NationStates Jolt Archive

Final Fantasy: NationStates (OOC/ Interest Thread) - Page 2

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20-05-2006, 20:09
I'd say it, but how do I make it believeable?

Doesn't matter now.
20-05-2006, 20:23
Introducing. . . . . . . LUCENT, Celestial Summon of the Sword!

Name: Lucent
Class: Summon
Summoner: Tupac
Weakness: Darkness and if his summoner is evil so is he.
Magic Level: 3-I
Bio: Upper class summon. His powers rival Bahamut and Knight of Round. He can only be summoned by using the Summoning Sword.
20-05-2006, 20:25
Also you guys somehow in the city of Kalm all of the characters are going to get transported to Spira. There they will meet up with some more people and Tupac and the others will be able to acquire more summmons.
20-05-2006, 20:28
Do you already have an idea of how/why they will be transported to Spira or should we think of one?
20-05-2006, 20:29
I am thinking through a mirror but I am not sure. Do you have any suggestions?
20-05-2006, 20:32
Since Sephiroth has disapeared this is a good a time as any to make Kadaj the new villian I guess.
20-05-2006, 20:36
Wooshaba']I am thinking through a mirror but I am not sure. Do you have any suggestions?

Perhaps a summong accident.

A rip in the fabric of space and time that they explore (and find themselves in Spira).

[Still thinking...]
20-05-2006, 20:36
I sent Bjornoya a tele. He thought the thread was dead. I haven't heard from him since. If you guys want to make Kadaj into the villain that is fine. He will have to follow us into Spira however. He could find a way to harness Sin's power. That would be interesting.
20-05-2006, 20:37
Perhaps a summong accident.

A rip in the fabric of space and time that they explore (and find themselves in Spira).

[Still thinking...]

That sounds interesting.
20-05-2006, 20:50
Wooshaba']If you guys want to make Kadaj into the villain that is fine. He will have to follow us into Spira however. He could find a way to harness Sin's power. That would be interesting.

I dont' care - it is up to Lup.
20-05-2006, 20:56
I dont' care - it is up to Lup.

Well if Bjorn is coming back then Kadaj could just be like a side villian. I was thinking that as Neo-Bahumut is laying waste to Kalm, Lucent tries to intercept an attack that transports the group to Spira.

Don't ask, I'm not a major in Quantum Summoning Mechanics.
20-05-2006, 20:58
DMG, I know how we can get to Spira. Loki can selfconsciously summon regular Bahamut. Regular Bahamut can then rip Loki, Tupac, Shadow and the rest of the gang into Spira. Somehow Kadaj gets there. I don't know how though. Also by Loki calling regular Bahamut that cancels Neo-Bahamut
20-05-2006, 21:04
Wooshaba']DMG, I know how we can get to Spira. Loki can selfconsciously summon regular Bahamut. Regular Bahamut can then rip Loki, Tupac, Shadow and the rest of the gang into Spira. Somehow Kadaj gets there. I don't know how though. Also by Loki calling regular Bahamut that cancels Neo-Bahamut


That would actually work well (though with a slight variation).

Loki subconsciously summons Bahamut and by summoning both Neo Bahamut and Bahamut there is a warp in space/time, because Neo Bahamut and Bahamut are the same being.
20-05-2006, 21:05
Wooshaba']DMG, I know how we can get to Spira. Loki can selfconsciously summon regular Bahamut. Regular Bahamut can then rip Loki, Tupac, Shadow and the rest of the gang into Spira. Somehow Kadaj gets there. I don't know how though. Also by Loki calling regular Bahamut that cancels Neo-Bahamut

Perhaps the two dragon kings clashing creates the rip itself. Loki will see Kadaj destroying the innocent town and become enraged, hence summoning Bahumut.
20-05-2006, 21:08
@DMG: That would work. Are you going to do it?
20-05-2006, 21:13
Perhaps the two dragon kings clashing creates the rip itself. Loki will see Kadaj destroying the innocent town and become enraged, hence summoning Bahumut.

The two dragon kings being...? Neo Bahamut and Bahamut?

Wooshaba']@DMG: That would work. Are you going to do it?

Yeah, sure - I am just trying to think of how to do it.

