Jingoistic Empires
22-04-2006, 10:49
The Coalition consists of fve European powers, Britain, France, Germany, Russia, and Austria, and two "independent" far eastern states, Japan and China, which are basicly puppet governments for Britain and Russia, respectively. With the exception of China, a communist state admitted to the Coalition for being suficiently Jingoistic, all nations are absolutist moarchies with a complex governmental system (OOC:Just google the governments of the imperial age if you want to know more). The coalition is ruled by a council consisting of all the European rulers (Japan is a member but has no real power. Britain speaks for their intersests). The councillors vote on most issues of importance, and our assisted by the governments mentioned earlier, linked together through a complex network of laisons and embassies.
The Coalition of Jingoistic Militaries (COJM) is made up off all the member states militaries, didvided into four "universal services": The army, incorporatig the non ship-based elements elements of all national armies, the marines, incorporating all national marines and ship-based army elements, the aero-navy, incorporating all national air-forces and air-navies, as well as the atmospheric craft of other national services, and the Ether navy, incorporating all starships and FACs (fighters).
Current strength: Eight approximtely 20,000 strong "universal divisions", one per power, with the exception of Russia, which has two, courtesy of its size.
Universal division: Ten roughly 2000 strong armoured infantry regiments, four roughly 1000 mechanised infantry regiments, two roughly 1000 strong airborne infantry regiments, four roughly 750 strong armored regiments, one roughly 750 strong artillery regiment, command staff.
Role: All land-based combat operations on the surface of planetoids.
Equipment used: Pacifier combat armour
One railgun (with mono-molecular bayonet), two frag grenades, two plasma grenades, six hardpoints for ammo clips, batteries, or nutrient packs, sensor package, comms unit, NBC shielding. National varients have an appropriate look (Shakos on the British models, Pickelhaubes onthe Germans, etc)
Enforcer support armour
Two weapon hardpoints, accepting rail gatlings, grenade launchers, heavy railguns, plasma guns, or lightning projectors, ammo backpack, six harpoints for ammo clips, batteries, or nutrient packs, rail pistol, sensor package, comms unit, NBC shielding. National varients are much the same as with the Pacifier.
Governor command armour
As Pacifier, but with improved comms and sensors and thickened armour plating.
Current strength: Two battleships (one British, one German) one carrier (German), five cruisers (two German, one British, one French, one Russian) nine escorts (four German, two British, one French, one Russian, one Austrian), three "universal wings" (one British, one Austrian, one Russian).
Universal wing: Five-hundred fighters, 300 bombers, 150 fighter/bombers, 50 command planes, 50 logistics planes, grond crew, airbase.
Ships and planes: TBA.
Current strength: Twenty-one 50 strong platoons (one per destroyer), eight 210 strong companies (one per light cruiser, one on the Heamonculous, two on all other cruisers) one 650 strong battalion (on the Guantlet), all British.
Role: Naval disciplinary duties, all combat aboard starships and small celestial bodies, and direct space to ground planetery raids.
Equipment: TBA.
Ether Navy
Current strength: Thirteen Alpha class destroyers, six Beta class destroyers, two Gamma class destroyers, two Tycho class light cruisers, one Caliban class light cruiser, two Banneret class cruisers, one Heamonculous class cruiser, one Guantlet class battlecruiser, two civilian "Q-ship" FAC carriers, all British.
Role: All space combat operations.
Ether Propellor: Standard drive system using "Cavorite B", a metal which creates a forceful derectional gravity field when moved at high speed.
Grav-sail: "Cavorite A" FTL drive can catch grav waves to move at light speed (OOC: Grav waves from Honorverse, I have no idea how they work, but hey, this is soft SF), is also used to land in an atmosphere, to counteract tractor beams, to temporarily boost the shield systems, and as a manouvering aid.
Naval gun: Size is rated in inches, explosive power in grades one to three. They are fired using a spinning "Cavorite B" tube inside the barrel, creating a rail effect, and are supplemented by the shields. Light guns are seven inch, grade one. Secondaries are twelve inch, grade one (light) or grade two (heavy) . Primaries are grade two, twelve (light) or twenty inch (medium), or twenty inch, grade three (heavy).
