First Kryozerkian Wartime Trial
21-04-2006, 03:34
Within the last fifteen years, the nations of Kryozerkia and Talematros had been in the midst of a nerve-gripping Cold War, that has brought both nations to the brink of a full out nuclear war. The two regional powers have often clashed due to their aggressive foreign policies and strong militaries, which had been continually and excessively funded by militant governments, in their drive to make their respected nations stronger.
The nations in the arly years fought over the other's policy in such nations as Drybread and Clearwafer, two nations which fall in the juridiction of Talematros, and hence, part of the Federated States; and over Farflorin, which along with Kutou-koku belong to the United Commonwealth, which is tied to Kryozerkia.
In the last years of the Cold War, the two nations came head to head in a nasty war of words, diplomacy with crippling sanctions, embargos and boycotts. assets were seized and property was taken away; embassies were closed. All diplomatic ties were but severed. Diplomatic ties remained minimal, as the two clashed over Andocha.
Andocha is a nation with little or no military and it became the centre of attention when a rebel group, from the remains of a nation that was eaten up during a land grab blitz by Kryozerkia and Talematros, tried to seek residency and citizenship in Andocha.
The nation's stability had been threatened by the rebel group which threatened to overwhel local police. The two heavily militant nations of Kryozerkia and Talematros stepped in. Talematros was the first when it moved its forces in to squash the uprising, without prior consent from Andocha, effectively invading the soveign nation, violating the regional charter's most sacred tenant, that all nations are to respect the sovreignty of one another.
Upon witnessing the bold, audacious move by Talematros, Kryozerkia stepped in, offering Andocha the use of its forces in order to drive out the Talematrian forces.
The offer was seen as warlike by Talematros and was received as such.
It cut most ties to Kryozerkia, as Kryozerkia cut ties to it.
As the crisis grew dire, a man from within the ruling party in Kryozerkia, the ever-powerful Patrick D'Alessio step forward. At the time, he was the Minister of Foreign Affairs and known within the ranks of SLP as being an extreme hardliner, known through Kryozerkia for his staunch hatred of Talematros.
He took hold of the party's current chaos and lack of proper leadership to take on the position of Prime Minister, without proper consent from the Kryozerkian National Parliament.
From the PMO, he made several controversial statements, pushing the two nations to the brink of war, before the rest of the ruling SLP stood up and sent in its finest diplomat to meet with one of Talematros' to broker a kind of tentative peace that had only been known in the region for a brief amount of time following the end of the Kryozerkian-Kutounese War, which saw the formation of Farflorin.
It was also during said war that the outlawed rebel Kryozerkia group from the southern region of Blazi'ik Valley, near the northern Kutou-koku border, formed. Its objective had been to drive out undesireables and "fight" their own war within the borders of the other nation and in Kryozerkia for taking a peacetime stance.
The group has remained outlawed since, though its recent surge in its Anti-Talematrian activity saw a rise in membership, especially after a prominant member of the Kryozerkian parliament legalised their existance in a statement from the PMO, authorising the militia's right to use power.
After a week of tense negotiations between the two super powers, an agreement was reached, that saw the elimination of the sanctions and embargos, the establishment of more open borders and a mutual agreement to not intervene in the affairs of other nations, other than to provide first aid and food to the people.
The end of the Cold War, also saw the first interim government of Kryozerkia without any radical members.
21-04-2006, 03:35
KERZOKOIA, KRYOZERKIA - As of 0900 hours this morning, the new and young interim government has declared that they are now the sitting government for Kryozerkia and that they will be holding a leadership convention in order to replace their embattled leader who was forced to resign earlier following increased tensions with Talematros. The former leader was forced to resign because he hadn't shown the kind of leadership that the Social Labour Party (SLP) had expected of him.
His career was also abruptly ended because of his inability to stand up to hardliners, such as Patrick D'Alessio, the former Minister of Foreign Affairs who is now being indicted for not only a breach of office, in which he declared the nation’s alliance with an outlawed rebel faction, but also for overstepping his legal rights and making a statement on behalf of the PMO without prior consent from the party. More details to follow.
21-04-2006, 03:37
KERZOKOIA, KRYOZERKIA - The local Kerzokoia police have arrested and charged former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Patrick D'Alessio with aiding an outlawed rebel faction and conspiring to plunge the nation into an unwanted war. Mr. D'Alessio is also being charged with assault following reports that the former Prime Minister was assaulted before the controversial statement from the PMO that nearly led to irreversible consequences.
