Character FT RP Sign Up/OOC [Interested? Find Out]
22-04-2006, 23:26
So here is a link to the thread I just started: Link (
Pretty easy to understand what is happening. If you have questions, here is where they go. If you have insults, keep them to yourself. If you have praise, then please display to your heart's content. Have fun and if you are interested, feel free to join up.
Basic Rules
1. No stupidness
2. No frakking god-modding
3. No massive armies or hordes (unless I say so)
4. No wimping out (ie "You missed me!")
5. Have fun!
22-04-2006, 23:42
22-04-2006, 23:48
your all lazy bums...bump
23-04-2006, 09:41
24-04-2006, 08:24
Come on people...I know you want to just have to put effort into it.
EFFORT?! Awwww... WTF?!
I would love to help you out, but... I dislike, and indeed lack sufficient knowledge of 40k to be of any use.
The Exodians
24-04-2006, 12:02
This looks interesting, but I have a few questions to ask first. Most importantly, how big is the problem of my race being non-humanoid? I know that the 40K human empire is about as xenophobic as you can get it.
And what is that Inquisitor up to exactly? Trying to become a god doesn't exactly sound like serving the Emperor properly...
24-04-2006, 14:41
This looks interesting, but I have a few questions to ask first. Most importantly, how big is the problem of my race being non-humanoid? I know that the 40K human empire is about as xenophobic as you can get it.
And what is that Inquisitor up to exactly? Trying to become a god doesn't exactly sound like serving the Emperor properly...
If your race if non-human, that is fine. No problems. You do not have to be a WH40k race, or an expert in WH40k to join the rp.
And yea, he's not the most devout worshipper of his Divine Highness. Which is what I was intending. (ie, other people and their small secret organizations try stopping him and destroying the Ancient's Glyph.)
24-04-2006, 15:53
I am very much interested in joining. I am very familar with the 40k universe, although my character would be something not often seen within it, certainly not in the tabletop. My character would be a salvaged robot, salvaged from the countless years since the Horus Herasy with some human being part of it (similar to a Dreadnought, but hardly on the same scale. Human-sized, and with two fist mounted bolters on it's powerfists). I can write you a full detailed description if you wish.
The Exodians
24-04-2006, 17:36
Well, the race is found here. ( In the thread that has been around the past few days. And don't worry, I know plenty about the 40K universe, I'm a player of the tabletop version myself.
Now what should be my goal here. I guess I could just try to capture the thing for myself, but that wouldn't exactly fit with the race.
I know it now. You humans are so destructive already, you really don't need another way of getting other species killed. So we will attempt to stop you from using that, even if it means having to destroy the Glyph,
(To be honest, I intend to use this as a method to try out the ideas I had for their equipment without having such a large scale effect as in a war in case something goes wrong. Just so you know that in advance.)
Yeah, I'm interested. As a ex-40K player, until I found that I'd spent over £200 on my Eldar army, I know a bit about it.
24-04-2006, 18:18
Inquisitor Ezekial, High Lord of the Inquisition; Esteemed student and pupil of the Unholy Emperor Remiel De Drakan himself, one of the foremost defenders of the Chronosian Imperium. With his small retinue at his back, he has faced countless evils; made amazing discoveries in the name of the Imperium; wrested artifacts from ancient vaults and the hands of the putrid Xenos who possess him. Never has there been a more devoted servant of the Emperor, the Imperium or the Ruinous Powers.
Well post on da thread mate.
The Exodians
24-04-2006, 20:31
I'll begin posting IC tomorrow, I need to think up a good reason to explain why I would be watching some human looking about. (If all else fails, the purple beam of light is always a good reason...)
25-04-2006, 09:04
Great! Your all welcome, and it would be very nice to have Chron onboard, since technically this would affect him a bit more since it's sort of a rebellious inquisitor.
The Exodians
25-04-2006, 15:40
Could we get some more information about that purple(?) crystal this is about? We know it can emit a big beam of purple light, and that the Inquisitor thinks it will make him a god, but that's about all we get.
25-04-2006, 15:43
I would join in, but I just started back in NS. Not sure if I'd be a welcome addition considering all that, hehe.
25-04-2006, 16:32
I would join in, but I just started back in NS. Not sure if I'd be a welcome addition considering all that, hehe.
I know your worth Anagonia, no problems, feel free to join.
Could we get some more information about that purple(?) crystal this is about? We know it can emit a big beam of purple light, and that the Inquisitor thinks it will make him a god, but that's about all we get.