Lighting projector: A special martian-tech based gun that is unnafected by most armour. It is equivelant to a heavy primary in all other respects.
Torpedo: A short range, armur piercing projectile held in limited munbers by all ships. They are graded like guns, the used tubes being the twelve inch, grade two "bloodhound", the twelve inch, grade three "godhound", the twenty inch, grade two "hellstrike" and the twenty inch, grade three "hellfire".
Gyro stabilizer: All ships carry a small version, but a large, advanced variant of this device can dramatically increase a ships manouverability.
Rocket pod: A bunch of about fifty short range, low accuracy, high power (for their size) congreve rockets.
Wasserstahl: A German discovered martian metal, of immense strencth and miniscule wait. It is the main defence of all ships, and even a foot is adequate protection from a small turbo-laser.
Grav-Shield: Using slabs of "Cavorite B" carefully positioned on the hull, a ship can create a gravity field which can heavily dampen the effect of velocity based weapons, make projectiles vulnerable to point defence, and supplement the effect of the guns and propellors. They can compomise manouverability for protection by forming a "torpedo net.
Sensor arrays: A destroyer carries one array, a light cruiser two, a cruiser three, and a battlecruiser four. They can scan passively to keep the fleet informed, and in combet can masively increase weapons power by locking on to a certain ship and feeding back a constant stream of data.
Point-defence/anti-fighter grid: A ship has one of these grids, made up of "cavorite B" guns in a gatling arangement, per sensor array, and they co-ordinate for better results.
Ships:Alpha class destroyer
Dimensions: 346 metres long, 117 metres wide, 204 metres high (sails not included).
Engines: Two ether Propellors, two grav-sails.
Armour: Negligable.
Shields: Standard grav bubble, unable to form "torpedo net"
Armament: Two light guns, two "bloodhound" torpedo tubes with a three round magazine, one point defence grid.
Other: One sensor array.
Description: The workhorse of the navy and its fastest vessel.
Beta class destroyer
Dimensions: 321 metres long, 135 metres wide, 201 metres high (sails not included).
Engines: Two ether propelors, two grav-sails.
Armour: Negligable.
Shields: Standard bubble, unable to form "torpedo net".
Armament:Two light guns, three "bloodhound torpedo tubes with a three round magazine, one point defence grid.
Other: One sensor array.
Description: A very slow torpedo platform.
Gamma class destroyer
Dimesions: 382 metres long, 193 metres wide, 202 metres high, (not including sails).
Engines: Two ether propellors, two FTL grav sails.
Armour: One foot wasserstahl.
Shields: Standard grav-bubble, unable to form torpedo net.
Armament: Four light guns, four "hellstrike" torpedo tubes with a two round magazine each, one point defence/anti fighter grid.
Other: One sensor array.
Description: The next generation of escorts.
Tycho class light cruiser
Dimensions: 674 metres long, 257 metres wide, 385 metres high (not including sails).
Engines: One ether propellor, four grav sails.
Armour: One foot wasserstahl.
Shields: Standard grav-bubble, unable to form torpedo net.
Armament: Two light primaries, four light guns, four "godhound" torpedo tubes with a three round magazine, two overlapping point-defence grids.
Other: Two sensor arrays.
Description: The navies basic light cruiser.
Caliban class light cruiser
Dimensions: 626 metres long, 236 metres wide, 367 metres high (not including sails).
Engines: Two ether propellors, four grav sails.
Armour: One foot wasserstahl.
Shields: Standard grav-bubble, unable to form torpedo net.
Armament: Two medium primaries, four light secondaries, six light guns, three "godhound" torpedo tubes with a three round magazine, two overlaping point defence grids.
Other: Two sensor arrays.
Description: A new, more independant and less escort orientated than the Tycho.
Banneret class cruiser
Dimensions:1054 metres long, 327 metres wide, 565 metres high (not including sails).
