link to GASN?
Also, consider it done.
23-04-2006, 04:58
Jaredcohenia will trade embassies.
Kubra would be happy to set up an embassy in your nation.
23-04-2006, 04:59
Thanks, Jaredcohenia.
23-04-2006, 04:59
An army would be good, ours is being fixed up.
Also, consider an embassy done, Pythogria.
OOC: OOC means Out-Of-Character. As in, not Pythogria speaking, but me speaking. IC means In-0Character, as in not me speaking, but Pythogria speaking.
For your army, we are willing to sell:
1. ZS-1 Infantry Battlesuits
2. ZA-1 Infantry Assualt Rifles
3. ZP-1 Infantry Pistols
4. ZT-1 Anti-Tank Missile Launchers
5. XM-1 MBT
6. XS-1 HBT
7. XR-1 Recon Vehicle
9. XL-1 Logistcs Truck
10. XA-1 Light Carryall
11. XA-2 Medium Carryall
12. XL-3 Heavy Carryall
13. AF-1 Terrabyte Fighter, can be refitted to Fighter/Bomber
14. AH-1 Attack Helicopter
15. ATH-1 Transport Helicopter
16. AT-1 Transport Plane (Can be refitted to AB-1 Heavy Bomber)
17. AB-1 Heavy Bomber (Can be refitted to AT-1 Transport Plane)
18. VB-1 Von Grapple Battleship
19. VA-1 Bald Eagle Aircraft Carrier
20. VC-1 Cruiser
21. VF-1 Frigate
22. VS-1 Submarine
23. O-1 Kabalt Orbital Cannonball System
24. Incapaciton Less-than-Lethal Nerve Gas
Price for the ability to make all this: $750 Billion USD (Trust me this is a bargain.)
Disclaimer: I'm not responsible for any problems that arise from misuse of this.
23-04-2006, 04:59
Thanks, Kubra
23-04-2006, 05:00
Pythogria, Witnessia will pay you for your weaponry, etc for our army. Thanks.
23-04-2006, 05:02
Pythogria, Witnessia will pay you for your weaponry, etc for our army. Thanks.
Pythogria thanks you for your buisness.
OOC: Basically, my stuff is heavily armored, hi-tech, heavily armed, and a bit slow. Other than my fighters and stuff like that. Oh, and Incapaciton basically makes people rather dumb, drowsy, unco-ordinated, and very, very slow for a minute to week depending on dosage.
23-04-2006, 05:02
How do I join the Global Alliance of Soverign Nations?
Also look into the League of Nations
23-04-2006, 05:03
Witnessia welcomes Pythogria. Also, we wish to tell you, despite Jehovah's Witnesses (along with another denomination) is the state religion, we are not extremists, etc.
23-04-2006, 05:04
How do I join the Global Alliance of Soverign Nations?
The one I co-founded? Post on our thread. It's called, "Global Alliance of Sovriegn Nations".
23-04-2006, 05:04
Witnessia welcomes Pythogria. Also, we wish to tell you, despite Jehovah's Witnesses (along with another denomination) is the state religion, we are not extremists, etc.
Good, you seem sane and safe.
23-04-2006, 05:06
Kanami, do you have a link to the League of Nations?
23-04-2006, 05:07
Pythogria, can I have a link to the GASN thread? Also, thanks for saying we were sane and safe.
GASN (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=477689)
Also, would you like to be in a full nation-nation alliance with Blaglug?
http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=478390 GASN is also a body to the League
23-04-2006, 05:09
Pythogria, can I have a link to the GASN thread? Also, thanks for saying we were sane and safe.
EDIT: Oh, Blaglug got here before me.