Mr. D'Alessio will be appearing before court in the coming weeks, as well as some high profile members of the rebel faction from Blazi'ik Valley. They were arrested following a statement by Mr. D'Alessio, which named the four men and two women, who were plotting to slip into Talematros unknown and launch an attack from within.
They had been receiving their funding from Mr. D'Alessio, whose bank statements show that over a long period of time, he was funnelling money to their bank accounts in Farflorin, which has been known not to tax foreign-owned bank accounts.
The interim government expressed its disbelief that a former, trusted member of their party would have committed such crimes. They added in their comment that they were aware that he was a hardliner, but it isn't uncommon to find a sparse number of hardliners in Kryozerkian politics.
21-04-2006, 04:06
Innisfrinn, Kryozerkia - Protests erupted today following the declaration that the government never endorsed the existance of the rebel faction of the Blazi'ik Valley. The statement from the interim government went on to add that anyone caught participating in any militia related activities would be arrested and summarily charged with threatening national security.
So far, the police across the province of Kitzenia, the home of the Blaz'ik Valley militia have failed to arrest anyone for militia related activity. They are allowing the protests, so long as they remain peaceful, though they are keeping in a close eye on it.
In a related story, high profile members of the milita, identified by Mr. D'Alessio, have been arrested, though many others have evaded the police and remain at large. They have gone underground and remain a threat to national security.
Mr. D'Alessio is charged with having connections to the group, which was explicitly outlawed in the act that also saw the Kryozerkian government acknowledgement of the right for Farflorin to exist as a semi-autonomous state.
More still remain at large.
From their bunkers, they continue to fuel the Anti-Talematrian sentiments that prevail in the primarily rural province, making the place unsafe for Talematrian nationals to travel to. They have been advised against such endevours, as the government cannot fully guarantee their safety.
21-04-2006, 15:33
Innisfrinn, Kryozerkia - In the early morning hours, police clashed with is believed to the the base fringe group of the infamous Blazi'ik Valley militia, which is currently outlawed.
The group, claiming to be the radical arm, emerged in the early hours of the morning, demanding the release of their symbolic leader, Patrick D'Alessio, who is currently in prison, awaiting his arraignment in the Kryozerkian Federal Court, which handle cases that affect the nation including and not limited to treason and acts of terror.
Several arrests were made, but no charges were laid. The protestors are being held because of their link to the outawed militia. The police have another thirty six hours before they can charge them. During that time, they are free to interrogate the prisoners, though are legally bound by regional law not to torture them.
Police spokesperson, Byre Jussil had this to say, "while we arrested a few loud mouthed rebels, we haven't been able to officially link them to any wrongdoing. We theorise that these people are merely disgruntled low-supporters who only show up when they're being told to shut up."
He added that they hoped to find out something through moderate questioning, and so far there was some level of co-operation.
Police hope to obtain evidence that could land the high ranked members of the militia behind bars, as well as provide substantial evidence of Mr. D'Alessio's activities within the militia.
21-04-2006, 18:02
Day 1
High Security Military Prison in Kerzokoia
"Good day, general."
"Ah, lieutenant... what news do you bring?"
"Sir, we've quashed a minor uprising in Kitzenia with the help of the local police. The dissenters have been taken in and we're hoping that they can provide us with key information about where their leaders are and hopefully provide us with more information about D'Alessio's connection and plans to the militia."
The general, General Arslin Marckwin, nodded, sitting back in his large office chair, regarding his lieutenant who stood at attention on the other side of the large mahoganey desk.
"Have you been able to find anything else on D'Alessio?"
"Unfortunately sir, the Farflorinian officials aren't talking. They won't say how the funds were handled once it was on their side of the border and our agents are still on the paper trail, though have turned up nothing."
Glowering at the lieutenant, General Marckwin growled. "I don't give a fuck; get the information however you want! I will not have the MS force jerked around by some rebel acting out of the Prime Minister's Office, stirring up shit, nearly sending us to war."
"Uh..." the lieutenant began.
The General shook his head. "No, you see... it hurts our recruitment numbers if we directly declare war on a nation that hasn't done anything that directly affects us. We're like the mother eagle; beautiful to gaze upon, but try and hurt our babies and our razor sharp talons will rip you to shreds.