This is the problem I/we face in writing it out. Neo Bahamut and Bahamut are the same being - just at different power levels (and perhaps very minor differences in appearance like tats or something), so we can't really have them battling each other or even appearing at the same time.

[We could have Neo Bahmut about to waste the own when suddenly a different light appears out of his mouth and encompasses the party. He roars and then disappears as Bahamut's summoning screwed with Neo Bahamut's presence.]
20-05-2006, 21:17
That would work. Summoning the other Bahamut would create the warp and send the group spiraling into Spira.
20-05-2006, 21:18
Wooshaba']That would work. Summoning the other Bahamut would create the warp and send the group spiraling into Spira.

Yeah - that is my idea. I am just trying to figure out how to describe it as we can't actually have regular Bahamut appear.

Perhaps Lup should describe how Neo Bahamut has begun destroying the town when suddenly something strange happens and a magnificent light appears (Neo Bahamut disappears and when they can see again they are in Spira).
20-05-2006, 21:54
I still want to be part of this. Where do you want me, and how do I get there?
20-05-2006, 22:04
I still want to be part of this. Where do you want me, and how do I get there?

Just appear over the hill and witness Neo Bahamut's coming. Then when they are warped to Spira, include yourself in who was warped.
20-05-2006, 23:39
Yeah - that is my idea. I am just trying to figure out how to describe it as we can't actually have regular Bahamut appear.

Perhaps Lup should describe how Neo Bahamut has begun destroying the town when suddenly something strange happens and a magnificent light appears (Neo Bahamut disappears and when they can see again they are in Spira).

I will leave this to Lup (unless you want to do it Wooshaba) as it is his summon that is being affected.
21-05-2006, 00:11
I think Luporum had already given his okay. Wait until he makes his summon attack before doing it however.
21-05-2006, 00:16
Wooshaba']I think Luporum had already given his okay. Wait until he makes his summon attack before doing it however.

I know he has given his okay, but I still think he should do it. It is his summon that is being affected, and really, Loki doesn't have anything to do with it (at least not openly). He has no idea that he has summoned Bahamut or that they were warped to another place.
21-05-2006, 00:20
Yeah I know that why I said wait until he posts.
21-05-2006, 00:24
Wooshaba']Yeah I know that why I said wait until he posts.

Wait to do what??? I am not doing anything.
21-05-2006, 00:35
Corin was tired. It had been a long journey here; he hoped it would prove worth it. As he approached the town of Kalm, He saw them. The three of them were deep in some kind of discussion -- or perhaps an arguement. One had pulled a sword, at any rate. Corin moved closer, trying to hear what was being said. At that moment, IT appeared. He'd heard it described, but never thought to actually see it. It had to be Bahamut. One of those fools had actually summoned it! Corin hit the ground and hoped he'd live through this.

Someone correct me if I am wrong, but I think there are more than three of them. Didn't Shadow and Gogo come along?
21-05-2006, 06:17
Yes, there are more than three of them. I wonder when Nation of Fortune is getting on again.
21-05-2006, 16:09
Wooshaba']Yes, there are more than three of them. I wonder when Nation of Fortune is getting on again.

Does NoF control both Shadow and Gogo (if that is the correct names)?
21-05-2006, 22:00
Does NoF control both Shadow and Gogo (if that is the correct names)?

22-05-2006, 00:22

This would be a good time for the strange event to occur.
22-05-2006, 02:12
Still waiting on Lup to reply, right?
22-05-2006, 02:23
Wooshaba']Still waiting on Lup to reply, right?

Yeah. Basically, the next post of mine will be either during or after the warp takes place. (Loki is going to be really confused - he doesn't even know what Spira is)
Nation of Fortune
22-05-2006, 04:00
I control both Shadow and Gogo, those are both their right names.

I apologize for being absent, but I was out doing a Training mission with my ROTC unit.

Dear god I love the Marines.
22-05-2006, 04:03
I control both Shadow and Gogo, those are both their right names.

I apologize for being absent, but I was out doing a Training mission with my ROTC unit.

Dear god I love the Marines.