23-04-2006, 05:11
Charles Russell is the leader of the Traditionalist Party, while Joseph Rutherford is Tzar Joseph I (may change)
Other ministers include:
Nathan Homer Knorr
Frederick William Franz
Milton George Henschel
Don A. Adams
23-04-2006, 05:12
Charles Russell is the leader of the Traditionalist Party, while Joseph Rutherford is Tzar Joseph I (may change)
Other ministers include:
Nathan Homer Knorr
Frederick William Franz
Milton George Henschel
Don A. Adams
This all may be changed later, still planning Witnessia out (OOC)
Aqua Anu
23-04-2006, 05:14
Aqua Anu would love to have an embassy
23-04-2006, 05:16
Consider it done, AA.
Ustia would love to have an Embassy in your nation.
23-04-2006, 06:23
Embassy accepted, Ustia.
The Holy Empire of Witnessia is a Jehovah's Witness majority nation (Jehovah's Witnesses and another denomination I am thinking on are the state churches).
Our leader, Charles Taze Russell (Real Life Founder of the JW's) would like nations to open embassies in our nation.
Embassies anyone?
The Free Land of Xontaro would welcome the exchange of embassies.
And all ambassadors get a free copy of the case law of our nation and the Unified Civil and Criminal Code, bound in handsome marq-woord with gold detailing.
However, you should know that we do not recognize diplomatic immunity in capital crimes cases. Just fair warning.
(OOC - oh, we are still waiting to find out which region we are in. Some people never answer their mail)
Franko Obner
Chancellor, Foreign Office
Greater Chinese Region
23-04-2006, 07:59
Incoming Transmission:
TO: Witnessia
FROM: Ministry of Defense, Greater Chinese Region
The Greater Chinese Region would like to exchange embassies with your nation. Although our government is secular, we hold religious freedom to high standards.
We await your response.
-End Transmission
The Holy Empire of Witnessia is a Jehovah's Witness majority nation (Jehovah's Witnesses and another denomination I am thinking on are the state churches).
Our leader, Charles Taze Russell (Real Life Founder of the JW's) would like nations to open embassies in our nation.
Embassies anyone?
Illuminary President Zav Tremens today announced the appointment of Reverend Sister Joetta Diaseen as Ambassador to the Holy Empire of Witnessia.
“As we usher in a new age of accord with other nations, it is only fitting that Reverend Sister Joetta be named as our Ambassador to the Holy Empire of Witnessia, having served for many years at the Sacred Grove at the University of Kraetas. I know that our People will welcome her future contributions, even as the Illuminary Parliament and I have recognized her past ones.”
Reverend Sister Joetta will be accompanied to the Holy Empire of Witnessia by a staff of approximately 15 people, plus an Honor Guard, comprised of three officers and five enlisted men, personally selected by Brigadier General Margaret Talaveras. The Reverend Sister will also be accompanied by her foster-daughter, who lost her birth-parents in a landslide three years ago.
“To be offered such a key position in the development of our country was an extreme shock, and a great honor,” the Ambassador announced after her swearing in before the full Parliament, High Court and Cabinet. “I welcome the chance to more fully serve our fair People, and to serve also the people of another country.”
As gifts to the Holy Empire of Witnessia, the Ambassador carries with her a case of Bippi Cola, as well as copies of the Constitution, the Unified Civil and Criminal Code, and the complete case law of the Free Land of Xontaro. She and her staff will travel to the Holy Empire of Witnessia by means of helo-jet, recently acquired by the Air Force and permanently assigned for the use of the Foreign Office.
The name of the new Ambassador to our country from Holy Empire of Witnessia has not yet been announced, but Chancellor of the Foreign Office Franko Oberno has already begun planning a tasteful welcoming ceremony.
24-04-2006, 01:11
The embassies of Greater Chinese Region and Xontaro are being built. The ambassador of Witnessia to Xontaro is Vincent De Witt.
The embassies of Greater Chinese Region and Xontaro are being built. The ambassador of Witnessia to Xontaro is Vincent De Witt.
Ambassador De Witt will be housed at 200 Deep Root Grove.
(I am starting to spread the embassies out a little.)