"Plus, our government benefits more from a Cold War; they can hold onto power through the use of propoganda. It also increases citizen morale and encourages them to enlist, which helps us. A war that involves directly assaulting the enemy only works when you can play the heart strings of the doves."
A tall man slammed his hands on the table. Through clenched teeth he growled. "Stop fucking with me, D'Alessio and come up straight; where are the rest of the assholes hiding?"
The former Minister smirked. "And exactly why would I want to tell you? if I did, then we couldn't continue our campaign to eradicate the existance of the Talematrians from all corners of the world.
"We started in Eastphalia; who do you think supported them? The Militia did. Anything to take a swip at Talematros. Of course, we weren't caught and they continued to think it was just a local rebel faction acting up.
"Of course, the government of Kryozerkia continued to not know the truth and were accomplices in the overall scheme."
22-04-2006, 03:08
FARBANTI, TALEMATROS - Talematrian Congress today started it's session with a boisterous applause as daily news briefings were read to the senators and representatives. The Federated States, as well as Talematrian Union member states, are relieved at the now in-effect relations between the Federated States and the United Commonwealth. Congress also praised Kryozerkia's crackdown on terrorist groups operating within the country. Along with boosting morale, the new peace accords have resonated into the economy. The fact that the two superpowers have opened up once again economically has surged the Talematrian Stock Market forward, destroying the rampant instability that rocked the economy after a terrorist attack in the financial district of the capital, which killed 34 people and injured another 111. Findings for those responsible for the car bombing have still not been released publicly.
In what seems to be a major contrast to recent peace, the Talematrian military still continues to modernize and expand. Also growing is the Federation's vast supply of Weapons of Mass Destruction, it’s supplies of mustard and chlorine gas being doubled. The use of chemical weapons is still a hot issue within the region, as the Federation is the only nation still using the so called "barbaric weapons of war." Many nations still deplore Talematros' decision to use mustard gas in urban areas during the Eastphilian secession. The Federated State's nuclear arsenal is also going through a major overall, the majority of funds being put towards black-ops projects as well as the building of more MNOB-57 "The Dude" missiles, the 57 megaton nuclear arm being the strongest ever built. Also being funded is the production of next generation air superiority fighters as well as Main Battle Walkers.
22-04-2006, 15:18
Day 2
Kerzokoia, Kryozerkia - Gathering in the capital city of Kryozerkia, demonstrators from across the country rallied today and clashed with opposition demonstrators, as the national press released a statement declaring that it would be illegal to conduct any acts of racism, violence or anything else that specifically targetted Talematrian nationals. The statement went on to further state that all nationals who were permanant residents could seek police help if they were being harassed.
Supporters of the peace process erupted into waves of cheers that praise the government's move to solidify the peace that had been established with the former rival.
The supporters chanted phrases of peace and prosperity, while mentioning that their neighbours, though far from perfect were still their neighbours and they they would do their part to help protect the vulerable.
Many of the supporters were faced by violence from demonstrators, who while didn't mind the peace, found the newly granted rights to the Talematrian nationals deplorable.
The two rallies had been permitted to proceed, with police former a barricade between the two, until a mortar shell was fired onto the side of those who supported the move. The subsequent explosion resulted in an immediate six deaths and dozens of injuries.
The retaliation, came as the police attempted to break up the two parallel rallies. The clash resulted in another three deaths and dozens of more injuries, sending many to the Kerzokoia General Hospital, overwhelming its emergency ward.
In the midst of the frenzy, one police officer was killed and ten more were injured.
Zekeguard City, Kryozerkia - The former Minister of Affairs, Patrick D'Alessio has come out to demand that the nation not try him on the various accounts. He is demanding that because of Kryozerkia's history that it has no right to try him for wartime crimes against Talematros.
The Crown Prosecution has responded to this by telling Mr. D'Alessio he has little say due to the nature of his crimes and they were committed on Kryozerkian soil.
24-04-2006, 18:26
Day 3
Kryozerkian Military Base -- 0700H; Ferigy, Koliumia
A guard at the high security military prison strolled down the long corridor of the prison's deep interior, where high profile military defectors and war-time criminals were held. It was the only place that they were safe from the vengeful Kryozerkian public known greatly for its intolerance of due process with those charged with treason and other war-time crimes. They also were a threat to defectors that they saw as traitors as well.