With the Glyph Inquisitor Graham would be able to do anything from the following list:
1. Warp minds (ie take over them)
2. Fire large and powerful pysker attacks (lighting, etc)
3. Heal very fast (ie, you stab him or shoot him and the holes and cut sow up automatically)
4. Control, to a certain degree, Warp Space (create Warp Storms)
5. Make shiny lights appear
6. Summon small amounts of daemons
7. give him immortality
Those are some of the basic things I can come up with, and what it can give him. However, because he is human and is still learning about the Glyph, he can only use so much of his power. Meaning he doesn't have an endless stream of lightning balls to throw and cannot cause a warp hole the size of the Eye of Terror to appear. However since he already has tremendous skillat manipulating minds, he is able to warp minds with relative ease; but he needs to have them in eye sight to do so. And the immortality part comes with a hitch: he has to have the stone with him at all times.
So have fun, and I expect you in the rp.
hell fire, thats nasty. Still with my caracters thousands of years experience maybe we can stop him...
The Exodians
25-04-2006, 17:29
*Reads crystal powers* I'm really sure my race is doing a good thing by trying to destroy that artifact. The Imperium shouldn't get access to anything that can get near the power of gods, not now, not never.
But how to stop him now he already has the thing...difficult...
25-04-2006, 18:01
*Reads crystal powers* I'm really sure my race is doing a good thing by trying to destroy that artifact. The Imperium shouldn't get access to anything that can get near the power of gods, not now, not never.
But how to stop him now he already has the thing...difficult...
Not to mention already off the planet and gone...
25-04-2006, 18:27
Also, I'm going to escalate things a bit. You are now allowed to use small armies to accomplish your chosen objectives. I expect some small powerful army of the Inquisition from Chron, and other small organization and intelligance units to be operating once each of you has found the location and seen to what extent the damage is.
The Exodians
25-04-2006, 19:30
So now you're fleet is gone and went to some sort of Imperial planet?
No problems with me there, just means my sneakiness level can go down by a lot on that dead world...
25-04-2006, 19:35
So now you're fleet is gone and went to some sort of Imperial planet?
No problems with me there, just means my sneakiness level can go down by a lot on that dead world...
well, once he touched the jewel and made that light; he activated it. Anyone with a 6th sense would feel it. However I've never known anyone to have instantaneous travel methods, which was what you seemed to be doing.
He had time to get back to his ship, convert it, and leave; less than a day. And mind you this is a planet that few have seen in the past several centuries. It would be hard to locate among a very large collection of galaxies.
So basically, I'm keeping things a bit more 'real'.
The Exodians
25-04-2006, 19:38
I'm sorry if I appeared it to be instantaneous. I was planning on having a set of single 'persons' travelling around in hibernation in Investigation Pods. This by way of scouting without having to use battleships for that. I think I also forgot to put 'several hours/days later' before the second part of my post, indicating the time between those activities.
Serves me right for not paying enough attention to what I posted...
Psyker Bearzerkers
25-04-2006, 19:53
40k? Hope i can still join!
25-04-2006, 20:16
40k? Hope i can still join!
Feel free too. Welcome, welcome.
The Exodians
26-04-2006, 14:47
Edited my post to fix the timeframe, will get another one up soon.
Well the Webways pritty instantanious, my understanding of it si that you can appear anywhere in the galexy if you know it well, and you can't know it better than my character (More will be revealed) Anybody got problems with the webway letting him appear on Thrashs ship? Reasons:
The webway can get you virtually anywehre in the galexys, very quickly. if you knew it well enough you could end up exactly where you wanted. As Eldrad does with the Ulthran Strike Force.
The Exodians
26-04-2006, 17:03
Before I continue further into the ruïned tunnels, is there anything I should know about that's in there and could become a danger?
@Aust: Well, you do have to know where something is exactly to get there don't you?
Psyker Bearzerkers
26-04-2006, 17:53
how are the sides stacked righ now? i dont mind being a follower of the corspe god if i have too. Looks like the eldar are the only non chaos right now...
26-04-2006, 18:44
Before I continue further into the ruïned tunnels, is there anything I should know about that's in there and could become a danger?
@Aust: Well, you do have to know where something is exactly to get there don't you?
Well there are several old boody-traps. Graham used his power on the Obsidian door to disengage them. And the Watcher is already dead, so no real big nasties. So maybe a few of your party can fall to having thier soul leeched from their body by moving into the door first. Works twice btw.
how are the sides stacked righ now? i dont mind being a follower of the corspe god if i have too. Looks like the eldar are the only non chaos right now...
Well here is a rendition counting:
Bad Guys
Inquisitor Graham
Good Guys
Out for revenge to gain the crystal Guys
I think that is it...did I miss anyone?
And who says my characters Eldar, I don't think ie ver said he was. Just because he sues the webway and Eldar weapons....
Trust me he's not Eldar, he's older, far older-or at least not older than the race but older than every other race. He comes from an idea I got when i was talking to Phil kelly (Members of the GW planning dept.) He was saying how there where 3 races in the Eldar/Necron war. One of thsoe frections was far, far odler than eathier but had now almost vanished from the galexy. There responcable for several artifacts that have been found around adn about...