Don't even worry about it. The whole group is about to get warped to Spira. Should be interesting.
Nation of Fortune
22-05-2006, 04:09
I just got a great Idea for the warp, you know how Gogo is a mimic. Have him summon Neo bahamut, using his mimic skills, and the whole group gets transported to different parts of Spira, like all of us seperated.

The summon freaks out because it's called by both sides and a split in the fabric of space time happens, and we all get shot all over spira.
22-05-2006, 04:25
I just got a great Idea for the warp, you know how Gogo is a mimic. Have him summon Neo bahamut, using his mimic skills, and the whole group gets transported to different parts of Spira, like all of us seperated.

The summon freaks out because it's called by both sides and a split in the fabric of space time happens, and we all get shot all over spira.

That would depend on whether Gogo can reproduce anything (which would in turn make him super powerful - rivaling Sephiroth to his exact, awesome power).
Nation of Fortune
22-05-2006, 04:36
That would depend on whether Gogo can reproduce anything (which would in turn make him super powerful - rivaling Sephiroth to his exact, awesome power).
In FF6 he can reproduce anything he sees. Like say someone does a w-summon on bahamut, to summon him twice, Gogo can do the same, but the catch is, it has to be the next move. Gogo is truely a powerful character if used correctly. I'm also cutting some of his abilities down in that he can use any ability of anyone on the team, but I'm cutting that one because then he would be too powerful.

Also I think we should get a list of towns in Spira for those of us that are unfamiliar with Spira. And we should all decided where we are going to end up warped to if we go with my idea.
22-05-2006, 04:37
That would depend on whether Gogo can reproduce anything (which would in turn make him super powerful - rivaling Sephiroth to his exact, awesome power).

Mimics never could do a perfect copy, they would always be slightly off and they couldn't mimic really strong things.

Nothing wrong with Loki going Berzerk and summoning regular Bahumut; opens up more dialogue for Loki. Now what would be cool...

Sephiroth: "This is fugly like a trailor queen...time to beat her with the ugly stick!" *Summons Bahumut Zero*

*Everyone ends up Chrono Trigger* :D
Nation of Fortune
22-05-2006, 04:47
Can we just go with Gogo mimicing the summon, I already have half a post made up about this, and I think it turns out really well with Gogo screwing up the summon, and the space time continum.
22-05-2006, 04:52
Mimics never could do a perfect copy, they would always be slightly off and they couldn't mimic really strong things.

Nothing wrong with Loki going Berzerk and summoning regular Bahumut; opens up more dialogue for Loki. Now what would be cool...

I thought we were going with Loki subconsciously summons Bahamut through some strong passion or need for Bahamut to protect him, but is unaware he has done so and doesn't know how to do it.
22-05-2006, 05:01
I thought we were going with Loki subconsciously summons Bahamut through some strong passion or need for Bahamut to protect him, but is unaware he has done so and doesn't know how to do it.

That's what I meant because Vivi pretty much does the same thing.

Whatever, let's just tear space time already, Kalm is about melted already.
23-05-2006, 00:35
We had already decided that Loki was going to summon Bahamut and rip all of us into Spira. Once Neo-Bahamut is already summoned you can't resummon him.
23-05-2006, 00:43
Wooshaba']We had already decided that Loki was going to summon Bahamut and rip all of us into Spira. Once Neo-Bahamut is already summoned you can't resummon him.

Yeah, Wooshaba makes a good point. Summoning him a second time isn't the same as summoning a different version of him.
23-05-2006, 00:49
Yeah, Wooshaba makes a good point. Summoning him a second time isn't the same as summoning a different version of him.

That annoyed a little bit that he did that. But it is okay. If you look in the IC Gogo's summon of Neo-Bahamut doesn't summon a new beast but Gogo momentarily gains control over him. He is probably going to lose control and Loki will have to save the day.

@Nation of Fortune: About your idea of everyone being scattered around Spira. That sounds pretty good. I think that Loki, Tupac, and Maineac's character (excuse me for that misspelling) should stay together while Shadow and Gogo meet up with Neo Zeta's character somewhere in Spira. As for Kadaj, Lup, I will be making a partner for him very soon. I post a list of cities later.
23-05-2006, 00:53
Wooshaba']That annoyed a little bit that he did that. But it is okay. If you look in the IC Gogo's summon of Neo-Bahamut doesn't summon a new beast but Gogo momentarily gains control over him. He is probably going to lose control and Loki will have to save the day.

