Civil War!(To arms, to arms!)
The Horde Of Doom
22-04-2006, 16:42
Civil war has broekn out today with the assassination of both head preist Micheal and Kaptain RedRick, the current Kaptain of the Horde. Secular forces and spirtualists have gathered their forces and blame each other for the dual killings. Commander Mikov, Captain of the airship fleet Dagon's Devils, had this to say:
"RedRick was leadin' the Horde away from de gods! I'm glad 'ey killed em! But to kill his holiness? The secularists will pay!"
'We did nothing! The head cultist commited suicide, and his fanatics killed the Kaptain! Treson is punishable by death! And death they will have!"
This map ( shows the current lines of battle, purple areas being Secularists and green areas being spirttualists.
Open warfare is a common site now as airships, tanks, ships, subs, men, and any other weapon of war is used to gain the upperhand.
The Aeson
22-04-2006, 16:46
Civil war has broekn out today with the assassination of both head preist Micheal and Kaptain RedRick, the current Kaptain of the Horde. Secular forces and spirtualists have gathered their forces and blame each other for the dual killings. Commander Mikov, Captain of the airship fleet Dagon's Devils, had this to say:
"RedRick was leadin' the Horde away from de gods! I'm glad 'ey killed em! But to kill his holiness? The secularists will pay!"
'We did nothing! The head cultist commited suicide, and his fanatics killed the Kaptain! Treson is punishable by death! And death they will have!"
This map ( shows the current lines of battle, purple areas being Secularists and green areas being spirttualists.
Open warfare is a common site now as airships, tanks, ships, subs, men, and any other weapon of war is used to gain the upperhand.
OOC: Wait, is this MT, PMT, or FT?
22-04-2006, 16:47
(OOC: This MT/PMT?and are there any conditions for geting involved?)
The Horde Of Doom
22-04-2006, 16:52
OOC: Whoops! MT/PMT..think 2020. Anyone can get involved...but be careful...
22-04-2006, 16:59
(OOC: I think my stuff will be slightly undergunned, but oh well)
"Sir, somethings going down in the Horde"
"Some of the leadership was assasinated, and a civil war has started"
"Ok, strat recon flights, we shoudl get a better idea of what's going on"
"Yes Sir!"
The Horde Of Doom
22-04-2006, 17:03
Reports are comign in from all over the country that the civil war has gone dirty. Gas, Viruses and even death camps are being reported. Reporters are being hunted down in the streets by angry militias or sniped from ruined buildings.
(The Horde has no army, it attacks with militias)
The Kaptain's palace has been hit with a missle of some sort and the civil war is getting even hotter.
(Both sides need high tech weapons, so if anyone wants to fund a particular side it could benefit you if that side wins.
Can you say lifetime contract?)
The Horde Of Doom
23-04-2006, 17:30
23-04-2006, 17:36
how can the bekhaerans be of any assistance?
23-04-2006, 17:41
Gwazzaria has sent its condelences, and would like to know if the Dagonists here could please clean up after themselves when they do those terribly frightful things with the fish thank you.
Gwazzaria would also like to offer any assistance it can in restoring order. We have several things that might help you keep the peace in your nation.
OOC: Since it's PMT, could some of Gwazzaria's experimental robots come to the fore perhaps?
The Horde Of Doom
23-04-2006, 17:52
Bekhaera and Gwazaria which side are you reffering to? The government no longer exists.
Experimental robots...only in very small numbers, and they must be highly experimental.
"Good Afternoon. If your just joining us it is the third week of the civil war raging withen the H.O.D. Chemical and biological weapons are now a common sight on the field of battle. As of yet there have been no signs of intervention by any foregin entities. We have with us Fox news contributer Micheal Brando, a former pirate captain in the Horde. Hello Captain Brando."
"Ello mate!"
"Can you tell us what it is fueling such hatred in the country right now?"
"Not a problem. Ya see, da horde was ruled by a Kaptain and a high preist. The Horde was always on the brink of anarchy, the long arm 'o da law just barely keeping the inhabitants in check. Recently the Kaptain and the High Preist ain't bein seeing eye to eye. 2 weeks later, they's both rotten in the air!"
"I see. Is peace possible between the two groups?"
"Nay lad. Yer seeing hundreds of years of agression being let loose, and only the complete destruction of the other side is going to end this war."
"Thank you Captain."
23-04-2006, 17:55
we wish to haer the ideas of both sides but our main aim to help restore the nation by uniting both sides if we cannot do this then it seems we shall have to take sides unwillingly
The Horde Of Doom
23-04-2006, 18:06
United Dagonist Front(UDF)
The Horde has wandered too far from the religion handed down to us from Dagon himself. By eradicating all secularist elements we wish to establish a theocracy, and bring us closer to our gods. Monastaries will not dot the Horde's lands, but cover them. There is no peace until our foes are dead.
Kaptanists of the Horde(K.H.)