Psyker Bearzerkers
27-04-2006, 17:51
Well here is a rendition counting:
Bad Guys
Inquisitor Graham
Good Guys
Out for revenge to gain the crystal Guys
If graham needs a leutenent, then i'd be willing to rp the part. like an in the shadow assassin or whatever, if he prefers his own thing, then roll with it i can rp another enemy fer him... sorry, i ask too many questions but i need to know as much as possible or i can muck up an rp...
28-04-2006, 08:13
If graham needs a leutenent, then i'd be willing to rp the part. like an in the shadow assassin or whatever, if he prefers his own thing, then roll with it i can rp another enemy fer him... sorry, i ask too many questions but i need to know as much as possible or i can muck up an rp...
A lieutenant would be cool, especially one that works off-stage, so to speak. Maybe you can have your guy appear on the planet that Graham just landed on; more convienant for you that way.
The Exodians
28-04-2006, 15:37
Well, who is good or bad does remain a matter of opinion in the end. (Late response, couldn't get on yesterday.)
Well there are several old boody-traps. Graham used his power on the Obsidian door to disengage them. And the Watcher is already dead, so no real big nasties. So maybe a few of your party can fall to having thier soul leeched from their body by moving into the door first. Works twice btw.
As you might have seen, there is only the two of them down there. Although I don't expect Itzc and Terz to live through the entire thing, killing both of them already sounds a bit premature. I think I'll have to think up a way to make the effects a bit less lethal to one of them...
(PS. Why isn't anybody else posting?)
Thrash, need a reply to my guy breakign aboard your ship.
Psyker Bearzerkers
28-04-2006, 18:04
I'll be rping my guy as a csm, unless graham would rather have another...
30-04-2006, 16:29
Thrash, need a reply to my guy breakign aboard your ship.
That was on my ship? I find it hard for that to happen...I would assume you just landed on the planet...but ok, I'll go with that. Mind you Graham is no longer on the ship, but you're welcome to sniff around for clues.
30-04-2006, 16:30
I'll be rping my guy as a csm, unless graham would rather have another...
That was on my ship? I find it hard for that to happen...I would assume you just landed on the planet...but ok, I'll go with that. Mind you Graham is no longer on the ship, but you're welcome to sniff around for clues.
Technically it's perfectly possable-the webway makes it possable as, tchnically, it opens up to every point in the galexy at once.
01-05-2006, 13:45
And who says my characters Eldar, I don't think ie ver said he was. Just because he sues the webway and Eldar weapons....
Trust me he's not Eldar, he's older, far older-or at least not older than the race but older than every other race. He comes from an idea I got when i was talking to Phil kelly (Members of the GW planning dept.) He was saying how there where 3 races in the Eldar/Necron war. One of thsoe frections was far, far odler than eathier but had now almost vanished from the galexy. There responcable for several artifacts that have been found around adn about...
You do realise that everyone knows about the "Old Ones" since before their self-imposed stasis, the necrons warred upon the Old Ones and their servant races including the Eldar and the "Krork". The Old Ones were almost entirely destroyed by the war and by the ensuing Enslaver plague. So technically, were you being an old One; you'd be one of the race who made the Slann
01-05-2006, 13:46
Chaos Space Marine?
You do realise that everyone knows about the "Old Ones" since before their self-imposed stasis, the necrons warred upon the Old Ones and their servant races including the Eldar and the "Krork". The Old Ones were almost entirely destroyed by the war and by the ensuing Enslaver plague. So technically, were you being an old One; you'd be one of the race who made the Slann
*Attempts to reamber 40K history* Slann....Slann...can't be Slannesh can this was Fantasy I would understand the refrence, but you can't be talking Lizardmen...
I know what your talking about in the 1st bit, but that last bit confused me. And yes your right. However, supposedly a few Old-Ones stayed behind to help things out. The Emporer was supposed to be one.
01-05-2006, 14:32
In Fantasy, Slann were the favored servants of the Old Ones; who reputedly made the world, travelled through dimensional gates before being overrun by Chaos. While its doubtful that the Emperor himself was one; he may have been subject of their engineering; as it is rumored may be the Tau.
Supposedly some did survive; but the C'tan and the Necrons despise them, and hunt them mercilessly
Krowow Liliowach
01-05-2006, 14:41
Are there still openings in the party for this rp? I'd be interested as joining as a follower of Tzeentch, the great changer of ways, however, if the party is closed, i don't want to expend the effort of developing a my nation state either way
In Fantasy, Slann were the favored servants of the Old Ones; who reputedly made the world, travelled through dimensional gates before being overrun by Chaos. While its doubtful that the Emperor himself was one; he may have been subject of their engineering; as it is rumored may be the Tau.