Engines: Four ether propellors, four grav-sails.
Armour: Two feet wasserstahl.
Shields: Standard grav-bubble.
Armament: Four light primaries, six light secondaries, eight lights guns, two "bloodhound" torpedo tubes with a five round magazine, three overlapping point-defence grids.
Other: Three sensor arrays.
Description: Main line cruiser, capable of going toe to toe witha ISD.
Heamonculous class cruiser
Dimensions: 949 metres long, 315 metres wide, 537 metres high (not including sails).
Engines: Two ether propellors, three grav sails.
Armour: One foot wasserstahl.
Shields: Standard grav-bubble.
Armament: Four lightning projectors, four light secondaries, four light guns, four "hellfire" torpedo tubes with a three round magazine, three overlapping point-defence grids.
Other: Three sensor arrays, gyroscopic stabilizer.
Description: A highly advance support cruiser.
Gauntlet class battlecruiser
Dimensions: 1792 metres long, 435 metres wide, 586 metres high (not including sails).
Engines:Two ether propellors, two grav sails.
Armour: Three feet wasserstahl.
Shields: Standard grav-bubble.
Armament: Four heavy primaries, six heavy secondaries, six light guns, six "godhound" torpedo tubes with a three round magazine, one rocket pod, four overlapping point defence grids.
Other: Four sensor arrays.
Description: The fleets flagship.
Refit civilian carrier
Dimensions: 856 metres long, 432 metres wide, 260 metres high (not including sails).
Engines: One ether propellor, one grav sail.
Armour: Negligable.
Shields: Negligable.
Armament: Five FAC squadrons, one point-defence grid.
Other: One sensor array
Description: A freighter fitted out with crude hangar facilities.
FACs: Rooster: One machine gun, two "godhound" miniature torpedoes, two mines (a squadron can create a small field).
Falconer: Two machine guns, two "hellstrike" miniature torpedoes.
Sprite: Miniature rocket pod, two machine guns.
Meteor: Two 3 inch, grade 0.5 guns, four machine guns.
The Coalition consists of fve European powers, Britain, France, Germany, Russia, and Austria, and two "independent" far eastern states, Japan and China, which are basicly puppet governments for Britain and Russia, respectively. With the exception of China, a communist state admitted to the Coalition for being suficiently Jingoistic, all nations are absolutist moarchies with a complex governmental system (OOC:Just google the governments of the imperial age if you want to know more). The coalition is ruled by a council consisting of all the European rulers (Japan is a member but has no real power. Britain speaks for their intersests). The councillors vote on most issues of importance, and our assisted by the governments mentioned earlier, linked together through a complex network of laisons and embassies.
The Coalition of Jingoistic Militaries (COJM) is made up off all the member states militaries, didvided into four "universal services": The army, incorporatig the non ship-based elements elements of all national armies, the marines, incorporating all national marines and ship-based army elements, the aero-navy, incorporating all national air-forces and air-navies, as well as the atmospheric craft of other national services, and the Ether navy, incorporating all starships and FACs (fighters).
Current strength: Eight approximtely 20,000 strong "universal divisions", one per power, with the exception of Russia, which has two, courtesy of its size.
Universal division: Ten roughly 2000 strong armoured infantry regiments, four roughly 1000 mechanised infantry regiments, two roughly 1000 strong airborne infantry regiments, four roughly 750 strong armored regiments, one roughly 750 strong artillery regiment, command staff.
Role: All land-based combat operations on the surface of planetoids.
Equipment used: Pacifier combat armour
One railgun (with mono-molecular bayonet), two frag grenades, two plasma grenades, six hardpoints for ammo clips, batteries, or nutrient packs, sensor package, comms unit, NBC shielding. National varients have an appropriate look (Shakos on the British models, Pickelhaubes onthe Germans, etc)
Enforcer support armour
Two weapon hardpoints, accepting rail gatlings, grenade launchers, heavy railguns, plasma guns, or lightning projectors, ammo backpack, six harpoints for ammo clips, batteries, or nutrient packs, rail pistol, sensor package, comms unit, NBC shielding. National varients are much the same as with the Pacifier.