It is time for the state to control every aspect of life in the horde, and renounce "freedom" all together. By killing every believer in the country we can realize our dream of covering the earth in a blaze of destruction. Long live a unified state! Peace through power!
23-04-2006, 18:16
so the KH wish to kill and maim countless people in the aim of creating a world, a unified state through mass murder?
and the UDF wishes to increase religous extremism within their lands
are there no 3rd party,
no mediators
the AO alliance has just been created, look for information of the nations of pythgoria and imperiux alos
we may be able to help
23-04-2006, 18:17
Yes, both of those groups are maniacs. I suggest AOA intervene.
The Horde Of Doom
23-04-2006, 18:20
(Nope, no middle ground. But I must warn you...before "the fall" I had my country research some very deadly weapons...and Hordians dislike invaders. To bring your own troops in under your own banner would be very, very bad.)
23-04-2006, 18:22
(Nope, no middle ground. But I must warn you...before "the fall" I had my country research some very deadly weapons...and Hordians dislike invaders. To bring your own troops in under your own banner would be very, very bad.)
OOC: What weapons?
Nuclear? Not even THESe people would be so insane as to use nukes on their homeland.
Bio/Chem? My guys DO carry NBC protection as a standard.
Terrorism? I know how to deal with that.
The Horde Of Doom
23-04-2006, 18:25
(Not crazy enough to nuke themselves? You don't know me very well then...)
23-04-2006, 18:26
(Not crazy enough to nuke themselves? You don't know me very well then...)
Well, how many nukes do you have?
The Horde Of Doom
23-04-2006, 18:28
(How about you rp a little and maybe you'll find out..)
23-04-2006, 18:32
(How about you rp a little and maybe you'll find out..)
The sattelite was not making it's usual trip. It hovered over The Horde of Doom, memorizing all it saw. It counted every city. Every silo. Every military building. In the end, it found the nuclear launch capability of both sides was...
OOC: How much at once can you launch?
The Horde Of Doom
23-04-2006, 18:38
...unknown. Every silo had already been pillaged, as had every governmental structure. Warheads, missles, as impossible as it seemed it looked as if the population had ran off with them. It was not a secrect that the Horde had began production of high yield nuclear weapons since...well since the bomb has been around. Each side claimed to have more then the other, but as of yet no numbers had been put out.
Labs had become bunkers, silos became shelters, and almost every government building was now burining.
23-04-2006, 18:41
...unknown. Every silo had already been pillaged, as had every governmental structure. Warheads, missles, as impossible as it seemed it looked as if the population had ran off with them. It was not a secrect that the Horde had began production of high yield nuclear weapons since...well since the bomb has been around. Each side claimed to have more then the other, but as of yet no numbers had been put out.
Labs had become bunkers, silos became shelters, and almost every government building was now burining.
---Imperial Palace---
"Sir, they have unknown launch capability."
"Tell them to stop fighting anyway. They wouldn't be able to get a nuke through to us. Not with our Avalanche Systems."
To: Hordian Rebel Fighting Groups
From: Pythogria
Stop fighting, now. You ar only endangering life. Why can't you both just get half the country and rule it how you like?
OOC: You CAN have them respond violently to this.
The Horde Of Doom
23-04-2006, 18:49
High above the country side a stealth command airship wafted in the air. Aboard it captain Leo read pateintly the news. He was unaware where exactly Pythagoria was and not quite sure how big it was. He crumpeled up the paper and threw into inot a wastebasket. After thinking for a moment, he pressed the button for the intercom system.
"Now here this, now here this. Radio all forces of the K.F. I want this next city to be covered in nerve gas, and blown to hell. That is all."
Farther away, among the ruins of a sea side temple, a priest refused to even look at his email, regarding it as heresy. After shooting the computer with his pistol, he walked out to watch the executions at the death camp.
The Horde Of Doom
23-04-2006, 18:50
(Pythogoria, would you be interested in funding a third fighting force?)
23-04-2006, 18:51
(Pythogoria, would you be interested in funding a third fighting force?)
OOC: If it stands for belief's similar to Pythogria's, yes.
The Horde Of Doom
23-04-2006, 18:55
OOC: And those beliefs would be?
23-04-2006, 19:00
OOC: And those beliefs would be?
OOC: Firm but fair law, incredibly secular government, will invade if provoked, will invade oppressors, prefers environment, loathes religious extremists, mostly athiest but allows religious freedom so long as nobody is dead that didn't say "I want to die for my god". If you need anythingh else, just ask.
The Horde Of Doom
23-04-2006, 19:02
OOC: How would you like to support a group of social justice advocates who want the military to rule the government?
23-04-2006, 19:04
OOC: How would you like to support a group of social justice advocates who want the military to rule the government?
OOC: No, as my government is a limited democracy.
Terror Incognitia
23-04-2006, 19:13
Diplomatic telegram.
From: The Consilium of Terror Incognitia
To: Pythogria
We have heard of the war in the Horde of Doom, and believe you may be planning to intervene.