But Loki doesn't know how to save the day.
23-05-2006, 03:36
Wooshaba']That annoyed a little bit that he did that. But it is okay. If you look in the IC Gogo's summon of Neo-Bahamut doesn't summon a new beast but Gogo momentarily gains control over him.

I have one more concern about Gogo and his summoning abilities. I know that in FF6 he could duplicate anything and use it to his advantage, but I feel that in this RP (based mostly off of FF7), the ability to summon is more of a connection (be it positive like Loki has or negative like Kadaj has) between summoner and summon. It isn't just like conjuring magic, but rather asking a friend to come and fight for you. Whether or not you know the 'technique' needed to summon, I feel that you would still require the connection and familiarity.
Nation of Fortune
23-05-2006, 04:49
What I was trying to do was have him screw up the summon by trying to summon him twice. What I imagine happened was since he tried to summon NeoBahamut while he was already summoned by someone else, time froze for everyone but Gogo momentarily while everything tried to sort out where it should be. When everything was frozen Gogo moved, and then time started again. Him not being where he should have been when time started once more caused a doppleganger of himself and NeoBahamut. The Dopplegangers act as if everything was where it should be, while the real Gogo, and all parties involved, got transported into a different dimension (AKA Spira). That was the bit about Gogo's hands melting.

So in essence there were two Gogos and two NeoBahamuts, only half of them weren't real and were just compensation for what should have happened, but didn't.

I also think we should all start out seperated, and have a chance meeting between two of them, who then decide to hunt down the others.
23-05-2006, 04:53
We are just going to go with the idea that Gogo got control of Neo-Bahamut. Lost control and then Loki summoned Bahamut subconsciously.
Nation of Fortune
23-05-2006, 05:04
Perhaps Loki should wait on finding his powers. I mean so far we've been protecting him, if he finds his powers really early what is the point of us. I'm assuming he'll be fairly powerful once he finds his powers, and he wouldn't really need protection once he finds them. Also what quarel could Kadaj have with Loki? Tupac was the one who killed his brother, so we wouldn't have any reason to fight him, except possibly Shadow who was contracted as protection.

Any concept of a main villian hardly fits in at the moment, and Loki finding his powers now just make it more confusing because the story has little further to go from there.
23-05-2006, 13:29
He is not going to know that he summoned Bahamut. He is doing it subconsciously. As we journey around Spira his powers will further progress. Just let Loki subconciously summon regular Bahamut to start the warp.
23-05-2006, 13:33
Here is a list of locations in Spira.

Besaid Island
Kilika Island
Mi'ihen Highroad
Mushroom Rock Road
Thunder Plains
Bikanel Island
Calm Lands
Cavern of the Stolen Fayth
Mount Gagazet
Zanarkand Ruins
Baaj Temple
Omega Ruins
Gagazet Ruins

My group is going to be dropped in Guadosalam outside of the Farplane. I suggest that the other group gets dropped on the Mi'ihen Highroad. If you need more information about each area here ( is a link.
23-05-2006, 18:33
Perhaps Loki should wait on finding his powers. I mean so far we've been protecting him, if he finds his powers really early what is the point of us. I'm assuming he'll be fairly powerful once he finds his powers, and he wouldn't really need protection once he finds them.

I am sorry if this sounds a little harsh NoF... but where the hell have you been? We have been talking about this the whole time and every time we have stated that Loki will not know that he summoned Bahamut (nor will most people unless they make an educated guess at what happened - and then they still won't know it was Loki), nor will he know how to reproduce the effect. Hence, Loki doesn't find his powers... he is no different from before it happens to after.
Nation of Fortune
23-05-2006, 20:17
I am sorry if this sounds a little harsh NoF... but where the hell have you been? We have been talking about this the whole time and every time we have stated that Loki will not know that he summoned Bahamut (nor will most people unless they make an educated guess at what happened - and then they still won't know it was Loki), nor will he know how to reproduce the effect. Hence, Loki doesn't find his powers... he is no different from before it happens to after.
Friday night ( I was there. And if you'll look on the right side of the screen that is my name in the #1 spot.