The guard twirled a set of keys around his fingers, as he approached the cell holding Patrick D'Alessio. He rapped on the door twice and unlocked it.
He growled, "D'Alessio, you've got 10 minutes to make yourself presentable. You're meeting your lawyer today and entering your plea to the court."
The man addressed, Patrick D'Alessio, snorted derisively. "I refused to acknowledge the Kryozerkian courts. They have no right to try those of us who have been protecting the nation from the impurities that threaten us."
The guard rolled his eyes. "save it for the judge. I'm sure he'll love to hear it."
D'Alessio glared at the guard, contempt dancing in his eyes. How he loathed the system. He had once been at the top and 'untouchable', but then some little snot faced backbencher had helped the power grabbing Minister of Defence oust him out.
He had been so close to his second phase in the ethnic cleansing of the Talematrians. His militia from the Blazi'ik Valley had been perfect for the movement. They hated any outsider that they deemed 'impure' and found to be in conflict with 'Kryozerkian Ethnic Standards', a documentation that had been around since the days of the infamous and ruthless tyrant, Chikita the Cruel.
In those days, anyone that wasn't Kryozerkian was second class and those who had been conquered when the land was taken were less than second class.
The document is now considered illegal and it is frowned upon in the nation and ownership of the document is banned. Anyone found in possession of it faces up to two years in prison plus 500 hours of community service.
His militia had been able to secretly conceal their possession of the document since the fall of Chikita the Cruel. They had used the document to brainwash any potential recruit, fostering a culture of intolerance that became the symbol of life in Blazi'ik Valley and the southern reaches of Kitzenia; along the Kryozerkian-Kutounese border.
During the Cold War, the militia found limited support in other provinces, limited to only merely vocal support in that they boycotted Talematrian goods, due to a hatred of Talematros for its bellicose actions. The militia, never did win support for their ethnic cleansing movement, though D'Alessio knew that thousands of cases regarding missing or murdered Talematrians went unsolved throughout the Cold War.
Before his arrest, he had authorised, though the PMO, the 'household cleansing' of the area in Atrinium, north of Brine's Kettle in the mountainous region of the Trinity Range, which was known for its sparsely populated towns. It was also a popular vacation location for many foreigners, especially Talematians.
He smiled as he did up his tie; remembering the video he had been shown of the massacre. At the time, he had seen his plans come to fruitation. If he could eradicate the Talematrians from Kryozerkia, then he could've acquired power and done so from other nations.
The position of Prime Minister had been within hand's reach...
"All right, princess, you've had enough time to get dressed..." The guard banged on the wall. "Move it or I'll escorted you by force."
D'Alessio glared at the man. 'He's a Talematrian...' He loathed the man. 'I can't believe that they allowed impurities into the nation and now he's here, taking me away in my own nation.'
Truth be told, the guard was only half-Talematrian. The guard's parents had been Kryozerkian and Talematrian. His parents had met on an inter-regional cruise that was geared strictly for singles, and it had been an attempt to foster better relations, by allowing citizens of different nations to marry and return to the woman's home nation.
D'Alessio watched as the guard turned his back and at precisely that moment, he reached over and removed the revolver from the guard's belt and cocking the trigger, aimed it at the guard's head.
The guard had only a mere second in which he turned, a look of horror crossing his face as the bullet let the chamber.
The single bullet penetrated his skull, and he fell backwards, slumping against the wall of the cell, blood dripping from his wound.
Smirking, D'Alessio pocketed the revolver and after a minute of contemplation, deftly removed the guard's clothing and switched it with it; it was his ticket to freedom.
Dressing quickly, he nodded and ran from the cell to the exit. He stopped to regain his composure and left the deep interior...
27-04-2006, 18:55
The Federated States of Talematros and Talematrian Union members are appalled by the actions and escape of terrorist Patrick D'Alessio. The Talematrian government, while realizing this is a Kryozerkian issue, is wary of the amount of faults and corruption taking place in this trial and feels the new Kyrozerkian government is too infantile and unstable to partake in major actions. The Federated States, therefore, requests permission for special forces of the Talematrian Legionary Corps to partake in the manhunt and intelligence gathering for Mr. D'Alessio as well as the Blazi'ik Valley terrorist group. Any costs fielded by Talematrian actions will be paid by the Talematrian government. Talematros also pledges willingness in holding trials in the much more stable Federated States. The Federated States would also like to point that it feels safe under it's current security systems and it feels no outside source could actually break through and cause harm. Talematros wishes just to bring these xenophobic, anarchist terrorists to justice for the good of the Federated States, the United Commonwealth and the region.