If you do, we would like to offer the assistance of our military, to the tune of two Armoured Infantry divisions, with support arms, along with a naval task force and air cover.
Sadly we are unable to intervene independently, lacking the necessary deployable forces.
High Seneschal
23-04-2006, 19:14
Diplomatic telegram.
From: The Consilium of Terror Incognitia
To: Pythogria
We have heard of the war in the Horde of Doom, and believe you may be planning to intervene.
If you do, we would like to offer the assistance of our military, to the tune of two Armoured Infantry divisions, with support arms, along with a naval task force and air cover.
Sadly we are unable to intervene independently, lacking the necessary deployable forces.
High Seneschal
To: The Consilium of Terror Incognitia
From: Pythogrian Imperial Government
Pythogria thanks you for this assistance, as it is planning to intervene.
The Horde Of Doom
23-04-2006, 19:25
A new map ( showing the current holding of either side has been released. The UDF is in green, while the K.F. is in purple.
Reports are coming in of a lab that was recently plundered, releasing an unnown number of geneticly modified animals loose on the mainland. Reports indicate it is insectiod in nature, as seen in this artist's rendition. (
As of yet no side has claimed responsibility.
23-04-2006, 19:28
"Sir, now it's genetic engineering."
"I'm getting too old for this. Don't intervene yet. Wait until it's an actual threat. That way we'll gathr more support."
"Yes, sir."
The Horde Of Doom
23-04-2006, 19:41
A third faction, calling themselves the Defenders of the People, has now enetred their bid for the hearts and minds of Horidans everywhere. Taking only a small area of territory, they are however the best equppied and funded. Their mission statement is as follows.
"To divide up the Horde into individual states with limited self rule. The government will rule the political realm, but the civil freedom that Hordians adore will be kept protected by the individual states."
23-04-2006, 19:44
A third faction, calling themselves the Defenders of the People, has now enetred their bid for the hearts and minds of Horidans everywhere. Taking only a small area of territory, they are however the best equppied and funded. Their mission statement is as follows.
"To divide up the Horde into individual states with limited self rule. The government will rule the political realm, but the civil freedom that Hordians adore will be kept protected by the individual states."
"Now these are the peoiple we will support. Fund them. Drop in equipment."
"OK, sir."
To: Defenders of the People
From: Pythogria
Pythogria wishes to aid your cause, with $1 Billion dollars per 2 months, and whatever non-WMD equipment you require. Respond with haste, please.
The Horde Of Doom
23-04-2006, 19:49
To: Pythogria
From: El General
This vast amount of money would greatly help our cause, and allow us the extra push we need. The money alone can sway many independent militias, not to mention the weapons that could be had. Thank you very much.
Our holdings can be found on this map ( and deliveries can be made to the central island under our control.
Long live the revolution!
23-04-2006, 19:51
To: Pythogria
From: El General
This vast amount of money would greatly help our cause, and allow us the extra push we need. The money alone can sway many independent militias, not to mention the weapons that could be had. Thank you very much.
Our holdings can be found on this map ( and deliveries can be made to the central island under our control.
Long live the revolution!
The Supreme General read the message.
"John, send it."
"Yes sir."
Various disguised ships full of weapons landed on the island, delivering small arms, tanks, helicopters, recon vehicles and planes, plus fuel. And, of course... money.
Terror Incognitia
23-04-2006, 19:51
An acknowledgement was sent immediately.
At once, orders began to trickle down the hierarchy. The Consilium had approved the deployment before contacting Pythogria.
The General appointed to command the Expeditionary Force, General Elara Knox, was engaged in establishing a higher command above the Divisional structures already in place.
"5th Division is well on target ma'am, 17th is slipping behind, especially on combat readiness of armour."
"Drag in help from 12th Div. They're not going, they can bring 17th up to speed before we go."
"Are you sure ma'am, 12th is not part of the EF?"
"I'll ask them personally then; and I'll ask nicely. The first time. Now, the Task Force?"
"Mostly ready already ma'am. The carrier, HSS Bambinio, will be here in a few days; the escorts and landing craft are in place; the heli-carrier HSS Bulwark is also approaching readiness."
"Very good. Our Naval brethren are efficient. Now, the Air Force?"
"The aircraft beefing up the carrier contingent? Nearly ready ma'am. Another week."
"How long until total readiness then?"
"14 days and we can sail. As ready as we'll ever be."
"Now we're getting ahead of ourselves. Contact Pythogria, ask where they will be deploying and how we can best assist."
23-04-2006, 19:53
To: Terror Incognitia
From: Pythogria
We wil lbe landing our actual armies on the shoreline of the most southern island, on KH lands. You can assist in the actual landing or as indirect fire support. Or air support.
The Horde Of Doom
23-04-2006, 20:13
"Already a third faction making it's way toward unification, the so called 'Defenders of the People' have launched a huge offensive, capturing vast tracts of land. Weapons and vechicles of unknown origin have appeared to march across the land. Experts say that this faction may have just found one of the Hordes hidden stockpiles."