Supposedly some did survive; but the C'tan and the Necrons despise them, and hunt them mercilessly
Theres a lot of clues in the texts that the Emproer was one though. If you ahve a old 40K ruleback look at a story at the back.
I havn't heard anything about the Tau being created by the Old Ones tho.
01-05-2006, 16:40
Well, its hinted at that they were engineered; my bets are on the Old Ones...
Psyker Bearzerkers
01-05-2006, 18:09
sorry for the timming but yes a chaos space marine... But since he is a rouge psyker himself i could be anything; asassin, psyker, what ever you can think of... Dreadnaught :P
The Exodians
01-05-2006, 18:15
With all these 'pure' 40K persons, I'm starting to feel a bit of an outsider here...
Ah well, atleast it avoids having some sort of ally to who I would give the crystal and then regret it later.
But somehow I'm starting to doubt the existence of any of the real Old Ones/Slann at this time. The Necrons and C'Tan should have exterminated every single last of them by now...
Psyker Bearzerkers
01-05-2006, 18:22
in suc vastness, even a god will miss a speck....
Well, its hinted at that they were engineered; my bets are on the Old Ones...
They hint a lot of things don't they...
Actually that isn't a bad idea-a new race to defeat the aincent enermy. and it just 'happens' that the warp storms surrounding there planet fell at (about) the same time the Necrons reappeared.
01-05-2006, 19:07
And they have very small almost non-existant presence in the warp; so their power won't go out of control like it did during the War in Heaven, where the Psyker powers created the Warp as we know it, probably the Chaos gods, as well as the enslaver plague
Psyker Bearzerkers
02-05-2006, 00:20
:P what are my orders graham?
02-05-2006, 07:15
Are there still openings in the party for this rp? I'd be interested as joining as a follower of Tzeentch, the great changer of ways, however, if the party is closed, i don't want to expend the effort of developing a my nation state either way
Your welcome to join. Just put everything you write through Word so at least the majority of your writing will not be wrong.
-snip, everything, -snip-
I suppose you could be a person who was some sort of ancient servant of the Old Ones but I do not think that it would be that easy to travel the Warp since things are a lot more chaotic there than the last time the Old Ones were around to do anything about it.
Hmm....I dunno...let me figure it out after I take a look in the rp page.
And they have very small almost non-existant presence in the warp; so their power won't go out of control like it did during the War in Heaven, where the Psyker powers created the Warp as we know it, probably the Chaos gods, as well as the enslaver plague
Well we know how Slanesh was formed and we can guess the others:
Khrone must have been born via a massive slaughter
Nurgle-a massive plaugue
and I don't know about the 'changer of ways'.
And Thrash-thats why I'm using the webway.
The Exodians
02-05-2006, 17:40
Questions for Trashia:
1) Are you alright with me following your vessel to whatever planet Graham and his retinue are now, or is there something preventing that?
2) How exactly should it continue when they arrive? My original plan didn't include an army, but how should I do something against the population of an entire planet without one?
Krowow Liliowach
02-05-2006, 23:11
For some reason I can't subscribe to this thread...
How about the use of the force?
03-05-2006, 11:48
Questions for Trashia:
1) Are you alright with me following your vessel to whatever planet Graham and his retinue are now, or is there something preventing that?
2) How exactly should it continue when they arrive? My original plan didn't include an army, but how should I do something against the population of an entire planet without one?
1) Not really, it would be pretty easy to follow Graham's 'warp trail'. His power and the crystal leave a pretty self-evident path to follow.
2) Well, your original mission perameters were to find the crystal, report anything, and try stopping the humans from getting it. So, you could follow at a length, get information, get the hell out and then come back with a small household private army or something.
Krowow Liliowach
03-05-2006, 16:43
Are you ok with Aust and I teaming up? as that seems like where we're headed.
Are you ok with Aust and I teaming up? as that seems like where we're headed.
No doubt where both panning to betray each other tho.
04-05-2006, 16:53
Are you ok with Aust and I teaming up? as that seems like where we're headed.
That is fine. Just be sure to keep it simple.
@ Reken:
I'm stopping you sir, because you are godmodding. Not severely. But you are. Entering the system, let alone landing on the planet where Graham is, without giving me or other systems to detect you (as they would be detecting you) is a god-mod. Then the appearance of a major fleet out of no where. I saw no prior organization of such a force, nor did I see an major preperation for such an offensive. I suggest you alter your first post to entering the system where Practeus Prime is, on a search mission which your forces would be on since you do not know the full situation.
And I would ask you to delete your second post, since your first post (once altered) will make it useless.
The Exodians
04-05-2006, 17:25
@Trashia (Once again.)