Governor command armour
As Pacifier, but with improved comms and sensors and thickened armour plating.
Current strength: Two battleships (one British, one German) one carrier (German), five cruisers (two German, one British, one French, one Russian) nine escorts (four German, two British, one French, one Russian, one Austrian), three "universal wings" (one British, one Austrian, one Russian).
Universal wing: Five-hundred fighters, 300 bombers, 150 fighter/bombers, 50 command planes, 50 logistics planes, grond crew, airbase.
Ships and planes: TBA.
Current strength: Twenty-one 50 strong platoons (one per destroyer), eight 210 strong companies (one per light cruiser, one on the Heamonculous, two on all other cruisers) one 650 strong battalion (on the Guantlet), all British.
Role: Naval disciplinary duties, all combat aboard starships and small celestial bodies, and direct space to ground planetery raids.
Equipment: TBA.
Ether Navy
Current strength: Thirteen Alpha class destroyers, six Beta class destroyers, two Gamma class destroyers, two Tycho class light cruisers, one Caliban class light cruiser, two Banneret class cruisers, one Heamonculous class cruiser, one Guantlet class battlecruiser, two civilian "Q-ship" FAC carriers, all British.
Role: All space combat operations.
Ether Propellor: Standard drive system using "Cavorite B", a metal which creates a forceful derectional gravity field when moved at high speed.
Grav-sail: "Cavorite A" FTL drive can catch grav waves to move at light speed (OOC: Grav waves from Honorverse, I have no idea how they work, but hey, this is soft SF), is also used to land in an atmosphere, to counteract tractor beams, to temporarily boost the shield systems, and as a manouvering aid.
Naval gun: Size is rated in inches, explosive power in grades one to three. They are fired using a spinning "Cavorite B" tube inside the barrel, creating a rail effect, and are supplemented by the shields. Light guns are seven inch, grade one. Secondaries are twelve inch, grade one (light) or grade two (heavy) . Primaries are grade two, twelve (light) or twenty inch (medium), or twenty inch, grade three (heavy).
Lighting projector: A special martian-tech based gun that is unnafected by most armour. It is equivelant to a heavy primary in all other respects.
Torpedo: A short range, armur piercing projectile held in limited munbers by all ships. They are graded like guns, the used tubes being the twelve inch, grade two "bloodhound", the twelve inch, grade three "godhound", the twenty inch, grade two "hellstrike" and the twenty inch, grade three "hellfire".
Gyro stabilizer: All ships carry a small version, but a large, advanced variant of this device can dramatically increase a ships manouverability.
Rocket pod: A bunch of about fifty short range, low accuracy, high power (for their size) congreve rockets.
Wasserstahl: A German discovered martian metal, of immense strencth and miniscule wait. It is the main defence of all ships, and even a foot is adequate protection from a small turbo-laser.
Grav-Shield: Using slabs of "Cavorite B" carefully positioned on the hull, a ship can create a gravity field which can heavily dampen the effect of velocity based weapons, make projectiles vulnerable to point defence, and supplement the effect of the guns and propellors. They can compomise manouverability for protection by forming a "torpedo net.
Sensor arrays: A destroyer carries one array, a light cruiser two, a cruiser three, and a battlecruiser four. They can scan passively to keep the fleet informed, and in combet can masively increase weapons power by locking on to a certain ship and feeding back a constant stream of data.
Point-defence/anti-fighter grid: A ship has one of these grids, made up of "cavorite B" guns in a gatling arangement, per sensor array, and they co-ordinate for better results.
Ships:Alpha class destroyer
Dimensions: 346 metres long, 117 metres wide, 204 metres high (sails not included).
Engines: Two ether Propellors, two grav-sails.
Armour: Negligable.
Shields: Standard grav bubble, unable to form "torpedo net"
Armament: Two light guns, two "bloodhound" torpedo tubes with a three round magazine, one point defence grid.