"Even with this new faction, the UDF and the KH have yet to unite. A preist from the UDF promises to use small scale nuclear weapons against any foes, foreign or domestic. The KH has taken the smae stance.
New Map (
23-04-2006, 20:16
"New plan. We land on the southwest island to flank the spiritualists."
"Yes sir! But they're considering nuclear action..."
"Pfft. Double our nuclear arsenal to 5,000 warheads. If they use them WE use them."
"Yes sir..."
Terror Incognitia
23-04-2006, 20:16
To: Pythogria
From: Incognitia
We will plan on assisting with all three.
30 strike fighters will be operating from the Bambinio; along with shore bombardment by Tomahawk, and dependent on shore-defences ships' guns.
We can hostile-land 2,000 men, with some supporting armour and helicopters; the remainder will require port facilities.
OOC: My equipment is roughly what UK Armed Forces will have in a decade or so.
23-04-2006, 20:18
To: Pythogria
From: Incognitia
We will plan on assisting with all three.
30 strike fighters will be operating from the Bambinio; along with shore bombardment by Tomahawk, and dependent on shore-defences ships' guns.
We can hostile-land 2,000 men, with some supporting armour and helicopters; the remainder will require port facilities.
OOC: My equipment is roughly what UK Armed Forces will have in a decade or so.
To: Incognitia
From: Pythogria
Perfect! But we now land on the southwest island to assist the DOTP.
Terror Incognitia
23-04-2006, 20:26
"Lucky that was a contingency plan anyway."
"Send the reply then."
To: Pythogria
From: Incognitia
Very well. Our force will be off the island in 7 days. Should we expect to be consolidating, landing with you or awaiting your arrival?
23-04-2006, 20:27
"Lucky that was a contingency plan anyway."
"Send the reply then."
To: Pythogria
From: Incognitia
Very well. Our force will be off the island in 7 days. Should we expect to be consolidating, landing with you or awaiting your arrival?
To: Incognitia
From: Pythogria
You'll be landing with us.
Terror Incognitia
23-04-2006, 20:31
"Excellent. We may need to co-ordinate with Pythogria more closely for successful landings, but that's a start."
The Horde Of Doom
23-04-2006, 20:33
El General ( began was at the front line on the main island, peering through bionoculars. Before him lay Sovjetstan, a large economic center. Who ever had Sovjetstan, had all the money of the Horde. He had with him about 72 Oliphant tanks ( and around 1,000 men. He waited silently for his helicopters to buzz overhead. After 7 minutes had passed 40 Rooivalk attack copters ( zoomed toward the city, hitting enemy forces with huge amounts of fire power.
After giving a signal the armoured group lurched forward, firing on anything that looked alive. El General was keen on keeping the city together, and disallowed the Horde tradtion of leaving nothing to fight for. As soon as he passed withen city limits, a massive amount of resistance was encountreted. The infantry charged forward hiding behind tanks and ruined buildings.
The battle for Sovjetstan had begun.
The Horde Of Doom
23-04-2006, 21:00
It was a living hell. The initial attack was not 7 hours ago, and already it had devolved. No longer was there any glorius group taking the city. Each tank fought for itself, split up now...lost among the streets. The infantry had disintegrated into smaller units of 5 to 6 men, taking up aim in ruined buildings. Aircraft dueled in the skies above, every now and then flaming pieces falling from the heavens to crush an unsuspecting victim. Civillians were no more. You either fought for one side or the others. Or as a new saying said:
"You can't be neutral in front of a bullet"
Missle and artillery strikes now wracked the city, sending pieces of glass glittering down like knives. El General sat in his command tank, watching the debris wracked road before him. He punched in a code on his chair, and opened a communication channel.
"This is El General. Task force 33x, do you copy?"
"Confirmed El General. What are you needing?"
"I cannot have any more of Sovjetstan being destroyed...launch the Venom gas."
Venom gas. Developed by the Horde for prolonged conflicts, it was made from the remains of vaporized cow brains, infected with a mad cow-esque virus. Once inhaled, the gas affected the brain. The first sign were madness, as the perons frontal lobes began to dissolve. The second signs become wide mood swings, as the lower brain began dissolving. Finally the person lost all bodily control, and finally earning the sweet release of death.
The unit had been located near the UDF forces, and every precaution had been made to make it appear to be theirs. As the tank crew began to witness the effects of the 32 missles full of the gas, they began to pull out of the city.
In 24 hours almost no life would be left, and the city would be theirs.
Terror Incognitia
23-04-2006, 22:58
The task force was approaching the coast of the Southwestern island, as agreed with Pythogria.
They had encountered no naval opposition thus far, however escorts, submarines, helicopters and all forms of sensors were watchful for enemy vessels.
They now only needed to rendezvous with the Pythogrians, and the landing could begin.