I haven't listed an exact number of troops yet, but what were you thinking off when you said 'a small army'? A few dozen, several hundred, thousands?
04-05-2006, 17:33
@Trashia (Once again.)
I haven't listed an exact number of troops yet, but what were you thinking off when you said 'a small army'? A few dozen, several hundred, thousands?
several thousand would be fine. Graham has 40,000 Imperial Guard and say about 2-3k space marines. Graham is mostly getting these forces in expectation of meeting other Inquisitor Lords and their retinues. So it would be fine if you were to come in with ground troops of around a dozen thousand or so. Just remember, not everyone after the Glyph is your friend.
The Exodians
04-05-2006, 17:38
several thousand would be fine. Graham has 40,000 Imperial Guard and say about 2-3k space marines. Graham is mostly getting these forces in expectation of meeting other Inquisitor Lords and their retinues. So it would be fine if you were to come in with ground troops of around a dozen thousand or so.
Alright, I just fixed the number of ships to make it more believable that twelve thousand of them fit in the Carriers.
Just remember, not everyone after the Glyph is your friend.
So far everybody seems to be interested in keeping it for themselves, so I consider them all as enemies at the moment...
05-05-2006, 09:13
Alright, I just fixed the number of ships to make it more believable that twelve thousand of them fit in the Carriers.
So far everybody seems to be interested in keeping it for themselves, so I consider them all as enemies at the moment...
Thats fine.
@ ALL: Be aware of your troops count. I don't want everyone acting like Reken and bringing in a large fleet. Graham has only four battleship-sized (maybe 1-2.5 kilometers long) ships.
Alright, I just fixed the number of ships to make it more believable that twelve thousand of them fit in the Carriers.
So far everybody seems to be interested in keeping it for themselves, so I consider them all as enemies at the moment...
Atcually Elrad isn't intrested in keeping it, he's intrested in taking and then hiding it away somewhere or destroying it.
Psyker Bearzerkers
05-05-2006, 17:02
well he still wants/needs it, i think that was the point he was trying to make...
The Exodians
05-05-2006, 17:10
The main point is indeed that all of you want to take it away to somewhere, and then do something with it. We are just planning to get in there, find the Crystal, and destroy it at the spot as fast as possible.
And ofcourse, convincing an alien that doesn't understand you is quite a problem too. In the end, no matter what you're actually planning to do with the Crystal, the Satyrians are very likely to be not happy with it.
@Trashia: Departure of my fleet / arrival at Practeus will be either later this evening or (more likely) tomorrow, to give everybody enough time to finish/continue their conversations. (And ofcourse to give myself enough time to properly think up those Battleships, I hadn't gotten to that point yet...)
Krowow Liliowach
05-05-2006, 20:03
A primarch!??!?!?!?!? God-Freakin-Modding!
Controling the thoughts of a gm controlled character?!?!?!?!? Further god-modding....nuff said
Krowow Liliowach
05-05-2006, 20:27
Let me know if you want me to specify the composition of my retinue.
A primarch!??!?!?!?!? God-Freakin-Modding!
Controling the thoughts of a gm controlled character?!?!?!?!? Further god-modding....nuff said
Some of its god-mod-contol those actions-but him having Partimich like pwoer is balivable with the power of this Glyph. Partmiches where only men after all.
Krowow Liliowach
05-05-2006, 21:58
Primiarch-like, perhaps...But the primiachs are the sons of the Emperor! And, there were not so many of them that you could have one for an invented chapter. A powerful chapter master would be more reasonable (although still quite dangerous), as chapters all have one. The Primiarchs are no mere mortals, and there was only one for each leigon. The leigons no longer exist, as they were deemed to have too much individual power after the Horus Herisy, when they were split into chapters, none of which (to my knowledge) had a Primiarch as its chapter master.
Psyker Bearzerkers
05-05-2006, 22:51
i think everyone here or anyone that has ever been around 40k knows about primarchs.
Lilio, you might also want to change soem of your wording. For a sorcer who was involved in Arimon's cabal he would know quiet a bit about the webway. Just taking a look at any refrence made about the thousands sons, they seek the black library and are using the webway to find their 'most elusive prize'. Just to keep the charactor more consistant.
Krowow Liliowach
05-05-2006, 23:13
My understanding is that the capillaries that Elrad is reffering to are known only to him and a few of the Eldar
Elrad emerged from (...) the smallest of capillarys (...) to do such a thing you needed experience and an intricate knowlage of the webway. Fortuntly Elrad had both in droves, he was probably the only living being that could do such a thing.
This quote indicates that my guess is at least close. The size of the tunnels of the webway are quite variable, some large enough to admit wraithships, and some quite small, hence the "capillariess" that Elrad uses, which even Arhiman himself would be hard-pressed to navigate.