Other: One sensor array.
Description: The workhorse of the navy and its fastest vessel.
Beta class destroyer
Dimensions: 321 metres long, 135 metres wide, 201 metres high (sails not included).
Engines: Two ether propelors, two grav-sails.
Armour: Negligable.
Shields: Standard bubble, unable to form "torpedo net".
Armament:Two light guns, three "bloodhound torpedo tubes with a three round magazine, one point defence grid.
Other: One sensor array.
Description: A very slow torpedo platform.
Gamma class destroyer
Dimesions: 382 metres long, 193 metres wide, 202 metres high, (not including sails).
Engines: Two ether propellors, two FTL grav sails.
Armour: One foot wasserstahl.
Shields: Standard grav-bubble, unable to form torpedo net.
Armament: Four light guns, four "hellstrike" torpedo tubes with a two round magazine each, one point defence/anti fighter grid.
Other: One sensor array.
Description: The next generation of escorts.
Tycho class light cruiser
Dimensions: 674 metres long, 257 metres wide, 385 metres high (not including sails).
Engines: One ether propellor, four grav sails.
Armour: One foot wasserstahl.
Shields: Standard grav-bubble, unable to form torpedo net.
Armament: Two light primaries, four light guns, four "godhound" torpedo tubes with a three round magazine, two overlapping point-defence grids.
Other: Two sensor arrays.
Description: The navies basic light cruiser.
Caliban class light cruiser
Dimensions: 626 metres long, 236 metres wide, 367 metres high (not including sails).
Engines: Two ether propellors, four grav sails.
Armour: One foot wasserstahl.
Shields: Standard grav-bubble, unable to form torpedo net.
Armament: Two medium primaries, four light secondaries, six light guns, three "godhound" torpedo tubes with a three round magazine, two overlaping point defence grids.
Other: Two sensor arrays.
Description: A new, more independant and less escort orientated than the Tycho.
Banneret class cruiser
Dimensions:1054 metres long, 327 metres wide, 565 metres high (not including sails).
Engines: Four ether propellors, four grav-sails.
Armour: Two feet wasserstahl.
Shields: Standard grav-bubble.
Armament: Four light primaries, six light secondaries, eight lights guns, two "bloodhound" torpedo tubes with a five round magazine, three overlapping point-defence grids.
Other: Three sensor arrays.
Description: Main line cruiser, capable of going toe to toe witha ISD.
Heamonculous class cruiser
Dimensions: 949 metres long, 315 metres wide, 537 metres high (not including sails).
Engines: Two ether propellors, three grav sails.
Armour: One foot wasserstahl.
Shields: Standard grav-bubble.
Armament: Four lightning projectors, four light secondaries, four light guns, four "hellfire" torpedo tubes with a three round magazine, three overlapping point-defence grids.
Other: Three sensor arrays, gyroscopic stabilizer.
Description: A highly advance support cruiser.
Gauntlet class battlecruiser
Dimensions: 1792 metres long, 435 metres wide, 586 metres high (not including sails).
Engines:Two ether propellors, two grav sails.
Armour: Three feet wasserstahl.
Shields: Standard grav-bubble.
Armament: Four heavy primaries, six heavy secondaries, six light guns, six "godhound" torpedo tubes with a three round magazine, one rocket pod, four overlapping point defence grids.
Other: Four sensor arrays.
Description: The fleets flagship.
Refit civilian carrier
Dimensions: 856 metres long, 432 metres wide, 260 metres high (not including sails).
Engines: One ether propellor, one grav sail.
Armour: Negligable.
Shields: Negligable.
Armament: Five FAC squadrons, one point-defence grid.
Other: One sensor array
Description: A freighter fitted out with crude hangar facilities.
FACs: Rooster: One machine gun, two "godhound" miniature torpedoes, two mines (a squadron can create a small field).
Falconer: Two machine guns, two "hellstrike" miniature torpedoes.
Sprite: Miniature rocket pod, two machine guns.
Meteor: Two 3 inch, grade 0.5 guns, four machine guns.