Immediatly following the end of that on saturday morning I was doing a training op for my ROTC unit until sunday evening. Immediatly following my return from the woods and back to my room I collapsed after not sleeping for two nights in a row while heavily physically exerting myself.
23-05-2006, 22:08
Friday night ( I was there. And if you'll look on the right side of the screen that is my name in the #1 spot.

Immediatly following the end of that on saturday morning I was doing a training op for my ROTC unit until sunday evening. Immediatly following my return from the woods and back to my room I collapsed after not sleeping for two nights in a row while heavily physically exerting myself.

MY point was that you should have read the OOC thread...
23-05-2006, 22:29
I need to know if my idea of my character having a gunblade is allowable. If not, he'll just have a rifle. Or are we restricted to pre-gunpowder weaponry?
23-05-2006, 22:42
I need to know if my idea of my character having a gunblade is allowable. If not, he'll just have a rifle. Or are we restricted to pre-gunpowder weaponry?

Gunblades are probably fine as they are FF.
23-05-2006, 23:30
Great. Now about summons and/or magic. Will everyone have some, or just Loki for now?
24-05-2006, 20:55
Great. Now about summons and/or magic. Will everyone have some, or just Loki for now?

A couple of people have them... however, only people who are summoners would likely be able to utilize them.
24-05-2006, 23:13
I need to know if my idea of my character having a gunblade is allowable. If not, he'll just have a rifle. Or are we restricted to pre-gunpowder weaponry?

Gunblades are fine. However not just anyone will have summons. The characters that have summons are Loki, Tupac, and Kadaj. Your character however can summon totemas. Totemas are summons that anyone can call. An example of a totema is a chocobo or Ultima. If you need a list of totemas search Final Fantasy summons at google and click the second link that pops up.
25-05-2006, 21:08
Uh... somebody?
26-05-2006, 00:02
Uh... somebody?

What happened to everyone?
26-05-2006, 00:04
Wooshaba']What happened to everyone?

Can we get moving to Spira?
26-05-2006, 00:07
Yes. Whenever you are ready to trigger Bahamut will be fine.
26-05-2006, 00:08
Wooshaba']Yes. Whenever you are ready to trigger Bahamut will be fine.

I am ready!

I have stated it five bajillion times... Loki doesn't know he does it and thus I can't really state anything. Someone will have to notice it...
26-05-2006, 00:21
Ok. Whenever someone other than us posts again I will start the warp into Spira.
28-05-2006, 03:30
I think I am going to have to reopen this rp to more people. If you guys have someone who you really like to rp with with please invite them to thread.
28-05-2006, 03:39
Wooshaba']I think I am going to have to reopen this rp to more people. If you guys have someone who you really like to rp with with please invite them to thread.

It is hard to get more people... it would have to be from people we knew.
28-05-2006, 04:47
Wooshaba']OOC: I guess it is about that time.

IC: Tupac stood up and yelled, "Come forth, Lucent. Summon of the Sword." The summoning sword began glowing a brilliant hue as the angelic warrior Lucent stepped from the sword. Tupac yelled to him, "Lucent use Holy." Lucent raised his right hand and let off a beam of yellow and white light. It hit Neo-Bahamut square in the chest. Tupac yelled, "There you go Lucent. Lucent attack." Lucent lept into the air and used his sword to strike Bahamut." As soon as Lucent got close, Bahamut blasted him with a MegaFlare. Tupac yelled, "Get up Lucent." Lucent stood up. Then Tupac began to hear a strange noise. He looked around to discover that Loki was knocked out. Tupac then looked at Neo-Bahamut. Something weird was happening to it. It was like something else was coming out of it. In a matter of seconds the Bahamut imploded and created vacuum that sucked all of the warriors to a new land. Tupac, Loki, and an unknown person landed on the sandy beaches of Besaid. They lay there unconscious.