P.S.: Sorry about the slow reply. I keep forgeting about this website...
01-05-2006, 05:30
Day 3
-- Behind Doors Closed Conference --
The leaders of the three leading Kryozerkian parties met behind closed doors to discuss a settlement in response to the Talematrian offer.
The first believed that it wasn't in the interests of Kryozerkian security to allow foreign agents into the nation, as it would compromise national security among other things.
The second one while agreeing with the primary offer, believed that the part about trying a Kryozerkian national on foreign soil wasn't going to sit well with the public that much wanted to see the political criminal tried under Kryozerkian law.
The third had no real opinion because he was the leader of the pansy centrist party.
-- Official Press Release --
KERZOKOIA, KRYOZERKIA - After an exhaustive weekend of meetings behind closed doors, (as a question and answer period in the House of Commons would've eaten up valuable time), in order to discuss the offer, an agreement was reached.
The three leaders have emerged declaring that while they appreciate the Talematrian offer that they wish to see two changes, the first being that the intelligence effort and gathering be done by agents from both Kryozerkia and Talematros. The second amendment is that they felt that it was best if the trial was not held in Talematros, and also, to keep Talematros' leaders happy, that the trial would be in a third party nation.
04-05-2006, 03:12
“Mr. Secretary, official report has arrived from Kryozerkia.”
The aide placed the file in front of the Talematrian Secretary of State, causing the ambassador to drop the newspaper he held in front of his face, replacing it with the report.
“You’d think they’d be handling this more efficient, being fascists and all,” he bluntly stated, the report still dangling in front of his eyesight.
“Yes, sir.”
“That is, if they really care. These new peace accords are probably BS. They think they can just make some peace, use us for economic gain, then start it all over again.”
“Yes, sir,” repeated the aide absent mindly.
“Uh, I’ll have a report ready for sending in a bit. In the mean time, call up Secretary Von Manstien.”
“The Department of Defense will want a say in this. The only way we’ll get anything done now is probably with our own troops.”
“You mean war?”
“That’s for Von Manstien to decide. He shoots the bullets, I shoot the words.”
“Yes, Sir.”
The Federated States of Talematros as well as her allies in the Talematrian Union are contempt with Kryozerkian efforts now and feel that no 3rd party action be taken. The Federated States does though, urge the Kryozerkian government to crack down on terrorism in it’s own borders. The Federated States would also like to state that it feels that if more faults occur in the search, trial and persecution of anti-Talematrian terrorists, it may have to take a much more larger role in the situation.
04-05-2006, 05:49
Day 4: evening
-- Kryozerkian Parliamentary House of Commons --
The Speaker of the House rose. "This evening's session of parliament has been called for two reasons, number one because our primary party leaders have been trying to find a solution that will please all residing members of parliament, while attempting to honour the peace accord.
"The floor is open to our interim Minister of Foreign Affairs."
The Minister of Foreign Affairs, from the SLP rose. "Thank you, Madam Speaker; honourable Members of Parliament. I have received a response back from Talematros and it is less than pleasing. They won't allow a joint effort, despite that it is on our soil.
"In our own right, we could've very well told them that they weren't welcome here, as one of the articles from the peace accord clearly state that neither Kryozerkia or any of her commonwealth nations, and likewise for Talematros and her federated states, are to directly involve themselves in the affairs of the other, without express permission.
"The only time this doesn't hold water is in regard to diplomatic manipulation.
"It seems that they aren't going to allow us to take part, simply because we're an interim government. This is democratically unfair to the people of Kryozerkia, who have shown in a recently conducted poll that, while they favour a more open relationship with Talematros, that they still don't trust them to conduct themselves on a democratic level with regards to military action."
The minister sat down, allowing for the Foreign Affairs critic of the Official Democratic Opposition to rise.
"Thank you. Madam Speaker, I would like to take this moment to say that for once, we find ourselves in agreement with the ruling party. We do wish to work with our neighbour, but, not under these conditions. We wish for conditions that favour both." He paused.