Staff officers on Bambinio, acting as C4I hub for the Task Force, were still making plans for all the likely seeming contingencies; and the men on the LPD's and LPH (Landing Platform Dock and Landing Platform Helicopter) were cleaning their weapons one final time.
23-04-2006, 23:02
The Pythogrian fleet sailed towards shore. It included four VB-1 Battleships, two VA-1 Aircraft Carriers, one VD-1 SD, 72 VC-1 Cruisers, and 96 VF-1 Frigates. Not to mention eight VT-1 Transport Ships. These contained 100,000 infantry, and 2,000 MBTs. They contacted the Incognitian fleet.
"Pythogrian Imperial Fleets 2 and 4 here. All troops ready for landing."
Terror Incognitia
23-04-2006, 23:19
"Do you wish to commence proceedings then?"
Though few worthwhile targets had been spotted, 20 of the 30 Joint Strike Fighters on the Bambinio were launched to provide top cover.
The destroyers ventured closer to the shore, searching for any defensive positions to bombard.
Meanwhile the first landing craft, carrying Incognitian Royal Marines, left the landing ships and began racing for the shore at high speed. 200 men would be landed by these first Rigid Raiders and small hovercraft. The landing craft leaving soon afterwards carried tanks and armoured personnel carriers.
A flight of four attack helicopters took off from the LPH and prepared to give close fire support to the landing troops.
23-04-2006, 23:22
"Do you wish to commence proceedings then?"
Though few worthwhile targets had been spotted, 20 of the 30 Joint Strike Fighters on the Bambinio were launched to provide top cover.
The destroyers ventured closer to the shore, searching for any defensive positions to bombard.
Meanwhile the first landing craft, carrying Incognitian Royal Marines, left the landing ships and began racing for the shore at high speed. 200 men would be landed by these first Rigid Raiders and small hovercraft. The landing craft leaving soon afterwards carried tanks and armoured personnel carriers.
A flight of four attack helicopters took off from the LPH and prepared to give close fire support to the landing troops.
"Yes, let's proceed."
The transport ships sped up to the beach, and beached themselves. They opened on the front, and troops spilled out. The ships would be retrieved afterwards. The infantry began to advance up the beach. Carryalls carrying tanks flew behind them and landed the tanks on the beach. The Artanis strategy of a fast, powerful, inexorable advance began.
Red Tide2
23-04-2006, 23:25
Reports are coming in of a lab that was recently plundered, releasing an unnown number of geneticly modified animals loose on the mainland. Reports indicate it is insectiod in nature, as seen in this [URL=""]artist's rendition.[/URL
OOC: AAAH! Look at the cute little things! Coochie, Coochie-Goo!
:Ahem: Couldnt help it, carry on.
23-04-2006, 23:26
OOC: AAAH! Look at the cute little things! Coochie, Coochie-Goo!
:Ahem: Couldnt help it, carry on.
Terror Incognitia
23-04-2006, 23:35
The initial perimeter was secured, and was expanding all the time as more and more troops landed.
Though it had been planned to land only 2,000 men; but the lack of opposition made the plan to increase this to a brigade, with all supporting arms.
This brigade would then proceed to sieze a port facility to offload, and keep supplied, the remaining troops.
OOC: From background reading I've realised the formations I'm giving vary in size, a lot. My divisions are about 20,000 men each; my brigades 5,000; and my battalions around 600. So each brigade is 7 battalions plus attached artillery etc and headquarters staff. Each division is 4 brigades plus, again, artillery, engineers, and headquarters staff.
24-04-2006, 01:37
The initial perimeter was secured, and was expanding all the time as more and more troops landed.
Though it had been planned to land only 2,000 men; but the lack of opposition made the plan to increase this to a brigade, with all supporting arms.
This brigade would then proceed to sieze a port facility to offload, and keep supplied, the remaining troops.
OOC: From background reading I've realised the formations I'm giving vary in size, a lot. My divisions are about 20,000 men each; my brigades 5,000; and my battalions around 600. So each brigade is 7 battalions plus attached artillery etc and headquarters staff. Each division is 4 brigades plus, again, artillery, engineers, and headquarters staff.
OOC: My army:
10 units- Squad
100 units- Brigade
1,000 units-Division
10,000 units-Army
100,000 units-???
1,000,000 units-???
(??? I don't know yet.)
The Horde Of Doom
24-04-2006, 02:42
The UDF was not going down without a fight, and missles with conventional warheads were slammed into the invaders. Dasiy cutters were dropped from planes, ripping any infantry to pieces. However, the UDF was losing ground. It's tough to fight a war on 3 fronts, and were gradually retreating towards jungle areas. Cheap T-90's were used to protect their orderly retreat, and any large group of invader units were bombed from airships.
24-04-2006, 02:44
The UDF was not going down without a fight, and missles with conventional warheads were slammed into the invaders. Dasiy cutters were dropped from planes, ripping any infantry to pieces. However, the UDF was losing ground. It's tough to fight a war on 3 fronts, and were gradually retreating towards jungle areas. Cheap T-90's were used to protect their orderly retreat, and any large group of invader units were bombed from airships.