Nicely done.
28-05-2006, 05:48
Thank you.
28-05-2006, 06:10
I know nothing of FFX, where's a good place for Kadaj to wind up?
28-05-2006, 06:28
I know nothing of FFX, where's a good place for Kadaj to wind up?

lol, neither do I (never played it).
28-05-2006, 14:42
A good place for Kadaj to end up would be in the Zanarkand Ruins. He could learn a lot more about the world there and gain more magic skills. I will have a character in the ruins and another in Besaid. If you don't want to go to the Ruin there are the Calm Lands, but it is filled with nothing but tourists. I am going to invite some more people. Probably Hype and Breitenburg. Blastit didn't know much about FF but I think Hype and Breitenburg could catch it. I might also invite King Arthur the Great. Just throwing some names around. Anyone have someone who they would like see participate?
28-05-2006, 16:17
Not really. The people I know who would be interested in a character FF RP are basically already in this.
31-05-2006, 03:31
I'm interested. Glad this took off in my absense. ^-^ Any major characters not taken?
31-05-2006, 03:31
I'm interested. Glad this took off in my absense. ^-^ Any major characters not taken?

You make up your own character.
31-05-2006, 03:37
I'm interested. Glad this took off in my absense. ^-^ Any major characters not taken?

Some characters are in Besaid. You can start off there. As soon as you post a character you can join the IC thread. It is labeled Final Fantasy: A NEW BEGINNING.
31-05-2006, 03:37
With Kadaj running around I wasn't sure. :D I'll get back to you on that.
31-05-2006, 03:39
Kadaj is just running around in Zanarkand. He is going through some things. He is about to become really powerful.
31-05-2006, 03:39
With Kadaj running around I wasn't sure. :D I'll get back to you on that.

The only FF characters that are taken are Sephiroth and the three 'brothers' from Advent Children.
31-05-2006, 07:00
The only FF characters that are taken are Sephiroth and the three 'brothers' from Advent Children.

I don't think anyone has Yazoo. Not like anyone liked him anyway. :p
Nation of Fortune
31-05-2006, 15:28
The only FF characters that are taken are Sephiroth and the three 'brothers' from Advent Children.
And Gogo and Shadow from FF6
31-05-2006, 19:18
And Gogo and Shadow from FF6

I guess Vivi would count as Loki in this instance unless we made them from the same tribe.
31-05-2006, 20:25
Can I pick Zidane? :)
31-05-2006, 21:55
And Gogo and Shadow from FF6

Oh, didn't realize they were from FF6.

I guess Vivi would count as Loki in this instance unless we made them from the same tribe.

Yeah, I guess that is true too. (And please don't pick Vivi or a character with the same appearance because Loki is supposed to be sort of one of a kind.)
31-05-2006, 21:56
Can I pick Zidane? :)

I would assume so...
31-05-2006, 23:11
What's wrong with it? Should I have a character for Besaid or something?
01-06-2006, 01:00
What's wrong with it? Should I have a character for Besaid or something?

I said I assumed you could pick Zidane. Where did you get that I was saying something was wrong with it.
01-06-2006, 01:49
Oh I didn't know about the '...' part. :D

Anything special I need to do? A quick overview would be nice if you could provide it.
01-06-2006, 04:19
You can base your character off of Zidane or you can just take him. Post his stats here. You don't have to make your character start off in Besaid. He can start off in Zanarkand with Kadaj if you want. Maybe he could become Kadaj's ally?
01-06-2006, 06:14
I guess Vivi would count as Loki in this instance unless we made them from the same tribe.

And Corin is loosely based on Cid from FF7 with a bit of Squall thrown in (and some stuff I just made up). BTW, is it reasonable for him to have materia/ GFs or what ever magic system we're using? if so, he'll use mainly protective and healing spells/ summons.
01-06-2006, 18:33
I'll leave that up to Wooshaba - (it is a bit confusing).
01-06-2006, 22:31
Now since we are in the FF10 realm I would appreciate it if you did materia usage was limited. Also about your character being a summoner do you mind if he can only summon totemas. There are some pretty powerful totemas like Ultima. He is up on the level of Bahamut.
01-06-2006, 23:04
Then again, there are a few summons more powerful than regular Bahamut.
01-06-2006, 23:16
Then again, there are a few summons more powerful than regular Bahamut.

Yep I know there are summons more powerful than regular Bahamut.
01-06-2006, 23:19
Wooshaba']Yep I know there are summons more powerful than regular Bahamut.