"If the terrorist D'Alessio is outside of Kryozerkian jurisdiction, the Talematrian authorities can conduct themselves as they wish, but, here, to keep a level of trust, respect and stability, we wish to submit a request that they respect our sovereignty.
"But, their recent statement shows a level of impatience. It doesn't give us the respect that we deserve as a sovereign nation who is willing to work with a former rival in order to help foster a culture of peace and prospertity."
The Minister of Internal Affairs stood up. "They are impatient because of a small faction that had been inactive until very recently. The group had only been active because they had a chance to profit from the increased tensions. The group has only been known to cash in on instances that benefit them, such as war.
"According to Domestic Intelligence reports, they had been inactive, until three years ago, when D'Alessio came into the picture and used them to meet his own desires. Those who assisted him have been sufficiently muzzled and have proved quite helpful, though, for security, we are protecting them because we need to gather intelligence and we don't feel that it is appropriate to turn over citizens for propoganda without violance."
The Foreign Affairs Critic rose sharply. "Then what have you got to say about the terrorist attacks?"
"Those weren't by the actual Blazi'ik Valley militia! They were commited by a fundamentalist fringe group that broke off a number of years ago.
"If anyone remembers their history, the original militia sprung up in order to help defend Kryozerkian borders from the invading Kutounese force. The militia had been known for its hospitality and we allowed for it to exist because it was a citizen force that came into existance to help the military.
"We only outlawed a similar one because of their overt terrorist activities."
The critic scowled. "That still doesn't explain why we're dealing with terrorists!"
"Even if they are, they are still Kryozerkians and in many parts of the nation, there is a common sentiment that floats about; a negative reaction to Talematrian Foreign Policy. We don't want to look like we're giving in simply because they aren't pleased with our actions.
"Their threats make them terrorists in the same sense that it makes the fringe group!"
KERZOKOIA, KRYOZERKIA - The interim government and opposition parties have come out swinging against the strong-armed Talematrian statement. There was a common sentiment echoed against the general statement from the Talematrian government.
The House of Commons had for the first time in history found itself in agreement and doesn't believe that Talematros is making good on one key article of the peace accord that would have ensured that the peace would've been lasting.
A key article had been that neither nation was to exert force on the other, without a request for help, or a formal declaration of war.
Knowing this, MPs defiantly declared that they felt that they were trying to reach a fair agreement with Talematrian authorities, but, felt hurt by the brush off. It was seen as an attempt to circumvent Kryozerkian sovereignty.
If the sovereignty issue wasn't brought up, there would've been a general agreement to allow for Talematrian authorities access to Kryozerkian intelligence. However, the strong-armed statement has left many wondering why Talematros won't try and work with Kryozerkia.
04-05-2006, 20:09
Talematrian President Rolf Montag fastened the last button on his traditional military uniform, eyeing himself in the mirror.
“I’ve always liked wearing this more then those damn suits.”
“Herr President?”
The President motioned away from the mirror towards the auxiliary.
“Make it quick. I need to be out of here and off to Stonehenge.”
“Sorry, sir. It’s a report from Kyrozerkia. Secretary Eichmann thought it best to send you a summary of what they received at the Hexagon.”
“Ugh,” the President moaned, a bout of fatigue and reluctance escaping from his mouth. “Let’s see it.”
The President grasped the communique from the aide and began reading After about thirty seconds, he dropped the paper.
“These damn fascists,” he muttered. “Don’t they know we’re trusting them in this investigation? Although that’s probably not a wise choice.”
The President breathed a long sigh, then continued.
“Tell Eichmann to get on damage control, and have him tell those thick headed fascists that we aren’t taking any actions on the matter.”
“Ja vohl, Herr President.
The Federated States of Talematros and her allies in the Talematrian Union would like to clarify that the Federated States is taking no action on the capture, detainment and trial of terrorists in Kyrozerkia’s own borders. The Federated States would once again like to reiterate it’s thought that the United Commonwealth is fully capable of handling the situation without 3rd party support. The Federated States does mention though, that if more faults and inefficiencies are brought to light, the Federated States and her allies would likely take a much larger role in the situation. The Federation does recognize Kryozerkian sovereignty and will take all measures to make sure it is not breached in any circumstance. The Federated States also hopes that the current standings do not hurt relations between the two superpowers and hopes that peace and prosperity is brought and enjoyed by the two nations.