Airships were fired upon by tank-based SAMs, and so were missiles. These attaciks did damage, but the advance continued. The 120mm ETC of the Pythogrian tanks fired directly at the turret of the T-90s.
OOC: It'd go straight through them. Almost like the Chi-ha's Japan had in WWII.
The Horde Of Doom
24-04-2006, 02:53
The fighting was becoming more desperate. Suicide bombers were a common site now, but almost all UDF forces had retreated into the jungles. KH forces, in response, had given out as many gas masks as possible and dug into the cities. KH command were getting reports of a huge force of invaders, and was anxious to use "it" against them...
"Sir...we can't nuke them!"
"And why the hell not? Would you prefer to watch them make us a colony!?!"
"But to use a bomb so large..."
"We must. It may mean our destruction...but perhaps it will be the end."
24-04-2006, 02:55
The fighting was becoming more desperate. Suicide bombers were a common site now, but almost all UDF forces had retreated into the jungles. KH forces, in response, had given out as many gas masks as possible and dug into the cities. KH command were getting reports of a huge force of invaders, and was anxious to use "it" against them...
"Sir...we can't nuke them!"
"And why the hell not? Would you prefer to watch them make us a colony!?!"
"But to use a bomb so large..."
"We must. It may mean our destruction...but perhaps it will be the end."
OOC: You do NOT want to know what happens to you if you nuke me and I can find you. Really, you don't.
The Pythogrians chased them into the jungle. They held position until reinforcements could arrive.
The Horde Of Doom
24-04-2006, 03:10
Bouncy Betty's splintered among the invading infantry, the close quaters of the jungle only hurting them more. The UDF had lived their lives in these jungles, and knew them better then any other. MiG's dropped Napalm on the invading forces, and quickly tried to smash into any ships they could. Chain guns were mounted on quad-pods and used to mow down any one who remotely looked foreign.
However in other areas...
El General now held the most land ( and had defeated the UDF. Standing atop his tank in Sovjet square, he reached for his cell phone.
"Send this to Pythagorian forces(thats all he knows is in the country):
Victory is close at hand, and your support is well noted. However, it is now necessary to remove your troops, as I do not wish to appear to be a puppet ruler. Your contribution however has been noted."
"Sending now El General."
24-04-2006, 03:12
Bouncy Betty's splintered among the invading infantry, the close quaters of the jungle only hurting them more. The UDF had lived their lives in these jungles, and knew them better then any other. MiG's dropped Napalm on the invading forces, and quickly tried to smash into any ships they could. Chain guns were mounted on quad-pods and used to mow down any one who remotely looked foreign.
However in other areas...
El General now held the most land ( and had defeated the UDF. Standing atop his tank in Sovjet square, he reached for his cell phone.
"Send this to Pythagorian forces(thats all he knows is in the country):
Victory is close at hand, and your support is well noted. However, it is now necessary to remove your troops, as I do not wish to appear to be a puppet ruler. Your contribution however has been noted."
"Sending now El General."
Napalm does not harm ceramc-based armor, or non-flammable battlesuits.
OOC: My guys aren't in the jugle yet.
El General, as soon as we win the battle we are in our troops will leave.
The Horde Of Doom
24-04-2006, 03:13
The Pythogrians chased them into the jungle. They held position until reinforcements could arrive.
Was that a typo? If so I'll edit.
24-04-2006, 03:15
Was that a typo? If so I'll edit.
OOC; Typo, sorry. They're on the edge of the city.
The Horde Of Doom
24-04-2006, 03:27
Alrighty, ill just post it here.
IC: The UDF, now a broken group rushed towards the jungles, leaving their weapons behind. They had lost the war...and knew what would be brought upon them by the victors.
The KH however, as still in control, and was now launching a huge force at the invaders. 3,000(About all thier tanks) T-95's blasted away, while Paladin artillery struck at nearby ships and land units. Using "Acid Rain" shells(Shells with filled with an acid with a ph level of -4) the artillery could melt anything it's shells landed on. Only 3,000 infantry however accompined them into battle. Black Hawks and around 3 stalth bombers did all they could to help.
24-04-2006, 03:30
Alrighty, ill just post it here.
IC: The UDF, now a broken group rushed towards the jungles, leaving their weapons behind. They had lost the war...and knew what would be brought upon them by the victors.
The KH however, as still in control, and was now launching a huge force at the invaders. 3,000(About all thier tanks) T-95's blasted away, while Paladin artillery struck at nearby ships and land units. Using "Acid Rain" shells(Shells with filled with an acid with a ph level of -4) the artillery could melt anything it's shells landed on. Only 3,000 infantry however accompined them into battle. Black Hawks and around 3 stalth bombers did all they could to help.
Pythogria is famous for it's military. Part of that happens to be very good point-defense lasers. Large and expensive, yes, but nothing beats zapping artillery shells out of the sky.