In fact, I think more than half are. (Then again, we don't really have to stick to the list if we don't want to)
01-06-2006, 23:23
Hey all of the summons are up for grabs. Loki and Kadaj are the main summoners. Those two probably will acquire most of them.
01-06-2006, 23:41
Heh... Loki still has to figure out how first.
01-06-2006, 23:53
Heh... Loki still has to figure out how first.

Yep he does. I am thinking that he should be the main summoner of the party. I think he is the one who should go into the temples and try to get through the Cloister of Trials.
02-06-2006, 00:03
Fine with me, except he will be extremely nervous about it.
02-06-2006, 00:35
yeah i sorta figured that.
02-06-2006, 02:23
I intended my character to be mainly a fighter, so I don't need powerful offensive summons. I don't want to be totally defenseless, either.
02-06-2006, 02:27
Summons don't make you better defended.

Just grab some small Totemas or something like that.
02-06-2006, 21:44
Totemas are strong, I promise. Summons aren't the only powerful beings in the Final Fantasy Universe. :p
02-06-2006, 22:17
Wooshaba']Totemas are strong, I promise. Summons aren't the only powerful beings in the Final Fantasy Universe. :p

Yeah... there are also little black, mage beings like Loki!
06-06-2006, 04:03
NoF- So I take it your guys landed on Mt. Gagazet. Good location. You guys are near Zanarkand and the Calm Lands. You should make your way down the mountains to the Calm Lands.
Nation of Fortune
06-06-2006, 05:54
Wooshaba']NoF- So I take it your guys landed on Mt. Gagazet. Good location. You guys are near Zanarkand and the Calm Lands. You should make your way down the mountains to the Calm Lands.
I was going for the mountain, but I had no clue where it was in relation to the others
08-06-2006, 03:34
Just a heads up guys, I will be leaving Saturday. While I will be back the following Saturday, I will probably be extremely tired, and then Sunday is Father's Day. So I might not post again until that Monday, but then I will be leaving again Thursday and be gone until July 5th.
13-06-2006, 18:34
We understand DMG. NoF would you like for me to send you a Ronso guide?
Nation of Fortune
13-06-2006, 20:23
Wooshaba']We understand DMG. NoF would you like for me to send you a Ronso guide?
Yes please, but also yunderstand that I'll still be out of commision for another couple days, as it is finals week, and I am only taking a little break before finals come with their raping utensiles once more.
13-06-2006, 21:14
Yes please, but also yunderstand that I'll still be out of commision for another couple days, as it is finals week, and I am only taking a little break before finals come with their raping utensiles once more.

13-06-2006, 21:52
Summons don't make you better defended.

Just grab some small Totemas or something like that.

What are totemas? Must be from one of the games I haven't played.
18-06-2006, 01:36
What are totemas? Must be from one of the games I haven't played.

Not quite sure, I've only played 7-9.

This doesn't seem to have progressed much - I hope that doesn't mean it is dead.
19-06-2006, 04:55
Totemas are summons that anyone can summon. I don't know which game they are from. You should look it up.

@DMG: Nope we aren't dead yet. Just taking it slow. Hopefully we will speed up soon.
19-06-2006, 04:57
Wooshaba']Totemas are summons that anyone can summon. I don't know which game they are from. You should look it up.

I believe they are from Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
22-06-2006, 02:58
I have probably alerted many of you to this already, but I figured I would make a post reminding everyone. I am leaving tomorrow (June 22nd) morning for a ten day trip where there is absolutely no chance I can use the internet (i.e. there is no internet there). I will be returning the night of July 2nd, but I will most likely be very tired and have a lot of threads to catch up on. I will do my best to catch up on as many as I can, but I won't promise anything. I have to get up early the next day, so I will probably only be on for a couple hours on the 2nd. Furthermore, I will be very busy on the 3rd, so I will most likely only be on for a couple of hours. On the 4th I will be traveling almost all day again. I probably won't be on that night as it is the 4th of July, but hopefully I will be back on the 5th (though I will have unpacking to do for the summer). Oh, and one more thing, often when I get to my summer house, the internet is broken (more literally, the line has been cut and it can take a couple days to get back), however that most likely will not be the case this year.

Anyway, I hope to be back on by the 2nd and caught up on the 3rd.
05-07-2006, 18:43