My understanding is that the capillaries that Elrad is reffering to are known only to him and a few of the Eldar
This quote indicates that my guess is at least close. The size of the tunnels of the webway are quite variable, some large enough to admit wraithships, and some quite small, hence the "capillariess" that Elrad uses, which even Arhiman himself would be hard-pressed to navigate.
Thats the point, for example theres a quote from Eldrad that basically ssays that the Eldar hknow very little about there own travell system-they've lost the knowlage. Elrad, being so old and having been around at the Webways creation would not have forgotten this knowlage.
Psyker Bearzerkers
06-05-2006, 19:10
true and point made. I was just saying that the webway is not unknown, especialy to the likes of the thousands sons or even inquisitors.
06-05-2006, 19:15
The understanding of both being limited compared to the Eldar. For example, Ahriman's knowledge was ripped from one of the few Inquisitors ever to have beheld the Black Library; yet inevitably he was thwarted and stopped. There are few beings capable of fathoming the whole of the Webway; save the Old Ones or the very eldest and wisest of Farseers or Warlocks.
06-05-2006, 19:35
Primiarch-like, perhaps...But the primiachs are the sons of the Emperor! And, there were not so many of them that you could have one for an invented chapter. A powerful chapter master would be more reasonable (although still quite dangerous), as chapters all have one. The Primiarchs are no mere mortals, and there was only one for each leigon. The leigons no longer exist, as they were deemed to have too much individual power after the Horus Herisy, when they were split into chapters, none of which (to my knowledge) had a Primiarch as its chapter master.
I have Primarchs :)
The Exodians
08-05-2006, 20:17
Although it's a bit premature to think about this, how would one destroy the Crystal? Would simply shooting it / hitting it with something hard work, or is some kind of overly complicated ritual required?
I just made a really 'flashy' entrance, just so nobody can claim they didn't see me coming. ;)
Krowow Liliowach
08-05-2006, 20:26
I can, as I have yet to arrive at all, yet alone with my fleet. :p
The Exodians
08-05-2006, 20:31
I knew someone was going to say that...
...and thus the green residu from the engines. I doubt anybody can miss a trail of radiating green mess leading towards my ships.
(In case anybody was still wondering, Battlecruisers / Troop Carriers do not care about sublight stealth. Only craft like Investigation Pods do.)
Thrash, just to say where going to cojme out somwhere clsoe to you, okay.
10-05-2006, 07:25
Although it's a bit premature to think about this, how would one destroy the Crystal? Would simply shooting it / hitting it with something hard work, or is some kind of overly complicated ritual required?
It would take more than just shooting it. For the cystal to be destroyed it would take a very powerful psychic power weapon. I imagine that a Primarchs power weapon would be enough to do some damage, but would take several strokes before it would be crushed...and once that happens, get ready for massive wip-lash.
Psyker Bearzerkers
10-05-2006, 08:01
like an, ahem.... final sacrafice?
10-05-2006, 08:56
like an, ahem.... final sacrafice?
10-05-2006, 08:59
@Dratheria, but also everyone:
Just so you know now, my nation is not involved in this. Nor is Praectus Prime a part of Thrashian space. So...don't be misled to believe that this is 'me'. Its more just a off the chart character rp.
Which from my point of view, is getting good.
The Exodians
10-05-2006, 15:17
It would take more than just shooting it. For the cystal to be destroyed it would take a very powerful psychic power weapon. I imagine that a Primarchs power weapon would be enough to do some damage, but would take several strokes before it would be crushed...and once that happens, get ready for massive wip-lash.
Hmm, that sounds like a job for Itzc, getting himself killed because the Council demands so. Now if only that Crystal wasn't that stuck in Graham's armour...
Edit: Is there any place down there near the palace the Dropships could 'land' (read: smash) on without getting themselves destroyed? I already know I'll have to fight my way there, just hoping I won't have to fight through half the planet first :p
It would take more than just shooting it. For the cystal to be destroyed it would take a very powerful psychic power weapon. I imagine that a Primarchs power weapon would be enough to do some damage, but would take several strokes before it would be crushed...and once that happens, get ready for massive wip-lash.
Which is why I rgabbed that pistol, I'll need to weaken it first, batter your defences. The pistol is my 'ace in the hole'.
Psyker Bearzerkers
10-05-2006, 20:39
Hmm, that sounds like a job for Itzc, getting himself killed because the Council demands so. Now if only that Crystal wasn't that stuck in Graham's armour...
sound like itzc is a tyranid (ahaha, i typed zerg) even if he does have a name, but anyways, if graham is still attached to the crystle when it is destroyed, thats like a three-fer!
11-05-2006, 07:02
Is there any place down there near the palace the Dropships could 'land' (read: smash) on without getting themselves destroyed? I already know I'll have to fight my way there, just hoping I won't have to fight through half the planet first :p
Not really. The others only got there by the one landing pad there is and teleporting (deepstriking) to the palace. You'd need to find a place (like a park area) within a few dozen blocks, which is what Chron did since he has a larger party.