The armor of the XM-1s and XS-1s easily made the T-95 shells not to much damage, if not bounce. They retaliated with 120mm "Bolter" ETC shells and missiles.
24-04-2006, 03:33
helo i am new to this thing so if i said i flew in a squad of highly trained commandos with there mission objective to rob your countrie of its natinal treshures could i do that ??
24-04-2006, 03:34
helo i am new to this thing so if i said i flew in a squad of highly trained commandos with there mission objective to rob your countrie of its natinal treshures could i do that ??
Well, no. Bacause a commando team... wouldn't be able to rob all the rescources from somewhere. (Unless that was one HUGE team...) But if you want to join the war, go ahead.
24-04-2006, 03:37
thank u and i ment robing the countrie by taking its art works and gold from storage i will change it from comandos to civilian criminals higly trained at i think the word is sabotage and crimianal stuff
24-04-2006, 03:41
thank u and i ment robing the countrie by taking its art works and gold from storage i will change it from comandos to civilian criminals higly trained at i think the word is sabotage and crimianal stuff
For that...go ahead. Actually, since you're new, want to have a training-war against me? No WMDs.
The Horde Of Doom
24-04-2006, 03:42
Pythogria is famous for it's military. Part of that happens to be very good point-defense lasers. Large and expensive, yes, but nothing beats zapping artillery shells out of the sky.
The armor of the XM-1s and XS-1s easily made the T-95 shells not to much damage, if not bounce. They retaliated with 120mm "Bolter" ETC shells and missiles.
Where are these lazers at specifically?
The tanks may not have done much damage, but they tried like hell anyway. However the battle of the tanks was quickly over. However, the helicopter war had just begun.
The problem with an ETC round was that every exothermic reaction gives off heat. The amount of chemicals it took to propel the rounds of the XM-1's and XS-1's gave off quite a large signature. For the super cobra pilots, it was shooting fish in a barrel.
Launching their titanium tipped rockets at the invading tanks guns may not have destroyed them, alltho for some it did just that, it would at least blow apart their main cannons.
24-04-2006, 03:44
Where are these lazers at specifically?
The tanks may not have done much damage, but they tried like hell anyway. However the battle of the tanks was quickly over. However, the helicopter war had just begun.
The problem with an ETC round was that every exothermic reaction gives off heat. The amount of chemicals it took to propel the rounds of the XM-1's and XS-1's gave off quite a large signature. For the super cobra pilots, it was shooting fish in a barrel.
Launching their titanium tipped rockets at the invading tanks guns may not have destroyed them, alltho for some it did just that, it would at least blow apart their main cannons.
OOC: They're set up as turrets.
The tanks had a weapon of their own against missiles.
Another point-defense system. It launched rather large bullets. This was turned upon the missiles.
24-04-2006, 03:45
my crims(as i will call them) are are in high im pact resistant capsuals being jetosend out of a fleet of halos (High Altatude Low Orbit) space craft into the countrie specificly targeted at the main cities
they land
pffffffft the pods open up and out the step to face a crowed of stuned civilians :mp5: :mp5: :mp5: :mp5: they open fire on them killing most straigh away then the run of and disapear into the ruble of the cities
24-04-2006, 03:46
For that...go ahead. Actually, since you're new, want to have a training-war against me? No WMDs.
shure how does it work
24-04-2006, 03:49
shure how does it work
Basically, you first need a reason to attack me (or vice-versa; want an invasion?) It can be almost anything. Anything. From, "He has monkey farms!" to, "He's committing genocide!".
Once that happens, we'll begin the war. I RP my stuff attacking or something, and you respond. For example, look at a thread called, "Military Usurpation of Power".
The Horde Of Doom
24-04-2006, 03:50
OOC: They're set up as turrets.
The tanks had a weapon of their own against missiles.
Another point-defense system. It launched rather large bullets. This was turned upon the missiles.
OOC: Ok, Im confused. Can you give me some specs on your tanks? Are you shooting with your cannon, or from something else...or what?
24-04-2006, 03:50
my crims(as i will call them) are are in high im pact resistant capsuals being jetosend out of a fleet of halos (High Altatude Low Orbit) space craft into the countrie specificly targeted at the main cities
they land
pffffffft the pods open up and out the step to face a crowed of stuned civilians :mp5: :mp5: :mp5: :mp5: they open fire on them killing most straigh away then the run of and disapear into the ruble of the cities
OOC: First:
It's up to Horde to state who's dead.
24-04-2006, 03:51
thanks mate
The Horde Of Doom
24-04-2006, 03:52
my crims(as i will call them) are are in high im pact resistant capsuals being jetosend out of a fleet of halos (High Altatude Low Orbit) space craft into the countrie specificly targeted at the main cities
they land
pffffffft the pods open up and out the step to face a crowed of stuned civilians :mp5: :mp5: :mp5: :mp5: they open fire on them killing most straigh away then the run of and disapear into the ruble of the cities uh.....I don't monkeys fling radioactive poo at you.