Krowow Liliowach
11-05-2006, 13:43
Peras could have survived that, no? I belive all space marines have at least two hearts, and three lungs...
The Exodians
11-05-2006, 15:13
Not really. The others only got there by the one landing pad there is and teleporting (deepstriking) to the palace. You'd need to find a place (like a park area) within a few dozen blocks, which is what Chron did since he has a larger party.
Ah well, in that case I will just have to play 'evil alien terror' amongst the population of Practeus for a while. Those shouldn't be as hard to kill as the army I'll inevitably end up against. Time to get down there and actually start doing so...
Edit: Played the landing, now it's the turn of the civilians/military forces around there.
@PB: See this Link ( for what Itzc is. He only has a name because persons like him are special and need to be identified. Those within the castes don't need such luxuries.
Thrash, we need to work out a compromise to whats goiing to happen here. Odviously neather of us wants out character to die, yet I think someone has to lsoe.
The Exodians
11-05-2006, 16:39
To be honest, I don't actually care about Itzc and those with him dying or not, as its just the first time they are in an actual RP and thus don't have any real history to speak off. Actually, I'm quite sure they'll die somewhere in the RP, and they're just going to try as hard as possible to destroy the crystal while still alive.
Psyker Bearzerkers
12-05-2006, 03:59
Itzc, makes a perfect crystal destroyer then...
12-05-2006, 08:45
@ Dratheria: Understand that the Glyph gives Graham power greater than a Primarch. And the fact that you have another eight appear out of very annoying. But ow-well.
While fact is that Graham hasn't tapped into the full potential of the Glyph, he is still strong. Each time he uses the glyph he gains more understanding of it. So we can pretty much tell that his experiance points went up quite a bit after this little battle.
@ Everyone in the Throne Room: Oh, and do not presume to be able to follow Graham out of there. At least not until you've killed off a large amount of Khornate Space Marines and several hundred Guardsmen.
Krowow Liliowach
14-05-2006, 17:41
I know you planned on having the csms and guardsmen delay us significantly, but five Tzeentchan sorcerers can be ecpected to be able to teleport to a ship which I did previously place conveniently outside the system...
I just hope that you aren't angry, as I think what I did is within the scope of the possible, and even the probable...
15-05-2006, 08:21
@ Dratheria: Whoa, hold on just ah' damned second. Dratheria, where the hell you get off going to the system I will be travelling to, before I'm even there, when you do not know where I will be going. I could be heading for Terra for all the hell you know. I ask that you alter this god-mod post. Now.
Psyker Bearzerkers
15-05-2006, 16:48
i've been phased out, i and mt characters will be taking our leave of this rp, thank you though....
Krowow Liliowach
15-05-2006, 22:39
I'm not quite sure how this is going to get resolved, so I am going to suspend my posts untill changes occour on either of the two threads that indicate a resolution has been reached, I suggest all others do the same
@Thrashia: stop calling damage
The Exodians
16-05-2006, 14:27
@Dratheria: How did those Marines get there that fast? According to Trash, I have to be about a dozen blocks away, which is like two miles at the least.
@Krowow: I guess you're right. We'd better get everything sorted out sometime soon, as we're just going to end up doing the same kind of things over and over again.
@All: Today is my last day here untill Saturday, I'm leaving with school tomorrow for a 160km cycling trip. :eek: Hopefully I won't miss any real important happenings during those three days.
16-05-2006, 19:05
Note to all: The temple/resting place of the glpyh is one created by the Old Ones and there is a bearier that keeps anyone from teleporting, deepstriking, or otherwise using psykers or magic to get into the temple. You have to do it the old fashioned way.
Presently there should only be one person with any amount of presence on Milios Secundus, and that is Exodians who actually took the time to find the planet and then follow Graham from it. The rest of you guys picked up on Graham when he announced himself publically of Praectus Prime.
So I have to again ask that you, Dratheria, alter your post entirely. My ship hasn't even left into warp space yet; which brings me to another problem.
Dratheria, your deepstriking is a means utilized by psykers. To do so, so fast, and in a number of times within a short span of time is nearly impossible. Chronosia I believe will back me up when I say that this is true. You saw how Graham used as many as a dozen Pyskers to get him back aboard his ship, and they were not instantenous as your Primarch guy; who unleashed quite a bit of power in his fight with Graham (thus meaning that he wouldn't have the power left to make such an important movement).
@ Reken: The only damage I have called was a punch through Dratheria's armour. This was solved when he dodged it. End of story, no other calls being made. So keep yourself contained with your own problems, please & respectively.
Krow Liliowych
16-05-2006, 21:21
this is my new nation...any questions?