This is modern tech/ post modern. ship drop pods.
24-04-2006, 03:52
OOC: First:
It's up to Horde to state who's dead.
i see sorr bout that ok so did the civilains die??
24-04-2006, 03:53
OOC: Ok, Im confused. Can you give me some specs on your tanks? Are you shooting with your cannon, or from something else...or what?
My tanks, basically, have these weapons:
1. Main, 120mm, ETC gun
2. Two .50 caliber coaxial machine guns.
3. Two .50 caliber machine guns on top, that can be controlled from inside the turret.
4. Two AT missile launchers
5. Two AA Missile launchers
6. A point-defense system that is like a machine gun. It fores large rounds at missiles that are incoming.
The Horde Of Doom
24-04-2006, 03:54
But wouldn't you have to first turn your turrent around to aim at the incoming missles? Thats plenty of time for them to slam into you. Or is this weapon located on your main gun?
24-04-2006, 03:55
But wouldn't you have to first trun your turrent around to aim at the incoming missles? Thats plenty of time for them to slam into you. Or is this weapon located on your main gun?
OOC: The point-defense thing? It's on top of the turret.
The Horde Of Doom
24-04-2006, 04:00
OOC: Oh, ok. Just one last thing. This has it's own independent control? I Imagine it works on a ball turrent or something? Can you describe it in a little more detail?
24-04-2006, 04:05
OOC: Oh, ok. Just one last thing. This has it's own independent control? I Imagine it works on a ball turrent or something? Can you describe it in a little more detail?
The Florernst-Class Point-Defense Gun uses a ball turret. It is fitted onto the top of all Pythogrian tanks. It uses the tank's radar and other sensors to detect oncoming projectiles. It then fires at them, using a mini-MLA. This propels the small, kiwi-sized bullets towards the oncoming projectile at very high speeds, usually blowing it away. Overheating is not a problem, as liquid nitrogen runs through it. It is powered by the tank's engine running a generator. It is fully autonomus, and turns very quickly. It is, however, very expensive.
24-04-2006, 04:20 uh.....I don't monkeys fling radioactive poo at you.
This is modern tech/ post modern. ship drop pods.
about the tech could u use modern tech but change it slightly e.g u know how a tv works well could u use that method + secsors to camo a tank or some thing by the screen reflecting what it saw on other side?
Terror Incognitia
24-04-2006, 17:34
OOC: Wooo, I missed a lot. *sign up to RPs with people in the same timezone, that way you can post AND sleep*
IC: The 3rd Brigade had been landed, intact, before the Horde appeared. Thus far the Pythogrians had borne the brunt of the fighting.
However, the 20 JSF on patrol over the army saw their opportunity, and swept down against the enemy helicopters, firing a combination of radar and infrared guided missiles, two of each from each aircraft; 80 missiles careering towards the enemy at about Mach 4.
OOC: And the camouflage the tank thing - possibly, but it would flicker occasionally, reflect the light wrong and lag behind when you, or your surroundings, moved. And have an infrared signature.
The Horde Of Doom
25-04-2006, 02:43
The forces, lacking any real discipline, were now fully in a route to neighboring countries. However, at KH command, a more sinister plot was brewing.
3 medium yield nuclear bombs had been hidden in different areas of the shattered country. Determining that there was now no hope for their forces, they detonated the devices. Sovjetstan, Mikalstan, and Bretonnia(located 20 miles from where your troops are) were liquidated. The main economic hub of the horde was simply no more, and one of the most densly populated cities was now gone.
The civil war was over, but at what cost? Several areas of the Horde were now uninhabitable and even more was simply ruins.
To: Pythogoria
El General is dead. It appears our psychotic foes have thrown all caution to the wind, and used the most deadliest of devices. We ask that you do not try to relatiate, as we assure you our foes died in the blasts. The Horde must rebuild, and I am El General's second in command.
We ask that you now quietly leave the country.
---Da Supreme Commander
25-04-2006, 02:46
The nuclear blast did not reach the troops. The radiation... did. But it was OK. NBC protection is a good thing. As such, the troops left.
To: New Horde Government
From: Pythogria
We have left. Good luck rebuilding. If you need our help, just ask.
"Was this worth it?"
The Horde Of Doom
25-04-2006, 03:07
OOC: In the future, the Horde will say yes.
Da Supreme Commander ( peered from his gas mask at the ruined country before him. Violence was now minimal, as his troops were hearalded as heroes.
If they only knew what I did to win this war.
Urging his tank driver forward, he rolled through the new capital, Sector 7, and preceeded to walk into his new office headquaters. After returning a salute to the masked soldiers blocking the enterance, he walked up the stairs to his own office.
He knew he would need to adress the tell them of the new order.
Terror Incognitia
25-04-2006, 17:46
Incognitian troops withdrew; casualties had been very light, and they had been upwind of the nearest nuclear blast, by sheer chance.