17-05-2006, 00:25
Sorry guys I didnt see this thread.
@Thrashia you are a great RPer and what not but please stop calling damage on my guys like my Primarch. As for my Primarchs and how they got there so fast it's a neat tech I have called a Fold Drive I acquired it from Gaian and it allows the ships to literally fold space to travel instantaneously across the universe. I dont use deepstrike but rather Asgardian Transporters, Drop Pods, Stormbirds, and Thunderhawks as well as the rare Shadow Chaser shuttle. Peras sent a call to his Primarchial brothers for assistance and they came such is the brothership between Primarchs as shown in the book Horus Rising. And as for how they knew whered you go i can change that. And I understand the power of the Glyph and the only way Peras is so strong is a number of reasons. A.) the reason my Primarch has the power he does is because the Emperor created him o be the physical embodiment of his psychic power. B.) He drew his power from the Star Child and his brother Primarchs including Xavier the Primarch before him to be a powerful Psyker but he went rogue and all that was in a previous thread so Peras would have burned out shortly as was mentioned. Also didnt know this wasnt your nation's world. Sorry Thrashia but yeah so let's get on with this. Ive edited my posts so that this'll work if you have a problem with my force of over 6000 marines please tell me. As the Ordo Hereticus and Ordo Malleus are concerned this is a planet who lost their way to the Emperor's light. Horus was one of the few Primarchs that believed that such a thing could be tolerated and such a nation could be allied with. Like the Interex sorry I just got done reading Horus Rising it was a great book Dan Abnett is such a great writer.
@Exodians I dropped well over 6000 Marines on the planet to quash the rebellion of these guys. Which means Marines were dropped in many places across the planet to crush the insurrection.
@Everyone When the Emperor was ressurected the technology and capability to create Primarchs was rediscovered. They were created using the Emperor's own DNA and are true Primarchs there are currently eleven Primarchs in the IoM(if you count Reken's Primarchs). I believe Chron has 4 maybe more Ive lost count recently. I know of Lucian, Remiel, Lord Cabot, and another one. Also my tech is improved but mostly 40K oriented. If you guys have nemore questions about my tech and how Im doing this feel free to ask please dont just accuse.
17-05-2006, 00:36
I actually have....Remiel, Lucian, Cabot, Gabriel, Severino, Radu, Hakar, Archon and Aesri.
All of whom were created by and from Marcus De Drakan; survivor of the Imperium, thanks in part of his entourage of techpriests et al; who he discovered after the fall. My Primarchs are vastly superior to any Dratherian constructs, mostly due to me being around longer, putting more thought into it and now being gifted by the Gods :D
17-05-2006, 00:50
I'll give Chron most of that but vastly superior maybe not; superior yes because of time and experience and the fact that I saw one Luna Wolf slay nearly two squads of Luna Wolves by itself to be fair they didnt fight back because Astartes is not to fight Astartes. 6 times out of 10 Chron's Primarchs will prolly beat my own
Actually, I followed you via the webway.
Antyway, this has all the hallmarks of a very, very good RP, but we don't want it ruined by senseless bickering, we also need to work ouyt a result that will suit all of us
17-05-2006, 18:59
My guys are fine as long as the glyph is stopped
17-05-2006, 19:08
Anyway, this has all the hallmarks of a very, very good RP, but we don't want it ruined by senseless bickering, we also need to work ouyt a result that will suit all of us
Well as it stands now, I would like the rp to last a bit longer than what it would have been if Dratheria had had his way and his Primarch had crushed Graham. I'm looking for something like a 'Battle of the Five Armies' ending to this. (Look to the Hobbit, if you dont know what that is.)
17-05-2006, 19:13
So you're looking for a titanic final confrontation between armies to end at Milio Secundus?
17-05-2006, 20:20
So you're looking for a titanic final confrontation between armies to end at Milio Secundus?
Or some other place, yea. It adds the epic flavour to it. :D
Humm good idea. Your man lasting out that sort of thing.
19-05-2006, 18:11
Hey guys, sorry to break the mood but I will be gone to Hungary for the next few days and wont be on until at least monday. So this is now officially 'stopped' until then. If need be I will TG you guys with it being back online. Alright, seeya.
26-05-2006, 22:21
bump for Thrashia come on man let's get this party started
26-05-2006, 22:28
bump for Thrashia come on man let's get this party started
lol, sry. I haven't had time to start up another good post just yet. I promise to have it up by tommorow night at the latest. I have to film a graduation tommorow and I have three papers to write; not fun stuff.
Krow Liliowych
07-06-2006, 20:18
I'm interested in starting a new 40K RP after my finals, TG me if you're interested, as I'll probably have a sign-up thread, which will be followed by a Closed RP based on who posts on the sign-up.